The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1950, Page 10, Image 10

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All Set to Clobber Ring Foe Tonight
Salem's Deu Abney, bark la top trim again after a long layoff smilingly posed for this shot daring eae of
bis taneaps in the local gym. That's Trainer Phil Winters (left), and Manager Matty Morrell (right) with
him. Deaa will be strictly serious tonight at the armory, however, whea bo gees against the rugged
Harry Hughes fat the six-round special oa the VFW card. Portland's Dea Sogers meets Mickey Gim
asell at Keseburg la the night's lf-reead maiaer. Eddie Kahat also Is oa the 2t-roaad card.
One of the things that fiTea
yea added admlratioa for this
state champion Salem high hoop
(anc Is fact that they backed a
record crowd which was aroaad
M per cent for Grants Pass la the
finals fray. The crowd roar Is a
pretty tangible thing for a bunch
of teen age kids. That, along
with a lot of siepped-ap teasioa
and the rigors of playing fear
games la fear days can make
heavy inroads on playing effec
tiveness. The Vikings of Harold
Hauk had the physical qualities
to wia and they also had some
thing deep dowa Inside called
heart ...
Abney Much improved"
Definitely aa Improved ringster
Is Deaa Abaey who comes back
to the armory ring tonight after
on absence of several months.
Deaa is much heavier at 152
pounds bow and the way be went
after Rath Ford la Portland last
Tuesday night indicates that the
added poundage has also added
to the power of his attack ...
General comment aroaad ring
side Tuesday eve held that the
yeanger of the Abney boys has
the fans U go a loaf way la the
seek business. Deaa is moot cer
tainly a knockout threat; any
time, anyplace. Wouldn't be at all
surprising to see hint vat the
sleeper to Harry H aches tonight
unless Hashes throws ap a
punch-proof barricade . . .
Here' 315!
Talk aboat year lie pla games,
bat one gent In town has a J 15
to ate credit. Maybe some other
present residents of Salem hare
da It also, bat we da know
that Ereel Kay, the Salem Golf
elab maa. taraed the trick.
'Coarse that was la the days
whea a strike counted 15. Era
got his 115 ap la a dilapidated
little Canadlaa alley where, as ha
says "all yoo had to do was hit
the head-pin and they'll ail fall
dowa . ; .
Where's Sinovie?
Kay and - another local man.
Chuck Barclay, sat In oa soma of
the sprint: camp exhibitions dowa
at Palm Springs sad report ana of
the big mysteries was what hap
pened to Dick Sine vie The pair'
saw the Seattles play several
times bat never was Dashia' Dick
la evidence. Daring the winter
reports from the Rainier' front
office definitely had Sinovie la
front for a regular, outfield Job ...
fiurt Wat Forgotten
Palm Springs went all ant to
lure the base bailers there. A
peach of a concrete stadium was
built, a tip-top diamond was laid
at. Only one thing the "Spring-,
era" forgot. That was the sun. OP
Sol, beams dowa furiously oa all
three outfield positions. Barclay
reports that a Pittsburgh gardner
dropped two In a row one day
because of the sua . .". Palm
Springs has the climate for spring-training-
bat occasionally a terri
fic wind blows forth. Kay tells
f the day Nanny Fernandes, the
ex-WTIers bow with Pittsburgh,
Deck Fins
Al Kenfield of Header's . Radio
chalked up a rare 600 series (for
duckpins) last night at B and B
Bowling courts as he rolled a 60S
In Men's City league action. High
Individual game went to Neal
Richards of Sunset Donuts with a
215. Team results: Sunset Donuts
S, Mick's Sign Shop -1; Olson's
Florists 4, Les Newman's 0; Davis
Oil 3, Hi-Lite Drive-in 1; Heider's
Radio 4, Capp's Used Cars 0. Hei
der's took . team scoring honors
with a 2556 series and 878 game.
-ehascl a tall pop foal all the
way from third over and beyond
first-base and still was unable to
' get 'er. The gale actually cancel
led one exhibition mix . .
Goodwin Ace Leader
Who has plopped la more sees
oa the Salem coarse than any
other one gent? Well, sua, he's
BUI Goodwin. Bill has slammed
Witt His Fortunes Chaagc?
three aa the local layout bat has
fear la his career having- hiv one
some years at Kooeburg. None of
Goodwin's SGC hole la oaes
went In en the fly bat beck yea
eaat expect everything- ...
Wakefield9 'In'
Despite his mediocre perform
snees with Detroit during- the
past two seasons, the Yankees
seem to be counting- aa Dick
Wakefield as one of their regular
outfielders this year ... This
. weald seem to indicate that Cas
ey Steng-el has aot gene exactly
overboard aa Gene Weedllng, the
Trioee flash of two seasons are.
When WoodUnc went ap to the
Yankees la '49. ho was likened
ta DlMartia. He was figured a
eineh to blossom at least ta his
sophomore year If aot his first
. . As far Wakefield, maybe that
maea-oaeted term, "Yankee spir
it" has transformed him Into the
performer he's potentially rated
to be . . . Dick brooded with the
Titers, bat brooding- la aa ex
peasive horary whea you're with
the Tanks. Start breeding and
yoa also start oat of the railway
station bound for new surround
ings ...
The Decision Comet
Loais says hell announce Sat
urday whether hell make a ring
comeback against Es Charles or
aot The very fact that Joe has
sa long- delayed saying- anything
deflnite aa the subject Indicates
that come Juno he win be step-plag-
inside the ropes with the
NBA heavy king, iff the old
routine. Keep the folks la sus
pense loag- enough, then pop the
answer, thea allow a good two
- months for the publicity mills to
grind out their propaganda . . ;
The Brown Bomber has probably
satisfied himself that he caa maa
It rough for Charles after having
strewn his exhibition trial with
knockout victims. Only trouble Is
that most of the victims aren't
blue-ribbon leather-throwers . . .
Bradley Feted,
Eyes Bruin Mix
PEORIA, I1L, March 21
Bradley's basketball Braves today
returned from clinching an NCAA
tourney berth at Kansas City to a
tumultous welcome by home town
Bradley last night edged Kan
sas, 89-57, to win the fifth district
berth In the Western NCAA play
offs at Kansas City this weekend.
The Braves' return to Kansas
City Thursday to face UCLA Fri-
Due Tonight
; Labeled as one of his superior
efforts of ' the entire season.
Matchmaker Tex Salkeld's VFW
boxing show, with a budding star
in every bout, rolls forth at the
armory tonight First of the three
4-rounders starts at 8:30 o'clock.
They'll be followed by the six
round special and 10-round main
event, the . latter sending Don
(Blond Bobcat) Rogers of Port
land against the veteran Mickey
Gimmell of Roseburg.
The new low admission prices,
in effect for the first time two
weeks ago, will again bo served
The mainer will be the first
local appearance for both Rogers
and Gimmell, each lad having
punched in " feature bouts else
where the past year. It will be
Rogers' ninth pro excursion. He
has won. seven of his first eight
the last one a kayo over the vet
eran Jock Leslie in Portland, and
he has been tabbed as a future ring
great He already has fought such
lightweights as Felix Ramirez,
Leslie, Joey Ortega and Tony
Chavez. Rogers has been second to
only, Joe Kahut himself as a fav
orite in Portland.
Gimmell has cut and slashed in
his share of bouts also. Not unlike
Rogers a bit the transplanted
Roseburg boxer is a heavy hitter
and starts out with all guns blaz
ing. Hell be up against some real
heavy battering power in Rogers.
Both will weigh around 145
Salem's Dean- Abney, with a
Portland win under his belt since
returning to ring action, does the
six-round special chores with the
rugged Harry Hughes of Drain.
Now heavier at 162 pounds, the
hustling Dean is tabbed by his
manager Matty Morrell as a much
more : improved fighter than he
was a year ago. .
Woodburn Eddie Kahut's second
pro fight highlights the ! four
rounders. Eddie's debut two weeks
ago: saw him slam out an impres
sive second round TKO over Dick
Collie, He's up against Harry
Weathers, Roseburg middleweight
tonight and will have both Tony
and Joe, his big brothers, in his
corner.' Eddie's two-fisted debut
swiped that entire show.
Brave Junior, the classy and
quick-hitting Indian feather
weight comer from Portland meets
veteran Babe Fen ton in another of
the appetizers, and Jimmy Huck
aby, 147, San Jose takes on Billy
(Kit) Carson, 146, Portland In
their rematch as the curtainraiser.
Huckaby got an unpopular deci
sion over Carson two weeks ago.
Huckaby, along with Rogers. Ab
ney, Kahut and Junior, is consid
ered as a bright young fistic pros
pect day night in the four-team West
ern NCAA playoffs! Baylor meets
Brigham Young In the other first
round game.
Values of Wildlife Cited by Game Director
By C. A. Lockwood
Oregon State Game Director
With the observance of Wild
life week la Oregon, March 11
25. as proclaimed by Governor
Doaglas McKay. It is fitting that
ear people, yoaog aad aid. re
aaember that wildlife in all Its
forms is the property of each
aad every citizen. The state func
tions only as the guardian of ear
wildlife, holding the wildlife re
aearce la trust for all the people.
Ia recent years a vastly ex
panded army af banters aad fish
ermen has been harvesting the
game crop, and ia torn, acw re
strictive measares have beea ins-,
pooed. These rcgmlattons ara do
stgaed to spread the available
Wly af game
all sports-
Aiken, Docks
Here Tonight
Harris, Kirsch Also
On Marion Program
Three members of the Univer
sity of Oregon athletic staff Jim
Aiken, Leo Harris and Don Kirsch
invade Salem tonight for the
UO banquet at Marion hotel. Alum
ni and friends of the university
' la answer to a number of
aaeries, the ladies are cordially
Invited to tonight's University f
Oregon program at the Marion
from the entire Salem region have
been invited to attend the dinner.
Head Football Coach Aiken will
speak on the problems of building
a winning football team, and dis
cuss briefly the prospects for the
1950 football season at Oregon.
Athletic Director Harris will
speak on the school's athletic pro
gram, policies, etc., and Baseball
Coach Kirsch will deliver on his
special sport at the university. An
added feature will be the showing
of the "Football Highlights of
1949,' movies with action from all
10 Webfoot games of the season.
Jim Walton heads the arrange
ment committee for; the meeting,
assisted by Reynolds Allen. Parti
cipating committees are headed by
Carl Gerlinger of Dallas, Bob Mil
ler of Silverton, Orv Thompson of
Albany, Wendell Granzo of Leb
anon, Paul McCracken of Sweet
Home and Walter Durgan of Cor
vallis. The Webfoot athletic family is
now in the midst of a statewide
Tonight's dinner will start at
6:30 o'clock.
On Thursday night of this week
the Oregon State coaching group
of Kip Taylor, Len Yognce, Pete
and Bump Elliott and Hal Moe
will speak at the senior high school
in an eight o'clock program. Foot
ball movies are to be Shown there
Truman Downs
Jack O'Riley
For most of their main event
brawl Handy Andy Truman didn't
look like too much against toughie
Irish Jack O'Riley on the armory
mat last night But Andrew had It
when it counted and came out of
the scuffle with the win. It was a
lively scrap all the way.
O'Riley's punishing itomper
hammerlock won the first fall but
Truman came back with a sudden
shoulder butt followed by his pet
"cannonball" to the midsection, to
even the count Truman's specta
cular rolling grapevine hold won
the finale. O'Riley made the mis
take of turning to argue with Re
feree Harry Elliott and Truman
hopped into apply the clincher.
The Leo Wallick-Lee Grable
feud ended in a tie In their match.
Roughie Wallick used to reverse
chin locks and a press for his fall
and Grable got over an abdominal
stretch for the equalizer.
Karl Grey used a half crab hold
to flatten Danno McDonald in one
prelim. Dale Kiser won over Glen
Detton In the other when Detton,
outside the ring buzzing with some
customer, paid no heed to Ref El
liott's count and was tolled "out"
IffidDwflnimg (Bapires
(VmlwrtMr Bowl)
ANITA SHOP 43) McDaniels 434.
Lemon 459, Causey 909. Anov 407,
(0) MerrcQ 419, Fleck iU9. Mohlman
401. Tanner 41S. JohnsoA 372.
462. Blacie 362, Hair 422. Snyder 3S3.
(2 Stone 383, Lowry 377. Whltmoro
IS. Seheiman SOS, Swanson 453.
417. Eelsel 389, Plank 389, Aicher 429.
Scbroeder 404. LUTZ FLORIST (2)
Lindsey 454. Lutz 33S. Smith 370. Ups
ton 482. Adolph 497.
903. Gibb 37S. Jones 4 SO. Qlney 408.
Garbarino S32. UNITED WHEEL,
ALIGNMENT (1) Rowland 411. ,Kan
eaU 405. Van Derboof 424, Schmidt
429. Robertson 36s.
High uuL game Virginia Garbarino
Hifh lad. series Virginia Garbarino
High team series Anita Shops 2299.
Valdez Meat Co. (0) Gannon 901.
Pekar 450. Lake 430. McKinney 480,
Blgler 497. Snoboys 3) Haagerson 477,
R. Aleahiro 470. Merrel 423, Schuster
453. D. Aleshir 430.
Hollywood Finance (J) Geddes 498,
Kirchner 988, Albrlch 512. Jones 483.
Olney, sr. 603. Cal Pak 0 Lance 414.
Sloan 464. Helnko 406, Wcrbowckl 432,
Scheldegger 619.
Barb's 1) Inglis 489. Gregory 626.
Olney 496, Morey 468, Glodt 637. Val
ley Motor (2) Boesch 504. Bullock 480.
Meyers 4S4, ColwcU 975. Doerfler 501.
Stubblefield's (1) Myer 4S0, Heller
396. Werner 287, Vittone 512. Walker
witboat depleting the re-
sonrce. This program will suc
ceed only with the cooperation
and andcTstandlag af all concern
ed. New, mere than ever, haauag
aad fishing mast be accepted for
the apart aad recreational values
ta be derived and net as a means
af filling the family larder. The
poacher aad the game hog are to
be regarded as common thieves,
for they are truly robbing the
public of what is rightfully theirs.
Oar efforts at perpetuating the
wlldlifo resource should net be
aimed at today or tomorrow; the
pursuit and enjoyment of wild
life h a heritage which wa mast
guard for the generations yet aa-
- pan.
Final Basket
Playoffs Set
Basketball championships for
the "P Church and National
Division, City leagaea will be
decided tonight at Leslie in a
pair of games starting at 7:3
o'clock. The tilts wind ap aU
cage play la the city for the
season. ,
The City league Naval Re
serve and City Transit Lines
teams take ever first at 736
o'clock, according to a change
In plans by Tern Gilmore, di
rector. They'll battle it out for
the division title. Navals won
the first half. City Transit lin
ers the second.
The C Church loop finale
pits Jason Lee against Calvary
Baptist at nine o'clock. They
were originally booked for 730,
but a church meeting has forced
the later starting time. Jason
Lee won a Monday night play
ff game to advance ta the final
frith Calvary Baptist
'Suar' Pair
Clash Tonight
Boxing's two famous Sugars
welterweight champion Ray Rob
inson and contender George Cost
ner meet for the second time
tomorrow night and the ten-round
bout is expected to draw a ca
pacity crowd of 15,000 to Con
vention hall.
It's a non-title affair in which
both fighters will weigh in at 150
pounds or more. But it will have
an important bearing on Robin
son s plans for defending his
crown in June.
Costner, a deadly puncher, has
come along fast since moving his
headquarters from Cincinnati to
Camden, N. J, just a year ago.
His 12-month record shows 11
victories, including eight knock
outs, in 13 starts. He lougnt a
draw with Freddie Dawson and
dropped a decision to Gene Bur
ton, whom he previously had lick
'Happf Sees
Beavers Lose
PALM SPRINGS. Calif., March
21 -OP)- The Seattle Rainiers de
feated the Portland Beavers, 6-2,
here today with Baseball Com
missloner A. B. Happy) Chandler
looking on.
The Rainiers scored three runs
la the first Inning off Bill Flein-
inr. added another In the fifth
and two unearned tallies off Cal
Mclrvin In the eighth.
Both Portland runs were scor
ed off Jim Wilson. The Seattle
barter walked Fleming to force
in a run in the second. Joe Bra-
via's sixth Inning homer account
ed for the other. '
HOLLYWOOD. March 21 -UPh-
The Hollywood Stars, pennant
winners on the field in the Paci
fic Coast league last year, scored
an easy front office victory to
day over their crosstown rivals.
the jlos Angeles Angels.
Hollywood acquired Outfielder
Eddie Sauer, a man Los Angeles
had hoped to bring back to Its fold.
419. Blue Lake Packers (I) Langhoff
508. Zckley 401. Van Osdol 401. Arres
421, Carlson 503.
Keith Brown (1) Guerin 951, Crock
att 449, HUler-icn 934, Sours 463. Curly's
Dairy (2) Wright 494. Edlund 489.
Volk 429. M. Miller SOS. J. Miller 534.
Becko oi Wadaworth (2) Wadsworth
515. Anderson 523, Harp 518. Sherman
463. Ireland 601. Salem Police II)
Frieso 430, Mathers 903, Seipp 493.
Ecplin 394. Main 493.
gh Ind. game Glodt; 239.
High Ind. series. Glodt. 637.
High team game. Valley Motor. 959.
High team aeries. Valley Motor. 2763.
Scio (2) Xreid 505. Schrunk 924.
Rockwell 444. Main 475. Densmor 47.
MobtloU (1 Foreman 379. Walker 363.
Jsskoski 438, Buckley 430. Pruett 433.
Loders 1 Downey 519, Chaksrun
429. Surratt 498, Shuck 401. Busch
483. Chris' Market 2) Cruzen 428.
Evans 387. Vtttone 491, Craycroft 427.
Watte 479.
Salem. Heavy Hauling (21 Buismsn
484. J. Craycroft 403,. Wilder 471. Far
ley 533. B. Craycroft 461. Salem Auto
(1) Dunnigan 448. Williams 361. Lr&oux
403. Dougherty 385. Randall 4 J.s
Valley rarm (3) Boire 478. Sn'-3t
456. Kechter 934, Morris 498. .
489. McKay Chevrolet (0) Giw?
Thompson 387, Mlttendorf 438,
leff 475. Anderson 411. 6wr
Whittakera Welders 2) Elwood St 2.
Lawless 484. Whittaker 400, Myers 451.
Chermgtoa 415. Hammond Body Shop
(1) Larson 525, Turner 402. Gardner
467, McGulro 436. Hammond 606. .
High Ind. game, Farley, 199.
High Ind. series. Kechter. 534.
: High team game. Scio. 913.
High team , series. Valley Farm
Store. 2455. , : '
Tbe sporting values af wildlife
ara not the only ones ta eeasid
, er. Governor McKay has aptly
, described both the recreational
aad monetary values ta be gain
ed from wildlife. Each year, hunt
: ers, fishermen aad wildlife en
, thasiasts spend millions of dol
lars in parsait af their favorite
sport Ta many people the mere
existence of a wild bird, fish, or
animal is a constant source af
, pleasure. If the wild eres tores
were ta vanish from the forests,
fields, aad streams, there weald
be a great voids which nothing
, could replace. The virtues af oat-
: door recreation aad the eajoy
saent af ear wildlife re source eaav
: sot be too highly extolled ta this
day af tease aad harried living.
1 AteZffidfcgg
10 The Statesman; Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, March 11 1850
Champs Land Wellnian, Donley
Angels Place Pair
On WVL Stair Club
WOODBURN, March 21-(Special)-Mt Angel's champion Preps
landed two men to lead the selection tor the 1950 .Willamette vn.v
league all-star team which was
learn slots were landed by Dallas, Estacada and Silverton.
The Prep pair honored were Center Norb Wellman and -Guard
Francis Donley. Wes Ediger, Dallas forward and scoring king of the
loop, also was named as were Forward Ron Ball of Estacada and
Center Jim Cooper of Silverton. All-round ability, regardless of po
sition, was considered in the selections which were made by the
circuit's coaches.
The second team: Dean Seton, Woodburn; Ray Olson, Dallas; Jack
Kolln, Silverton, Jim Horton, Mo 1 alia; Xen Payseno, ML, Angel.
Honorable mention went to Don Frederickson and Bill Rennow of
Sandy; Ron Palmer, Canby; Keith Jensen and Gene Kleinsmith,
Molalla; and LeRoy Kiggins of Estacada.
Nick Adams, principal at Molalla, was elected new president of
the WVL at tonight's meeting. Charles McKenzie, Canby principal,
was named vice-president and Charles Sheron, Woodburn coach, was
retained in the secretary-treasurer's post.
The league voted to stage the annual WVL track meet at Canby
on May 4th.
ONTARIO, Calif, March 2-(JP)
The Los Angeles Angels took 10
innings to" defeat San Diego, 5-3,
in a coast league exhibition game
here today. The Padres had a 2-0
lead behind John Marshall, up
from the Western International
league, but the Angels tied the
score at the expense of Tom Kipp.
Southpaw hurler, then added three
more runs in the extra Inning. I
i it 49.-i 9 m U ttoS fntHAMO. I
U"" Seccd Qgsrt for Ocfy fij (Jj
Here's your chance to put new cofor Into your home
come into our store, buy one quart of lustrous Boy sen
price of only $1.49; get a second quart for only 1c
pastel shades easy 'to handle ... dries overnight
won't chip V.. washable as a china dish.
leyteal W
erac. a. ar
It Mists, saw
Soptr Wafts laoswl -
A sOjcI at Oo
o u u o
349 So. 12th St.
Ph. 3-91133
I II 1
announced here tonight. Other first!
Hapten Solons Find
Selves Buried Already
'WASHINGTON. March tl-iJPh
Rlghway Express Lines of Phila
delphia today buried Washington's
sorrowful "senators. ,
The tracking oatfit, owned by
President Jim Clark of the pre
football Eagles, seat oat a calender
for 1950 today. At the top It list
ed the addresses and phono aaan-
Nrt Heate Palat
oi Mack
Sfcaat Sajx" Co
Seattle Moves Up ;
-Scoring Tempo Torrid
- DENVER March 21 -OPV-Toy-ing
with their opponents, the de
fending chamDion Oakland, Calif.
(Blue V Gold) team romped to
a 75-48 victory over 'Aurora, Colo,
r Strait lumber company) in their
first appearance in the national
A ALT basketball tournament to
night. The Coloradoans, Denver dist-,
rict AAU champions, were no
match for the crisp passing, sharp
shooting title-holders from Calif
ornia. . r .
Don Barksdale, Oakland's great
center, was in his usual form,
swishing in 25 points and clearing
both backboards hi neerleca fah-
The triumph sends Oakland Into
the third round tomorrow against
Salt Lake Citr f Murray RnlrkV
a collection of Utah roller stars.
at 10:30 pjn. (MST).
ine reroria, IIL (Caterpillar
Diesels) and the Los Angeles (po
lice) also boomed Into the third
The Los Angeles crew srraned
by Lincoln, Neb. (Metz Service)
with a 66-58 decision and Peoria
pushed oast Toledo. O. Cliff Nel
son Fuels) 68-57.
Point production ran at a better
than three-per-minute clip in the
nrst inree games.
In only one game was the scor
ing held under wraps as three
teams from the west eliminated
entrants from New Jersey. Wyom
ing and Arkansas.
(Continued on page 11)
hers of aU the major leagae base
ball aad football clubs.
Somewhere along the line a sols
take la phone n ambers was made.
When yoa call the n amber listed
for the Washington American lea
gae baseball elab Shepard 484a
a girl answers:
George Washington eensetery.
at a real lavlngi Simply
Tru-LIte Enamel at regular
additional. Ten glorious
to beautiful gloss .
kihtiMM. . wassaow.
m 1 soar. S oawrtiW aodtt masts.
$1.04 $3.45
leysea 014 Cetealal Perch.
Deck eaa Fleer Essmil '
HMy ta - ois.
to OMrtT -. Ch ol-W
aiM lor tofcot aM
520 Wallace Rd.
Ph. 3-6627
Barksdale Hot
, .tttt-
.... I . '