The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 21, 1950, Page 5, Image 5

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    (DMy News Iffipfieffs
A I . 4 awJaaJ I
- a surveyors rcpuit wwu
Monday by Marian county court
en an area Involved In proposed
vacation of I portion of road.
Rufus Anderson, owner of the
land, petitioned for vacation of
the final five feet of a dead-end,
unnamed road northeast of Salem.
Anderson wants the strip for a
drainage ditch.
Rummage Sale Highland Mothers
Club, Mar. 22 & 23 at Highland
School Aud. .
Marion county court directed
Monday that the county surveyor
aurvey the proposed right-of-way
for connecting link between the
old Bridge Creek road and the
new county road 887, which will
occupy a railroad right-of-way
paralleling the old route.
Cohns - Manvfile shingles applied
y Mathis Bros, 164 S. 0011
Tree estimates. Ph. 24642.
mill crrr man held
Walter J. Honeck of Mill City
was held for the grand jury in
lieu of $1,000 ball Monday after
waiving a hearing In the county
district court on a charge of ob
taining money by false pretenses.
Authorities said a 110 check was
Involved. , .
Spencer Corsctier call 2-8072.
City building permits were is
sued Monday to Paul Schaifar, to
erect a dwelling and garage , at
1880 N. 20th st, $10,000, and! to
Vernon Johnson, to build a dwel
ling and garage at 1180 Ever
green ave, $7,400.
Adam Bats exclusive agent,
United Shirt Shop, 231 State St
McKlnley's mother's club bake
sale postponed until March 31 &
April 1. (
Certificate of assumed business
nam as Broadway Construction
company was filed with the Mar
lon county clerk Monday by Sid
1. Simning, 100 Bcver dr., and
Robert L. Buroker, 1843 N. 23rd
Landscaping and designing. No Job
too large or too small. T. A. Doer
Car and Sons Nursery, 180 N. Lan
caster Dr. at 4 Corners. P. 2-1222.
BOTCX To Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Boyee, Salem route f , box
112, a daughter, Monday, March
29, at Salem Memorial hospital.
" UaeKXNNON To Mr. and
E Malcolm MacKinnon, 1180
st, a daughter, Monday,
ih 20, at Salem Memorial hos
pital. WOKLZT To Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Worley. 2174 Broadway
ft. con, Mondajr, March 10, at
Calem General hospital.
1 oO our
bonoGBOo off
Yes, la the area POE serves, farm efectriflcados Is
amtxlny dote to 10p! Lower and lower cleo
trio rates and constantly broadening distribution
AcUities hare brought modern electrical living to
Beexiy very (arm in the tower Willamette Valley.
4 The farmer of this region, like the city dweller,
an me electricity In abundance. Here we use
t to 4 times the national average, at a cost per
k&ovatt hour that it only hatflht national average.
The city first aid squad was
summoned to 1620 Cross st Mon
day after two 2-year-old boys
helped themselves to box of
aspirin tablets. They were listed
as Michael Dawson and Gary
Drawson. Attendants said the tots
were an right after their stomachs
had been emptied.
Air-Steamship tickets anywhere. -7AQA 1 M N TTltrH fit
Certificate of assumed business
name aa Health Food center, a
restaurant and food shop at 335 N.
High st, was med wun tne Mar
lon efflintr clerk Mondav bv A.
G. and Charlotte Olson, both of
coiton, and jane u Myers, sajem.
LeGray Board & Training Ken
nels. Rt 2, Ph. 31398.
C A. Howard, former state sup
erintendent of public instruction,
will speak at the East Salem Lions
club meeting this noon in the Sen
ator hotel.
Salem Memorial Hospital Chapel
meetings will, continue thru Thurs
day night H. r. Klasaen, bible
An assumed business name cer
tificate as Salem Nursing home
was filed with the Marion county
clerk Monday by Oscar r. and
Cora Katherine Lowe, both of
289S D st
Rummage sale at First Methodist
Church Tues & wed 10 am,
Townsend Victory club 17 will
meet at S o'clock this evening at
the home of Mrs. Olive Reddaway,
1421 N. Church st
Washington County
Petitions favor
Public Hospital
FOREST GROVE, March 20-m
-Washington county voters have
signed petitions favoring construc
tion of a public hospital here.
Petitions to get the proposal on
the May 12 primary ballot have
1500 names, sponsors reported.
Only 1031 are required. The
county medical society opposed the
proposition. Insisting the county
Is served adequately by hospital
service at Hills boro.
Padflc Power and Light Co- of
Portland, Ore., registered the pro
posed offering of $9,000,000 worth
of 20-year first mortgage bonds
with the securities and exchange
commission today. The utility said
the bonds will be cold at competi
tive bidding.
New Priest
Edmend E. Bllven, Salem native
who will be ordained la the
priesthood Saturday.
Salem Man to
Be Ordained
Catholic Priest
First Salem man to be ordained
to the Catholic secular priesthood
in recent years is Edmond E. Bllv
en, who is to be ordained Satur
day, March 23, and who will say
his first mass here Sunday, March
26. 1,
Son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Bllven of Independence, young
Bllven was born and grew up in
Salem. His father is a Salem bus
inessman. Bllven will be ordained
in Portland by the Most Rev. Ed
ward D. Howard, archbishop of
the Portland diocese.
Bllven attended St Vincent de
Paul grade school here, Mt Angel
preparatory and seminary, grad
uating from college there. He re
cently completed a four-year the
ology school at St Edwards sem
inary near Seattle, Wash where be
received his minor orders.
He will celebrate his initial
mass here Sunday at 12 o'clock
noon at St Joseph's church. Ger
aid T. Cooney and Thomas Coller
in, both of Salem and students in
Mt Angel seminary, will bo acoly
tes and Bliven's two brothers,
Mark 16, and Adrian, 13, will
serve as altar boys. The Rev.
Damian Jentges, OSB, will deliver
the sermon.
Music" is to be furnished by the
60-voice choir, from Mt Angel
seminary directed by the Rev.
Justin Riley, OSB. An honor
guard is to be composed of 4th
degree Knights of Columbus.
Following the Sunday service,
which 'is open to the public, a
reception will be held for the
Rev. Bllven at the Salem Women's
:, .- . . , it
And over the years, cost per kilowatt hour hat
tome down and down. PGE home electric rates
have been cut 16 times, have been increased only
once, in the last 25 years.
On the farm as in the city, electricity is today's
biggest bargain. PGE intends to keep it that way
in the years ahead by continuing to supply you
with more and more of electricity's convenience
and comfort at lowest possible cost.
Assigned to
C-B Company
Assignment of several reservists
to Salem's organized C-B com
pany 12-9 has put the unit at
full strength and a waiting list
already has been started, it was
announced Monday by Seabee of
ficials. Applications will continue to be
received and normal turnover will
result In additional assignments,
commanding officer Donald Fish
er said. The unit drills weekly on
Friday nights.
Men who recently joined the
unit include: Roy H. Hagen, M. E.
Follls, J. R. Ginther, L. C. Smith,
Gene A. Hagen and E. A. Hasle
bacher, all of Salem; R. A. Am
stutz and H. B. Weaver, both of
Silverton; C. C. Heckenliable, Am
ity; and M. E. Murray, LaFayette.
The following men recently
completed two weeks training duty
at Port Hueneme, Calif.: E. F. Ell
son, L, I. Weber, H. Blankley and
R. L. McCracken, all of Salem: L.
N. Bizon and L. F. Doubrava, both
of Hubbard; L. Ervin, Lebanon:
L. E. Pickett Sweet Home; and
J. L. FarrelL Turner.
H. L. Fisher, Silverton, and R.
D. Barry, La comb, both recently
finished two weeks duty at Camp
Hale, Colo.
Campaign to
Combat Threat
Of Forest Fires
Plans for an aggressive cam
paign to combat the threat of
forest fires in Oregon this summer
will be outlined at a meeting of
the Keep Oregon Green associa
tion trustees with Gov. Douglas
McKay Thursday.
"We hope we can help reduce
the number of man-caused fires
this summer," Dean Paul M.
Dunn, Corvallis, association pres
ident declared in issuing the can
for the meeting.
A budget win be approved.
club, 460 N. Cottage st, from 4
to 6 pjn.
The ordination ceremonies Sat
urday In Portland are set for St
Mary's cathedral at 10 ajn. As
sisting win be the Rev. Robert
Neugebauer and the Rev. Louis
RodakowskJ, both former Salem
pastors, the Rev. T. J. Bernards,
pastor of St Joseph's church in
Salem, and the Rev. John O Can
adian, assistant pastor.
As a secular priest Bllven will
probably be stationed at some
parish in this section of the state
by Archbishop Howard. Several
men from Salem have been or
dained as members of Catholic
religious orders or societies.
ncSlonal Avorcgo
Irene Meier estate: Final ac
count hearing set April 24.
Dolores Irene Ross estate: Or
der authorizes administrator to
accept compromise settlement of
damage claim.
Donald Stanton. 22. U. S. air
force, Fresno, Calif- and Barbara
uass, student, woodDurn.
Russell B. SahlL 22. farmer, and
Maycelle Turner, 20, domestic,
botn 01 saien route 0.
Southern Pacific company vs
George H. Flags and Klamath
county as intervener: Order re
fers case to public utilities com
mission for purpose of taking ad
ditional evidence.
W. Earl Dunn vs Lina M. Hilde-
brand: Case dismissed with pre
judice and wltnout costs.
Hazei m. tucxara vs uicnn u.
Rickard: Final divorce decree
Bene rouver vs James z. Toi-
Iver: Final divorce decree granted.
Walter H. Rogers vs Jewell .
Rogers: Final divorce decree
Dorothea Ann Duffy vs Ray
mond Fred Duffy: Default order
for defendant
Letha M. Stripling vs Imil W.
Stripling: Final divorce decree
Betty Irene Dennis vs George
Edward Dennis: Final divorce de
cree granted.
Walter J. Honeck, Mill City,
charged with obtaining money by
false pretenses; waived hearing,
bound over to grand jury; held in
lieu of s 1,000 bait
James Edward Baylle, Silver
ton .charged with driving while
intoxicated, continued to March 21
for plea: held in lieu of S3S0 ball.
James Bruce Fox, Portland,
charged with reckless driving;
fined 150.
Doris Faye Wayman. 765 Mc-
Nary st, charged with obtaining
money by false pretenses on three
counts; preliminary examination
adjourned to permit authorities to
make handwriting comparison,
held in lieu of $3,000 ball.
- Leland T. Swindel, Monmouth,
and Peter Arthur Johnson. 1715
Baker st, charged with driving
while intoxicated: both fined S250.
drivers licenses suspended for one
year, 30-day jail sentences sus
John M. HamieL Jr., 85 Duncan
ave charged with reckless driv
ing; lined 33.
Camellia Society to
Conduct Annual Auction
The Salem Camellia and Rho
dodendron society will meet at 8
pan. Thursday in the YMCA. The
annual auction of plants and bulbs
will be held after the regular ces
01 m
Advisory Board
Forms Plans
General discussion of a number
of school problems in connect
ion with the current survey of
uregon s elementary and second
ary school systems highlighted
a meeting Monday of Dr. T. C.
Holy's advisory committee and his
staff members.
The survey Is being conducted
under the direction of Dr. Holy,
Ohio State university educator,
whose temporary headquarters are
in the state capitol building. His
report will be filed with the state
board of education prior to th
1931 legislature.
Finance, administration and
transportation were stressed in
discussions Monday. Several pro
gress reports were received at the
meeting, but it was explained that
no action would be taken- until
they have received further con
Out-of-state members of Dr.
Holy's staff attending the meet
ing were Edgar L. Morphet and
T. L. Reller, University of Cali
fornia, and Eugene S. Lawler.
Northwestern university. Morphet
is conducting an investigation of
state organization, administration
and supervision, while Reller is
majoring In local organization, ad
mtnictratlon and supervision.
Lawler's study is confined to fin
ancing public education.
Assigned to various area studies
are the following:
Elementary education Flor
ence Beardsley; secondary educa
tion Clifford Robinson; Instruct
ional personnel Walter Snyder.
Joy Hills and George B. Martin:
instructional materials Joseph
I. Hall; health and physical edu
cation George J. Sirnio and
Katherine M. Rahl; school build
lngs J. L. Turn bull; transporta
tion Harvey Wright; guidance
Glen L. Weaver.
Dr. Vernon Bain, assistant sup
erintendent of the Portland
schools, will assume responsibility
for the area of special education.
Plans also are voider consideration
for a study of vocational educa
tion and adult education in the
state. Dr. C. L. Huffaker will re-
check the resent estimates on
school enrollment
Dr. Dan E. Clark, University of
Oregon, will prepare the opening
chapter of the survey, dealing
with Oregon history, resources and
future outlook.
yoen a nraffrant tm m k,
and taste tiie difference,
actually ireslier hvdas
Edwards' aclasiye "Speed-FresIi"neltcd guarantees yon
more coffee rickess and aroma a freshest yea can taste 1
tmt, . IYIIT
ifV0fflI .
Tho Stcdeemcm. Salem, Oregon. Tuesday, March 21. 19S& 5
50 Applicants Take State
Real Estate Exams
Approximately 80 real estate
broken and salesmen took state
examinations in Salem Monday.
The examinations were conducted
by A. J. Crose, new state real
estate commissioner, and members
of the state real estate commis
Other examinations, with 90
salesmen and 17 brokers writing.
will be held In Portland today.
Peery Buren
Candidate for'
City Judgeship
Peery T. Buren, Salem practic
ing attorney, Monday announced
hie candidacy for the office of
Salem municipal judge now held
by Judge W. W. McKinney.
Buren finished at the top f a
list . of four candidates for the
judgeship in the 1048 primary
election.. He was defeated In the
run-off election that fall by Mc
Kinney. Only other candidate to
date for the office this year la
Elmer Atnundson, local attorney.
That's hardly kind .
Unltss you cut thtm In on tht
,11 til 2 down Nohlgren'e Fcmowc
Food for
$ -
who was also a" 'candidate for the
posit'on in 1948. ;
Buren is a native of Salem, at
tended the University of Oregon
and graduated George Washing-
ton university law school in
Washington, D. C, He served with
the navy In the last war. r
Current Dividend 2'a
st Federal Savings
cn i lean Ass'n.
lit Sc. liberty
prices Frugal
i :,.y
hwJ - FrdTwcili:
Bdwarde le roaetcd OKLT TO Yoim
taocan OKPr...m sKAiXBATCxzav
ctoro. No loaf weeks la t warc
boaoo. Towr froocr gets it FACTxa-.
TOV n IT rmzsxn BT pats t
Bcotypoaady troctiwmoayoaauT
v it.WcTegotockod,
at Its poak treshees.Tkaf c way
Edward la so rich and fragrant-
always mms T at I
miroimT new...
ONiroiftiT ruts
rrjfrssti Tit