A"' $-Tbt Clcrtesrafen, Sclni; Oregotv SundaYr Mcnadil8 1830 Sqlom Market Quotations (A eg tot yesterday) BOmUAl Premium No. 1 .87 .63 .89 4t .14 No. 8 . RlltVft ' Wholesale Detail : kcot (Baying) . (Wnolesale prices ranges from to Hsu over nuying price, j Large AA Large AA Medium AA , Medium A Crack M J2 .33 Jl .24 POULTRY A Leghorn- hens B Leghorn hena . C Leghorn hena A colored hens S colored hena colored hena A colored fryer , B colored fryera . C colored fryers . A old rooatera B old rooatera . J6 41 , .08 .22 J7 Jl 32 .27 . Jl a - M rack C old roosters . LmiTOCK by ; rat dairy cows . Cutter cowa i Dairy heifers Taney .13 00 to 14.90 10.00 to 13.50 1J 00 to 16.00 Bulla 15 00 to 30.00 nwl mlm i u a ana Ih II 00 to 28 M Good carves - IS. 00 to 30.00 Woo led Umbe 33.60 feeder lambs 1100 to 30.00 Portland Produce PORTLAND, Mar. 18 AP Butter fat tentative. aub)ect to immediate chance: Premium quality, maximum to JJ to 1 per cent addlty delivered in Portland. 69-8e lb; first quality. 63 OCc: second quality. 6144c Valley routes and country points Be leas than first. Butter wholesale T-O-B bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. 63 score 64 lb; A. 83 score. 62c; B, M score. Sic; C, S9 score, 60c A bore prices axe Strictly nominal Cheese selling Price to Portland holesalers: Orefon sins. 37,i-40(ic .: Oregon S-lb. doaf. 42-43C. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade. Jarre, 39H-40C dox.: A grade, medium, ia-5se: B grade, large. 34-33c dot. Live chickens (No. 1 quality, f o b. plants) : Broilers, under X lb, nominal; fryers. 2-3 lb., 30-32e; 3-4 lbs . 32 84c; roasters. 4 lbs. and over, 33-34c; light hena. under 4 lbs., 18c; over 4 lb, 21c; heavy hena. all weights. 23 idc; old roosters, all weights. 13-I4c. Turkeys net to growers: Tpma. 30 le lb: hens. 44c Rabbits (average to growers): Live white. 4-9 lbs. 17-20C lb. 8-6 lbs. 15-lSc colored, t cents lower: old or heavy does and bucks. 3-12c lb; fresh dressed Idaho fryers. 40c lb: locals 4S-52C " Fresh dressed meata (wholesalers to retailers: Dollars per cwt): Beef Steers, good 900-700 lbs, 43-46; commercial. $43-44: utility. 634-40: cows, commercial. $37-39: util ity. $39-37; canner-cutter. $32-34. Beef cuts (Good steers): Bind fruartcrs. $49-32; rounds, $46-81; full loins, trimmed. $63-67; triangle, 83 43; square chucks. '44-48; ribs. $53-40: Xorequarters. 40-43 .Veal and calf: Good. 849-82'; eom- nerciaL - $3j-4e; carve, gona-cnoice. Lamus: uooa-cnoic spring lsmus, 7-60; commercial, $45-46: utility, 8- 4L Mutton: Good. 70 lbs, down. $28-30. Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1, $-12 lbs.. 644-48: shoulders. IS lbs, down. $33-39; fpareribe. $49-48; carcasses. 120-170 Kr. 327-28: rixed weights. $1 lower. - Wool: Coarse, valley-medium grades. -48c lb. Mohair nominally 28a lb on 12 snonth growth, y Country-killed meata: ' Veal Top quality. 3S-40c Jb: other grade according to weight-quality with lighter or heavier 33 -35c. Hogs: Light blockers, SS-26C lb.; Sows. 20-22c. Lambs: Top quality springers. 40-42c Id; mutton, l&-20c; rough heavy ones. 4-lSc.- - Beef Cood cows, 22-36C lb.; eanner utter. 23-30c. " Onions: 6-lb. r-k Ore. Yellows. No. t medium. $1-135; large. .1.40- Pacific Standard Time SUNDAY'S B g FI: Megactlcs WIN 10 (tcUtais BMte: Tlse 9tatesmajS pubUs: ttsses rovMeo art the ral ehaatt iwitboet natificaUssi Uis scey acretai). u .m m ? 55 Botae yM:l$ 7slm BOCO torn sow -41 ChuTcSf of Afy nchureh of RadloVPulott f lRadto Pulpit as. ssasc sentiA on , 8 FILM socd oi-i RX First (Baptist River tBoys Newssaakers Musks' U Revival Sour (First Baptftt iPhophecy jwews Hi X. SmCh 1 Serenade 6 iRovival 9 FtLM l c 1 OI-4 3Wi Bible fclass l Bible Oaag I Bible i sjutneran Moro of More MI ua m NewaH.a? I Garden SouthernaJre Southernalre ' 10 SLM KOCO KOIN ROW KCX Hardy News Songs Wudwd Church' Organ Loft Platform , Platform Orgao . I Organ Xewa (Highways 11 KSLM KOCO Concert Hall tConcert Sun. Service I Sun. Service (Gossip You arc-There (You "are Thera4Gossip KOIN IOW NBCTh-aterv NBC Theater ;NBCk Theater roretgn aewa . rrank-rnt fl-2 KSLM Neva H . i Guest S KOCO Serenade Serenade KOIN Symphony I? iSnnphoo! IOW Onelramiiyi fOne Fam KZX Houf of faith THour of -Ml 9 Hop. Cassldl i CSLM IOCO IOIM ITop. cnurch f Church Symphony f fSympbon Mr. rtxit w 9 News Week's r World Jl Week's -r 2 SLM Sha4ow J Shadow OCO "kui viuais uinin Record Parade i IRecord oim Gvr CaasMvi? jjics: foweir ruicx t'owea-wJBtar starrer Mr. Presideat Mr PresidentnG rea test St MX 3 EILM OCO OH Adtunture Serenade My Hu5ban f Adventure Serenale Hardy VPamBy RHardy Fasnlli (Hanrtf Morgan tux Lutherca KA H Lutheran 4 6LM tOCO (KO'M $ Don4 Stewart jack senoy - Glenn F Be arch 5 KSLM KOC KOIN KGW - ux 7T1 KSLM ' Alexander's Alexander's KOCO ; Ministerial (For Living KOIM , Bergen it Ma. Bereen U U KGW Sam Spade I Sam Spado Stop Musio I Stop Musio 0 KSLM Reviewing - Reviewing -KOCO. peecr speech FarUaa. Krrf7. ITnrliM KOIHJ K 1W ft Theatre Guild i Theatre (KKX ft WUctja lLou Parsons HtMtM? Medical High; i COOKS of aua, auoa. on tented aao-Leavo nei 3 st HO 1 20 Qjft,to Naxai-no Mias Lr lescra ' Pearson4 I Heart Hunt in i News I Editorial t? Sua Revev. Red SkettOA 1 ,KOfO nutu Saloo g I if acini contented 1 ST li K8; Taic-Leave 1 ft H jfrXf f'. ' " ? Jyba sua. KevnoJ i ted SkeRua i Symphony ThiluFastl symphony i xninai FaU T foon l. 'ight Edi tXary Uer lint S3andsta I Wax M Nocturne IlM o O Moofi rJrrt1 i f ,JX Reprt4l I i K4...4 BandaUSESS 1 I KGW News - KXX . Pearsoa 69; 10 lbs.. 2S-35c; boiler. 10 lbs, 20-23c; 8 lbs, 19-2lc; onion sets, Ore gon Yellow. SO lbs, 83.S0-6.00; white. $633-50. Potatoes Ore, local Bin-banks. No. 1. I2.50-SO: Deschutes Russets. No. 1-A. 3 00-3.23: No. 2. 90 lbs, $130-39; 23 lb.. 65-0c; 18 lbs, 83-65c; Wssh. Netted Gema, Jio. L 83 15-30: 29 lbs. 80-85c; 13 lbiT 60-2c: No. 2. 6L19-29: large bakers, $4.00-50: Idaho Ruetts. waxed. $3 83-73; new potatoes. Fla, Triumphs, size A. $3.00. Hay: New crop, stack bales. OA No. 2 greea alfalfa, buck or car-lota T-O-B Portland or Puget Sound markets, $33.50-41.00 ton: LS. No. 1 mixed tim othy. $44 ton; new crop oats and vetch a. . . -t i fi rl fitmiaM frtSiW IIlULvrU 1141 VIT ua w ow w nominally $29-28 depending on quality and location baled on Willamette val ley xarma. Filberts: Wholesale prices: Jumbo 19-22c; large 17-20c: medium 15-18',c Grower prices: Orchard run, 8-10c Walnuts: Wholesale prices, per pound In 100-lb. lota: First quality Jumbo, 31-32Sc; large. 29-30',4c; medium, 26 264c: second quality jumbo, 29-29 c; Urge 27-27ic; medium 24-23Uc; baby. 194-20Vc Grower prices, or chard run: Ft ana unties. 10-13c lb. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE SOUTH TWENTY-SECOND STREET FROM MISSION STREET TO OXFORD STREET NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and ex pedient and hereby declares its pur pose and intention to improve South Twenty-second Street from the south line of Mission Street to the north line of Oxford Street, to the City of Salem, Marion taunry, uregon. at the expense of the abutting and adjacent piuueity except the street In tersections the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade constructing ce ment concrete curbs, and paring said portion of said street with 21, wen asphaltlc concrete pavement thirty feet wide, in accordance with the plana and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council March 13. 1950. which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by thla reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and inten tion to make the above described Im provement by and through the street linnrnvgment department. i Written remonstrance against the above proposed improvements may be filed with the dty recorder at any time within ten days after the final publication or tnts nonce dt ine own ers of the property affected. By Order of the Common Council Marcn 13. ibso. ALFRED mTJNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof la March 16. 1930. Date cf final publication March 26. 1950. M-18-17-18-1V20-21-22-23-24C3-26 300 Personal 310 Mteflaq Noflcos LOYAL Order of Moose meet Thurs. nite 284 N. ComL Ph. 3-5227. 312 Lost ensd Found" LOST: Gray men's topcoat Ph. L. Cour. 22441 days, 37925 after S pjn. 314 Trppgportatiori WANTED: Ride to and from Corvallla daily. Ph. 24003 after 8:30. 318 Personal , , Get-Actraainted Club THROUGH SOCIAL correspondence, thousands meet their "IdeaL" Write today for list of eliglbles. Simpson, Box 1251. Denver, coio. WIDOW. 62. like acquaintance older gentleman owning own home. For tune hunters don t ana. Rets. States man Box 983. SALEM Nursing Home. 3593 "D" SL Ambulatory or bed patients. Men or women. Trained nurses. 24 hr. service MADAM GRAY. Fortune teller. Palm and psychic readings. Madam solves your problems. Advice 173 8. Coml ' Phono 2-6283. Hrs. a.m. to 10 P-m. good ffaltk the rorraas u ' ae ecussj offllaan; prf I Pft manc ae rsponaiM Jt the iff r n Aithfof Air Churl! 'asr fly. Time IFamar Time IB tfiojst Revue iU Boa: Revue Prophecy Fellowship Fellowship Tabernaclo Ti raberoacl (Heme Church I Horn Church Hfor ti Revival Boor Revival Hour I ILuwerst HouriLtrthWan Hr. -I At Mario lAvelMaria iPlaytsosae I Newt: -1 i XJfm I Talk niaiij Light nernaSECpiS I Voice (Sacred Heart (W. King Learning Learninr Round Tabla Round Table I Vespers Vespers I Han ITeenicide (Canaries Sun. Service New -NBC-Tnoter (PianorPlayiT FtanoA PUy. JuVeoUo JuyWiBe -A News4 IV Jt. 4 ISymprtony ISysnphohy Ouia tpds I Quia Kids I I Opera! Album I Opera Album Prtvat Eye tPrtvate iFy. Dreans; Musio IDream Blusia ir esxivai txtewa u Adventure iAdventitfe IProprtecy IPrephecyt IMystorlea fysterlo 1 hibik snsfwvaso ParaasmSalenj Drake Showcassi Jack StetHrta- (Stas7 Harvest 5 Greatesti Story NkkCaxteT . Ba.lBlacklo iNick IMuaie SBoji BUekl enry Morgan ti IMasiol Girls flic. iri EQADCASTS-jj IKQXX JKGVY tt. It EX 11M iesttat 1 4 i rfyg It i i Whrlf Ti (J I moo oirwwn i wen siewsrt ',ojc. tewan vUack Benny Mm N Andy mo -J Andy I rFo0 upsr. Murray Show Murray Show -P. M. Serenade IP. M. Serenade i. IRocky i Jordan Rocky Jordan I , I Theatre Guild Theatre Guild I I Stop Mueas Theater IThester Ml Boraee HelHl Horace H Ajoum siesao llAibum uie. iTnaisro i. 4lmM Rnv Im m inazaresM H f Iwhkrtler D 'Bob Cr B (Mr. x on i mm Frank De Bereea Jr I Symphony IWUK Cunningtiam News, foal (Uauas Chan (Jack Benny WaK Banay l ttesr w Orchestra irerstra (Go! McKay t n I- (Moon Dre ioon i7re Orchestra t I St. rrai icataolie kioef uanoic o Q.-che-tra Orchestra It U fUodlti I Wax Museum (Wax Mnssnn . Moctumo Nocturne Ufsv. Chance J tt4 , ftoy Rogers M asbf 1 IV Crralrf R- Malons) R Ur. Malooi II fol1 'iFiank?Peol iiisrnprony A Jiell K1L4 Pa,-srJ a g r. vi t- g 1 1 11 Til .fall i 1& T' 300 Personal 318 Parmoztal LADIES!! If your belt buckle doemt show then try a Spencer, ph. 3-9072. 24 KiLS. Nurtiof service, elderly peo- i pie, convalescents, special dicta. Close in, v bwch suuia a aimvm street "A Home Away from Home" ph. 2-3792. 400 Agriculture 402 Lireslocr S YR. Guernsey cow, fresh July. RL 4, box P04. Salem, near Hllicrest school. Wanted: All types livestock. Ph. 4-2617. BULL Service any place. Ph. 42949. WANT. Fresh or Springer cowa, cowa giving 3 gal or more, all types beef cattle. Buy entire herd. Tom Webb, Kt l. Turner, pn. za, BONDED livestock buyer. Claude fid wards Rt 3 Box 899E. Ph 3-1144. BONDED UVtSTOCk buyer, t d McCandllsh 1127 S. 29th. Ph. 3-6147. LICNSD Livestock buyer. IL. E. Snethen. 1930 Lancaster dr. ph. 3-1343. 404 Poultry and Rabbits" OVER 200 N. H. .Red puBets, your choice -tia. pn s-ogio. WINGS BABBITRY needs rabbit. Top prices. 3983 State St. pn. 3-l4. NEW Hampshire and Parmenter chicks available every Tuesday. Fox's Hatchev 330 State St. Ph. 94989 PARM. RXDS. New Hamps. Comics Cross every wk. 1-2000 heavy ckls. Circular Gearing Hatchery, Silverton. 403 Pots 1 PUREBRED male Collie pups. $10 at $13 ea. Ph. 3-9837. 493 Hawthorne St. GIVE Away: cute house pup, ph. 2-0253. 43S w. Madrona. FOR SALE: One purebred registered Irish Better pup, 4 moa. old, $19. R. C. Bond. Ph. 26272. PUPPIES -4or sale. Ph. JloSL Rt I, Box 270. - Is cmd Plants ROCKHTLL Strawberry plants. 9e ea. 191 Hickory. 412 Fruit and Farm ProducsT EASTERN ALFALFA HAT. Ph. JJ4SS. 414 Farm Equipment FOR SALE: S h p. garden tractor with attachments, also rotary tiller. 2309 ra mm a m. S)4ti GOOD John Deerer model 1" tractor with plow and 4 ft. double disc Very i reasonable price. Phono 23F4. John '.Olthoff. RL 6. Box 166 near Pratum. 425 Auction Sales i Jim Payne 1 Auctioneer Livestock and Real XctaU also Managing Purebred - Livestock Sales 213 Brockway SC. Rose burg. Oregon or TIT Willamette St.. gugenc. Oregon Auction Every Thurs. 730 pjn. Furniture and household articles. We invite you to bring your consignmenta to us. TCAST SALEM AUCTION 1029 Lancaster Drive Ph. 3-1221 450 Merchandise 451 MachtosTf cmd Tools FOR SALE: S h p. Mall Chain Saw. 60 in. bar as chipper chain. Engine v perfect. Douglas C. Schoonover, Tm.a ah Daw 1 Gf A IIVWS BVfasrriW 184 McCORMICX faEEKlMfl rarmali model B tractor with power take off. Lights, starter and power lift. Run less than 60 hours. One 8 ft. double eorrsgated roller, one 7 ft. John -Deere double disc, one X sect. McCor-mick-Deering spring tooth harrow, one 2 bottom 12 inTOliver plow. Will sell all or part, mono zmjlz. 455 Moosokoia Is For Sal) DAVENPORT $30. Ph. 33930 or cafl 1318 N. Coml r MAPLE bedroom set. 1 walnut twin bedroom set, 1 Hotpoint elec range. Ph. 34562. XASTERN made walnut china closet. 9x13 Beige Bigelow rug and pads. Rollaway bed and mattress. Ph. 35387. JRlNDLEy" English pattern dinner for eight. $33. 1340 Lancaster Dr. CLEARANCE FLOOR MODELS 9.1 cu. ft. Zenith refrigerator Reg. $2295 for $1$9J3. R 73 cu. ft. re frigerator Reg. $18030 for $159.85. 1 only - .range with timer clock. 7 heat switches Reg $21899 for - $194.85 Wallace Hardware, 205$ N. Capitol. DOUBLE Inner spring mattress. Good condition. Cheap. 939 TamaracK St, MOHAIR Davenport and chair excel lent condition call 35709. WINE Colored daveno, like new. 840. Call 33928. ' Linoleum $4.50 ' VALLEY FTTRN. CO. 285 N.- COMt USED Furn. cheap - trad - terms. Valley Furn Co, 289 No. Coml 2-7472. 45d Wantwd, Rotxsehold GLKN WOODRY. Ph. 33110. USED FURN, . immediate appraisal. highest prices, valley Furniture, zae N commercial vn. Z7S7 kUL CASH - TRXtER LOUII PAYS HIGHEST PRICES Household goods, furniture, bric-a-brae appliances, rug, ailverware, dishes QUICK SERVICE PHONE 3-8338 458 Building Malarial" YOUR BUILDING PLANS ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN METAL WINDOWS -MASONRY 3c PLASTER SUPPLIES PUMTLTTE BLOCK & SUPPLY CO., W. Salem on Dallas Hlway Shin T Jin - No. t load price $48 per M dlvd. no. a at Dtr ioaa pneo sex per m aiva "West Salem Saw Mill 1090 Wallace Rd. Building Something? 't Inch plywood 4x8 sheets bargain Waterproof wall board 7ic n. A WrVUW A A 1WKI UWfT 1 light Jc t light glass doors $10 90. Birch Jc mahogany front doors 828.90. Overhead garage door h'dware $1830. White asbestos siding $10 sq. - Mew sheet rock 8c insulation board. 1$ Inch cedar shakes $1330 sq. Door Jamba $3.30. Window sashes 32x34 Inch $1J3. Used doors complete $330. Used windows complete $730. ' Largo stock new windows 4c sashes ' Lars attractive medicine cabinets $7.83.- CO. LONG Ph. ffWIJ' One mile North Of ICejger 100 SQ. Canadian cedar wall shakes an colors, palntea and carton pocked, with dry under course. $1230 per sq. Also 100 sq. 13 in. natural shakes and undercourse, whOo they last. $9 -00. 8.000 ft. good grade Pecan flooring, 6130 per M. Cedar gutter. 24c ft. Spruce and cedar aiding. Red -cedar shingles, all grades, delivered. Call Ted Muller. 21194. Salem, even in rs. lIOWSalaoa, Tour power tool rent-' ai neaquaners. 141 a. LZtA st, n. - SHINGLES No. 1 Mountain cedar 88.79 sq. No. S Mountain cdar 8330 ea. ' No, S Mountain cedar U-0 sq. CO. LONO Ph. 2S?1 ; ' One mile North of TCeryer CRUSHED ROCK, ready mixed con creto. silt ac top soU. pit run gravel, gravel, road ac driveway grayeL Commercial Sand & Gravel Supply Co. 450 Merchandise 458 Building- Materials.. Save at Keith Brown! 4x4- Cedar siding $29 M. WINDOWS Prices slashed In half oa special shipment. Variety of sizes, some as low as $LS0. REJECT PLYWOOD: ,4", V. starting at 4o for sealing Ule plywood. Everything to build anything at that convenient KEITH BROWN location. r Front and Court, Salem. ? Used Windows, 'Doors Modern designed windows 5'x4' frame 8s sash complete $1030. Double hung Streamlined tvoe windows 8730. Win dow sashes 32 x34" perfect for home, barn, chicken house $1.93. Popular aize used doors complete with frame ac hardware $830. Large supply. C O. LONG Phono 23821 1 Ml. W. of Keizer NEED LUMBER? QUALITY . . strict West Coast Grading. , PRICE . . Save $10 per M. ft SERVICE . . Prompt delivery, ac curate tally. CONVENIENCE . . Spedfled or ders filled and delivered. WEST SALEM SAW MILL 1090 Wallace Rd., U ml. No. of river. pnone z-mrs ON BUDGET TERMS Too can buy lumber, mulwork, hard materials, hardware, floor covering, electric appliances, paints, insula tion, roofing and house wares for as little aa 10 down oa a purchase of $20 up to $300. SmalL easy month ly payments take care of the rest. Make it easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD st that convenient location Front and Court Streets. Salem. Salem Screen Shop 1444 8. 12th, Windows. Screens as door, frames 8 sash made to order. Glass replaced. Ph. Clyde Moore. 2-6493. Cedar Shakes No. I 16" with undercourse, 8830 sq. No. 118 with undercourse, $9.00 sq. CO. LONG Ph. 2-5821 . l Mile North of Keizer 480 Musical instruments 3 USED Pianos, Grand Sjjlnet Jc Up right player. New pianos, Grands, 8c Spinets in mahogany as blonde. Jaquith Music Co. 846 Cascade Dr. .ph. 34641 PIANO 8c bench in perfect cond. Beaut. -walnut case. 1690 S. Cot tare. 120 BASS Piano accordian. $100. Ph. 3464L 482 Sports Equtpmsml LATE Model S h.p. Mercury outboard. Johnson outboard 8s plywood boat. Will aell or trade for guns or cam eras. 2647 Portland Rd. 3-9.8 H. P. Johnsons 100 to 300. Terms. Salem Boat House. 100 Chem. 488 Trade), Miscellaneous WILL trade 4 pc knotty pine custom built rumpus room act for 19x18 liv ing room rug. Ph. 23088. 488 For Rent Mlsceilaneous PIANOS - INVESTIGATE our deferred rental sales plan. Tallman Piano Store. 333 S. 12th. U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blan ket furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-0063. GOOD USED Piano. H. L. Stiff. 470 For Sal, MlscelkmoKms MYRTLEWOOD for sale. Phone 3-1949. USED Bathroom fixtures. 370 King- wooa Ave. w. saiem GASOLINE Wash, machine motor $13, Call I-Z33P, i LAWN Mowers in good condition, for sale cheap, see at 817 Richmond Ave, today - (Sunday). MACHINIST, Mcchamc and other shop tools, like new, each tool a bargain. 3QZ3 Portland Hd NEW Sewing Machlnp at a sacrifice price. 320 Evergreen Ave. - USED Power lawn mower, guaranteed only 173. 147 S. Com l. PIN LOR 20 inch power mower, used very little. Park Franks. 3390 Liv- trigston. GOOD wood cookstove with coil, 8730, good wood circulator, $7 XX). Ph. 36719. wso uxrora st. LAilf VfODEL 3 H. outboard motor, full reverse, easv mill starter, oer- fect mechanical cond. $89. Ph. 26302. 6 BASS Accordian. girls bicycle. 1333 VM a?A. ra b ot. rn. aujx i . llxii;, BUSH Pressman camera.' Uki nr try, nufl OR Lease. Viking-Deluxe popcorn machine. 1st class cond. RL 2, Box m McMinnviiie, ore. i ROYAL Typewriter like new. 1 typo writer desk, 1 roll top desk. oak. 1 Art Metal file. 1 metal desk chair. 1 metal typewriter chair. 1 metal desk lamp. 963 Highland Ave. Ph. ATMORAYS Hartey Pugh. Ph. tTST HOSPITAL INSURANCE No age limit Mut. of Omaha Ph. 2-S6S2. inc. 1ST, raiia. STANLEY HOME Products. Ph. 39307. Inc. Dr. calls. FERTILIZER $330 per yard. 4 yd. roan atz. uei. pn kjj xurncr. HEAT YOUR HOME electricaliy with Westlnghouse or Weslx automatic electric heaters. Yeater Appliance Co. 37 a cnemelceta DONT BE a rug drudge. Shampoo your rugs at home at one-half the cost Rent Clark Rug Shampoo machine at Hawser Bros. 1410 S. 12th. Ph. 3-3646. NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLXsC Tl-KOTE. the ceUophane-Uks finish for floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co ' 379 Chemeketa St. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crashed Rock For roads 8c driveway. Cement. Beady mix. Concrete. Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and ditching. yd. shore! 8t drag Bne Phone 3-BTt. drag hi wtn.Tpa s Bros: SPECIAL Cow or chicken fertilizer, dry, weed tree., sterilized, dehydrated and pul verized. Ready for any us and will not burn. Mads In Salem from cow and chicken manure. Call 3-1438 and order now. Phillips Bros RC 6. Box IIS. Salem Ore.. 4 ml. East of Stat. open weeKcnos. REBUILT PIANOS,- like new. Lge. selection ' aa low aa $23 dn. S10 per mo. See at Tallman', 399 S. 12th. A mile from High Prices. ('5 ED Radioa and record players $8.99 and up. Yeater Appliance Co. 379 cnemexeta St. STEEL Clothes line posts, extra heavy. o5r ooq looting, iogr znq st. pn. g-oew. . -Circulators at greatly reduced Mice ' Tester Appliance Co. 379 Cnemeketa St. USLD Llectne refrigerators HSR and up. Yeater Appnaneo Caw 37 cnemeseta St. ALL Sewing machines. Service, aaietC , rentals. 1930 N. 18tm Ph. 3-7671." USED Sewing machines priced to Suit your budget, iieconoiuooeo mt guar anteed. Ralph Johnson Appliances. Pn. 83139. USED Electric waahera $19 and up Yeater Appnaneo u. 379 Cpemexeta St. RE-HOOFLNC. Paintjng ac remodoiingT ...;, . r it n . r. r m nuiancut ? cue; awt iw, am- lent. J ' ..... ": i ; Phillips Bros. Fertnizers. well rotted or fresh, any kind, by yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work, cedar fence posts and Ule and elect poles, any length, shinrles, yew 4t lumber Ph ,3-1464. RL 6. Box 118. Salem. Open weeKenas. JCFK6i4 VARIETUR. M S. Uth. Wt2iGtfBIiiS. used 894" and up. Alao new anreo wesungnouse YEA'TlSVpPLIANCX CO. 273 Chemeketa St. Ph. 34311 USED Electric ranges 818 93 and up Yeater Appliance cw ri3 Jhomeketa St. . - 450 Merchandise 472 Wasted. Miscellaneous Top Prices Paid Now For Rough Lumber Green Dimension or small cants. Arrow Lumber Co. x 300. Wallace Rd. W Salem SEWING machines, any cond. Ph 3-7671 JUNK. Write 948 Trade St. . 474 Miscellaneous HEAR Chet Mulkeys Haunted Mill Danes Band. Station KSLM 8 to 8:30 every Sat, nite. SEWING Machine repairs guaranteed. Rea. Also used. Ph. 27380. WANT TO Buy used camera St lenses' Mcrwin Photo shop. 433 State HOWhEU BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters. 1410 8. Uth St Ph 33646. Dental Plate Repair -. TWO-HOUR SERVICE tN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plate for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg Stata at Com Ph 3-2311 Sewing lessons Day or evening -New Homo Sewing Center Ralph Johnson Appliance 339 Center St. Ph. 33139 478 Fuel WOOD from live walnut tree for sale, ph. 2-1046. 279 N. 20th. 18 IN. slabwood. $830. 1'i cd. Id. It In. . oak. $19 cd. del. Ph. 23219. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phono 37721 or 36024 Bone dry second growth fir SLABWOOD. 16 in. Hand picked. 2 cord load. $10. Ph 27791. . DRY Trash burner V cook stove wood! Clean, no bark. R. H Allen 1266 Caadlewood Dr. Ph 22382. West Salem Ftiel'Co. U-OL DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD ' DRY PLANER ENDS , Old growth block wood 16 taw 3aa O bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DDLS EL AND STOVE OIL Phono: Salem 2-4031 Asm pick up wood at 1323 Edgewater St. W. Saiem. Capital LuinbejsFnel Co. Phone 3-7721 of 8-60f4 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE at HEATER - Tri Gty;Fuel PHONX 3V7443 S 16-tn. slab wood and odglng , Fresh cut screened sowdusi 12-in. Inside mig wood ASK FOR SaGREEN STAMPS Oregon Fuel Co. Dry slab or dry edging fresh dean sawdust, green odglng $330 kL dbi. 810. Asm Is" green slab or 4' Phone 3-9533. , - Highway Fuel. Co. Clean sawdust, wood green or - dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny Saver Stamps. Ph. 36444. 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fl 3 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $13.00 For orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company inqepenaence.' wegon DRY WOOD, most kinds. Phone $-4276 Phillips Bros. Old fir, ash, maple, oak. 4 fir. 16 Slab and edgings. Ph. 3-1438. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportnnltfes $5000 PLUS inventory, neighborhood grocery wiin , living quarters, new i. nciuiuai meat uimi jlci hi w owner. 2007 Fairmunda Rd. s-iimo. CROW MUSHROOMS. Cellar, shed. Spare, full time, year round. We buy 83 lb. drd. WE PAID O. Babbitt $4169 in few weeks. Send $2 for Gen. Info. BOOK. Get started. Mushroom Ind. Dept. 101-2994. Admiral Way. Seattle, wasn GROCER x STORE, bas.. eabina. RL 7. Box 145 on hwy. 99-E. Ph. 2-4319. GOOD neighboring grocery that one or two can handle. A very neat store with good stock and fixtures. First class In every way. Call McKlllop iteai jsxaie a-eozo. He, zmoo. CROCERYr'fiT0ftE" Stock and equipment $4000, long lease en bldg. LAWRENCE REAL ESTATE Loans k Insurance Ph. 3750$ Business opportunity and small apt. nouse in aaiern. pox ptrt staiesman. GALLON leased paying service station for sale for Invoice. Approx. $400. rn. zyzia. MEN'S clothing store for sal or trad on acreage with 3 bedroom homo. Write to Box 997. Statesman. BUS. BLDG.. llv rmi.' 2085 N. Coml. FOR SALE Oft TftAbl - Dandy Cai Just rght for 2. See me at 1 SOS's S. 12th. 510 Money To Loan MORTGAGE LOANS FINANCING WALTER B. M INTER with Pioneer Trust Co.. Salem. Private Money On Cars. Trucks as Trailer Homes Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 8. Commercial St Phone 3-8191 WE Max loans up to 80 ot the appraised value on quaiirying mod em homes, Sslem and vicinity. Also see us for FHA construction loans. State Finance Co.. 133 South High St.. Salem. Oregon. $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. Free parking. Ph. 3-7032 Lie. No. M369-S29L Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. . CASH -NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest bome-own- ec loan company oners money wnea you need HI You can pay anytime to reduce not costl No endorsers, or help from friends t On cars, trucks, trailer homes to 3500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment. salary or otner personal property up to $300jMI Phone oe visit our office todvlv Hear Top Trades' 12:05 dally KSLM. General Finance Corp. IJe. No S138 and M338 PHONE 3-9161 136 S. COM! ST. PRIVATE Monev to loan. Ph 5? FARM and CITT LOANS 4 and $ Tour owe terms ad ipaineat srttkia) Caan so bmi carate we troeta and g aeon 8 Morlf area. CAPITOL SECURJTILS C CO. 367 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WTLLAMTTTS CREDIT CO. 1SS S. Church SI Ph 8-2487 Parking Aplenty tie Ml 99-8 194 BE THRIFTY J IN50 A "Bill Consolidation- loan may make yoa "Thrifty hi 18." Pay off your bills. Lower your month - Ijr payeBesta. $50 to'$1500 Can or phono today , j PACIFIC - Indastrial Loans 118 a Liberty v: 500 Business & Finance 512 Loans Wanted WANTED: Private money on farm and business. Phono 3-0020. 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted. Male RET .TABLE MAN with ear wanted to call on farmers in Marion county. Wonderful opportunity. $13 to $20 In a day. No experience or capital re quired. Permanent. Write today, Mc NESS COMPANY, Dept. B. 2423. magnolia at cjaxiana 7. Calif 50 WEEK to start! Sell beautiful solid brass Door Name Plates. Writ Na tional Engravers, 212 Summer, Bos- wn. mm. OVERSEAS L DOMESTIC JOBS $1.00 bring ORIGINAL CONSTRUC TION NEWS BULLETIN "WORLD WIDE-' PROJECTS. CONTRACTOR 8c JOB LOCATION. How-When-Wher to Apply. Application Forma. GLO BAL REPORTS, P.O. Box 883, Holly wood 28, Calif. ' 606 Help Wanteq, female MIDDLE Aged lady to keep house for semi-invalid, out of town. Ph. 3-7666. WOMEN, aces 23 to 40, hourly wage. old reliable firm. 248 N. Coml Rra. 23. Apply 9 to 11 a.m. LoraIKE PLASTIC PARTIES ARE COMING TO SALEM. Mrs. Ellis, Re- Sonal Mgr. will be at the Marion otel Fri. and Sat, Mar. 24 and 23 to select 8 capable women as sale representative. No experience neces sary. Car helpful. Women who wish to EARN $23 to $60 weekly, spare or full time are Invited to WRITE NOW for Interview: airs. Ellis, Route 8, oox yj, Vancouver, v asnrngron. WOMAN to take dictation and do typ tng in home. Furnish own typewrit er, rn. 2i a.m, WOMAN to care for elderly couple in their home, good wages. Ph. 3-9331 after 10 a.m. 208 Bush St. - BEAUTY OPERATOR wanted at once. Call Independence 53J. or contact jjBeUe Beauty Shop. Independence. STENOGRAPHER Experienced In anorxnana ana Typing, remanent Position. Apply Hogg Bros, 260 State 610 Sales Persons Wanted WRITE 9 WORDS COLLECT 8749 Make $7.63 on 10-econd demonstra tion to merchants. Write on glass with Amazing Magic Crayon. Presto a 5-color Advertising Message takes fsre and glows like brilliant Neon. Four sales a day bring $3030 profit. Don't wait. Rush penny post card for full detail, complete Sales Kit - all FREE. MAXTLUMK CO., 129 W. Hubbard St, Dept. CL-33. ynicajro io. m SALF-SMKN - Make $2333 next 7 weeks. New sensational deal every merchant wants. Beautiful sales kit free. States Trading. 6th Floor. 330 so. wens, en lea ro a. PlANO SALESMAN for old. established store, give rexerence. statesman Box OU9. EXPERDZNCXD salesman." Increasing sales of electrical homo appliances have created a well-paying sales posi tion on our staff. Wit are looking for a man who must have had sales ex perience selling nationally famous Maytag. Easy a Frigidaire home ap pliances. Salary It commission. Trans portation furnished. Hogg Bros, 119 S. Coml St, Salem. EXPERIENCED insulation salesmen.' don't lose sales. The Insul-Fluf dem onstration will triple your commis sion. Wsnt proof? See Mr. Stevens, Oregon Insulation Co. Inc. Ph. 2-3462. RL 8. Box 16L ' 615 Situations Wasried CHILD Care. Any age. By hour or day. Ph. 37900. EXPERIENCED Man want general farm work, E. M. Thompson, RL 1 BOX SO. DIESEL Outfit, will do spring work, custom farming, ditching, clearing or share crop farming in thla area, 33 acre up. ph. 397 Amity. Rt. 1 Box 226 McMlnnytlle. OTtNTNO SOON Home for weekly board and room for children. Trans portation home on weekends if de sired, nice nome. garden, trees, wad ing pool, quiet streets. Careful super vision and pleasant instruction. A place for your children lo be happy While awav from Mother. References required. Sensible rate. Statesman Box 604. EXPERDlSCllD dairyman, veteran, married, would like to rent dairy on shares, equipment furnished. Write a talesman box ops. REFINED Couple wish to care for elderly people in exchange for room Be Doara. box so statesman PAPERPfO a paperhangingTPh. 36M. TREE Sorayin and light tractor work. Nolen Bathurst. Ph. 22907. PLUMB LING reas. Ph. 3-6377. M-L ROTARY TILLING N. DeHtit. Eve. 3-8333 Dav 3-6081 ANCVS hnm&tRY School 4 days. AGES 1 TO S T:30 TO g). PH. 2440. ROTOTILLLNG M. n. BROWN.' PHO. 2-7300. ALTERATIONS. ' ph. 3-6056 Eve. GARDEN PLOWING, lawns atart to ftnixh llrht tractor on rubber with dorer. Puane Wolcott. Ph. 2812T. "WILD CAR MS S. 12th.' REE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator, work guaranteed. W. H. McAllister. 840 iTqe. rn. i-nw kflkE Alterations. Ph. jmT WILL Do ironing, my home, or THT- mount Hill mst. rn. 2B0OS. YARD Work, new lawns, ph. 23943. CEMENT work. AM I tdnda. rfa. i-4630 Carpenter work, new, repair Ph 32083 CARPENTER Work. Pb. 39S4. CHILD Care Ph. 39924. 1180 Shi CtJRtAtN'S WAlrTED. stretched. t-Uii bECORATING Ar Paintln Ph 3-M4. CkjLO CARE, lii s. l3th. Ph. i-Wi. DECORATING, repair, reasonable. PhT 9-30 ZZ. 3-552 1RING. remodcilna. roofing Fn a-i33y or i-czig JOHN Feldschaw and Son. General Contractors. Oment Work and Ex- cavating. Phone 38-F3 or 4-2429 Salem, GARDENS tilled wilh U. . tiller! Phone 2-28?g. faSEwORK. Ph. before t. after i. 1-ffol. CARPENTER Work Any kind' A- sonabU. 1161 Union. Ph. 8-1487. 616 Employment A; COABIERGIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND, CLERICAL POSITIONS 260 stats Street Phone 3-1488 618 Education Want To Be A PRACTICAL NURSE? Instruction. High wages, big need, in teresting worn. iearn at noma in spare time. High school not requir ed. FREE information. Warn School of Practical Nursing. 898 co States- 620 Day and Cotrtract Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Equipment Rental IS B-',V yds 18 B-l yds D-7 Cat it Doter D-4 Cat St Dover D-4 Cat St Dover See u about ditching by the Phono days 3-3408 Evenlnr 3-4248 or 1 saiem m Oregon AUTO PAfNtlN6 just a shade better by Ray ETTEH. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-0101. WATER 'WELL drilling. Domostta S trriratlon Duffield Bros. Rt 8. box a PhotM 1.1313 or t-msl InTerIor Painting Xxp. pn. 3-2S79.r .700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Booms. Board SL' .EKPTNO Room. 2131 Center. , ELL FURN. sip. rm., close in. H as C WELL water sen omy. m weniex- . 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Booms, Board LIGHT housekeeping roam, hot plate. r " ' " ROOM, emp. man. Separate ent and sn a 4 a Ta aayaag KCKJM. Ladies only, small kit. 320 COMFORTABLE" furn. bedrooms, steam neai. may use not piate for cooking. 86 to 310 per wk. Ph. 2-7740. 833 N. summer, TURN, hsekp. rm. $30 per wk, close In. Ph. 34967 afternoon. ftoOM. private bath ent. 1163 Court'. KlCE warm alp. rm. for gentTPrL enL' , $4 week. Ph. 35768. AUTO HEAT. aep. ent, bath. $20. clean pew house near Gen. Hosp, on bus line. rn. nsw. 2rURN. RMS!" light housekeeping. , rnv. eni.. xor l emp. person. 310 wk. 751 Piedmont Ave, W. Salem. Ph. 27554. 705 Apartments for Rent 3 RM. Furn. apt Ornd fir. Close In. Pn. 344B8 2 or 3 RM. Apt. Everything furnished'. w or soa. wo smoking or Orinxing. f II. IWII. LG. 2 rm. furn. gr. fir. close in, kids rn. 30 in. NICE furnished 2 room apta. for emp. WW J I 1 J Mr irla. refrig, private ent, doss In. 969 n, uotny. rn. s-jjj eves. APT. 1165 Court St. CLEAN 1 rm. furn. apt, emp. lady. voo n. summer. MALL furnished all electric, not in dwelling. 460 S. CapltoL Inquire 843 S. IJbertv. I" OB 1 GIRLS to share furn. apt Ooie m. rn. 4ia. RM. furn. aoL Garaee. 850. Adults oniy. wo pets, rn. 8ioe. -KUUl M furn. aoL PrL bath, reirlx. aouita. oiv union. FURN. studio apt, kitchenette. Ph. 3 NICE Large furnished apt. 3 and 4 rooms, uiuiues turn, neasonapie. w s. ictn CLOSE In 2 rm apt. all utilities fur- ntsrtea. call bttj w. cnurcn. RM. furn. apt. Friv. enL 1st fir. 093 N. Liberty. Ph. 20637. RM. furn. aoL Priv. enL and bath. sas s. i Tin. a 3 RM. furn. apL No drinking or cniidren O.K. zaio n. 4tn. APT. unfurn, utility rm, oil urn, ; Rd. heater. 1210 Tile Ph. 37814, i RM. clean furn. apt. All elec, priv. ent. aouw. winter, rn. aaoaa. APTS completely furn. Close in. Inq. H L. stiff rurniture. pn 3-siaa RM. APT. in court. reirlg range. auto, laundry, excellent loc Call at am s. i Jin I B.R. large unfurn. apt, elecL stove and auto, ou neat mciuueo. rrrvate bath, also 3 rm smaller ant with elec stove and private bath. Children accepted. 1437 ti. 4tn, LIVE Better at the Ambassador. $50 to 879. 650 N. Summer. COURT APT. 3 rms St bath, rang and refrig. Clean. 1348 S. 12th. 1 LGE. FURN. housekeeping rm.. kit- cbenette. utilities, close in. 840 Mill. 707 Houses for henT FURN. ApL Inq. 890 N. 12th or 822 w. cnurcn RM. Furn. cottage, garage Hares' ville dlsL $23. ph. 3-180L RL 7 Box 171 2 ROOM Modem furn. cottage, phone 518. PARTIALLY Furn. small house, clean. good cond. No drinkers. Call from T . M 1VA Mini at 1174 - 8th. W. Salem, or addesss Mrg. Eugene Taylor. Ht. z. osyton t RM. unfurn. mod. hse, $40 mo. 830 Evan Ave Keizer dist. Ph. 25iee. BRAND New duplex, modern, ready Apr. Z3, on Ddrm, stove xum. uo- tirban. Box B03 statesman, 2 BJL unfurn, elec heat, close in. . , , a . 1 . i . . wouia ieas. auuiu ihu, J mo. HI. 23837. MODERN 1 B.R. house. avaiL liar. VT. n. TZtSO. 4 BDRMS. unfurnished. $30. Close to Highland school. Inquire H3 Epruce. 4 i3a. House, parlor xoru, no. mod' ern 4A1. Inn .62 Wfuirrn Av. FirnN. rentals. Yirrr&c rJL"lneTierIsLI)rlnkers need not apply. Ph. 34259. FURJ'iLSiiED" cottages. Lights, water, heat, furnished. Reasonable rates. Sim rortiana tia. TO LEASE: 1 B.R. house unfurn. .va cant April I. Ststennsn Box 899. furn. l rm. cdui. rn. jtoib. FURN Cottases. ulil paid, ph 84113. 3 RM. HOUSE, RL 8. Box 23. Gayhler Kd. west of town. HoDertson. 4i2. 710 Wanted To Rent Houses 3 ADULTS Need 3 br. furn. or unfurn. . hse, immediately, reliable reference. pn. i-03i EMP. Couple desires 2 BR. unf ufnl EMp"cPLEf VT' h' jk.wi!l9 rhsC outn. rn. xseo. . -COUPLE with small daughter and good job wants clean home. Prefers X BR. ana garage, wo eiec. nest, rn. zvbo. 3 B.R. suburban bouse with bath, un- furn. rn. 2638Z. DENTIST Needs 3 br unfurn house by April 1st. Ph. 27456. SMALL HOUSE with garage Not over 33. box eoi,. statesman. LTLE with 1 children desire 1 BJ9. COT hse. Reasonable rent. Ph. 25713. i or 3 BDRM House iorth preferred. 3 adults on. 2-3192. i RM. WJfUrN. hotsiilV. . musi be good. Call 2-6116. 712 Wanted To Rent Aptsu WANTED! 3 Rm. furn. apt. Close in. Writo Statesman. Box 894. giving lo cation and details... i 714 Business RentcasT OFFICE Space. Llvesly Bldg. entrsnco. pn. a-gwoi aay ipr ppoinTment. OFF! CE Rooms. FhT23c 800 Real Estate LTT US SHOW VOtT: This prmeHcmJlr T. an a TW tsCMVAA - IHTW VDlUIVUiu wwwnw, ruvai swwvv aMT aLfl sIasmi aVaftliiaaBi ltlrah w-aktHF Wrv tivw as. aasaae.es mbbw wwo OPPORTUNITY: To combine home and income, itoommg nae. ousiimm. cmn pleto furnishings. Cloao In location. anA BAKERY AND CATERING SERVICE: Price inciuaes stock, nxnins, equip ment and '47 Ford Station, Wagon. Wholesale and retail business. For details and appointment call Onett and Kenyon REALTORS 1980 Fairgrounds Rd. Phono 2-3551 Eve, t-1103 . Grocery Store 84000 buys this excellent neighbor- fiooa grocery, ruuy sjcw equipped, long leas at 830 a month. . Exc. Buy, $8500 Practically new 2 B. R. homo, fire plaoa, hdwd firs, attached gar. Igs la no are pea sn, uu profwny w .been appraised at the above figure St will to a. L Owner leaving stata H. E. Corey, Real Estate . UN It. Bl WUWI7 phono 30652 Day or eve. 33818 Id! Bntdnene itvmj Income Property Here's an excellent return on money mvesteo nmaw tmim nviiav with complete apartment, plus 2 rentals in rear (each with fireplace) fully furnished, large lot - located North on Front Street income 8170. a month. A GOOD DEAL for 312J00. Owner will consider amall bouse as New and very modem 10-unlt motel plus attractive a oeoroom wmn quarters. 1 acre land with lota of landscaping possibilities, fully fur nished. 10 garages. Has one of the best locstions on the North Pacific hlway. If you are looking for a good tavestment dont overlook thla Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors mi - - ce TKrrna 94t1L9411st 0ft TRADE amall grocery and living quarters doing rood business in good JSGSU7, fOm torn.. 800 Real Estate BEST BUYS Acreages and Farms 3 A. close in East. House completely remodeled & redecorated. Private well paved hlway. Willamette sou. Total price $8400. Just Listed. , acre Irrigation system, part bean land, walnuts, filberts, berries. New horns under construction. Some equipment See thla one for $13,800. 4i acres East. Modern 1 B. R. homo. Several good outbuildings, very close to school. Bui i at front door. Irri- f ationjwelL All buildings built sine 1943. Owner may accept city prop- 7uru Usllewi,nhlIi. prunes purchase price of 87950?- hw eludes tractor, handtoola. as furni ture. Very liberal terms. Officer &"ors,r 14m-.. Don't Miss Our Home Values Modern suburban roomy homo weathV old. 78x140 lot Attafcedgarag! Sev trees. , Flowers It shrubs. 4 oiks to bus. Sellers equity 81800. Total pries only 87900 f 77 ' ,?iR-. hom 5.w Highland SchooL i7 , space, aoxiao lot, notnewbut in good condition. Total price 89000. stay consider trad for suburban acreage. $7400 Special almost new Very n.at. '-" w m Dcorooma. Attached garage, electric heat, well buUtonly $7400 Includes xtra adjoining lot. Bua at front door. -.. . No. S too aero, lot Room tor four- or court apt M. BL homo Wsth basement. Paved StreoCbus at front door. Walking distance from St Vincent w Highland' icfaooL Total price $1200. lw ,t .iV $4008 special !B.t! homo Inside dry. ryvfc. xua ' at rront door. I yra. old. Libersl terms. Ownei asks for a reasonable offer. Office phones 3-7820. 2-4596 Eve. ph&nes 2-7874 or sx.ua AI Isaak & Co Realtor jujw rortiana Kd. Ph. 3-7820 or 2-4598 802 Business lropeily Coon rBnrmv mn. m Very good location. Does nice fausti-M 111 health reason for selling, wiu take 3 bednn. home In payment or ' part pavmenL Eve. 2-0473. - fiERvir; tTiTtriM mm Small town close to Salem. Doe nice ousinee. uood terms.- Eve. 8-0473. www .... ' 9,vuv Income $350 a month. W1U take toad. Can Mr. lCUro J. F. Ulrich, Realtors 3IT COURT ST. PHONE J-77M KlGHWAi .seed Seed rurniturl 230 Highway Frontage. J . A, land, owner U12 N. Pacific hlway Wood bum. . " ; . 804 Suburban - SPECIAL TERMS - DESIRABLE LO . CATION will eaou on this lovely up-to-date stried suburban home, feature lge. LRm. cUnette. 3 BRms, a model kitchen St bath, utlhty Rm, attached garage, spacious grounds, well Landscaped on gsvvd street. school bus by door. Close In oa Fisher Rd. AN IDEAL BUY. 87950. 1 ACRE ON HOLLYWOOD AVE, hag good 3 BR. insulated: homo. elee. hiL wired for elec. jrge, garage. ' grove of fir trees. Onry 84500. 8 ACRES CLOSE IN ON LIBERTY ROAD, S BR. home la besutiful grov of fir trees. Only 84300. WHAT A FIND Is this 1 RICH ACRES, NORTH on pavm't 3 jr. old mod S BR. home, with unfm. vpetair. At tached garage. 8 stanch barn, pltry has Sc bog hse. 3 A. strawberries, can berries St choice fruit, baL U clover. You cant- find better for 88750. EASY TERMS. 1MMLD. POSS. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing - Personal Service M4 8. Com! SL Ph. 3-8389; Eve. 3-9W 4 A, 3 rm. furn. house, garage an3 chicken coop. Full price 820u0. wul take 40 or later modal car as dn. Pment. Rout 8, Box 771 oa Boone 808 H For Sols IIT Xntilfv lit A rm tnnA Vimu for rsnge act hot wtr. tank, cit, - wr, r iu conaiaer wauer nouae u to foo. Tom pjtoo. TVrr-j, Qr-tto yrs. eld, hdwd. firs, oil furn, stt gsr, t blk to schSlsM do, bal t. psrspie sat mo. pn. 2-az r tst mo.- ph. 8lC BY Owner. 3 rooirt furnisne ns. gar. ac shea, lot 30x118. 3 bloc I on Parkway 'Off Clea Creek i W. Salem. 1 bile outage dty 11ml HdW 'OFtraTA fs sW a bom atyiea to suit groa, fmuhod to per fecuon. built lo -last, sou so. ft. of floor space, priced -rlgM Thla Ex clusive Ranch Sty J homo offer all of this Plus S BRma. LRjic DR.. fire place, patio. Kit 8c Laundry. Double plumbing, attached gar fa. Beautiful acre twita fruit trees. Only 111,500, Phono for an apoointmanL You have asked for homes tike this ana w are very nappy to presens this fine home - 3 BRms plus- dea all on one .floor, large living St din lng room, beautiful kitchen, fire place with large brick work, double plumbing, full basement with fire place St party room,-washed forced air beating system. ' garage 8c car port, patio. 326,800. Appointment nee Larsen Home &"Loan Co, Exclusive listings Personal Service 164 S. Coml St Ph. 6-6.-"";, tve. 3-9i st rt-T-a t-p a r i?- - LET'S tRAtifr 1 IN EXCLUSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD A few blocks south wo found oeauuruuy oeeoratea ana modern teed older typo- house. . with baa, ment and furnace whose owner wanta to trade for a 3 BJL boms, suburban. wnat nave your !rf Salem's "-kf Real Estate Exchange : Mas' ..r, oMj.7 ot just a house, com to 410- . Et .weld and man me an offer. BY OWNER: 3 BJL pUstared hom ii so n. am. mc nas just been re duced from 86500 to 83B50. BY' OWNER: I A," J B.sL-mod homo. seu or xrao. rn. fan or B. R. House, hdwd, firs, ircDlace. nice yard, sawdust burner, $9,000. BY OWNER: Scenic. modern 3 bedroom homo and 4 acres. Lge. picture win dows. fireplace and elect, best. Part ly furnished, stove and refrig. In cluded. 5O0. R. C. Bond. Ph. 26272.- BY OWNLR in best location, nearly new j pn. nome, garage, ouisid patio St fireplace, fenced la back yard Cll 3-5348. MOD. 3 B. R. borne, insulatad, WwTjr dec. IfMie snt out. E. ph. 2-07)0 6Y 0''Nia-4 BJL s.bbom. nXl dtet 810 SO0. Ph. 2159. BY OWKTR; Approx. V A. in KUt dist. s yr. moo, nome. i hm- i.ft, D.R, K, bath, utility, gar. chickea hse. good well, excel, soil. Near bus line. 87400. 4970 Delight SL Ph. 4-Jr,W. BTTJwTsTR:" 1 BJCi house, tCtiTiooi view o. 790 W. Madrona. SMALL mod. J BJL house, lot 83x131 tone 3. S4WW. m. tssoi. EELLDRTRADI m rm. res. on A, a gd. res. lot Sa ' lent. J lots nr. ml Hood raaort for better home in or near Salem. Give or take d;ff. P.O. Bx . Ph. 2M53, BY Owner: New modern 1 BR. homo. Hdwd floors, gsrage. utility, ete beat, cor lot, close bus. Salem Kt school. Urge X. lot built in. F.HJLj commit. Inquire 3255 Liberty Road LWLY Dec 2 BR. home, fireplaool elec. heat. van. blinds, patio. Ins. and w. stripped. atL garage, large lot,""" near proposed Catholl sch. 853 mo. payments. 830 N. 38th SL . ,