1 iv Jilt:' inruLiw r- . i Ths Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Sunday, March 11, 1950 Shirley Griffin Named Varsity Queen at Ball Pretty Shirley Griffin of Van couver, Wash, freshman and Pi J3eta Phi member, was crowned the Varsity Queen at the annual Letterman's formal ball Saturday Hiht la the Willamette' university gymnasium. Other members of her court are-Dona Mears, Roseburg; Marie Corner, Bothell, Wash-; Del Fisher, Portland; and Muriel Baney, Salem. The identity of the queen was kept a' secret until 10:15 p. m when she was1 escorted down st maroon carpeted aisle with ma roon roping to the stage where she was crowned by Boy Harrington, president of the Letterman's club. Queen Virginia Wilson of the 1949 court presented the crown to Queen Shirley. Immediately fol bwing the coronation the queen and her court were interviewed over KOCO. Members of the court were given gifts by Salem merchants and wort orchid cor sages, r'.-f - ; Several hundred attended the formal student . body dance and Pave Longton's band from Port land played for dancing. Chaper ones were Coach and Mrs. Chester Etackhouse, Coach and Mrs. John Lewis and Mr. and; Mrs. Leslie Sparks. ! S The gymnasium was elaborately decorated far the occasion with a blue false ceiling and a "waterfall" theme .was used for the decor. A waterfall was placed in the center of the -room and the walls were covered with varied colored drapes and indirect lighting- WCTU Institute On Friday i . .The Marion county WCTU In stitute will be held Friday, March 1? at the Mayflower hall with the morning session opening at 1030 a. m. Music will be directed by Mrs. Viola Burson and Mrs. Milton Cot will lead the devotions. Mrs. Necia Bock. Corvallis. will speak on "Peace," with' an open discus sion to follow. Mrs. C A. Keus will talk on publicity and its im portance. A no-host luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock, i The afternoon session will open at 1p.m. and Mrs. C. W. Stacey vJl discuss legislation. This will beTollowed by a technicolor pic ture, "The Vicious Circle,'' shown by , the state president, Mrs. Ruth Tooze, Portland. Closing instruc tions win be submitted by Mrs. Varsity Queen Crowned . ,. 't - ' "V - ,' - - . M . - ., t i f - - ' " , : " h '-' x " '''"'"v" ;;' ' ' " ' ' ' ""''"''''" r' '' y - - Z. ' " - ' " : -. v I , iT. ."T '-'':''", i-":V- .' L-'.w , . I i " -.. ; .. -w' . .-" ,. t i I . t . J v. 4 y I V'" ' - J" . t l' ' ' ' J . I r . ;-S A-''""' .?"-".? Miss Shirley Griffin of Vancouver, Wash., center, and a Pi Beta Phi was crowned Var sity Queon at the annual Letterman's ball on the Willamette university campus Saturday night Members of the royal court left to right are Miss Del Fisher, Portland; Miss Muriel Ba ney, Salem; Miss Griffin, Miss Donna Mears, Boseburg; and Miss Marie Comer, BothweH. Wash, (Kennell-BUs photo). , Book Review, Program Mrs. Harold Rosebraugh will give book review at the meeting of the Westminster Guild on Wed nesday afternoon at the First Pres byterian church. A 1:11 dessert luncheon will be served with Mrs. Edward Burnside the chairman. Mrs. Maynard Sniffer Is arranging the program and has secured Mrs. Hobart Jackson to sing. During the meeting there will be a sale of plants, used clothing and a white elephant - 11 Beta Pal aaeihers will at the chapter house Tuesday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. The tea corn- Walter Barkus, county president The public is invited to attend. . mitteei includes Mrs. Wayne Price, Mrs. a P. Schmoker and Mrs. RsH. Letteken of Dallas. Dr. Zat Jens wul be heetess to members of the Soroptimist club on Wednesday night at her East Center street home at 730 o'clock. Assisting hostesses are Mrs. Ellen Gabriel, Mrs. Henry Kayser, Mrs. Henry Millie and Miss Lena Blum. Gamma Phi Bete slan vD be entertained at f HO buffet din ner Monday night at the home of Mrs. Hugh Taylor on D street As sisting hostesses are Mrs. Harold Olinger, Mrs. Prank C Angle and Mrs. C C Higgins. Any new al umnae m Salem are asked to call Mrs. Higgins. 'J Speaker at the AA17W fellow ship luncheon Saturday, March 18, at one o'clock, , at the Marion hotel will be Miss Mirdaz Tlmma, Latvian student attending Reed college. Mrs. P. A. Massee. fellow ship chairman for the Salem branch, is in charge of arrange ments for the program.- Miss Tlmma and her family were residents of i Riga, Latvia's capital city prior to the wa Through Dr. Theodore Staprans, physician at the Oregon State hospital. Miss Timma's name was submitted to the National Luther an Students', council, which was responsible for bringing her to this country to study. Dr. Stap rans was friend of Miss Tim ma's parents In Latvia. Miss Tlm ma plans to enter the University of Oregon dental school when she has completed a- year's course at Reed. Her major at Reed is biology. During the war Miss Tlmma and her parents were shipped from Latvia with thousands of other Latvians to a nazi labor camp in central Germany. In the spring of IMS the family was moved to the Baltic displaced persons camp In the American zone at Augsburg in southern Germany. While in Augsburg Miss Tlmma wrote a children's book, "Dandelion." which has been translated into German and part of it into Lith uanian, She has written plays. short stories, periodical articles and another children's book en titled "Basket of Fairy Tales." Miss Tlmma Is listed in a Who's Who of Latvian authors. Mies Tf t- I ma has also won honors In ath' 'c competition. She holds the Lat vian women's records In high and broad jumps and during the 1947 German Baltic Olympics broke her own records. Hostesses for the hmcheon. ap pointed by Mrs. H. Gordon Carl, nocpataiuy csamnaa tor the Sa lem branch, included Misses Lili an Davis. Helen Pleteber. Lelia Johnson. Mary Eyre. Mrs. Sylvia Krapps and Mrs. George Brown. Hit. CUTS Baltic Student Will BeAAUW Speaker SfOHTBtAT I PJB. Bouaa club wtta MUs Tada Em. tar tin. pa. Mim. C 8. ad Mrs W. D. Cvrdaar hocta Chapter AB of PSQ, with Mrs. C X, Bates. I -41 pjb. Chapter BQ. PXO with Sfim. Maurice Brconaa. T.-S pjm. Practical Nones Memorial chapel. S St. PaoTa luncrnoo. 1 pm. par- pjn. with alowntaut TTKSDAT Junior Guild. diurcn. teh hooM. Delta Zeta Ahimnaa. us. w. u. roster. view um. Sweyte Bead Gardea chih. with Mrs. Robert Wi JieaTi Chapter BC PXO with aCra. Oscar L Paulaoa. 1 JO de tit. WCONKSDAT Soroptimist octel meetlnf with Dr. Buth Jena. East Center sl. T3I Wesbnlacter Guild at First teriaa church, las dun it. THtntSSAT Willamette Taculty Women" chih wtth Mrs. Roy M. Lockeaour, 147S Cen ter St, 2:30 pjn. Auxiliary Plans Fashion Bridge Plans are beinf completed this week for the benefit dessert lun cheon and style show which mem bers of Capital Unit 9, American Leflofi auxiliary wfH be hostesses on Monday, March 29 at the Am erican Legion club at 130 o'clock. Fashions will be shown by The Vogue of Salem and shoes and purses will -be from Raemar's. Proceeds from the affair wijl be used to carry on the auxiliary's child welfare and rehabilitation work. Mrs. John E.i Wood is general chairman of the benefit and assist ing are Mrs. T. . Borkman, Mrs. A. B. Inge! a, Mrs. Donald Madison, Mrs. Maloolm Cameron and Mrs. John Gordon. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Madison. Miss Ola Clark Will be m charge of decorations. Beservatians tan be made for the luncheon by j telephoning Mrs. John Goldsmith !or Mrs. Edward Dyck before noon on Friday, March 17. mi !!h mmm i ! i mm i h at Schlesinger & Co. for. spring 1950 at Schlesinger & Co. for spring 1950 ROTHMOOR . . . america jr most name tn women s a, i i i 7 Dpareu -v. ' - ' -.' - .'"" america s most outstanding High' fashion blouse . . exclusive in Salem at Schlesinger & Co. inger & Co. f C9 Court U4 .. Saloni These make news Imported plaid and matching tweed superbly tailored by ROTHMOOR Tissue t bin wool plaid and tweed woven just for Rothmoor by Cobb Jenkins of England. Woven to Roth toor's own blgh fabric staswlards W softness, tttummm, amated colors. Handled in the dasaie amassacr the aeit iai plaid the coat in snstHaiaig tweed. In HcatWr ttmk m Willow Creeau at Schlesinger . or spring 19501 exclusive in Salem at Schlesinger & Co, & Cm1 1 1 i ..-'Ml Salem U CmM & Co. 9 : uresses dv uorornv u nara ft" ' . f exciting... colorful originals . . exclusive in Salem at Schlesinger & Co.J i's News! ROTH MOOR'S I Semi-flapper siUiouel T' ' Look csref ull st this tpsV Isn't it faiatlj reminiscent of tbo 1920a wbcat pockets dropped Iwtsdbatioasinmc&vp short the wmistlisr? Now, its as de gsnt as a pair of white kid gkrres asid iwst sWhecossuaus. Harnd tailored the! itxaoas Rothmoor way Co ScWesinfe & Co. it .- : . -IV