The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1950, Page 3, Image 3

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    Greets New Marine Instructor
: .1 - .
! 4': !
I '
I .
Master Set LJoyd B)rker (right) greets Master Sgt Stanley F. Wat-
son who la replacing him as Inspector-Instructor with the Salem
marine, corps reserves. Barker will be reassigned after attending
personnel administration school In South Carolina. (Marine corps
Pboto). f I
McCarthy Told
Or Shut Up'
. The state j department told Sena
tor McCarthy (R-Wis) today he
should back up his claim of com
.muiiism inthe state department or
retract the. charge in the national
' interest... . r
The challenge was flung by Dep
uty Undersecretary of State John
. Peurifoy.
"If he isn't prepared to substan
tiate his charges, he should with
draw . his allegations," Peurifoy
said in a statement. This is much
too important to the country and
its foreign policy- to be left to
Innuendo." , i
McCarthy promtply retorted that
the department has in its own files
FBI data "which shows that every
one of the cases is a bad security
risk under j (secretary of state)
Acheson's own yardstick. This in
formation s fully available to
Acheson's man."
Peurifoy indicated that his state
ment was prompted by McCarthy's
plans for basing his charges on a
few -"thoroughly docu mented"
cases. Instead of .going into each
case in detail.
"I was surprised,' Peurifoy said,
"to see that Senator McCarthy has
stated he will not try to present
the complete details on the 81
cases in which he claimed in his
senate speech last February 26
that there are , disloyal people in
vthe state department
"I think that Senator McCarthy
owes it to the country to make
available to the committee any
evidence 'which he has that in
volves the loyalty of persons in
the department of state, whether
it be the 205 that he said were
communists in wheeling, the 57
that he said were card carrying
communists in Wheeling, the 57
four that he said weren't commun
ists at all in Reno, the 81 that he
mentioned on the floor of the sen
ate, or Just one."
Put Ud
A New and Distinctive
Decorating Service
Under tho Supervision of
Export Artist Docorators ,
and a complete line of
Lumbermen's Group
To Expand Advertising
PORTLAND, March ll-P-The
West Coast Lumbermen's associa
tion, seeking to expand lumber
markets, said today it would be
gin four color, full page advertis
ing in four national magazines this
The association appropriated
$50,000 for the ads, bringing Its
Compact Tank Type
Reg. 52.75, Now
A beauty! New Kenmore tank typo cleaner 'With full set of
attachments cleans rugs, draperies, upholstery dusts wood
work. Powerfml Vt HJ. motor quickly and easily does the job
for yon. Call 3-9191 for homo demonstration, either day or
evening. -
Plenty of Freo Parking
and fine wallpapers
255 North Liberty Phono 2-7694
Formor Location of Yoator Appliance Co.
' ' ' . 9.
2 Farm Tours
Of Interest to
By LUlIe L. Madsen
Farm Editor, The Statesman
Two Willamette valley farm
tours, of special interest to live
stock raisers, are scheduled for
this coming week.
The first is scheduled for Polk
county Dairy Herd Improvement
association. The purpose Is to
show dairymen attending, modern,
practical devices in loafing sheds,
grass silage and liquid manure
H. P. Ewalt, dairy specialist at
Oregon State college will attend
the tour. Plans call for meeting at
the Chester Jenkins dairy, two
and a half miles southeast of
Rickreall at 10 a .. The tour will
terminate at 3:30 p.m.
The second tour is set for Mar
ion county on Friday, March 17.
Viewing sheep and modern sheep
methods will be the object of the
tour. This will start at the Ernest
Andres farm at St. Louis at 10
ajn. From there the group will go
to the Claude Steusloff ranch in
the Hazel Green district. The two
final sheep farms visited during
the day will be those of J. J.
Thompson in Waldo Hills and
Louis Hennies at Turner. The
Marion county tour is being- spon
sored by the county livestock as
sociation of which Hennies is the
Hennies reports that plans for
visiting other types of livestock
farms are being made for later in
the season. Members arranging
this program state they felt it
1950 promotional budget to $500,
000. j
Shop Fridays till 9 p.m.
550 N. Capitol St.
Phono 3-9191 -
Sde the
mi better If each type' eenld be i
visited separately rather than to
hold one tour and include beef.
dairy, swine and sheep.
attl herd have increased
raniHiv in the vallev in recent
years, Hennies reports, and the
tour being planned for this will
have some revealing xigures ana
facts to bring out. f
Ativan interested is invited to
attend either or bob! tours, spon
sors report.
"- . ! - .. (
1 r 'Wlif' 1 tvery ..
1 M III1' JfcS' I Wardrobe
'HI -W. Mli ;i 4 i 1 Purpose ;
--:jym I in mc eatiacce deect
ll " . MMipi&s-,- 7a3 Miron s -A
( iiif lififc' . Courier LJoth
tailore exclusively by
1 Michaels-Stern
I Courier QotK, the reult of unlimited experimcntf
! in MiroQs laboratories, is a new virgin wool sheen
ri I worsted combining luxury of touch with bulldog (
jf wear; gabardine styl with sharkskin durability.)
j j Wear this suit year around . . . wear it for everjjj
If f- occasion . . wear the coat alone as a sports jacket!
0 the'trousef alone' lis' a slack. Courier doth hitti" . " ?v
I I i 4he wardrobe jackpotl 4
i L 3 nnnon-nihriDvc
I llDllLPil'vlr ,ro 1 :
Save This Date Thursday, March 23rd For The Big Spring Opening Celebration!, I !
- . ' I -.. ; , A ' ;
Planes Due
Back from Cuba
PORTLAND, March 11-W)-Most
of Oregon's planes from the
good-will tour to Cuba are ex
pected to wing home today.
The flagship of the 86 - plane
last night in a brief? Jtnowstorin.
Officials aboard said flhe other
planes were en route "home, almost
without incident. '
The one accident reported on the
8000-mile flight was an emergency
landing and the repaired plane is
now returning without Injury to
those aboard, tour Secretary Frank
Womack said.
Marion W. Kard. 41, fcity manager
of Roseburg for the last three
years, was married i quietly here
today. His bride was Gwen E.
Drake, 39. of Los Angeles.
America produces approximate
ly 1.206,000,000 pounds of cheese
year. 1
Roturna Propctfd
' Loon A. FUcua
215 Pino SL
fa. S-S215 for Appolntmeat