l . - 22 The Statesman, Salem, Orwcron. Sunday, March. 12, 1950 N- Y. Plans Roller Skating Carnival p t. NEW YORK-(INS)rPlans were recently completed for r ew York first annual Roller Skating Carni val. . i All amateur skaters, regardless of club or orgaization membership, are eligible to compete. The net proceeds of the entire carnival will be turned over to five charitable organizations. The finals of the thrilling speed races will be held at Madison Square Garden on May 24. In addition, there will be compe tition in skate dancing. . The show at the Garden will be topped off with performances by gome of the outstanding amateur and professional roller skating acts In the nation. Kentucky Will Stage Homecoming LEXINGTON, Ky. -(INS)- A million Kentuckians now residing In other states and foreign lands have been extended special in vitations to return to their native atate in 1950, the year of "My Old Kentucky Homecoming." 'The State Chamber of Com merce Is promoting the program as the celebration of the Blue Grass state's sesqui centennial which was postponed in 1942 be cause of the war. Hoping to spread the "word" of the attraction to tourists, one columnist put it: "Kentucky has a dream to sell to the tourist It's a dream that's all wrapped up in bluegrass and fine horses, mint julips and moonlight, in romance and ad venture in commonwealth steep ed in history . . . People like romance and glamour with their dreams and Kentucky has a full measure of both." f 300 Personal 810 Meeting Notices Alnsworth Lodge No. 210. A. T. & A. M. Stated Communica tion. Tues.. March 14. 7:30 p.m. Kinirwood Lodge No. 204. AT 6c AM. stated Mon.. March 13. 7:30 p.m. YAL Order of Moose meet Thurs. nit 284 N. ComL Ph. 3-5227. 312 Lost and Found LOST: Red poll cow. Vic. So. 23th St Ph. 33984. 42020. 316 Personal X WILL NOT be responsible for any . f debts ether than my own. Louis J. Killingcr. LONELY? Send 25c for Photos, De ' - scriptions and plan. Christian Friend - i ship Society, P. O. Box .590F. North ' Hollywood. Calif. ' Get-Acquainted Club THROUGH SOCIAL 1 correspondence, thousands meet their -Ideal." Writ today for list of eligible. Simpson, Box 1251, Denver. Colo. SAVE" YOti had trouble getting a sup port to wear with slacks? Try a Spen cer. Ph. 3-5072. Pacific Standard Time SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS LM FMjegac; (Editor's note: Tit I CIsbci fas fpiavtde fcyjtf ehanrra rithut sotjlc accuracy jficreiaj. boui 1 7KLi K)C KOI KBWi UXil Churcl fCDarch of Radio , B Boi W5I; kBC5 mets rfdei - IKCaN 101B: H uu u-& i u m. Btatesmaaj nbUsMrs M co4 raei4Utins,tbBt13ca ixioaJtha Bewtpapv aa if 1 f BUS m i m v ia a iKAlr ICharch of llrirht vu gBBox Revjj I Irirst BapUi ROC-, Nwa H&K. Smit rkr IGWi, Senad rur lRTivai Ho 91 nrLW, ROC Bibl i SBibla ClassB Bible BLutticran R0I7K More News More of Garden Ufa, TaSi fW:I aVLXW Sou the Sqthernalrf RfLM KOfO KOIN ROW REX Hardy 'Safegs liOrcan Loft Wildwd Platform JTPlatform I Organ I Highways Organ Mews 11 SLM Great Hour Great Hour ROCO Sun. Servlc (Sun. Service IGossip I Sun. Service ROIN Easter Seal 1 Easter Seal On World News RGW NBC Theater NBC Theater NBC Theater NBC Theater REX Foreign News Frank-Ernest I Piano Play. I Piano Play. rfttLM Newif Guest Star ROCO Serenad inadt'SMiiik s oay S iFaaiilyK oi rait a v Serenade ROIN Sympnoay vmphony unci Hour. One Famtl wif. KRX Hour of Wi Hop. top. Cassii Chv jpiurcn tSrmphony Symaksay Mr. nxit lews Week's W Week's Worf OH Mm tG BLM Shadow M IShadow Dream rTMm CO OI Record VaradtnRecord B CI REXi - a aW i af KSLM I RGW RCXJ iidy 1 1 -a- utcK Pdeataii luck powea b sua Harvest I sta Harvest) Mr. Presideat 4r PMSidat IGrfatest 8torr Greatest! .Story. 3 at SLM ROCO ROlJf RGV$i RXX. Adventur fAdventur Serenade t My Husband $ Hardyrami!j Luthra Hrf srenade iweran A at SLM ROCO ROI2 GWj raicai Ifalcon j Don Stews Don' Sfilwa Jack; Uny (Jack Benny Glerin ford iGlenn, Fori ResearclW. uo vets Alexa'nder'ajjr 5 Alexanders ROCO KOIN ROW aunisveriai Bergen 8c Ms. Sam Spade Stop Muste 6 SLM Reviewing Reviewing Theater KOCO Speech Speech News KOIN Coriise Arch. ' (Corliss 'Arch. (Horace Reidt KOW - . Theatre Guild Theatre mjLJk. wwcocii. ijou t-arsonsm. oisnUf. 1 RSLM Medicaf High, t Songs of Tlme4 Roy Rogers ROCO Hf &ua Salvo I Sun. Saiotr- t lNazaren & KoH & Content IContntd M Whistler S IOW B, Takeestv W fTak-Leav n Bob Crosbif REX 1 J. FklielS, 1 IChapel . H kiMr. Malont EflM) Rof 30 Qcesttona OucstioB naxateiMh Nazaren Miss .Miss BrookS Selena. I escrs intinniw 1 SLH OCO News l EdltorUUy rvrl VlSun. Rv Sun Kvrl iwn sximi r iwq SKencs spWii SvmDhonv . VlSvmDhon Think Fat V.TbinK r KSLM K OCO Moonlim' I Moon Dre; HOW S Star t Sl2t ' Brooks "1 Puma T pal (Night Edits' , wewsi LZX.S Repotiei 1 Mary Merter I latcnnczzcM : RC NBandAariJ ' RG V I News 1 Tandrtand Wax Mus -Noctum KEXVJPear 300 Personal 318 Personal M7IDOW. 52, lik acquaintance gentlema owning own home, bin hunters don't ana. Ret. S klcr For- States- tnatf Box 582 SALEM Nursing Home. 3595 "D ' SL Amhulatonr or bed patients. Men or women. Trained nurses- 24 nr. service MADAM GRAY. Fortune teller. Palm and psychic readings. Madam solves four problems. Advice. 173 S. Com L bona 2-9285. Hrs. a.m. to 10 p.m. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock Wanted: All types livestock. Ph. 4-2617. FOK SALE S Purebred Holstein Bulls. These bulls are irom is co 11 months old. Sired by Carnation Artison. Grandsire Sir Ink May one of the greatest of all Holstein Bulls. Dans are aU high producing cows that milk 70 to M lbs. per day. These buns are priced to sell. Can be seen at 102 High St.. Eugene. Oregon Box 281. Phone 4-9863 for information. - GUERNSEY family cow. Holstein :Jer sey cow to freshen in April. 1550 La ncastcr Dr. ph. 2-1345. BULL Service any place Ph. 42849 WANT Fresh or Springer cows, cows giving 3 gal or more, au types oeex cattle Buy entire herd Tom Webb Rt 1. Turner. Ph. 825. Bonded livestock buyer. Claude to ward Rt 3 Box 899 E Ph 3-1144 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E c McCandlish 1127 S , 25th. Ph. 3-8147. LICENSED Livestock buyer. H E. Snetben. 1550 Lancaster dr. ph 2-1343 404 Poultry and Babbits WINGS RABBITRY needs rabbits. Top prices. 3985 State St. oh. 3-1489. Wanted baMTAM Setting hINS. PHONE 2041. PUREBRED NEW HAM P. setting eggs. rn. z-un. i&io rnngie no, NEW Hampshire and Parmenter chicks available every Tuesday Fox's Watrhev 383C State St Ph. 349C9 PARM. REDS. New Hamps. Comics Cruss every wk. 1-2000 heavy ckls. Circular Gearing Hatchery. SUverton. 408 Pets EXTRA . NICE 6 weeks old pure bred collie pups. $10 6c SIS each. 495 Haw- tnorne st. rn. aotui. ecnj SALE: Consider swap. Three seal, one blue sl?mese Nov. 24. kittens, $35 to $50. Don Diablo and Zucker Brun at Stud. Gills ACA529 at 555 Hickory Salem A Sat.. Sun, or evenings. TO GlVfi AWAY Spayed female dog. Ph. 2ZZS4. FEMALE burro donkey, very gentle, ride or drive. For sale or trade for young heifer. Phone 2-2968. BEAUTIFUL purebred cocker puppies $10. 1749 Baker. Ph, 3-6286. 410 Seeds and Plants L ST SUMMER potted Delphinium plants, will bloom this season. S color series. 3 for $1. Sat. 8c Sun. or by appointment. 2195 Berry ph. 3-5128. 412 Fruit and Farm Product) CEDAR FENCE posts, 7 ft. x 6 in.. deL load of 700. 30c ea. M. Kirk pa trick, P. O. Box 343. Springfield. EASTERN ALFALFA HAY Ph 31458 TEXAS Bermuda onion plants. Orcutts Market. 4200 N. River Rd. 414 Farm Equipment CREAM separator. Economy King, large size No. 168, good eond. 850. M.W. 2 unit portable milking ma hine, excell cond. new , tubes, 175. Reason for selling: sold cows. How ard Schutz. 1 mi. so. of Aurora on 99E. Ph. 2908 Aurora ELECTRIC circulating brooder, 500 chick size, used only 1 time, like new. 832.50. ph. 2-2610 ELECT farm master brooder, 100 cap. Used once. Ph. 26231. ONE 0 ft. and one 10 ft. silo. 30 ft high. $200 for both. A. C. Spranger, Rt. 8, Box 153. Ph. 3-1468. G flOJ; KEX flWtWi a a h stalth 1st k-etraaas aad re$raass afftimes gsraerams ar pQU respoisibW tor tb MjS3ll lith Ut Air !CMirc cfAlr Faajinr rrim Faaiirr-rrp tXSCVU BABQX ElwU m i W(.tmi IPropoccy I Fellowship IFaiiasrssJn "rabajma! Tabeaaacie I c!e iHornai Church Hem church ReyisauTtlour Rayiri Hour I tLutberai HourLOiheran Hr. 3av Mv-U lAre Maria hPUyhouae fNtwrt KiEtesaalllJght Eternal Ucnt K lMessaK Messaxe I in 4- riewal t iJtSa 7Lei acred 1 cart rsbi King Jl arrrmc Round ' Vespers Round Tabl Vesper Sun. Service I Canaries uvatul Jwvenna- Srmohbnv ISrmohoriT Outt Kids Oula? Kids I Optra Alburn pefa Ajbul PrifitaJ Eye I Private fyi Dreavns- Music lUrrarn Kuxi IFestrvai News k Adventuis) Adrentur IPrtajhety RYopnccyt a BiMysUrfM iMyateriea? UMtS h.wcki KhoariM. Pandi IGsknbrak Jacto Sterling ;Cartr mtc Carter IMualcH Music E 1 v X -4i PbJha ey 47 JPT 9 e 11 (v Husband Boa. ttlacld Bot. BlmttlmS lardy Family iHettry .Morgan Henry Morgan Hr. iMiancj ciria pdunc. utrla; .. . 3lNew H JConress i I Doe Stewart Dot Stewart I AmosVfN Andy Amos 'N.Andy I Hart-iS-FaVe I ILarris-Fa v tjuacsrstar lpea.c ?2L 7sTar Show IM invar Show IFor Living P. M. Serenade IP. M. Serenade Bergen s Ma. IRocxy Jordan Rocky Jordan I (Sam Spade (Theatre Guild (Theatre Guild I I Stop Musi . (Stop Musi I Stop Musi rrheater St Francis I Horace Heidt Guild (Album Musi ' (Album Musi Chan iil nay lunm ! Nazaren : Tl Whistler vn t AToo This H X Tan That, i M M Frank DaVtol f JPr.nir nVid HBergen Iei Brgen 4c Me? KaaiT j Symphony f i wiacneu Parsona- K Cunnloxnars) g uanas uuf T jack eennTii . dcsc seucra Orchestra a it j.! i ti a ISt Francis 1 . Orchestra" fl ;iCaUMu Haul' Catholiot Eii orchestra U Z Orchstga U i- -fl tea: t MeiadM sssae Mi ifrwaat Muaevrn Nocturne PaBas Chsrch 'Peitrfff iOo McKay U s BslsBlBal 42S Auction Sales Auction Every Thurs. 7 JO pjn. Furniture and household articles. We invite you to bring your consignments to us. EAST SALEM AUCTION 1029 Lancaster Drive Ph. 3-1221 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools A METAL lath 8-12. $29. 237 N. Cot tare I48 McCORVHCX - DeTRTNG Farmall model B tractor with power take- . oil. ugnis. starrer ana power lift. Run less than 60 hours. On 1 ft double corrugated roller, one 7 ft. John-Deer double disc, on 2 sect. jncormicK-ueering spring tooth har row, one 3 bottom 12 in. Oliver plow. Will sell aU or part. Phone 25812. 455 Household Goods For Sale EASY washing machine. $30. Ph. 33498. GAS RANGE, also wood range, very rrrlOMlVLinilll SEALY mattress and Simmonds double coil spring. Jenny Lind spool bed. rn. Ofuw. RADIO CONSOLE, excel, condition, ili. Valley Furniture. 285 N. Com!, a" WESTlNGBOUSE reirlge. Excellnt SWINGLE BEDS, matching spreads, $35. 2210 ChemekeU. LEAVING SALEM Must sacrifice en. lire nousenoia rurnjsnings, au new. Elac. range, refrigerator, daveno and chair, dinette, odd chairs, lamps, end REFRIGERATOR 'xJ" bpx In A-l con- onion. Ph. 33348. Linoleum $4.50 VALLEY rVTRS. CO. 283 N. COMX. USED Furn. cheap - trad - terms valley Furn Co, 289 No. Com! 2-7472. 456 Wanted. Household Good URGENTLY NEED lge. quantity of nousenoia goods. uy anything or value and pay spot cash. I want your furniture, pianos, rugs, appliances, antiques, curios, trailers, sporting goods or what have you. Ph. Glenn Woodry, 35110 or bring to 1809 N. summer ai once. GLEN WOODRY Ph. 35110. USED FURN. Immediate aDDraisal. highest prices. Valley furniture 288 m commercial rn Z7z ALL CASH - TRADER LOUIE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES Household goods, furniture, bric-a-brac appliances, rugs, silverware, dishes QUICK SERVICE PHONE 3-8558 458 Building MateriaS" PUMICE BLDO. BLKS. Ph. 37113. Save at Keith Brown! Ux4" Cedar siding $23 M. WINDOWS Prices slashed In half on special shipment. Variety of sizes, some as low as 81.80, REJECT PLYWOOD: '4. starting at 4c for sealing tile plywood. Everything to build anything at that convenient kjlith brown location. Front and Court, Salem. CRUSHED ROCK, ready mixed con crete. silt & top soil, pit run gravel,, gravel, road 8c driveway gravel. Commercial Sand & Gravel Supply Co. Phone 2-1968 HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rent al heaquartera. 1410 S 12th St Ph. 3-3646. Shingles - Shakes 2 Shingles 83.50 sq. 3(3 Shingles 3.00 sq. HI 18" Shakes 12.50 C. G. Long.'ph 2-5821 1 mi N of Kelzer WE SeU only the best, cedar shingles au grades deL is in. no. 1 carton racked cedar wall painted shakes. 12.50 with undercourse, oak and pecan flooring, cedar and spruce siding. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 21196. NEED LUMBER? QUALITY. . . strict West Coast Grading. PRICE . . Save $10 per M. ft. SERVICE . . Prompt delivery, ac curate tally. CONVENIENCE . . Specified or ders filled and delivered. WEST SALEM SAW MILL 1050 Wallace Rd 'i ml. No. of river. Phone 3-9593 Doors - Hardware 1 panel doors. 18. 1 lit and 2 lite glass doors. $11.50. Mahogany and birch front doors $28.50 Door jambs $3.90. Overhead garage door hardware $18.80 C G. Long. 1 mil north of Keizer. Ph. 2-5821. ON BUDGET TERMS You can buy lumber, millwork, hard materials, hardware, floor covering, electric appliances, paints, insula tion, roofing and house wares for as little aa 10 down on a purchase of $20 up to $300. Small, easy month ly payments take car of the rest Make it easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD at that convenient location Front and Court Streets. Salem. Salem Screen Shop 1444 S. 12th. Windows. Screens tc door, frames 8c sash made to order. Glass replaced. Ph. Clyde Moore. 2-6493J 460 Musical instruments E FLAT Alto Saxaphone and case. ' Buescher. gold lac. Excellent cond. Link mouthpiece. Falls Restaurant ouunmiiT. wrc FOR SALE: Upright piano, good cond, . reasonable. Ph. 3-5392. t-Ln.nj iu sau.. ffi. z-5409 eves B FLAT CLARINET for sale. Buffet, like new. Will sacrifice. Ph. 2-8596. USED SPINET PIANO, used g rand piano, new Wurlitzer electric organ. ner twin electric guitar, new piano accordion. Save up to 50K . Jaquith j Music Co, 846 Cascade Drive. Ph. 3-4641. 462 Sports Eqiilpme"nT LOTS OF ' used motors Terms. Trade-ins, Salem. Boat House, 100 ' Chem. P 38 .PISTOL. $30. Rt 7. Box 408-J. ' Middle Grove Traits. liTTLE boaU Big boats Terms. , Salem Boat House. 100 Chemekata. Hi For Rent, MiRoflanoou PIANOS - INVESTIGATE our deferred ! rental sales plan. Tallman Piano ytore. 3 s. iztn. (1 DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT BiaTT kets furn. 197 S. Liberty Ph. 3-9082. T3C-r"TTSt-3E , st ..j i GOOD USED Piano. H L. Stiff. V i' 470 For Sale, MisceUaneous 3 pc bathroom outfit $33. 1805 N. Cottaee 5 LOCKER Beef. ph. 2-4319. LADIES GOLF irons, i SpauldW matched, 2 thru 7. ph. 2-4037 Sun. or COMPLETE set of 1SKS1 Colliers en cyclopedias and dictionaries, must sacrifice $7$ cash. Call eves. 2-0340. Inq Z5PS Brooks St. MAYTAG 1 cylinder gas motor, 390 S. 24th call before 3. '2 wheel trailer. 1374 Mission St ph. 2-10S2 40 ft reach-in Cooler. New electric drill, large electric fan, standard restaurant sink, double faced ne on sign large. ph. 3-5580 days, 2-8020 eves. OIL Circulators at . greatly reduced prices . Tester Appliance Co. 375 Chemekcta St USED Electric refrigerator $SJ and up. i - Yeater AppBanc Co, 375 Chemekcta 5t RX-HOOFING, Painting 8c remodeling. WiUamctt valley Roof Co. Inc. Sa lem. ALL Sewing machines. Service. saiesT rentals. 1930 N. 18th. Ph. 3-7871. RENT a wheel chair, hospital bed. Buren 37778. 74a court St. USED Sewing machines priced to suit your budget Reconditioned 8c guar- anteed. Ralph Johnson Appliances. Ph. 3313a. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale. Mlsceflaneoue USED Electric washers til M and tip. Yester Appiianc Co. ' X7S Oumk4 I Phillips Bros. j rerttllxers. wen rotted or fresh, any kind, by yard or sack, FUssum for il rock work, eedar fence post and tel and elect poles, any length, shingles, yew ost lumber. Ph. ,3-1458 Rt 8. Box M8 Salem. i- 'x6--C' DOOR and frame, (O xo-e aoor ana irame with glass. S3. Window and frame. 2 panes. 24"x30". 21 yds. new inlaid linoleum, $1.73 yd. Refrig, $50. New red stone double taunary iray. iu normtT. STOREY 4 CLAftirTIprftht piano, 5? in. Ull. $95. 1175 Colonial Ave. after s:30. SEWIKG MACHINES, used $9.95 and up. Also new Free Westinghouse $8945 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemekcta St. Ph. 34311 DOUBLE I TUB. Dexter washer, 1947 model, very good condition at half original pice. Ph. Z6563. lgini DAVENO in good condition. 6U N. 17th. Ph. 23595. SERVEL gas refrigerator, excel, cond, Half pri Azaleas mil price, rn. z-1004. U5 4 for SI. Primrose 11 30 doz. Perennials 0c up. Merrills yreennouse. urooxs. TRAILER HOUSE $75. Cabin to move $100. Rt 9. Box 640. ',, mi. E. Rose- aaie. w. M. unrnammer. USED very few times, latest model Electrolux vacuum cleaner, all at tachments. $39. 1966 Broadway. Phone FOR SALE: Dinette table and chairs $15. 2 bicycles 815 and $25. Ph. 3-4927. PLUMBING SAVINGS. Grade A fix tures at rock bottom prices. Fully guaranteed. Example: Elect water heaters. $71 JO; toilets. $29. Capital pargam nouse. iw center, 500 BOXES SMALL size yellow New- rown apples, sue dox. Bring boxes. Puritan Cider Works. W. Salem. OIL CIRCULATING neater. 8 inch pot. eerfwrt condition. Ph. 3-5733. G.E WASHER with pump. 2 yrs. old. iw. rn. 2-4413 REBUILT PIANOS, like new. Lge; selection as low as szs dn. S10 per mo. See at Tallman's. 395 S. 12th. "A mile from Hlsh Pricr TEXAS Bermuda onion plants. Orcutts Market. 4Zon ; Rivr Rri. USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER The right way to re build the soil. Free of werd seeds Odorless 6 sacks $ 5.00 Bulk 1 ton 10.00 2 tons 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 l 'SED Radios and : records players $9.93 and up Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemekcta St. ATMORAYS Harley Pugh Ph 2-87S7 HOSPITAL INSURANCE No ape limit Mut. of Omaha Ph. 2-5692. Inc. Dr. calls. STANLEY HOME Products. Ph. 395117 FERTILIZER 83.50 per yard! 4 yd. loaa yiz. Del, ph 935 Turner. HEAT YOUR HOME electrically with Westinghouse or Wesix automatic electric heaters Yeater Appliance Co.' 3fs (jnemeketa DON'T BE a rug drudge. Shampoo your rugs ai nome at one-naif the cost Rent a Clark Rug Shampoo machine at Howser Bros. 1410 S 12th. Ph. 3-3648. NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS- ii-nuit, in ceuopnanc-uk finish for floors or linoleum Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock for roads & driveway. Cement Ready. mix. concrete Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and ditching. i yd. snoTei ac orag pne. Phone 3-9Z49- USED Electric ranges $19 95 and up xetter Appliance Co.. 75 Chemeketa St PHILLIPS BROS. SPECIAL Cow or chicken fertilizer, dry, weed free, sreniizea, denydrated and pul verized. Ready for any us and will not burn. Made in Salem from cow and chicken manure. Call 3-1458 and order now. Phillips Bros Rt 6. Box 118. Salem. Ore.. 4 ml. East of SUte. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous USED 50 to 100 cap. chick brooder. On. Z-0Z9B. WANTED sidewalk or girls junior nicvcie. on. 3-7730. HEAR from party with loom to make rugs. taii zvati or write Rt S, Bpx mi. saiem. WANTED large horse collar. 27 inches or over. w. e. Emery. Rt S, Box 284, 22875. 9x9 WOOL RUG. Good condition, about szo. m. zvw. COOD USED portable typewriter. Call 3-4571. SEWTNG machines, any cond. Ph 3-7671 Top Prices Paid Now For Rough Lumber Green Dimension or small cants. Arrow Lumber Co. 300 Wallace Rd. W. Salem 474 MUcellaveotxs HEAR 'Chet Mulkey's Haunted Mill uance Band, station KSLM S to 8:30 every Sat nite. Sewing lessons Day or evening -New Home Sewing Center Ralph Johnson Appliances 355 Center St. Ph. 33139 SEWING Machine repairs guaranteed. Reas. Also used. Ph. 27380. WANT TO Buy used cameras & lenses Mciwan pnoto shop. 438 State HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters 1410 M 12tvSt Ph 33846. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plat for Repair DK. HARRY 8EMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bids. Stat Com. Pb $-3311 476 Fuel Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny Saver Stamps. Ph. 36444. West Salem Fuel Co. 18-rN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 18 tsu si ) bo bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Ass pick up wood at 1529 Edgewatar . St W. Salem. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phon 3-7721 or 3-6024 OLD CROWTH BLOCK WOOD rOR FURNACE 8c HEATER Phillips Bros. Old fir. ash. maple, oak 4 nr. 16 lab and edgings Ph. 3-1431 Tri City Fuel PHONE 3-7443 18-in. slab wood and edging Fresh cut screened sawdust 12-tn. inside mill wood Dry wood ASK FOB S 8c B GREEN STAMPS 450 Merchandise 476 Fool Oregon Fuel Co. Dry slab or dry edging fresh cieaa sawdust, green edging $3 90 id. di 810 Also IS" green slab or - Phone 3-5333 SLABwOOD. 1 in. Hand picked. 2 cord load. $10 Ph. 27751 6RY Trash burner 8c cook stove wood.1 Clean, no bark. R H Allen 1260 Candlewood Dr. Ph 223S2 DRV WOOD, most kinds Phone 2-4276 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $12.00 For orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence, Oregon 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities YOUR CHANCE to get in Business I Due to illness I will sell my clothing store for $6000. Two thousand dol lars worth of fixtures FREE! Will accept first mortgages on your -pro perty with exceptionally good terms. Very small cash payment will nanaie, pnone B311 or oiw, J. M Youell. Brownsville. Oregon PEAKL FiNiSHLN'G New. Amazing! FREE FACTS show easy way to $25 to 850 per day at home. PEARL KOTE. 2111 W. Manchester. Los An geles 47 AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY showing good profit and steady business increase. Latest type labor saving equipment so that women can operate. General Electric washers, gas dryer and wa ter beater. Located in good Willam ette Vallev payroll town of 10.000. No clos competition. Price $7,000, some terms. Box 582. Statesman. VARIETY store fixtures. 6 mos. old. inq. at zoos ratrgrounds Rd SERVICE STATION for lease at Hub bard. Oreg. Irving quarters, room for grocery store, ph. 1413. A. H. Morris. Hubnara BUS. BLDG.. liv nra.' 2085 N ComL FOR SALE OR TRADE bandy Cafe just rght for z. See me at 1885 ft S. 12th, 510 Money To Loan WE Make loans up to 80 of the appraised value on qualifying mod ern homes. Salem and vicinity. Also see us for FHA construction loans. SUte Finance Co.. 153 South High St.. Salem. Oreeon. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S Church St Pb- 3-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie M199-8154 $ CASH $ Hollvwood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. Free parking Ph. 2-7032 - Lie. No. M369-S29L flnyd K.nyon. Mgr PRIVATE Money to loan. Ph. 2-0794. CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need it! You can pay anytime to reduce net costl No endorsers, or help from friends! On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment. salary or other persona property up to 8300.00! Phone or visit our office today! Hear Top Trades" 12:05 daily KSLM. 1390 KC s'l General Finance Corp. Lie. No S138 and M338 PHONE 3-9161 136 S. COM! ST. FARM and CITY LOANS 4tt and 6 Your own terms of repayment with la reason Cash for Real Estat Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bloc Ph 4-2283 Private Money On Cars Trucks & Trailer Homes Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercial St Phone 3-9161 MORTGAGE LOANS FHA Residential Loans a Specialty City, Suburban and Farm Loans Business Building Loans We Make Construction Loans and Private Money Loans Exceptionally Favorable Terms No Loan Too Large or Too Small SEE US FIRST Abrams & Skinner, Inc. Mortgage Loan Specialists 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9217 BE THRIFTY ,IN'50 xa. cjtix wuouuuaiiuu loan may make you "Thrifty In "50." Pay off your bills. Lower your month ly payments. $50 to $1500 Call or phone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans . 11$ S. Liberty Phon 4-223 515 Investments WANT $30,000 Investor Wc have a substantial client with long successful merchandising experience, who will take long time leas from Investor, who will buy suburban land and build for him. Nelson and Nelson Multiple Listing Realtors Personal service by men who Specialize 702 N. High St Phone 3-4622 600 Employment t 602 Help Wanted S POSITIONS available for those quali fying. Interviews 11 to 2 o'clock. SUte Employment Office March 1 Si 17 or phon Mrs. Johnston during office hours. . . 604 Help Wanted. MaTT $50 week to start! Sell beautiful solid brass Door Nam Plates. Writ Na tional Engravers, 212 Summer, Bos ton. Mass. RELIABLE MAN with car wanted to Call on farmers in Marion County. Wonderful opportunity. $15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital re quired. Permanent Writ today. McNESS COMPANY. Dept B, 2423 Msrnolia St.. Oakland T. Calif. JOBS OPEN I - - FOREIGN. DOMESTIC Immediate need for office help, skill ed and unskilled workers on large Rovernment and private contracts ere and abroad. Living quarters, transportation, high wages. For in formation about these lob contracts. L writ Employment Information Cen ter, Hoora 130. ais swan autn, Boston is. Mass. OLD RELIABLE National concern has opening for 1 man. No canvassing, car necessary- Our men averaging $100 weekhr. inquire -248 N ComL Rm. 23. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for ag gressive, clean-cut married man with car who is not afraid to work. Earn ings ar far above average. This work is permanent with a very good . future. You have nothing to invest but your time and energy.; It cant do you any harm to come and see us. You might be th man we ar looking for. Se Mr. Handwerk at Marion Hotel Monday morning. Mar. 13 at 10 ajn. sharp. 600 Employment 610 Sales Persons Wanted YES :'!:.r.r-', A REAL OPPORTUNITY ! Is available V YOU U you like peopl and arc interested In a lifetime sales! career offering UNLIMITED POTENTIAL EARNINGS together with permanency and security. Her is an unusually fin offer for on who qualifies to enter the life Insur ance business as a. career underwriter. Not only ar we prepared to make a substantial investment in our a two-year salary arrangement io meet your budget requirements to en able you to become thoroughly established. . J Men from many walks of life realizing their futures were limited have found outstanding success in our business. Our tests and selective methods will determine your aptitud for selling hie insurance j If you ar between ag 23 and 49 write today giving your ace, education, marital status and business background W ar proud of our 83 years reputation. ATI Inquiries held in! strict dene. Writ Statesman Box 583. Earn Extra Dollars Selling, best greeting cards, stationery, wraps etc. In America. Orders for Doehla greeting cards and many oth ers filled from one stock. Seattle Card Mart, 103 BeUevue, No. Se attie. wash. GUl'SiDE SALESMAN, must furnuh A-l references and own good car. Will, consider outstanding, inexperi enced applicant Our business con sists of roofing, painting, home mo dernization and alterations. Salary 8t commission. Apply from 1 p.m. to 4 p m. Willamette Valley Roof Co. 30 Lsna Ave.. Salem. EXPERIENCED salesman for appli plianc dept ac plumbing 8c heating. Car required. Apply at personnel of fice. Montgomery Ward. Salem. Salesman Wanted No Investment required. Car necessary. Electrolux Corp iotp Broaa way AMBITIOUS and energetic experienced salesman to seu popular Maytag. Easy 8c Frigidair appliances. Trans portation furnished. Salary plus com missions. Leads and floor days coupl ed with helpful supervision. Will as sure steady and substantial earnings. Apply Hogg Bros, 113 S. Commercial. S04 Help Wanted. Male MAN preferably bachelor to be night watchman, caretaker. Janitor, handy man. Can furnish living quarters, uti lities. Prefer older man with other income. Se Glenn Woodry. 1605 N. Summ St. at once. EXPERIENCED bakery driver, i driv ers with panel trucks. Ph. 28849. . 606 Help Wanted, female STENOGRAPHER, experienced in shorthand and typing,' permanent po sition. Chance to advance and build into an expanding concern. Apply Hoe Bros. Z6P state st HOUSEWORK 8c care of 2 children, 5 davs week. S. Salem ph. 2-3450. LADY to contact property owners, must own good car, be neat of ap- - pearance and be able to meet the public. Salary. Apply t a.m. to 12 noon. Willamette Valley Roof. Co., 30 Lana Ave. Salem A YOUNG woman who needs good home to car for child. Excellent salary, ih. 3-4!?0 or 3-3249. WOMAN for part time care of baby in our home near Salem Heights ism. - iai, PERMANENT position for qualified School, oh. 2-5721. legal STenograpner. write cox an. WOMAN to car for 2 small children and do light housework while moth er works. Room, board and wages, live in. Mrs. Marvel Lamb, Inde pendence. Call collect 181. 2 Beauticians Experienced All-around Best pay and steady Eric of New York. 231 N. Liberty 615 Situations Wanted SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired. Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-5568. ' ROTARY TILLING E. N. PeHut. Eves. 3-8333 Day 3-6081 TAILORING k oressmaking. Alice Campbell. Ph. 2-7458. HAVE VACANCY for invalid woman. Good food, pleasant surroundings. Ph. 27615. 555 N. Liberty. GARDEN PLOWING with small rubber tired tractor around Salem. Ph. 24813. f RUTT and nut tree pruning. CalT7I J. McGilL. 591 Jefferson. LUMBER or pulp 3 wood hauling wftH truck. Ph. 35919. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, married. desires work in saiem. sieaay em- Jloyment preferred. References glad v given. Phone 2-0818. NANCY'S NTJRSXRYSCHOOL 6 DAYS. AGES 3 TO i (7:30 TO 61. PH. 24940. ROTOTILLING M. H. BROWN, PHO. 2-7500. WOULD like child to car for in my home days. Hulsey Ave. off Ratcliif Dr. Ph. 4-2777 GARDEN PLOWING, Uwns start to finish lirh tractor on rubber with dorer. Duane Wolcott. Ph. 28127. LANDSCAPING. Rose, shubbery. prun inr. olantine lawnwork. Ph. 42831. CHILD CARE. 945 S. 12tnT TREE yORK, topping, trimming, re- movmg. insured operator, worx guaranteed. W. H. McAllister. 840 Trade. Ph. Z-I49. TREE SPRAYING, plowing and light tractor worav Nolen Bathurst phone ZZ907. HOME Alterations. Ph. 39694 WILL Do ironing, my home, or Fair- mount Hill Dist. Ph. 28008. YARD Work, new lawns. Ph. 23943 CEMENT work. AD kinds. Ph 2-4850 Carpenter work, new, repair Ph 22093 CARPENTER Work. Ph. 39694, CHILD Care. Ph. 39924. 1180 Shipping. CARPENTER Work Any kind Sea- sonahle 1161 Union Ph 2-1487 CURTAINS WASHED, stretched. 2-3448 PLASTERING Patch Work A Specialtv a ii. -vv v DECORATING 8c Paintm. Ph. 3-9694. pn. z-eeis CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th. Ph. 2-687. DECORATING, repair, reasonable. Ph. S-33ZZ PAPERHANGING. Ph. 39694. REPAIRING, remodeling, roofing Fn 3-1339 or z-ozis NEW Construction 8c Remodeling. F. H. A. Terms. Call 2-4287 for Free estimates. HUSKY man ag 40 take any kind short lob. Phone 3-8200. RELIABLE truck driver, chauffeur's licence in 3 states, wants work. Ph. 2-034L 616 Employment Agency COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 SUte street Phone z-ls 620 Pay and Contract OUTDOOR fireplace or barbecue bunt. 8125. Ph. Z88ZS. - LGE. ground breaking plow, also gen". plowing. AI Ekin, ph. 31264 or 42383. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer 8t Basement Equipment Rental 15 B- yds 10 B-; yds D-7 Cat 8c Dozer D-8 Cat ac Dozer D-4 Cat at Dozer Be us about ditching by th too. . Phon davTi-PtOt Cvenings S-fa or 2-4400 saiem oreeon AUTO PAINTING just shad better by Ray Ell EH. Call Shrock Motor V.U. I1VI. STATU Wta ArilUAC. Docitij"oc tfTiffatson Outfield Bros. Rt bos MM tMsuMyswa. MS 1 II Sag Co. 3-9101 ww r nun vi or sis, INTERIOR Painting Exp. A. 3-2978. " 600 Employment 610 Sales Personif Wanted extensive training program, but provide1 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN, 60 basis. umua amim Ktu Estate, 479 N. Center SU Of lie ph. 3-7007. Eves. ph. WE WILL HAVE an opening lor a real estate salesman, interested in selling farms and suburban property. Joe L. Bourn Realtor, 1140: North Capi- . tol. Salem. AGENTS, SALESMEN, JOfabERS. Sell outstanding Wristwi tches, Swiss movement 14-karat goldplated case and band unit rhinestone dial. Sen sational SIS retailer. Send for info, and sample $6 COD. ! Money-back guarantee. Dept BS. DunhaU Im- Port. 101 Cedar St. New York Citv NEWEST development in Fluorescent OUTDOOR LIGHTING offers fabulous opportunities to sales agents and distributers. Sell gas stations, stores, cafes, shops, drive-ins, motels, auto agencies and for street light of entire business districts. ALSO FLUORESCENT SIGNS. i If you -rate in sales ability and if you think in terms of $10,000 to 815.000 a year, write for further information. W. H. . LONG CO, 114 W. Illinois St, Dept C-32. Chicago 10, III. ( 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms.! Board NICE CLEAN warm room for lady. j g. iapiiai. pn. 3-4313. PLEASANT SLEEPING room for teach er, student or employed persons. 1040 N. Cottaee. Phone 21578.' CLEAN sip. rms. "new Sealy mattress 8c springs. 165 N. 25th. ph. 2-3496. . PLEASANT rm. for emp gentleman. pn. z-hzb, ROOM FOR RENT: 575 N. Cottage. MEN'S SLEEPING rms. (or 1 or 2 priv. ent. Ac phone. 1503 N. Capital, pn. PLEASANT RM, emp. lady. Near CapU to? c"ter- 960 Marion. Ph. 37884. 1 NICE furn rms. 655 Hi CotUge. Call after 6:30 p.m. ! ROOM with or without garage Phone 1 LGE. FURN. housekeeping rm., kit- PLEASANT sip. nru. very Close in. 262 S. Church. ROOM for gentleman, close in. 633 N. V k k .WI TT- " .1 1 winter. Shn. or;after 5:30, SLEEPING Room. 2131 Center! SLP. RMS with kit privileges, day w or mo cioa tn pn 3-6317 EXTRA Nice rm. for men, gd. home Keas. box S77 co statesman, PLEASANT Room. 943 Center. Ph. 3-4606, Employed adults, i. 703 Wanted Rooms. Board HOME for 2 Jr. high school bovs with refined Christian family, near Par rish or Sr. high. Contact Mr. Porter at 1245 N. Liberty. Ph. 3-7227. 705 Apartments for Rent 3 rm. furn. apt priv. bath. grnd. fir. 2600 N. Front. 1 rm. light housekeeping. $30. AU util ities, .no su. waanington. CLOSE IN clean 1 8c 2 rm. furn 'apt. Pri. bath. 633 Ferry. Upstairs apt. stoves furn. $35. ph. corai. 11 jo tjasr at 2 rm. furn. aot 248 S. 17th. NEW 2 rm. furn. apt Priv. bath, lots UI IUIJIIIIB. aUHrV OUIC. FURN. APT. Range, refrig.. heat. Mar ried cole. only. Ph. 29006, 1543 N. capitoi. pitol SMALL FURN. APT, close in. Call al apt. 4. 833 Mill St. fURNTAPT, 590 N. 12th or 621 N. Church. 1 RM. furn. apt., close in, clean, utU. furn. 760 N. Church. Ph. 29201. FURN. 2 rm, bath. pri. ent, 2nd"flir bachelor lady, or man, bus at door. zo30 n. com I. GROUND fLOOR. unfurn. except range, utilities furn. By Bush School. inq. 33u Mission St. COME, take a look at this 3 rm. up stairs furn. apt. recently decorated. rrrv. ent. anq path. 18 w. Miner. CLEAN 3 rm. furn. apt An utilities in cluded. 847.50. Adults 353 S. 14th. New 2 rms. a priv. bath, partly furn reas. 1065 Madison before 10 SJn. and aner p.m. Ph. 39762, S RM. furn. apt AU electric Priv.' ent oo w. winter, rn. aaena, SMALL APT. partly furn,, Hollywood l-nn. szw. rn. j-tmaa or COURT APT, 3 RMS. 8c bath, range 8c refrig. Exceptionally clean. 1348 S. iztn. 3 RM. UNFURN. apt. Gas stove 8c oil rufin. Turn. 1Z5B S. ComX HOUSEKEEPING APT. for emp. man. utilities turn, in Marion St. 2 APTS. completely furn. Close in. Inq. h l. stirt furniture, ph. 3-9185. CLOSE-IN. partly furnished, adults only. Call at 680 Mill St Phon 7-5421 NICE lge. furn. apt utilities furn. 3 RM. APT. in court, refrig, range. auto, launory, exceyeni toe. UU at sv7 s. uin 1 B.R. large unfurn. apt, elect stove and auto, oil heat included. Private bath, also 3 rm. smaller apt with elec stove and private batik. Children accepteq. H37 w. 4th. LIVE Better at the Ambassador. $50 to 175 5M N Rummer 3 RM. FURN. upstairs apt. Priv. ent. bath, garage. For working couple, no children. Ph. 2-5033. ' IN SALEM 2150 S. Com! 4 rm unfurn apt, heat, water, elec stove 8c laun dry facilities furn. Not tn private residence, $60 per mo. Available now. Call Mrs. E. D.- MacCarthy, Indepen dence 19F3. 707 Houses For Kent 3 B. R. unfurn. duplex, north, elec. heat. $60. Ph. 2-5586. 1 B R. unfurn. duplex. North, oil heat S40. ph. Z-5S8C. UNFURN. 2 rm. cotUge. elec stove. on bus line. $30. 1074 6th St. CABIN for rent by . March 13th. ph. Z-71S5. ROOMING HOUSE, rent to man and wife or woman. 331 State. S RM. HOUSE. RL t. Box 23, Cayhler Rd. West of town. Robertson. 47F24. 2 RM. unfurn. mod. hs, f40 mo. 830 Evans Ave, Ketrer dist. Ph. 25168. TWO 2 B.R. houses, available April 1st 2906 Beacon Ave. i rURN 1 rm. cabin. Ph.' 37016. JT at -asaaaa. as. V10, - 3 ROOM PARTLY furn. not, modern. ail vf mj I 7 ss T . iss rm v . j FURN Cottages. utU paid, ph. 3481S. SMALL Cabin near school and bus. utilities paid. $27 JO per mo. children welcome Hebb's Trailer Court, 130 Williams. Ph. 2-8348. 709 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT: Pasture, ph. 2-7165. 1 , ! COUPLE. 4 yr. old daughter. 1 1 bdrm. furn. house or 2 bdrm. apt ReL Ph. East 8363 Portland collect. 710 Wanted To Rent, Houses DNTURN. it BR. hous. Will pay up to $50. Vic. SUte Hosp. Permanent resi- oents. rn. a-ii t B.R. UNFURN. hs, excellent car taken, Pb, 4-2384. 700 Rentals 714 Business Rentals I ' NEW business bid;, good Io. grocery .. apace Uveaiy Blag, entranc. Ph 3-9Pft days for appointment, Pr t lCE Hooms. Pn,"23692 ' ."tftj Huwn w c suft Mod. business room. New bldg. Holly wood dist or' suitable for Doctor. Dentist clinic. Reaaonabl rant. Call Harrr W. Scott i 800 Real Estate Sullivan Realty Co. 3 B.R.V Northeast LR- DR. kthM ,K.tt and utility room on one floor. Art. garage. Horn lust redecorated, elec dishwasher and disposal unit Nic hTJL "nd hrub. Se this on, just Kino-wnnrl TTirrit 8 yr. old, all electric home.l BA. dtu. ,f. noors, an. garage, n re place SO x 100 lot with fenced back yard. FH.A. comm. of $5600. Total price Just $7580. South Near Talbot, 2 bedroom modern horn with 3 Urge lots. 20 min. drive from Salem. 500 ft from grade school. More land may be purchased. $4,300. tiww on, aow monin. Keizer Want plenty of living spacer Her is a nome wim over 1400 rt of floor spac Just on year old. 2 large bedrooms, living room, dining room, larg kitchen with breakfast space, l's baths, auto, oil furnace, fireplace, patio, room for garden, and only blocks to school. Se this for $12,600. 105 A. Berry Farm 1 Hazel Green District 'This farm Is all Willamette silt soil la high state of cult 28 A. strswberries, 13 A. thorn less blackberries. 25 A. ready for planting this spring. This crop should net around 30 or 35 thousand dollars this year. Every kind of equipment practically new, including 3 trac tors, go with farm. Good modern, 2 bedroom home. Machine shed and other buildings. Shown by appoint ment only. Full pric $55,000, Evcwi ph. 2-4478 or 4-2758. . . . j Sullivan Realty Co. I 3365 Portland Rd. Phon 3-3253 Eve. ph. 2-8012 - 3-7567 - 3-1778 802 Business Property" COAST LOCKER plant grocery stor and home. 360 lockers, all rented, ! fine established business, ill health ' causes sale. Price $30,000. terms. j General Real Estate 253 Center Phone 9-3289 A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR AN INVESTOR Store bldg. .50x70. 2 years old. win pay up to 20 on your Investment $10,000 wUl handle. E. L. GRAY REAL ESTATE . ' ph. 2-4352 800 FT. HWY. Frontage on North OfiE. Four furnished cottages with full plumbing, a Pump Gas Station. Pric im.uuo. Rostein & Adolph; Inc. HOVi N. Commercial St Phone 3-3030 Eves. $-8314 INDUSTRIAL SITE $8,500 220 ft frontage on RR by 330 ft Located at 590 S. 22nd St. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtor! 133 S. High. Phon 34121 804 Suburban ATTENTION INVESTORS t large houses, unfinished but livable, i garage, barn, . berries, 3 A. Priced low. L. D. Egbert 2 mi. from Fair grounds. SUverton Road. Courtesy to brokers. BY O W NER: 2 bedroom mod. house. acre, berries, fruit trees, chicken hse, bus by door, near school. Pric 84700. Phone 4-Z683. 3870 Liberty Road. " Suburban 3 B.R. on 1 acr for your family. Near schools and shopping district, bus ai door, business frontage. Will trade for 2 Bedim, bom in Salem, $8,000. Terms. Salem's Real Estate Exchange . 468 Court St Oft 2-4791 or Res. 2-2738 Res. 2-6329 806 Houses For Sole" FOR CASH DEAL - 84.250 3 bedrm. home. 1 down, 2 up, and H acr South. If you hav th cash or can finance this with part mortgage with what you hav this is a real buy. Eve. 2-0473. SUBURBAN - $3,100 2 bedrm. home and S lota. $500 down. balance 830 00 a month. Bus service, 10 miles from Salem on 99. Ev. 2-0473. WEST SALEM - 87.250 1 bedrm, home, dining rm, kit, bath. utility rm all rooms are large. Horn Is 2 years old. $1,500 handles, bal ance $50 a month, Ev. 2-0473. NEW - $8,100 Very nice' 2 bedrm. home, with dining rm. kitchen and breakfast nook, bath, electric beat $1,500 handle. $6,600 FHA commitment Ev. 20473. POSSIBLE 4 BEDRMS. $10,750 . In Englewood, 2 large bedims, down stairs, room for 2 bedrm, upstairs, and plumbed for full bath, also full bath downstairs, with living rm, din ette, fireplace, electric heat and nic ' larg garage. Automatic washer and dryer goes. Eve. 2-0473. CALL Mr. LeCler J. F. Ulrich, Realtors 317 COURT ST. PH. 1-7756 Dupl ex Clos to Capital Shopping Center, large a rms. ruu oatn in eacn. Kenieo sieo month. Basement, oil heat, full, pric $1400. ' General Real Estate 155 Center Phone 3-3288 . ' Machine Shop Heavy duty. 4 or 8 man. machine f 8c welding shop. This Is on of th best equipped shops you can find anywhere. Owner re-... ; -tiling. Will aeU all equipment 8c business for $18,000. Terms, net Income for 1949 was $11,000. If you want a business of your own i her is your opportunity. ' Kigglns. v , BURT PICHA, Realtors - 17 N. High St. Phon 1-364 Englewood - $11,500 New 4 br. home, oil heat excel, loca tion. ; l - - - Englewood - $10,800 Lovely 2 br. horn, larg lot, flreplae. basement, ou nat pre-war ouuu Close in North 1 br. older typ home, larg lot, dbl. garag. $1000 on, sav, per no. Joe Noonchester Real Estate Phone day or eve. 2-0103 3W$ Pleasant View fiV OWNER 4 BJt.' sub. liome nJc dist, $10.500. Ph. 21569. i KXW 1 BJU lot ?Sx220. bath io com- tictc. EoassvaaoswaaM uwwh a.si sbswtsi isi 1. small monthly . at 4 interest. 8233 svtaia As,avMiahlai a4ssr aa sssa W.l Newberg Drive. Keizer dist. i B.R. HOUSE, small neat, clean and nigQnii. om ui v bjemj wm uisj sTtniaei. Needs lawn and landtacaping. Prkr iAA M. SaLiM BY OWNER: New 2 B.R. hs. in Keixer. Hdwd. firs,' drilled well. Take late model car for down payment Balanc sag mo. i"n. a-1333. NEW HOME 88500.; by owner. Keizer Dist. Call 4-2740. ! i B. R. lUNFtNlSHED faOUsZ. J klks. East of Trading post. Labtsh Villag. Rav terms. rn. j-lf j4. I BJL HOUSE. Urge lot. turn, or uai turn. 19S N. ISth. By owner. - 1 -1