The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1950, Page 18, Image 18

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    . r
II '.i;r' li .-..! .t..t X: ,-T"""W",ritM
I ok. x
Tftinfc TFe Can Make WFirst inFiftf,
Coach Harold. Hank's state tournament basketball coaching record,!
one of the very best la the state,
Team Captain Daryl GIrod dorlnf a taneop for toe 1950 classic at
Eocene starting Tuesday. Bank Co In the thick of the champion-1
Sunday sorties:
Hot rumor around town that
the rasslin' bear, will be John (Landslide) Steelhammer. It's to be
winner take all (all but the votes.
that is) and Farmer Jones will do
the refereeing just to make sure
someone doesn't slip "Gus" a
mickey ... By the way, have you
filed for the legislature yet? Ey-
' eryone else has ... Like-manna-from
- Heaven dept.: So it is with
Tex Salkeld now that Eddie Ka
li ut has bobbed up. Tex's armory
gate troubles are over, thanks to
the third member of the wallop
ing Woodburn family, along with
.the lower admission tariff. Now
all he has to do is be sure he
doesn't run out of 160 - pounders
to toss in with the Impressive
Eddie. If the kid comes fast
enough he may even get a crack
at Indian Dick Wolfe before sum
mer sets in . . . Senators Com
mander . George Emlgh continues
to dicker with Lefty Wandeft
Mossor but, oh woe, doesn't be
lieve hell now be able to land
the guy . . Looks like Jack Wil
son will have a managerial job
this season after alL Hell herd
the Salem Sunner J club Softball
team in the City derby ... Dick Greco has okehed terms with the
San Diego Padres but figures hell again bo shipped down by the
Coast leaguers.. Inasmuch as his options art used up and the Pads
will either have to keep or sell him. the huge homo runner wants
first and foremost to land with the town Senators. Rousing Richard
has fallen in love with "Waters field. It seems, and believes he could
whack 50 homers here If he .had a full season at it Were Salem to
wind up with Dick, what a "Mr. Left-Mr. Right" bopping combo the
club would have with Mel Wasley playing alongside him! . . . New
WSC Grid Boss Forest Evashevski still has the same sense of humor
he had when he addressed our Salem Breakfast clubbers last falL
During a banquet the other night at Spokane ho was telling of the
1949 Notre Dame-Michigan State game and how he had been con
fronted afterward -in the dressing room by somo of the MSC play
ers. One player had a big gash In his thigh and another teeth marks
on his leg. Hey coach," blurted one, "cant wo play Notre Dame on
Friday next year?" To which Evashevski replied with a smile, "Well
do better than that Well arrange to play their, Protestant team."
...... 'V. ' " "
Gonaaga'$ Evans Buttoned Up Thing Properly
'. Rich (Mr. Points) Evans, Gonxaga's hoop sharpshooter who
hacketed 489 points this season pat a fitting climax to his col
legiate career la the NAIB toaraey at Taeoma the other night
Si last east at the basket went la jast before the final burxer. ,
ea in a bit of horseplay after It was aU over, Evans flipped
the sphere recklessly toward the iroa ring again, from aboat 39
feet out Darned If it didn't ce la too.' Evans' final game was
he first wo had seea aim play all season, bat from the exhibi
tion ho cave la It ho eonld play on anybody's college qaint
lie's sharp la ill departments, not merely making points . . .
' Which brings us to our annual daze selecting the state basket
tall tourney winner. Usually we spring merely the overall champ.
That is. the champ until the tournament is finished. This time we're
unbuttoning our shirt for a real whirl at it Well pick the winners of
, all games in the championship bracket But please don't bet' on 'em,
unless you're as ncky-tock as we are:
, 1 First round: Corvallis over Mllwaakle. Marshfleld over Hills
bore, Jefferson over Dallas, Salem over Scappoese, Mae HI over
Seaside, Grants Pass over Bead, Koosevelt over La Graado aad
Central Catholic over Eageae. Quarterfinals: Marshfleld over
Corvallis, Salem over, Jeffersea, Grants Pass over Mao III aad
Koosevelt over Central Catholic. Semifinals: Marshfleld over Sa
lent and Grants Paso over Roosevelt Finals: Grants Paaayover
. Marshfleld. If we're wrong, sao as.
Any way you look! at it H.
work cut out for them after their
And If said Viks dont snap out of
two district tussles, they may make
round . .
Tribe Expecting Saltzman
G. P. Armstrong, Salem resident who has the good fortune of
spending the early spring. at Tucson, Ariz where it so happens that
the Cleveland Indians are tuning up
pens us a piece on Hal Saltzman, the Salem-Portland gift to the
Tribe. Tall Hal, only an in-and-outer with the Senators season before
. last and more out than in at that is doing very well with the Cleve-
Jands, in the opinion of Mr. Armstrong. "They're expecting him to
. . (Continued
Indian Athlete Dies "
PENDLETON, March 11 -VPh
Parsons Montanic, 88, locally not
ed Cayuso Indian athlete of an
earlier era, , died hero yesterday.
Montanic ones threw the famed
wrestler, Frank Gotch, out of a
ring here. Gotch returned, how
aver, to pin the powerful Indian.
" , 4
' yw
gets a onceover from Hank and I
4ate Cage
next opponent for "Gorgeous Gus,
4 '
Hauk and his Vikings have their
opening rassle with Scappcose
the slump they were in their last
a liar out of us even in the first
to Make Grade
for tneir American league labors.
on next page
TACOMA, March 11 Afft- Sign
ing of a home-and-homo. football
series with Montana State univer
sity was announced hero today by
Richard D. Smith, College of Pu-
cet Sound graduate manager.
The first game will bo played
in Missoula Nov. 4, 1930. with the
second la Taeoma en Oct f, 1931.
sVwv , . wirfrt-nAM
ship scramble 'the
past three years,
this time. The Bateau play Seappoose at 19:15 o'clock Wednesday
moraine in a iirst roona came.
TdDimraey Opemis
Fiay S
(First Bound Pairings)
Tuesday, T:3 pjn-Milwaukle (12) vs. Corvallis (7).
Tuesday. 8:45 Hlllsboro (9) vs. Marshfleld (5).
Wednesday. 9:90 aoa-Dallaa (8) vs. Jeffersoa 16)
Wednesday, 19:15 a.m. Salem (11) vs. Seapposo (14).
Wednesday, 1:45 P-au Seaside (19) vs. Mae-Hl (2).
Wednesday, 8:09 p.m. Grants Paso (4) vs. Bend (S).
Wednesday, 7:89 pjn. LaGrande (1) vs. Roosevelt (15).
Wednesday, 8:45 pjn-Eageae (8) vs. Central Catholic (IS).
Oregon's 32nd annual State BacketbaH "A" tournament, expect
ed to be a dogfight of the first water between such powerful teams
as Roosevelt and Jefferson of Portland, Salem, Grants Pass, Marsh-
field, Central Catholic and Hlllsboro, opens Tuesday night in McAr-
Padres Blank
Portland, 2-0
ONTARIO, Calif., March 11-UP)
Saa Diego's AT Olsea held the
Portland. Beavers to two hits to
day as the Padres won 2 to I In
an exhibition Coast leagaa game
eat off at five Innings by wind
and cold weather.
The Padres, got to Red Lynn for
four blows, including AI Smith's
homer la the fourth inning.
San Diego win be host to Los
Angeles tomorrow for another ex
hibition with Dick Barrett slated
to start tn the mound for the
Padres. - .
Saint Graders
Take Tourney
STAYTONV March 11-(Special)
St Mary's Grade school of Stay
ton won the South Marion Grade
School basketball tournament to
night by downing Mill City, 25-20,
in the final game at Aumsville. In
a game for third place Turner
topped Gates 34-20. First round
play in the tourney saw Mill City
stop Turner 16-13 and St Mary's
beat Gates 32-12.
Over 300 fans watched tonight's
finale. Wayne Minten paced the
Saints with 10 points. L. Ward
had nine for Mill City. L. Mitch
ell hit 13 for Turner and Larson
had seven for Gates.
TURNER The Turner Church
of God hoop team racked up a .42-
26 win over Liberty Church of
God Friday night R. MesheUe led
the victors with 12 points and C.
MesheUe had 11.
Libwty (2S)
(42) Tamer
() Wbeadon
wiru ts)
Largont (4)
Sipo ()
Johnson (I)
(2) Davenport
(12) R. MesheUo
7 Weigart
ill) C. Mesheue
Flengo 1st
Reserves scorine:
Turner Stand -
My l. Hairamo
erty IX.
Tumor SO. lib-
Vik Tie for 5th; Schtceitx Wins
Pelc Take
COtVALUS, Mareh ll-(8pe-eUl)-Klamath
Falls high school
wrestlers won their third straight
state title tonight aa they notch
ed three weight championshi ps
in addition to piling up points in
the preliminaries. The Pelicans
piled up 36 points to edge out
Sandy's 36 and Springfield was
third with 23.
Salem high's matmen finished
la a fifth place tie with Oregon
City. Each had It points, five be
hind the 23 racked up by Canby.
Tho Vlks lone title came with
defending champion Tie
Schweitx' win tn tho 146-pound
division, schwelts gained a deci
sion over Bob Holtt, Sandy, la
the finals.
Other team scoring! Farkrooo
15. Hlllsboro 15, Newberg 11.
Albany 11, Dallas 16. Molalla 6.
rMeMlmavUlo 6, Tigard 4, West
Linn j, Grants Paao 1.
bop to make it a "nm la '50"
thur court at Eugene. The usual
10 teams are standing by for the
conclave but only those mentioned
are being seriously considered as
potential 1950 champions. Roose
velt won the title last year.
Tourney followers are antic!
pating one of the most closely
fought meets in the long history
of the classics. Most of the teams
entered have sparkling records
for the regular season of play, and
even those that do not are cate-
goried as quints capable of regis
tering an upset at any time.
Only two games are booked for
Tuesday, the first starting at 7:30
p. m. Milwaukee's Maroons, dls
trict 12 champs, go against Cor
(Continued on next page)
Nevada Fumes
Over Exclusion
RENO. Nev- March 11 -tfV
Anger moon ted on the Univer
sity of Nevada eampas tonight
over exclasloa of the school's bas
ketball team from the National
Association of IntrAlls-fijt Rta.
rketbalf (NAD3) tournament The
university board of athletic con
trol sent a telegram to the presi
dent of the NAD3. demandinr vin
dication. ;
The NAIB tourney committee
booted Nevada ont List nlrtat an
the basis of reports that Las Vegas
Gambler L. B. (Beany) Bin ton,
under Indictment In Tvaa n nAl.
icy racket charges, was patting up
si.ooe to help pay the team's trav
cling expenses.
School official said Binlon's
31,699 was not accepted by the
university Itself,
Table of Coastal Tides
Tides for Taft, Oregon March. IBM
(compiled by UA Coast s Geodetic
survey, roruand. Oregon).
Time - Ht
Tim. u
S30 a m.
t M pjn.
7:47 a-m,
10:17 pm.
S:9S ajn.
10:5 pjn.
10 :00 a.m.
11 at pjn.
1231 ajn.
tr23 pjn.
i -aa . n
3:24 pjn.
4:14 ajn.
11 pjn.
Mat Title
CkaaaptonsaJp results:
OS peuatfs Don Treyer, Caaky,
ptaneS dewn Dare Ross, Caaky.
104 pounds Leo AQen, Sandy,
pinned down Bin Zasawalt. Oregon
Ii3 pounds Pick Cooper. Park
rose outpointed Del Mathews, Spring-
121 pounds Davo -Baker, Park
rose outpointed timer Paul. Spring-
US pounds Karl Page, Sandy,
rinnod down Ken Kernes, RUaamaUi
. 134 peuds Cecil Newman.
Sandy, outpointed Frank Morris, Ore
gon City.
13t pounds Art KeKh, Canky,
outpointed Jim Brougher, Spring
field. ;
14S pounds Vie Sraweitz. Salem,
ontpolnUd Bok Huit, 'Sandy.
lis pounds Don Taytor, Klam
ath Fans, outpointed Chuck Crewe,
1M pounds BUI Honlster, Spring
field, outpointed Cd HeUman, Ore
gon City.
ITS pounds Glenat Guyer, Klam
ath Falls, ptoinod down JVayno , Van
gtiphant, HUlshoro. '
Beavywelcht John White, Klam
ath Fans, pinned dowa Pant Patrick,
2 3
Rogue River Takes B . Toga
Alsea Quintet
Beaten 3834
'Baldi, Prairie Gty
Consolation Victors
ASTORIA, Ore., March lWflV
Southera Oregon's Rogue River
team captured the Oregon high
school class B basketball cham
pionship tonight by defeating Al
sea, 38 to 34.
The victors had to fight off a
rallying underdog team to win.
Rogue River led 25-13 at the half
time but was losing ground fast
as the play headed into the final
Earlier. Garibaldi took third
place, defeating Drain, 48 to 41.
i Prairie City won fifth place in
the tourney by overcoming Mon
mouth, 62-43, in an afternoon
game. Larry Pryse led the scoring
with 26 points, followed closely
by Earl Winebarger, with 20.
mane uity too tne lead at trie
outset and was never headed.
They staged a high-scoring third
quarter to extend their lead from
the 28-23 halftime to 47-34. Mel
Lytlo led Monmouth with 12.
Garibaldi switched to a man-to
man defense, at the halfway mark
to i come, from behind and defeat
Drain was leading 24-21 at the
recess after a second quarter drive
that, added 13 points.
Rogue River's big boys six
footers were sharing the scoring
effort while Alsea's assault was a
two-gun affair with Loren Sapp
firing 15 points and Delmar Stone
scoring 14 points. By contrast, the
victor's scoring honors were shar
ed by Harry Frantz and Don Polt-f
evint who each racked in but 7'
points. Gene and Glen de Puy ac
counted for 5 apiece.
The Alsea challenge came In the
fourth quarter when a lone one
hander by Sapp and a layin by
Stone closed the gap to two points,
36-34. But Coach Millard Webb's
Rogue River squad managed to
cripple the drive right there and
after racking in two more points
the gun saved the victory.
ROCS River (II)
(34) Alsea
(13) L. Sapp
(4 Cockema
(1) Hendrlx
. (14) Stone
Gen Depuy (S) .1
Glen Depuy (S) r
furrier zi w
FYs nix (7) O
(0) Bowen
Substitutes: For Ron River
wf v. ... iwr vw.a
Boulter 6. Martin 7. For Alsea C.
Sapp Power.
Hairumo score: noguo Kiver zs, ai-
sea 13.
Free throws missed Roguo River
a. Alsea 12.
Prairie City ()
(45) Monmouth
(12) Thompson
wtneDarger (20) ..r
Tlmmf. Sk a
(14) Lytie
Ijrnf Prvca (28) C (Si Roaenrtock
Pierce (3) G (4) Buss
Howard (2) O ..... (2) Loch
Subs: Prairie City Frarier. 1:
Lynn Pryse J. Monmouth Peoples
S, Brostrom S.
Garltaldl (41)
I. West (10) P.
Archamhault (7) F.
B. West (15) C.
Kingsland (10) G.
(41) Drain
(11) Joslyn
(2) Haldeman
() B. Duncan
(10) CeUers
Duke (10) O-
(12) Cade
subsututes: Ganbaicu waaaeu.
Parker, Christie, Xrlckaon: Drain
D. Joslyn. X. Duncan. Hagquist, K.
Simpson 1. M. Simpson.
WAC Entries
Shine, Meet
SEATTLE, March 1 1-(P-Three
Washington Athletic club strokers
came through, with wins in the
Pacific Northwest AAU Men's and
Women's Swimming meet tonight
Dick Elliott. WAC won the 100-
yard freestyle; Pat Fair, WAC,
took the 100-yard freestyle for
women; and Carolyn Daughters,
WAC, took the 100-yard back
stroke for women. iiiott nosed out
Peter Van Dyk, unattached, in a
53. 1 time.
Fred Hoppe, University of Wash.
Ington, won the 100-yard back
stroke in a 1:03.3 time. Delia Se
horn, Cosmopolitan club of Port
land, was first in the women's
breastroke with a 1:18 time.
Quinnto Quit
Pigskin Duties
LA GRANDE, March 11 -Wh
Bob Quinn. after 20 years on a
one-nvan coaching Job at Eastern
Oregon College of Education, is
about to ease up.
Ouinn told the college he wants
to keen only the basketball and
baseball Jobs. He asked the school
to name a head zootoau coacn.
Tho school indicated a new foot
ball coach probably would be
named in late spring or summer.
The new man also will take over
track, boxing and frosh basket
ball . -:
Ring Safeguards
To Be Studied
OMAHA, March 11-W-WiUiam
H. Thomas of Omaha, chairman
of the AAU's national boxing
committee, said today he has ap
pointed a sub-committee to study
safeguards for amateur boxing. ,
Thomas said the committee
would bo particularly concerned
with foam rubber gloves, foam
rubber padding for rings and box
ing head gear. The committee will
make a preliminary report when
the national boxing committee
meets at Boston during the na
tional boxing championships in
Boston April 10-12, Thomas said.
BERKELEY, Calif- March 11-
(iT-Pacific northwest skaters Shar
ed honors today in the Pacific
Coast ice figure skating champion
shins. David HalL Portland. Ore,
won the Juvenile boys title. Patsy
Hamm, Taeoma, finished second to
Patricia Quick, Albany, Calif, In
tho Junior ladies event.
IS Tho Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Sunday, Marclt
Sammy Miami Pacier
Snead Ws Mot G5T
Fattens B-iiiEis ILead
By James F. Few
MIAMI BEACH, Fla., March ll-P)-Samuel Jackson Snead fired
a dazzling seven under , par 63 today to take a six stroke lead in the
Miami Beach S10.000 Invitational Open Golf tournament! with a 54
At o s
PCG Position
(JP) - Resignation of Ab . Curtis,
Pacific Coast conference super
visor of football and basketball
- t officials, was
announced to
day by Com
missioner Tie
I Curtis left
las, Tex,
where ho will
take a similar
' position with
.-the Southwest
-'"conference aa
ab ccbtis i assist ant to
Executive Secretary J 1 m m y
Stewart Curtis' homo is in Fort
He will return .here, how
ever, long enough to complete
assignment of football officials
for tho 1996 FCC season.
Curtis was the first full time
supervisor of officials in tho
PCC taking tho post last year.
Schmidt said his successor
has not been selected.
Alumni Start Move
'50 Pilot Grid
Club Possible
PORTLAND. March 11-ttrV
Portland university, which an
nounced last month it was aban
doning football, may field a squad
this year. .
A group of alumni announced
tentative plans today to raise mon
ey for the sport They will meet
on tho campus Monday night to
consider a program. The group
estimated $23,000 would be need
ed by April IS for spring training
and a regular fall season.
Coach Harry Wright would not
bo retained under the shoestring
budget University officials said a
new coach would bo appointed .
possibly from within the present
Nor would there bo many veter
an players left Most of last year's
team is leaving.
"We hope," said Emmett Barrett,
head of a dub composed 'of ex
students, "to draw most of our
talent from our own Pacific north
west neighborhood.'
Big 10 Studies
Rose Bowl Setup
CHICAGO. March 11 -(TV The
Big Ten gave final approval today
to a 14-game conference basketball
schedule for 1951 and proposed
new legislation to tighten eligibi
lity standards. Including a ban of
prep atnletes who sign pro con
tracts before matriculating.
Renewal of the Rose Bowl pact
with the Pacific Coast conference
was studied, but no action is sched
uled until the May conference
The Rose Bowl subject was air
ed as Commissioner K. L. (Tug)
Wilson reported on a Big Ten-Pacific
Coast conference committee
held at New York Jan. 13.
Augusta Iect Opens Thursday
Gal Stars
AUGUSTA, Ga March U-W)
-If titles . make a golf tourna
ment tho title hold era doe to
. launch play hero Thursday gives
even the national women's open
a mark to try and match.
Practically every girl and
woman worth mentioning In golf
win play the fear tough and tir
ing rounds of medal play Thurs
day through Sanday across the
underrated ' but long Augusta
Country dab course.
Golfs new crowd collectors
Marleno and Alice Bauer are
entered for the first time to try
' and collect one of the few major
crowns for women. Both have
won numerous tournaments bat
never a national open, amateur,
one of the western championships
or a tltleholders.
' Marleno was . lm's greatest
woman athlete and one of her
opponents this week U tho great-
; "2"
by 6 Stroke
hole total of 202.
The Balding, Whit Sulphur
bpnngs, w. va, professional, last
year's Tgolfer of tho year" and
current leading money winner this
year, was 14 strokes under par at
the three-quarters mark in the 72-
hoie medal play tournament.
Nearest competitor, six strokes
behind, was Lawsoh Little of Mon
terey, Calif, whose brilliant 33-33
66 gave him 208 for 54 holes. He
had scored 142 for the! first two
rounds, j j .
E. J. (Dutch) Harrison, lanky
St. Andrews, UL, pro was seven
strokes off Snead's torrid pace for
third place at 209. He fired a 32
3547 to add to his previous 142.
Henry Ransom, also of St. An
drews, 111., and Chandler Harper,
Portsmouth, Val, Were deadlocked
for fourth position with 210s. Ran
som shot a five; under par 67 and
Harper, who led with a ; 69 at the
end of the first round,! carded a
two under par 70. I
ODS's Snare
Grade Gonfalon
The Oregon School fori the Deaf
quint Saturday copped the Grade
School basketball tournament ti
tle at the Deaf School via a 24-22
win over Keizer ,in the final
round.- In an earlier game for
third place the Fairview Home
team nipped Chemawa 23-26.
In first round play Friday the
Deaf School and Keizer quints
were victorious over Tairview
Home and Chemawa. 1
Chemawa (M) ; (ZS) Fairview
Johnson (2) ' ' (21 Morrison
Blaclrwater (3) J (10) Yarber
Harrison (Q) -C (1) Thomas
Pinto 3 O i (81 BiUr
Ried (S 0.4 (1) Oden
Resenres scoring: Chemawa Pat
terson 1, Wauneko t Sorando . llorin
2. Benally t Weeoer S. FairTJew C
Morrison 4. HalfUmo score: j Chemawa
Kelxer f)
(24) Deaf School
Holmquirt (11
T t rehhnan
T (If Maynard
Man (i)
Saul (4)
(w) Marun
riwood (I)
Peterson ()
(4) Beatn
ring: K
: Deaf
eixer 4- Larry 2.
Schooj) 11-10.
l rr -
Halftime scoro
'Pens', Vancouver Tie
PORTLAND. March 11-WVEric
Unger sparked Vancouver scoring
in the second and third periods to
tie 3 to 3 with Portland tonight
in the tight northern division. Pa
cific Coast Ice Hockey league race.
They remain tied' in third place.
The three Portland goals were In
the first period, by Art StrobeL
Nick Tomiuk and Joe C uman.
. " i
WALLACE, Idaho, March 1-JP)
The Idaho boxing Vandals retain
ed their northwest supremacy with
a 44 to m win over; Eastern
Washington college tonight
Baskeit all Scores
fPCC Playoff)
UCLA 52. Washington Stat 4
Syracuse SO. Long Island 82
La Salle 71. Arizona 64 j
CCNY 65. San rranciaeo V 46
West. Kentucky 78. Niagara 72
Oklahoma 92. Kansas 40 (overtime)
Cornell M. Dartmouth 43 j
Yale SS. Harvard S5
. Missouri 9. Colorado 4t
Kansas St S3, Nebraska SO
Princeton SO, Penn 9
mi aa 'Pravidenoe 54
(State B Tonrney) 1
Roguo River 38. Alsea 34 UOe)
Caribakri 48, Drain 41 (3rd place)
Prairie City 82. Monmouth 49 (9th
place) 3
to Battle
est woman athlete of 39 fears
Mildred (Babe) Zaharias
Mildred, who thinks that's a
much higher same than fBabe,"
started winning golf in 1935. In
the past two years her game
hasnt often been a iwinner.
However, Mildred ts a ope-two-three
contender wherever she
'plays. . . 'J - :
Lonlse Soggs. Lithia Springs.
Ga who also isn't fond 'of her
nickname -UtUe Sing;- an
nounced today she would play.
Some of tho other older stars
who play on the f .627-yard
Augusta Country elnb course this
week are Es telle Lawsoh Page
of Chapel Hilt N. C4 Dorothy
Klrby of AtlanU; Pattji Berg.
Minneapolis, and Betty Jame
son. Saa Antonio, Texas. Also ea
tho list are defending champion
Peggy Kirk. Flndlay. Ohio, and
Edeaa Aaderson, Helena. iMont .
Close Victory Glvei
Ukes K-Qty Berth . ..
LOS ANGELES, March li-6P)i
Tho UCLA Bruins won tho Paci
fic Coast Conference Basketball
championship tonight with a har
rowing 82 to 49 triumph over tho
Washington State Cougars. i
Both clubs played it close to the
vest tonight, with UCLA's ball
control during the second half
Priding the margin of victory.
UCLA won the series in two
straight, grabbing a 30-58 deci
sion last night j
It was the Bruins first coast
championship. It also marked tho
first time a Southern division
ntet has won the title since
California beat Idaho in the play
offs in 1948. . .
The contest bore a decided con
trast to last, night's in which
Washington State outplayed tho
Bruins in the second half, only to
lose in the last three seconds. This
time, the two clubs --were pretty
even all the way, - both of them
economizing on their shots.
, The score was tied at 31-all at
the end of the first half, but after
the Intermission UCLA pulled
ahead by two points when Alan
Sawyer tipped in the rebound on
Carl Kraushaars free toss. The
Bruins held the advantage almost
all of the remaining 19 minutes.
Sawyer, who at forward played
all over the floor for the Bruins i
tonight took scoring honors with i
13 points. ; !
UCLA leaves Thursday fortho
Western Regional NC2A tourna
ment at Kansas City.
The Bruin nlavKf 1
entire second half without the ser- f
vices of their No. 1 guard, George t
Stanich. He suffered a knee in
jury in the first half, and Coach i
John Wooden benched him for
keeps soon after the second stanza
Washington , State tied it up
again after about four minutes cf
the second half when Forward Ed
Gayda eased one through tho
hoop from close range. A moment
later, Gene Conley, the Cougar's
bean pole center, potted a gift
throw to put the northerners
ahead, 37 to 38.
A free shot by UCLA's Jerry
Norman .and a quick field goal by
Sawyer put tho Bruins back in
front for keeps.
Conley, the Cougar's top scorer
during tho regular Northern di
vision season, was held scoreless
from the floor tonight Ho canned
six charity tosses. Last night ho
got 15 points.
(Continued on next page)
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