II !l T 1 H ill"! & eP-U CU jrfjmaflon of lir. Albert KaeppfcU ,1 Farrell and Vf 0 Vmn mi Cl...r deacon. -and to. Guy X imi9 fcJllUW laaieias was elected deaconess. i , ... ..... F 'T (next annua election. The board Of IkClZCr I made plans for a fellowship din ner w be txtio. in me cnurcn cln ing room March 31.' Mrs. Guy Shields was appointed chairman of the program committee and Mrs. Bob HmWshot was made chairman etf the mtttee. KEIZER Ralph Nelson an nounced the talent show to be sir en by school children Friday, March IT. Funds from the shew will be for the purchase of musi cal instruments lor the school Flans are underway to arrange authorized polling stations within the district where voters may reg ister for coming elections. Polls will close April IS, for voting ia the May flection. . Refreshments, .were served by fifth grade soothers with Mrs. An drew Beadsley, Mrs. Hobart Jack son, Mrs. Karl Murphy, Mrs. Max Clark, Mrs. Wesley Gregg and Mrs. Wright Noel on the commit tee. :, Church Elects New Leaders At Turn er TURNER The missionary circle of the . Turner CmistlaB church net recently In the church parlor, with It present. As the study at the day .was on home missions.1 the offering of $1X31 was given to Gertrude Beasaner. wnen seeching religious classes to released students of the schools every Thursday. Future wwflnp of the missionary group will be heldfbe fourth Thursday cl every month. r ' . -,"'. -." Don Teagarden f Eugene wQI again bring the gospel message at Tne Christian xcrurrh Sundav. Mr. Teagarden 3xaS suppBed here for the past two weeks. The pul pit rommrttee has .-engaged Mc Guy Armstrong bl GleadaJe. Ore gon, to preach (he Idkrwmg Sun- cay, jaarca ML. Four Corners - u - FiremenHosts To Association FOUR COBNEBS Four Cor ners volunteer firemen held open house Wednesday evening for the Marion County Fire Fighters association. Fire Chief W. H. Gould of the local firemen welcomed she vis itors and introduced the speaker of the evening, Roland Eiantz. BSl Cartright and his troop oz amateurs took those present hack to other days with their rendition nf fh lmnt extinct medicine show " A "crab feed" was served by the local unit to all present. Theatre Sold At Jefferson At tTr: Trpflsr ta wring nf the Turner Christian board - meeting, Robert Bendershot was elected ta fill the vacancy made by the re-theatre company In Washington. JEFFERSON Bob HalEday has sold bis Mint theatre here and theatres at Monroe and Ateea to Mr. JTU Mrs. Howard W. Siuason of JEstacada who have already tak en possession. The Br arsons and their son Lewis will move bere. The Mint theatre will be closed Mwtn March 31 lor luruiovement A ramp wiQ be put in the floor! mnA tabby and aisle wm ne car peted and sew seats added. Brex sosi Is also planning to put in new aonnd prelectors to impipye sound of movies. - Haffiday wIH' go ta work lor a I KM 1 - it- Trade and High 3-741 - mmmmi , :' - " , ' You cr corrUally invittd to Attend a tptclal Fit Id Dtmomtration of thm famoul Hurst Aqto-Jcrt Doom and the complttfw tin of Mostsniciy Word Spray Equipmctnt: luosday, March 14 lto;A.JVL and 2 P. JVL , ON THZ Frank Purdam Farm O t safle norOi mt Kelser. ten left (at MtfUrT flsaa 1H miles la faatk Fso-eaaa farm. ) Sco It In Action! V , One man apt rati . . . A Fits Yovr Prnt Sprtryr If TaiA H Betwawn W wki'50 Wdw HQllltUW U t.!)H libit lirjoa'jii'i Uf ! . - ram EI- 0 o o o o o o o IIOV . . . Tiloro Complete Than Evcrl' Check These ValuM horn Ward's Up-t4he-M2nvt i'l't km mm r DODGE F fl r v..-.' J T 7 i i.)T(, KESUZLT GENOAT02S Ford V-t 1835-ta 7, With Cut-Oat Exch. Completely rebuilt ... bencb tested . . . guaranteed! Exact replacement of original. VYAXDS CAKBU8XTOXS aun.T i nr ,t Ford V-8 MS7-41 W.Va3ji Exch.; : Lxact replacement of original equipment: increase gas mileagw uebuilts for 'most ears. Ha C071TELY CZZU3J . . CUA2AMTC3 TO C1YI Vorronty ss wy aww cos fvt sufifijcfwwi w guuruitfasdl No rebaider Instoib than Wards and Wards es wy fee) quality parts that are rfgidfy tested. Wards Authorized Installer has the arisce to vtstofl year aastor par imcAfym get SOOnSe cnackvp tool Yow cant buy a better rebuilt motor at Wards prices eswwW Wards high cK0y esvl lew price beats 'em (L Repeated: By Popular Demand! Kmiwmm civ Buy yow sweaee t ISfwsf svgvbr low price cm sswafa and awvei at jutaTlarl fay leaaHaMe and work tvHy sjwaranraed by Ward's . . prlcel AO stewf i payments as law as 11X0 Satoea finns, S anatoriala . at this ridiculously Saw (U C2)C2) This Offer Expires Next S4vrsfay II u Lb o 1 J llt: 'f s.j ' Par snjart la yawr caatalnar. federal tax twduded. Salel Reg. 72c a gaL ia 55-gal. r twa 39-gaL drums. Gallaa Saial Regularly 77c a gallon In 30-gaDoa drum. Gallon only G SaW Regular 5.59. Three fjva gsQoa cans. Cat la anfy, aach Sale Regular 2.19. Twe-gaOoa cans specially priced at , Sate! Regular 5.91. Case af 24 ana quart cane cat ta 59 68 IP 5 Farman! Trudcaal Car owistrsl tig tavlncs for yow. Buy now, gat fasmadlota or futur daHvary. Spacld oonfrocl proteefs yoo ogofnrt pries kxraasa or dacraosa. No drum dapotd Fd dalfrary In Words orao. Naw -SoJvanf RefsacT VHeSxavl is bwfter (he errar.tfVwjpHcadLOVVI r (p)Q0 r v t DATTGIIY CUT-PI OvsrcsfSaxf 24 scssf For most cart 45 haory-dufy plcrtasv 100 cnpe)ra-lBOur capctc Cy. Cqgeis or favoti cShar tKtfSanoJy cidvartisad femdj ggliStj for muCjI niortb Yoo fjfaf ctora for your bcflry dotlcr frwa CSsaderd more powar for jddk atorts onol ocoasaory drclsti tsajar cvartiawoV sjtprr?rV! tanta. Oct .cs&tnd tavfagf now on fch ow?itjng2aj vcigas i bvy Wcrdj TCSsadcrdV' 1 1 low Fua PUMM SAVQ For most cars ii - Replace original pump perfectly! Carefully made . . . tested . , adjusted at factory. 2.05 REBUILT OISTRISUTOI SAVD O iLC Ford 1811-41 0.09 Xxch. Oet quick, sure starts, better a--a aws uaativ &Ja,lVs VlVUAXa placement of origmaL SHOCK ABSORBERS Airplane type 8.95 - i AH types ... for an cars. Replace worn "shocks' NOW! Save wear on tires, springs. 43c AXOS STARX P1UGS SAVE GASI uy a set! 1 . ' Guaranteed nerformanea eaiul La any other plugs! Fast starts, great- poww; a reai vazue. 425 UN ED BRAKI SHOES SAVE! Sft for t wheels i &'up ' Big savings . . . Install yourself. Duplicate originals exactly. Ssaooth. safe stops! Long wear. WARDS. Mumra SAVE GASI O OC Fair all cars WWs? i & up .Gives your ear new power and pet fur manes. Easy to install . , wip outwear original! N 4.90 SEALED BEAM KITS SAVEI most cars & up Converts dim "old strle" bead ligbts to powerful sealed beam. Majces driving safer, easier.- QUALITY rSrOT CKZOMI Fits either side i Powerful sealed-unit throws 1300 team! Makes night driving safer . .1 cuts rain and fog. 11.95 1.75 DOOR EDGI MOROC 4 INCH FItl aU cars Gleaming chrome finish! Fits either' aide easy to instalL Ad- Tbad glareproofl i 3 ; CIGAR LIGHTER AUTOMATIC 7C Fiti most cars . an? Jusl push in pops out when hot. Gmotned bead fits on dnth In stall yourself In five minutes! WARDS FLOOR MATS COSTIESSI For aU cars 3.10 C Up Wear longer too 4 extra, heavy rubber! Keep car floors clean. new loosing, uuyynowl DSZSS4J FENDER FLATS SetafS s - Chnane and red Jewel trim. , Heavy rubber keeps, water and. gravel from marring finish. 2.15 SHOP WARDS UNTIL 9 EVERY FRIDAY N GHT n