The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1950, Page 16, Image 16

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    IS The Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Sunday. March 12, 19S0
Idanha Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Hallf 0(4 tacfa ther, ba7, f 9 j Saejn I
weonesaay 10 ee ireaieu ior a
severe cold.
noM Airrtawir
Find mi kow Ironrit can end
kand-ireninf dradgery, hti ye
. tin, help tafegnard your health
ad appearance. Try an Ironrile
In yonr borne for 10 day
withe at charge. Diaeover how ,
Irenrhe's ttoe eomplrtmly utabU 1
tpe ends let yea iron anything
I the wah basket. . .
Call us today for details
iff (r y)
t i : ' . m
I - - ;
Ms "um'AmrAcro
FHa and empties aufemaflcalrys '
half -hour i dmonmr, wtwtor.
Gives two Dvw-WoW rinsos.
' Spins cJorttos damp dry 1 1 , sons
ready for Ironing fcameJIoteJy.
Sotf jbosoHcfciQwo boflfn0 oovfft
Setfidensnfl porcoioin Inside
. and out
Con hooo for
Coat hi Set DtmeastratiMl
II IT- r
Set Tuesday
At Silverton
f tatesman Newt Service
SILVERTON Annual farmers'
night will be observed Tuesday,
March 14, by the Silverton Cham
ber of Commerce. Each member
will bring a fanner friend for the
8 o'clock meeting in the' chamber
of commerce rooms.
A program with refreshments to
follow is being planned. Herbert
Barnes is chairman of the event.
Assisting are Floyd Fox, Frank
Porter, Larry Reesor, Harry Riches,-
Tom A. Anderson and Bruce
Billings. .
The March breakfast will be
held Tuesday morning at Toney's
with a number of reports to be
made at this time. One of the big
features to be discussed will be
the annual Spring Opening set
for Friday and Saturday,. March
17 and 18. Lowell H. Paup, chair
man of the event, reports that
store .windows will be decorated
in spring-style and will be un
veiled at 5:30 p.m. Friday. Stores
will remain open that night until
9 p.m. A window of old-fashioned
goods and one of up-to-date mer
chandise will be featured by the
merchants. The school band will
play on the streets from 7:30 to
8:30 p.m.
Included in the springtime plans
will be a free show for children at
the Palace theater Saturday after
noon at 1 o'clock. All parking me
ters will be hooded throughout
Saturday and each will bear a sign
stating that the parking is free
on the Silverton Chamber of Com
merce. i Membership in the Chamber of
Commerce is now reported at 135
paid up. This is one of the largest
memberships for some time, offi
cials report. Glenn Briedwell is
chairman of the membership com
mittee. Labisli Garden
Club Hears
Charles Cole
Statesman Newt Service
LABISH The Labish Garden
club met at the home of Mrs. Al
vin Van Cleave Thursday for its
regular meeting. Guest speaker
for the afternoon was Charles A.
Cole of Salem. "Roses, All Ameri
can" was the topic, and slides
were shown. j
Guests present were Mrs. R. 1 1.
McLaughlin, Laurie Gaskill, Mrs.
Harry . Hobson, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles A. Cole, Mrs. Marvin Van
Cleave, Larry and Ronny. j
Members present were Me$
dames A. Zahare, G. C. Zenger,
Roy Reed. Jack Bartlett, W. H.
Lowery. Ed Zielinski,
Zielinski. Jo Henny, Barbara, A
L Wright. Glen Wadley, Z. A.
Gregg G. A. McNeff, F, O. John -
"''"" . , . " it Am
the hostess, Alvin A. Van Cleave.
Central Howell Family
On Colorado Vacation i
' Statesman News Serrlce '
Mrs. Leonard Roth and Allan left
Wednesday for a trip to Colorado
where they will visit relatives of
Mrs. Roth. They also. plan to visit
in Kansas.
'. The regular meeting of the Ne
mas club scheduled for this week,
was postponed until Wednesday,
March 15. The meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Walter Haver
son in Dallasv
iijii i
Wisher jmm
f. m$
liuixrm Tiiim iiuns irmun t isxi mxiisss
uWaHDey News LMeffs
Lebanon Ernest F. Young, avi
ation machinist's mate and bus
band of Mrs. Marjorie L. Young
of Lebanon, has been graduated
from the aviation machinist's
school at Memphis, Tenn. He has
been in the navy since May 12,
1941. !
Silverton James W. Gingrich,
navy machinist's mate third class
of Silverton route 1, visited Italy,
Sicily, Arabia and North Africa as
a crew member of the destroyer,
USS E. G. SmalL
- Silverton The Ruth circle of
Silverton's ' Trinity Lu thern
church met Friday with Mrs. Oli
ver Holman on McCain avenue in
Salem. Entertaining with musical
selections were Yvonne Miller,
Lorelei Holman and Mrs. Luthro.
Idanha Rilla Schaffer, regis
trar for Idanha, requests all those
wishing to vote in the May elec
tion to register before April 18 as
no registrations can be made after
that date.
Roberta The Mothers club of
Roberts school raised $57 Fri-
Greens Group
Holds Meet at
Salem Club
Statesman Newa Service
ROBERTS The Oregon
Washington Greenskeeper associa
tion met at the Salem Golf club
with 30 members attending from
two states.
Following the business meeting,
a tiroeram was given wmcn in
cluded a talk by John Varley,
manager of the Salem Golf club,
who told of the new plastic nags
he has developed for use on golf
courses and which are now being
used on the Salem course. William
Schafer, Salem club greenskeep
er, demonstrated a spiker green
he has in use,
Dinner was served the members
under the supervision of Mrs.
William Schafer. Following din
ner, the men played golf and the
women played cards. Next meet
ing will be held the first Monday
in April at the Tualatin club.
Scouts Receive
Promotions at
Amity Meeting
Statesman News Service
AMTTV Amitv lnriff 87.
I0OF, and the Rebekah Industry
lodge 95 were hosts on wecmesaay
2g leade Joe M. Barr Sidney
(Norton, the 4-H giris ciud, Mrs.
Orville A. Colyer, leader, and the
Brownie eirl scout troop with
their leader. Mrs. Ernest Tal-
Seven boys, Ronald Warrick
Douglas Ingram. Raymond Wood,
Gerald Ehlers, Ronald Smith,
Gene Shields and Tony Meeker,
received the rating 61 tenderfoot.
Four boys, Robert Engelland,
Jerry Engelland, Larry Richter
and Harry Wilcox, jr., received
merit badges. Harry Wilcox, sr.,
representing the Commercial
club, sponsor of the Boy Scout
troop, was ' presented with the
charter by Phil Frost, Yamhill
county .'field executive. Ninety
were present.
VX, ' 1
day at their benefit card party
held at the schoolhouse. This will
be used to purchase needed equip
ment and school building improve
ments to bring the school up to
standard requirements. Vernon
Papenfus won the prize offered to
pupils for selling most tickets.
Turner Mr. and Mrs. Freeman
Yardley were visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blodgett
Wednesday evening. Yardley is
pastor of the Sellwood Christian
church in Portland. He was for
merly pastor of the Turner Chris
tian church.
Woodbnrn Bud Fbrgard, co-
owner of the M & F grocery store
here for the past eight years, has
announced that he is now sole
6wner of the establishment. No
change in the personnel of the
store is anticipated, states For-
Woodbnrn The March well-ba
by and pre-school health clinic
will be held at the Woodburn lib
rary Tuesday, March 14 from 12:30
until 2:30 pjn., according to Mrs.
John Hooper, chairman of the lo
cal health committee. Appoint
ments for the clinic may be made
by calling Mrs. Hooper at Wood
burn 1602 as soon as possible.
Amity Mr. and Mrs. Rolland
Thomas, formerly of La Grande,
who have occupied a house on the
Patty farm, moved to Middleton
where they have purchased prop
erty. ,
Woodbnrn A basket social will
be held Thursday, March 16 at 8
p.m. in the fire hall sponsored by
the fireman's auxiliary. The com
mittee in charge includes Mrs
Tom Cross, Mrs. Harold Schiel
and Mrs. Charles Smith. Firemen
will be guests of the auxiliary.
Mint League
Discussed at
Ankeny Meet
Statesman News Service
JEFFERSON At the Satur
day night meeting of Ankeny
Grange the degree was given to
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth VanCleave,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Carter
and Neil Brown. i
Reports on agriculture were
given by Lloyd Marlatt, George
and Leone Henderson, discussing
different ways of eradicating tan
sy and ragwort weeds. Jake Gil
mour told about the organization
of Oregon Essential Oil Growers'
league in Salem last week and its
help to growers. j
The Grange voted a 4-H sum
mer school scholarship and named
Janet Brown, Mrs. Lloyd Marlatt
and Mrs. John Bostrack the com
mittee to choose the winner. The
organization also voted to hold
short business meetings on the
third Saturday of each month, prej
ceding the social meeting at 8 o'
clock. John Bostrack and Lloyd
Marlatt were appointed commit
tee for social meeting for this
month. The coin march proceeds
went to the March of Dimes. j
Mrs. Lloyd Marlatt, home econ-t
omics chairman, announced the
club will meet March 16 with Mrs.
Mary King. !
Brush College Home
Extension Unit Meets
Statesman Newa Service
College home extension unit met
at the home of Mrs. Mike Focht
with 12 present. Lamp shades was
demonstrated by Mrs. I. S. John
son with a number of attractive
shades being completed.
Lunch was served at noon, fol
lowed by a business meeting con
ducted by the vice-chairman, Mrs.
Leonard Kinkaid. Plans were
made for the April all-day meet
ing to be held at the home of Mrs.
D. F. Moehnke on the Wallace
In a wide assortment of patterns and colors for all rooms
- - selected from our regular stock and regularly sold
from 45c to 1 .00 a
Firemen Will
Sponsor Team
At Aumsville
Statesman News Service
AUMSVILLE Plans were made
to sponsor a town" baseball team
at the Aumsville firemen's bi
monthly meeting. Verne B riles
was elected as taem manager, and
Glenn Zwick was elected business
manager. The men voted to install
storage lockers for Supplies be
longing to the fire department.
The Aumsville Women's Home
Extension club held, an all day
meeting at the Aumsville city hall.
Mrs. Charlie Wright and Mrs. Leo
nard were project leaders for mak
ing lampshades. Those completing
the project were Mesdames Marvin
Bradley, Jack LaRont, R. L. Mick
ey, Vernon Roberts, Guy Shields,
Otto Papke, Don Gildows and
William Simpson.
Mrs. Holmquist read a letter
from the family in Finland spon
sored by the club. Appointed on
the nominating committee for the
April . meeting are i Mrs. Guy
Shields, Mrs. Charlie Wright and
Mrs. Vernon Roberts.
The April meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Vernon Rob
erts with the hostess and Mrs. Ro
bert Mickey as project leaders for
'Oven Meals." A table sale will
be held to raise funds for a 4-H
club summer school scholarship.
Extension Unit
Plans Festival;
Committee Set
Statesman Newt Service
EAST SALEM The Lansing
Neighbors home extension unit
met March 9, when the project,
Making Lamp Shades,' was giv
en by project leaders Mrs. Zina
Sharpnack and Mrs. W. A. Marsh.
Members making lampshades
were Mrs. James Haskell, Mrs.
Roy Lively, Mrs. Ben Rathjin,
Mrs. Merlin Estep, sr Mrs. Irv
ing fiion, Mrs. I. G. Lerman, Mrs
W. A. Reeves, Mrs. Ira Mansfield
and Mrs. James Keys.
Seventeen members were pres
ent. Guest for the day was Mrs.
James Keys. Plans were made for
the spring festival to be held in
May. Committee members appoint
ed for flower arrangements were
Mrs. Irving Sion, Mrs. Ben Rathjin
and Mrs. J. V. Aplet; for the festi
val display, Mrs. George Padrick
and Mrs. Roy Lively.
Project leaders who will attend
the March training meeting oh
on preparing oven meals are Mrs.
J. V. Aplet and Mrs. James Has
CVA Debate
Set Monday at
Central Howell
Statesman Newa Serrlce
meeting of the Central Howell lo
cal of the Farmers Union will be
held on Monday night, March 13,
at the Central Howell school house
on the Salem-Silverton road.
The sneciaL feature will be a de
bate on the CVA with State Sen.
Austin Flegel of Multnomah coun
ty taking the affirmative and
Ralph Nohlgren of the Toastmas-
tert club of Salem the negative.
In charge and arrangements for
the meeting are Roy Rutschman,
vice-chairman of the local and
T. R. .Hobart. j
Rutschman will preside during
the short business meeting In the
absence of the chairman, Lloyd
Beutler, who Is in Denver attend
ing the national convention of the
Farmers Union. Elton Watts and
Silas Torvend are in charge of the
social hour.
Road. nA no-host luncheon win be
Regularly Sell
single roll
Per Single Roll
340 Court Street
Brush College Grange
lost for Visitation
Statesamaa News Serrlce
night at Brush College Grange
was attended by representatives
from five Polk county granges.
Brush College Grange Master
R. Peterson conducted the
meeting. Mrs. Wayne D. Henry
was announcer in the absence of
Mrs. K. W. Harritt. Principal
speaker on the program was R. C.
StillwelL whose subject was "Old
Age Benefits."
Mrs. Carl Wood led the group in
games, Mrs. A. E. Utley presented
group singing and Alda Smith
conducted a quiz.
Pedee Farmers
Union Plans
Benefit Dinner
Statesman News Serrlce
PEDEE A benefit chicken
dinner will be given April IS at
the Farmers' union with . Mrs. F.
C. Kerber in charge. Assisting will
be Mrs. Charles O'Neal, Mrs. Her
man Amos and Mrs. Rufus Dodge.
A contribution of .$25 was vot
ed by the union for the national
budget fund. Eldon Cates, chair
man of the local school board, led
discussion on the school budget
to be voted March 13, and ex
plained two school measures, to be
voted in general election. Mrs,
Sidney Howard, Mrs. F. C. Ker
ber and Eldon Cates gave reports
on the state convention. Mrs. How
ard was awarded a trip to the na
tional convention.
George Birchell has returned to
his home from a Corvallis hospi
tal where he underwent an appen
dectomy operation last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hanna and
Mickey May spent the week at
Stanf ield visiting his brother. Nor
man Hanna and family.
Lee Williams of Council, Idaho,
who is visiting his daughter, Mrs.
Viola McMorris at Corvallis, vis
ited friends here this week. The
Williams family lived here sever
al years before moving to Idaho.
H. B. Vickers of Tacoma spent
few days at his farm here last
Mrs. Debney Arnold of Alsea
and Mrs.littie Kerber sponsored
, K a i m r . T 1
parcel pusi uiuwcr ivi u. ui
Ronco recently.
Some SO pounds of nails are
used in building the average
Serving Salem and
Vicinity as Funeral
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Send for our ARTHRITIS BOOK i
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