The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 11, 1950, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' t ;
t Th Statesman. Salem. Oraaon. Saturday, March 11, 1950
Eagles Dispute
its into
. s.
OTTAWA, Ohio, March 1MFV
A dispute within the. Fraternal
Order of Eagles erupted today into
fxand Jury indictment against
hree national lodge officers.
Three grand aerie officials and
I na Ohio state Eagle officer were
1 named In nine separate indict
mentswith charges ranging from
blackmail to publicizing a lottery.
The secret indictments were re
turned yesterday. Prosecutor J.
Marry Leopold said they were
based on efforts to compel the
Ottawa lodge to do these things:
(1) Do business with an in
surnace company and a supply
company affiliated with the grand
, aerie, and
(2) Engage In a fund-raising
campaign which the prosecutor
described as a lottery.
The men named in the indict
. merits were Matthew I Brown of
Springfield, Ohio, administrative
director of -the grand aerie; James
Kellner of Springfield, secretary
of the Ohio Eagles; Joseph Gun
derman of St. Marys, Ohio, depu-
ty grand worthy president and
J H. Goldstein of Portland, Ore.,
J grand aerie legal adviser.
' Goldstein said the indictments
were mnaifestly secured to sat
isfy the spite and 'venom of the
prosecuting attorney."
Leopold and two other Ottawa
officers recently were expelled by
the grand aerie. They were accus
ed of failure to cooperate." The
Ottawa lodge later withdrew from
F.O.E. and formed "Freedom
Eagles No. 1."
' GRANTS PASS, March 10-CP)
-One of the major creameries
l here closed down today, and At
torney Samuel M. Bowe said the
firm would file a petition for vol
untary bankruptcy. He said busi
ness of the Mellow Gold creamery
had dropped off.
Mrs. Katherine Kipper
erine Kioper. late resident of
Brush College, died at the home of
; a son, John Kipper of Kent, Wash.,
March 9. t
Surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. Eugene Cameron, Portland,
Mrs. Andrew Fetch, Seattle; two
sons, John Kipper, Kent, Wash.,
and Mike Kipper; 14 grandchil
dren, 11 grett grandchildren; eight
great great grandchildren; a sister,
Mrs. Anna Bayer of Salem and
' several nephews and nieces.'
Mrs. Kipper was born in Austria,
in 1888 and,! came to America in
1900,- living in North Dakota,
Washington and in Salem five
years. She had resided in Brush
College for 30 years.
She was 4 member of the St
Monica; Altar Society of St Jo
seph parish j in Salem. Funeral
services will be held Saturday at
9:30 am. from St Joseph's Cath
olic church, j
SILVERTON Funeral servic
er for Knute Xnutson, 72, who
died unexpectedly Thursday from
a heart attack, will be held Sat
urday at 2 o'clock from the Me
morial chapel of the Ekman Fun
eral home with the Rev. Joseph
A. Luthro of 1 Trinity Lutheran
church officiating. Burial will be
In Valley View cemetery.
' Survivors are the widow. Id
Xnutson, three sofas, Sheldon, Mel
vin and . Kenneth Knutson; a
daughter Shirley Knutaon, two
sisters and two brothers in the
: midwest - ! .
Doors Open 1:H TM, far
Yo-Km Contest - On the Stage
1:31 .
2 Cartoons Serial
Special Matinee Feitare:
"God's Country"
A Western --'la Color
-, .. fer
Jaan, RowelL Edward Elweod,
Michael Crew,; ,8n1i Fewer,
Arlene Adams, Kenneth Doagh
toa, Steve Ashtoa, Daaaa Wea
del. Kay Smith,; r&trleU Mcvris,
Braee Harper,! Bert Fanning,
Carol Beesch, Yelyna Alder
man. Sharon Wrixht. Kathrya
Lankan, Irene Heller. Theresa
Rlpa, Donald Fereler, Grant
Tedd. Patsy Heleabek. Michael
Eve. Shew Coat after
Ends Today!
WA1TR nun
sm I . JAM 17
AMGBJk k sari
Comedy Ce-Featare
Starts Teaaorrvw - Coat 1:
in till DOST
with Kaddy McDawan
. i I i
3 . :
Final Tally on
DST Sunday
Postcards by the score, Indi
eating an organized opposition
to Daylight Saving time, flood
ed the Soudiar Beard Friday.
But each apparently was
written by a separate Individ-;
ual even though typewritten
addresses showed a concerted
effort and therefore all were
counted. The previous day. two
petitions with equally as many
names were received in
favor of Daylight Time.
The final count will be made
today noon and the full results
announced in The San day
Tew COMPLETE Newspaper
Two Speeders '
Waive Hearing
On Charges
IUUuui Ntwi Scrrlt
DALLAS, March 10 Two young
transients who led state and city
police on a 90-mile-an-hour chase
early Monday morning waived
grand jury hearing in Polk county
court today on charges of burglary
and auto theft.
They were Robert Fox, 21, and
John Shaver, Jr., 19, who are be
ing held in the Polk county Jail
under $2,500 bail. They were ar
rested near Goshen after a wild
chase when they attempted to flee
from a wrecked automobile report
ed stole from Arnold Dalk of Dal
las. The chase started here, al
most 100 miles from Goshen.
Police Chief Paul Kitzmiller said
the pair admitted burglarizing the
Rainbow market in north Dallas
where they took a small amount of
groceries, a radio and some grocer
ies. They will appear for sentenc
ing here Tuesday morning.
Red Canton Depicted as City of
Terror, Money Panic Reported
By Fred Bmpta
HONG KONG. March 10 -UPV-
Car.ton, greatest city of South
China, was decided bv independ
ent Chinese today as a center of
terror ana communist government
crisis, all because of a relative
handful of nationalist air bombs.
Promiscuous shootings by fright
ened red troops, use of forced
labor and a financial panic are
reported elements in the atmos
phere of fright
T reds have not tried to conceal
the fact that they are attempting
to move heir regional government
to a safer nlace. Ther hv en
couraged the mass flight of civil
ians wnicn- nas been In progress
since the damarinr nationalist air
raids of March S.
DiSDatches ' TMTarmaTIv hrmifht
out bv. reDorteri for indcondrnt
Chinese papers In this British
colony 10 miles away 1 paint a
picture of fear and despair in that
city of more than 1,000,000.
The independent Wah Kiu Yat
Po said todav that the communist
money, the Jen Min Piao (Mpeo-
Ph. 3-3467 Matins Daily from 1 fJA.
at 2? 4
f TV
.ar - r . at .. --.h , . . at iaa. - . a a.
ra )
Thrill Ce-Faatural
KaaO'ia JOS'Ta Uli'tiia Cflit; '
Claude H. Murphy, who recent
ly resigned as state real estate
commissioner, and Calvin V. Kent
former deputy commissioner, will
open a new real estate, insurance
and mortgage loan office at 456 N.
Church st., it was announced Fri
day. The firm, to be titled Murphy
and Kent, realtors, will handle all
types of real estate along with
fire and automobile insurance.
They expect to open the new office
about March 15.
Murphy, commissioner since
1939, was in the real estate busi
ness for 12 years before his ap
pointment Kent was a licensed
real estate salesman in Salem prior
to his appointment as deputy com
missioner in 1947.
Zebra Dies
LOS ANGELES, March 10 -UP)
Queen, Griffith park zoo's 18-year-
old zebra, died yesterday.
Through the day, and again this
morning. King, her mate, wander
ed aimlessly, refused In his grief
to eat This afternoon, keepers
found him dead, too.
Several little zebras survive.
Woman Held on
Check Charge
A 20 -year -old Salem woman
was arrested Friday by city de
tectives on a charge of passing
several bad checks under the name
of Ilene R. Lewis, city police re
ported. The woman was listed as Doris
Wayman.,765 McNary st She was
charged with obtaining money by
false pretenses and held in the
county jail in lieu of $1,000 bait
The charge was brought by four
Salem business men. At least eight
checks bearing the Ilene R. Lewis
signature have been passed in the
Salem area during recent v weeks,
detectives reported.
pie's currency) had practically
collapsed. It said that on the
morning of March S tha money
was quoted at 6,000 to one Hong
Kong dollar, and by 4 p.m. the
same day had fallen to 22,000 to
one Hong Kong dollar. (This
would make it 1,430,000 to one
U. S. dollar).
This was a crash almost as fast
as the nationalist yuan took last
May, when it became useless be
cause nobody would accept it
Another Chinese dispatch said
trains, river boats and every
means of getting out of Canton
had been jammed for a week.
Communist soldiers were re
ported increasing the public fear
by shooting at lighted windows
and at civilians who failed to take
cover during alerts. Persons gap
ing at the sky from balconies
were being arrested as vagrants.
All this stemmed from the
March 3 raids. Nationalist bomb
ers came over at intervals all that
day, but reliable accounts say
they dropped only SO bombs of
150 pounds each.
at at m . 1
A -7 &&r
Youth Hurt as Car,
Motor Scooter Hit
Jack Robins, 19, M0 Cum min gs
lane, suffered a skinned right leg
Friday morning in a collision of
his motor scooter and a car at
North Commercial and Hood
streets, f
- Robins Jwas treated by Salem
first aid men and advised to see
his physician.
South Oregon
Students Stage
Protest Strike
10 -VP)- Nearly half of the 165
students at Illinois Valley high
school here walked out today in
protest to firing of the school's
The students paraded through
the streets with placards saying
"We want our teachers back."
The walk-out followed a
lengthy meeting of a school board
committee with the students.
The students asked that Prin
cipal Clarence Hagen be reinstat
ed or that they be told why he
was being released. The only an
swer was: friction in the faculty.
Trouble had been simmering
for days. The county school Sub
committee handling the local
school notified all 11 teachers
they would not be rehired, but
said all except Hagen and Roy E.
Tremayne, English teacher, could
apply for reinstatement By law,
teachers must be told by March
15 whether they are to be retained
for the next year.
Mrs. Harry O. Smith, head of
the sub-committee, charged that
Hagen's supervision resulted in
friction. A meeting of some 100
school patrons earlier this week
got no more information. The
county board backed the com
mittee. County School Supt. L. C.
Moffitt declined to comment
At today's meeting, when stu
dents threatened to walk: out of
classes, both Moffitt and Hagen
asked them not to. But when the
meeting ended, half the students
left the school. The rest returned,
to classes.
The county board meets Mon
day night in Grants Pass. Pre
sumably the trouble will be aired
before it i
2 Automobiles
Stolen in Salem
Theft of two automobiles from
Salem was reported to city police
Friday night One was stolen
from the Salem General hospital
grounds and the other from near
the Oregon Pulp and Paper mill
at South Commercial and Trade
W. C. Howard, 3810 Center at,
reported the theft of his 1940
Buick sedan from the hospital
grounds sometime between 6:30
and 10 pjn. The second car, a
1940 Nash, was reported by Lester
Wallace, Aumsville, an employe
at the paper milL It was taken
between 3 and 11 p.m.
mcoiiE TAX
Barorns Preparod
- Leon A. Flftcras
i t95 PISM St
Fh. 1-SttS fer Appefntsnent
End Today! (Sat.)
Robert Preston
Alan Baxter
4)00 oft?
Color Cartoon
Airmail Fox
Senate to Vote
Wednesday on
Housing Bill
The senate agreed today to begin
voting next Wednesday on a hou
sing bill aimed to meet the needs
of families with moderate in
comes. The most controversial feature
of the bill is a section intended to
stimulate the construction of hou
sin? bv rannn-ative vrntmm Sn.
a tor Bricker (R-Ohio) introduced
an amendment to knock out that
provision, which he said is in
flationary and offers snerial nrl.
vileges to special groups.
Opening arguments for the mea
sure. Chairman. Maybank (D-SC)
of the banking committee told the
senate that the original bill has
been to revised and nit tawn in
the committee that it is "not the
least; bit inflationary." p
President Truman has asked for
special -aid to housing coopera
tives to provide dwellings for per
sons in the so-called middle in
come brackets from $2,400 to
$4,700 a year. The original bill
presented by the administration
called for $2,000,000,000 in government-backed
loans to such co
operatives. The bank in 7 committee nit (h
loan figure to $1,000,000,000 and
dropped the idea of direct govern
ment guarantees that the . loans
would be reDaid. Instead, the hill
was revised to provide for insur
ance of the loans to cooperatives
by a national mortgage corpora
tion, which would raise money by
selling debentures I securities.)
Middle Iaeome Families
Senator Sparkman (D-Ala), one
of the psonsors of the bill told
the senate that the measure is
drawn to meet the needs of many
families of modest means, who
make too much to be eligible for
public housing, but not quite
enough to bur or rent suitable
quarters at present prices.
lie estimated that under the
proposed cooperative program, a
V room dwelling casting M 000
could be operated successfully on
a basis of S84.87 monthly rent-
compared with $90 22 for a com
parable unit under the regular
FHA program covering large scale
housing projects.
La Grande was buildine a new
swimming pool today, to be dedi
cated as a war memonaL It will
be finished by July.
Special 1 Dinner
4UJ PerUa-H Keen"
Opea 5 p.m. till 11 p.m.
Sunday at Nooa
Crispy Prle4 Chicken
Preach Fries - Soil
Dessert - Drlak
Last Tunes Tealte!
Open 1:15 - Start C:4S
Jeanne Crane i
WUUaaa Landlgaa
WUlka ElUtt
Ia Color
Cent front 1 P.M.
NOW! Opens C:4J TM.
At 12:39 with
Ret. Shew
Ends Today! Coat Shews
A Costelio
Vanderberg Says
Russ Soon Able to
Launch A-Attack
March 10 -()- General Hoyt S.
Vandenberg said tonight that
Russia soon will be able to launch
an intercontinental atomic attack
in considerable strength.
In a speech prepared for the
San Bernardino Orange festival,
the air force chief of staff added:
"The grave question now facing
us is whether this ability is in
creasing more rpidly than our
own ability to resist such an attack.-
Vandenberg said the extent to
which the air force can carry out
all its responsibilities depends on
the resources that can be made
available for its use.
VA Employes
Given Notices
The veterans administration gave
job-ending no bees to thousands of
its employes today and there were
rumors it will close some smaller
offices throughout the country.
On March 3, Administrator
Carl Gray, Jr, announced that VA
would have to drop about 7.800
employes because it lacked the
money to keep them on the payroll.
It now has about 185,000 full time
employes and 10,000 part time
Express Rate
Rise Granted
A $25,000,000 a year rate increase
for the Railway Express Agency
was authorized by the interstate
commerce commission today.
The agency, wholly owned by
the nation's major railroads, will
be allowed to increase its charges
10 per cent on all first and second
class express shipments moving in
less than carload lots. That takes
in the bulk of the agency's busi
Last Day!
'Holiday In Havana"
New Tomorrow!
rut fit
Stars...tha r
and the (light
Jo liftYou
to eights
of Emotion! i
Color Cart
Warner News
II 1
V Mi
f t " f ri r
.- aW y Ul 1 aW' t. i
3XD ACS Hill .
Resident off
Jef f erson Dies
Of Chickentoox
JEFFERSON Death came
suddenly to Lester A. Stephenson,
38, at -his home here Tuesday
night He had been ill onjy a day
or two i with chickenpox. I
Funeral services were! held at
Salem from the dough - Barrick
Funeral home Friday. Burial was
in the Willamette Memorial ceme
tery. George Richardson, pastor of
I the Jefferson Church of Christ,
officiated. Pallbearers were Rob
ert Hart, Robert Harris,! Leland
Wells, Gilbert Looney, Dixon Voss
and Leonard Marram.
Lester A Stephenson, a! son of
Mr. and. Mrs. M. S. Stephenson,
was born March 11. 1914, at Raw
hide, Nev. He came to Jefferson
in 1919 with his parents,! gradu
ating from the local high school in
1933. Following that, he worked
for Pacific Wire Rope company in
Los Angeles for 10 years, return
ing to Jefferson two years ago
where he had been engaged! in far
ming. He was married to Helena
Witzel at Turner in 1939. She sur
vives him as do two children, Clif
ford and Crystal. f
Others surviving are his moth
er, Mrs. Lettie Stephenson ' of Eu
gene; five sisters, Mrs. Noah Glass
of Redmond, Mrs. Ira Buxneson
and Mrs. James Stewart also of
Eugene, Mrs. Annabel Williams of
Fallon, Nev., Mrs. Irene Sandifur
of Vancouver, Wash.; three 'broth
ers, Frank of Portland, Wilhert of
Los Angeles and Oliver of Jeffer
son, f
Lena Shingman, 1040 S. Liberty
st., reported to city polite. Friday
night that her home had been en
tered and a black flowered dress
taken sometime Thursday night.
Horry, r Salem Ends Tonight!
Robert TayUr-iohn Hediak in "AMBUSH
And The Tattooed Stranger
i Uf iti'fli
Coatinaoas Every! Saturday
and Sanday! .
Robert Rockwell
Raymond Barr Barbra
33..:. UWJyAim,
COLOR CARTOON "Henhouse nenery Warners News
fimt mmmmmmm, i
fpaui J$rmdtron
1530 Mineioo St.
Opening Night April 18th
Tacoma vs. Salem
Entirt CraMstand Ressrved
AdmissioM iJ0Q Tax kidwdW
rickets now en sals at Mapla's Sporting Goods Storo
Rax Seat Tickets on Mm at Wataes Held Offica ,
James Newton Wilson, Eureka,
CaliL, was In the city jail Friday
night charged with driving while
Intoxicated following his arrest
earlier by city police in the 200
block of South Commercial street.
He was held In lieu of $230 ball.
Marguerite de La Motte, 48r star
of silent film days and leading
lady in several pictures starring
the late IVMtcrlaa r,irtuk.
died today. Death was attributed
io oiooa am in tne Drain fol
lowing an operation.
. 1ftTtl '
Saturday Night
AamsvlUe Favillloa
Tommy and His
West Coast Ramblers
9:39 to 12:5f
n Highway Na. tit
iv mi. qjcm or saiem
19 mi. 8JE. of Salem
Old Time
Every Salnrday
High -
Over Western Anto
259 Coort St -Join
the Crowd and Have a
Good Time
Ben's Orchestra
Pnblie Dance
Adm. eoe. Inc. Tax
wan lovahtw
7, ...a hfrnvrt
Flos This
2nd Treat!
Fuller la
Your Child
has Talent!
Let professional dancer
and teachers develop that
talent Enroll and start
your younasters today at
. 4 psa. at th
"Out Airport RookT