The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 09, 1950, Page 14, Image 14

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    - 1
M4--Th Statoaftnu Salens QnqoA:ThvndaT March 1850 I
300 Personal 400 Agriculture
314 Transportation I 412 Fruit and Farm Produce
DRIVING TO NEBRASKA, '48 Chev. TEXAS Bermuda onion plant. OrcutU
, Want J pass. CaU 2-0878. Market. 4200 N. River Rd.
3 15 Personal 1 425 Auction Sales
hsocer?. S8g BigPublic Auction Sale
i WILL NOT b responsible for debts Salem Agricultural Housing, toe to
other than own. Wlllard Shelley. Bell Government surplus mchdse at.
LONELY, write Ruth L. Wade tan pubc aucUoa. This auction to be
- OU rel Club) Vancouver. Box 607". Sim JJr SJSTIS;
tti ru m. -.., asa -tt- sl Southeast , end of Salem Airport on
SALEM Nursing Home. 3595 u . r 4 on. Monday, March
oTwomn7 nCi M to JOth i pjn? shar Watch for later
J mn- Trmed nurM " hr itemized list of article to be aold.
MADAM GRAV, Fortune teller. Kim goL .j """V Awcttonw-
and psychic readings. Madam solves , rn. a-w. . 1 : -
your problems. Advice. 173 S. Com'L Anrtmn
Phone 2-9285. far. ajn. to 10 p.m. AULUUU
- " Every Thurs. 7 -JO pjn. Furniture and
. , household articles. We invite you to
400 Agriculture Vj5rr SkuSmo-
1 g 102S Lancaster Drive Ph. 2-1221
402 odr Merchandise
20 CHOICE milking cows. Jerseys.
. Guernseys and Shorthorn. Some Just ... . . . gft
. fresh. Joe Brinkman., Brooks, Ores. 455 Household Good Fot Solo
P.O. Box 4. :
WST SELL all my cows, fresh and HARDWOOD PLATE GLASS front
. springers, also some young heifers. H. book case, In good condition, $20. See
W. Nelson, Rt 1, Box 415. No Sat or at I960 N 24th St.
Sun, calls. JCENM6RE WASHER. late model. $4S.
BULL Service any place Ph. 42949 Premere hand vacuum $7 JO. DM. bed
WANT Fresh or Sprouter cows, cows coU spring $5. Eddie Gaub, 1 ml. E.
giving 2 gal or more. aU types beef of Brooks. Ph. 2-3120. ,
1 cattle Buy entire herd Tom Webb r 1 0 4 cn
Rt I, Turner. Ph. 925. Linoleum $4.DU
feoNUfcU livestock buyer Claud Ed- VALLEY TURN. CO. 283 N. COM'L.
a!'!? Rt. J?..80 g.E Pn U" -1 USED Turn, cheap - trade - terms
BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E C Vallev Turn Co.. 285 No. Coml 2-7472
McCandllsh 1127 S 25th. Ph 3-1147 wESTlNGHOUSE washing mach, gd.
Wanted: All types livestock Ph, 4-2617 cond. Call eves. 3-5649.
LICENSED Livestock buyer. H E $ PC. DINING set, good condition. 255
Snethen 1550 Lancaster dr ph 2-1345 S. 14th.
. m 1 COMPLETE Household furnishings. A-l
404 Poultry and Rabbits cond. 3360 Rawlins Ave. Ph. 4-2334.
PUREBRED NEW HAMP. setting eggs. good, price 822.50. 1114 Edgewater.
Ph. 2-1117. 2325 Prtnglc Rd. USED WASHER At 5 piece dinette set.
LARGE WHITE Pekin duck eg gs 11 M ph. 2-4738.
setting. McCain Ave. off Silverton APEX, spin-dryer washer, very good.
Rd. 1st hse. on right. -v cond.. 805 N. Cottage, ph. 2-8828.
NEW Hampshire and Parmenter chicks GIBSON freezer Upright. Cost $348.
available every Tuesday Fox's now $200. V. A. Smith, Rt. t. Box 370.
' Hatchev SMC State St Ph. 34969 Salem. Ph. 4-2418.
FARM. REDS. New Hampa, Comics
Cross every wk 1-2000 heavy ckls. 456 Wanted. Household Goods
ClrrularGe.irine Hatchery. Silverton
COCKERELS day old and started. Jen- GLEN WOODRY. Ph. 35110.
ningg Poultry Farm. Phone 3-5428. us FURN, immediate appraisal
na rj a ' highest prices. Valley Furniture. 285
408 PotS' N Commercial Ph 27472
COLLIE PUPS, reasonable. Ph. 4-2447. HIGHEST PRICES
BEAUTIFUL purebred cocker puppies Household goods, furniture, bric-a-brac
. 810. 1743 Baker. Ph. 3-6288. appliances, rugs, silverware, dishes
PUPPIES TO give away. CaU after 5 QUICK SERVICE PHONE 3-8558
p m. 2QB5 N. Liberty. '
J-rench Foodies, males & females. 4 458 BuHdlna Materials
mo. old. house broke, 1572 State. ,
4io s d and Plants Save at Keith Brown!
1 Ux4 Cedar Siding 825 M.
L ST SUMMER potted Delphinium -
plants. will bloom this season. 3 WINDOWS M price. Prices slashed on
color series. 3 for 11. Sat & Sun. or pecial shipment. Variety of sizes,
by appointment. 2195 Berry ph. 3-5128.
. , - j-. REJECT PLYWOOD: ,'". ;m,
412 Fruit and Farm Product) . from e per mi ft.
NO. 1 ONIONS, 75c. 30 lbs. Al Ped. 2i .SiJjL5dl"ffi
ml N. underpass on Portland hlway. ,,?,rf f .hfi if iHf
Rt. 7 Box HslTph. 3-1500. SSrhfS.hSS?
EASTERN ALFALFA HAY. Ph. 31458. Che,Pr th ,hlplap-
' Everything to build anything at that
convenient KEITH BROWN location.
Additional Classified "ncurl- s,lem- t-t r
HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rent-
Ads on Page 13 Sjis;0"""" " n-
I - Pacific Standard Time
Kilocycle: KSLM 1390, KOCO 1490. KOLN 970. KGW 20, KEX 1190
FM: Meg?rycles KOIN
(Editor's note: The Statesman publishes In good faith the programs and
times as ?revided by the radio stations, bnt feeeamse offtimes programs are
changed without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the
axearacy herein).
HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 0045
6 KSLM Morn. News (Time keeper March Time (News
KOCO ' ttCOCO Klock KOCO Klock
KOIN News IKOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock
KGW Hodge Podge BCneass News a Farm Time Farm Time
KEX ; Farm News I Keep Smiling Keen Smiling Vack Norman
7 KSLM Hemingway (Rise dthln Break. Gang (Top Trades
KOCO Tex Ritter KOCO nock News fKOCO Klock
KOIN KOIN Klock Macleod News Goss News Fred Beck
KGW Early Bird (Old Songs Kneass News (Sam Hayes
KEX Washburn NewslGarred News Bob Hazen Keke Manners
8 KSLM . Barg. Counter IFamtly Altar Haven of Rest Haven of Rest
KOCO WildVd church1 Fierta Time West Melodies Temple Echo
KOIN Cons. News IValle News Grand Slam Rosemary
KGW Eddie Albert (Eddie Albert Jack Berch Sage Riders
KEX - Break. Club Break. Club Break, dub Break. Club
9 KSLM N.W. News IGarden Guide IPastors CaU (Dick Haymes
KOCQ Melody Time Melody Time Stars Sing )J. C Thomas
KOIN j Wendy Warren lAunt Jenny Helen Trent (Gal Sunday
KGW Second Cup Second Cup Hometowners Kneass Newt I
KEX News Etars of Today (Quick as Flash Quick as Flash
afl f KSLM Glen Hardy IBennlo Walker jOrganallties IRiiss Morgan
all KOCO N.W. News lMemo. Musio frune Time 88 Keys
III KOIN Bl 8ir Ma Perkins Dr. Malone Guid. Light
- faf KGW Marriage for SlCavalerro (Reynolds Show George Murphy
KEX Ladies Seated fTed Malone iTrue Story True Story
14 KSLM Ladies Fair Ladles Fair Queen For DayiQueen For Day
I KOCO Music Mart iMusle Mart Jan Garber Variety
I KOIN Mrs. Burton I Perry Mason Norah Drake Brighter Day
I KGW , Doub. Nothing Doub. Nothing Today's Child. Light of World
KEX Betty Crocker Vic Llndlahr Northwest. Morthwest.
.4 KSLM Top Trades INews Gay 9V (Eberly Show
1 1 KOCO H'wood Music I H' wood Musio (News. IDave Dennis I
. I KOIN Macleod News Come Get It House Party House Party
I Ska KGW Kneass News I Road of Life Pepper Young Happiness
.KEX Baukhage - News iMeet Menjous Art Baker
gt KSLM Bob Mitchen Bob Mitchell Tell Neigh. Blng Sings
"1 KOCO Mac's Metod. Mac's Melod. Mac's Melod. I Mac's MekxL
. I KOIN Nona. NowherelJack Holt (Allen Show IKIrkham
I KGW Bacftstage WlfeiStella Dallas Lor. Jones iWidder Brown
KEX In Hollywood to Hollywood Kay West Kay West
2 KSLM Poole Show . (Poole Show Ladies First Ladies First :
KOCO Msc's Melod. Mac's Melod. Mac's Melod. Mac's Melod.
KOIN Kirkham Moore Show Allen Show - Tune. Yours
KGW , Girl Marries Portia Plain BiU Front Page
- KEX - . Jay SUwart . Jar Stewart (Hannibal Cobb Hannibal Cobb
3 KSLM t Salem High Jamboree - Mews Xostelanets
KOCO . Mac's Melod. Mae's Melod. Mac's Melod. Mac s Melod
KOIN Kirkham Art. Godfrey Art Godfrey Art Godfrey
KGW - Travelers Travelers Aunt Mary Love. Learn
KEX Bride M Groom'.Bride 8c Groom! Pick a Date (Pick a Date t
4 KSLM Fulton Lewis ' (Hemingway tBehtnd Story Cavallero
KOCO Movie Time Philosopher Bedlam Bedlam
KOIN Art Godfrey lArt Godfrey (Curt Massey Ed . Murrow
KGW Woman's See. ' Life Beaut - Life Beaut JLife Beaut
KEX - More out of LifeSquirrel Cage (Squirrel Cage (Firefighters
KSLM Straight ArrowlStrsight ArrowlBar B Ranch (Bar T Ranch
KOCO - Swing Time (Swing Time - IGirl Scouts (Band of Day
KOIN , s Feature lUttle Show . IHuntley News News
KGW Ihree of Us I'oster News I Songs of Times Peterson
KEX i. Green Hornet' (Green Hornet U. Armstrong U. Armstrong
KSLM Gab. Heater ' N.W. News
KOCO Candlelight Candlelight
KOIN - - Suspense (Suspense
KGW Screen Guild I Screen Guild
KEX Edwin C. Hill (Home Edition
Guest Star -Playhouse
Perry Com
Gongs of
Kwuaie acKpot ikvo. Knigni
(Perry Como
KSLM - Clyde Beatty (Clyde Be-tty
KOCO Track 1490 (Track 1490
KOIN . Lowell Thomas Jack! Smith
KGW Sinatra, KiritenWews
KEX ' Amateur Hour Amateur Hour
31en Hardy
Track 1490
r. b. 1
Father Knows
I Fulton Lewis
Track 1490
F. B -I
KSLM I Love 0 Myst
KOCO Night Song
KOIN 8 Star Final
KOW . Sam Hayes o
KEX 4 Reporter
KSLM Net News ? (Cue to Musle Mldn. Melodies Midn. Melodies
KOCO Nocturne ; iNocturne . Iiyocturne Nocturne.
KOIN Bandstand Bandstand Melodies (Melodies
f.osr Nws IWax Museum fWax Museum Wax Museum
KGW Concert Hour (Concert Hour Memos I Memos .
- KOAC 550 K.C Thursday
10:00 a.m. The Newt and Weather:
10 as Especially , for ; Women: . 1140
Oregon School of the Air: 11 M Con
cert Hall; 12:00 The News: 12:15 pjn.
Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'Em Cow
boy: las -Oregon School of the Air:
1:45 Melody Lane; 20 Home Garden
Hour; 2:30 Memory Book of Music;
1:45 Oregon School of the Air: 3:00
The News: SOS Musie ot the Masters:
101.1; KGW 100.3; KEX 92J
ITeHo, Cest (Serenade
INews Twilight Song I
(Photographer (Photographer
IMusic CavlcadelMusic Cavalcade
Romances . (Romances
Times! Traveler
HoL Theatre
Date with Judy
I Hoi Theatre
I Dragnet
(Date with Judy
Sports for All (Sports for All
(Track 1490 Track 1490,
Mr. Keen ' Mr Keen
lAldrich Famfly lAMrich Family
lAmateur Hour R. Montgomery
Ray Bloch
IRay Bloch
piano Pattern
ciub is
Father Knows (Duffy's Tavern!ruffya Tavern
lOanc Orcta. (Dance Oreh.
Newsreel (News Harry James
Night Song IMusic you want; Music you want
You World Air-flo (Orchestra
Morton DowoeyjSports Page 'I Orchestra
Intermezzo IConcert Hour iConcert Hour
4:00 University Hour; 1:08 Chfldren's
Theatre; US On the Upbeat; 1:50
550 Sports aub; IM The News;
8:18 Virginia Terbeek at the Organ;
130 Round the Campfire; 1M Head
lines n Chemistry; 7:15 Evening Farm
Hour: S0 Flying Time; 8:15 Oregon
SUte College Library: 8 30 Veterans'
News Review: :45 The News and
Weather: 8.00 Musie That Endures;
t:45 Evening Mediations; 10 :M Sign
Off. . - ;, . .. . , i
450 Merchandise
458 Building Materials
Shingles Siding .
4 grades fresh cut mountain cedar
, shingles 18 in. cedar shakes with
undercourse $12.50. New white as
bestos siding, 810 square. Fireproof,
no painting needed, C. G. Long, ph.
2-5821. 1 mile North of Keiier.
Shingles - Shakes
2 Shingles 25.50 sqi
3 Shingles 3.00 sq
1 II Shakes 12 JO I .
C. G. Long, ph 2-5821 1 mi
W of I
WE Sell only the best cedar shingles
all grades del. IS in. No. 11 carton
packed cedar wall painted ! shakes,
$1230 with undercourse, oak and
pecan flooring, cedar and j spruce
siding. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 21198.
O QUALITY . . strict West j Coast
Grading. !
PRICE . . Save 10 per M. ft
SERVICE . . Prompt delivery, ac
curate tally.
O CONVENIENCE . . Specified or
ders filled and delivered.
1050 Wallace Rd., i ml. No. of! river.
Phone 3-9593 !
Windows Plywood
New windows, frames and large sashes.
Low priced. Many used windows $1.95
up. all thicknesses plywood, pick your
choice, cheap. C. G. Long. ph. 2-5821.
1 mile North of Kelzer. j
Doors - Hardware
I panel doors. $8. I
1 lite and 2 lite glass doors. $11.50.
Mahogany and birch front doors $28.50
Door jambs $3.50. !
Overhead garage door hardware $18.80
C. G. Long, 1 mile north of Kelzer,
Ph. Z-98Z1.
You can buy lumber, millwork, hard
materials, hardware, floor covering,
electric appliances, paints, insula
tion, roofing and house wares for
as little as 10 down on a purchase
of $20 up to $300. Small, easy month
ly payments take care of the rest
Make it easy on your budget; with
budget terms from t
A at that convenient location
.'front and Court Streets. Salem.
Salem Screen Shod
1444 S. 12th. Windows, Screens door,
frames 8c sash made to order. Glass
replaced. Ph. Clyde Moore. 2-8493.
4BQ Musical Instrumsmts
: piano, new Wurlitzer electric organ,
1 new twin electric guitar, new piano
accordion. Save up to 50. Jaquith
1 Music Co., 840 Cascade Drive Ph.
3-4641. !
GD. UPRIGHT PIANO, very reas. Ph.
4S2 Sports Equlpmont
$18450 EVINRXJDE only $129.50, terms.
sal em Boat House, 100 Chemeketa.
LADIES golf irons - Spalding matched
mi w nunc wyj . . v.'n
BOATS all sizes. Terms. Salem -Boat
set, z thru 7. Phone I-403I evenings.
uouse, loo Chemeketa, j
468 For Rant Miscellaneous
rental sales plan. Tallman Piano
Store. 395 S. 12th. j
kets furn. 197 8. Liberty. Ph. 2-9062
GOOD USED Piano H L. SUfl i
470 For Sale. Miscellaneous
OIL CIRCULATING heater, 8 inch pot,
perfect condition. 'Ph. 3-5733.
G.E. WASHER with pump. 2 yrs. old.
5Q. KH. Z-441S.
REBUILT PIANOS, like new. Lge.
selection as low as $25 dn. $10 per
mo. See at Tallman s, 395 S. 12th.
"A-mile from Hlh Prices
LOVES EAT DAVENO. can't be told
from new $490, G.E. range, perfect
apt sice $85, used breakfast set $12.
hdwd. chest $8.50. used 9x12 linoleum
rug $4.50. Glenn Woodry Furniture
Market. 1605 N - Summer. Ph. 3-5110.
HEN j HOU5EV lOxlsY good cond, $50.
Phi 3-5359. !
i Homemade QUILTS. 1 pr. emb. pil
low cases, crocheted edge. Ph. 3-3421.
STRAW and manure spreader. Rt 9.
dpi rn, ur j
18' USED restaurant counter. S stools,
Formica top, good shape. Erlckson's
super Maraet, aooo fortianq Ha.
i'SED Radios and records players
tiM and up.
Yeater Appliance Co.
' 375 Chemeketa St. j
FORMAL, blue, size 14, $15. Baby buggy
good cond. 810. Phone 2-8771. ;
Baby-Safe-Table for sale. Write N. B.
Service. P.O. box 255. Salem. j
STEEL CLOTHES line posts, also or
na mental iron hand rails, ph. 2-8858.
lOBTzna. st
Ph. 2-9275.)
"BABY LINE' CRlB. six year- siize',
adjustable springs and double bed
compl. both in ex. cond. Ph. 24O01.
ATMORAYS Harley Purh Ph 2-8761
LUGGAGE trailer. 8 ft bed. new tines.
SKB Blller. oh. Z-13OT or Z-7564.
MATTRESS fuU size. Large Wardrobe
Trunk. Ph. 3-8482.
hospital InsUrAncE - Ko ac
limit Mut of Omaha Ph. 2-5092.
Inc. Dr. calls.
STANLEY HOME Products. Ph. 393o7
OIL Circulators at greatly reduced
orlces i
Tester Appliance Co.
373 Chemeketa St. '
FERTILIZER $3.50 per yard. 4 yd.
load 812. Del, ph. 935 Turner.
TEXAS Bermuda onion plants. Orcutts
Maritet. szw w. River Ha.
TEXAS Bermuda onion plants just
arrived. Puritan Cider Works. West
USED 1 lectrie
Yeater Appliance Co.
375 Chemeketa St. ;
RE-HOOFING. Painting 8c remodeUng.
Willamette Valley Roof Co. Inc. Sa
USED Electric washers $19.95 and up
Yeater Appliance Co. j
USED Sewing machines priced to suit
your budget. Reconditioned & guar
anteed. Ralph Johnson Appliances.
rn. mijv. -
ALL Sewing machines. Service, sales.
rentals. 1930 N. 18th. Ph. 3-7871.
RENT a wheel chair, hospital bed.
Buren 37773. 745 Court SI ;
PhHImn Rrn.
a mmm m .m aj av04t
Fertnixera. wen rotted or fresh, any
kind, by yard or sack. Flagstone for
all rock work, cedar fence posts and
tele and elect poles. - any length,
shingles, yew Kot lumber. Ph.
, . r . m w mam . '
rtt n. pox aaiem
HEAT YOUR HOME electrically with
Westlngbouse or Wesix automatic
electric heater Yeater Appliance Co.
375 Chemeketa
DONT BE a rug drudge. Shampoo
your rugs at home at one-half the
cost Rent a Clark Rug Shampoo
machine at Howser Bros. 1410 &
IZth. Pn. 3-3848.
TI-KOTE, the ceUophane-uke finish
zer uoora or unoieum.
Yeater Appliance Co.
37S Chemeketa St
or. V.TXanvN Jk. Dr.O.CmasUA
DRS. CHAN . . . LA1I
xl NectA Uberty
Upstairs abort Decker's, 231 N. Lib.
erty. Office eeee Satvrday only It
aja to 1 pjn. to I p.aa. Censaita
ttoav Bleed i easts and orlne testa
are free eg ohargaw
450 Merchandise
470 For Sale, Mlscoillanoous
Walling Sand & Gravel Co.
Crushed Rock
For roads, & driveway Cement Ready
mix. Concrete Garden Sand Bull
dozing, drainage and ditching. ' yd
shovel & drag Itne Phone 3-9249
USED Electric ranges $19 95 and up
Yeater Appliance Co..
75 Jhemeketa St
Cow or' chicken fertilizer, dry, weed
free, sterilized, dehydrated and pul
verized. Ready for any use and will
not burn. Made in Salem from cow
and chicken manure. CaU 3-1458 and
order now. Phillip Bros Rt S. Box
118, Salem, Ore 4 mi. East of SUte.
472 Wanted. Miscellaneous
HEAD for Model A Ford. Ph. 2-8337.
USED SAFES used door closers, call
SEWING machines, any cond. Ph -76?f
Top Prices Paid Now
For Rough Lumber
Green Dimension or small cants.
Arrow Lumber Co.
300 Wallace Rd. W. Salem
474 Miscellaneous
Sewing lessons
Day or evening
New Home Sewing Center
Ralph Johnson Appliances
355 Center St. Ph. 33139
SEWING Machine repairs guaranteed
Reas Abo used. Ph. 27380.
WANT TO Buy used cameras & lenses
McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State
HOW&EH BROS. Your power tool
rental headauartcrs 1410 S 12u St
Ph 33848 -
Dental Plate Repair
Bring or Mail Youi Plates for Repair
Adolpb Bldg SUte s Com Ph 3-3311
476 Fuel
SLABWOOD. 18 In. Hand picked. 2
cord load. 810 Ph. 27751
Oregon Fuel Co.
Dry slab or dry edging fresh clean
sawdust green edging $5 50 Id. dbl
$10 Also 18" green slab or 4' Phone
Highway Fuel Co.
Clean sawdust wood green or dry.
Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny
Saver SUmps. Ph. 36444.
West Salem Fuel Co.
Old growth block wood 10 In. clean
no bark
Phone: Salem 2-4031
Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater
tt W. Salem.
Capital Lumber-Fuel Co.
1 Phone 2-7721 or 3-8024
Phillips Bros.
Old Br. ash, maple, oak. 4 Or. 18"
lab and edgings Ph. 3-1458.
Tri City Fuel
PHONE 2-7442
18-ln. slab wood and edging
Fresh cut screened sawdust
12-ln. Inside mill wood
Dry wood
DRY Trash burner At cook stove wood.
Clean, no bark. R. H. Allen 1260
Candlewood Dr. Ph 22382.
DRY WOOD, most kinds. Phone 2-4278.
16" Wood '
Old and Second Growth Fir
2 Unit loads
Delivered to Salem $12.00
For orders please call collect
Independence 42
Independence Lumber and
Manufacturing Company
Independence, Oregon
500 Business & Finance
S02 Business Opportunities
FOR SALE OR TRADE: Sm. grocery
store, fixtures Ac stock. Good loc.
Ph. 2-7224.
Shingle Mill
Widow must sell complete mill, prop
erty & all, doing excellent business,
plenty of logs. Short distance from
H. E. Corey, Real Estate
1365 N. Broadway Ph. 2-0552
Well esublished beauty shop in ex
cellent location in Salem. Ideal for
2 operators. THIS IS A GOOD BUY.
See Mrs. White.
2288 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-0612
SCHOOL. Newly decorated thru-out
A choice Income property for only
$7000. Terms.
DOWNTOWN. S furn unlU grossing
EO per yr. Too good to last at
00. Consider trade for mod.
e & small acreage.
Larsen Home & Loan Co.
Exclusive Listings Personal Service
184 S. Coml St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve-3-9989
SERVICE STATION tor lease at Hub
bard, Oreg. living quarters, room for
grocery store, ph. 1413. A. H. Morris,
PRIVATELY" owned service station
equipped with Pub. rm. Sc loU of
rrrr. for information ph. 4-Z314.
BUS. BLDG.: Uv rms.' 2065 N. Com'l.
Income property with living quarters,
all furn. Consider part trade. Easy
rerms on pai. uwntr z-3040.
wholesale business, paying excellent
dlvidmas. Must sell immediately be
cause of illness. Small investment re
oulred Statesman Box 578.
FOR SALE Men's furnishing store.
Price sacrificed to selL Ph. 2-5508,
eve. Z-Z333.
f 6ft SALE 6ft TRADE - bandy Cafe
just rght for 2. See me at 1895 S.
SO ft fronUge on Edgewater near
KOCO.A good Investment buy.
Walter Musgrave Realtors
Phono 3-5109 1211 Edgewater
510 Money To Loan
WE Make loans up to 80 of the
appraised value on qualifying mod
ern homes, Salem and vicinity. Also
see ns for FHA construction loans.
SUte Finance Co.. 153 South High
St.. Salem. Oregon.. -
$ CASH $
Hollywood Finance Co.
1980 Fairgrounds Road
Next to bank. Ire parking. Pm.
2-7032 Lie. No. M369-S29L Floyd
PRIVATE Money to loan. PhJ' 2-0794.
an4 other
Rectal -Disorders
- Inxntiea
Dr. H neyrdii
1144 Center St.
1 500 Business & Finance
510 Money To Loan
183 & Church St Ph 2-2457
Parking Aplenty
Lie M199-SI54
$25.00 to $500.00
Salem's largest and oldest home-own
ed loan company offers money when
you need it!
You can pay anytime to reduce net
cost! ;
No endorsers, or help from friends I
On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00
On furniture, livestock, equipment
salary or other personal property up
to Kug.ooi
Phone or visit our office today!
Hear "Top Trades" 12.-03 daily KSLM.
1390 KC'sll
General Finance Corp.
Lie. No S138 and M338
h PHONE 3-9161 136 S. COM'L ST.
4l and I
Your own terms of repayment within
reason Cash for Real Estate Con
tract and Second Mortgagee.
. 207 Pioneer Trust Blot Ph 4-2283
Private Money
On Cars. Trucks & Trailer Homes
Long or Short Terms Payments
Roy H. Simmons
136 S Commercial St Phone 3-9161
FHA Residential Loans a Specialty
City, Suburban and Farm Loans
Business Building Loans
We Make Construction Loans and
Private Money Loans Exceptionally
Favorable Terms
No Loan Too Large or Too SmaB
Abrams & Skinner, Inc.
Mortgage Loan Specialists
411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9217
For Bills!
Get cash to consolidate bills snd re
duce expenses. Loans $25 to $500 on
auto up to $300 on salary, furniture.
Up to 20 months to repay. Charges
only for the time you use the money.
No co-signers required. Let us try
and arrange a loan the same day.
We like to say "Yes." Come In or
Finance Company
' of Salem
518 SUte St., Rm. 125 Ph. 2-2484
Lie No. S-122 M-165 C. R. Allen, Mgr.
IN 50
A "Bill Consolidation"
loan may make you "Thrifty In "50."
Pay off your bills. Lower your month
ly paymenta.
$50 to $1500
CaU or phone today
Industrial Loans
11$ S Uberty Phone 4-2203
600 Employment
604 Help Wanted. Male
WANTED: Someone Interested In buy
ing auto accessory line. $200 invest
ment necessary. Ph. 3-3261 after $
p.m. - '
This is It
Because of Increasing demand for our
product, we will place 3 above-average
men with our company in Salem
territory. New men earn $75 per
week 8c up. Married men preferred,
must have ear and pleasing person
ality and be able to pass aptitude
test Excellent opportunity for hard
worker. See Mr. Pfieffer at Senator
HoUL 10 AM. Sharp. Friday Morn
ing, March 10.
WANTED experienced young man gro
cery clerk, write box 580 co SUtcs
HAVE OPENINGS for 3 men. Oppor-
t unities unlimited. Earn $200 to $300
while learning. Apply mornings. 438
Court St.. Room 101
OLD RELIABLE National concern has
opening for 1 man. No canvassing,
car necessary. Our men averaging $100
weekly, inquire 248 N. Coml. Rm. 23.
WANTED! Supervisory cartographic
draftsman in Highway Dept Do not
apply unless able to produce final
maps thru the progressive stages of
layout and drafting in accord with
standards of Bureau of Public Roads.
Must have knowledge ot projections
and controls, start at $280 for 40 nr.
5 day week, with advancement pos
sible, vacations, sickles ve- and re
tirement benefits. Apply State Civil
Service Commission, 440 Center St.
Salem, ore.
AUTO Mechanic. Must be able to take
charge of shop. Ph. 4025, SUyton.
Shower Motor Co.
606 Help Wanted, female
2 Beauticiana Experienced All-around
Bert pay and steady
Eric of New York. 251 N. Liberty
Clothiers. 458 SUte St
POSITION open for lady if R-N. aa of
April l. pn. z-szjm.
610 Sales Persons. Wanted
If you are a salesman
It you want a good future
If you want an unmeaiate nign income.
We have a 1st class selling position
' open. We want only top notch men.
! No has beens need apply. Prefer
1 married man. Car necessary. Man
selected will be trained for 3 days in
Portland and work out of our Salem
office. Call at 1828 NX. 40th in Port
ln4 k for the State Manatee.
ConUct Smith Real Estate, 43 n.
High St Office ph. 2-7007. Eves. ph.
WANT MAN for our sales dept No
experience necessary. Average earn
ings $10 per day to start. Secured
future for man selected. A-J refer
ences required. Apply 439 Court St
Rm. 101. -
ATTENTION MEN 111 $200 to $300 while
learning. Future secured Sc possibili
ty unlimiteo. inq. zus n. .apm
Room No. 5. Mr. Fries. Mgr.
SALESMAN wanted witn ability and
initiative to cover Willamette valley
for National Industrial Chemical firm.
Permanent good income. Give quat
sales exp. and ret. Box S7L SUtes
man. ;
615 Situations Wamted
AGES 3 TO 5 (7:30 TO 6). PH. 24940.
WOULD like child to care for in my
home days. Hulsey Ave. off Ratcllff
Dr. Ph. 4-2777. . I-
M. H. BROWN. PHO. 1-7500. f
CAPABLE experienced woman wants
hsework for widower, town or coun-
try. Call Sat. 1535 Trade.' j
GARDEN PLOWING, lawns start to
finish lifht tractor on rubber with
dorer. Puane Wolcott Ph.- zairr.
LANDSCAPING. Rose, ahubbery. prun-
in, planting lawnwork. Ph. 42831.
CHILD CARE. $45 S. 12th.
TRUE WORK, topping, trimming, re
moving. Insured operator. Work
guaranteed. W. H. McAllister, 840
Trade. Ph. 2-1498.
fRfi SPRAYING, plowing and light
tractor worn, noien naEnursi, pnone
PAInTIng paperhanging reaaon-
aoie prices, rn. 4-zo43.
HOME Alterations. Ph. 39694."
iivwm -.t.x ri as 4avia. r ii. tfgvn. .
WILL Care for aged or chronic Inva-
iiq. ve in. mra. nnni, nmo rioiei.
WILL Do ironing, my home, or Fair-
mount Hill Dtst Ph. 28008
YARD Work, new lawns. Ph. 23943T
Carnenter work, new, repair Ph j?083
CARPENTER Work. Ph. 3&94.
CHILD Care.. Ph. 2S&24. U80 ShippTnX
600 Employment
61S Situations Wanted
CARPENTER Work Any kind Rea
oonahle 1181 Union PM 2-1487
CilHI AlNS WASHED, stretched. Z-344H
Nurses avail by. the hour, week, or
live in. Practical Nurses Reg. P. 3-5072
HulTSfcWOKK bv hr. Ph. 2-0776.
Patcji Work A Specialty
Ph. 2-6618
DECORATING & Painting. Ph. 3-9694
CHILL) CAKE. 183 S. 18th. Pn. 2-Wi6.
U-COKAJ1NU, repair, reasonable, pn.
PAKtatHANGING.. Ph. 39694T
tufviitiiiL rem-Kiviuia. routing Pn
3-1339 or 2-0213
N&W Construction & Remodeling. F.
H. A. Terms. Call 2-4287 for rree
PKAC11CAL nurse desires 2 or 2 hrs.
work mornings. Phone 3-4454.
CrtiLU CARK. day or hr. Mrs. Cone.
640 N. Com'l. Duplex No. 1. Ph. 2-9027.
uuSKY man age 40 take any kind
mnn ion, rnone a-nzw
Ke (ABLE truck driver, chauffeur's
license in 3 states, wants work. Ph.
LAmU Clearing, erading Ac road build
ing for TJ. 14 with dble angle blade
' at clearing ieetn. cau z-2099 eves.
620 Day and ContrqcT
Phone 2-7618 or write 219 S. High for
Rototiiling, bulldozing, and land
scaping with small crawler.
LGE. ground breaking plow, also gen.
ywwmg. m r-nin. pn. JltH or 4XJB3.
ialera Sand & Gravel Co.
Contract Work
Roads - Clearing - Ditching
Sewer Basement
Equipment Rental
15 B-i yds
10 B-'t yds
D-7 Cat it Dozer
D-8 Cat St Dozer
D-4 Cat & Dozer
See us about ditching by the foot
Phone days 2-9408
Cvenings 2-8248 or 3-4400
Salem Oregon
LNCOME Tax returns prepared reason
ahlv. Ph. 42033.
AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better
by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor
WATER WELL drilling Domestle or
irrieation Dulfield Bros. Rt 9 box
p f none i-iju or z-nxm
IN i KiUR Painting Exp. ph. 2-2979.
700 Rentals
702 Sleeping Rooms. Board
1 LGE. FURN. housekeeping rm.. kit
chenette utilities, close in. 940 M1U
PLEASANT sip. rm. very close iii.
262 S. Church.
NEWLY decorated slping rma. for men.
Tub at shower. 395 N. 14th. ph. 2-6577.
ROOM, board laundry $50 mo. Work-
in gman pret. pn. 3-8318,
WELL turn. sip. rm. close in. U a e
water. Men only. 737 Center.
ROOM for genUeman. close in. 632 N".
winter, sun, or after 5:30.-
SLEEPING Hoom. 2ial Center.
PLEASANT sip. rm. for genUeman. 1050
Norwa. Phone 2-4547.
SLP. RMS. with kit privileges, day
wk or mo Clo? In Ph 2-6317
EXTRA Nice rm.. for men. gd. home.
Keas. Box 877 co Statesman
PLEASANT Room. 943 Center. Ph.
3-4606, Employed adults.
7ua Apartments for Rent
SMALL FURN. APT, dose in. Call at
apt. 4. 833 MiU St. '
1 RM. APT, 1-2 RM. apt Close in.
435 Division.
UNFURN. 4 RMS. St bath, 2nd fir.
837.60. Ph. 3-6554.
3 RM. FURN, prL bath, refrig. Close
to SUM office bldg. M but. new
shODDlng center. AdulU. Ph. 2-7024.
COZY furn, 2 room apt with bath and
pnv. entrance lor a emp. gtria, al
most downtown. 500 N. Lioerty or
phone 3-5539 eves
1 LIGHT housekeeping apt, 1 large
apt, botn pm. natna, washing pnv.
rn. a--iut.
HOUSEKEEPING APT. for emp. man.
utilities turn. 103 Marion St.
ONE 2 rm. furn. apt, bath, private
ent AdulU. 1250 1 N.Jff inter. Apt. 1.
2 RM. furn. aDt 227. Ph 2-8424.
2 RM. FURN. apt. AdulU. Ph. 25372,
1935 center
2 RM. FURN APT. Prt bath and eut.
Emp cple. Reas" 1009 N. 5th.
1 APTS. completely furn. Close in. InqT
H L. Stiff rurniture. ph. 3-91B5.
FURN. 3 rm. clean moid. apt. close In,
ort. ent.. bath. utiL furn. 1467 Court
2 RM. PART furn. apt oil heat elec.
rre.. 35 Tsyior pn. z-zo97.
CLOSE-IN, partly furnished, adults
oniy. at sou auu m. anone
NICE lge. furn. apt utilities furn.
Reas. 365 S. I6th.
2 ROOM furnished apartment $59
South 12th Street.
2 RM. APT. in court, refrig, range.
auto, laundry, excellent loc, cau a
vu7 s. i sin
1 BJL large unfurn. apt, elect stove
ana auto, ou neat included, rnvate
bath, also 3 rm. smaller apt. with
elec. stove and prhraU bath. Children
accepted. 1437 N. 4th.
LIVE Better at the Ambassador. $50
to $75. 850 N. Summer.
NEW 2 RM. furn. apt. Priv. bath, loU
of bulltms. 2390 SUte.
COURT APT 2 rms tt bath, range 4c
efrig. A nice clean apt for nice
eopie. 1348 s. lztn. pn. z-szsz.
FURN BJL apt prt ent, bath. 785 i.
Capitol. - -
1 GRND. FLR. 4 rm. duplex, avail.
April 1st. 785 w. capitoi.
i RM. FURN. upstairs apt Priv. ent.
bath, garage. For working couple, no
children. Ph. 3-5033.
4 RM. FURN. court apt all elec Close
in. rnonc g-vjo,
3 RM. Upstairs furn, plenty of room,
recently redec. Ress. 187 W. Miller.
IN SALEM 2150 S. Com'L 4 rm unfurn
apt beat water, elec stove St laun
dry facilities turn. Not in private
residence, $60 per mo. Available now.
Call Mrs. E. D. MacCarthy. Indepen
dence 19F3. ,
NEAT attractive 2 rm furn apt Priv
bath. $40. 725 S. 13th.
NEAT attractive 2 rm turn apt Prt
bath. 840 725 S. 13th.
4 RM. UPSTAIRS apt. Priv. Uv, share
bath, stoves and utilities furn. $57 N.
16th. $40.
707 Houses fot ttent
5 RM. HSE, PARTLY furn. 822 N.
Coml. '
BEAUTIFULLY decorated S BJL home,
elec, pressure, H C wtr pump,
gar. $45. Ernest Porter. k mi. E.
MOD. HOME. S A, attractive. HA C
tr, gar. See Ernest Porter . mi.
E. Kelzer.
SM. mod. furn. home, ideal for work
tog cple. Ph. Mr. Pyle, 2-0812 $ ajn.
to o pjn.
3 RM. furn. cottage. Adults. 1955 W.
i RM. HOUSE, bath, uuX rm, gar,
. small garden spot, ml. N. of
Kelzer. c G. Long, pn. z-zen
MODERN furn. cottage. 1 br. S Ml. no.
f Brooks on ML Inq. after 8. Koee
cotuge. Child ok. ,.
f URN CotUges, utfl psld. ph 24815.7
2 RM. HSE. West Salem. Uuf urn. except
taw Phone S-OS34. '
fMAI.I. f hin near achool and bus.
utUlUes paid. $270 per mo. children
welcome. Hebb's Trailer Court. 150
Williams. Ph. 2-0348.
70S Farms. Tracts for Rent
FARM LEASE for sale. 20 A. cult, A.
red rasp, 2 A. strawberries, 1st crop.
Luther Murhammer, Rt 8. Box 112.
Aumsvulc Ph. Salem 2-1793 or SUy
ton 2192.
SEVERAL places la tne country. 1 to
M acres. . -
D. A; Fish
' I4M LConlSL PhoM 1-8524
710 Wanted To EenL Houses
2 OR 1 BJL' he permanently emp.
man. Ph. 2-2661. ,
700 Rentals
710 Wanted To Rentl Houses
PERM. Emp. man wanujnice 2 BJL
nse. In gd. residential area. To lease
..wlt!L0ti5n to buv- al 3-5335.
WANTED 2 room cabin in Hollywood
dist, bath and toilet Ph. 2-4064.
2 B.R. unfurn. house with garage by
. April 1st Prefer Hollywood uist 2
1 uUt. i-iw hMuttiy couptcj no chilurcal
otSt5 W W0. Ph.p-3409. Et
712 Wanted To RenL Ap5T
WANTED: Small furn. apt for employ.
. ed girt' Box 578, Statesman.
714 Business Rentals'
OFFICE SPACE or desk room, also ef
ficient receptionist who will Uke or
d'rv '"d "telephone calls is desired.
NfcW business bldg. gooa loc. grocery
-iL space. L4veiy btog. enlraoce
Ph. 3-9801 da vi for anpomtment
Or r ICE Rooms. Ph 2jt.H2 i "
Mod. ouainesa room. New bldg, Holly
j;001 dt. or suitable for Doctor.
DentistMClinic Reasonable! rent Call
Harry W. Scott
800 Real Estate
Beautiful View
2 BR. home located on Scenic View
Dr. Fireplace, Hwd. firs. FHA ap
proved. Priced at $9900. ;j
Suburban I
4 BJL lovely home located South
River Rd. 1 acre loU of fruit 8c
shrubbery. Property on I fringe of
Uke. Full price only 18250.
Keizer. District
2 rrs. old. 2 B.R. home, LJt, Dinette.
Hwd. firs. Utility rm. Act. gar.
A. ground. Low down payment Full
price $8500. i i-
250 A. Southwest
ISO A. in cult Fenced 8c cross fenced.
Spring water. Modern 4 bedrm,
home. $2000.
; 50 A. - ;
4 bedrm. modern hse. Large modern
dryer. 10A. blk caps. A wonderful
buy. $10,500 with good terms.
6 Becrm. Hsei.
Large lot In good location. ruU basmt
$750 Down
V A. Keizer dist Good location west
of school on main Rd. Close to store
8c bus by door. Small hse. not bad
for $3250. ,
C. W. Reeve Realtor
$43 S. Commercial Ph. 34590 Eve.
Ph. 39536 or 24312 or 23088
2 Bdrm. New Home
2 bdrm bungalow In N. Salem. Lot
ih aces norm, snw caan.
4 Bdrm. Home North
S bdrms down, t up. Fireplace, full
casement witn ou rurnace. 15 yrs
old. A nice looking well built home
for $11,000. . t .
2 "Acres, Nice Home
NX. of city, all kinda ot fruit ber
lerms. Call Mike.. it
Bargain In Acre
2 bdrm home NX Small barn At
W ........ 1 i ......
shade trees, outside fireplace, fish
pood. $6500. Call Brower. I
We have many nice homes Sc acreages)
at right prices. Come in an see us.
1328 SUte St Ph. 2-5580 or 2-8812
Beautiful Creek location. 9 acres very
gooa Donom tana, ouitaoie tor nope,
berries, fruit nuts. On mail, - nulk.
and school routes. On phono and
electric lines. Good road, city water
on fine fishing stream. 2 borne, out
building. : X7 000.
Duplex, modern, furnished. Ideal busi
ness location. Renting for $75.00 per
month. Price ' including furnishings,
$5308. cash.
$ Cabin court, modern, furnished.
Renting for 200.00 per month. Price
including rurniture. (possible
trade). a
80 acres hill land. Some timber,
; $200.
Worden Building ' . k
Happy Days
In The Country
North Howell 60 Acres modern f rm
home. 25x40 barn, chicken house,
brooder house, machine shed, gar
age. 7 cows. 1 calves, tractor suae.
Jlows. mower, roller. See this eoe
or $22300.
2a Acres Only I miles from Salem.
modern 2 bs home, built tn
, paved rd. well, family orchard
berries. This in being offered
for the appraised Price of $9500 0$.
SI Aero Dairy Close in North. Extra
modern home 1 ana buildings, mo
waste land. Could easily be made
Into Grade A; the price has Just
been reduced to $25,000. i
5V Acres Modern 4 BR home, chick
en hse, rabbit hutches, paved nlway,
well. berries, cherries, family
orchard, see this one for $95001,
10 Acres ChehaUa aoU. very modern
7 rm home, very good .buildings.
This soil win raise most anything.
Good weU. plenty water. Wo believe
this U a buy for $12,000.
Office phones 2-7820 or 2-45M
Evening phones 2-4739 or 2-3558
More Value
For You In Home
Almost new home, arranged lor 2
Bus, x sots, eiec neat, a ti garage, nua
at front door. A real value for $7400.
Really well built home, almost new.
Located in East Engiewooa. rorcea
air oil furnace. Fireplace, hdwd
floors, spacious rooms, lg corner lot,
F. H. A. terms. Total price only
$11,900. , i
2 bedroom homo with spacious rooms.
1200 sq ft elec heat 2 blks to bus.
Insulated. 2 lots, owner leaving ctty.
home only 1 yr old. . Total price
' $10,000.
Office phones 2-7820 or 2-4598
Evening phones 2-7674 or 2-3558
Better Business Values
Warehouse 4000 sq ft floor' space.
part reinforced concrete. Thia fes
ideal for machine shop. Storage,
Wholesale dealer such as tires, gro-
tJVllXOi nyaaanra i unguis t - '
you I The location Is ideal. 80 foot
fronUge. First time listed and, ad
vertised. Total price $55,000. :f .
ImplemenU or what nave
Business Bldg, 2000 sq ft floor space.
two restrooms. forced air ou furn
ace, large parking lot in rear. In
come $300 per month. Cement floors.
Total price 810.S00.
Apartment 5 unlU plus Store bldg
and utility room, income sjo per
mo. Very low overhead. Akmawt aew
aad very well built. Elec brat Pri
vate meters. Terms. A buy for S32,-
soo. . ii
Green House Doing good businesa.
Green House very weu arrangea.
S BR home. TSxUS foot sot Liberal
terms. Well worth $21,100. ;i
Office phones 2-7820 or 2-4598 i
Evening phones 2-7674 or 2-3558
Al Isaak & Co. Realtors
3033 Portland Rd. Ph 2-7820 or 2-459$
802 BuadiMrss Property
Court and Apartment $38 300. Income
S390 a ntontn. a room stwi qu"
ers. Ooae in. This place wul seU at
appraisal price. Will Uke good bouse
aa part payment Call in lor ap-
S Unit Apartment $1300 with S bedrm
living quarters, soa a awnui ukwh-.
Very good location. - . !
CaU Mr. LaClero ,
J. F. Ulrich Co Realtors
117 Court SL ' Ph. 2-
802 Business Property
2 small houses 24x30 building. 128 A,
Garage St chicken bouse. 1720 Lan
caster Dr.i t i
804 Suburban
. i .
Two Acre View Home u
$7500 Attractive ranch stylo house,
rustic exterior, fairly new. S bed rms,
hardwood floors, basement furnace,
ffbj? garage near pavement. Call "
Mr. Frederickaon.
Geo. A. Walters, Realtor ,
$60 S. Commercial .V -
a . '381- Eve 2-886
SMAV. HOME on 1 A. fine land. $3000;
D. A. Fish V I
1488 S. Coml. St. Phone 3-6524 r
styled mod home on lge lot, paved '
f-tUCned L 1 rmT dln
B. rms. model kit 8c bath,
util rm. A LOT or SPACE roll
TION. This 2 BR homo -with atUch.
. srage, on paved st U the place .
for family that desires achool St city r
bus close by. Garage floored fog
3rd B. rm. Good JJLaT terms.
ITiced right at $7950. Tr
Larsen Home & Loan Co.
cl(Bui Listings Pereonal Service .
164 S. Com'l St Ph 2-8389 Xve 3-998S;
808 Houses Fot Sale
NEW home bunders say best buy In
-", mmrm si V1U B. jfUI. Call 2-0701
for iDDAtfllmmt. -VV
At2 Li4- in city limits 6. on
nti i, comer lot $9509 $800
dn. fu-eplace. beautiful plate glass
window., pull draperies go with hae,
'"I- f owner at house or
2 B1UUKM. Hit, large lot. unlin. up-
ven. Dias, att. gar. LR,
DR, kit. 8c bath. Suburbs east by
owner $8525. $395 dn. $70 mo. 2-48f
Near Enclcwood
Nearly new 2 bedroom home northeast,
paved street, close to schools and
bus. only $7200. Call Willis HilL ,
Geo. A. - Walters.-Realtor
$60 S. Commercial
Fhone 2-3849 Eve. 2-2fi7T
as Knn aa
I bedroom plastered. 2 yrs old, attach
and stores, about $2000 will handle.
V.U1 consider trade of equity on 2
bedroom homo la Englewood dist
rict tt AAA M'
2 bedroom plastered.' Ur rm, fireplace.
m Ma oain. y, acre witn
14 good walnut -trees. Make us aa
offer on this one.
$1.000 00 DOWN
nir.irivnnn ttm.
2 bedroom older type home has Uv
rm. dm rm. kit and bath. 1 blk front
scnooL Urge lot FuU price $4900.09.
G.A. Vicary &
Mabel Needham
SUte St 3-9201 Eves. 2-042,
' .- v aVVCT. 'mV4A
BY OWMLR; New 2 BJL hse. in keizer.
Hdwd. firs, drilled welL Take Uto
model car for downpayment Balance
$50 mo. Ph. j-ixn.
BY OWNER In best locaUon. nearll
new 2 B.R. home, garage, outside
patio St fireplace . fenced in back
"yard. Call 2-5348.
$450 Economical 1 bdrm. home wlu
additional sleeping room, good loc
tion. 160 W. Salem HelghU Ave.
MOD. 2 B.R, fir floors, wired for eieX
range, garage, garden space. VlorU
I agearranged. Full price $4995. Ph.
WW.ii!911S W500' bv kee
j Dist. CaU 4-2740.
j Acres, modern house, ph. 2-0207. "
MOD. J BEDKM. home in first claai ,
cona. or uute in cheap trailer house.
4705 Hayesvllle Dr., off Chemawa Rd.
n inwmi foat; Laolaa Village.
. Easv terms. Ph. 3-1454.
West Salem Homes
- $6200 ': r-:x
- Acre V S BJL hse. pr Glen Creek
Rd. $1000 da. or offer considered.
$6500 v
Drive by 151$ Ruge St can for apt.
Cute house with unusual kitchen
(Bendix Included). suiUblo fot
couple. Tea. terms on thia. - : "
.B. Isherwood Realtor
Rt. 1 Box 242 Ph. 2-214T or 2-88
New Modern Duplex
S bdrm la each, elec ranges At re
frigerators. Each rented for $7$ me.
Hollywood dist $15,500, .
. Just Off State St.
Good old home, plastered. 70 it front
age. 147 N. 18th. $6000.
So. Liberty Duplex
One down, otto up. Upper rented toy
$40 per mo. Owner lives la lower.
Lot 80x182. $7000.
Trade For Home
My apt house on N. Winter for f rm
home. Has 2 apU St 2 sleeping rms.
Oil furn. full basement, cor lot.
: 1220 SUte St Ph. 3-898$
Excellent Buy
$5500 Very nice 2 bedroom plastered
noma witn narawooa uoors. eiectne
heat 1 block to bus, good terms,
CaU Bob,
Geo. A. Walters, Realtor
80 8. Commercial
Phone 2-3849. Eve. t-
Hat. HOUSE; lot 84x120, not modern
constaer m-fer. ii4 Yew or call 1-0647.
$7200. 2 bedroom ttome, living rm, din
ing rm. imchen. batn, near schools.
$9509, Very nice $ room home bamt
rurnace. am narn. erucasea ns. eoubio
garage, on bus line. :
V. OmerHuff
261 Chemeketa Ph. 1-3Q91 or 2-0941 -
Spacious older home in perfect con
dition, z bedrooms, large living room,
bath, bsmt oil furnace, new roof.
. 250 N. High St. - Phone 2-412$
Lovely 2 bedroom home oa one floor.
Decorated to perfection, carpeted
wall to wall over hardwood, fire
place. Bath with tab St shower, model
kitchen, large breakfast area. Dining
room. FuU basement, oil air condl
tioned heat Hedged corner lot '
2S0 N High St ' -Phone 2-4129
$4250. New, neat - ba loony bedroom ,
house Irving room, kitchen and
bath. Just right for a couple.
15500. Older but roomy four bedroom
house, fine corner location east
86950. New two badrooaa. stairway to
large unfinished attic.
$7000. Northeast two lots, two bed-
Am wTtrlr .hnn
$11,000. Englewood: Urge living r
fireplace, two nice Bsoraaras,
eu f i
Salem Realty Co.
149 N. High St Phone 27080
Eve, phones 24591-26605
Suburban East
Beautiful 4 BJL homo close to Salem.
Excel, soil, paved hlway. A beauty.
: Will accept smaller home in part
-payment .
Very nice 4 BJL homo oa S A. excel
oiL Spacious rooms, fireplace, full
basement family orchard, good weU!
- Will accept smaller homo in part
payment ... ". - j
H. E. Corey, Real Estatt
i36S N. Broadway
. Ph. 2-0552 - Day or eve. 2-38183