lfl-rThs Statsiiio.Scni. Oregon .Vfedndaj. March 8,, 1950 , New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, March 7-(ffVToday Closing Quotations: American Can L110 Am Power & Lt 20 Am Tel & Tel U-150 Anaconda , , 29 Vi Bendix Avla 42 Beth Steel 34 Boeing Air 27 Calif Pack ..... 35 Canadian Pac 14 Case J I L 44 Caterpillar 35 Dupont de Ne 62 Penney J C Gen Electric 46 ft Radio Corp Gen Foods 50IRayonier Gen Motors 75 Y Goodyear Tire 49 Ta Int Harvest 27H 60 14 27 Int Paper Kennecott . Libby McN & L. Long Bell A Mont Ward Chrysler Cons Vultee 13 Continental Can 37 Crown Zel -T 33 Curtis Wr 8 Douglas Air - 78 65!Nash Kelvin Nat Dairy N Y Central Northern Pac Pac Am Fish Pac Gas He . P T & T U 36 52 8 25 . 56 16 . 41 13 . 20 . 11 33 107 Rayonier pfd . Reynolds Met Richfield Safeway . Sears Roeb So Pacific Stan Oil Cal Studebaker Sun Mining Transamerica Union Oil Un Pacific . Un Airlines U S Steel Warner Bros Woolworth 22 38 36 43 52 62 28 10 16 26 87 15 31 13 50 Salem Market Quotations (At of tot yesterday) BUTTEEFAT Premium - No. 1 No. t Portland IJvestock BUTTER - Wholesale . Retail EGGS (Beytag) (Wool: prices ranges ttnti over ouylng price ) Large AA . Large AA . - Medium AA Medium A ; Crack ." rOtXTXT A Leghorn hena - . B Leghorn hens C Leghorn hens .. A colored hena .. B colored hena . C colored hens , A colored fryers .. B colored fryers C colored fryers A old roosters -B old roosters -C old roosters LIVESTOCK by Fat dairy cowa Cutter cows Dairy heifers7. Bulls JFI JSS JM JB9 .74 from to 7 J5 2 33 Jt .24 alley JS Jl . M J2 .17 , .11 : ji . i . .11 .16 . J09 . M rack 13 00 to 14.50 10 00 to 13 50 12 00 to 18.00 15.00 to 20.00 Good real. 150 to 300 lbs. - 22 00 to 28.00 Good calves ' W OO to M OO Wooled lambs -,. M . reeder lamba 10.00 to 20.00 Stocks and. Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press MARCH 7 BOND AVERAGES ' ifl 10 10 10 Rails Indust UU1 Forgn Net change D.l unch Tuesday 95.4 103.0 Prey, day 95 5 102.8 Week ago 95 4 102 Month ago -95.3 1021 Year agog J1.0 1014 D.l 105J 105.4 105.4 1054 102.0 STOCK AVERAGE! 30 13 IS Indust Ralls Ctll Net change - D J D.7 P. Tuesday 102J 42.0 44.4 Tdar 1034 43.7 444 wSk agO-102.5 414 44.4 Month ago -1024 414 44.7 Vear ago 88.7 35.1 40.1 D4 73.7 74.0 73.7 73.1 084 00 Steles D.6 73.8 744 734 734 83.4 PORTLAND. Ore.. March 7 (API rUSDA) Cattle: aalable 150: market rather alow; gegnerally steady; but some bids lower on canner-cutter cowa; iteers and heifers limited: few medium iters 25.00: odd medium Jieifers 23.00: common dairy type heifers moatly 17.00-19.00; canner-cutter cowa largely 13.50-15.00: few 1540 early: shells ,ripwn ward to 11.00: common-medium5' beef cows 18.00-19.00: few good beef cowa up to 2140: good beef bulla 20.50-21.00; good sausage diuu zu.uu-zi.uu; ouui nu ing heavy holateina 2140; common-medium (a usage bulla 1840-1940. Calve : salable so: market moaer- atelv active, steady; good vealers most ly 27.00-30.00; odd choice 31.00; com mon down to 13.00. Hogs: aalable zoo; marxet siow. ni y steady; good-choice 18O-Z30 lba. lV.90-zv.ou; neavier ana unirr wnjn 18.00-19.00- good 350-535 lb. sows 14.75 15.50; good-choice feeder pigs 1740 18 00. ... Sheep: Salable loo; marxei sxrong-so cenU higher; few good-choice fed lamba 23.00; one lot moatly choice 98 lb. No. 2 pelt lambs 2340. new recent high; good ewea salable around 11.00. , Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. March 7 (AP) Cash (rain: corn No. 2 EY shipments 5440 Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 243: soft white (no rex) 243; white club 243. Hard red winter: ordinary z.zj,; iv percent 243V; 11 percent 243'i; 13 percent 243a. - - Today's car receipts: wheat 95; bar ley 1; flour 8; corn 8; oats 3; hsy 4; mlllfeed U. Portland Produce PORTLAND, March 7 (AP) Butter fat tentative, subject to immediate change: Premium quality, maximum to 45 to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland. 85-68c lb: first quality. 63 66c: second quality. 61-64c. Valley routes and country points 2c less than first. Butter wholesale F-O-B bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. 93 score 640 lb: A. 92 score. 62c: B. 90 score, 81c: C. 89 score, 60c Above prices are tCneeJEr"uinf price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 38-420 lb; Oregon S-lb loaf. 44',-45 lb.; Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large. 39a-40c doz.. A grade, medium, 40 tO'rc: B grade, large. 36-37a Live chickens (No. 1 quality, T.OB. plants): Broilers, under 2 lba nominal: lryers. 2-3 lbs, 30-32c; 3-4 lbs,. 33-34c; roasters. 4 lbs-, and over, -3c: urni hens, under 4 lbs, 18c: over 4 lbs, 20 21c: heavy hens, all weights, ,25c; old roosters, all weignis. i Turkeys net to growers: Toms, 30 31c lb; hens. 44c. ' Rabbits average to growers): Live white. 4-5 lba. 17-20C lb. 5- lbs; 15-lBc; colored. 2 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks. 8-12c lb; fresh dressed Idaho fryers. 40c lb; locals 48-52c. Fresh dressed meata (wholesalers to retailers: Dollars, per cwtl: Beet Steers, good. 500-800 lbs., $40-43; commercial. 840-42; utility. 833-39- cows, commercteL $38-39;: utility. 348: canner-cuners, 831-33. Beef cuts (Good steers); Hind Quarters. 848-52; rounds; 848-51; full loins, trimmed. 363-67; triangles. S39 42; square chucks. 44-46; ribsk $55-60; forequarters. M0-43 Veal and calf good. $46-48; com mercial. 839-46 . Lamba: Good-cnotce spring umw, $45-47; commercial. 842-44; utility. 36- 38. i Mutton good. 70 lbs. down.! $26-28. Pork cuts Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs.. 846-48: shoulders, 16 lbs, down. 834-35; spareribs, $45-48: carcasses. 120-170 lbs. 28 ; mixed weights. $1 lower. Wool: Coarse, valley-medlirm grades. 45c lb. 1 Mohair nominally 25c lb on 12 month growth. s i Country-killed meats: S Veal Top quality. 38-41c Ib.J other grades according to weight-quality with lighter or heavier 33-35c. t Hogs Light blockers. 24-28c lb.; sows. 20-22c. - i 1 Lambs Top quality springers, 40-42c lb.; mutton, 18-20c; rough heavy ones 12-15c. i Beef: Good cows, tj-szc id ; canner cutter. 24-26c. ! . Onions Supply moderate, market dull: Ore. yellows. No. 1. medium. $149-. 35; Urge. $1.50-75; 10 lbs, 2545; boilers, 10 lbs, 20-25c: onion sets. Oregon yel lows. $0 lbs, $5404.00: white. $f 45-50; Calif. White Globes. $3.00-25. , Potatoes Ore. local Burbanki.; No. 1. $2.50-60: Deschutes Russets. No. 1-A, $3.00-345: No. 2, 50 lbs, $140-39; 25 lbs, 65-90c; 15 lbs, 53-65c; Wash. Netted Gems. No. 1. $3 15-30; 25 lbs, 80-85c; 13 lbs, 60-2c; No. 2. $1.15-29; large bakers, $4 00-50: Idaho RussetU. waxed. $3.65-75; new potatoes. Fla. Triumphs, Sire A. $3.00. Hay: New crop, stack bales. U.S. No. 2 green alfalfa, truck or car-lots T-O-B Portland or Puget Sound markets. $33 50-4140 ton; VS. No. 1 mixed ttm othv. $44 ton: new crop oats and vetch mixed hay or uncertified clover hay. nominally $25-28 depending on quality and location baled on Willamette val lev farms. Filberts: wholesale prices: jumoo 19-22c; large 17-20c; medium 15-18',,e Rrmwr nricM: Orchard run. S-lOc. Walnuts: Wholesale Prices, per pound In 100-Ib. loU: First quality jumbo, 31-32 '.jc; large. z-ju'.2c; meaium, o 264c; second quality jumbo, 29-29ic; large 27-274c; medium 24-25V4C baby. 19',i-20,ic. Grower prices, or chard run: Franquettes. 10-13c lb. 400 Agriculture 400 Agriculture 450 Merchandise 500 Business & finance 414 Farm Equipment' 414 Farm Equipment 470 For Sal. Miscallanaoua 510 Money To Loan j NEW LOW PRICES FERGUSON. TRACTORS, IMPLEMENTS AND SERVICE Yes, we have reconditioned used tractors. Terms if desired. SEE YOUR FERGUSON DEALER TEAGUE MOTOR CO. f.ED Radios and iwcwds - players $949 and up- ' -; , Yeater Appliance Co,' 375 Chemeketa St. G.E WASHER, auto timer t pump. Uaed 6 mos. $75. Call 35W2. IuhmaL, blue, size 14. $15. Baby buggy good cond. $10. Phone 2-877L PRIVATT Monev to loanS Ph. 2-074 172 VVantsd. Miscoflanoons used door close rs.- can USED SAFES S-791B. SEWING machines, any cond. Ph 3-7671 355 North Liberty. Salem. Oregon Phono 2-4173 ATTENTION ORCHARDISTS! ' SEE WARD'S SPRAYER demonstrated. Tiim March 14 on the Frank Purdam farm on Mjssion Bottom road. Latest methods, most modern equipment. See Sunday's paper for detailed an nouncement. Montgomery Ward Farm Story. Salem. ATTENTION ORCHARDISTS 1 Plan now to see Ward's sprayer dem onstration. Tues.. March 14 on tne Frank Purdam farm on Mission Bot tom Road. Latest methods, most mod ern equipment See next Sunday's paper for detailed announcement. Montgomery Ward Farm Store. Sa lem. , .Top Prices Paid Now For Rough Lumber Green Dimension or small cants. Arrow Lumber Co. 300 Wallace Rd. W. Salem 474 Miscellarsxras) 425 Auction Solos Livestock & Furniture AUCTION Wed.. March S. 10 A J. St 7 P-M. 8 ft. refrig. 2 S-pc. breakfast sets Several darenos at davenports Walnut desk Oak book case Bunk beds complete 8 pc. dining set 2 Hollywood beds complete Coffee tables 8c end tables Floor lamps & table lamps Odd dressers St beds 9x12 new linoleum Many articles too numerous to mention Onions St potatoes Farm machinery St trailers Chickens St rabbits 1 lot of light feeder pigs Calves St veals Cows.; heifers and bulls LANE SUDTELL'S j Auction Sales Yard" Located 1 block W. of Lancaster on Silverton Rd. Ph. 3-6Q98. Auction 450 Merchandise 458 BuHdinq MalortaU Sewing lessons Day or evening . New Home Sewing Center Ralph Johnson Appliances 355 Center St. Ph. 33139 ON BUDGET TERMS You car) buy lumber, millwork. hard materials, hardware, floor covering, electric appliances, paints. Insula tion, roofing and house wares for as little as 10 down on a purchase of $20 up to $300. SmalL easy month ly payments take Care of the rest Make it easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD at that convenient location Front and Court Streets. Salem. I aa,WLNG Machine repairs guaranteed Reas. Also used. Ph. 27380. WANT TO Buy used cameras St lenses' NEED CASH For Bills Get cash to consolidate bins an'd re duce expenses. Loans $2$ to $500 on auto up to $300 on salary, furniture. Up to 20 months to repay. Charges only for the time you ue the money. No co-signers required, jf Let us try and arrange a loan the' same dy. We take to aay -Yes." Come in or phone. . ( PERSONAL Finance Company of Salem i 811 State St.. Rm. 125 J Ph. 2-2464 Uc No. S-122 M-165 C. R.l Allen. Mgr. McEwan Photo Shop. 433 State nuwaut UKOSx Your power tool rental headquarters 1418 S 12th st Ph 33646 , Salem Screen Shop v 1444 S. 12th. Windows. Screens St door. 476 fuoi frames at sasn maoe 10 oroer - replaced. Ph. Clyde Moore. 2-6483. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State Com. Ph $-4311 462 Sport Equlpmsmt FREE FUEL WOOD to work up your neiT. tn. Z-I33Q. SLAB W OOD, is TOOT "WOLVERINE" a dandy $165. Terms. Salem Boat House. 100 : Chem. LADIES golf irons - Spalding matched 16 ,-cord load. 810. in. Ph. Hand 27751. picked. 2 set, th' m 7. Phone 2-4031 even inn. Mercury only 879 J Terms. 100 cnem. S14S.50 Salem Boat House, Oregon Fuel Co. Dry slab or dry edging fresh clean sawdust, green edging $3 50 Id. dbL sio Also 16' 3-5533 croon slab or 4' Pnooe 468 For But Miscoilanoom Highway Fuel Co. U DRIVE TRUCKS FOB RENT. Blan kets Kirn. 197 S. Liberty Ph 2-9062 fiOOD USED Piano H U SUfl Clean sawdust, wood green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny Saver Stamps. Ph. 36444. 470 For Solo. MiscoOosoona 300 Personal 1 310 Meeting Nottcos Birds killed by fowl cholera should be burned or buried so rats or other animals will Jiot spread the disease organisms. Pacific .Lodge- No. 50, AJ.& AM. M.M. Degrees. Friday. March 10th. 7 too p.m. LOYAL Order of Moose meet Thurs. nite 284 N. comi. pn 3-bzz WEDNESDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Stondard Time ITI: Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KGW 100.3; KEX 92.3 Salem Lodge 4 AT. & A.M. Wed. March 8, E. A. Degree. 70 pjn. 312 Lost and Found Kilocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 19. KOlA 9T. KGW 620. KEX 1190 ... -tmMm nkUihM In rood faith the programs and IrVrtde T the radio stations, bat becaose offttmes programs are rf-V iTlt -Lif uH.i: tnia newspaper cannot be responalble for the acearacy hereia). " - ' ' f LOST:. Key case. 3 keys. 770 Belvue. Sat. or eves. LOST: "Classes, blue plastic frames. Bonnie King, M Aorams. rn. -ooi. Reward. - 316 Personal HOUst 0:tl 0:15 00:39 00:45 6 K8LM KOCO KOIM KGW : News News Hodge Podge Farm iTImekeeper KOIN I News .IKaeo (March Tlmo I KOCO Klock (KOIM Klock I Farm Time Smlljng KewSmUing Klock 71 KSLM -mH Hemlrtfwsy v aro t Kf.r HOIJf KOIN , KaCB 5W; Ballaai aVEXi WashiNtws n-KSLM vav fE W i i m JBrtak. Gatg i Riso AialnO KOCO KJocx rpiews m News Oitews a Old SongsR Pa Bob Carrea . ytJOB ttszen KtX Bar. tCotmter CrusaeerSi Cons.News - Eddief Atbert BreakCSBb iFsinily Al I Crusaders HNows EddiO Al I Break, cms? M Hour ra MeL Grand ' Slam i ITacK Berch tBreak. iClub INews I KOCO Klock (KOIN Klock I Farm Time I JackrJSorman jToPjJradesf KOcr-iooeK FsedUBeck Sami Hayes Zeko Manners I WILL NOT be responsible for debts 'other than own. WiUard Shelley. "IF LONELY, write Ruth L. Wade (an old rel Club) Vancouver. Box 607' SALEM Nursing Home. 3595 "D" St. Ambulatory or bed patients. Men i or women. Trained nurses. 24 hr. service. MADAM GRAY. Fortune, teller. Palm mru mchli! tcadinn. Madam solves your problems. Advice. 173 S. ComX PhoTM 2-6285. Hrs. 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. TIRAX) of buying foundations thai just make OUIerent Puiges7 lry spencer streamlining- Pnone 3-507Z. Every Thurs. 7 JO pjn. Furniture and housenom arucies. we mviie you u bring your consignments to us. EAST SALEM AUCTION 1025 Lancaster Drive Ph. 3-1221 450 Merchandise 455 Household Goods For Sal Linoleum $4.50 VALLEY FURN. CO. 285 N. COMJL. USED Furn. cheap - trade - terms. Vallev Fum Co . 285 No. Comi 2-7472. HOUSEHOLD furniture, elec range. eW ref etc. See at 1700 N. 20th. WESTINGHOUSE washing mach gd. cond. Call eves. 3-5649. 8 PC. DINING set. good, condition, zaa S. 14th. ; COMPLETE Household furnishings. A-l cond. 3360 Rawlins Ave, pn. 4-zah. SINGER SEWING MACHINE. Sews rood, rice SZ2.50. ill Edeewaier. I USED WASHER 8c 5 piece dinette set. ph. 2-4736. APEX, spm-dryer washer, very good, cond.. 805 N. . Cottage, ph. .2-8828. BabySafe-Tabl-for sale. Write N. B. Service. .P.O.- box 255. Salem. STEEL CLOTHES line poets, also or- namental iron hand rails, ph. 2-8658. 1067 2nd. St; Chain drive tricycle, good cond. -baby line- crib, six year sue. Capital Lumber-Fucl Go. .iii.KU nirinn ana double beo I 1 ' . -K - . ... i ftione S-T7Z1 or s-coz OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD fOR FURNACE St HEATER West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER CNDS Old growth block wood 16 taw o bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Aloe pick up wood at 1525 Edxewator St. W Salem. comnl. both in ex. cond. Ph. 24001. WARM AIR FURNACE with oil tank. ' burner, fan nd diif. 3-8381. Phillips Bros. Old Or ash. maple, oak 4 fir lab and edgings Ph 3-1458 ir Tri City Fuel PHONE 1-7442 IS-tn. slab wood and edging Fresh cut screened sawdust 12-in. inside mill wood Dry wood ASK FOR St H GREEN STAMPS rm Y Truh burner St cook stove wood Cleon. no bark R H. Allen 1260 1 Carlewood Dr. Ph 22382 " bRV WOOD, most kinds. Phone 3-4276 CORDS 18'- first growth fir in shed. sio. cord. 1990 Howard. GIBSON freezer Upright. Cost S348. now Szoo. v. a. smiin. mi. , dm j'u. Salem. Ph. 4-2418. 456 Wasted. Household Goods GLEN WOODRY, Ph. 35110. usk.il I'URN immediate appraisal. nicnni'Dncn. viiict r ui uitui.- N Commercial Ph 2747 ALL CASH - TRADER LOUIE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES Household goods, furniture, bric-a-brac. appliances, rugs, silverware, aisnes QUICK SERVICE PHONE 3-8558 USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER The right way to re build the soil. O Free of wed seeds O Odorless 6 sacks $ 5.00 Bulk 1 ton 10.00 2 tons 17.50 . Free delivery anywhere in j Salem area Phone 3-8127 ATMORAYS Harley Pugh Ph 2-8767 LUGGAGE Uailer, 8 ft. bed. new tires. u niiiv nH 9.1330 or 2- 564. i Iiattress full size. Large Wardrobe Trunk. Ph. 3-8482. hospital Insurance no age limit Mux. oi ununa -. - -Inr Tr railii. C -T- v? t t-v unur DrwliiM Ph 3Q:U)7. OIL Circulators- at greatly reduced I LarBCn HoiTlC & Loan Co 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem 812.00 For orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence. Oregon 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Optical unities DUPLEX BLOCK TO HIGH SCHOOL. Newly decorated thru -out. A choice income property for only S7000. Terms. APARTMENT BLDG. CLOSE DOWNTOWN. 8 furn units grossing S2JO0 per yr. Too good to last at S12S00. Consider trade for mod. homo St small acreage. prices Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St. rBfble ' Hour 1 Tenrple Echo Rosemary Sago Riders (Breast Club 400 Agricnltare 458 Bafldlng Materials 402 livestock 9 btslh loco 8 OIK xtxv A. N.w. ti Garden Cm Melods Time I j Melody Time? Wend Warrert Aunt Jenny Second? Cup . ij Sacood Cup I Mild. BedeU & Stars of TadaJ WBRtrml SSlr1g Can ;tarS BinaT toeietown iwewsi- Oukk Bit Flash OnicH as Flash CwThomas Gal Bund 1Q Jl KSLM Glen Bardy COCO N;W. wewa KOIN Big Slstef KSW MarriSfeel KEX Bo S4ate4 KSLM Ladies Fffst am lll.ll BTl UBUi: ' -JaUaSlS s KOIN Mrs. burton W : Doub.vom IV sloe I Kon -w 4 Oosbcl SI Mem. Musi Ma Perl cavaiiero Seated irHtefl km Ladles First; Music Mart: Perry Mason jgouo. noi Tn "time Dft Makme Hausef arty Tree Slpry 1? iRuss Morgan 8 Keys Guid! Light Housd Party XruoJ Story - Betty Csecker. iLlndlahr I Queen for Day IQoee for Day Eddy LeMar 1 Vocal- Variety Norafi 2rake I BrlCBter Todsy'sJ Child ILtRht-Wo taw. PJi INorttwtst - I North west i 12 KSLM Too Trades KOCO H'wood Musis KOIN News KGW News KEX Baukhago News H'wood Musie Come Get It I Road of Life INews IGay 90s Eberly Show News I Dave Dennis I House Party House Party I Pepper Young I Happiness , IMenjous I Art Baker BULL Service any place. Ph. 42949. WANT Fresh or Springer cows, cows giving gal or more, au types oeex cattle. Buy entire herd. Tom Webb Rt 1. Turner. Ph. 25. BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Ed wards Rt 3 Box 899E. Ph 3-1144 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C. McCandllsh 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. Wanted: AU types livestock. Ph. 4-2617. LICENSED Livestock buyer. H E. Snethen. 1550 Lancaster dr. pa, 2-133 404 Poultry and Rabbits i LARGE WHITE Pekln duck eggs $1.50 setting, McCain Ave. off buverton Rd. 1st hue. on rirht. - TWO Pair Muscovy ducka. Rt. 8. Box 513 WE Pay top prices for hens. W. Lang Poultry. Ph. 24266. 1 KSLM KOCO Bob Mitchell Bob Mitchell Your Neigh. Mac s Melodies imsc s KOIN Nona tv- Jack Holt pAs)ei I sog Back igTWrre' Stella DallagJXor AEXl In HoUiSfiod xln HoUywydKsy Melodlesi Mac's Melodies Show ones est Blng Sings Kirl WWder ljUyt Lhom "Stows KSLM KOCO KOIN SGSJ KE 3KStM KOCO EorN m Bobi Poole fcfBob Poole M ILalHeS First SKadles rtrrtj MacJ MekxSes JMac's MelOfliis IMaos Melodies Mae's Melodies Kirkham H iMoore Show fa !M6r Show 1 Tunefully & Girl Marries! I Portia H g I Plain ill (frost Pa gel Jaylstowsrt! IJay StewaVt 1 HasnCobb iHateu CobtfJ i i'. i i; a ll a j i Wed. Music i. fWed. MusM 9 NWS?? - Tin fee Mmi tooies NEW Hampshire and Parmenter chicks avaiiaoio every Tuesaay roxs Hatrhev State St. Ph. 34969 P ARM. REDS. New Hampa. Comics Cruos every wk. 1-2000 heavy ekis. Circular Ge.irinr Hatchery. Silverton. COCKERELS day old and started. Jen nings Poultry arm. mono 408 Pets Mae's M Kirkham Travelers Bride. 4 k UlMlliilM'Mtnillia?UM'i Me! lArt. Godfrey lArti Godfrey lArU Gpdfref lAUStiMary ILov. LMri IPicSt a Hat tSLM v Fulton iLaralsik Hemlngw coca Movie Timet lPhllosopn LOIN Art. Godfret lArt. Godfi tow Woman'a SeS. ILife Beaut. LEX- Rhythm jjxjuirrei cage rfotf Pik m Date mm o n si i IBeSind Story I e JBsrBedlam I r"rCuet 4lassey - 1 ErPaid j Bqalrrel Cage I Nesrs Byer BSSaasn in it Morrowi- )Pa0a 9ton Fiwfirtitersfi BEAUTIFUL purebred cocker puppies Sio. 1743 Bauer, rn. a-zj. KI1TEN TO GIVE AWAY. PH. 3-d70o. i PUPPIES TO give away. Call after 8 p m. 2065 t. Liberty. 1 FRENCH Poodles, males St females. 4 mo. old, house broke, 1572 State. ; 410 Seeds and Plants 5 IStM IOCO IOIN 6 kstM KOCO fetOIN keif KEX , MarSrraU t 3Ma Swing iTIin : Foih5i m g Li 3 of Uf g fcNews Yukon S pYukon rk TraU Swing Time tue on iv K ' m ITem HUx ITot Mtt Baig I Crosby fBand ofeDi News i inows x (SongsW Times iPeterso ISy jKing ISky Kinc r-f Gatt.4 Htatteg JTN.W. New fTeUo,Test ISefna3 cancteiULnir t panaieiignvi leeway nonr.; Grouch o Mark, IGroucho MsnrTBins Crosby - IBiog Vnur IHmw' rVmir I .if ' A nd re wa IA.WkS E. C HUl . IHome Edition 1 Romances I Romances 7 KSLM KOCO KOIM KGW KEX Concert Abe Burrows Burns. Allen Big Story LooeRanger Concert Music Burns. Allen Big Story Lone Ranger fCisco Kid Eve. Knight Music HaU Curtain Time Dr. L Q. (Cisco Kid JMidcourt (Musie Hall I Curtain Time IDr. L Q. j L iST SUMMER" potted .Delphinium plants, will bloom this season, s color series. 3 for 81. Sat. St Sun. or by appointment. 2195 Berry ph. 3-5128. 412 fruit and Farm ProdncsT NO. 1 ONIONS. T5c. 50 lbs. Al Ped. 2'i mi. N. underpass on Portiana niway. 1 Rat 149F. nh. 3-1580. . tEXAS BermuSa onion plants. Orcutts Market 4?fW) !.N River Rd. EASTERN ALFALFA HA. Ph. 41458. 425 Auction Sales Shingles - Shakes tt2 Shingles SS.SO sq. 3 Shingles , 4 00 sq. irl is" Shakes 12J0 C. G. Long, ph 2-5821 1 ml N of Keizer Save at Keith Brown! !ix4" Cedar Siding 823 M. windows nrico. Prices Slashed on special shipment.- variety ox sizes. REJECT PLYWOOD: tt". s". W. " i . from 4c per sq ft. 1x6 and 1x8 E RUSTIC FLOORING. ideal for flooring or siding in antes. farm buildings, tool sneaa, eic rac ed cheaper than snipiap. Everything to build anything at that convenient keith bkuwh locauon. Front and Court. Salem. Shingles Siding 4 grades fresh cut mountain cedar Shingles, is in. cooar manes wiin undercourse S12.50. New white bestos siding. 810 square. Fireproof, no painting needed. C. G. Long. ph. 2-5821. 1 mile Nortn or Keizer. WE Sell only-the best, cedar shingles au grades del. is in. no. i carton packed cedar wall painted shakes. 112.50 with undercourse, oak and pecan flooring, cedar and spruce sidin-. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem Zliss. NEED LUMBER? e QUALITY . . strict West Coast Gradingi e PRICE . . Save 810 per M. ft. e SERVICE . . Prompt delivery, ac curate tally. e CONVENIENCE . . Specified or ders filled and delivered. WEST SALEM SAW MILL 1050 Wallace Rd.. Va ml. No. of river. Phone 3-9593 Windows Plywood New windows, frames and large sashes. Low priced. Many used windows i.3 up. all thicknesses plywood, pick your choice, cheap. C. G. Long. ph. 2-5821. 1 mile North of Keizer, BOWSER BROS. Your power tool rent- TERTILIZER 8330 per yard- 4 yd. load 112. Del. pn. SJ3 lurpeT, TYLER 40 cu. ft reach-in refrigerator. solid doors, super m t . -reach-in refrigerator, glass doors. Wilson uorieht 12 cu ft. borne freezer. 135 S. 19th. Ph.' 36900. i 8" TABLE Saw with motor, almost new also I a (.raaroja Sell both reasonable. Ph. 20313. . WELL Rotted fert.. S3 yd In 2 yd orders. 10 sack orders sue sock, oee . Tll Ph. 28648. TEXAS Bermuda onion plants. Orcutts Market. 4200 rl. Kiver no. ust West Exclusive Listin 164 S. Comi St. nal Service 3-838S Eve 3-898 700 Rentals $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 ratrgrounds Road Next to bank. Free perking Pn 2-7032 - Lac No MJKS-62S1 Floyd Kenvon Mgr j 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board PLEASANT sip, rm. for gentleman. 105t Norwai . Phone 2t4547. . . LP ftaui witn kit privileges. . day. wk or mo C!ue In Ph 3-6317 SLcrLLNG ROOM FOR TWO. PHONE 3-4335. - - .. tJCTRA Nice rm. lor men, gd. home. . Reas. Box 577 co Statesman. - fLcAaAT Room. S43 Center. Ph. . 3-4606. Employed adults. ?ua Apartmenu for Rent - 1 RM. FURN. apt. Adults. Ph. . 25372. 1935 Center. enL KM. tLtU APT. Pn. bath and Emo. rtiie. Reas. 1009 N. 5th. 2 At li. completely turn. Close in, Inq. H L. Stiff Furniture, ph. 3-9185. I URN. rm. clean mod. apt. cloae In. Tri. ent.. hath, otif. furn. 1467 Court. S KM. PART turn. apt. oil heat, clec rrt.. 3f5 Tavlcr ph. 2-2097. adult ICHJbfc-iX partly furnished. only. CaR at 680 MU1 St. -54?1. ) Phono 3 HMs. bath, unfurn. except range. utilities furn. near state bouse .and school. ' Ino. 330 Mission. u BE THRIFTY IN50 I A "Bill ConsoliclationM loan may make you Thrifty In "50." Pay off your bills. Lower your month ly payments. . j $50 to $150p CaR or phono today PAancj Industrial Loans 118 S Liberty Pnone 4-2283 nice ige. Rea. 365 turn, ape s. ietn. utuitiea furn. apartment. J 959. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted DEPENDABLE Christian coop to care for elderly woman in ber own noma. Free rent, some wages. References. Phone 3SF2. v 1 3 ROOM furnished South 12th Street. 13 KM. APT. In court, refrig., rangel auto. laundry, excellent toe Call at 07 S. 13th. 1 B.R. large unfurn. apt, elect, stove and auto, oil heat included. Private bath. also. 3 rm. smaller apt. with elec. stove and private bath. Children accented. 1437 N. 4th. 2 RM. APT. turn. Priv. ent, part of a oweiiing nse. ist ur. surnt tor a or 1. 1295 N. Liberty. Ph. 20837. LIVE Better at the Ambassador 850 to 875. 550 N. Summer, COURT APT 3 rms At" range St refrig. a nice clean apt for nlco people. 1348 D. 12th. Ph. 2-5282. NEW 2 RM. furn.' apt. Priv. bath, lots of built n. 2390 State. I COURT APT 3 rms Ac bath, range Jc refrig. A nice clean apt for nice people. 1348 3. 12th. Ph. 3-5282 . FURN H R. apt. pri. ent, bath. 785 N. Caottoi. 4 rm. duplex, avail. 604 Help Wanted. Male 1 GRND. FLR. Aoril lrt. 785 N Canitol. RM. FURN. upstairs aoL Priv. ent. bath, garage. For working couple, no WANTED experienced young; man gro- cerjb cterx, wrrto dox sow co ovaies- man. i HAVE OPENINGS for 3 nJn. Oppor- t unities unlimited. Earn 8300 to SJOO while, learning. Apply mornings, 439 Court St Room 101. J OLD RELIABLE National convcrn has opening for 1 man. No canvassing, car necessary. Our men averaging SIM week It. inouire 248 N. Comfl. Rm. 23. WANTED: Supervisory cartographic draftsman In Highway Dept. Do not apply unless able to produce final maps thru the progressive; stages of layout and drafting In accord with standards of Bureau of Public Roada. Must have knowledge of projections and controls, start at 8280 for 40 hr. 9 day week, with advancement pos sible, vacations, sickles ve and re tirement benefits. Apply State Civil Service Commission, 440 Center SL. Salem. Ore. AUTO Mechanic. Must be able to take children. Ph. 2-5033. i RM. FURN. court apt all elec. Cloae In. Phone 2-0548. S RM. Upstairs furn, plenty of room. recentlv red re. Reas. 1ST w. Miller. IN SALEM 2150 S. ComX 4 rm unfurn apt. heat, water, elec stove St Laun dry facilities furn. Not in private residence. 860 per mo. Available now. : Call Mrs. E. D. MacCarthy, Indepen- ( dence 19F3. NEAT attractive 2 rm furn apt. Priv hath. S40 725 S. 13th. PR apt. NEAT attractive 3 rm - furn bath. S40 723 S. 13th. i RM. UPSTAIRS apt. Priv. lav., share bath; stoves ana utilities furn. 857 N. 16th. 840. . 707 Houses fog hem X ROOM, modem furnished cottage. Ph. 2-618. NEW. knotty pine. G.E. equipped. Com- charge of shop. Ph. Shower Motor Co. 4025, nrf Nee owner 2455 Trade. Stayton. j 2 RM MOD furn cottage. Ph. 2-S618. 606 Help Wanted, femals POSITION open for lady April L ph. Z-5Z9S. as of 610 Sales Persons Wanted ATTENTION MEN!!! 8200 to (300 while leaminr. Future secured del possibili ty unlimited. Inq 2054 N. Capitol ir. r rie. pt. Room No. 5. Mr. SALESMAN wanted witn ability and initiative to cover Willamette valley for National Industrial Chemical firm. Permanent, "good Income. Give quaL sales exp. and ref. Box 571, States man, s 615 Situations Wasted CAPABLE experienced woman wanta hsework for widower, town tor eoua trr. Call Sat. 1535 Trade, i GARDEN PLOWING. UwnsI start to finish lirtit tractor on rubber with dorer. Duane Wolcott. Ph. 28127. MODERN furn. cottage. I br. 2 Ml. no. of Brooks on 99E. Inq. after 8. Rose cotjaee. Child ok. '" FURN Cottages, utll paid, ph. 348 U. 3 RM. HSE. West Salem. Uufurn. except stove. Phone 20534. . SMALL Cabin near school and bus. utilities paid. $2730 per mo. children welcome. Hebb's Trailer Court, 150 Williams. Ph. 1-9348. 3 RM. PARTLY furn, not mod, 824. Inquire. 62 Williams Ave. 708 Farms. Tracts for Rent SEVERAL places la the country. 1 to 80 acres. D. A. Fish 1488 S, ComX St. , , Phone 3-6524 710 Wanted To Rent Houses house with gars re by 1st. Prefer Hollywood dist 3 LANDSCAPING. Rose, shubbery. prun- inr. planting lawn work. Ph. 1 42831. PHILH T CARE:"45 S. 12th! 1 TREE WORK, topping, trimming." moving. Insured operates. W t B.R. unfurn. Aoril duns. m. Z-MHI. man - wanta nice 3 B R. residential area. To lease SERVICE STATION for lease at Hub bard. Ores, living quarters, room for grocery store, ph. 1413. A. H. Morris, Hubbard guaranteed. W. H, Trade. Ph. 2-1498. Tree spraying, plowing tractor work. Mown eatni 22907. PAINTING" perstoit. Work I f- Uli Wanted to Rent Apt. PERM. Emp. hse. In rd. with ootion to buy. Call 3-3333. 1 BJL ksE. Elderly couple, no children. no pets. S3 or sw. ra. a-wi. aaas of utn st. HOME Alterations. TtXAS Bermuda arrived. Puritan .iaer Salem onion plants Works. PRIVATELY owned service station equipped with Pub. rm. at lots of rm. For informstton ph. 4-2314. Cash buyer for around 50 acres of gd land witn or witnout nouaings. Many out of state ' buyers. List your property with us now. HOLLWOOO OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. 2888 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-0812 BUS. BLDG.. liv. rms.' 2085 N. Comi WILL Care for aged or chronic inva lid. Live in. Mrs, wrumt. Argo Hotel. . ' Em T WILL Do ironing, my home, br Fair- mount HIH P1t. Ph. 28008. YARD Work, new lawns Ph. 23043 CEME?ff work. AO kinds Pt"TjsS0 Carpenter work, new, repair Pn 2?&S3 CARPENTER work Any kind Rea- soneblo 1161 Union Ph 21-1487. CARPENTER Work. Ph. 39694. CHILD Care. Ph. 39924. 1180 Shipping CURTAINS WASHED, stretched. 3-3448 USED Electric refrigerators 849J4 and up. ... Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa St. . RE-ROOFING, Painting St remodeling. Willamette valley kooz 1.0. inc. sa- USED Electric washers 819.93 and up. Yeater Appliance u 375 Chemeketa at. USED Sewing machines priced to suit your budget. Keconaiuoneo at guar anteed. Ralph Johnson Appliances. Ph. 33139. L ALL Sewinr machines. Service, sales. rentals. 1930 N. 18th. RENT Buren wheel chair, 37775, 745 Court Ph. 3-7671, hospital betC St. Phillips Bros. 81000 LESS THAN COST Income property with living quarters. all turn, consider part iraoc. Msy terms on bal. Owner 2-3040. WELL - ESTABLISHED auto supply wholesale business, paying excellent dividnas. Must sell Immediately be cause of illness. Small Investment re- quired. Statesman Box 576. FOR SALE Men's furnishing store. Price, sacrificed to sell. Ph. 2-5566. fOR SALE 6ft TRADE - Dandy Cafe just rght for z. See me at 1895 la S. 12th. - BUSINESS LOT 82000 80 ft frontage on Edgewater near KOCO. A good Investment buy. Walter Musgrave Realtors Phone 3-5109 1211 Edgewater Nurses avail by the hour. week, or live in. Practical Nurses Reg. p. 3-5071 HOUSEWORK bv hr. Ph. 2-07767 PLASTERING Patch Work A Specialty ' Ph. 2-6618 DECORATING 8c Painting. Ph CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th DECORATING, repair, reasonable. Ph.' 3-5522. PAPERHANGING. a or ima. 1 x . - . . Ik kind, by yard or sack. Flagstona for I 51Q Money TO LOtm all rock worx. ceaar lencs tele and elect poles, any length shingles, yew ost lumber. Ph. 3-1458. Rt 6. Box 18 Salem BEAT, YOUR HOME electricaUy with Westlnrnouse or wesix automauc electric heaters Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa DON'T BE a rug drudge. Shampoo your rugs at home at one-nan me cost. Rent a Clark Rug Shampoo machine at Howser Bros. 1410 S 12th. Ph. 3-3646. NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS- TI-KOTE, th celiopnane-uae uiuaii for floors or linoleum Yeater Appliance Co.. 373 Chemeketa St. j Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock ; ror roads 8. driveway. Cement. Heady- mix concrete, uaroen nana duii- WE Make loans up to 80 of the ised value on Qualifying mod' era homes. Salem and vicinity. Also see us for FHA construction loans. State Finance Co.. 153 South High St.. Salem. Oregon. AUTO LOANS srnjAirrrri credit co. 183 S- Church St Ph 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie MI9S-S154 al heaquarters. 3-3646. , 1410 S. 12th St Ph. doring. drainage and ditcriingv i rd shovel St drag ,Bne. nKSLM OCO-y I I ;KOIt laf iSGVT; Q Name of Sons I Nam of Song ILean Back iMcKay Toumaroao-, rournameut Tournane4Toujnanieftc- Lowell Thomas JJacar bmitn iit. i.nnnua u ur. nui Sinat. Kirsten 4 News of World IGUdersleev f JGildersloeve g Big Public Auction Sale i panel doors. $8. B UaSB BBASU A as v-bt axaasaass a ws a oya-aw. Mahogany and birch front doors 828.50 Phone 3-0249 U?2w7 Eher, . liplme JSher Holes 4 I Greg. Hoed t Greg. Hood P Ui GlenvV Hardy Touroament Adventures Break Bank Buzs' Adiara IrultonLewls rTournament Adventures Break Bank Buzz Adlam Airport g INews 1 (Beulah I Dist AOorhfl There's Musi i 1 & iDlst. Attofhei rAlroortW lpiano Pat (Club 13 IDtete'sf AUBdef : Pn- I Salem Agricultural Housing. Inc. to ell Government surplus mendso at public auction. This auction to be held at Salem Farm Labor Camp, Southeast end of Salem Airport on Turner road on Monday, aaarcn uh l-nm. aharn. Watch for later itemized list of articles to be sold. CoL Ernest Z. Scott. Auctioneer. Door lambs S3 .50. Overhead garage door hardware 1 18 JO C G. Long, 1 mile north of Keizer, Ph. 2-582L SUM Mvstafrvm Newsreel ft ft Newt OCO Amerfca Wont (America SOnC I Mus. You UOIN I SUr. Final You Jc World Alr-fk f 8 OW Sam Hayes J. I Carson sings isporu ' AEX Reportes (Intermezzos m IConcert 4t n K8LM Net New ' KOCO Nocturne KOIN Bandstand SOW News m i fcX Cone-rvHout KOAC4-430 K.CM -edn4da 10 rOO .mf Thd news and Wta then HE IS Es- feclallyMoj Worsen! i 11 fb ? Oregon Eneoi oat Air; u:tf n firm; 12:1a 'oot Farvi Hour; 1:06 Ridai 'era Cow lyl:la Oigon School ac iae Air; 1 45 This Oayt 1M ttdtnJU Grow; 3 Memy ook of -Mu.sier 2:45 Ore- Ion School oMUr; 3 0 The News; 3 :13 Musie of the Masters 40 Oregon Re- !Muslc CueJ M (Melodies I Nocturne a s Nocturne (Bandstand: 1 Melodies I wax MUMflm; nu aai Concert Hour? I Memos -af n tm Guard H UP 5SfMsirsl 'Me.osg j 7at1 S Mus. SOU jOrcheftra , iJOrchortrij Coocott t& iorfjfrom Congress4: Defense e pprtt 8 .-00 Cblldr'flTheatterl 8 SB jtjn the Upbeat: 8 30 '854 Sports lu ft fheNews; 6:13 oWfftri Stiodf of MiWe F accltv- 6:45 Invitat on 4o Lraral 7 0 iarSaorsTtTnlon: L7dt Evening Farm tour? t B Radii f lOTthwd Cent: JO Guest Sun 8:43 News and Westh- S.-00 Music That Endures; v:a porter: 4:15 Kern and Sloop; 4 JO Re-Ixvenin Meditatlona; 100 Sign Off. Why Suffer Any Longer When otkers fatt two oar ClUaese remedies. Amaslag saccesa fev SO0S years la China. No Blatter wttb what ailmenu yes are affllete disorders. slnoslUs. Heart, longs, liv er, kidneys, gaa. eoastJpatloa. sJeers SUbetes. rheumatism, gall and blad der fever, skis, female complaints CHARLIE CHAN CHINES K BERS . CO. tU H. Commercial Phone 8-1836 SALEM, ORB. office Boars 9 to 0, Taos, and Sat, osdy. Br T.T.LamJ .D Dr.O.CkaswN D ! DBS. CHAN.. LAM r CHXNXSE HERBALISTS xl Nerth UbertF Opstalrs above Decker's, 237 N. LJs erty Office open Satarday eaiy 18 aaa to I ojbu. 6 to 1 pa Coosalta. ttoa. Blood pressoro aad striae tests are free of charge. Practiced since 1917. OSED Electric ranges 319 95 and up Yeater Appliance w ns Jn ernes-eta St ' . PHILLIPS BROS. SPFX3AL Cow or chicken fertilizer, dry. weed fm itemized, denvcirateo ana pul verized. Ready for any use and will not burn. Made in Salem from cow am rhir-ken manure. Call 3-1458 and order now. Phillips Bros. Rt I. Box 118. Salem. Ore.. 4 mi. East of State. CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-own ed loan company oxters money wneu ou need lt 1 You can pay anytime to reduce net costl No endorsers, or help from friends! On cars, trucks, trailer homes to 8500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment. salary or otfter personal property up to 1300.00! Phone or visit our office today I Hear "Top Trades" 13:05 dally KSLM, 1390 Kcraii General Finance Corp. I Ma KtlS .nd Kill PHONE 3-9161 136 S. COMX ST PDD.GG EEB0IXHC19S FARM and CITY LOANS U and Your ews terms of repayment wit his Cash for Real Esxaio s.om- CO. Ph 4-2283 tracta and Second Mortgari CAPITOL SECURITIES 207 Pioneer, Trust Blot COLON ...STOMACH lUrrURf (Homia. Irsstsf YBMIesatd MLM aat SM asw- as a. fLJ yW Ws IVV aaiwas.avnw . M am I WaM 81OO m.m av-.. W4..rrl CJ.P.SL 1 FREE ZZZZZtr"" THE DEAN CLINIC IN OSS 40 T8A8 (4.8. Caer L sWUds aad 4bwad Ava, EAat It II rartlsaa 1 wra. Private Money On Cars. Trucks St Trailer Homes Long or Short Terms Payments Rov H. Simmons ias S. Commercial St pnone 3-swi MORTGAGE LOANS FHA Residential Loans a Specialty City. Suburban and Farm Loans Business Building Loans na rnrutruction Loans and Prrvate Money Loans Exceptionally Favoraoie iwira Mo Loan Too Large or Toe Small SEE US FIRST Abrams & Skinner, Inc. Uw4v... I ai. -Sneeialista 411 U"" Bids. Ph. 3-9217 able prices, A paperhan 4-2645. Ph. 34 athurrt iginci I 39694.. chronic and light phone reason- LADY WANTS - housekeeping rm. la exchange for companion to laoy. 00s 7S e'n Statesman. . WANTED: Small furn. apt for employ cd girL Box 878. sutesman. 714 Business Rentals - Fh 2-616 Ph. 39694. T rout r Ph REPAIRING, remudeluut 8c Remodeling. F. NEW Construction H. A. Terms. Call estimates 3-4287 for e 1 PRACTICAL nurse desires 3 of 3 hrs. work mornings, pnone 3-m CHILD CARE, day or hr. Mra Cone, 640 N. Com 1. Duplex No. I. pn i-sozi. anjr ind MUSKY man age 40 take hm-t Inn -Pnone 3-S2QO. RELIABLE truck driver, .chauffeur's license in 3 states, wants worx. nt 1-0341. Li : LAND Clearing, grading 8c road build- tng for TJ3. 14 witn ooie angw oiaoe Ac clearing teeth. Call 2-2095 eves. 620 Dorr end Contract 1 " Mimeographing & Typing POFTS. 663 N. 16tn St. Pn. Gardners Phono 2-7616 or wrtU 219 S. High for Roto tilling, bulldozing, ana i tana iraniiir with small crawler. 1 LGE. ground breaking plow, also gen. plowing. Al Ekm. ph. 31264 of 42383. ialem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work - Clearing - Ditching Sewer ac Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-'i yda 10 B-s yds D-7 Cat A- Dozer D-6 Cat 8t Doxer D-4 Cat ac Dozer Sesfus about ditching by the loot Phone days 3-6408 i Evenings S-S24S or s Salem Oieroa . BUSINESS RENTALS Mod. business room. New bldg Holly wood dist. or suitable for Doctor. Dentist clinic. Reasonable rent. Call Harry W. Scott ' NEW business bldg. good loc grocery store, ph. 3-7420. OFFICE Space. Livesly Bldg. entrance. Ph. 3-9801 riavi for appointment. Off ICE flooms. Ph. 256iX tuuaas Room. U. u aUXL . 800 Real EsUte 2 Bdrm. New Home : t bdrm bungalow In N. Salem. Lot 75x85. Faces nortn. S5300 casn. 4 Bdrm. Home North S bdrms down. S up. Fireplace, run basement witn oil rurnace. ta yra old. A nice looking well built home for 81L000. 2 Acres, Nice Home N E. of etty, an kinds of fruit ac ber- terms. can auxe. Bargain In Acre S bdrm borne NX. Smaa barn chicken house, beautuui snung, shade trees, outside fireplace, fiaa pool. 86500. Call Brower. We have many nice homes St acreages at right prices, come in an oee us. x ARTMADSEN REALTY CO. 1326 State St. Ph. 3-5580 or 2-881S SILVERTON' "6PPbRTUNlTlES BeauUful Creek location. 9 acres very 6ood bottom land, suitaoie ror nopv errics. fruit nuts. On. mail, milk, and school routes. On phone and electric lines. Good road, city water, on fine fishing stream. 1 homes, out buildings. u 37jOOO. Duplex, modern, furnished. Ideal busi ness location. Renting for 875.00 per month., Price Including furnishings. ....8J.500. cah. 8 Cabin court., modern, furnished. Renting for 200.08 per month. Price including furniture, 89,000. (possible trade!. . m - , . 80 acres hill land. Some timber. - . THE HOMES EEKXRS AGENCY Worden mi 11a int 802 Busin" SILVERTON,. Oregon Proyrty A. Lan- INCOME Tax returns prepared eaoo- shlv. Ph 420.13. ; :; ; ALT 6 PAiNTlNG Jusi a shadoj better 7 Ray Co. 3-91 ETTER. Call Shrock 101. J WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or IrnritHin Duffield Broa .Rt If box SS Phono 8-1313 or 8-27SSV - INT-KIUR Painting Exp. n. .2i2S7S. 700 Rentals 1 702 Slswpinq Rooms. Board UQj c;,-. HOME AND INCOME 1 imill houses. 34x30 building. 1ZS Garage x cmcxen nouse. 1 n. Court and Apartment $36,500. Income $350 a month. room Jiving quart ers. Close In. This place will sell at appraisal price. Will take good houao as part payment. Call In for ap- nnintmenL Eve. 2-0473 S Unit Apartment 113.200 with 2 bedrm living quarters. 909 a mmui wwnrm. Very good location. Call Mr. LeOere h F. Ulrich Con Realtors 317 Court St . Ph. J-77SO NEWLY decoraUd slptos rms. for men. Tub A shower. 393 N7l4th. ph. 13-6577. ROOM, board At laundry 850 mo. jWotk- Inrman pref. ph. 3-6318. . j SLEXPINfl RiL for S girla with eook- inrprlvlleges. su ft. cnurcn. f"" rm. close in. j ac Urtl. iurn. aln water. Men onrr. nvri. ROOal tor gentleman, dose to- 833 N. Winter. " or after 8:30. , , SLt-PLNG Room. 2U1 Center. Two Acre View Home r rrjoo A ttracti re ranch style houao, rustic exterior, fairly new, 3 bed rms, hardwood floors, basement furnace, - double garage near pavement Call Mr. Frederic kaon. . ; j Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Ui ceocer. Phono 960 g. t-3849 Commercial Eve 2-5268