The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 26, 1950, Page 22, Image 22

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    22-4Th Statetman, Salem, Oregon, Sunday, FtbniarT 23, 1950
Stocli (Jams
Credited to
V- NEW YORK, Feb. .SHT-Stock
; traders paid more attention to the
British election this week when
the domestic coal strike, i
' The strike, at worst. Inspired a
high- degree of caution. Investors
and speculators were unwilling to
take a decisive stand until they
had a chance to see how bad the
effects of the strike might be.
The British election, on the oth
er hand, was credited with spark
ing the liveliest rise the market
bad during the Week. Traders were
pleased with the showing of the
conservative party.
. Today Packard Motor and to a
lesser degree Chesapeake tt Ohio
dominated the day's business.
The balance of the market loafed
long a narrow price route in the
slowest Saturday in five weeks.
Only 620,000 I shares of stock
changed hands,) which compared
with 1,050,000 afweek ago.
x'aca.ara sasi r at - u turn
over of 47,004 shares. Selling
pressure was xoucnea on dj an
nnnimpmmt after th doea Fri
day that directors had taken no
action on a dividend.
The Associated Press average of
60 stocks remained at 73.7. This
compared with 73.9 a week earlier
and the 3 -year peake of 744
which was established Feb. 4.
Stock Market
Prices End
On High Note
CHICAGO, Feb. 25-WVWith
wheat and soybeans again setting
the cace. -rains rolled hieher on
the board of trade today. -Final
rices were at about the best of
le day with trading becoming
"more active in the last 15 minutes
Clarence Evans Lav Joy, late resi
dent at 2322 Laurel ave.. at a local
hospital. February 23. at the age of
80 years. Surviving is his widow.
Mrs. Jennie Jane Lovejoy. Salem.
Member of the Baptist church. Serv
ices will be held at the Howell-Edwards
chapel Monday, February 27,
at 10 JO a.m. with the Bev. V. L.
Loucks officiating.
Sailte Marie Hanscom, at the resi
dence at 65 Abrims ave, February 24,
at the age of 49 years. Wife of Carl
H. Hanscom. Salem; mother of Wayne
K. Packard and Mrs. Maxine V. Riley,
both of Ashland. Also survived by
two grandchildren. Services will be
' held Tuesday, February 28. at 2 p.m.
In the W. T. Rig don chapel with the
Bev. Vernon G. Story officiating. In
terment in Ashland cemetery.
Cleo C. Montlcue, lata resident of
Eugene, at a local hospital February
25 at the age of 2 years. Survived by
' his mother. Mrs. Hazel May Williams,
Genebla. Ark. Announcement of serv-
, Ices later by Howell-Edwards chapeL
1 Salem
Pacific Standard Time
if?(9 Kdtcvuso, iovl t?i lew :oikx
pa Megacyq
(Ed: 'jo note: Thi
dates SI prevlded fey I
caaagef v. onset aouc
Radio RJrft-
B. Box I evao
First B4itS
River Bi yms
; Revival 1 Jo
Bibla Caisl
Bible it
KSLM Hardy News Songs
KOCO Wildwd Church: Organ Loft
KOIN Platform , IPUtform
KGW Organ I Organ
EKX News J iHighwsys
Concert Hall Concert
n B
1Statesn4aa' pabttshei la ioedl ft
.nejraaif sauons, attpeeause I
kBoa, pu sewspir uaia sm
, aecaraq
nourj a
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Iiewo 1 frelithli
i H.1JC SmlUf rabernade
1 ' Ifeijnade 1 Eion Ckrch
T.r net,vai aourj ueviru Hour I
H W a It - aei pin MM U
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JLuweran B U
iaCarden TaDdwt
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K( 1X1
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sua. nil "l i ..Tin Service
Hesrt, cHesrt Assoc,
Forela l'ewf I rank -
News I
Cuest Star
Serenf it
Sympi onl
One 1--S!v
ne FamiH
Hour W-aUithi
tL our eg
Tex Mason
Quia Ki
Week's or1
snaoow uaaaow
Dream- Mustek Iream
1 tx Mason
I Church -
ki wm
- iU
Ki IHj
Record Parad4 IT-cord Parade rake JarkiStei
Dick PoweU flick PoweU SUri Revest ISmriHar
Mr. Pj-'.dent tr President tGregtetf Stoiyi greatest ftofir
A dventure
inu row a r imuy
Hardy i tamilVJ P ardy
uiwc anj nr. m uuineran
falcofr W If alcon
K4 Cf4
Don fcwwtrt Aon StewarfaIDonatewart ID Stwet
Jack Beruajeasrvack Benny tMWos 'N Andy rAmoel'-Andy
uicna um uimn
Research ITo Vets
Hawaii Can Hawaii
Ministerial 0 Vets
Bergen it Me, (Bergen
Sam Spade (Sam Spade (Theatre Guild (Theatre Guild
Stop Musle
laiop a&uaio.
Coruss rT'
c rliaa Arc
Medic 1 llgh.
m 1
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KfcifS Of Ti: Salon
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20 Queik
l.'xW 1
120 QuestlonM
INazarene I
(Miaa Brooks!
n tk
roots Tf
Miss B
Sun. Reverie X
Red Skelton u
I F-ditorially
liun. Keverl
r d -Skelto
IS Tnphony
ThiniE j it
V m Drea
U ii K-kZ
Moon IW 3 m I
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ry atercetr
I f Ul
, ermexaa
4 KGW Newa
I Wax
- Nocturne
thaif lt'had'beea -ail" day! " ' "
Wheat ended Vi-2a higher.
corn was higher, oats were
higher, rye was 1 to 1 ft
higher, soybeans were
higher and lard was z to 10 cents
a hundred pounds higher.
The upturn today left all de
ferred wheat deliveries with gains
of 4 cents or more for the week.
A good part of the buying in these
contracts was based on continued
dry weather in most of the south
west, plus reports on green bug
infestation in north central Okla
homa counties.
March wheat had a little more
difficulty after touching a new
seasonal peak of $2.22 earlier In
the week. There appeared to be a
lot of grain for sale at that level.
Cash wheat prices have advanc
ed above the loan in many sections
of the southwest, and in some
parts of Teuas It was said a little
wheat was being sold where the
price was higher than the loan
plus carrying charges. The possi
bility of , Increased offerings of
cash wheat acted as a drag on
March wheat later in the week.
survey disclosed that nearly one
of every five Kansas University
coeds is self-supporting. Miss
Martha Peterson, assistant dean of
women, announced that part-time
work and .help from the GI bill
of rights provide about, half the
"earned help" the coeds get
Portland Produce
PORTLAND. Feb. 25 -(API- Butter
fat tentative, subject to Immediate
change: Premium quality, maximum to
JS to 1 per cent acidity delivered la
Portland. 5-68o lb; first quality. 63
66c; second quality, 61-4c. Valley
routes and country points 2c less than
Butter wholesale F-O-B bulk cubes
to wholesalers: Grade AA, S3 score
64c lb; A. S2 score, 62c; B, SO score.
Sic; C, SS score, 60c Above prices are
Strictly nominal
Cheese selling price to Portland
wholesalers: Oregon singles, 39-42o lb;
Oregon S-lb loaf. 44k-45c lb.
Eggs to wholesalers: A grade, large
41-41',ic doz: A grade, medium. 40
40', fee; B grade large. 35-37c doz.
Live chickens (No. 1 quality, F-O-B
plants): Broilers, under 2 lbs.. 17c lb.;
fryers. 2-3 lbs, 2S-28C lb.: 2-4 lbs..
0.m aaa4am A lha aaM1 A.,a- 0?Aa.
light hens under 4 lbs- 14-16c: over
la-. ls-uc; heavy nens. au wetgnta.
19-2lc: old roosters, aU weights. 13-1 5c.
Turkeys net to growers: Toms, 30
$lc lb; hens. 44c. i
Rabbits average to growers); Live
white. 4-9 lbs. 17-200 lb. $-4 lbs, 15-lSc;
colored, 2 cents lower; old or heavy
does and bucks. S-12c lb; fresh dressed
Idaho fryers. 40a lb; locals 4S-52c
Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to
retailers: Dollars per cwt):
Bee Steers, good. - 500-800 lbs,
$39-43; commercial. $38-41: utility. $35
38; cows, commercial. $34-37; utility,
$32-34; canner-cutters, $30-32.
Beef cuts (Good steers): Bind
quarters. $48-49; rounds. $45-48; full
loins, trimmed. $60-64; triangles. $38
40; square chucks. $42-48; ribs, $53-58;
forequarters, $37-40.
Veal and calf food. $48-48; com
mercial. $39-44.
Lambs: Good -choice spring lambs.
$43-48; commercial. $41-43; utility, $36
38. Mutton good, 70 lbs. down. $28-28.
Pork cuts Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs..
$48-48: shoulders. 18 lbs., down. $34-35;
spsreribs. $47-50; carcasses, 120-170 lbs.
$27-28: mixed weiehts. $2 lower.
Wool: Coarse, valley-medium grades.
45c lb. v
Mohair nominally 25c lb on 12
month growth.
Country-killed meats: 1 .
Veal: Top quality, 38-39c lb. J other
grades according to weight quality
with lighter or heavier. 32-34c.
Hogs: Light blockers. 25-260 lb.;
sows. 1S-20C.
Lambs: Top quality springers. 39-
Jth the pittHm aa
ffUBMS p oir aaas are
respeaajMei for taa
Fel awihlp :
Tat era tela
Hotte IChurch
Ra rival Hour
n5 Hour LuQerMi Hr.
ternivjiighl Etf-naU-U'l
essaaeV . iMeSiaka"
I BUI Lang
sacred Heart
iw. King
Sammy Kara - ISammv Kave
Round Table (Round Table
Vesper Vespers
I Ope: a SVlbum
petS Alunf
PrlvtieEyo IPtvaie tt
urea?t tMusie. 1 1 rea n i
my Bennaaa iaws.
AdvhbU-a A avekt
Protweer fcroprsecy
K c'jsferiiS ivyrtwes
Muxia, sh.Ntaia Rowa
krtar V JKikT!
nous tt Boa-i b kcue . 1 1 o BlacHe
Famy Henry i Fortran I enff Moffa
. i.i. j imusx. j uiris it tusit.
11 hull. CUj
tfe-S M I bW,
gra ounM aye . i narns-raye
iGuest Star I Ted Malona
CaQ Murray Show (Murray Show
, I P. M. Serenade IP. M. Serenade
it Me. I Rocky Jordan iRoclcv Jordan
I Stop Muale I Stop Mualo
Horace Hei
oraca Hdt
Album Musi
Jbum M io
Roy Rogers
(Fly Rogers j
I Whistler
Bob Crosbvl
IMr. Malonel
Ma Maajne
Too This
Frank JJeva
Bergen St
Dallas Chur l
Jack Benny j
Best SeUerl
Otht r
oon Dres
St Francis H
Catholic Hots
(Jat ku
Orrneatra M
Ore iMttm tt
Wax Mi
Wax Muaaont
iU 9 H H n
MVn Pulplta ffraroilf Futul
I llox EevBs fe. kBdi favuo B. B
n 111
m ,4
i II
lonat ui
Chanoa I Ufa.
I eraenrc .ian
si H
Gat. V
rvi3n B
el nM
at H
' I
40e Th.i mutton, M-SOe.
Beef: Good cows. $0-320 Ib.t tan
ners-cutters, 50-32 a.
onions supply moderate, market
dull; Ore. Yellows. No. 1. SO lb.,
medium, 81.4O-L50; large. fl.B5-l.00;
10 lb, 26-28c; onion sets, Oregon
Yellow, 12c lb.
Potatoes: or. Deschutes russets. No.
1A, $3.20-3 25; No. 2 SO lbe. $1.30-35; 25
ma, soc-$i.oo; u ids. ai-esc. waan.
netted gems. No. 1A. $3.15-3.30; 23 lbs.
SS-80c; IS lbs. S0-6Sc: No. 2, SL23-35:
largo bakers, $4.00-25; Idaho russets
No. 1A, five 10-lb sacks. $2040. New
potatoes. Fla. triumphs, six A. 3X0-25;
Size B, $2 40-Bffi.
Hay: New crop, stack bales. US. No.
S green alfalfa, truck or car-lots F-O-B
Portland or Puget Sound markets.
$33.50-41.00 ton: UJS. No. 1 mixed Urn
olhv. $44 ton: sew crop oats and vetch
mixed hay or uneifrttfied clover hay,
nominally $25-28 depending on quality
and location baled on Willamette val
ley farm.
Filberts: -Wholesale prices: Jumbo
19-22c; Urge 17-20c: medium 15-18',,c
Grower prices: Orchard run. s-lOc.
Walnuts: Wholesale prices, per pound
In 100-lb. lota: First quality Jumbo.
31-32 tic; large. 29-30',,e; medium. 26
284c; second quality Jumbo, 29-29c;
large 27-27ic; medium 24W54C;
baby, 18i-lO'ie. Grower prices, or
chard run: Franquettes, 10-13c lb.
Salem Market!
(As ef late yesterday)
Premium -
No. 1 , i
No. ' ;
BUTTE Wholesale "
Retail .
EGGS (Bavini!
(Wnolesale prices ranges from
cents over ouytng price.)
Large AA ,
to 1
Large A
Medium AA
Medium A
A Leghorn Hena
B Leghorn hena
C Leghorn hens
A colored hens
B colored hens
C colored hens 1
A colored fryers
B colored fryers
C colored fryers
A old roosters
B old roosters
C old roosters
LIVESTOCK fey Valley Pack
Fat dairy cows 13 00 to
Cutter cows to
Dairy heifers 12.00 to
Bulls 14.00 to
Good veal. 150 to 300 lbs 24 00 to
Good calves to
Wooled lambs 21.00 to
Feeder Lambs 14.00 to
the Common Council of the City of
Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and
expedient and hereby declares its pur
pose and Intention to improve Bush
Street from the west line of Fir Street
to the west Una of Saginaw Street, in
the City of Salem. Marion County.
Oregon, at the expense of the abutting
and adjacent property, except the
ttreet and alley intersections the ex
pease of which will be assumed by the
City of Salem, by bringing said por
tion of said street to the established
grade, constructing cement concrete
curbs, and paving said portion of said
street with a 2Vs inch asphaltie con
crete pavement thirty feet In width
in accordance with the Plans and
specifications therefor which were
adopted bv the Common Council
February 13. 1950, which are now on
file in the office of the city recorder
and which by this reference thereto
are made a part hereof. The Common
Council hereby declares its purpose
and intention to make the above de
scribed improvement by and through
ne street improvement department.
Written remonstrance against the
above proposed Improvement may be
filed with the city recorder at any
time within ten days after the final
publication of this notice by the own
ers of the property affected.
By Order of the Common Council
February 13. 1950. !
ALTKEU HUNuT. Cltv Recorder.
Data of first publication hereof Is
February 18. 1950
Date of final publication February 28,
U30. r 1SJ7.18J9.20.2 .223.243.26.
300 Personal
310 Meeting Notices
Ainsworfh Lodge No. 201 AT
St AM Special Tues. Febr.
28th M. M. degree. T:30 P.M.
LOYAL Order of Moose meet Thurs.
nite 284 N. ComL Ph. 3-5227.
312 Lost and Found
FOUND: Black male part cocker dog.
urown narness. yn. ziioe.
LOST: Mostly black male medium sii-
ed dog wearing collar wnn name
"Blitz" St address S7S N. 38th. Re
ward Ph. 28291.
LOST: Black cocker pup. Ph. 21831 or
347TO. P37 N. LOW 1.
LOST: Boy's silver ldent. braclet vie.
S. Winter St. name -John Guyer"
engraved on It. Return to the School
for The Blind. -
316 Personal
LONELY Write Christian Friendship
Society, for FREE photos, descrip
tions and details. P. O. Box S90-T,
North Hollywood, Calif.
$36X0 PAID for $20 gold coin others
wanted, write sov co statesman.
Get-Acquainted Qub
THROUGH SOCIAL correspondence.
thousands meet uteir "laeai. writ
today for list of eligible. Simpson,
box lzsi. Denver, coio.
HOW Many foundations do you buy
in z yrs.T spencers wear jonger
Ph. 3-307Z
SALEM Nursing Home. 3595 TD" St.
Ambulatory or oea pauents. 2aun
or women. Trained nurses; 24 hr.
400 Agriculture
402 Lrvwstocar
FOR Sale: 1 Reg bred Hampshire Gilt
Ht. 7. BOX Z39.
PUBF.BRF.D One yr. old Guernsey heif-
er. not bred. BL 4 Box 804 near mil-
crest School.
i HEREFORD Bull. 1 fresh Guernsey
- cow. 1 heavy springer. Also 1 mlddle
jnilker.. Will take dry cow or young
stock in trade. 2130 Chemewa Rd.
l'i ml. East of Kelter,
BURRO. Gelding, 4 yrs used to small
children. For Sale or exchange for
sneeo. call Wolfe. 3-sbbb.
WANT Fresh or Springer cows, cows
giving 1 gal or more. aU types beef
cattw. Buy entire nera Tom wood.
Rt 1. Turner, pn. t25.
BULL Service any place. Ph. 42949."
BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Cd
ward Rt 3 Box 899E. Ph 3-1144
McCandTtoh 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147.
Wanted: All types livestock Ph. 4-2617.
LICENSED Livestock buyer, H E
. Snethen. 1550 Lancaster dr. ph. 2-1345
404 Poultry and Babbits
X DANDY Year old bred N. 2. does
Sr buck. $10. 1540 Lancaster Dr.
i WHITS New Zealand Does. 1 buck
double pen all for 310. Ph. 34340,
MARKET Price paid for heavy hena.
Thomas Poultry Term. Ph. 2-3350.
145 NICK Young Parmenter hens, lay
- tot Ha mos. 80 for quick sale $193.
Also elec. 500 chick brooder. Used
only few weeks. Lika new $35. pa.
NEW Hampshire and Parmenter chicks
available every Tuesday. Fox's
Hatchev 330 State St Ph. S496S
WINGS Babbitry needs rabbits. 3483
State ph 3-1489
PARM.RDS, New Hampa, Comics
Cross every wk. 1-2000 heavy ckla.
, Circular Gearing Hatchery. Silverton.
403 Pets
TOY Terrier puppy. Hrubets Rd. E. of
COCKER Puppies, pure bred, $18 and
$14. 174$ Baker, Pn. 22air
400 Agricnlture
403 Pads
BURRO, Gelding, 4 yrs used to small
children. For Sale or exchange for
Sheep, call Wolfe. 3-4888
CHESAPEAKE Ray retriever pup. both
AKC St FDSB registered, ready for
coming hunting season. A. C Frie
sen, hi. a pox w ph. i-oioq.
f YB. Old riding horse, gentle, dandy
for kida. Wayne Feller. RL a Box
no. lumer.
iiOORE'S Tropical iiah. clearance on
oiaca xetras, Danios. Head St Tau
light. RL i. Box 483. 2 ml from Lan
caster Dt on Macleay Rd. Ph. 2721.
BL.Ua.TICK and Bloodhound puppies
from good hunting stock. S25 ea. Ted
raquette. rang ciry. oreg. PO. 313.
PEDIGREED English setter male. 860.
10 moa old. Ph. 21951 or 28251 after
S p.m. -
412 Fruit and Farm Product-
EXTRA Good Marshall Strawberry
plan la from Certified Stock. Silver
creek Service Station, 1350 S. Water
Str.. Silverton. ph. 4323.
414 Farm Equipment
T-20 TRACTOR. WX. track, sell or
trede. S70S D st.
450 Merchandise
451 Machinery end Tools
1 SWTNO Ssw complete. $40. Ph. 20312.
HALL Valve Seat grinder $65. Motor
stand $25. A C Spark plug cleaner
$3. Brake bleeder $10. See Ed. Owens.
Warner Motor Co, 430 N. ComX
455 Housahold
is For Sale
LATE Model Zenith washer. Good as
new, $60. Rt 8. Box 101. W. Salem.
Ph. 42467
COLDS POT Electric refrigerator 6.2
cu. ft. A-l condition $65.00 Ph. 3-8258
383 South 22nd
MAHOGANY Sleigh... bed. full size;
dresser, beveled edge mirror, rock-
Linoleum $40
USED Bend ix automatic washer. Good
cond. $69.50. Good Housekeeping
Inc.. 467 Court St. Ph. 39611
USED Furn. cheap - trade - terms.
Vallev Furn Co.. 283 No. ComT 3-7472.
TWO needlepoint chairs, 455 University.
458 Wanted. Household Goods
W. A. PAYNTER. Ph. 2-5944.
GLEN WOODRY. Ph. 35110.
VsaabaV I VU1, IIIUIIWU4ilJ ea upt eaaoeaa,
highest prices. Valley Furniture. 288
.k CITD IU 4mm4iaa a nnra 1st sk I
N. commercial, rn.
458 Building MateriodT
Bankrupt stock of roofing materials
and equipment consisting of paper
felt and asbestos, ladders, tar pot,
versatile pump, miscellaneous sup
plies and eauipmenL Will be sold at
private sale. Property can be seen
at 1003 So. Commercial St. Salem,
Oregon, ph. 37767. Evenings 35514.
R. H. coppock. Trustee.
WE Sell only the best, cedar shingles
all grades del. IS in. No. 1 carton
Jacked cedar wall painted snakes,
12 JO with undercourse, oak and
pecan flooring, cedar and spruce
siding. Ted MuUer. Ph. Salem ziiw,
Regular So 3 In. molded easing 4c
Regular k 4 In. molded base Sc
Doubled primmed shakes In cartons
with undercourse $12.25.
Epping Lumber Co. 4140 Silverton Rd.
Ph. 2-2054.
Save at Keith Brown!
ttx4" Cedar Siding $25 M.
WINDOWS 'i price. Prices slashed on
special shipmeaL Variety of sizes.
4", from 4c per sq ft.
1x8 and 1x8 E RUSTIC FLOORING.
Ideal for flooring or aiding in attics,
farm buildings, tool sheds, etc Pric
ed cheaper than shlplap.
Everything to build anything at that
convenient KEITH BROWN location.
Front and Court, Salem.
You can buy lumber, millwork. hard
materials, hardware, floor covering,
electric appliances, paints, insula
tion, roofing and - house wares for
as little aa 10 down on a purchase
of S20 ud to S300. Small, easy month'
ly payments take care of the rest.
Make it easy on your budget with
budget terms rrom
at that convenient location
Front and Court Streets. Salem
HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rent-
al heaquartera. 1410 S. lztn St. rn.
3-3646. -
QUALITY . . strict West Coast
PRICE . . Save $10 per M. ft
a SERVICE . . Prompt delivery, ac
curate tally.'
CONVENIENCE ' . . Specified or
ders filled and delivered.
1050 Wallace Rd..' ml. No. of river.'
Phone 3-9593 '
480 Musical Instruments
80 BASS Soprani accordlan. 7 switches.
Like new, yn. ao3
sacruice 9979. arie beacn, sua aw
urani, jcoanon, ureg.
482 Sports Equipment
22 j CALIBER High standard H. D. M.
pistoL 4',i" barrel, excel cond. with
holster St 1 clips. Ph. 36469 after 8.
486 Trade, Miscellanaous
FOR Sale: 24 new coin operated radios.
Will trade for car. Make an offer.
Geo. R. Curry, 414 Academy SL,
Dallas, ore.
488 For Rent Miscellaneous
FOR Rent; Gar. 1177 Court.
kets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-wex
aauv 1 ui s aa a jr -
GOOD USED Piano. H. L. Stiff.
470 For Sale. Mlscellaneous'T
1946 G. E. Washer $52. Babe-Tlnda,
S10. Ph. 2Z5Z8
GOOD Electric fence, used very little.
$ tray elec brooder, like new, also
DeLaval junior separator, all rea
sonably priced, rn. i-3wi or a-wia,
146 G. E. Washer $52. Babe-Tinda
$10. Ph. 2-Z5Z8
LARGE Size oil circulator and small
size wood heater for sale or trade
for furniture, pn. a-TBOO.
PRINCETON Uoriaht Grande piano Sc
bench, very good cond. $100. East
man furnace witn ou ourner attaco-
ment. ph. 3-3491.
dininPunNnr.RAPHS. rnntnU mod
ia pm.u. ,nii n . v. aiaeaa tn
$229 J5. . Convenient terms. Mitchell
ItaalO ' ec Appliance sour kptici
Dealer." State at 19th. Ph. 3-7577.
8 FT. Triple glass meat case with
new compressor. aiirrram bo.
FERTILIZER $3.50 per yard. 4 yd.
load S12. Del, ph. 935 Turner
OIL Circulators at greatly reduced
Tester Appliance Co.
375 Chemeketa Bt.
AtMORAVS Harley Pugh. Ph. 2-S76f
. ... ... . . - -
veu unut uwim mirnioM Rorl-
ables, desk , types, complete line ser-
vice any make mamma, ttaipn jonn-
son appnancea.
USEQ ElactrM reirUeratora $49a4
and up.
Yester Appliance Co
sts Chemeketa St.
SW" m! n.u41 i n M
11 . W
Willamette Valley Roof Co. Inc. Sa
WELL Rotted Fert 84.00 yard. By
yards toad 60c sack in 10 sack order
Dei any amount, fnone ztwua.
I USED Electric washers $19 84 and upT
zeaier Appuance i,
S74 Chemeketa SU ,r
450 Merchandise
470 For Sale. Miscellaneous
BECK WITH Cabinet grand piano:
cnimes, beautiful tone. 660 South St.
INCH Table aaw, small drill press
wnn moiurs, very reasonaoie. il I
U6ED Piano. Standard make, perfect
hoganv ease, 54 In. high. Sea Moore
at Eifstroma,
USED Sawing machines priced to suit
your ouaget. Kecondiuoned & guar
anteed. Ralph Johnson Appliances.
Ph. 33139.
.USE i
The right way to re
build the soil.
Free of wed seeds .
0 Odnrlpfio.
6 sacks $ 5.00
Bulk 1 ton 10.00
.2 tons 17.50
Free delivery anywhere in
Salem area
Phone 3-8127
ALL Sewing machines. Service, sales.
rentals, isot w. ibui. pn. 3-7S71.
RENT a wheel chair, hospital bed.
purrn jiiij, ij y,uurt ov.
KNABE Grand piano, will accept best
oner py warcn 1. rn. 34041.
Phillips Bros.
Fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, any
kino, oy yara or sack, flagstone for
aU rock work, cedar fence posts and
tele and elect poles, any length
ahlngles. yew ost lumber. Ph.
HEAT if OUR HOME electrically with
3-1458. Rt 0. Box '18. Salem
wesnngnouse or wesix automatic
electric heaters Ifeater Appliance Co.
an t,nemeneta
DONT BE a rug drudge. Shampoo
your rugs at nome at one-naiz tne
cost. Rent a Clark Rug Shampoo
machine at Howser Broa 1410 S.
12th. Ph. 3-3848. .
TI-KOTE, the cellophane-like finish
for floors or linoleum.
Yester Appliance Co.
373 Chemeketa St.
Walling Sand & Gravel Co.
Crushed Rock
For roads & driveway. Cement. Ready-
mix, concrete, uaraen sana Bull
dozing, drainage and ditching. i yd
snovei Bt drag line. Phone 3-BZ49
rsED Radios and records players
$9.95 and up.
Yester Appliance Co..
err Jlll 3 4
USED Electric rangea $19 9i and up
375 Chemeketa St.
Yester Appliance Co,
375 Chemeketa St.
472 Wanted. Miscellaneous
GIRLS Junior bicycle, wanted, good
condition, pn. 3738.
aiM 18 movie camera U lens. Eastern
prepared. What have your Must be
cheap.' Statesman Box 554.
GOOD Used air sander. will pay cash.
aew cnerry Ave, pn. z-zuzz.
WANTED Combination wood and gas
range in gooa conaiuon. box 510
SEWING Machinesl any cond. Pr. 37671
474 Misceuaneous
CLOSE out name brand table aooll
ances. 15.9S auto toaster $9.88. $18.83
toaster $15.98. $11.75 Elect. Hester
$7.88. $34.85 elect, mixer $29.88. $10.95
elec. iron $8.95. Electric kitchen and
bedroom alarm clocks $3.95 plus tax.
Salem Home Furn. Co. 137 S. ComX
SALE Specials. 2 pc. Jacquard Frieze
living room suites, sw.oe values
for $179.88. One only Charles of Lon
don wine Frieze. Reg. $249.50 sp. pr.
$179.88. We Give Green Stamps.
Salem Home Furn. Co. 137 S. Com!.
SEWING Machine repairs guaranteed.
-Keas. Also used. Ph. 27380. -
WANT TO Buy used cameras St lenses"
McEwan Photo Shoo.-435 State
BOWSER BROS. Your power tool
rentJrt headquarters. 1410 S 12ta St
Ph 3364. . - --
COLLAPSIBLE Row boat $58. cah7i
yr. -oia. 547 itnapp St. - - - .
Dental Plate Repair
rurt i ;
Brine or 'Mall Your Plates for Repair
Adotpk Bldg. SUta St Com. Pb S-3311
476 Fuel
OAK Wood $1S cord, delivered. A. W.
Aralzoff. Rt. 3 Box 570. i
DRY 16 m. 2nd, growth ph. 2-8312. "
Capital Lujmber-Fuel Co.
Phone 3-7721 or 3-0024 f
Bone drv second growth fir
IMMEDIATE deUvery on 16" 2nd
growth fir, $10 per cord, oak 18" $15
oer ord-Phone 2-0177 or 4-283. h
et)RY Trash burner St cook stove wood.
Clean, no bark. R. H. Allen
Candlewood Dr. Ph. 22382.
DRY WOOD, most kinds. Phone 2-4276.
SLABWOOD, 16 in. Hand picked, 2
cora loaa. sio. pn. 27751.
Oregon Fuel Co.
Dry slab or dry edging fresh dean
. sawdust, green edging $3.50 kU dbL
$10. Also 18" groan slab or 4' Phone
s-5533. - - ' - -
Highway Fuel Co. .
dean . sawdust,' wood freen or ' dry.
stove-inesei oils. Ask for Penny
Saver Stamps. Ph. 3844. '
West Salem Fuel Co.
Old growth Mock wood M tau eieaa
aa bark j ,
Pboaa? Salens- 2-4031
Also pick up wood at 1529 Edgewater
-St W Salem. -
Capital Lumber-Fuel Co.
- Phone $-7721 or $-8024 -OLD
, Phillips Bros.
Old fir. ash. maple. - oak -4 fir.
lab and edgings Ph. 3-1458
Ti! Gty Fuel !
PHONE 2-7442 !j
16-tn. slab wood and edging i s
' Fresh out screened sawdust
. 12-in. Inside mill wood '
500 Business & Finance
502 Business Opportunldes
Lifetime Opportunity
National concern" wants dependable,
energetic man to manage local busi
ness. Complete, cooperation. No age
.requirement or experience necessary
If you are ambitious, honest and
alert. Tremendous Income possible.
To Qualify, you must have refer
ences, be able to start Immediately
and have minimum of $1072.50 cash
Immediately available. Fully secured.
Give full particulars and phone num
ber. BOX Ml Statesman.
IF -You are looking for a sound in-
vestment in an estaDiisnen care, looa
into this. Illness forces sale of well
known downtown restaurant. Good
location, good equipment, long lease,
established clientele. Same ownership
Tor 15 years, prtone 34914
SERVICE Station a garage to lease
or aelL All equipped, good location.
See ma Sunday at 1894 N. Capitol
between 10 A M Be iz noon.
FOR Saie: Groc. 'store, gaaj cabins.
It I Box 149 Salem., ph.x-4319.
500 Business & Finance
S02 Business Opporhinulee
$4165 WAS PAID to O. Babbitt for
Mushrooms in few weeks. Men,
Women, Grow Mushrooms year round
Cellar, Shed. Spare or full time. We
buy from our growers fresh, dried.
$3 pound dried. Ship Mushrooms
from all States. Send $2X0 for Gen
eral Information BOOK. We manu
facture exclusive product the CUL
cious for all Foods. Ask. buy it at
Grocer's. Washington Mushroom In
dustries. Dept. 10L 2954 Admiral
Way. Seattle 8. Wash.
80 ft frontage on Edgewater near
KOCO. A good Investment buy.
Walter Musgrave Realtors
Phone $-5109 ' 1211 Edgewater
SMALL Tavern distributing business,
$1750 full price. Equip In stock. Ph.
MENS Furnishing Store for sale or
will consider home or farm In trade.
tel. z-5568 days 2-2555 eves.
SPORTING Goods store. Rent free.
Lots of traffic. Inventory at cost
plus fixtures. Total approximately
S3500. box asi statesman.
FOR Rent:. Garage 34x60 ft. on Port
land Rd. 4 mi No. of Salem Rt. 2.
Box 371. Ph. 21133 eves. ,
510 Money To Loan
WE Make loans up to 80 of the
appraised value on qualifying mod
ern homes. Salem and vicinity. Also
see us for FHA construction loans.
State Finance Co.. 153 South High
St.. Swlem.t Oregon. .
IN '50
A "Bill Consolidation"
loan may make youThrifty In 50."
Pay off your bills. Lower your month
ly payments.
$50 to $1500
Call or phone today
Industrial Loans
118 8 Liberty Phone 4-2203
$25.00 to $500.00
Salem's largest and oldest home-owned
loan company offers money when
you need It t
You can pay anytime to reduce net
cost I
No endorsers, or help from friends!
On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00
On furniture, livestock, equipment,
salary or other personal property up
to $300,001
Phone or visit our 'office today I
Hear Top Trades" 12:05 daily KSLM,
1390 KCsll (
General Finance Corp.
Lie. No S138 and M338
PHONE 3-9161 136 S. COMX ST.
FHA Residential Loans a Specialty
aty. Suburban and Farm Loans
Business Building Loans
We Make Construction Loans and
Private Money Loans Exceptionally
Favorable Terms
No Loan Too Large or Too Small
Abrams & Skinner, Inc.
Mortgage Loan Specialists
411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9217
' 4tt and $
Your own terms of repayment wtthla
reason. Cash for Real Estate Con
tracts and Second Mortgagee.
' 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 4-2283
1S3 & Church St Ph. 3-2457
Parking Aplenty
Uc. M199-S154 '
i $. CASH $
Hollywood Finance Co.
i960 Fairgrounds Road
Next to bank. Free parking- Ph.
2-7032 Lie, No. M369-S29L Floyd
KenyoTV Mgr. -
Private Money
. On Cars. Trucks St Trailer Homes :
Long or Short Terms Payments
Rov H. Simmons
136 S. Commercial St' Phone 3-9181
600 Employment
S04 Help Wanted. Male
WANTED Experienced married man
for farm work, permanent u satis
factory.. Contact J. J. Foster, BL 2,
The Dalles. Oregon. - -
Immediate need for office help, skill
ed and unskilled workers on targe
government and private contracts
here - and abroad. Living . quarters,
transportation, high wages. For in
formation about these jobs contracts,
write Employment Information Cen
ter. Room 816. 209 Newbury Street,
Boston 18. Mass.
MAN With car wanted for route work.
$20 to $29 in a day. No age limit.
For information or Interview write
MR. INMAN, 2423 Magnolia Street,
Oakland 7. California.
$50 WEEK to sUrtl Sell beautiful
solid brass Door Name Plates, write
National Engravers, 212 Summer,
Boston. Mass.
WANTED: 3 men at once to earn $200
to 8400 from start, possibilities un
limited. Experience unnecessary. Ap-
trtv 439 Court. Roonr101.
MAN Wishing to learn fine business!
work directly with manager, must
pa saies-minoea. t-ar an asset, aar.
Stevens, Statesman; Box 849.
608 Help Wanted, female
SELL America's finest greeting cards.
notes, naoktns. stationery, novelties.
etc Make $$ in spare time. Samples
on approval. Imperial. 406 S. Main,
DeotW. - Lea Anreles. -
LADY to sell lovely guaranteed Nylon
Lingerie, Hosiery etc. direct to
friends, neighbors. Big earnings. Our
28th yearWrite TYGERSEN HOS-
ieky co.. wiimette. ill. -
EXPERIENCED Stenographer, short-
hand required. Homer H. Smith in-
surance Agency, pn. 3-vibi
WANT Part time office help. Short--;
hand required. Box 555 co Statesman
WANTED: Usherettes. Must be able
to work afternoons. Apply Capitol
DEPENDABLE Woman to care for
young boy in my home. Englewood
-.Disc. aaon. inrougn an. pa. -auov.
610 Sales Persons Wanted
ait KUTW W.Ira S9MA navt 7 WMka.
New sensational deal every mer
chant wants, oeauiuui saics sit irrv.
. SUtea Trading. Sth Floor, 330 So.
- ftA.SM. . ..v..-. . . .....
Two orders daily pays $200 weekly.
Bnn.ur n.tinnallv known ladia'
suits, coats, dresses. Original designs.
CnMltHri In niltmH tailor
In. Write Logsnknlt. Logsn, Utah.
lil . 'LOIJWJ. L. . -.1 " -A .11-.
WANTED: 1 men to sell nationally ad
vertiaed household Items for one of
Salems leading appliance stores. Call
for appointment at aJiJg
ADVERTISED Line garden 8c farm
supplies to dealers, lonage in car
iota to farmers. Commission only.
Splendid opportunity - for advance
ment Write full details for Inter
view appointment. Lee Feed St Seed
Co.. 53 Traae si.
Sell our Una of UNION LABEL
Matches for bis daily commission
plus valuable merchandise bonuses.
PETTY Clamour ciria ana uuioiu
.ii tat .1.Kt ntEE 224-naee Port
folio: dozens of styles - ANY color
combination. ANY size - Regular I
Doublet Jumbo 1 MONARCH MATCH
CO Dept. 62. Monterey at Tully
Earn Extra Dollars $$
Sellln best greeting cards, stationery
wraps etcs. In America. Orders for
Doehla greeting - cards and many
others filled from one stock. Seattle
Card Mart. 103 Bcllevuc. No. Seattle,
Wash. - -r - v.-- -
600 r Employment
610 Soles Persons Wanted
REAL Estate salesman, splendid opp.
ior ngnt party , give age at exper-
itnce, wnxe statesman tsox ao3
tional brand Insulation, roofing, sid
ing, weather stripping St modern
ization. Local contractor. Box 550
co statesman
REAL Estate salesman. Excellent op-
porxunuy tor rignt man. write P. U.
Box 509. Salem, stating age ea ex
New Car Sales Manasrer.
Must be man with an aggressive sales
back ground who can take respon
sibility and carry through. Salary
commission and bonus. - Leave pic
ture and reference at Box 545
Statesman. .
615 Situations Wanted
SEWERS and septic tanks installed and
repaired. tcnarff pros, pn. Z-5568.
AUTOMOTIVE Pans Journeyman and
office manager. Conscientious, am
r bitious, dependable. Vet, family man.
age ii. jjesires move to saiem. can
collect 8-7512 or Write Bt 2. Box 120
centra na, wnn
RELIABLE, Cook hskpr. comp. Adults.
Mid-age. net. write no. zo. S45
rerrv. saiem.
30 YR Old woman needs work badly.
cieraung, nung, oakery, win learn
other kinds of work. Ph. 23373 Sun
eve or Mon.
YARD Wdrk. new lawns. Ph. 23K3
AGES 2 TO 9 (7:30 TO 6) PH. 24940.
CEMENT work. All kinds.' Ph. 2-4850.
Carpenter work, new, repair Ph 520S3
CARPENTER Work. Any kind Rea
sonable 1181 Union Ph 2-1487
BOOKKEEPING and Tax Service.
years of sawmill, logging and ma
chine shop experience. Books kept,
closed and all tax returns made.
your office or my Home, ph. 2-5C8.
CHILD Care. Ph. 39924. 1180 Shipping.
HOUSEWORK 60c hour. Experienced,
references. Ph. 37764.
CURTAINS WASHED, stretched. 2-3448.
REMODELING Sc alterations ph. 3-9694
Nurses avail by the hour, week, or
live in. Practical Nurses Reg. P. 3-5072
HOUSEWORK bv hr. Ph. 2-0776.
Patch Work A Specialty
Ph. 2-6618
DECORATING St Painting. Ph. 3-9694.
616 Employment Agency
360 State Street Phone 2-1488
620 Day and Contract
Salem Sand & Gravel Co.
' Contract Work
Roads Clearing - Ditching
Sewer St Basement
Equipment Rental
IS B-A yda
10 B-.; yds
D-7 Cat it Dozer
D-4 Cat tt Dozer .
D-4 Cat & Dozer
See us about ditching by the foot ,
Phono days 1-9408
Evenings $-8244 or 2-4408 "
Salem orecon
INTERIOR Painting Exo. Ph. 2-2979.
INCOME Tax returns prepared reason
ably. Ph. 42033.
AUTO PAINTING Just a shade belter
by Ray ETTER. Call snrocx Motor
CO. 3-9101
REPAIRING, remodeling, roofing Ph
3-1339 or 2-0218
WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or
Irrigation Duffield Bro. Rt s. oox
$8. Phone 1-131$ or 2-279.
700 Rentals
702 Sleeping Rooms. Board
ROOM for gentleman. Close In. 633 N.
Winter, sun, or aixer a:.i.
BOARD and room for working men
or women. 492 W. summer.
SLEEPING Room. 2131 Center
NICE Room main floor, close to bath
ph. 2-1729.
ROOM. Ladies only, kitchen privi
leges. 9Z0 statesman ai. pn. a-ox
MAN'S Sleeping room. pvt. entry;
Darn, auto, neat, rnnnt j-jwj.
2 SLEEP. Rm. with kitchen priv
. . .AAA Will
rm. apt, ror iaaie. iww bu.
BOOM and board for. elderly people.
S45 mo. pn. Z-Z370.
HEATED Room. 563 N. Cottage.
NICELY Furn. heated rooms, employ-
. .. . .A . n.t A
ea laaies pra. o s, nunn wiv
to ous dist.
SLP. RMS. with kit privileges, day.
wk or mo. Clowe In Pn a-wii
NR. SHOP ctr. gent 3-5323 eves"
PLEASANT slping rm for gentleman!
1U3Q norway. rn. -GOOD
CLEAN rooms, double beds,
breakfast St dinner prlvUeges. Ph.
S-8388. . 1- - - "'
1050 Norway, pn. umi.
703 Wanted Rooms, Board
WANTED: Someone who has a food
home, who will rent me l or a gooa
rooms where I can cook my own
meals on elec stove or plata or a
place to board In private home with
middle age couple. Plain board but
good location St home. Reasonable
board or room. Write B. M. Woods,
Onalaaka, Wash. Rt. L Box 285.
70S Apartments for Rent
1 B."r. Lge unfurn upstairs apt. Dec
range, auto heat, pn pain, umarco
accepted. 1437 w. etn.
EVERYTHING In this beauUfully furn
apt. for comxortaoie living, a aauiu.
utilities Turn, uiose in. io rt. itn bi.
SMALL Attractive apt, close in. furn.
W -nre. refrta?. heat. Private en-
trance and batH. $45. 448',1 Hood St
NICE 4 rm furn court apt. All elec.
cioBC ill, rn.
APT, Reaaooable, close in. adults only.
close In. Ph. 2QM8.
no onnsnng or pers. r-n.
a nl An iinhirn Stnvs Sc elee heaL
priv bath Sc ent. Adults. Ph. 36398.
SMALL 1 rm furn apt for 1. Priv
. a . x t . a . a am ar4 a
nt. eiec not piaie. pnv paui.
pn. Z7740. 3 n. oiraimtr.
S RM Furn upstairs apt. Priv ent.
bath, garage. Preier wcrsioi cpw.
No children, pn. Z3033.
i RM furn apt Adults.' Phone 25372.
a nit -.a.4M
FURN Upstairs apt. 2 run St kitchen
ette. Ph. 27546.
Vrun V ruw. urn 1 rm idL for
157 Ant. 6 827 N. Liberty Ph. 27288.
CLEAN 1 rm. furn. apL UtiL furn.
Fmo. laay. eee . aummer.
RM. Furn. cottage. Hollywood Dist,
2125 Mrrtie Ave.
FURN. Kit, i large bra. 1 may be used
for nr. rm. .iose in. a-npioyev jou
les. No smokers. Call after 12. 679
N. juoTxage
CLOSE In 3 rm. furn. upsUirs apt
Working couple prexerreo. uiu. zurn.
950. Ph. 3-1670
CLEAN Small api 1 br refrig. close
tn. ph. 9-3188.
trpTAIRS 4 rm. furn. a DC Elee. stove
refrig.. oil neat, water, garage, oner
couple prererreq. .j wrTni
a nvt rum unstaira roomy a Dt. elec
range, adults, pn. s-wsw. .wis .
Com 1
UPStAlRS Suite for, rent, 1130
St. can esrji.
CLEAN 3 rm. St X rm. and bath 1st
fir, adults 694 N. com i.
1 RM. Furn. apt. ladies only. 1853
APARTMENT. 1165 Court!
V' FIT liiriKiiu. 1 rm furn. ant Priv.
- - T'- A-i
bain pnv. entrance, grouna m,
a. ijxn.
HV. Rm. kit., path furn. Available
lrt.- ph. 2-0714
CHOICE 1st fir. furn. apt for two
Bus, people. 339 rt. uwny
FURN I or 2 bdrm. roomy, clean,
refrieraUon, auto H. wtr. adults.
- Ph. J6Z8B.
LARGE Apt. nicely furn. priv bath.
Pn. 3mi. lPfa m. vapiOTi.
-l-L. X 11- . .
LARGE. Clean 1 B. R. turn, baaenvent
apt. $55. Ph. 8-6577.
1 RM Light housekeeping. $30 per mo.
All Utilities. W Z wasninirton.
LIVE Better at the Ambassador. $50
to $75. BW w. aummer.
CDiiiruna tvw uurimu uL Built
Ins galore, fine loc. Stove, refrig.
tore re. atro a. i iw
a RM Apt. newly decor. Pri bath.
. Ph. 35373.
700 Rentals
705 Apartments For Rent
2 NICELY Furn. apt, close In.
rm apt in modem court.
1st floor. Refrig. ' range" and auto
laundry furn. Walking curt to Etata
Bldgs and Univ. City bus at corner.
907 S. 13th after 10 ajn. ;
707 Houses for Kent
3 RMS. Utility rm, elec. heaV lmfurn.
R- Hse newly dec. Near school St
bus. Reas. 2209 N. Front.
ftiC.J .?J..J?ous to rPonsibla
Clem R- ntir 2nd flrl.
hi mm. r-ny em. yard. Pn. 34697.
.. yjn,, . -i . -
FURN. I rm. cabin. Phone 3-70lg"
3 ROOM Furnished house, employed
tVRN Cottages, utli paid, ph. 3481 S
- ' ci-- a a. aya. etoij,
LJiUY Wishes U rent $ rm furn hse
m. ord it small ranL Ph.
708 Forma, Tracts for Rent
WANTED: Capable man to farm 19
creson shares. Calvin Plant, Rt. 4.
703 Wanted to Rent
WILLAMETTE Student, wife it child
need unfurn 1 B. R. bouse or apt.
Reasonable. .SUtesman Box 552.
710 Wanted To Rent Honsee
LOCAL Business man desires to lease
modern 2 or S bedroom home. Pre ,
fer south or consider suburban!'
within S or 6 miles of Salem. Adults,
$65 to 983. Call 34016. Eve. 38213.
IB. R. House with basement. H. iJS
Elhinny ph. 2-6421. 1
WORKING Couple with" 1 child "need
1 B. R, house, partly furn. close In. a.
h Business Rentals'
OFTICE Space. LIvesly Bldg. entrance.
Ph. 3-9801 days for appointment.
MOD Office. $35. Ph. 3B389.
OFFICE Rooms. Ph. 25692.
won. cj nwxp n amy.
BUSINESS bldg for rent on (9 Z. TK.
$-7420. j
800 Real Estate
& East
Small acreage with nice S BJL mod
ern home, close toachools and stores.
Suburban East i
Beautiful 4 B R. home close to Salem. v
Excellent soil, paved highway, a
beauty. Will accept smaller noma la
Trade. - - , j. 1
', Fairmount Hills
Very nice 4 BJt. home, full basement
fireplace, corner: lot.
Best located and best run tavern ta
Salem. Books show excellent re
turns. Worth investigating.
Grade A Dairy '
One of the best paying dairies In the
valley. Excellent soil, good bldga.
wui take Salem home In aa part
payment, .
H. E. Corey Real Estate
' 1365 N. Broadway
, Phone 2-Q552 Day or Eves. 3-3816
Acreages and Farms for
Perf ec Contentment .
Mission Bottom r
10 A. of fine Chehalis soil, t nn. mod
ern home, built In 1944. S eutbldg.
one 20x40 and 28x30. S car garaga.
gooa weii. Mum water, wa oeiieve
this is one of the finest. Total price
$12,000. Better hurry on thia one.
Eves. ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. v
6V Acres j ,
S miles from Salem, home built In 194a,
very good cotuL, deep wen. this is a
buy for $9500. Eves. ph. $-4733 et
$-3558. -:'),
- 50 Acres i' s .-
l'i mi. from small town, year around
stream.. .. cnenaue sou. very gooa
modern home. 10 A. walnuts, an
other good buy for $12,700. ownet'
may consider small home In 6aleni
as part payment. Eves. ph. 3-4733 a
3-3558. . ......
: One Acre
dose In North' with modern t B r
1 .Kama T a I aaaI W-
am.V. - w& MVa aim MUWW, WV,
garage, total price $7800. aves. p
-tiM or a-waa, '
Acre IVIinus ;
Near Swegle . school with almost new ,
. modern noma, attached garage $509
down, total price only $6500. Even,
ph. 3-4733 or $-2558. -
Real Hot ; .
No. JL zone, almost new S B R. home.
walking distance from sute Cap
itol, room for apt. or two Individual
rentals on back of lot. Total price,
$6500. Eves; $-7674 or $-3558,
v East Englewood '"
Dont miaa thia almost new home, very
spacious rooms, fireplace, forced ait
furnace, attached garage, lge. cornet
lot, paved St.. city water and sewer.
This is well worth $11,900. $3900 down.
BaL FJLA. Eves. ph. 2-7674 or $-3951
Panoramic View ' ' , ;
Almost new. very clean, ell beat.'aW
tachea. garage, lnsuiatea. no wo. nrev
F.HA. loan available: Just li&ted.
1200. Eves. ph. 2-7674 or $-3554 .
; Let Your Money
Wort for ou
s-unit auto court with modern 1 B E
home, room for expansion. Only $B
C-s old. ust listed. $2100. Eves. ph.
7674 or $-3558. , .... , ; . !
Jt's Almost New!
unit apt. plus $ B JL noma, business
, bldg., 100x150 lot. very close to store.
walking distance to school, bus at
front door. Income $65X90 per me;
very low overhead. Owner may con
alder home priced right in de-irable
location aa part payment. Terms,
Total price $50,000. Eves. 2-7674 or
$-355$. . I , ? - .
Al. Isaak & Co Realtor!
$039 Portland Rd. Ph. $-7820. 2-4B9S
802 BnaAness Proyeily
aa aa liAfmnm, tn M-h unit, ElM.
trie Heat and hot water. Utility 1
room. S years old. Bringing in $8$
per month.- Price $$950. j 1 ;
Apartment House !
Four units all furnished. Gas furnace, n
Part basemen t. Zone a. cloee In. i
- Monthly Income $165, a gooa return
- on Investment Price $8500. Ask Mr.
Ruberg for retaila and have him
show these Income properties to you.
Edward A. Dvck. Realtor
$28 N. Comr jst. Tel 2-5211. Eve, 2-868
804 Suburban
New two bedroom, near school mad
shopping dictnct; wirea ior xenre,
elec. water htr. A real value at $4ooo.
Salejn Realty Co. -
WVAT-TOlia - i.
149 If. High St. Phone l-treS
Near Glen Creek Drive
Suburban home, modern. Acre. TMrf
da- $50 per mo. run pnea twAa
Owners moving south. i -
B. Isherwood, Realtor
Rt L Box 143 I ':
. " phonea X-2141 or 1-S83S
4?fcA--s a e- -r Jm-mnmm-
- - .