tittle Garden Club Sponsors Family Night- Haws toilu SALEM HEIGHTS It wa V family night for the Little Gardec club of Salem Heights Thursday at the Salem Heights Community ' ball. A covered-dun dinner was served to members and their fami lies, with many persons attending. Mrs L. I Bennett, president, spoke on the Santiam district jneeting to be held at the Ameri can Lesion hall March T. The Little Garden club will be co ' hostess with the other -garden clubs in this district. The club ac cepted an Invitation to the friend ly Garden club at the home of Mrs. A. A. Larsen on Hulsey ave. March 2. ' On the program, the Junior sex tet from the Salrsn high school sang three numbers, and Ed. Carteton. principal of the Salem high school, showed movies on Cowers and shrubs. . ' Mrs. Lyle Bayne was In charge Of the affair, with Mrs. Kenneth Z wicker and Mrs. Robert Hawk Ins assisting In the kitchen, airs. Fd. A. Carleton and Mrs. John Douglas decorated the tables. F. P. Colgan and Floyd McCXellan poured. " Four Corners School Host to 100 Teachers r . Kcws Service FOUB COBNEBS Principal Ar thur V. Myers and his staff of tea chers at Unrein school (Four Cor ners) were hosts Thursday to more than 100 teachers from the Salem schools at an Inserviee demonstra tion conducted by Mrs. Grace Wol gamott, physical education super visor. " Mrs. Barbara Kggleston and her third grade students from McKln ley school took the first half hour of rhythmic exercises and creative dancing. A dagger dance and a military schottische were given. Miss Evelyn Smith and the fourth graders from Lincoln school concluded the program with dance patterns taken from old folk- dan ces. . THE VALLEY NEWS COLUMNS From Tho Oregon Statesman's Valley Correspondents Silverton Choir Schedules Concert Tonight F m : 1 1 f SILVEKTOX The Immanael Lafheran choir (plctnred abeve) w&l gfve its annul spring concert Sunday night at the churn. la the back raw are, from left to right. Wallace Satern, Winston Jergensen, Jenas Byberg. Edvard Zttsewtts. Jaha Overland. Etaer Aarfcus. Gary Takstad. Leais Tars. Mrs. Weedard. Center rew. DaxroM Jahnssn. Mrs. Alfred Jahnssn. Vera Bailer. Mrs. Marshall Eaten. Mrs. Toaa Amwr soa, Mrs, John Lahaers, Denna Swansea. Mrs. Stanley Swansea, Mrs. E3ser Aarhas, Mrs. A. B. Amder aaa and Jastin Dyrad. In frent are the Kev. 8. L. Almlle, Mrs. Darold Jehnsoa. Kathryn Lee. Anne DahL r liachei AlaaUe Mrs. O. G. Leraas. Barbara Faaberg. Llse Lahners, Max! ae Brandenberg and Mrs. Dam. Lutheran Church Plans Installation Statesauui Nwt Service WILLA&nNA At the regular worship service Sunday morning, the Rev. Waldemar G.Hintz. pas tor of Emmanuel Lutheran church, will Install the first church coun dL Members of the council will In clude Emil Khith, Adolph Trenda, Melvin Kihlstadiu and Mary Hendrickson for a three - year term; Otto Him, John CafareHI, Emil Martin and William Skop hammer for a two-year term; and Joan Shetlerly, Pearl Lundeen. Joseph Aase and Oiaf Rudd for a one-year term. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will also be ad ministered at this service. LAKSON IMFmOTED SILVERTON Lawrence Lar son, prominent local Izaak Walton leaguer, was reported improving Friday after a sudden Illness ear lier in the week. His trouble was diagnosed as asthma. School Merger To Be Discussed UNION HILL Residents of Un ion HUL Victor Point. McAlpine, Oak Grove, Valley View, Silver C&ff and Wald HUlS mmmimifi are being requested to be at the Victor Point school house Monday night, February 27, at o'clock at a school t meeting to discuss the proposed consolidation with the SOverton school district. mbs maaa,.., mm . A V A)y r) J 'for Has Program; Funds Voted HUBBARD The Rev. Clar ies Slaetma at thdt 1 Wnvthimi EDisconal church noU en W)ut the Church Means to the Commu nity" at the meeting of the Bub bard Parent - Teachers associa tion. . .. lira. Ben ICQerr nrcsldent. ntv ened the meeting with a reading about Founders day. The local as sociation is three years eld and the national omnizstkai is &a years old this month. MnsJe on thm mmm wm nm Vided bv thA Zkn Ck-trttm nmritt. kg of Richard Uergerhouser, Ed Hooley. Glenn Yoder. Daniel Wldmer. Earl Keaagy. I. T. To der, Sanford Yoder and Homer Eke, who tans several smnbers. The attendant tmnattm mm m by -the fourth grade. A film will oe snown m toe gymnashzni March S 73 p. zn. Home made candy win be sold. A On half iriTiMn was voted to the 4-H summer school and S3 was voted to the PTA scholarship fund. Projects carried from vear to vear mclnda the awarding of a gift to the room winning the attendance banner at the most meetings and the plaque awarded to the outstanding eighth grade graduate each year. Silverton Men Bake Pies for Choir Dinner Fear Geracra The Four Cor ners Garden dub win meet Thurs day, March 2. at 7:30 o'clock at the t "''r hall with Mrs. Lyle Bayne of West Salem speak ing on the culture of Tuberous Begonias." Hostesses1 wfil bo Mrs. Earl Thulm, Mrs. BV K. Corning. Mrs. B. C rafffsmn ana sua. Leroy Austin. Uaeahi Mrs. B. V. Carlwri registrar for Spring Valley voting nwrfairt. win ha at tj-o1i store Monday, February 27, for the con venience ex. those m in oouymg section wno wisn to register lfws Scrrlca SILVERTON Jim Nelson, Harlan Moe, Oscar Satern and Jim Phillips were hosts Thursday night to a late pie supper at Trinity church with the Trinity choir meniDers as guests. Refreshments consisted of apple pie, -which three of the men ac tually baked. Satern admitted be had never baked a pie and didnt believe he would start now. but he went so far as to pare the ap ples i or tne pie. At the party at which the pies were served an exchange of re cipes for pies and methods of mix. ing formed one of the chief topics lor conversation. Valley Criefb VIetac Paiat Mrs. A. N. Doer- fler will bat homa hostess for the regular meeting of the McAIpin Stitchers dub Thursday, March 2. This will be an all day meeting with a coveted dish hmrheow at noon. Mrs. Erie I Fisher is presi dent. . " - - . mnwiat A local talent program will be presented at the high school aucuxorium on smay, March 10, at t p. m. Phyllis Jo- hansena speech dass. ' alons? with other numbers by local talent, win take part. Tne rTA is sponsoring the program, assisted by .the li brary and speecn deparnnent oi the hh?h trKnnl Proeeeds will eo to the PTA dishwasher fund and the high school library and speech department. Breaks The Ramp and White grocery store was broken into last week. The only items reported ta ken were groceries and dgarets. Eitry was gained through a forced rear door. r . i " - I fVOIamlna A meeting of those interested in the improvement of West Main street will be held Thursday evening. March 2, in the city council cnambers. i WniimtnaMrsv Laurice Fox, nresident of the PTA, has announ ced that more candy1 is needed for the weekly candy sales being held at the grade school each Friday. Proceeds go to the cafeteria dish washer fund. FICTTJXI FXOG1AM" SET WILLAMINA Ethel RydeH of Portland will show pictures taken on her trip to Europe in a program at the grade school Tuesday eva ing, February 28 at 8 p. m. There 1930-1-17 will be no admission charge, buti Miss Rydell; accompanied bf a free will offering will be taken Mary MudC. toured several coun for the dishwasher fond. The PTO tries m Europe, including Sweden is sponsoring the showing of the Denmark, . Norway, Switzerland, pmurcs. Germany and Irance. Mo Lfu mm urn r&zzttzSzm Kaifrflb Saltan O 0D 17 17 E' C3 E JrJ E3 IF YOU WANT-RELIEF and HELP Send for Our ARTHRITIS DOOIC rVYe kwrm WoMerfidaw er AmyOimg fZse to Seff Y-) Ko Katter how long yott haw soft end. or what yon have tried. worts.!, wCl enable yoa to tony ttnderstaztd yvarr own ease and saaTHaarou years of attgeiinc This book contains tnf ocsaatkm generally known only to Cpe ciallsta. It erplatns the different i of Artawfttas and the tfUXer- sweesi Aithtltis. Bheoasaw , Edatiea, KenrlUs and Lnm- bago. It lists causes and aymp- eompUcatmg dlsfases. Zt . ex Mains the Anatomy and Fhyst- eiogy of the Involved Muscles, Joints and Nerves. Few realise mx4 become tt keg neglected. Twhnlqaea of treatment ifmiiBiiit. Yoa ar talc to look for Beh and Relief aoaar at basse, wtthoot tranllng to some far distant city. That book to sent ar to BaXm ferers who want asst need fcebaj Tat t&Uax Is Emlted, Nottc may not appear aa-ahv write an vnrxi tftrtaT for your copy S CThree CenU SUmpa Sv ta help cover fflstrtbattno eosL Yon) incur no obligation; We bare ne snedtetne or anything ehw to seHj Tea will stet be asked to send no . a penny of money. ADDKESS n nslnw (RAaincJ PepC TFT aWatat. njaaast aaa.M.M. ; -- - . ; pzucm czino PHOSPHATE M t Btw ssffsfo fsesrssn mount a Ciwafa , mii;nit ' a til i Mil iiia fi Urn. a r Mrtni a a rHnail ISj tm mm H - " CaaWaaaBaaV l-WBMmaaiOIBS aASTTOHAMSUNOSnSMOfa$S 9mmmmth4Jm pm PCUCAN BSANn qtmlmkOm.nm Wm sravica codpobatiou Mn -r-r-r-i-T-n na II II JUST realize one thing, flood madam, good sir as you pilot your Boick down the highway past the parade of lesser cars, jear'rv t&4 startt envy of msf 9tktr drivers. So you owe it to this admiring audience to keep that wonderful Buick of yours purring at its proudest gliding over the roughest roads like car on a cloud, with never a squeak lively, loag-striding, and staying that way longerl And one of the easiest ways to do that b to wheel into our shop once a month ask the man for our LcaaiCAaa and here's what will happen: jt One of our trolnarf ftulck . wB bbricota your cor ea ' Uolaaan Wale be your lukivba gives yosoa exaw service only Stack awa coa raadar. Ha CS J oarful swpiwa ear luuiCAit a trained Sukk yew flat lubHcoaoa a atadk Wkaa yoe gat your b!8, youl (lad a J smoiioao otVa, wKat m diff rooNao 'awa k-bwt. mm ranca It awkwl CX I . - Freehs Fluffffy CioffLhe -: f : ' - . v: ' ".v.- ; .''!" - ' Aon AmncozDinio), LMlew. . V j I II ' I O Fotf Dries Clothes Quickly A Mi - . ' 1 L I' ' t 1 I VTUMMU I l h.jTE-. I Ll 1 to -V" I " 4 s."0-- tussore , I jtioiv'-" ' .-. () . f Sears store. Foty Two Dials Do the VYoHr ' Be one of the first to own a new Kenmore Auto Miotic Oothes Dryer be one of tKe first to enjoy tho benefits of modern laundry methods. Learn how you can be free of the drudgery of old fashioned washday methods with a Kenmorel See Kenmore at Sears prove to yourself that the next investment of your home w21 be 0 Automatic Oothes Dryer. - Hero's All You Do ; . leM fj . . put jn fvB load ef tfethes free your coBveaiioaol ae O ill !!.h a rweeUeis sets tae 3f?g-t rest o ale ether work. Ka ateee aleos tho aVying for you awleasof icaAy. tim nil co;urri Kiriv.o3 homi IAU1122Y AT YOU2 SZA&S STOSI A K?uch of the diot does your washing outov matkcaOy a touch ef the dfol does you dry mg uutossaticoBy and the Kenmore electric iroasr does the koasng In o breeze. See the complete Olooa mmaWIHCeaJ WOs'1 )PwVeA JfcCBsPj 4 - l u .1 OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Shop Fndayt Til 9 P.M. 303 N. Commffrtial St. Phon 2-3621 i V.'-