18 The Statesman, Salam. Onqon. Tilda?. Tthraarf 24. 1830 1 Portland 'drain' 1 " .TV PORTLAND. Feb. -AP)- Wheat: Cash wheat (bid): Sort white t32ltl soft whit (excluding Bex) 2.22 Vi; Whlta dub 22fc. Hard red winter: Ordinary -'.: 19 per cent 2.22 ifc; 11 per cent SJU; 13 per cent 113. Today's car receipts: Wheat 42. barley 7. flour 8, com 2. hay , mill Iced 20. . NOTICE OF VACATION OF STRUT TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice la hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Marlon County, Oregon, ha declared It Intention to vacate and haa Ini tiated proceedings to vacate the fol lowing alley, to-wit: Alley west of block 1. Martin's sub division, from south line of B. Street to point 13S feet north of the north line of A. Street. . . That said proceedings were initiat ed by said Common Council on the iJth day of February. 1950. That a public hearing will be had In connection with said proceedings, for the purpose of hearing and con sidering all objections and remon strances to said proceedings. That said hearing will be held at the chambers ef the City Council In the City Hall In Salem. Oregon, on the 27th day of March. 1850, at the hour of o'clock P.M. thereof. . That the owners of any real prop erty affected by said proceedings may be heard at said time, and that the Kal property affected thereby shall deemed to be the land lying on lther aid of the street or portions thereof extending laterally to the next Street that serves as a parauei street, ut in anv case not to exceed 200 feet, and the land for a like lateral distance on either side of the street for 400 feet along its course beyond each terminus of the part proposed to be vacated. BY ORDER Or THE COMMON COUNCIL February 13. 1050 ALFRED MUNDT - Recorder of the City of Salem F-17--4-M-3-10-17. KOTICB OF VACATION OF ITUET TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Salem. Marion County, Oregon, has declared Ita Intention to vacate and has initiat ed proceedings to vacate the following Street, to-wit: Street known as Melrose Street run ning from the north line of Olive Street to the south Une of Pearl Street, as shown on the recorded plat of Devert Addition to Salem In volume 12, page 33 of the - Marlon County record of town plats. That said proceedings were Initiated ty Mid Common Council on the 13th day of February, 1950. That a public hearing win be had In connection with said proceedings, for the purpose of hearing and consid ering all objections and remonstrances to said proceedings. That said hearing will be held at the chambers of the City Council in the City Hall in Salem, Oregon, on the 27th day of March, 1950. at the hour of 3 o'clock PM. thereof. That the owneis of any real prop erty affected by said proceedings may be heard at said time, and that the real property affected thereby shall be deemed to be the land lying on either aide of the street or portions thereof extending laterally to the next street that serves aa a parallel street, but in any case not to exceed 200 feet, and the land for a like lateral distance on either side of the street for 400 feet long its course beyond each terminus Of the part proposed to be vacated. BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL February 13. 1950. ALFRED MUNDT : Recorder of the City of Salem -. r.n-24-Mj-io-n ... ...... FRIDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time Kilocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. FM: Megacycles KOiN 101.1; KGW 100 j; ItEX 82 J fEdltor'a note: The Statesman publishes In good faith the pregrasas and times as provided by the radi stations, knt because efftimes programs are changed without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the accuracy herein). nous 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW 0:15 frtmekeeper News Hodge Podge Farm News KOIN Ktock Kneass News Keep Smiling (Keep Smiling 7 KSLM Hemingway Break. Gang (Rise St Shin JTop Trades KOCO Tex Ritter IKOCO Klock INews RCOCO Klock KOIN KOIN Klock iMacleod Newt Garred News (Fred Beck KOW Early Bird lOld Songs IKneasa News Sam Hayes KEX Wa-hburn NewsGoss News (Bob Hazen JZeke Manners 8 KSLM Barg. Counter I Family Altar Bible Hour KOCO King's Crusad's! King's Crusad'st West Melodies) KOIN Cons. News IVaile News IGrand Slam KGW " Eddie Albert (Eddie Albert I Jack Berch KKX Break. Club I Break. Club I Break. Club 9 KSLM ' N.W. News KOCO Melody Time KOIN Wendy Warren KGW Second Cup KKX Mild. Bedell Garden Melody Aunt Jenny 10 KSLM Hardy News .Gospel Singer (Perry Corns KOCO N.W. News iMem. Musio I rune Time KOIN Big Sister I Ma Perkins Dr. Ma lone KGW Marriage for S I Cavalier House Party KEX Ladles Seated I Ted Mai one True Story 11 KSLM Ladies Fair KOCO Music Mart KOIN Mrs. Burton KOW Doub. Nothing KEX Betty Crocker Ladles Fair unaianr 12 KSLM Top Trades KOCO H'wood Musis KOIN Macleod News KOW Kneass News KEX Baukhage , News H'wood (News 1 srsT.M Mitchell Show Mitchell Sflco Mac's Melodies IMac'a Melodies IMac's Melodies iMaca Melodies KOIN Nona Holt Show SOW ' , Backstage wire isteua uaiias uut. jones - iwiooer Brown KEX. In Hollywood iln Hollywood I Kay West 21 KSLM Bob Poole Mac's Melodies Bob Poole OCO Mac's Melodies KOIN Kirkham Newsj W. Churchill KOW Girl Marries Jay Stewart Portia KEX I Jay Stewart srsl.M i FrL Music FrL Music 3 KOCO Mac's Melodies IMac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies KOIN Kirkham News Art. ciocurey (Art. coaxrey (Art. Godfrey KGW Travelers I Travelers I Aunt Mary (Love. Learn KEX Bride 4c Groom Walter KlernanlPick Date Pick Date 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX - Fulton Lewis Movie Time I Hemingway Philosopher Art Godfrey Art Codfrey Woman's Sec. (Life Beautiful I Dr. Paul Rhythm-a-tiks Squirrel 5 K8LM Msrk Trail IMark Trail (Tom Mix j ITom Mix KOCO Swing Tuns " Swing Tims Bing Crosby I Band of Day KOIN Follies Little Show I Huntley News News KGW "Three of Us I Chuck Foster I Songs of Times E. Peterson KEX , Yukon - (Yukon ISky King (Sky King 6 7 KBLM KOCO KOIN KOW Gsb. Hester IN.W. News JTeUo Test pinner Concert Candlcliint icanoieugnt To Joan - I To Joan Playhouse Playhouse Ed. c. tun com aomon I Hits hiu KSLM Sports Mirror Folk Musie Cisco Kid ICisco Kid KOCO Y. DeCarlo fMusio Jackpot I Eve. Knight IMidcourt nrM Johnny Dollar ITohnny Dollar I No. Please I No. Please KGW Xavier Cugat Xavter KEX rignts is ignta 8 KBLM ' Proudly Hail Proudly Hail Lean Back Jerry Sears KOCO WU-Whitman IWU-Whitman I WU-Whitman tWU-Whitman KOIN Lowell Thomas I Smith Show (Show Goes On (Show Goes On KOW Sinatra. Klrsteni World News IHalls of Ivy Halls of Ivy KEX Fat Man (Fat Man (Your FBI (Your FBI KBLM . Hardy News Fulton Lewis KOCO WU-Whitman WU-Whitman KOIN Fav. Husband JFav. Husband KGW Theatre Theatre KEX Ozzie, Harriett lOzzle, Harriett 9 10 KSLM I Love Myst KOCO Wsrwlck KOIN 3 Star Final KGW Sam Hayes -KEX Reporter rNewsreel Warwick SDorta 11 KSLM Net News (Cue to koco Nocturne I Nocturne I Nocturne KOIH BandsUnd Bandstand KGW Foster News iwax Mueum wax Museum 1 wax miseiim . KEX Concert Hour I Concert KOAO-35 k e-rriday 180 a. m. The News and Weather; 10:13 Especial ly for Women; 11:00 Oregon School of the A!r; 11:13 The Concert HaU; 12:00 The News; . 12:13 Noon Farm Hour; 10 Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:13 Oregon School of the Air; 1:30 Public Health Series; 1:43 Melody Lane; 3-00 The Clubwoman's Half g. iv vu t m msriuvi w ovua vt mw9ist 3:45 UNESCO World Review; 3.-00 The Hour: 2:30 Memory Book of Music; n't Notice U hereby given that the tm-1 iknlniMl Km flWl in the circuit Court ot Marlon County, Oregon. Pro-1 Date Department, ner nnai account i as Executrix of the Estate of JOSIAH I at. bulul accessed, ana saia court 1 has fixed TUESDAY. February 28th. I lOUt 1A-AA A U tWm fS. I J cult Court Room in the County Court ? - - . - House at Salem. Ore eon. for hearinc jaidflnal account and & objection. Dated January 88. 1950. Dora L. Bixler. Executrix of the estate of Joslah M. Bixler. 413 West Main Street. Free port. Illinois " - CREIGHTON at LOVETT. Attorneys for the Executrix, 213 North Liberty .Street. Salem. Oregon. Date of first publication: January 27. 195a Date of last publication: February 24. 1950. J-27-F-3-10-17-24. 300 Personal 310 Meeflnq Notices D.rlfl. Tln Ma BA A M. I rehrusry I4tn T rw p.m. LOYAL Order of Moose meet Thurs. nlte 284 N. ComL Ph. 3-3227. 312 Lost and Found LOST: Boy's silver ident. braclet vie. - S. Winter St name "John Guyer" engraved on it Return to the School for The Blind. LOST: Black billfold vicinity of State and Church, valuable papers. Olivers license, - 38. Keep currency, return balance with silver dollar. IsabeU A. Calkins. R F. D. Lyons. Oregon. 316 Personal .ml mw pi AmbuUtory or bed patients. Men I or women. Trainee nurses. 24 nr. I service. IF You are a shorty like me. Spencers are the solution, ph. 3-5073. MAiiAji Ofijr, i oriua Kwr wiii om I back March IS. 400 Agricnltnre 402 Livestock BURRO. Gelding, 4 yrs naed to small cniiaren. ror aie or exenange sor sheen. Call Wolfe. 3-4888. WANT Fresh -or Springer cows, cowl . giving 3 gal or more, all types beef - eatti. Buy entire nero. Tom weoo M L Turner, pn. vzs. BULL Service any place. Ph. 42949 BONDED livestock buyer. Claude d- wsrds Kt 3 BOX 899E Ph 3-1144 fiONDED JJtVESTOCX buyer. E. McCandlish 1127 S. 23th. Ph. 3-8147. Wanted: AU types livestock Ph. 426177 LICENSED I Jimlk him, UP Snctben, 1350 Lancaster dr. ph 3-1343. I 404 Poultry and flabbTtT FOR Sale: Younr colored roartinf I hens. M90 Sunnwiew Ave. nh. 3-8341. I NEW Hampshire and Pannenter chicks avauaoie every Tuesdsy Z2'Im Watchev 3830 State St. Ph. S4988 I WINGS Rabbitry need, rabblu. Mil Fm-mi N Hamps, Comics Crus every wk. 1-2000 heavy ckls. I . Circular Gearing Hatchery, SUverton. 403 Pets MOORE'S Tropical fish, clearance on Black Tetras. Danioe. Head 4c Tail light. Rt. 3. Box 483. 2 mi from Lan caster Dr on Macleay Rd. Ph. 27321. KOTN 37$. KGW C28. KXX 11M 0:5t fMarch Time KOCO Klock I KOIN Klock Farm Time 0 45 News KOCO Klook KOIN Klock Farm Time Jack Norman plble Hour Temple- Echo Rosemary Sacs Rldera Break. Club Guide (Pastor's Call . I Walts Time Tim I Stars Sing I J. C Thomas (Helen Trent (Gal Sunday I . .-. m .nil , second cup l buns Trio iKneass News Stars of Today I Quick Flash Quick Flash Morgan's Music as Keys Guld. Ught House Party True Story I Queen For Day I Queen For Day Musie soars . I jaa oaroer , i varieties Perrv Mason iNorah Drake IBrisrhter Dav Doub. Nothing I Today's Child, t Light of World storm west. . iMortnwest. -1 Gay 808 lEberty Show , Musis INews IDsve Dennia Come Get It IHouae Party House Party Road of Life I Pepper Young iHappiness IMcnjous Art Baker Shows PYour Neighbor Bins? Stan Moore Show (Kirkham News I Kay West (Ladies First ILadies First IMac's Melodies Mac's Melodies I Alien snow rrune Yours Plain Bill I Front Page Han. Cobb Han. Cobb News IGav Nineties Behind Story INews Bedlam Bedlam Ed. Murrow Curt Massey Paula Stone Cage iSquirrel Cage Firefighters Fishcaster Twllisht Son ILum & Aimer iLum 3c Abner Jimmy DuranteUimmy Durante Cugat Bill Stern (Rhythm Time - is ignis irignu Comedy (Comedy wu-w nitman iwews Beulah (Club 13 ' Theatre -. ITheater Western Skies i Western Skies .INews Air Reserve jMusic TJ Want Music U. Want I Air-Flo I Martin Orch. More or Lire is ports psgs Texss Tyier Intermezzo (Concert Hour I Concert Hour Musis IMidn: Melodles'Midn. Melodies . Nocturne . i Nocturne I Nocturne Organ Melodles'Organ Melodies Hour I Memos. 1 Memos. 4 KM Oregon Reporter; 4:13 Favorite Hymns; 4:30 Proudly Ws Bail; 8:00 muarens ineaier; aua un torn up - ?lt:N. S0tA? MeloSe.: 2 m The News, 8.19 Dinner Melodies. S.30 Music of czecnosiovawa: i :ia cveiung Farm Hour; T 53 Basketball OSC VS. I W Ui VS, srPV S IK news assavs vv 3:43 Meditation; 10:00 Sign Off. U of O; 830 The News and Weather; 400 Agriculture ua rsa BURRO, Gelding, 4 riL, used to small I children, ror sale or exenange tori sheep. CaU Wolfe. 3-4888. I Trw TAn--.- n,inn Hr.i.tx ha. sl of 1 Liberty Store, ph. 2-2376.- I j " L- r 1 1.. I I rncKtK miDDies. Dure Drea. aiw uw $13. 1743 Baker. Ph. 362M. EXTRA Good Marshall , Strawberry , plants from Certified Stock, stiver- - J-reek Service Station. 1350 8. Water Str Stlverton oh 4323 I EASTERN ' AXALFA HAY. Ph. 2145S. UT Farm Equipment T-20 TRACTOR. W.G. track, sell or trade. 3703 o St. 450 Merchandise 453 Household Goods For Sale MAHOGANY Sleigh bed. fun size: dresser, beveled edge mirror. rocx ln rhllr !DO nh. 4-1492. Eng. Pheasant design, $50. 1540 Lan caster Dr. FEB. Sale Special Dabby Frieze Dav- I Any. uw.frr aiQM v. in f nf l 3119.88. Other Dav. specials. $109.30 Frieze with large arms $89 83. Reg. $59:30. heavy Up. armless, dav. with f..Uc.iw"in JSr-n? eensipr wsuiu MWiui a w awe S. Coml. I Linoleum $4.50 VALLEY FTJRN. CO. 285 N. COMX. USED Bendix automatic' washer. Good I cond. 869.50. Good Housekeeping I Tn . 47 Cmirt St Ph. !IM11. I USED Furn. cheap - trade - terms. I valley Furn Co.. ZM wo. ComT 2-747Z. i TWO needlepoint chairs. 453 University .. ... i i . i i 4SS Wanted. Household W. A. PAYNTER. Ph. 2-S944. GLEN WOOUHt. Fn. 30110. USED FURN, Immediate appraisal. VhViVri)tUr' N. CommerdaL Ph. 27472. i m . 4VS8 Building Matorialn WI Sen only the best, cedar, shingle an graoea oei. la in. no. i canon I packed - cedar wall painted shakes. $12J0 with undercourse. oak and S5SS ffihsflK. S&mTSSZ Special Regular 8c I in, molded casing 4c Regular 3c 4 in. molded base 6c Doubled primmed shakes in cartons with undercourse $12.25. Epping Lumber Co. 4140 SUverton Rd. Save at Keith Brown! Cedar Siding $23 M. WINDOWS 4 Price. Prices slashed on special shipment. Variety of sizes. 1 . .. - ... ... v. - .. 4". from 4c per sq ft. and 1x3 X RUSTIC FLOORING. .7. - r. . . Vi - j 1 -7 i J. I i, 1 sheosT .Tc"pric- I - everything to build anything at that I convenient KEITH BROWN location. Front and Court. Salem. TIME TO BUILD Rocklath and Plaster Freshest Stocks la Town Pumilite Block and Supply Co. PALLAS HTWAY W. SALEM ON BUDGET TtkMS You can buy lumber, mill work, hard materials, hardware, noor covering. electrie aDDliances. paints, insula tion, roofing and house wares for ?. 1??. nf 120 un to 3300. Small, easy month' rv navments take care of the rest. Make it easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD at that convenient location HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rent- I r mni ariu vuui . oiicru. i.." n. - i al heaquartersv 1419 S. Utn su pn. 1-3646, NEED LUMBER? QUALITY '. . Strict West Coast Grading. PRICE . . Save 810 per M. ft SERVICE . . Prompt delivery, ac curate tally. CONVENIENCX . . Specified or ders filled and delivered. WEST SALEM SAW MILL 1050 Wallace Rd.. M ml. No. of river. Phone 3-S593 i 4S8 Trade. Miscellaneous FOR Sale: 34 new coin operated radios. Win trad for ear. um an exzer. i Geo. R. Curry. 414 Academy St. I Dallas. Ore. 483 For Rent Miscellaneous rr nwrvr; trtjcscs for RENT. Blan- fceta furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-906X GOOD USED Piano. H. L. BUix. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous LARGE Size oil circulator and small size wood heater for sale or trade PRINCETON Uorisht bench, very gooa cona. siuu. un man furnace with oil burner sttach- Tnn oh. 3-3491. RADIOPHONOGRAPHS. Console mod els. Crosley and u. s. iJ o to $229 A3. Convenient terms. Mitchell Radio c AppUance "Your Service Dealer." State at 19th. Ph. 3-7577. USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER O The right way to re build the soil. Free of we seeds Odorless 6 sacks . $ 5.00 Bulk 1 ton 10.00 2 tons 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 NOW AVAILABLE fitppl Window Casement - - -. xli .7 T n . u. WITH WOOD FRAMES. FIT ANY STYX HOME Pumilite Block & Supply Co. . WEST SALEM HOP Roots lor sle red veins. Albert Lenners. Rt 1, Box 87. Red JOZ, Woodbum, Ore,,T CK busies, giris size i. , s t. aiso Men's si?e 9, Csll 33838. toGLi'Vd,. door Irons. sis firrtl mirror. S10. smaU clothes rloset. 83 50. Ph. 25387 after 3:30 a . ns- sawoi .s m .tn. STEEL Storage tank. 16' long. 4' daimj, ICSO 180 Sal ' Ph 3P373 BABV Swing as car seat. 84. $ yr crib sitr miTtVre 33. strollerV Sat-ee? size mattress. $9, Stroller $2. Babee- Al A Mm, . f miA- -.1 v.i - mattress cover, S-loo, sh asiu. ro y;t03. ..- 1 9;k)3 triple glass meat case with I .miressor. 4355 SUverton Rd. I . -A , ' r . i I ROPER Gas range, aimost new. priced to sell 590 N. 17th or Ph. 39630. MOTOROLA car radio, new. must sell, m Cnenaeketa St 450 Merchandise 1470 Tot Salt. Mlscsflcmtoua COLDSPOT Refrlg. t cu, ft good I . ynwi picKio maenme i ime new, kt. t . box zy.. n. 1-3023. uuuu iecuc fence, used verv little. tray elec. brooder, like new, also -VaT-AVaI .mini' --.n. .-....- All :. ' .- sonablv diced. Ph. 8-3038 or 3-SSis FERTILIZER f3M per yard. 4 yd. load 312. Del. oh. 935 Turner. m 1 . - r FINE Upright piano in excellent cond. fam.lvr !' - , " . ZT "XiT' ? P' Jour- P1 . Mr no'n' arP k. chest of SELECT Your carpet or rug from our Deauurui une 01 niu samples. De livery in a few dart. Axm. from S3 .30 sq. yard, we give Sa green stamps. Salem Home Furniture Co. 137 S. Coml KNABE Grand piano, will accept best offer bv March 1. Ph. 34641. COMPLETE Set 700x18 tires & tubes. XZ4. No Dreaks. many miles left. Ph. 29384. OIL Circulators at greatly reduced prices Yeater Appliance Co, 373 Chemeketa St. ATMORAYS. Harley Pugh. Ph. 2-3767. NEW HOME seing machines. Port- able, desk types? complete line ser- vice any i make machine. Ralph John USED Sewing machines priced to suit your budget Reconditioned & guar- Fm npniiauvTC. Ph. 33139. USED Electric refrigerators $43 M 4jaDQ UT' Yeater AooUance Co 375 Chemeketa St. 120 BASS Piano Accordian with case! Ph. 3-4841 RE - ROOi'ING, Painting 3c remodeling. Willamette valley boos to. inc. aa lem. WELL Rotted Fert $4-00 yard. By 2 yards load soc sack in 10 sack oroer ril anv amount. Phone S8S48. WASHING Machine. daveno and chairs, twin beds, trash burner, ou burner. Ph. 27461 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. COMPLETE WeU drilling outfit with pickup and trailer to go with it. Ready to go. Call 23861 or 23194 for information. USED Electric washers $19 93 and up , Yeater AppUance Co.. 373 cznemexeta si. ALL. Sewin machines. Service, sales. rentals. 1930 N. 18th. Ph. 3-7671. RENT a wheel chair, hospital bed. Buren 3T775. T4 Court St Phillips Bros. rrtiiiie. wen rotted or fresh, any kind, by yard or sack. Flagstone for air rocar worx. eeoar lence posts ana tele ana elect poles, any lengtn. snmgies. yew osr lumoer. fa 3-1453. Rt 6. Box 1 Salem. BEAT YOUR HOME electrically with wesongnouse or Weslx automatic electric heaters tester Appliance Co. n. ri- i . f.vr-n' S - j k " 1" riASa;nSS your rugs at home at one-half the cost. Rent v a Clark Rug Shampoo machine at Howser Bros. 1410 s. 12th. Ph. 3-3646. NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS- ti-kotis. tne ceuopnane-uke nmsn for floors or linoleum. Yeater AppUance Co. 375 Chemeketa St. C..J 9, f"- 1 " ttAAi"n vyiavc v.u. CTOShCd KOCfc For roads & driveway. Cement Seadv mix. Concrete. Garden Sand.- Bull dozing, drainage and ditching. yd. snovei Bt oras one. pnone 3-vzs ("SED Radios and records players WM and up Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St. USED Electric ranges $19.95 and up Yeater AppUance Co. 373 ChemekeU SL 472 Wanted. Misccllaneotie" WANTED Combination wood and gas range in good condition. Box 310 Statesman. WANTED: Childa folding - play pen. rood condition. Ph. 28328. WANtED: Rid. irom Salem to Al bany 3 to 8 Man to Sat. 1210 S.I 17th. ADt. 4. WANTED Good & clean buggy. Rt 8. Box 142. SEWING Machines, any cond. Pr.ITsTi 474 K llatteous SEWING Classes beginning at the NEW HOME SEWING CENTER NOW. Phone 3-3139 for details. Ralph Johnson Appliances. 355 Center St COLLAPSIBLE Row boat $50. cash. 1 yr. oia. M7 KJiapp St. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair Pat HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolpb Bldg Sute 3r Com Ph 3-3311 SEWING Machine . repairs guaranteed. HOWSER BROS. ' Your power tool Reas. Also used; Ph. 27380. rental headquarters. 1410 a. 12t St. Ph 334. JM . a. 1 I " E?I!J?.alf:.Tmn- McEwan Photo Shop. 433 State. i . 476 Fuel I DRY 13 m. 2nd, growth ph. 2-3312 Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-8024 Bone dry second growth fir delivery on is ana growth fir, $10 per cord, oak 18- $19 wr eora. rnoni z-vi 1 1 ot wojs. DRY Trash burner 3c cook stove wood, Clean, no bark. R. H. Allen UN Candlewood Dr. Ph: 22382, Eryw00D, most kinds. Phone i-427S. cord load. 310. Ph. 27751. . Oregon Fuel Co. Dry slab or dry edging, fresh clean sawdust, green edcins 33.50 id. dbL 810. Also 18 gi green slab or 4. Phone j 3-5533. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood green or dry, stove-Diesel oils. Ask . for penny Saver Stamps. Ph. 36444. West Salem Fuel Co. lS-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood IS to. clean ao oars SCREENED SAWDCST RtTRAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1523 Cdgswater St. w aaiem. CaDltal Lumber-ruel CO. V sn,, Lrni e JU450S4 OLD GROWTH-BLCXWOOD FOR FURNACE fit HEATER Phillips Bros. Old fir. ash. maple, oak. 4 nr. 18" m slab and edgings pn. a-isaa. Tri Gty Fuel PHONE 3-7443 18-tn. slab wood and edging Fresh cut screened sawdust -13-in. inside mill wood Dn arood ASK FOB S at B GREEN STAMPS I rrtFi t J?. ITJ -.-.- . 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Oupoi .uiitiiee Tavern One of the best located A best run taverns in Salem. Books showink ex- ceUent returns. Worth Investigating. XT. K. CnrPV Km! Kstatff i : .""', " I .1363 N. Broadway . - L Phone 126 or 3-3818 I SERVICE StaUoo St sarase to lease I 11 A 11 tmwA wufl tMaaiHa. or seu. au equippea. gooa. iocauon. See me Sunday at 1830 N. Capitol I PTtwrcn n.m ot . iiuv". r- I SMALL Tavern distributing business. $1750 full price. Equip in stock, ph. 74312. I u aie: oroc swrc, saa, I pt. 7 Eot 145 Salem, ph. 2 cabins. :-43l9. BUSINESS LOT 82000 30 ft frontage tm Edgewater near KOCO. a good investment ouy. Walter Musgrave Realtors Phone 3-81W . : 1211 Edgewgter 500 Business & Finance! S02 Business Opportunities 1 FOR, Rent: Garage 34x60 ft. ! on Port- una no, nu no, i snuem ni. a. 510 Money To Loan I"" m BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" loan may make you Thrifty in '50." Pay off your bills. Lower your month ly payments. $50 to $1500 CaU or phone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans 113 S Liberty Phone 4-2203 I CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 " fifSS: you need it! To"J Py nytlm to reduce net ostl No endorsers, or help from friends! 2? Mfur livek omen? Prer Persai property up On cars, trucks, trailer homes to 3500.00 UhSnlfi virit one ftire todavi Hear; Top Trades" 12:03 daily KSLM. 1390 KC'SlI General Finance Corp. Lie. No S138 and M338 PHONE 3-9161 138 S. COMX ST. MORTGAGE LOANS FHA Residential Loans a Specialty City, suburban and Farm Loans Business Building Loans I We Make Construction Loans and Private Money Loans Exceptionally .Fsvorabie Terms No Loan Too Large or Too Small SEE US FIRST Abrams & Skinner, Inc. Mortgage Loan Specialists 411 Masonic BIdg, Ph. 3-921T j MONEY $25 to $500 quickly, privately, without embar rassment, szs to saoo on auio, up to $300 on Salary or Furniture. No co-signers necessary. Employer, re latives or friends not notified. Phone or visit Personal's YES MAN TODAY be says "Yes" to 4 out of 9 loan requests. PERSONAL Finance Company of Salem 518 State St.. Rm. 123 Phone 2-2464 "c. No. S-122.M-I63 C. R. Allen. Mgr. Loans made to residents of all surrounding towns WE OFFER attractive first mortgage funds. Int. rate 5 Terms. Ten. xii teen & twenty years. Liberal pre payment privileges. Also FJI-A. loans throughout the Sa iso M jui. loans umnifngui me o- lem area. Both firm and conditional FJLA. commitments secured. Business blocks and Apartment House loans at 4 '4 interest . It will pay you to investigate our mortgage loan plan. We nave a number to choose from. Rex Sanford Inc. , 164 So. Coml Ph. 3-8389 FARM and CITY LOANS 4k and 8 Tour own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate con tracts and Second Motif ages. capitol sixnTRrriES co. 207 Pioneer Trust Bid. Ph 4-2283 AUTO LOANS wnjAMrrn credit co. . 133 8. Church St Ph. 3-2437 Parking Aplenty Lie. M1S3-81S4 $ CASH t Hollywood Finance Co. IBM Fairarrounds Road Next to bank. iYee parking. Ph. 1-7032 Lie. No. M368-52V L sToyd Ken yon. Mgr. Private Money On Cars. Trucks at Trailer Homes Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 13 8. Commercial St Phone 3-8181 600 Employment S04 Help Wanted. Male wan Wiahlnf to learn fine business. work directly with manager, must be sales-minded, car an asset, tax. SlmiM Statesman Box 949. I DEEP 3c shallow well pump installer, I Box 547 co statesman. ' YOUNG MAN I m . as mmmiMm .T-i"f k X. .Vit, -1 ZU.rC.. trainlnc with national finance con cern. High School graduate, must have auto. No previous experience required. Excellent employee bene fits. Apply room 123, 618 State St Mr. Alien. 1ZZ? & hC Elliott Stan Baker Motors, Salem. Ore. I bUb Help WanltKL female BABY Sitter afternoons in my home, EXPERIENCED Stenographer short- Ph. 2-7767 Mornings. band required. Homer h. Mmtn in snranee Aeencv. nh. 3-9181. - NEED Lady for child care and light housework. Permanent. 3396X eves. 373 No. 14th. B10 Sales Parsons Wanted m cn Iumm an.n Sz builders Na tional brand Insulation, rooims. a- ing. weather stripping s modern- lzaUon. Local contractor. ox aov co Statesman. SALESWOMAN. 25 to 40 to demon strate and sell appliances on shop floor. Must have prior selling ex- Serience. Prefer woman who sews, pportunlty for capable saleswoman. Salary and commission with perma nent future and retirement plan for aggressive saleswoman. Write box S4fl statesman. REAL Estate salesman. Excellent op- CSS! lemfS IWvS perience. New Car Sales Manager. Must be man with an aggressive sales run.d "2. "PjJS? T?!? I SZL? Vnd" 'bonusT"t?.ve pi reference at Box 343 . . . r . t . .4 S Wl 1 direct from tne mm. uw prices. Big Commissions. Territory going Trs. .!-- hum -.. r..-ir Write for Interview. Box 338 States- 615 Situations Wcemted BOOKKEEPING and Tax Service, years of sawmill, togging ana ma - chine shop experience. Books kept, closed and all tax returns made. office or mv home. Ph 3-6568. VET. With I?? ""---i0-- Jufi nprrw T- ' '. ' "J-VxSr airplane cc cn.in. mcvu. i-wj,, i CHILD Sitting, exp at references. Ph. 38198. gHILD Care. Ph. 39924. 1180 Shipping. a0U&W0-tk by hr. xperienced. ref I , T JirT" .. i-me ... i .."Tc.a.v k. l.hU Uriv. fa soluble. Ph. 2-8610. M sjt, Mn. I Kstklins. v lnknv o do housework. Ph. i2o5i. "K I v T.1 ' i . . - iV I worm. Ph. S1392 or 31653 . LiJ ruA 1 ."w .U 4os " or short job. Ph, 33392. 1 . ...T . " I LN HTANT oi ' child Go home or .' V!"-4 S" .I?" - LANDSCAPING. Rose. shrubbery. i . . L . a 1 . a, i , , a nw i aa it i -runim. unnuiii n.nwmn.rii.itwi CURTAINS WASHED, stretched. 2-3448. tkr.VonF.I.INfl alterations nh 3-Wft4 YARD Woik of aU kinds. aLo trash lhaulin. nh. 2-3943. rTq HOUSEWORK by hr. Ph. 2-T76. . 600 Employment 615 Situations Wanted NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL DAYS AGES 1 TO 8 (7:30 TO 6) PH. 24940. CEMENT work. All kinds. Ph. 3-450. Carnenter work, new, repair Ph 32091 CARPENTER Work Any kind Rea sonable 1181 Union Ph 2-1487. PLASTERING , Patch Work A Specialty Ph 1JW1I t)ECORATING tc Painting. Ph. 3-96941 TREE & SHRUBBERY TRIMMING tt rHUNlPlif, CALL FOR EST. 2-5255. 620 Day and ContracT INCOME Tax returns prepared reason- amv. tn. Z033. AUTO PAINTING just a shade better vy nay ETTEib Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101. REPAlKlNG. remudeung. roofuut Ph' 3-1339 or Z-0218 - WATER WELL Ortlling. Domestie or irrieation uuffield Bros. Rt 8. box 63 Phone 2-1313 or 2-2793. Halem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing - Ditching Sewer 3t Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-, vds 10 B-4 vds D-7 Cat & Dozer D-6 Cat 6c Dozer . D-4 Cat & Doter fee us about ditching by the foot. Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8248 or 3-4400 Salem Oregon INTERIOR Painting Exp. ph. 2-2979. 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board MAN'S Sleeping room. pvt. entry; bath. Auto. heat. Phone 3-9043. i SLEEP. Rms. with kitchen priv 2 n. apt. for ladies. 1099 Mill. ROOM and board for elderly people. S45 mo. oh. 2-2376. SM Furn B. R-, 385 N. Summer, Ph. J7740. cookine orivtleee.- - j EXTRA Large furn. sip. rms. stove -oil beaters, kit. n water, waiting dist. women. Call after 12. 679 N. Cottape. PLEASANT,- Front room, nicely fur nt.hMl. close tn. 765 Marion. SLEEPING i Room for gentleman, pri. rnt nh. 2-4427. HFATED Room. 53 N. Cottage. NICELY Furn. heated rooms, employ ed ladies pre 539 N. Winter Close to bus dist. . SLP. RMS. with kit privileges, day wk or mo Close in Ph 3-6317 NR. SHOP ctr. sent. 3-5323 eves. PLEASANT slping rm for gentleman. 1050 Norway, pn. z-4547. 2 GOOD . CLEAN rooms, double beds. breakfast & dinner privileges, po. 3-8388. 705 Arxrrtments for Rent 2 RM. Fum. upstairs roomy apt. elec. range, adults, ph. 2-8613. 1379 N. com i i . - - . i . r UPSTAIRS Suite for rent. 1130 Oak St. Call 85F31. CLEAN 3 rm. At 2 rm. and bath 1st fir. sdults 694 N. Com! 1 RM. Furn. apt. ladies only. 1853 Court, ph. 3-8290. SMALL Furn. apt. clean, pri. bath. adults. 1595 S. Com!. I Apartment, lies Court. 1 kRAT AttrAtlv S rm turn pt Priv bath jriv. entrance, ground fir. 723 S. 13t SMALL Furn. apt. close In, $35. Inq M l. stiff rurnlture. 3-9189. LTV. Rm. kit., bath furn. Available 1st. nh. 2-0714. LIGHT Housekeeping rm.. small but clean & attractive, close in, for lady, no smoking, only $23. ph. 1-3377. BZ3 N. COml. MODERN Apts. Roberts SUtion. ph. 3-WCZ3. CHOICE 1st fir. furn. apt for two bus, people. 358 w. upcrty. FURN 1 or 2 bdrm. roomy, clean. refrigeration, auto H. wtr, adults, Pn. 36288. LARGE Apt nicely furn. priv bath, Ph. 38706. 1075 N. Capitol. I CLEAN Gmd fir furn apt $30. 714 s. itn st. -3 RM Fum apt. 959 So. 12th. Ph. 20536, 1 2 NICELY Furn. apt, close in. 35838, LARGE. Clean IB. R. turn, basement sot. 353. Ph. 3-3577. 1 RM Light housekeeping. 330 per mo, All .1,11 ITIm -XAIt V w.ihifMin LARGa , rm unfurn apt. auto oi beat, elec range turn. Will accept cniiaren. 1437 w. 4tn. 3 RM Apt newly decor. Pri bath. Ph. 35323. LIVE Better at the Ambassador. $50 to 375. 550 N. Summer. SPARKLING new spacious apt. Built- lns galore, fine loc. stove, reirig, & storrre. 330 S. 17th. i RM Furn UDstairs apt Private ent Datn ana garage, prexer working conole. no children. Ph. 25033. CLOSE In, clean 1 rm. housekeeping I am. m . SP in LOVELY 2 rm. apt In modern court 1st floor. Refrig, range and auto laundry furn. Walking dist to State eidgs and umv. city pus at corner, 907 s. 13th after 10 am. 707 Houses For Hent 8 ROOM HOUSE, close In. mostly furn. This la a nice place. $60, m. E. Moses 331 1 & State St Phone 3-4993 3 ROOM Furnished house, employed couple, ph. z-4948. I iiODERN. Unfurn. house. 4 rmi, ga rase, garden soot, close to sen store, cannery and bus line. Apply J. C. Henry. Rt 9 Box 784 1st hseJ ri. of Liberty Sen. GARAGE Hse. for rent, furn. ph. 2-9652 FURN Cottages, utll paid, ph. 34813, LAD DY Wishes to rent 3 rm furn- hse for room, board ec small rent Ph. SSK7S. u.l Wmm,W'rm tm WZZ Do larmi,' lrOCIS for nent OPPORTTJNTTY OF A LIFETIME. Out of State owner offers this LAKE LABISH ONION 3c MINT farm to responsible buyer for only few thou sand down. 30 A., ideally located, appro x. a BEAVER DAM bat rich rolling upland. YR. STREAM FOR IRRIGATION. Good bldgs. plus Ige onion storage barn. Additional land available. It doesnt cost a cent to Investigate this deal. Better hurry I Larsen Home.& Loan Co. I Exclusive Listings Persons Service I 164 S. Coml St. Ph 3-8389 Eve. 3-9989 WANT EX): Capable man to farm 25 shares. Calvin Plant Rt 4. Ujq Wanted to Rent rlouseS "y'i'''..-. m - .r-' r ' r .7." I Reasonable. Call after 6 p.m. 2-0342. YOUNG . Couple desires 2 BJt furn nouse. rn. zwi. ili Basiztess Rentals' OFFICE Space. Llvesiy BUJg. entrance. 1 rn. j-jqvi ut i" I MOD Office. $35. Ph. 3B383, OFFICE Rooms. Ph. 2569Z BUMWKSS Hoora H L s Stiff I BUSINESS bldg for rent on 1 Ph. I 1-7420. 800 Real Estate 802 Business Property DUPLEX U , ? JuJ I range. 3 bedrooms, in each unit. Elee- trie Beat ana not water, uuuij room. 3 years old. Bringing In $83 r- - ArtflrtmPTlt HoTlSf Apaitmeni XlOUSe per month. Price $8950. rour ts all furnished. Gas furnace. 1 " a i part basement, zone a. ciose in. 1 Monthly income 3163, a good return I - Investment. Price 38500. Ask Mr. Ruberg for retails and have him I show these income properties to you. 1 Edward A. Dyck, Realtor 323 . ComT. St Tel 2-SZii. awe. s-eoso 800 Real Estate 808 Houses For Sale A Bargain f. At a price of $2500 you can purchase a i B.K. home, with oath, on City lot 68xll8',a. garage, property carries a tnort. of 81500 3c can be bandied for $1000. - Johnson. IN PENDLETON Two of the best grocery stores to f-enaieion. Horn in gooa location, nicely equipped 3c have meat mkts in connection. Same Owner for sev eral years Ac doing good business. Owner moving to Salem. No Blue SKY on these. We have a list of fix tures & can give you additional in formation, come in 3c talk these over. - Kiggins. " ALSO IN PENDLETON Furnished Apt. house & duplex. Inc. aw i per mo. owner, will consider trade Ion income or nice home in Sa lem. These are clean & in good lo cation. 136,500. - Kiggins. BURT PICH 379 N. High St Eve: 2-5390 New two bedroom house. Located South. Knua, uui uaiawnfm or MS. Fifteen Acres, raise your own Uving on vara, nun ura, year arousta spring, near aaiem. ruu price sauo. uui . Cathwright or Ken. . Three bedroom home, good residential wis or Duut-ms. oatn. utility room, attached garage. All on one floor. Full price $8500. Call Gathwright or Ken . -r, - - . . ' SPECIAL ' ' ' " $13,000. 3 bedrooms on one floor, beautiful L.R., Dining rm and hit Full Dasemeni. n replace, auto ou rurnace ana elect, neat, nwa, xirs. rilce cor ner lot Very good location. Leslie Dist Call Ray Davis. ' i SO ACRES - .' $2,500 down. $7400 full price. A fine Improved 20 acres. ISi seres full bearing merries, s seres post oax. cute nouss and outbuiiaings. Good tractor on , rubber and equipment Swell Vocation on pavement A good buy. Call Ray Davis. . , Kenny Real Estate 341 CHEMEKETA Office Ph. 2-2577 Evening Ray ONE ACRE In city limits, with a modern ana rurnace. vnfinisnea up stairs. x 18. Poultry house is 8 x 18, water Beautiful 4 Bd. Rm. Horns with attached acapea. pavea streets, one Dik. to bus, jr. ill 4 jsues. icatea in a nice) residential district: Would exchanger for a smaller home. ... One year old. Two bedrooms, living Rm. beating, electric. Lot 87 'i x 100. In 10 acres with a modern 3 BD. home, nouse ao x no, ana one two-etory poultry nouse, so x uo. uns oroooer house 24 x 30. Including 7000 chickens. One Ford tractor with all attach ments and equipment Close in. For information coma In and see us. GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. J. Zeeh, Mgr. . - 1 1853 N. Capitol Bus. ph. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors WANT A t JTTT.I AfTRXACEf Ws have 12 acres located about 8 miles in oak grove, balance of land, open, soma walnut trees, worn last song at $1950. . : . - ' LOOKING AHEAD Here's on investment that should be located in a business zone on Mill etc - $6400 Just $1000 down. ' DRIVE BY Located on 933 Shipping St - a 3 bedroom family home with basement auto oil neat, fireplace ana oouoie garage, not. new dux in excellent condl- . tion. has COMPLETE DOUBLE lot. 1001231 plenty ot room for additional bouse - $10,000. ; ; -. ' - - TTOKTMri TOR A NEW HOME WITH A HASXMENT . This home is located on N. 15th St - basement, hardwood uoors fnrougnout, nrepiacs - a . ens. well bull home - $1X800. NEW S BEDROOM HOME - ONE FLOOR Englewood School Dist .- a dandy home, separate dining room lovely bard- wooa Zioors, wepiace. Bice jmru - fuw. i' FARM SPECIAL . 1 imw TM fTNTRAL RflWrTT. , , Crops are in and loo king good. 14 stanchion barn. 3 chicken houses, machins sneo, S oeoroom nouse, au iwiwiim ws wu a jmmrm vmi wsu worva the asking price of $17)00. . OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 1-4113 - 2-4118 Xve Pat Kemper 2-5297 - Bob Sullivan 3-8778 - Henry Torvend 3-3632 802 Business rTopertrv at. nno About $35,000 worto of property tor irceVuinly tn. SulU for re Ull lumber Trt U:teiv.e struction co. hdqtrs-, P1 sales 3c repairing or many other businesses. Terms. Would consider trade but prefer caili. "C" Kilgore Real Estate Phone-Amity. Ore-, 203 Rt L Amity, Ore. 800 Real Estate 4tt ACRES on Fruitland Rd (Center It ) near Lancaster Dr. Very dose to large store 3c bus route, Jfood. Urge, new pumice garage 29xl9) with workshop and toilet approx 3 acres in boysenberries, good buy. Rt. 3. Box 142. BEST BUYS $500 Down New 3 rm hse. North. 30x200 tot eeds some work. Total price only $3450. Eve ph. 2-7874 or 3-3553 Business Building Almost fireproof .to .food . caic to mall town. Would make exceUent doctors office. Total price only $8508. Eve ph. 3-7874 or 3-3558. Manbrin Gardens Brand new home, never 11 ved in, 830 so. ft floor space, oil f. re place. 1mm. poss. insutated. weather stripped, targe cornet ' ' KUS only $10950. Eve ph 2-7674 or 3-3553. Got a Trailer House? 3 bdrms on 1 Dr almost gar wltn wwunop, P"" let, paved street J hlks to sbop nins dist Total price only $8750. Owners Jty 032200. WiU take trailer hse as part payment ve ph 3-7674 or 3-3553. $500 Down Acre minus. Mod. 5 rm home ne-r swegte sen, l". "".. "x $6500. Hurry on this one. Eve pn. 3-4735 or 3-3558. One Acre Modern t BJt home, lots of shrubs St. trees, garage, wit w. fruit 3c berries. Ideal for semi retired couple. ToUl price only $7900 Eve ph 3-4733 or 3-3553. 98 Acres ' Very good 1 rm home, several out bulicungs. su " Z-ZZtJZIZm- Mmt-vr. 10 larce wai- WlaHWVSSia.ss - sta nut trees. Total price only 312-500 with equipment $15,200. Eve. phones 3-4733 or J-aoas. . v.. . iint with a nice home in Bremerton, Wash, and equity to Salem home who wanU to tradeTbe same for Salem ' income pre---j, What have youf Al Isaak & Co., . Realtors 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 S-43SS 808 Honsee Tor Sale BY Owner! Older . type house. I rm, fireplace, elec beat. 3 lots,. $4850. ph. 3-1221 days, eves. Z-9W7. dv rwner to sell by contract 4 rm. house with bath at 2183 N. Liberty, corner of Grove. $3500, $500 down. 8 int. pn. a-1819 $1250. A Good buy. V, lot with par- w - . HA ...-. dkt A T siasSlSi3 a as tuuiy nun v St Slrverton rta. pn. i-awi. C. I's See this new S br. Home, Hw. firs.. B. N. UUI. rm. ssove .rignt m. Terms can be arranged. 668 Chema wa Rd. V mL W. of Kelxer Sen. ph. S-31BV. - 800 Real Estate 808 Houses Fox Sale Hey - Hey Hey -7- 43 A. of Willamette 3c Wapato SoU rolling, well-drained (no flat. Level Land) 14 mt No. on pavmX fins) setup for garden crops, 10 A. oxe. walnuts, 8 A. cherries, baL mostly cultivated, old. mod. $ rm house, new barn, 8 milk cows. 3 calves, some machinery - just 810.703 with $4700 to handle. . Crawford. 'Mi " ' " . GOOD LITTLE FARM 30 A.. 7', ml. out. year round spring 3c creek, family fruit good barn, milk house, chick ' house, five rm mod. home it's s fins Uttle place for $9508. - Crawford. A, Realtors or 3-7431 Office: 2-3843 $7930. $1000 down, balance on easy , - this 13 acres. Good bldg. sites, small section. Lit.. Dinette, hies kitchen with ' Davis 4-2788. Wally Gathwright S-1080 - S Bd-RmL home with full basement . Has variety of fruit trees, earn la u piped to bam and back yard. . garage, on a corner lot nicely land- K. B-ins. Shower bath. Cooking, W. No. 3 bus. gone. Pries only $3800. plastered. Bus by the door. Poultry. 3-3031. Eve. ph. 3-3862. Eva. ph. 3-0638 East of town, beautiful building spot looked into. - It's a $ bedroom noma St. - suitable xor apta.. stuaen room AND SEE - ' has 2 bedrooms wltn finished room to , WHEEL ALIGNMENT BUSINESS VALLEY TOWN Excellent binlniss. good building with splendid lease, best ef equip ment. Owner must sell because ef ' health. CaU Coburn L. Grsbenhorst WEST SALEM SPECIAL A very well arranged S bdrm. home. iiv. rm. a in. rm. oatn. utility, nasmt, , oil furnace, fsrage. nicely lsndscap ca met sipuo cau peter ueiser LADIES READY TO WI1S A real opportunity in finest downtown iocauon inventory just under 88.000 Complete with fixtures St stock 812.000. Call Roy Ferris ,. GRABENHORST BROS-, REALTORS 134 .liberty St Ph. t-3471 Eveninss St Sundays eall Rov Ferris 2-8210 Peter Geler S-t $13,750.00. New modern 3 bedrm home. j-i(icvooa urn. ciose to scnooi. fire place, auto oil furnace, lmmedv.poaa. FHA commitment Terms. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 133 3. High Ph. 3-4121 $4200 Older type home with UL. DR.. I oeorm a own. z tip. utility rm. Elect. W. heater, oil stove, as gas 'stove. Small down payment . C. W. Reeve Realtor , 343 S. Commercial ' Phone 3-4590: Eve. 3-4313 DO YOU Need a large house Of four bedrooms tois one. is in a tine district and may be just what you are looking for. The price is $5500. Salem Realty Co. """."Realtors 148 N. High St Ph. 3-766s) Eve. ph. 2-6605. 2-4591. 2-0020 COMFORT, lnsul. 2 B. R. home eon- . vemenuy ioc at iso w. saiem $3,850. Furnished 3 bedroom home, well bw-tMi in wm ssUm Rm I.U.. , home with good furniture. Terms eash. . - Call O. V. Hums with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. Hlslf Ph. 3-4121 WELL Built 2 B. R. hse, utll tm. att gar. 3 blks to grade school, paved roao. . ous. in. atzaa. BDRM. L. R.. D. R Kit St Nook. I1,. baths, fireplace at auto, oil fur- nsce. 2643 Msple Ave, ph. 2-5020 4 RM House, unfinished, reasonable terms. Less for casn. can owner at 36704 nr agent at 25211. nt at Why Pay Rent? $500 Down. . Full price $2300 on this S rm nse. soum. uaroen apace. . C. W. Reeve Realtor 845 S. Commercial Phone 3-4390; Eva. 34338 804 Soburbcm ARE YOU DISAPPOINTED AFTER LOOKING THRU THE NEW HOMES .OF TODAY f Do you feel you get the bare neces sities for your money? Let us show vou a new three bedroom suburban . .., ,,11 ., .. MAAA nimAtf1 Mm w. v. . - " - .--....... ! K..I1 h TV-tM nART.NF.lt who tnitMa S homes to last By appt only. $1800. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 8. Coml St. Ph. 3-8399. Eve. S-fttaf Near Glen Creek Drive Suburban home, modern, M Acre. I100S dn 350 per mo. Full price $6200. Owners moving south. ' 15. lsnerwooo, neaitor , Rt 1. Box 243 .. Phones 3-1147 or 3-8836