THE VALLEY NEWS COLUMNS From Th Oregon Statesman's VoIly Corretpondenri Visits Scouts Kirsch Warns Mt. Angel Co-op of Smaller Profits Statesman Naws Service MT. ANGEL, Feb. 22 Members of the Mt. Angel Farmers co operative were told to expect a smaller margin of gross business dur ing 1950 in their annual meeting in St. Mary's parish halL The warning came from Bernard Kirsch, cooperative manager, Who said it would be necessary to concentrate on quality products. Though the net profit of the co op last year was a saving of over $60,000 to the members, be called attention to the marked decline in price of the agricultural products in contrast to the still increasing price of the manufactured prod ucts and supplies. He noted that it would be up to the management to select carefully the lines of merchandise most beneficial to the members. Membership Up The Warehouse membership now totals 1,115 members, an increase of 80 members during the past year. - Other speakers during the all day program were J. D. Gillespie, feed and seeds division. Pacific Supply, who talked on "Marketing Problems and Outlook for Future Markets in Seed Industry"; Prof. E. R. Jackman, farms crops spe cialist of Oregon State college, whose subject was "Late Develop ments in Quality Seed Production and Market Possibilities; G. A. Fitzpatrick, manager of chemical division of Pacific Supply, with a discussion on "What is New In Fertilizer and Insecticides". Dr. J. E. Parker, department of poultry husbandry, Oregon State college, with "Open Type Poultry Housing and Animal Protein Factor." Officers Re-elected .Charles Poole, organization di rector of Pacific Supply, also spoke briefly, and the financial report was read by Harvey A. Michaelis, auditor. The officers of the Farmers Un ion Warehouse, all re-elected are: Otto Schlottman, president, Albert Bochsler, vice president; Bernard Kirsch, manager and secretary treasurer. Other directors are Frank Hettwer, Bernard Smith and Louis Bernt. ; -V ; -. r - ., A Y.J1 Gay P. Miller, national Boy Scoot official, who will visit the Cas cade area scoot council on March 5 and S to promote special scoot activities. Miller, a native of Portland and a former scoot leader In Spokane, Wash, was coat field executive In Portland from 1938 to 1941. when he en tered the army. He Joined the national scoot staff in 1948. " Valley Obituaries ' Statesman Naws Barries lira. Ruby B. Reed AMITY Funeral services were held in McMinnville Saturday for Mrs. Ruby B. Reed, wife of Char les Reed, sr., who died at the farm home south of Amity February 15. She was 58. Burial was in the Amity cemetery and the Rev. Fremont Faul, Amity Methodist church pastor, officiated. Surviving are the husband; two sons, . Charles, jr., McMinnville route 1, and Robert Reed, Amity; a daughter, Mrs. George Van Ot ten, Perrydale and four grandchildren. Four Corners Extension Unit Holds Meeting Stattsmaa News Sarrlca FOUR CORNERS Four Cor ners home extension unit met at, the community . hall with Anne' Bergholz, county extension agent, demonstrating "Making Draper ies." Plans were discussed for next year's topics with members sub mitting a list. The unit's partici pation in the May festival was also discussed. : The March meeting will also be an all day session at 10 a.m. Lead ers will be Mrs. E. E. Walker and Mrs. J. H. Iglheart Those inter ested in making a f better dress" are to meet with Mrs. E. E. Walker 4035 Mahrt ave, Tuesday, Febru ary 28 at 2 pjn. Bennett Gtes School Room Shortage In East Salem Meeting StaUtmaa News Strvks EAST SALEM The critical "school room shortage in the Sa lem area was discussed by School Superintendent Frank B. Bennett In a meeting of the Washington School Mothers club Thursday, ' The local Camp Fire Girls troop presented, a play, "Valentine Riv als," under the leadership of Mrs. Don Goodman. Lunch was served by the fifth grade mothers. The mothers voted to sponsor a play to be given by the Salem Civic players. The next meeting will be in charge of fourth grade mothers. BANQUET PLANNED - AUBURN The annual Blue and -Gold banquet for members of the Auburn school cub pack will be held at the Community hall Friday night, February 24. Pre . paring for this dinner has been the special work of each den this week. Cubs, den mothers and ' parents will be guests. l. Scout Troop Elects Leader, Four Corners Statesman News Berries FOUR CORNERS Girl Scout troop 42, meeting at the commun ity hall, 1 elected Audrey Miller president. Refreshment chairman for the month is Shirley Thuhn and clean up chairman is Joyce Brant. The present project is stenciling on cloth. Leaders are Mrs. Raymond Hough and Mrs. Earl Thulin. Brownie troop 107 met Monday to make plans for handcraft work. Hostesses for the day were Pat ricia Meyer and Connie Chambers. Mrs. J. E. Webster is leader with Mrs. Henry Dillard as the new co leader, taking the place of Mrs. Francis Miller. M Dancing Exercises Set for Thursday At Four Corners Statesmam News Berries FOUR CORNERS Mrs. Grace Wolgamott, physical education supervisor, for Salem schools, will conduct an inservice demonstra tion in rhythmic exercise at the Lincoln school Thursday at 4 p.m. Mrs. Barbara Eggleston and her students from McKinley and Evelyn-Smith and her students from Lincoln school will put on the demonstration. j 'Jr. . ' J David and Judy Lahr, children of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lahr, vis ited for several days with their grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Haf ner, at Silver Creek Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Baker had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Baker of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moseley of Cam as, Wash. j Amity, Sheridan OES Hold Joint Meeting Statetmaji News Berries AMITY - The Sheridan and Amity chapters of the Order of Eastern Star held a joint district meeting at the Amity Masonic hall this week. - - Honored guests were Mrs. Edna Throne, St Helens, worthy grand matron of Oregon, and the worthy grand chaplain. There were vis itors from Newberg, Dallas, McMinnville,- Dayton, Gervals and Sherwood chapters. More than 125 persons were served refreshments. Washington's birthday was observed with ap propriate decorations and individ ual cherry pies were served. , Come Eleven You can pluck those delicious dishes right off the i " Every Day But Sunday Til 2 Down Nohlgren's Famous Alley , Right off State Street Methodists Set Prayer Service For Lyons Statetmaa News Service LYONS The Lyons Commun ity church will observe Worlds Day of Prayer Friday. The church plans to bring to the people of Lyons a reminder of this great need. Every hour on the hour beginning at 9 am, the church bell will ring for silent prayer in the homes. From 2 to 4 pm Christians of all denom inations are urged to come to church for a few moments of auiet meditation andprayer. m me evening the program will consist of Inspirational singing by the congregation, illustrated bible talk by Mrs. George Clipfell; spec-J ial numbers by the men's chorus; season of prayer and music by the Sunday school children, and mo tion pictures by the courtesy 5t Mr. C. S. Johnson of Salem and shown by Gordon Turnidge. The Methodist church will ob serve Laymansj Sunday, February 26 at 11 ajn. With the following laymen speaking: John Prideax, "Our Faith in God;" Willard HartnelL "Our Faith In Christ;" James Lande, "Our Faith in The Bible;" Paul Johnston, "Our Faith in Love;" Laurence Walworth, "A Christian Laymans Faith.? , There will be music by the men's chorus, script ure by Paul Johnston and a prayer by Willard HartnelL All friends of the church are Amity School Band to Play At Gloverdale Itatetmaa Newt Icrvkt AMITY The Amity high school band has accepted an Invitation to present a concert at Cloverdale Monday sight, March 8. R. W. Haberiy, principal of Am ity high school, has received an nouncement that Royal Tarter, graduate of Amity high school, has been honored with membership in Phi Eta Sigma scholastic frater- P mt . iA. t 1 , . . n me Amuy mgn; scnooi oouy play Is scheduled for March 17, the title to be "Judy Pulls the Curtain j The city of Amity Shas been in vited to participate In the 1950 "Miss Oregon" pageant at Seaside next July. A franchise for parti cipation, in the fourth Miss Ore gon pageant at Seaside Has been forwarded to the Amity Chamber of Commerce with the hope that they will sponsor a local contest to determine who will represent Amity at Seaside. : invited to a pot luck dinner fol lowing the morning service. FOOD SALE FRIDAY MACLEAY The Home Eco nomics club of Macleay Grange will hold a cooked-food sale Fri day, February 24, at the Portland Gas & Coke Co. in Salem starting at 9 ajn. Xhe Statesman,-Salem, Oregon, Tlrartdacy, rftbruary23. Middle Grove Man Honored On Birthday Statesman New Scrrlca MIDDLE GROVE Relatives gathered at the Robert Fromm home on Silverton road this week to honor Mrs. Fromm'i father, Charles Mattson, on his 80th birth day. . Also present were Gordon Fromm, Sylvia and Frances Matt son, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mattson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mattson, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Mattson, Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson, Mrs. Sam Reh field, Mr. and Mrs. James Mart son, Mr, and Mrs. Tony Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mattson. Donald Bassett left Saturday for . a two-week training course as sup plies clerk at the U. S. naval train- ing base at San Diego. Ocean perch mature at about 11 years.' HEART ATTACK OR INDIGESTION? rHAKK HKAVPiai Moat attack ar Jta4 adifcsuoo. Wbea U strikes, tak BeO-B tobleta. They contain tba laatoat-actaas; Mdictnes kaowa to doctor for tfaa relief ml SMrtbtua, gas mad ataUlsr diatrea. SSd. n 7T TP w U j L J VALJ U U V J ( r S ( p FTFnf- n 09&&&&f W isisyssjssiBsfl' a : W g svassssasflssfivw- ffs M w FURTHED DRASTIC SLASHES! EVERYTimiG I1UST GO! Prices slouahtered again and again to fadliicde quick him-over. WE MUST SELL AND SELL FASTI UNBELIEVABLE BARGAINS at FORCED OUT PRICES 1 Be her early . . . Everything goes In a hurry at thM cut-prices! J WE RE . FORC I m mm 1 1 2-PC SALAD SET. wooden spoon and f ork, reg. 25c . flashed to a Q C new low j. i '. w . CLOTHES BRUSH, a terrific toIuo at 23c but an unbelievable bargain at 9c SINS STRAINER . . Regulary 27c . but out they go I 4 Prlco cut to ,. Anr BAG THROW RUGS 18x38 size. Excellent quality. Regu larly 89c . .. Closing out at a low, low price ED OUT A ( HE OUITI ) i FAIR TRADED ITEMS. NATIONALLY ADVLR- TISED PRODUCTS" ALL LASHED unmeirdfugy! Groditors bar demanded their money . . . we're forc ed to quit! It's the cpportunliy of a life-time lor youl But you must act fast ' BE HERE at 10 a. m.1 BY CREDITORS DEA1AIX muyiRRV! ws& is mmmi THE WOLF IS AT OUR DOOR! We must liquidate . . f we've slashed prices . . . then we've cut the slashed prices even furtherl Many, many Hems are way below the manufacturers cost! NO STORE CAN DUPLICATE THESE BARGAINS AND REMAIN IN BUSINESS ... but we're forced to sell . . . and to sell In a hurry! We're clearing our basement, our warehouse. Just as fast as we can move the merchandise In . . . SO, YOU MUST ACT FASTI NOTHING, abssljitelr riothlng can lastl FIRST COME. FIRST SERVED! 7 1 GIFT WRAP, for all purposes, reg. 10c roll It goes Ci i w at only roll DISH RAGS. Reg. 9c good quality. They are the buy of your i P? g life at D V CHILDREN'S ROMPERS . anyplace else they are priced at 83c f"A must selll , 00 RUBBER SPONGE, big size. It's Incredible but out they go at 4 fc a measly . sliw ALL DOG COLLARS AND LEASHES SLASHED FOR QUICK SALE! BABY DRESSES, values to 2.88 ... our "Forced to Sell Price" 39 C DEALERS T7ELC0IIE! MAKE TJS AN OFFER ON FIXTUItES! Fin in year eld stocks at these slsnfhtered prices! Ne limits ... every thlnr must re! Ne reservations! CLOTHES PUIS Spring type . Jheyll go In a hurry . aCt SaStl IfmmJk Reg. 10c Wf? Now SJJ DOZ. BABY DRESSES, yalues to 1.50 . we must eeR them 1 IQ q tn a hnrryl ;.' , FACIAL TISSUEI Reg. 18c . . . well be mobbed at this low price ... 4a so be here early! '. JLfc BABY BOTTLES ... uses either Even- fio or Vlta-flo nipples. Lt 5T Yffl spa- J TUMBLERS, largo sixe. Reg. 7c We're liquidating! Out t IQr they go! O lor A5'v LADIES BLOUSES, cotton prints ... the lowestprices In town! QQ g Reg. 1.39 Jfow THREAD. aR colors, stock up at this ridi culously low price. 9 Were 5c Now- Reg. 15c! LUCKY TIGER SHAMPOO . . . what a buy ... what a bargain. OQ C Reg. 49c .Now FREE ALUimiOTI TEA STRMIERS We hare thousands! One Free to very woman ... It's a gift! K APRONS, fancy plastic with bib. Ideal easily cleaned. Reduced O CH DOLLS ... stffl a few left' at 50 O OFF from 79c to SHOWER SPRAY ATTACHMENTS . . . Reg. 69c. We're forced to sell AQp at only iieii's woni sox 50 wooL A terrific 0 value at a reduced J price. 3 Ps. . .CPJcyV N GARDEN TROWEL, Reg. 29c but they must be mored fast I Yours for only - siiV FURTHER PRICE SLASHES ON ALL TOYS! EVERYTHING, . ABSOLUTELY EVERY THING SLASHED IN PRICE1 HURRYI Be hero whon the doors' open! ' s WfjgjT. ooons 10 A. II. is 9 P. IL 237 HO. LIBERTY