TVT O new ftwinf hi ti Club Formed; Officers Chosen Statetmaa New Senrleo ' Marlis De Groote, 533 Wild Wind ar., nas been elected presi dent of The Ben Lomond Needle Threaders", a 4-II first-year sew ing club. Mrs. Arthur Koeuuin . and Mrs. Hedda Swart were chosen leader and assistant. Other active members of the club are Penny Brenner, ,vice- E resident; Patsy Sexton, secretary; aura Smith, reporter and Sher rie Otjen. Associate members are Joanne Reothlin, son's leader, and Aileen Hawkins. ' The club includes girls attend ing McKinley school between the ages of 8 and 12 years. Meetings for business and project work are planned for twice a month on Sat urday afternoon at the leader's borne. Clubs in various 4-H projects are still being formed. Any young people or parents interested may contact the city 4-H office at 47S N. Church street, phone 3-8429, according to James Bishop, city extension agent. Triangle's amaring new chick starter m KnonbliMd farm k mUd noted fat kMitbtor, faster fag okkka. This aiae. to oovcti tot mmj U rtliig yet wrt to to ml for the m chick. Gb yoor bkka a bm4 : start with Triangle KmodMos, Sotd locoSy by Y0U3 TRIANGLE DZALQ New Aluminum Processing Plant Going Up f-"-- s-r-' fVT -7 c'j " ' - xg-t :- - rrr Jg-'r-J5: r . " 'j i .' ... ' . ..- . . ... ' . r ' ... ". ' : '... One af Salem's newest industries Is Nerpae Ine an aluminum prod ucts company, which Is constructing this building at Sooth 12th and Lewis streets. The steel-frame building Is to be faced with alumin um, featuring materials U bo made at the plant It is 77 by 120 feet, with 18-foot overhead doors on the north, south and east walls for efficient loading and unloading. President of the firm Is Carl V. Amnssen of Seattle. Total Investment Is estimated at 1250,000. Prod ucts will Include aluminum roofing, siding, gutters and downspouts, Insulating material and house aluminum foil. Headquarters f Nor pae as well as of the new Western Aluminum Corp., of which Amus sen also Is president, will bo located here. Architect is James L, Payne of Salem; general contractors Tlesko tt Post. Santiam Yalley. Grahg Special Award SteUsmaa Ktws Itrvko LYONS The Santiam Valley Grange met at the Grange hall with a large attendance on hand. "During the. business 'meeting several names were recommended! fof membership, and Mrs.' Leora Stevens, was presented with a musicians sash. This is the first time, the Santiam Valley Grange has had sash for their musician. William White of Evening Star Grange and Earl Mason of Morning Star Grange held a panel discus sion on the Grange health program. An electric fan will help dis tribute heat in a room in winter. The S talesman. Sntm. Orocron. ThuraArr. Pafmnf 91 Modern Ounesa claims of sov- ilast days of the Manchu Dynasty, erelgnty over Tibet date from the 1 which, ended in 1912.' Wmm 30$ , ..minlll a a e 1 1-. ft nf nyiiiHf Knife, Fork Gulf Slates Concert - Pianist, Humorist Henry L. Scott, humorist, vor satilo concert pianist and author ity on swing music will appear on the next Salem Knife and Fork club program scheduled March 7 at 8 pjn. in Leslie junior high school auditorium. , Scott, who studied at Syracuse university and at various music schools in New York, has been cited by music magazines and newspaper columnists all over America as one of the country's foremost combined classical and popular, music entertainers. His program In Salem win bo open only to club members and guests. LANTXSZS HOSTS ' ' ZENA Week-end guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. LanUs of Brush College were her nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wldener and Sandra of Cooa Bay. UHljiy 1 1 mm STANLEY EUctrlc Tools are meant for work; with either wood or ttte! thtrt't a STAN LEY 1 Eltctrlt Tool for the ob. Horo's a STANLEY "f oursomo1' that's tcps! . tfsnloy V7 Safety Sawv ; . , Cutting capacity from Or up . to Tilting bas pormlts bevel cuts up to ISs- 125.00 Stanley 21 1 UrJihean Cuts 18 gaugt hot rolled feel at ipeed up to 15 feet i per" minute. Sturdy, light ' weight. Universal r nfi motor 56.00 Stanley 33 Planet y 1 8,000 RPM spiral cutter leaves smooth wavelets surface. A . miniature planing mill. Will make surface beads, tongue and groove, rabbet, plow. chamfer, etc, 57.50 Stanley 28 Revten Ideal for many woodworking operations. For construction of tables, templet work, bead Ing and fluting etc V4 hp, ; 18,000 RPM for Al At smooth operation "10111 Besides these four, there are many more ' 8TANUCT ELEC TRIC TOOLS for wood or steel-working Jobs. STANLEY turns your homo workshop Into a modest millwork plant. STANLEY ELECTRIC TOOLS at that eoaronlent location JTT T Versatile Schools Aired in Meeting Schools Aired In Meeting " BtatMHwa Newt ImtIm i f SILVERTON. Yen. 22 Complaints and rumours of dissatisfaction over operation of Silverton schools were aired in a special meeting called Tuesday by Lloyd Larsen, school board chairman. Larsen told a,bout 23 persons present he called the meeting be cause rumours had become rampant about the city and he wished "to give every one an opportunity to air his or her complaint." Lack of cooperation with Parent-Teachers and with Scout work was brought up by some. Lack of teaching Americanism In the schools was another complaint. Some objected to A. B. Anderson, superintendent of schools, serving as clerk of the school board. The whole matter, Larsen as serted, was principally a lack of understanding. In the instance of the "lack of teaching American ism," Larsen suggested that the American Legion or Veterans of Foreign Wars take this up more specifically. The complaint was in reference to the essay contest sponsored by the patriotic frater nities. Perhaps a little better sell ing Job on the sponsors of the essay would have helped, members of the school board brought out. Using the superintendent as dark of the school board, Larsen explained, was Just a matter of saving money. It was cheaper to do this than to hire another clerk. The custom had been followed In local schools for Years, he explain ed. Some complaint was made that the "school board meeting were closed sessions." This the school board denied. The public was al ways welcome to attend but sel dom did, members stated. - - No action, was taken at the moot. Detroit Woman Returns From Trip Jo Portland StaUsutaa News Service DETROIT Mrs. H. I Chris man returned Saturday from Port land where she had spent several days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L J. Walker. Jr. She also visited with her daughters, Jean and Barbara, and son, John. Roy Newport drove over Sun day from his ranch at Culver to look after business Interests here for a few days, - Mr. and Mrs. Arlio Dickie, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Karlam and Mrs. O. H. Dickie spent the week end st the coast GRANGE DANCE 8ATUKDAY MACLZAY The young people of Hacleay Orange will stage a dance Saturday night at the Grange hall. Henry L. Scots, concert pianist and swing musle authority, will appear In Salem March T on the Salem Knife and Fork club program. Weed Control Meet Set for Aldermans A field meeting on strawberry weed control will be held Monday afternoon, February 27, 2 pjn. at the Alderman Farms south of Day ton. Weed control plots on straw berries were established in Octo ber of 1949 on the Alderman Farm with the use of IPC, the widely publicized grass killer, in combi nation with 2,4-D and diesel oil. These weed control plots are showing very good results today, ana tne purpose ox the field meet ing is to point out these plots and show , the results that are being obtained at uus tune. CANCEX TOLL PHHADELPHIA-(INS)-A to tal of 4,005 persons died of cancer in nuiadeipnia during 1949. ac cording to a" bureau of vital sta tistics report This marks an In crease of US deaths over the pre vious year. New 4-H Leader Named to Direct State Association Succeeding Mrs. E. F. Wright Portland, who served as president of the state 4-H Club Leaders as sociation since it was formed in 1934, is Mrs. Alice Lindsay, Grants Pass, L. J. Allen, state 4-H club leader, has announced. Balloting was conducted in con nection with two district leader conferences held early this year. Mrs. Wright declined to be a can didate for re-election. - Incoming vice president of the state 4-H Club Leaders association Is Jack Jones of Bend. Mrs. Car melita Weddle,. Salem, was elected secretary-treasurer. " A new phase of the state leader organization was put into opera tion this year by dividing the state Into six districts. A regional vice president has been elected for each, and they will servo on an executive committee. Regional vice presidents include Albert Palmblad, Gresham; Mrs. a L. Smith, Corvallis; Miss De lores Sell Riverton; Mrs. Jessie Hemline, Hermlston; Mrs. Earl Mack, Klamath Falls; and Mrs. Threlma Elliott AdraJn. Slug Damage Warning Is Being Broadcast Be on the look-out for slug damage on fall seeded ' legume crops. It has been reported that slugs are out again, and damage to crops by slugs is often noticed too late. Metaldehyde calcium arsenate bran bait Is effective to controlling slugs. The bran bait containing 1 per cent metaldehyde and 8 per' cent calcium - arsenate by weight may bo broadcast at the rate of 10 to 12 pounds per acre to give good control. If the pellet form is used, lour to flvo pounds per acre is enough bait to use. Metaldehyde calcium arsenate bran bait Is sold under various trade names and can bo purchased from most stores handling that type of material. Portland Cops Prejmred For One-Way Grid Start PORTLAND, Feb. 22 It will take a quarter of Portland's police patrol force to keep people going tne right way next Monday. Thafs when the new one-way street system goes into operation In downtown Portland. Police will be scattered, 124 strong, through the area to shunt confused motor ists away from the wrong streets. (B) (BdDCDIM Flavored CHOCOLATE WAFERS CREATED BY ROCKWOOD CBilNT WAPEIXO o HUM VAFEnS NONPAREILS Mod by lh mcksrs cf lh feraeus CHOCOLATE (for chocekl!V cocklts) mm iks (()) olio JImply DoOclovsl They've solid chocolate oil the way ' Ihrooflh and carry , the tang of tab 12SS State St. LPULkJIB lmj 1 Eastern Ore, Hereford Beaf Young and Tender CHOICE DOJiSTS 45c Arm Cuts Blade Cuts Eumpe , ti1 nilTTFC Properlr Trimmed COt 1-DUIJLisJ Proporiy Aged Jb. pbhie bib 53 c -- FBXSH nAimnnGEn COUNTRY I - SAUSAGE lb. FANCY HOME MADE Link Sausage ,ib. SWUTS SUGAR CUBED Dacon Ends 22c CHOICE SHOULDER CUTS V Veal Sf eahs 59c HORMELS NO. 1 CURE Sliced Bacon 39 c FRESH FISH Salnoa Sik. IB. 52c Haliid SlL Lb. 42: Oyiicn...pIs. 65c SMELT SHRIMP MEAT 5129 YOUNG FANCY (Oror 4 lbs. Uto wl) f f PI'TC BirySeTeraL LiJIiiJO Fffl Your Locker , , Each Fully Dressed and Drawn , ' . LARGE PLUMP BREASTED COLODED FBYEBS SJ39 Fully Dreesed and Drawn ; ml mm b 'J Too) Season's Best Bar ?JJ Now BoJore th Spdna i Market AdrancM PHOtXI 29237 I2C3 STATC TmIIm Golatinea and O OOs JG110 Puddings O pktjs. CmCr0 Grapefruit Juico 1 39c Pineapplo v 29c Baby Foods Gerber's 3 cans r ""l r Cat Food rib. im.. 3 25c Svlning i3 1 69 AlSSUQ, Wddoci 3 rolla 20C REDEEM YOUR COUPONS HERS ILfbbys Peas 16c Spaghetti Franco American 2 cans 27 nMMUMH Xlne Qualirf No. 2 50 a' n29 Lottnco Jumbo Heads 2 19 c Oranges 111.' .Dc. COUNTRY FRESH OUR SPECIALTY Ibsrslw Br. tm t bars Ivv Bath 01 S bars i 25c I mm i av a 223c Prloee) ESereThsnv, FrL, SaLebswrj X3-24-2S