The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 07, 1950, Page 14, Image 14

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    loTho Statesman. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday February 7, 1950
Cite Violation
Of 'Peace Pact'
VANCOUVER, B. C, Feb. 6-(CP)-
Twelve Radical i Sons of
Freedom members o( the Doukno
bor religious sect snapped back
today at authorities investigating
past Doukhpbor violence.
' In a letter, the 12 accused pro
vincial authorities of violating a
recently-reached "peace pact"
The letter said "we! cannot be
responsible . , . for whatever may
follow after, as there appears to
be more than you are calculating.'
That apparently referred to a
promise made the Sons -of Free
dom group before Christmas when
authorities were pressing investi
gation of railway bombings in the
southern interior. Then, the Sons
said they would mend their ways.
They have been blamed for
much of the damage caused by if ire
raiding of orthodox Doukhobors,
public buildings and other public
property in past years.
It apparently referred, too, to
! prosecution of three Doukjjobor
eaders started since the peace
promise was made. One, John Le
bedoff, is the leader of the Sons
of Freedom. He has said several
times he seeks to lead his group
to Turkey in a migration which
would fulfill a prophecy made
years ago in Russia by an ances
tor. ; '
Neuner Rules on Drug'
Injections by Dentists
Attorney General George Neu
ner .held Monday that a dentist
may inject drugs in tissues other
than the mouth for treatment of
ailments of the mouth.
The question had been raised as
to whether such treatments should
be given only by medical doctors.
L'Anse, county seat of Baraga
. County, Michigan, was for years
the site of a camp used by French
explorers and missionaries.
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enice, after a high tide overran thebanks of the Grand Canal and flowed Into the Square.
Civil Service
Staff Addition
Due in Salem
A personal assistant will be
added to the Salem headquarters
staff of the state civil service com
mission February 15 when Robert
Shepherd of LaGrande reports for
Shepherd will head the civil
service recruiting program by su
pervising the work of publicizing
civil service examinations and by
appearing before school and col
lege groups to interest young per
sons in state service.
He is a recent graduate of the
University of Washington. With
his family. Shepherd will make his
home here.
2 Men Plead
Guilty to Theft
MEDFORD, Feb, 6-(P)-Two San
Bernardino, Calif., men pleaded
guilty today to a $1922 theft here.
Charles R. Winn, 24, and Fred
M. Bangle, 35, admitted the bur
glary of Swem's Book and Gift
shop Dec. 11.
Arrested In Cobs Bay. the next
day, the men have been held in
lieu of $10,000 bond. Sentencing
was delayed pending a probation
ary officer report.
Census Bureau
Irrigation Man
In Salem Area
An irrigation technician for the
1950 federal census is in the Sa
lem district this week.
Lloyd Burnett, Seattle, will con
fer with leaders of mid-valley
irrigation and drainage projects
and district census supervisor
Cornelius Bateson. He arrived in
Salem Monday.
Burnett has been assigned to
assist the census bureau in five
of the six Oregon districts.
135 N. liberty
FHoiw 34191
. . When You Can Buy
A Completely Rebuilt
Motor at Wards for as Little as
$11 a Month and Have it
Installed for This Ridiculously
Low Price!
You'll get complete satisfaction from a Wards rebuilt motor! Hero's why
. . boforo a Ward motor is rebuilt, iVi completely torn down. All pit
tons, rings, pins, gaskets and other worn, parts are funked! Every nut,
plug, bolt and stud Is removed. All other parts are chemically cleaned,
sorted, and refinished. Then Wards motors are re-assembled with neces
sary new parts, fust like a new motor ... fully tested . . . fully guar
anteed! Wards motors are complete. There is nothing else to buy! A
. Ward rebuilt motor will give real hew car performance for your car or
truck. : ,
Compare PRICE
You can't buy more motor for less
money anywhere! Wards low price
beats 'em all! And you get the best
motor you can buy!
No stronger warranty Is written,
not even by car manufacturers!
Wards warranty assures you of
best factory rebuilding!
There's no need to put off Installing a like-new Ward rebuilt motor that
you need now! Before more trouble develops,! let Wards Install a smooth
running dependable rebuilt motor in your car. Use Wards Monthly Pay
ment Plan ... at the time of purchase make a down payment, the bal
ance In regular monthly payments up to eighteen months. Get complete
details todayl
No robuildor Installs more new
parts than Wards! NEW rod bear
ings, main bearings, camshaft gear
and bearings and many morel
Wards Authorized Installer takes
very care to Install your motor per
fectly! And a thorough 500-mile In
spection Is Included.
Best Motors You Can Buy for Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge, Plymouth
Dinner to Start
C of C Drive for
A strong bid for new member
ship in Salem Chamber of Com
merce was promised Monday by
Russel Pratt, chamber member
ship chairman, in his call for gen
eral participation in tonight's
chamber dinner meeting.
Chamber members and prospects
will gather at 6:30 pjn. for a no
host dinner at the chamber, to be
featured by an address by Charles
Walkeri-Portland civic leader and
business college head.
Pratt said a short but compre
hensive program is planned for
the after-dinner program, includ
ing entertainment and comments
by various members on what the
chamber has done to helplocate
new industries and businesses
which located here in recent years.
James Walton, past president of
the chamber, will be toastmaster.
Clair Brown, now president, will
open the meeting. Pianist Dewey
Robinson will be on hand and di
rectors of the chamber al5o will
have a part in the program.
Membership needs will be pre
sented by Pratt who has called on
the entire chamber membership
to assist in recruiting, both from
new businessmen in Salem ard
from, former chamber members
not recently active in the organi
zation. Each member at the din
ner tonight will be.sked to call
on one or two prospects this week,
Pratt' said.
JERUSALEM -JP)- The present
100.000 population of the Jewish
held section of Jerusalem may be
doubled within the next three
years. That, said M. Shattner, rep
resenting the finance ministry, is
the desired goal to make Jerus
alem stable economically.
R. K. Weatherf ord,
Former Resident
Of Salem, Dies
The recent deatrj. of Russel K.
Weatherford, 65, former Salem
resident, at an Ashland hospital,
was reported here Monday.
He died of heart trouble on
January 20, according to the wid
ow, Mrs. Bertha Kirkpa trick
Weatherford, who will now reside
in Salem. The Weatherfords live-i
in Salem about three years prior
to retiring to a ranch near Ash
land about 18 months ago.
In addition to the widow,
Weatherford is survived by a son,
R. Kirk Weatherford of Los
Angeles, Calif.;' daughters, Mrs.
Francis Knapp of Salem, and
Betty Weatherford of San Fran
cisco, Calif., and three sisters in
Weatherford was born in
Springfield, I1L He had retired
from business in Kansas City, Mo.,
when the couple came to Salem.
New U.S. Booklet
Gives Advice on
Home Repairs
How the home owner can keep
his house anttequipment in good
repair is told in nontechnical lang
uage in a new 209-page guide
issued by the building technology
division of the National Bureau
of Standards.
Information included concerns
the need for repairs, how to in
spect a house, how to detect signs
of wear, what can be done to pre
vent deterioration, the materials
and tools needed and the methods
for correcting defects.
.The book is available for 10
cents from the Superintendent of
Documents, U. S. Government
Printing Office, Washington 25,
Clothing Club
Plans Project
The Richmond school 4-H
Clothing club will meet Wednes
day at 3:30 p. m. in the home of
the club leader Mrs. Nellie Cook.
2148 Mill st
Members are making articles in
weaving, pin cushions and table
or head scarves at meetings to ex
hibit at the 4-H spring show in
April. Needle cases were made at
a recent session, according to Bet
ty Ann Johnson, club reporter. .
Two kinds of poison used to kill
insects and collected by 4-H En
tomology club members was dem
onstrated recently by J. E. Davis,
state entomologist and club lead
er, at a recent meeting of the club
here, according to Lee Golden,
club reporter..
Members are being trained in
methods of insect collecting,
identification of insects and their
importance. All city youths, 9 to
12, are eligible for the Salem 4-H
clubs, according to James Bishop,
city extension agent -
The U. S. department of agricul
ture has found benzene hexa
chloride may be used to control
chicken lice without making meat
or eggs taste "musty.", i
Heturns Prepared '
Leon JL FUcns
4947 N. River K4.
29S Pine St -Ph.
3-5283 for Appointment
He found 'em blooming from
1 1 through noon til 2
Every day but Sunday
Down the famous Nohlgren's Alley
HERE IS the NEW Simmons Deepsleep Mattressl New panel i J ) "t XTl I I I I
strip covers ... new, greater coil comfort. Not 180, not VV h J )XJ I I'
220, not 250, but 312 coilsl Yes, 312 coils. Beside these ImP JT v I- 1 L-X w
luxury features, it has the new Auto-lock Unit (an exclusive ""N S. Ct
Simons improvement). Crush proof borders, and all felt up- A Yv lw -1 i
bolstering. Never before so much mattress for so little J V t I MATCHING
moneyl And . . . the Simmons name assures you of the V J J DrtY cDDItir
finest construction possible. J BUA iPKIliU
i - " '' '' . -. .
Another Woodry X?85? '- jj . , .
The BMniailrejs VfflfiSfe?
Bny For 1950 PIS I I