The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 07, 1950, Page 10, Image 10

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    It's Home Stretch for Valley's Prep Basketball Circuits
In the homestretch and In
tome cases all but at the end of
regular schedules. Taller prep
leagues swine Into another round
f play tonight. .
Only action in the Bif Six loop .
wnxAMrrre valley league
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Mt AngelS t .mWoodsura 3 S .175
Molalla 2 .758 Sllverton 1 8 411
Dallas S 3 .S?S Sandy 1 4 -20
Estaraaa 4 J .571 Canajr I 1 .1ZS
Tonight's garnet: Wood burn at Et
taraaa; MoUlU at Sllverton; Mt. An
gel at Caaby; Dallas at Sandy.
. -
aees Salem at Corvallis, where
the Viks will be out to keep
their circuit mark untarnished.
In the hot Willamette Valley
league race the Mt Angel Preps,
who crabbed a hair-line 31-31
decision over Dallas Friday, re
Salems Seek
Hauk Quintet After t
7th Loop Win in Rowr
Salem high's hoop Vikings,
boasting a hot season's record and
an absolutely sizzling one in Big
Eix league competition, go after
their -seventh straight loop vic
tory tonight at Corvallis.
' Following tonight's tilt the Har
old Hauk gang has three Big Six
games left on the sched plus a cou
ple of npn-league encounters be
fore the district tourney The lo
cals boast 16 wins in 19 outings
thus far.
Corvallis currently reposes in
third place in the league stand
ings with four wins and three set
backs. The Viks earlier decisioned
'em, 35-29,- on the SHS floor.
A happy addition to the scoring
Eunch of the Viks of late is big
ay ton Gilson. He's almost sure
to get a starting berth at center
tonight after his 19-point perfor
mance against Astoria last week
end. Jim Rock and Doug Rogers,
the demon, backboard boys, will
again hold forth at the front po
sitions and -Captain Daryl Girod
and little Larry Chamberlain will
be at the guard spots.
, , The Spartanvwill open with Jims
Eabcock and Don Taylor in front,!
Larry Strand K at center and Von
Summers and Don Newton ; at the
guards. - !
The school's J V teams will clash
In , the prelim.
Wools, CP's,
Markets Win
The City league's American di
vision launched second half play
last night at Leslie with the high
flying Page Woolens, the Capitol
Posts and the 12th Street Markets
notching wins.
The Woolens, first-half kings
with five straight wins, rolled to
55-33 decision over Epping
Lumber, Spiess leading the attack
with 16 points. .Unruh was close
with 15. . ;
The Capitol Posters, with Hug-
gins 16 counters providing the
spark, dumped the Knights of Co
lumbus, 50-43. Hay hit 14 for the
. CPfs and Vandevort got 13 for the
K.C. The 12th Streets topped
Warner Motors, 37-29, with Da
vies 13 markers doing the pacing.
Epping Lumber 33 (55) Page Woolens
Reef Ml fu.J' (7) McMorria
Luti (Si P mt Unruh
Epping.W. (3) ..C (S) Butte
Hauth O (5) Page
Traeger 12 G (IS) Spiess
Reserves scoring: T. Lumber Epping
J. . Berry 3. P. Woolens-Jones 4.
Halftim score: X. Lumber 13, P. Wool
ens 21. ' j,
K. of c (43) (54) Capitol Post f
Vandevort (13) r (2) Harrell
Alley (7) ; P (14) Hay
Williams i (4 C . (4) Bates
Comstock (7) G ( Valdea
Herberger (8) .G (IS) Huggina
RwrvM acoriiur: K. of C. Mien 4.
Cap. Post Barnick 3, Luke 4. HaU
time score K. of C. 23. Cap. Post 28.
12 It Market ( J7) (23) Warner Motors
?.tiauWer.vU) r 7 BiaseU
Miles (7) (S) Nieswander
B Davie (13) C... , ,.. (0) Cotton
avey (1) ,. G , 7 Adams
uval (3) G (4) Coffe
Reserves scoring: 13 St. Weaver 2.
W. Motors Sawyer 1. Halftimo score:
12 St 21, W. Motors 14. Officials:' So
bera and Henery.
Conn9 Names
Valpey Coach
STORRS. Conn., Feb. MaVAr
thur L Valpey today was namd
the. University of Connecticut's
new head football coach, effective
March 1. He had served in a sim
ilar capacity at Harvard the past
two seasons. Official announce
ment of Valpey's appointment was
made this afternoon by President
Albert N. Jorgensen.
The 33-year-old Valpey succeeds
J. Orlean Christian, who was foot.
. ball boss hero for 13 years until
January 1 when he was relieved
f the gridiron assignment to con-
eottrate on athletic directorship.
Deal Said Near
; Completion of a trade which
would bring Pitcher Paul (Dizzy)
Trout to the Washington Senators
- In exchange for Hurler Paul Cal
vert awaited only the approval of
Detroit Manager Red Rolfe late
today. Vice Presihent Calvin Grif
fith of the Senators told a reporter
that the Senators had offered to
trade and that General Manager
Billy Evans of the Tigers has ap
prover me aeai. .
To Up Margin
main atop the standings with
eight wins and one setback.
They'll travel to Canby tonight
where they should ret by a club
which has but one win. Second
place Molalla, M games back
W L Pet. W L Pet.
f . Heart 3 1 .75 Monmouth 31 JN
Stayton it Sal Aea. tl J1J
ladepead. S 3
.Tonight's games: Salem Academy at
Stayton; Independence at Sacred
of the Preps, plays at Sllverton,
third-place Dallas is at Sandy
and Wood burn (.three wins, five
losses) Journeys to meet Esta
cada's fourth-place Rangers.
In the Marion-Polk loop the
top-spot Sacred Heart Academy
Most to
Travel 'tor
They'll Sho w on 'Dimes9 Card
-: mm j
Li- q V' ilj . .u
In addition to ten action-promising
on Wednesday night's armory amateur ring "March of Dimes"
benefit will be the appearance of the widely popular Portland PAL
elnb aerobatie act (above) under directorship of Mickey Pease.
Shown, left to right, are Pease, Gene Dunn, Blondle Stanley, Johnny
Rokstad and Charles White. The troupe will feature trampoline
acts this time. Wednesday eve's card, starting: at t:30. Is under
sponsorship ef the American Legion. Tickets at four-bits per Can
be obtained at Maples or BarVs sports stores.
Grapplers After Title
Shot. Tourney Tonight
A torrid time Is la store for
mat fans tonight at the armory as
Matchmaker Elton Owen stages
an eight-man
el 1 m I n a tion
tourney lit
which six eager
and talented
grapplers will
be out to win
the big prise
a crack at Al
Ssass and his
Coast Junior
he a v y w eight
The six - par
ticular partici
pants all of
al szasz 'em havo
been pleading with Owen for a
title chance so the opportunity
comes tonight The victor will
have thoroughly earned a shot
at Ssass.
1 Seven matches are en tap with
drawings to be held at 8:30 to
determine pairings. Each match
will go one f-U or 15 minutes.
Three Judges will be picked from
Seven Quints After Title
HDIstirficit AAMJ IHIoop
Meetpens Toimiglhtt
Seven independent auints. eves
State AAU meet, launch district (5
The tourney, unaer me direction oi
I . . M
missioner, is a single elimination
there will bo second-round zrays
this Thursday eve followed by the
finals mix next Tuesday night.
The Pago Woolens, big favor
ites to walk off with the district
crown, open proceedings tonight
as they collide with the Capitol
Posts at 7 o'clock. Both clubs are
in the City league's American di
vision and the Wools, endowed
with fresh talent this year includ
ing the heralded Johnson brothers
of Willamette fame, will be fav
ored to win.
At 8?15 the West Salem Mer
chants meet the Page Karakul
Karcet auint. a brother team of
the Wools. At 9:30 tonight it'll be
Burroughs Inn against the Naval
Reserves, first-half champs of the
City league's National division
and figured as the club which may
give the Wools the most trouble.
The Aumsville Fire Department
team draws a first-round bye.
The tourney is admission-free,
being a part of the City Recrea
tional program.
i .
TURNER The Turner Chris
tian Church hoop team mauled the
Stayton Christian Churchmen by
a 72-17 count Saturday night. The
victors led at the half, 28-8. Wei
gart hit 24 points for Turner.'
Start (11) : (72) Tamer
Darby (6) v IS Standley
Klnler 4) T 3 Squires
Carter 0 ... C (21) R. MeaheUe
Covert. Sr. G (14) Weisart
Covert. Jr. (3) G.. (IS) C Meshelle
Reserves seorinf: Stayton Klrsh I:
Turner Cundtrmaa 2. Deatrick 2.
Official: Davenport
Cardinals, who suffered their
initial league loss to Salem
Bible Friday, play host to the
Independence Hopsters who havo
a 3-3 mark. Salem Bible travels
to meet Stay ton's Eagles while
Neither Division
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Gervais 4 1.0M St Paul 3 3 .440
Jefferson t 1 .647 Or. Deaf 0 S
Chemawa 3 S
Tonight's games: Jefferson at Ger
vais; St Paul at Chemawa; Deaf
School at Salem Sophs.
Monmouth hosts Valsefs in a
In the weather-Jumbled Mar
Ion County B loops the Gervais
Lions can clinch the Northern
division title tonight if they top
Jefferson on the Gervais floor.
paoiiaoD GDaslh)
t i t 1 T'i '
boots, one of the stellar attractions
among the fans to render a de
cision where no falls are gained.
The Great Atlas, one of the
most vociferous in demanding a
crack at Ssasz, will be raring to
win the chance. And there'll be
Frank Stojack, the ex-Coast
champ, with s fierce desire to
regain the belt. Other title
minded muscle-manglers set for
tourney action are Leo Walllck,
George Dusette, Tough Tony
Ross (in top trim after his re
cent fracas with the bear), and
Lee Grablo (the gent with a flair
for roughing it). They are the
grapplers wholl be In the run
ning for a title match. Filling
out the east of the show will be
a couple of youngsters out to up
their prestire. One ' is Arnie
SkaUand. Norwegian scientific
mat-manenverer and the other Is
Dale Klser who's getting better
at the trade every time out
Owen has also set up a hand
soma trophy for the tourney
There will bo no raise la ad
mission for the card.
on a possible berth in the coming
action on the Leslie boards tonight.
vera uumon, auu-tci aau com
go. After tonight's first-rounder
Vik Grapplers
Down Molalla
Salem high school's wrestling
gang nailed their fourth straight
victory of the season last night on
the SHS mats as they topped Mo-
lalla's Indians. 27-20. The men
of Hank Juran won eight matches.
one by forfeit, during the 12-bout
The Viks journey to Springfield
Wednesday night.
SO nounda Harvev (Ml Binned
Cooler (S). 104 Erland (U) won by
forfeit, lis Moors s won oy ror
felt. 121 Nueharth (Si dee. Doufh
erty (af). 128 Crann (M pinned
Hutcntnson (S). 134 wneatiey (Ml
dec. Gundran (S). 130 Logan (S)
dec. Relsch (M). 14S Schweitz (S)
dee. Lucht M. 1SS Stepper (S)
pinned Bidney (M). 16S YeUem (S)
dec. Lucht (M). 17S Peterson S
dec. Kelly m. Heavyweitnt Kn
ger (S) dec. renry (M).
Duck Pins
Alma Penny bit a Mt and a 217
for top Individual series and game
last night In Ladle league duck
pin action at the B and B alleys.
Ladd and Bush bank took team
honors with 2111 and 768. Team
results: Handle Oil 2, Meyer Lum
ber 1; Memorial Hospital 4. Mas
ter Bread t; Hubb's Real Estate 3,
Highland Market 1: . Ladd and
Bush bank 4, Serve -Ur-Sel
Laundry t.
Other Northern division tilts pnt
St Paul at Chemawa and Deaf
School against the Salem high
Sophs on the Salem boards.
In the mixed-op Southern di
vision whose regular sched is
Southern Division
W L Pet W L Pet
Aamsvill 1 t .778 Tamer 1 4 -24
sublimity 1 t .771 Detroit 1 S .111
Mill City 1 Z .778 Gates f S .404
Tonight's game: Mill City at De
troit completed, three teams Mill
City, Aumsvllle and Sublimity
are tied at the top. If the three
way knot continues to exist af
ter several makeup games this
week a playoff will be necessary
Mill City plays a makeup at De
troit tonight.
Want Revenge
Wolves Stopped 'Em
Earlier in Season
Johnny Lewis' Willamette Bear
cats, sitting on top of the North
west uonierence standings by a
comfortable game-and-a-half mar
gin, tonight play host to Bob Knox'
OC Wolves in a non-league en
counter set for 8 o'clock.
The 'Cats had a closa squeak in
Added attraction at tonight's
wuiamette-uuE game will be a
half time badminton exhibition
for the WU faculty title. On one
team will be Dr. George B. Mar
tin and Maurice Brennen. They
will oppose Dr. Egbert Oliver and
Dr. Chester Lather.
getting over the second-place Pa
cific Badgers at Forest Grove Sat
urday night after building an ear
ly and huge lead.
j. no cats win nave a revenge
motive tonight The OCE's knock
ed 'em over early this season.
The Wolves tonight will bo see-
ng their first action in more than
a week. Bad weather postponed the
pair of games they had scheduled
witn 50CEi Oregon Collegiate
Conference-leading at Ashland
over the weekend. The Knox gang
currently noids a record of seven
wins, seven losses for the cam
Lewis will likely start tonlaht
with Ted Loder and Dick Brou
wer at the forwards, Doug Logue
at center, and Lou Scrivens and
Jack Evans or Hugh Bellinger at
tno DacK-court spots.
OCEs main scoring threat is
Forward Herrall Smith. He'll team
with Marv Hiebert at the for
wards. Hal Pitcher will be at cen
ter and Chet Hogan and Chuck
Humble Will hold down the guard
A clash between the two
schools' Jayvee clubs will preceed
tno varsity mix.
The WU gang's next conference
fray is at Linfield Friday night,
Ball Casts Due
NEW YORK. Feb. 8-(AP)-The
Mutual Broadcasting company and
the American Baseball league an
nounced today an agreement for
the network to broadcast the
Gain of the Day. berinninr
witn the season opener April 18
The broadcasts will be released
over some 358 Mutual stations in
31 states.
The column, Sportsuzhtner,
does not appear today because its
author, Statesman Sports Editor
Al Llghtner, is on vacation. Llght-
ners column will resume Thurs
(Capitol Alleys)
ino 587. Pekar 495. DavenDort 5S1.
Kenyon 311. King 303. MASTER BREAD
(11 Mattson 5a4. Priem 818. Coomler
500. Powell 485. farmer 527.
HartweU 489. Albrich 548. Bidder 542.
M. Miller 501. J. Miller 512. ORVAL'S
USED CARS (1) Lama 453. Mc
Clary 492, Phipps 867. Ross 471, Boyce
Howell 443. J. Herr 531. Frank 540. G.
Herr 560. Bent son 479. NICHOLSON'S
INSURANCE (0) Wilton 311. Gard
ner 535. Gregory 533. McCluskey 484.
STARK ruous (3) Arenart '.
Allen 474. Powell 470, Lengren 575.
Scales 513. STETTLER SUPPLY (0)
Kitzmiller 509, r. Stettler B2L C. Stet-
Uer 365. Valdez 503.
WALTON BROWN (2) Perry 520.
Staffer 572. Alderin 496. Si Ike 444. Rich
es 472. SENATOR RADIO 41) Cady
45. uuliua soz, wutsey 4w, Brennan
488. Brant 518.
High individual fame: Dick Phipps
of Orval i. 253.
Hiffh individual series: Dick Phipps
of Orval's. 087.
High team game: Master Bread. 1029.
High team series: Marion Creamery,
Capitol Alleys) -
HOFFMAN CONST, (1) Pekar 459.
Gardner 584. Herr 464. Kildall 489.
Benaton 498. SOUND CONST. (2)
Bud Straw 354. Miller 481, Gunderson
531, Saylor 263, Simmonds 321. Gar
rett 321, Bob Straw 117.
JEWELL BOX (3) Cowan 481.
Brant 481. White 451. Hooiinaer 509.
Walls 469. ROD St GUN 0 Miller
326. Futrell 423. Mcllnay 493. DeBow
490. Mooera 445.
WOODBURN (2) Steel 541. Perd
458. Austin 378. Deagan 471, Hicks 516.
VALLEY OIL (1) Delk 403. Lein 41C.
Vestal 433. Lutz 488. Warner 382.
NALLEYS 4 Thompson 486. John
son 36S. Thurman 423. Odum 452, Mc
Cune 473. DICK MEYER LMBR. (3)
Barber 472, Livingston 439. Hagen 460.
Stienka 464. Laeey 558.
High team series: 2494. Hoffman
High team gams: til, Hoffman
Const. High individual game: 230. Steele.
High individual seriew 584. Walt
DBapwIIflimg enDeg
Eriksson Nabs
Marathon Run
Sweden Team Leader,
Finns 2nd, US 3rd
By Harold Claassen
RUMFORD. Me, Feb. 6 -i?V
Gunnar Eriksson, never a champ
ion in his native Sweden, became
the World Ski Marathon title
holder today.
The dark haired Swede, who
stopped six times for a drink of
warm water and honey, raced
through the SO kilometers (31
miles) in an unofficial time of 2
hours, 59 minutes and five seconds
as he and his countrymen swept
the first four places.
The marathon, raced in 10 de
gree temperature over a hard
course, completed the Nordic
phase of the World championships
sponsored by the Federation In
ternationale de Ski.
The Alpine events, downhill and
slalom racing, will be decided at
Aspen, Colo., starting a week from
Only individual titles are de
termined in FIS meets, but if a
team title were decided on a 10-6-
4-3-2-1 basis for the first six
places the unofficial laurels would
go to the Swedes, 57 to Norway's
42 Vi. Finland would be third with
In eight years of trying prior to
today the best Eriksson ever had
done in the 50 kilometer was a
second. But he had finished third
in the 1948 Olympic 18 kilometer
(11 mile race) and also had help
ed Sweden win the Olympic relay.
He kept out of the World Relay
race, which Sweden,' won yester
day, to be fresh for his individual
assault today.
In the unofficial team standings
the United States followed Finland
with three and a half points.
France came next with three and
Canada completed the scoring
with one. Yugoslavia, Switzer
land, Denmark and Austria were
shut out.
Champ Willie
Tops Andrews
BOSTON, Feb. -(P)-Feather-
weight Champion Willie ,Pep of
Hartford, Conn., scored a knock
down with each hand while out
pointing aggressive Roy Andrews
of Lowell, in their 10-round non-
utle boxing bout tonight before
a 7,259 crowd at the Boston Gar
den. ,
Tho stylish Hartford veteran,
who coasted during most of the
second half of the battling, first
dropped Andrews for a nine-count
with a straight left to the face
early in the second session.
And just as that round closed,
Pep followed two lefts and a right
with a bone-crushing right upper
cut that made Andrews topple
over backwards.
Cardinals Host
Hbpster Five
Sacred Heart Academy's Car
dinals, leading the Marion-Polk
league race with three wins and
one loss, play host tonight to the
Independence Hopsters. The tilt
is set for the St. Joseph's floor at
8 o'clock. A 7 o'clock prelim will
feature the schools' JV clubs.
Starting lineup for the Cards
will be Rich Staudinger and Clark
Ecker at forwards, Jim Colleran
at center, and Jerry Weger and
Terry Cooney in the guard spots.
Sacred Heart earlier topped In
dependence, 45-34.
(University Bowl)
292, Curtis 303, Lewis 310, Roadermcl
405. CURLY S DAIRY (3) Owens 391,
Rath 462, Vibbert 294, Frank 364. White
305, Jones 314. Ray 272. Pearson 224,
TOP HAT (1) Welch 297, Delaney 204.
Cheney 398. Smith 415. Gould 415.
WESTERN PAPER 3) Purvis 382.
Fleck 471, Seamster 320, Cogswell 345.
Anderson 357. BROWN'S JEWELERS
(0) Furrer 334. Haugen 331. Relnkt 328.
Smith 330, Lemon 406.
STOP-LITE (1) Locken 393. Marks
401. McWain 390. Fredrickson 404.
(2) Angov 412, Kufner 413. Hopfinger
303. Settlemler 345, Michaud 392.
MAYFLOWER MILK (3) Settlemler
1349, Scharff 420. Craven 441. Plauti
mi, u, acnani xu. uniuun statu-
MAN (0) Talmage 370. Green 425.
Cordier 384. Whit 354. Bower 347.
High individual game: Lil Owens 179.
High individual series: Etta Fleck 471
High team game: Mayflower Milk 807
High team series: Mayflower Milk
(University Bowl)
Riordan 469. Merritt 499. Holt 504.
Keckter 470. Hyatt 483. BROWN'S
JEWELERS t0 Parker 334. E. Haugen
423. Nystrom 362, H. Haugen 480, V.
Haugen 461.
MONTGOMERY WARD (1) Fleet 437.
Scheff 437. Causey 504. Cline 463. Mor
(2) Basinger 482, Randall 511. Hemann
387. Fish 432. dishing. 463.
STATE c 14th 13) Laiky 422. Cros
sler 520, Cox 389, H. Meyers 415. Hern
trier 393. Primbs 473, Bones 917, Klein
ke 434. Hauaer 452.
450. Keen 399, Burton 497. Wilkens
403. Pool 478. TEAMSTER'S UNION
(1) Graham 438. R. Theis 436, B. Theis
484 Pohl 510. God kin 458.
High individual gam: George Cau
sey 325.
High individual series: Crossler 320.
High team game: Teamsters 8S4.
High team series: South Salem Phar
macy 2404.
'Staf Captures SBaS
10 The Statesman, Salem, Oreaon, Tuesday, February 7, 1950
Senators Buy
.Another step in the building
of the 1950 Salem Senator club
was made Monday when Busi
ness Manager George Emigh
announced purchase of Bob
Haddock, 24-year-old hard
hitting third-baseman from the
Pittsburgh club of the Far West
Haddock, a hight-handed hit
ter, swatted .281 for the Pitts
last season and had a snappy
104 runs batted In. He rapped
31 doubles, four, triples and 11
Ronzani Gets
Packer Berth
GREEN BAY, Wis., Feb. 6-0P)-
The first new coach in 31 years
signed a three-year contract to
day with the Green Bay Packers.
He's Gene (Tuffy) Ronzani,
one-time Marquette university
and Chicago Bears backfield star,
who replaces Earl L. (Curly)
Lambeau, the only coach the
Packers' ever had until his resig
nation six days ago to become
vice-president and head coach of
the Chicago Cardinals.
Ronzani has been quarterback
coach of the Bears for three years
and in the Bears' ' organization
since 1933, when he was graduat
ed as a nine letterman from Mar
quette. His only previous head
coaching experience was with
Bears' farm teams at Newark, N.
J- and Akron, O.
Xff Cascade Here. Bargain Xp
Complete Sample Line Of
Rubber Book, Pacs, Robbers, Etc.,
All Going Ai VhoIesale Prices
Reg. 12.95 Converse
Hip Boots
It's the biggest boot value wo'voover hadl
Just imagine ... (T f3 OC
Converse Boots at this 4 WC73
low price
I for 25c
Flight Pants
Real leather, sheep sldn tj I JQP
lined. Cost to Unci W3
Sam ... $42. To You T U
9 P.M.
Strikes Out
Heart Attack Fatal
Fletcher, Yank
Figure, Dies
Fletcher, 65, third base coach of
the New York Yankees during the
Babe Ruth-Lou Gehrig era, fell
dead on the street here tonight.
Doctors at Emergency hospital
said he suffered a heart attack.
Fletcher broke into major league
ball in 1908 and played shortstop
under the late John McGraw be
for the Giants and 10 as a coach
fore becoming a Yankee coach. He
retired in 1945.
Fletcher participated in 14
world series four as a shortstop
for the Yankees. In 1927, he join
ed the Yankee coaching staff un
der the leadership of the late
Miller Huggins. He was regarded
as one of the sharpest wits ever to
enter a coaching box.
Reg. 3.25 Converse
Siorm lubbers
Not Just rubbers, but CONVERSE HEAVY
DUTY rubbers . . .and T ffl OQ
at what a low price. ZD 1 1 Oo7
Only : - fii r
Eisenhower style of heavy
doty whipcord. It's just an
other sample of the- terrific
bargains at Cascade Mere.
Every home should have one ;. . . 32 gaL
heavily galvanised (HZLCl
with tight fitting P BCCnroV
rl'AVrilll m 71 mi
2 r tjja
Cougars' Loop
Lead Jumped
Webfoots Blow Early
Margin ; 2nd Tonight
PULLMAN, Wash., Feb. 8 -(jp)-The
Washington State Cougars
rallied for seven points In the last
two minutes of a basketball game
tonight to nip the Oregon Ducks
52 to 51.
The teams play again tomorrow
Coach John Warren's Ducks held
W L, Pet. W L. Prt.
Wash. It. 7 I .IMiOrctoa S T .340
Washnrtn 4 .S00 Idaho t JSS
Ore StaU S 4 .SM
Monday resulta: At Waihlnrtam State
5Z. Orern St. Tonight's games: Or
eon at Washlnrton Stata.
a comfortable margin over the
Cougars until the final minutes of
the game. They were ahead 51 to
45 with IVi minutes to go. Then
the Washington Staters let loose
with a furious barrage of shots.
They tried 'em all short shots
and fielders from way out, push
shots, hooks, lay-ins and they
eouldn't miss.
When they had racked up the
final score of 52 to 51, one minute
of the game remained.
The first half of the game was
comparatively slow, with the-
WSC men sinking only four Held
goals. The halftime whistle saw
Oregon leading 26 to 17.
The two teams matched baskets
for a while after the start of the
second half, but then Jack Friel's
Cougars, paced by Ed Gayda, got
hot. They whittled the lead to 38
to 32 after 8Vi minutes.
The referees called 41 fouls to
night 22 on WSC, 10 on Oregon.
Forward Ed Gayda potted 18 to.
lead all scorers. He made aU his
counters aunng uic xuuu
Mel Krause, Oregon guard, notch
ed 14 to lead the Ducks,
oreson Ol Wasbtartou
Total. 18 IS 19 51 g
Halftimo score: Wash. State n, vrs-
rVSh,Ws Z-W.rber7
vSisA ipsrx.nw3;
ler. Krause J. .
Wo bought out an mnr
Sampl lino oi Convors q
rubber wear at a ! ridlcu-
lously low price . . . and
we're passing 1h savings JJ
on to you. D
It's a terrific bargain for
you ... so don't hesitate
a moment! Broken sdzots
but a good selection. So,
hurry and got yours arlyl
Lucky Tiger
Lg. Sise OQ- )
Reg. 50c asOC J
. f Ti Tr i n
Vranizn 11 J"" l i
Keller S J S.SSSKJfo 0 1 0
Lavey!g 0 0 1 0i5chmlck.g 8 1 8,1
O O 1 w
garbage Cans
ll h 10
9 P. M.