The Statesman, Salem. Oregon. Monday, Tmbmarf 8. 195011 Use Classified Ads! To To SeU To Rent To Trade Buy State Hospital in Colorado Conducts Classes in Charm PUEBLO Colo, (INS)-Women patients at the Colorado State hospital at Pueblo like the classes in self-improvement and charm which the Morgan ti School of Modeling conducts at the institu tion. The mental outlook of the wo men patients taking the courses has improved so much that night classes now have been added. Among the patients -benefitting from the original course, started several njonthikago by Ceasere Morganti of Deliver, were two who have been able to return home from the state mental hospital. The first course was given to nine women. Five of the original patients became so interested they now are conducting' the classes five nights a week among other patients. Attendants report that the: gen eral interest in self-improvement is stimulating troubled minds that have not been reached by other means. , In the classes, which are. free, patients are shown how to walk and sit and attain correct postures. They also are given hand exercis es, exercises for finger . faults, routines" for grace, and relaxing exercises . j The patients also learn about conversation, hair dress, color charts, types of clothes and other matters of personal appearance and charm. . SEX CUMES INCREASE I PITTSBURGH HPF Sex cases are on the increase in the Steel City. Warden Charles D. Dye of the Allegheny county jail, reports that one out of 10 persons lodged in the Jail during 1949 was charg ed with a morals offense! He says 1,139 persons were charged with f r sex crimes in 1948 with the num ' ber rising to 1,283 last year. - KOTICTE Or INTENTION TO IM PROVE WILLOW STREET FROM HIGH STREET TO THE EASTERLY TERMINUS Or WILLOW STREET. NOTICE HEREBY 13 CIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares its pur- rose and Intention to- Improve Willow trtet from the east line of High Street to point which la the easterly terminus Of Willow Street, in the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adja cent property, by bringing; said por tion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete , curbs,' and paving said portion of said street wit. 2'i Inch aaphaltic con crete pavement 24 feet' in ' width in accordance with tyis plans' and speci fications therefor which, were adopted br the Common Council January S3. 1954 which are 'now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council , hereby declares . its purpose and ln ., tention to make the above described Improvement by and through the Street Improvement department. Written remonstrance against the above proposed improvement may be tiled with the city recorder at any time within ten days after the final publication of thts notice by the owa- ers of the property affected.' By Order of the Common Council January S3, l5ft. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder. Date of first publication bereof Is January 28. 150 ' Date of final publication hereof Is . February 1. 1950. J-2-2-J0-31-r-l-l- NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE TWENTY-SECOND STREET FROM LEE STREET TO SHXLTON STREET NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of -the City of fealem. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and Intention to improve Twenty-second Street front the south line of Lee Street to the south line or Shelton Street. In the City of Sa lem. Marion County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley " intersection the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 2'i Inch asphaltic concrete pavement 24 feet In width in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council January 23. 1959 which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are mad a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above de scribed improvement by and through the street improvement department. Written remonstrance against the above proposed improvement nay be filed with the city recorder' at any time within ten days after the final publication of thia notice by the own ers of the property affected. By Order of the Common Council January 23. 1950. ' i ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof la January 29, 1930 Fate of ftnal publication bereof Is rbruarv 7. 1950. J-2S-29-J0-J1-F-1-2- J"4sJ Te Statesman "' i C3asxtne4 Afortttag Classified Ads j Call 2-2441 1 Per Dai AS Threw Insertions see Une4$ 7 lnwrtUBs. per , .,; Tsu One taenia per , ffff (OnUide s4 Salesn. . . . sell ttae) :- , M ,'" ; f f) Minim tw lines.. ceonl S words te line. ;, j - Readers ta dry briefs -fine te Toe deadline tot classtfled and reads advertising hf $$ bjsw daily. CSaly a srgsucy "lost" ads wlil bo accepted after that The Statesman resales tho right to reject questlonabl . advertising It further reserves, tho right to place SO advertising under lbs) proper classification. " The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibUlty for errors which may appear tn advertisements pvjb Utbed to Ita columns and to esses where this paper Is at taoit wul reprint that part of an adverttse ment to which the typographical nlstake evura, '. j , A "Blind" Ad an ad eon taming a , Statesman, bos number tor an address is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not as liberty to divulge Infor mation ae to the M entity of aa ad- "Blind- adL . NOTICE OF BEARING UPON OR GANIZATION or pRorosED NORTH MARION SOIL CONSER VATION DISTRICT. EMBRACING LAND LYING IN MARION COUN TY, OREGON. WHEREAS, on the 1 0th day of No vember. 1949. there was duly filed in the office of the State Soil Conserva tion Committee at Corvallis. Oregon, a petition signed by 91 landowners, pursuant to the provisions of the Soil Conservation Districts Law Chapter S Title 109 O.CLJt. requesting the estab lishment of the North Marion Soil Conservation District, and WHEREAS, the lands described by said petition, and any other lands which will be considered for inclusion in the said district are located in Mar lon County and described substan tially as follows: "All land in Marion County lying North of the Township line be tween T6S and T7S with the ex ception of the area already includ ed within the boundary of the Silver Creek Soil Conservation District" NOW. THEREFORE, notice Is here by given that a public hearing will be' held pursuant to the said petition, on the question of the desirability and necessity, in the Interest of the gen eral welfare, of the creation of such district: on the question of the ap propriate boundaries to be assigned to such district: upon the propriety of the petition, and of all other pro ceedings taken under the said Act: and upon all questions relevant to such inquiries. The said public bear ing will be held by the State Soli Conservation Committee on Thursday, the 9th day of February, , 1950. be ginning at J -00 o'clock, pjn, in the City Hall at St Paul. Oregon, in the County of Marion, and beginning at 8:00 o clock .m in the High School In Gervais, Oregon, in the County of Marlon. ; Every person, firm, corporation, state, county, or municipal agency holding title to more than ten acres of land lying within the limits of the above-described territory, and all oth er Interested parties are Invited to attend and will be given,, opportunity to be heard at the time and place hereinbefore specified. STATE SOIL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE OF OREGON By Howard E. Cushman (Executive Secretary) J-U-T- Dated; 9th day at January, 1150, at Corvallis, Oregon. - 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice Ainsworth Lodge No. 201. & A.M. Special Tues Feh. 7. If. M. dM .39 p.m. Kingwood Lodge No. 204. A. F & A. M. Special commun ication. E. A. degree. Moor aay reo. s. t 30 p.n Salem Lodge No. 4. At & AM. Wed. Feb. 8. MM. degree. VJ pju. 312 Lost and Found LOST: $29 biB between State St. mkt Ac Kennedys Cleaners between 1 St 130 pjn. Sat Much needed. Call S9988. LOST: Light tan male Cocker from 13. If. Lancaster Dr. Fn 2827L Re- ward. LOST: 1st Natl money bag containing SS by Statesman carrier boy Friday m east part of town. Please phone 14963. . - LOST: . Female Collie, about 1 yr old. Name-Candy. Ph. 20S7S. Reward. 316 Personal WIDOW, SI, would like to meet a gentleman. 53. that has a good home. " Write Statesman Box 511. LOOKS as though you'd lost 25 lbs been dieting? Jane. "Nope m new spencer, pn. 3-sutz. IF Lonely, write Ruth L. Wade. Bos 007. Vancouver, wn, an old reliable Club. ' , . i STANLEY Home Products, ph. 1-9307. MADAM GRAY. Fortune teller Palm and pscychle readings Madam solves your problems, advice ITS S. CoraX Ph. 292S3. Hrs. s-m. to 19 pjn. 400 Apricnltare 402 UrestocF WANTED Orphan Lambs, ph. 1-2179. WANT fresh or Springer cows, cows giving 3 gal or more, all types beef cattle.' Buy enttre herd. Tom Webb. Rt I. Turner. Ph929. -' BULL Service any place. Ph. 42949. BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Ed wards. Rt. S. Box 83BE. Ph S-1144. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C. McCandllsh. 1127 S. 23th. Ph. 1-8147. Wanted: An types livestock. Ph. 4-2817. LICENSED Livestock buyer,. H. E. Snetben. UN Lancaster dr. ph. 2-1343. 404 Ponltry and Rabbtls FRY Rabbits. SI. Ph. 21964. Ruge. FEB 9-10. 1000 Hamp. cockerels special price. Cehring Hatchery, Silverton. Business ADDING MACHINES Ail makes wsed machines, sold, tent- ed, repawned. 3-6773. ' 450 Court. Phono APPLIANCE SERTrCB Bendix, Kelvinator and Hotpoint Sales and Service. Ralph Johnson Ap pllance. 353 Center St. Phone 1-3139. YEATER Appliance CoTlM No. Ufai Ph. 3-431 L " - - AijrOMOBILB REPAIR . ' Complete Chevrolet service, Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 819 N. ComX Cr-MKNT CONTRACTOR " DrIVewAYs, ' silwaLKA t&Vti' DATIONS. anything concreteTPh 34850 CHIMNEY SWEEP Chimney" sweep. Northneas. Ph. 1-4450 LKCTKICAL CONTRACTING VINCJTS Electrle for eiectiical wir ing, contracting -repairing. 1ST aV-Lib-ertv Phnne 1239 F URNIT URS REFINI9 itlNd SPECIALISTS at 1ALISTS at refiniahlng modern intlque firm. Lee Bros. Ph. 1-7001. at a Hit ALT H Armor ays. Harley PughTPh. 1-8767. HKAT1NO Judson'a. 279 N. Coml; Ph. S-aTUT HOUSKPLAN8 DRAWtNQ house plans. Ph. S-962i" HOUSKMQLU PRODUCTS J R. Watkins Co. ocoducts. It It Cen ter SL. Salem Ph. S-6J99. Free ' del INSULATION WKATHER8TRIPPINO rUTURE iNSULAtlNO Co 1-0055 INSURANCE Joe W. Hutchison, fire. auto. liabU ity. Ph. 23829 . LAUNDRIES Deluxe Serve-Self Laundry. 345 Jef - rerson st. pn. J-H5Z. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENING Guaranteed Mrvloa. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W Scott 147 So ComT. 81 Liu h tix n nxTt'Rks Salem s. exclusive UghUng store, SM M Hlrh Senator Hotel Bids 1-9412 MATTRESSES faattresaea. Capital Bed Co. Ph. S-sOflS. MUSIC LKSBONS Spanish and Hawaiian guitar, man- dolm hn1o. etc. 1333 Court Ph. S-7569. NURSERIES lnrtsraoina Ss rtealrning . A. Doer- Ber s Sons. 159 No. Lansnstsr. Pn. 9-1 3zX oil ciacuLATOR srncn Call Cv Younger " Ph. 3-S07T PLUMBING 8UPPLTSS Capuai Bar gain IH Canter ST 400 Agricaltnrc 404 Poultry and Rabbits Custom Brooding We win brood your poults. New build ing not water heat. We can handle 000. Four mites south of Stafford on Mountain Road. Ruas ez Bculah Frarer. Rt. L Box 465. West Ltnn. Ore NEW Hampshire and Parmenter chicks available every Tuesday Fox's Hatchev 3S3f State St. Ph. S4969 . WINGS Rabbitry needs rabbits, 3dftS State, ph. 2-1489. 408 Pets MOORE'S Tropical Fish. 27 varieties. white -Micro worms, equipment. Rt. 5. Box 483. 2 mi from Lancaster Dr on Macleay Rd. Ph. 2-7321. DOBERMAN -Pinacher puppy is look- ing for a food home. Ph 2-62S4. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce) EASTERN ALFALFA HAT. Ph. 31438. 450 Merchandise 452 Wanted Machinery, Tools 1 MAN Chain saw. Ph. 35337. 455 Household Goods For Sole COMPLETE Household goods ' Includ ing walnut D. R. set. Hotpoint range. Ac rrigidaire refrig. U40 S. 15th. NEARLY New Kenmore washer. UIO Reedy Dr. Ph. 4-2482. GOOD Used wood circulator 3510 Car- den Rd. 45S Wanted, HousehoIT W. . PAYNTER. Ph. 2-5944. WANTED: 2 matching rugs 9x12 or 10x15 also 19 yds or more stair car- pet. Box 510 co The statesman. GLEN WOODRY. Ph. 35110. YOU Owe it to yourseU to get my bid on your furniture, appliances, etc before selling, ph. 3-855 Trader Louie. 3055 Portland Rd. USED FURN. immediate appraisal, highest prices. Valley Furniture. 285 N. Commercial Ph. 27472. 458 Building Material Special Shipment Dry kilm 1x9" E. flooring;, or roof and aidewau sheathing. Cheaper - th ship-lap. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front St Court Sts. Salem Building Something? & In. Insulation board $IJ4 sheet. V, In. sheet rock 44c, $12 sheet. Fiber glass insulation 0c per ft. Pour Type insulation $1.00 per bag. Grade A one panel doors 97.54. i in. plywood S24S sheet. All thicknesses plywood cheap. Flush slab doors $9.50. Waterproof wallboard Hie. 500 ft. rolls building- paper $2 JO. Overhead garage door hardware $18.80. C G. LONG. Ph. S-582L one mile north ofKeizer. - BOWSER BROS. Your power tool rent ' al heaquarters. 1410 S. 12th St. Ph. S-394S. y' 4S0 Musical Instruments 120 BASS Piano Ph. 3-4641. accordion flM.DO. 463 For Bent Manendi ansous V DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blan keU furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-9062 GOOD USED Piano. K. L. Stiff. 470 For Sale. Miscellansous USED Sewing machines priced to suit your budget. Reconditioned Ac guar anteed. Ralph Johnson Appliances, Ph. 33139. , 4 PC Heavy wool imported lady's suit. 40-42. FTi. J4857, 1 EACH. Like new latest model - Air way Sanl tiler. Filter Queen. Com pact Electrohix. vacuum cleaners with all attachments. SeU ft of new cost. 1966 Broadway. . . WESTINGHOUSE Elec Roaster. Used very little. Ex. cond. $20. Ph. 3-1563. FULL Line of restaurant equipment for sale. Ph. 42622. 16x32 TENT and poles. $50. Ph. 42622. USED Electric - refrigerators S49J4 and up. -Yester Appliance Co, 373 Chemeketa St. - Phillips Bros. FerUHxers, well rotted or fresh, any kind, by yard or sack. Flagstone tor all rock work, cedar fence posts and tele and elect poles, aay length, shingles, yew kOsM lumber. Ph. 1-1458. Rt S. Box Ml. Sslem. NEW HOME sewing machines. Port ablea. desk types, complete line ser vice any make machine. Ralph John- snet Appnsnces. BEAT YOUR HOME electrically with wesnngnouso or wesix autotnaue elect rte beaters. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa OIL Circulators at greatly reduced prices Yeater Appliance Co. 373 Chemeketa St. . PLUMBING GENERAL repair and pumps. De- eatur 8c Maerr 970 S. ComT. Ph. 3-6221 Judson s. 379 No. Com'L Ph. 3-41417 Repairs. MM Skewis. Phone 3-4600 " Contract, repair. Glenn Moody. 2-4426. PRUNING and spraying. Phillip Beilke. Ph. 1-1208! PUMPS - Stettler Supply Co. Phone 2-6038. SAND AND GRAVEL VALLlNG SAND and GRAVEL CO. , Crushed rock. For roads and drive way. Cement Ready-mix concrete. Garden sand. 'Bulldozing drainage A ditching. i yd. shovel and drag ura. Phone 3-9241 . SAWS Salem Saw Wks. 1293 N. 8th. 3-7603. SEWER SERVICR One man electric sewer cleaning serv ice. Bin Skewis. Phone 3-4600. ' Etoctrio"feolo-Rooter exclusive pat ent raser sharp cutting blades. Cleans sewers, drains, septic tanks. Ph. 3-5327. SEPTIC TANKS K. F. HameL Sep tie tanks and lines cleaned, guaranteed work. 1143 8th SL. Salem. Ph. 1-7404. Mike's SepUe Service, Tanks cleaned. Rota Rooter Servioe en Sewers. 1079 Eton St, W. Saiem. Ph. 3-9469. S-5327. VACUUM Pumping. No mileage charge. Call us collect. Todds Septic Tank Service, 550 Larsen St Ph 1-0734 - ttlH MACHINES COMPLETE Repair Service. All Uakes- rree estimate - work Guaranteed. . Ralph Johnson Appliances, ph. 3-3139 All makes repaired, tree est Singer a n. co. lap w. comT pn. s-aaix. 8I6N8 A SHOW CARDS R L Eifstrom Co.340 Court 1-2491 BfKAXUOU and pruning. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7900" TOOLS Howser Brae. Your power tool rental neadcraartera. ltie 12ia st Ph. 33646 VENETIAN BLINDS ELMER, The Blind Man. Ph. 3-78 WATCH REPAIRING Claude Mix. 148 N. ComT. Ph. 1-4030. WKATHERSTRIPPINO" ' FREE estimates. T Pullman. 3-6963, WELL DRILLINO SNEED Ac son 2505 Brooks St ph, S-68n9 ft. J. WEST. 4240 Sunnyview. Ph. TfftX Well DrUUna Dontestie. tm ration. Industrial H. A. ftohlnssa, SU4 M. rrent Directory 450 Merchandise 470 For SaW Miscellaneous ALL Sewing machines. Service, sales, rentals. 1939 N. 18th. Ph. 1-7671. DON'T BE a rug drudge. Shampoo your rugs' at home at one-half the cost. Rent a Clark Rug Shampoo machine at Howser Bros. 1410 S. 12th. Ph. S-364S. .- . ATMORAYS Hartey Pugh Ph 1-9767. tSED Electric ranges S19 9S and up. V eater AnoUance Co.. 7S Chemeketa St. USED Electric washers S19.U and up. Yeater Appliance Co 175 Chemeketa St. NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS-TI-KOTE. the cellophane-iike finish for floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St. THE ORGANO converts your piano Into a standard 60-note organ. Play organ organ and piano or piano alone. 10-sninute in stallation. STONE PIANO CO. The Valley's Finest Piano Store" 1540 Fairgrounds Road Salem Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crashed Rock For roads St driveway. Cement Ready- mix, concrete Garden Sana. Bull dozing, drainage and ditching. yd. shovel St drag line. Phone 3-9249 I'SEO Radios and records players .ss and up Yeater Appliance Co 373 Chemeketa St' 472 Wanted. MlscIlano)ous SewINO Machines, any cond. Pr. 37671 jW ANTED BARKIE DOUGLAS FIR POLES OR STUHPAGE, PHONE 1287 ALBANY OR WRITE STAND ARD POLE Ac PILING CO. INC. 474 Miscellaneous SEWING Machine repairs guaranteed. Keas. Also used-. Ph. 27380. Music Lessons Piano A violin lessons, state accred ited studio. Phone 2-6013. Dental Plate Repair. TWO-HOUR SERVICE D4 MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg SUto at Com Ph 3-3311 hOWSEK BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters. 1410 S 12th St Ph 33640 WANT TQ Buy used cameras Sc lenses'. McEwan Photo Shop. 433 suit. 476 Fuel DRY Trash burner 8s cook stove wood. Clean, no bark. R. H. Alien 1260 Cartdlewood Dr. Ph. 22382. West Salem Fnel Co. 18-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER CNDS Old growth block wood . IS In. dee SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 1-4031 Also pick np wood at 1523 Edgewater St w. salens. Highway Fuel Co. STOVE St DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB PH- 3-4444 Phillips Bros. Old fir. ash. maple, oak 4 nr. IF lab and edclnes Ph. 3-1458 DRY Wood if' plywood cores, de- uvery ny tne com. fn. uzsa. torn merclal Lumber Co. 3165 S. Com'l. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-6024 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE St HEATER Tri City Fuel PHONE 1-7443 lS-tn.'slab wood and edging .Fresh: cut screened sawdust U-in. inside mill wood ASK FOR IPd GREEN STAMPS iMMEDLATE delivery on IF5 2nd growur nr. sio per cora. oa sio 919 per cord. Phone 2-0177 or 4-2839. Oreson Fuel Co. Dry slab or dry edging fresh clean sswausx, green raxing to. uoi. S10. Also U" green slab or 4" Phone 1-5533. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 1-7721 or 3-6024 mmrmm -resh sawtjost DRY WOOD, most kind. Phone 2-4276. 500 Business & Finance 102 Business Oppoituulflss BUSINESS LOT $2000 50 ft frontage on Edgewater near KOCO. A good Investment buy. Walter Musgrave Realtors Phone 1-5109 1211 Edgewater BEAUTY Salon doing excel, business. Mod equipment, furn apt everything foes. 95000. Lent lease. Write Frances Ann Nelson, Box 2774. Juneau. Alaska SIO Money To Loan" CASH -NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-own ed loan company oilers money ween rou need it! - You can pay anytime to reduce net cost I No endorsers, or help from friends ! On cars, trucks, trailer homes to 8500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment. salary or other personal property up to 8300.001 - Phone or visit our office today! Bear "Top Trades' 12:05 daily KSLM, 1390 KCstl General Finance Corp. Lie. No. 813S and M33S PHONE 3-9161 130 S. COMT. ST. BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill ConsolidaUon" loan may make you "Thrifty in 50." Pay off your bula. Lower your month Af payments. $50 to $1500 Call or phone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans 11 S Liberty Phone 4-2203 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1999 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. Free parking. Ph. 2-7033 Lie. No. M369-S29L Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. AUTO LOANS ' WTLLAMZTTB C'BI.IUT CO. 183 B. Church St F1k7s-2437 Parking Aplenty Lie M M159-8154 Private Money On Cars. Trucks it Trailer Borneo Long or Short Tenna Payments Jtoy H. Simmons 138 S. Commercial St Phone 1-9161 " FARM and CITY LOANS and Vb Tour own terms of repayment wtthta . season. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortnese. CAPITOL sxcuRrrus CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Blag. Ph. 4-2283 600 Employment S04 Help Wanted. Male WANTED: Working partner In going concern. Must nave selling ability and be handy with tools. Car and small investment necessary. Ph. 3-7680 for appointment. PART TIME 15.00 weekly salary plus auto expenses for 10 hours work contacting ambitious students for more education. Write American Technical Society. TP. 850 E. SOth SL. Chicago 37. 608 Help Warned, Female WOMAN to live In my house as com panion. May be employed. Phone after 8. 3-439. 610 Sale Persons Wanted SALESMAN for Salem and vicinity carry full line exclusive calendars and adv. specialties for manufac turer jobber est 1927. Write P. J. Cesaxi 1691 Turk St San Francisco 13. Calif. 615 Situations Wanted HOUR Work wanted by capable girl. Ph. 26849. ' NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL 8 DAYS AGES 2 TO 5 (7 JO TO 6) Phf. 24940. PLUMBING - Freeze damage repair. ph. 2-9358. ' CEMENT work. AM kinds. Ph. 1-450 Carpenter work, new, repair Ph 22093 CURTAINS WASHED, stretched 1-3448 CHILD care. 183 S. 18th Ph. 1-6876 CARPENTER Work Any kind Rea sonable 1161 union pn z-is7 CHILDREN cared for Mon. through Sat Reas. 968 Saginaw. Ph. 2-9928. 618 Education GIRLS-WOMEN Want To Be A Practical NurseT BIG DEMAND HIGH WAGES Instruction. High school not necessary. Easy to learn at home in spare time. Prepare now for this Inter esting, profitable work. Write for . FREE information. Wayne School of Practical Nursing, SOS co Statesman. 620 Day and Contract RELIABLE Lady wants housework by day or half-day. Ph. 35128, between 9-11 or 6-8 p.m. AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101. REPAIRING, remodeling, roofing Ph 3-1339 or 1-0211 WATER WELL drilling. Domestle or trriraUon Driffield Bros Rt 9. box 98. Phone 1-1313 or S-27SS. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work . Roads Clearing . Ditching Sewer At Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-ty yds 10 B-4 yds D-7 Cat A- Dozer -D-8 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat at Dozer See us about ditching by the foot. Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8248 or 1-4400 Sdtlt?Tsg 43T?sTOtl Mimeographing & Typing POFS..06S N. 16th St Ph. 3-3643. 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Booms. Board ATTRACTIVE Well furn very close in rm in priv home. Ph. 24817 for de tails. MOD, Warm rm, gins only. 1577 Court - Ph. 34857. WELL Furn sip rm, close in. H Sc C water, men only. 737 Center. CLOSE In, clean warm room, double pea. 703 aunon. rn. imm. ROOM for working girL 685 cnurcn rn. nmio.- BUSINESS Dist. warm and nice sip. rm. with h and c water. 235 Center. SLPG. RMS.. 795 N. Winter. Ph. 35539. NICELY Furn. heated rooms, employ ed ladies prcf. 339 N. Winter Close to bus dist. NICE ROOM in mod home. Ph. 37558. LARGE Sleeping room for couple or employed lady. 949 n. winter, rn. 38459 SLP. RMS. with kit privileges, day, wk or mo. Clone In. Ph 3-6317. ' NR. SHOP ctr, gent 3-5323 eves. 70S Apartments for Bent RAISE Your own T Bone. rm sub urban apt or consider renting en tire house, acreage priv. Reasonable. Rt. S Box 17 off Kingwood Dr. West Salem. Ph. Rep 26687 or 81F12. 3 ROOM Partly furn apt Elect water. fuel. 923. 457 S. Com! St Pn. 23429. CLEAN, Warm. 1 rm. furn apt Emp lady. 669 S. Summer. 3 RM Furn with priv bath ac ent In chiding garage. 945. 197 W. Miller. PRIV Bath, air conditioned, close to Capital Shopping Center. Everything furnished. 1369 Center. SM. Furn cottage, prt bath, close In. Reas. emp lady. Ph. 35211. FURNISHED Apt Main floor, Refrig and washer. PrL bath, prt ent Call 522 N. Church. LARGE 3 rm furn apt 4 blks to P.O. Adults, sw ra n. t-ortage. 3 RM Furn apt. 959 S. 12th St. LOVELY 3 rm. apt In modern court. 1st floor. Refrig. range and auto laundry furn. Walking dist to State Bldgs and Univ. city ous at corner. 907 S. 13th after 10 a m. . HSKP. Rm. for gentleman, warm and nice. 2 burner elec. plate, zaa center. CLOSE In apt Lady or a couple. Plenty of h wtr & auto neat, cau 870 n. cnurcn, LADY to share furn 2 bedrra apt. Close in. Ph. 34815. ROOM Furnished apt $65. 1133 Cbe- FURN Clean warm 3 rm. apt S40 353 s. ntn. fn. z-1 io EXCLUSIVE New court apt Ranee. remg, launary. seo. Aouits. m. , zivii. 1 RM Furn apt upstairs. $30. 945 S. 12th UNFURN 3 nns St bath. Stove, re trig Sc utilities furn. Completely redec. Near Univ S55. 430 a. capitot LIVE better at the Ambassador. $50 to $75. 550 N Summer. Phone 3-6808. 3 RM. Apt Private bath, stove St di nette set turn. 3Z portianq tw. 3 APTS. ph 3-5838. NEW 1 LARGE nns St private bath. nartlv turn. Economical at comion- able. Ph. 1-8067. or 1-9782 after 530, FURN APT. for rent 1413 N. 4th SL Ph. 3-6840 3 RM. APT. priv bath, newly decorat ed. Ph. 3-5323. 707 Houses for Kssnl ATTRACTIVE 3 room house wtth ga rage below, on bus line. Electric heat Unfurnished except for elec tric range. 180 S. 19th. Call Satur- d ay, Sunday or evenings. 3 B. R. House. 3 rm apt. 3 sleeping rooms. Ph. 3659S or aoaer V: A rm nwwt onttaa 1 br. liv rm, kit. utility withiots of buut ins. Electric beat and not water. Shower and built tn laundry trays. . Ideal for elderly couple who'd like a garden. Lancaster at "D. Thomas Rami 4S. Court St FULLY Furn. 3 bed rrtv. house, newly decorated $90 431 Union ph. 3-4538. NEWLY -Dec 4 rms not modern, $30. TS,ni K im Alder to 4120 Gary. 2 B. R. Hse Elee heat range at hot wtr furn. 2240 Maple IN Silverton. cute I B. R. mod hse In, new court tmfurn except tor elee range, washer, H. W. htr. Redec. lust right for cple. $40. 123 C Fiske st rn. STyzi naiera. -FURN Cottages,- util paid. DO. 34117 703 F Tracts For Bent LARGE Farm tor rent on shares, SO A. curt. Stock St equipped. Box 113 ce The Statesman. 700 Rentals 710 Wanted lo Bent. Houses WILLAMETTE Student., wife, baby want 1 or 2 B. R. furn house, very reas. rent. References. Ph. 25033. 3 RM. Furn. court apt or apt for 2 ph. 3-7543. 714 Business Rentals STORE or business location at 107 S. Water St in Silverton. OFFICE Rooms. Ph. 25692. ctUbLNtai! fetOOttV tt L. SUtt 7 800 Real Estate BEST BUYS Choice Income Property Building and equipment in fast grow ing district choice comer lot ten ants doing excellent business, own er will guarantee $300 per mo. In come. A real buy tor $28,000. Some terms. Eves, phones 2-7674 or 3-3558. Highway1 Frontage . 260 ft. frontage on 99E. Close In North, total of 8 acres. Business bldg. with all equipment Owner forced to sen at a greatly reduced price. This would make a choice site for a court, super service - station, super market or what have yokj? Total price $18,500. Eves. ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. $1800 Down 9 yr. old home in good location, hdwd. firs., vest, blinds, garage, paved street, l's blks to bus. total price $7400. Eves ph. 2-7674- or 3-3S5S. ' Honest Value 3 bedrm. home near Pen 4 Comers. Almost new. large garage, workshop, approx. 6 mos. old. Private well, bus front door, paved street, owner leav ing city, will accept trailer house as part payment. Total price only $8750. Owner s equity $2200. Ph. 1-7874 or Your Future Acreage Owner repot ta last year's net income on this 10 acre berry farm to be $1230. Modern 4 rm. home. barn, chicken house, double garage, total pjiceonlr $8500. Eves. ph. 3-4735 or $3500 Special 10 seres. 4 rm. livable house. 11 miles from Salem city center. Willamette aoU. no waste land. Eves. ph. 3-4733 or 3-1558. 1 Acre Modern good home l's miles from Sa lem, family orchard, deep well, lota of flowers, well worth $7900. Eves. : Ph. 3-4745 or 3-3558. 15 Minutes From Downtown 3 acres, very clean modern S rm home, spring water, barn, garage, chicken house. Forty 3 yr. old cherry trees. A good buy for $5500. Good terms Eves Ph. 3-473$ or 3-3558. ... North. Howell V. Very well equipped and Stocked SO acre farm, good buildings. Modem 6 rm. home. 7 cows. deep. wen. See this one for $23,000. Eves Ph. 3-4733 ar 1-3558. 1-V Acres Modem 8 rm. home. Vt basement chicken house, garage, oil heat Wil lamette soil. S miles from Salem. ToUIpric $6500. Eves, Ph. 3-4735 or Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7820. 2-4598 802 Business Property $18,500. APT. HOUSE located S blocks N. of Post Office. Income $300 per month phis living quarters for own er. Large lot Win take In trad up to $10,009. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High Phone 1-4121 Sale or Trade 4 unit apt court in Salem nearly new. Modem, will take modern 2 or 3 bdrm. borne in good location. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 43 S. Cotnl Phone 3-4590 Eve. 2-3088 or 3-9538 804 Suburban in AUMSvrmc A neat new. two bedroom house at less than replacement cost Oil cir culator and elec. water htr., full bath with nice fixtures. AR yours for $4500. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St Phone 37660 Eve. ohones 26605 2-4591 S Acres S. near Liberty. 2 B R. home. some timber $500X0 down $4040 per month. S Acres close in. no bldg. will trade tor small home. $3,900. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Coral St Ph. 3-8389 Eve. 3-9989 808 Houses For Sale $13,750.00 - NEW MODERN 3 Bedrm nome ail on one uoor. uirkwwq Dist. close to schoot Fireplace, auto, oil furnace. Immed. poss. Call Stanley Brown with State'Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High Phone 3-4131 WHY PAY RENT We have 7 homes you can buy. $500 down, balance lute rent. eves, j-sojo and 2-4312.' C. W. Reeve, Realtor BY Owner: 2 B. R. hse. in Manbrln Gardens. 4220 Rowan Ave. ram. Poss. Ph. 2-4)783. NEW 1 BE. home by builders. See st 1010 S. 14th. Can z-tnvi tor app t B. tL, hdwd firs, oil furnace, unfin attic attached garage. $223 dn, $66 $8,150. NEW MODERN 2 Bedrm home M close to scnooi ex ous. xw place. oU furnace, attached garage. Immediate poss. $990X0 down, pay ments $51.17 month. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High phone 3-4121 4 BDRif. it DtN Exceptionally liveable homo In fine condition, liv. rm. with fireplace, lge. din. rm. kitchen St nook. lVt sets plbg., full basmt auto-oil heat, garage. Bush School District $11,500. Let us show you this fine HOME. CaU Peter Oeieer. 1750. S. 22nd STREET I acres with good S bdrm. home. bran, chicken bouse, fruit A real buy at $9,500. CaU Roy Ferris. $2,000 down ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 1 bdrm. home with full basmt house 10 yrs. old. lge. corner lot fenced. Price $8,950. Call Earl West Grahenhorst Bros. Realtors . 134 S. Liberty St Phone 1-2471 Evenings A Sundays call Peter Ceiser 3-9968; Boy Ferris 1-8010; Earl West 2-0608 Make Offer A rood S br home, electrle heat plus oil If wanted. Conveniently arrang ed, nicety located. Asking price $8409. y-HA- terms. Drive by 13C3 Ruge St Call Walt Musgrave. Walter MuaeraYe Realtor 1211 Edgewater Phone $-$109 BOO Real Estate 808 Houses For Sale 20-ACRES Located S miles from Dal las. Has S room home. barn. 5-A. cultivated, balance pasture and tim ber. Price $3130 and will trade for Salem property. Call o. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 133 S. High Phone- 1-4121 Make offer on this neat little two bedroom bouse, two blocks off State street: elee. heat elec water htr HW firs. V. bunds. Insulated about two years old. OR If you need four bedrooms and a good house In a desirable location, with basement oil heat fireplace, double ptmg. huge living room and dining room: corner lot call us. Priced at $144)00. OR A nearly new small house with bal cony bedroom, very nice kitchen and bath at $4250. OR If a large four bedroom old house, nicely. located on a food corner lot Is of interest, we have one at $5500. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St Phone 37880 Eve, phones 24591-26605-20C20 $1000 Down $6309. 2 bdrm. home in Keizer dist Large living rm. hdwd. firs. thruouL Att gar Nearly new. ' acre. C. W. Reeve. Realtor it 3. L ora l Phone 1-4590 Eve. 1-4312 or 3-9536 $500 DOWN $45 per month onibaL $5000 full price - for this $ rm. home tn West. Salem. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 943 S. ComT Phone 3-4590 Eve. 1-4311 or 1-9538 $6850.00 New 3-Bedrm ranch, type home with 1 Ave. Located on Sun nyview Avenue. Hardwood floors, oil floor furnace, attached garage Owners are leaving and must selL CaR Stanley Brown with . State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S High . Phone 3-4121 Englewood A very nice 3 B.R. ' home, fireplace, full basement unfin up. $11,000 Beautiful 4 BJL Cape Cod' home, ex cellent loc . $11,500 - Englewood Exceptionally nice 2 BJL Jiotne, fire place, unfin up. Trade tor larger home CaU Mr. Noonchester , H. E. Corey Real Estate 1365 N. Broadway Phone 2-0552 Eve. 2-0103 or 1-3810 Home near Paulus cannery, lot SOxJSO only $509. down $35JW per month. Total price $3,750. Duplex only 1 blks from' high school. $6,308. Newly decorated. ILOOOjOO own $80.09 per month. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exdusivo Llstlnrs Personal Service 164 S. ComT St Ph. 3-8389 Eve. -3-9989 $8750. COMPLETELY furniabed With best of furniture. S-roont . home in Englewood Dist Garage Lot SOxlSB. Can O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High Phone 3-4121 808 Lots For Sale ZONE 3-5 blks. Can. grounds, 91x148, alley on side. $4000. Walter Socolof sky. Real Estate. Ph. 3-8833. CORNER LOT. 100x50. cor ot Oxlocd and High. Inq 1999 W Nob Hilt eves 810 farms. Acreage Tor Sale" HOP RANCH for sale. CaU 1-1329. c(ttfiOtt HEMBEX OF THE ASSOCIATED FKES9 The Associate Press Is entitled exclusively te the ase fer resWhlkattea ef sll the local news printed In this Dewsnaper. as well ss all Al news dispatches. lCEMBEE PACTTIC COAST OITISION OP BCEEAU OP ADVEKTlSLNa v. . Aatrertlslnff spresUUT--Ward-Gru71th Ce, New Terk. CUeactv Sea Francisce, Detrett, wnmm AUDIT BUBEAO OF C1XCTJLAT10N 8UBSCaUPTION BATES - Dally and Sunday Week-days Only : Sundays Only By carrlsr ta does $ L29 month $ LOO month : J9 week 1 . M month " M month By mail tn Oregon 4.73 six mos. 1.25 six meav ln advance) - 9 JO year 4J0 year By special Sunday Se-vn-day rate (week-day by mau, J9 week . delivery on many motor delivery Sunday) $1159 a year. 430 year . rural routes. (in adv.) (in adv.) By mail tn VSJL 1-29 inonth ' I 1M month 39 month outside Oregon f 1J0 six mos, I M sm mos. 1.75 six mon, (la adr.) I 14.49 year I 1L00 year $-00 year Available In eertala areas. DAILY CROSSVORD ACROSS t. Flesh of swine S. One who uses 9. Scope 10. Desert (Asia) 1L Walk heavily 12. Per. to hours 14. Mulberry 15. Simian 17. Weight (India) 15. Leaves, collectively 21. Music note 22. Ireland 23. Medusa 28. Low island 28. Male de scendant 29. Took notice of 32. Drmkln; cup 33. Farm animal 36. Arrow (L.) ZS. Republic (So. Am.) 4L Medieval . boat 42. King of Baahan (Hb.) 43. Small food-fish 45. Names of persona, - places or thlnrs 4T. Glass of a window 48. Voided ecutbeotl 49. Streetcar (Ensj.) 60. City (Iowa) DOWN 1. Paleness 2. Openings (Anat) 3. Stayed 4. Greek letter 5. Exclama tion of disgust 6. Chimney dirt 7. River (Sp.) 8. Theater district 1L Coffee-shop 13. Past part. of lie 16. Incite , M YL 11 4 w "1 W n 4 pn 44 800 Real Estate 818 Wanted. Real Estate DESIRE to purchase undeveloped acreage (1-20) within 4 miles ot saiem. irexer nmy, wooded land. Spring or running water desired. Contact C. R. SUckhouse, WUiam- tte llnhwnlt. LATE Built 2 bedroom bouse, largo nv. nn- smau lot e to 19 thousand. rreter Englewood Plst Ph. 3-3381 LARGE HOUSE close to either Catht olic churcAY Customer will pay 10 to, 14 thousand far desirable prop erty. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1211 Edgewater Phone 3-5109 850 Automotive 8S2 Used Cars Far Sale 1939 DODGE 4 door sedan, radio, heat er, very good tires. New seat cov ers, new paint Excellent mechanical condition. ,$393. easy terms. McCalls. 4Wk) a? tri 9 hAai uji pure. Lnmi jciub. Every Day. Is Sale Day t UUK4JBEI CAR LOT ALL MAKES ALL MODELS. ALL PRICES We invite your comparison tor price with like make c model anywhere. Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 060- fl. Libertv Ph sSIIS . r We Are in the Market FOR LATE MODEL CARS . ELSNER MOTOR CO. 952 N High ' SaVtw Orernn $50 USED CAR lot Aay car on the lot $50 and your old one. 12th St June tiosi Open evenings until 10 pjn. This Time It's HUDSON I Service SALES - Parts Home of Good Used Cars Shrock Motor Co. Church and ChemekeU Sts. Ph. 3-9101 858 Wanted. Cars Tracks ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY - SELL' - TRADE - 1 LOTS 2325 Falrcroundi Bslt PaVo 2-4M34 $20 Hood St Phone 3.7714 USED CARS. Bu sett. Ron's Motor Co. 240 S. HI 3-4598. f We WiU Boy YOUR LATE MODEL USED CAB MARION MOTORS USED-CAR LOT Marion at Front Sts. Ph. S-304S 8S8 Motorcycles 1948 SERVICYCLE. recent! overhaul , Box 876P. ed. 975. Dean Tot ton. Rt Indian Motorcycles - Scooters - Bicycles CUSHMAN WBTZZER Sped 'teed air cooled engine repair. Shrock Motorcycle Sales 3007 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-1421 880 Auto Miscellaneous GUAR Body Sc paint work at low esti mates. 3690 Cherry: Ave. Open Suss, 862 House Trailers See the new 1950 Kit Hot water heater, 9 ft elee. refrig: shower & toilet. 22" 26 & 28 '4'. Im mediate delivery. Jay hawk Trailer Sales 2640 Portland Rd. 19. Similar 20. Goddess of dawn 24. Wheel shaped 25. Insect 27. Affirmative reply 29. Dried fruits of hop plant i 30. Grant irfim unity to SI. One of the tribes of Israel 33. Pieces of rock 34. Droops in the middle . 37.aty(It.) S9.Kndinost 4(L Forearm' hone 44.ErenInf sun rod CEnpt.) - 48. Mexican rubber tree Z7 28 4r JStatestuaa SHI ma. taw u j KJ 2-4