The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 29, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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    t Tho Statoaanan. Salam,' Oregon,. Sunday. January
,"M " M ; .T r-: : 7 : : e :
29, 1350
Old Fashioned
Dance Slated
For Friday
The roeeeds for the old fash
ioned dance on Friday evening,
February 3 at the Salem armnrv.
snonsored by, the Salem Woman's
club, fa to ument the philan
thropic and education fund of the
club. All interested persons are
Invited to attend.
The Czech Jolly Dancer of
Scio will dance two exhibition
numbers. "The Czech Heel and
Toe Dance"- and "Sekerecka"
(Little Axe) dance. The Salem
Gate Swineers will exhibit "Saint
Bernard Waltz" and the yKohan
isha Dance." All will be attired
In their, brightest costumes.
Art and Metha Gibbs, Portland,
will bring the ONO and the ONT
clubs, which will dance the "Mex
ican Schottische." "Square Tan
go." "Swin Ola and the "Waltz
of the Bella." Arthur E. Gibbs,
dance instructor for the Portland
groups, is a member of the -Dancing
Masters of America, Inc.. a
member of the Dancine Masters
' of California, and associate mem
ber of San Francisco Folk Dane
CarousaL - '
Neil Brown will be master of
ceremonies with Mitchell's orch
estra furnishing the music. Dances
will be called by J. W. "Tex"
Richardson of St Paul, Pat Har
vey of Portland, and Howard Sau
cy of Dundee. After the exhibi
tion dancing those who enjoy old
fashioned dancing may take part
in the square and other dances
called. ., )"..
Thev grand march will com
mence at -6:30 o'clock, the dancing
to fo'low. Secretary of State and
Mrs. Earl T. Newbry will lead-the
march with Judge and Mrs.
George Rossman, Mr. and Mrs.
George Ailing and the exhibition
dancers following.
Tickets for the affair may be
obtained 4 from any committee
member or Mrs. Verne Robb at
: )
Radio Skit Featured
The international relations com
mittee of the Salem Woman's club
Is arranging the weekly program at
the clubhouse on Tuesday at. 2
o'clock. Mrs. P. F. Bouffleur is
chairman. A radio skit directed by
Mrs. Charles A. Ratcliff will fea
ture point four of President Tru
man's program, "Technical As
sistance to Underdeveloped Coun
tries." Participating will be Miss
Mirpah Blair, Mrs. P. L. Calvert,
Hiss Ida Mae Smith, Mrs. Albert
C. Gragg and Mrs. Bouffleur. Any
one interested in hearing this one
, hour program Is invited to attend.
' !:.,. ; ''? .
ri fat. 5-v,-. 7M
tCAflf IMP
Ait and Metha Gibbs. Instructors for Ih. ONO and ONT dandn? dubs, Portland, oiva their dancets sorno lost mln
ute Instructions before. leaving by bus for an exhibition. The dancers will be here Friday night at the Salem Wom
an s club's old fashioned dance at the armory to present a group of dance numbers.
T)oh 't Cook flow . . .
but ... thank goodness for our faculty
for hoping. Every time we see the eaves be
gin to drip, we imagine the cold spell is
over. We understand, by the way, that the
Russian atom bomb supposed to have explo
ded recently, is the cause of the cold wea
ker. Theirs must have been more potent
than ours, which set off no such snowstorms,
v Secret Passion . . . The difference be
tween men and women is that women admit
they like fancy hats. The only time the truth
is revealed by the men is during unusual
weather. The first bit of snow brings out a
gay and often shocking lot of plaid ski caps
with ear muffs, knitted GI caps with bills
turned up, and slightly faded red hunting
hats. No, the men aren't a bit vain.
Night life ... There is one interesting
aspect of the snow which continues, though
the weather is otherwise tiresome. Each
morning we marvel at the number of tracks
registered in the night's fall of snow. As we
go out to bam or chickenhouse in the morn
ing well see half a dozen different tracks of
birds and animals on the clean surface of the
ground. One doesn't realize how many vis
itors come every night Nothing to fear, un
less you'd call the cat tracks those of a Peep
ing Tom. j.j .
Headin' Home . . . For once, the Circuit
Rider seems to be going the right way. He's
heading east again, seeking a warmer cli
mate. Never Know . . . We decided that our
figure could stand a little paring, so went on
a diet The first week we lost Wz pounds,
last time we weighed we had gained those
back and an extra 2 pounds to boot. We
would mind starving to death lots less if we
lost weight doing it.
... Maxine Buren
2 Club Dances
Are Scheduled
Two club dances are on the
agenda for the coming weekend.
Friday night the Trotters club
will hold its monthly dance at
Crystal Gardens with Bill DeSou
za's orchestra engaged to play be
tween 10 and 1 o'clock. The com
mittee in charge includes Mr. and
Mrs. Robley Copley and Mr. and
Mrs. Ewald Franz.
Tillicum club members will have
their February dance on Saturday
night at the Marion hoteL The so
cial hour will be at 8 o'clock with
dinner to be served promptly at 9
o'clock. Wolfer'fl orchestra will
play for dancing. The Valentine
motif will be used in decorating
and the committee includes Dr.
and Mrs. M. E. Gadwa and Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Rich.
Mrs. McKay Out-of-town
Mrs. Douglas McKay will not
hold her weekly at home this
Tuesday as she will be in eastern
Oregon with Goernor McKay,
where he is fulfilling speaking engagements.
Engagement is
Being Told
The announcement of the
gagement of Miss Genevieve Ar
lene Olson, to Clair Priem is be
ing announced today by her par
ents, Mrs. Genevieve Olson and
Oscar M. C. Olson. Both young
people are employed by the Pa
cific Telephone and Telegraph
The wedding date is to be Feb
rurary 11.
liiii.:: 'iiiitiiln I l i I" I A
!U i 12 -lii : PT iqes-ciea Are
Revealing Plans
j For Weddings
Three February brides-elect are
revealing plans for their weddings.
;. Miss Barbara Brundidge,vdaugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Brun
didge, will became the bride of
Keith Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Charles D. Evans, on Saturday,
February 18. The ceremony will
take place at the First Congrega
tional church at 8 o'clock with Dr.
Seth Huntington officiating. A re
ception will follow in the fire
place room.
The bride-elect, who will be
given In marriage by her father,
has asked her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Glessnor Brundidge, tor be her
honor attendant Bridesmaids will
t Mrs Douglas Armstrong and
Miss Arleen Frogley.
Bisbee- Shepherd
The First Presbyterian church
will be the setting for the Febru
ary 12 wedding of Miss Lois Shep
herd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Otis Shepherd, and Donald Bis
bee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll
E. Bisbee of Independence. Dr.
Chester W. Hamblin will nerform
ine 3 o'clock ceremony and a re
ception will be held In the church
Mr. Shepherd will give his
daughter in marriage. Miss Janet
Telfer will be the maid of honor
and Miss Janell Johnson the
bridesmaid. Lawrence Bisbee will
serve as his brother's best man.
At a 4 o clock ceremony on Sat
urday, February 11 MissDbrothy
Ayres, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Ayres of Salem, will be
come the bride of William Freele,
son of Mrs. Nettie Freele of Stay
ton. The Court Street Christian
church will be the setting with the
Rev. W. H. Lyman officiating. Max
Alford will sing and Miss Ruth
Bedford will be the organist
Mr. Ayres will give his daugh
ter in marriage and Mrs. Gordon
Johnson of Portland will be the
bride's only attendant Roland
Darby will serve as best man and
ushers will be Calvin Hughes and
Robert Schachtsick. A reception
wui oe held in the church parlors,
1 "S s .
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For Matron
In compliment to Mrs. Kenneth
G. Manning, who will be leaving
in February for Portland to make
her home, Mrs. Harold Busick and
Mrs. Wheeler R. English will be
hostesses for an informal tea on
Tuesday afternoon at the latter's
Chemeketa street home.
A group of Mrs. Manning's in
timate friends have been bidden to
call between 2 and 4 o'clock. Mrs.
Arthur G. Upston will preside at
the tea urn. The Valentine motif
will be used in the decorations
about the rooms.
Mrs. Merrill Online win enter
tain the Modern Drama class at
her South High street home Tues
day afternoon at a one o'clock lun
cheon. Mrs. C. B. Spencer will re
view the musical, "South America"
with the script and music.
Kenneth Peabody, weaving In
structor at Oregon State college,
will be the guest speaker at the
meeting of the Salem Weavers
Guild Wednesday night at 8
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Wil
liam H. Burghardt, 860 Union
street Co-hostesses will be Mrs.
Walter Kirk. Mrs. Clifford Farm
er, Miss Maxine Buren and Mrs.
Pauline McClure. i
Central WCTU meet in Carrier
noom. rtm Methodist church, 2 p.m
Bush Mother club, 1 p.m. at the
school, speaker.
Saletn Woman's club program, club-
npiuc, i p.m.
Salem Weavers Guild with Mrs. W
K. Burghardt. 860 Union St., S p.m.
Dabblers. 730 with Mrs. T. IL Stook.
is mnfr noma.
Raphaterians with Mrs. Morton
reck. iu court st.. zso pjn.
Tq Tell of uroperi Trip
" Mrs.' Oliver B. Huston will tell
of her trip to Europe at the lunch
eon meeting of Women of Rotary
Monday afternoon at one o'clock at
the Golden .Pheasant The title of
her tal will be "Blcvcllnr
Through Europe and she will il
lustrate it with pi tures. Joseph
ine Albert SDauIdW will sin?
with Mrs. A. A. Schramm the accompanist
Presidents Will
Be Feted at Tea
Calendared for Thursday, Feb
ruary 8 is the tea for which the
University of Oregon mothers and
Oregon Slate college mothers win
be hostesses in compliment to the
two state presidents, who are from
Salem, Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson.
president of the Oregon State mo
thers, and Mrs. George H. Swift
president of the University of Ore
gon mowers. .
The affair will be held at the
Morningside home of Mrs. Glenn
Paxson between 2:30 and 5 o'clock.
The date for the affair had origin
ally been set for February 13, but
has been changed to the 9 th.
Mrs. Paxson of the Oregon State
mother' and Mrs. Merrill Ohling
of the Oregon mothers are co
chairmen of the affair. Mrs. Austin
H. Wilson is president of the Ore
gon State mothers and Mrs. Grant
Failin of the Oregon mothers..
Carrier Room
Scene of Rites
At a quiet ceremony this after
noon in the Carrier room of the
First Methodist church at 4 o'clock
Mrs. Fern Conne-, daughtes of Mr.
and Mrs. L H. Vinson, will be
come the bride of Joseph H. Ran
dall. The Rev. Brooks Moore will
officiate before members of the
immediate family.
. For her wedding the bride has
chosen a grey tallleur with navy
accessories. Mrs. L. L. Brown will
be her sister's only attendant and
will wear a pink suit with brown
accessories. Joseph Jennet t, bro
ther of the. bride, will serve as
best man.
A receDtion In honor of the cou
pie will follow at the borne o'f the
bride s parents.
' In March Mr. Randall and his
bride will sail on the Lurline for
a honeymoon in Hawaii. They will
make their home temporarily at
38 Duncan avenue.
The bride has been a supervisor
at the Pacific Telephone and Tele
graph Co. and Mr. Randall is own
er of the Golden Pheasant Restau
rant - '
X mH) t n$e a full load in rSTvD
1 1 III II fO II W w teems
'in ii i i i i ii
Easy'f famous two-tub washing and rin?
ing action does your week's wash in less
than one hour. New Automatic Spin-rinse
double-rinses clothes whiter and brighter
in spinning basket. No set tubs! No
wringer needed !
New built-in "CleannW Water Filter
takes out water-pipe rust and other stain
ing impurities before washing and rinsing
clothes! Gives you the whitest washes
New Swing Faucets make the speedy
EASY even faster. They fill washer, rinse
clothes, save suds, and empty washer . . i
ail at the flick'of a finger.
Free. Home
xaiixrm murt iwat imiixcz s un nuisiru
Your Old Washer
Is Down Payment
STREA-ths Shadow-Softened Gc&crdino
Fabric sensation of the year by Pacific! Th
silky fine gabardine you love now with the
glamor of deep, yarn-dyed overtones! And.
Youthmore tailors it with new magnifi
cence! Set in bands and pockets with torso
hugging lines designer details you
expectonly in costly custom
- mades! In your
best-loved classic
DAWill rari-:
Judge Brand :
Judge James T. Brand will b
the cuest speaker at the monthly
meeting of Chemeketa chapter.
Daughter! of the American Rev
olution on Saturday afternoon at
thi North 14th street home of Mrs.
Charles A. Sprague. The meeting
will begin promptly at 2 o'clock as
Judge Brand will speak first du
to another engagement in Portland
at l o'clock.
She committee for the afternoon
udes Mrs. John H. Car kin, Mrs.
HJ William Thlelsen, Mrs. C. C.
Best, Mrs. H. G. Henderson, Mm
Edwin Keech, Mrs. Ivan Putnam,
Mrs. Clarence Mulcahy and Miss
Lois Mulcahy.
color., beige
N ' 'I v
tr- :
!. ; ...
I " V- "- if
.'."'' - s ,!
A gift
of lasting joy
for yowr favorite
May we make it
for you?
439 Court Street
J s. 1 ?
Tweed's In fho
lead for e swank spring
topper and a Donegal
tweed by Youthmort
tops Ujem all for yoimgand
dashing ways. Crisp, boxy lines,
pockets with envelope'flaps and revers in
to iu classic perfection.
OfCN RL TU 9 p. m. ,