10 The Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, January 28, 1950 Youth Week's Set; t Stonr alvi ah naff 1.1 ' - Several 'Individual Salem churches will participate with spe cial services in observance of Na tional Youth week, beginning Sun day with Denominational day and closing Sunday, February 5, with Interdenominational day. -A full week of activities Is plan ned at First Christian church. Boys of Junior and senior high and young people's croups will serve as ushers and deacons at the morn ing service Sunday. In the eve ning, a worship service by the junior high group will precede showing of the modern religious film, "Salt of the Earth." Special features are planned for the reg ular youth night beginning at 4 pjn. Wednesday. Thursday will have an all-youth banquet at the church at 6:30 p.m. Young people will visit less active group mem bers Friday night and then have recreation. A mass youth Sunday school is planned for February 5, with a guest teacher to speak also t the church service. " That church will also present, with the public invited, a dramtic, realistic court trial of Christian youth of 1950. It is planned for 730 p.m., February 3. Dependent upon weather condi tions, which forced postponement two weeks ago, Methodist youth of Salem sub-district will have a rally at 4 p.m. Sunday at Jason Lee church in Salem. Leslie church is in charge of devotions. Dr. Roy A. Fedje, district superintendent, will speak at the public service t 7:30 p.m. At First Methodist church, the youth fellowship choir, directed by Art Dimond, will sing for the morning service. Richard Scott, group president, will read the acriptures. The Willamette univer sity Wesley Fellowship will hear, at 730 pjn. Sunday in the church, 'program by the Chordsmen, Negro boys' choir from Hughes Memorial Methodist church in Portland. . j Young people participating rln the morning -service this Sunday at First Presbyterian church are Ronald Bartlett, Mary Campbell and Hariett Hiday. Dr. Chester W. ILamblin, pastor, will "preach a special youth sermon on "Pie in the Sky." " Dallas Churches APOSTOLIC FAITH Church and Court. Sunday school t M a. m. Services 11 a. m. 730 p. m. Sunday. p. tn. Thursday. ASSEMBLY Or GOD Birch and Stump. Sunday schoo! 8:45 . m. Services 11 a. m., 7:45 p.m. Sun dav. 1tS n. m ' Wednesdav. BAPTIST First 1 ' Washington st. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. services li a. m, iuhi p. m. sun day. 7:30 p. m.' Thursday. W. Washington at. Masses S:15 a. m. second and fourth Sundays. 10:19 a. m, first, third and filth Sundays. CHK1ST1AN first Jefferson and Clay. Sunday school t: a. m. Services 11 a. m.. 7:30 p. m. Sunday.'- CtTRISTIAH AND - .- . MISSIONARY ALLIANCE ; Shelton and Mill. Sunday school 9:45 ay. - -. 1 ' CHRISTIAN, SCIENCE 410 Mill. Sunday school 9:49 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. Ip.ni. first and third Wednesdays. CBTJKCH OP CHRIST - Levens and Mill. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m., S JO p. m. Sunday. CHURCH OP GOD 1019 Ash. Sunday school 9:49 a. m. Services 11 a. m., 7 J30 p. m. Sunday. CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST OP LATTER DAT SAINTS t Basement of city library. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 7 p.m. Sunday. EPISCOPAL St. Thomas Cherry st. Sunday school 10 and 11 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Church and Mill. Sunday school 9:49 a. m. Services 11 a. m 7:49 p. m. Sun day. FREE METHODIST 224 Mill. Sunday school 9:49 a. m. Services 11 a. m., 7:45 p. m. Sunday. LUTHERAN Trinity S10 Washington. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. MENNONTTE ' srevnren wasningion ana Hayrer. Sunday school 9:49 a. m. Services 10:49 a. m- 7:49 p. m. Sunday. Evangelical Brethren How it. Sun day school 9:39 a. m. Services 11 a. m., S P. m. Sunday. J - -r. ' Grace 207 Jefferson. Sunday school IV a. m. services ll a. m. Sunday. METHODIST Pint V Mill near Main. Sunday school 9:49 . m. Services 11 a. m.. 7:49 p.. m. Sunday. PRESBTTERIAN First court and Levens. Sunday school 9:49 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. SEVENTH DAT ADVENT1ST Washington add Jefferson. Sabbath school ;0 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sat arday. By I960, women will probably outnumber the American male Papulation by. about 700,000, the wentieth Century Fund predicts. PRESBYTERIAN YOUNO - PEOPLE'S DAY WORSHIP WITH US v f :45 a.m. Church School - Two Morninr Services 1:45 and 11:00 sju. Tie In the Sky" -Sermon by the Minister t:3e pan. Junior Tooth Fellow ship t:00 pja. nigh School FeUow ship Hear the minister each morning at 7:40 ajn. over KOCO. . First Presbyterian - Church ChemekeU at Winter .. Chester W. Hamblla, Pastor John L. Goodenberrer, ' " AssisUnt Pastor " Activity For Churches Jason Lee Sunday School in New Building .1 r 1 rV Viewed from Jefferson street, this Is cupied this month. The concrete structure has two floors and -a basement, each with a large assembly room. Each department has five or Six small classoroms. Connected to the main church building (right), the new building will house all but the high school and two adult classes from the Sunday school of 450 persons. Only the final flooring and some trim work remains to be done, according to Dr. Louis C. Klrby, pastor. (Statesman photo.) . Trend to Interdenominational Religion Groiving in China . By Winston II. Taylor . Church Editor, The Statesman World War II provided the Chinese a good opportunity to get away from denomlnationalism In religion, and there "the gospel door has opened widely," according to the Rev. Paul Shen, young Chinese In seminary training at Jennings Lodge, Ore. Shen speaks once each month at First Evangelical United While missionaries are still ac tive in his country, he said 99 per cent ' of the large churches now are started by native Christians and are non-sectarian. Shen said the people of Form osa, where he spent nearly a year just prior to coming to the U. S. 3 months ago, "need the gospel badly," although Christianity has made good headway on that is land. He was founder and pastor of an interdenominational Manda rin (Chinese universal tongue) church there. The island's Christian missionary work continued, in quite limited channels, even during Japan's 50- year control, he said, but the gos pel of Christ has still not reached m?iiy persons. Despite that half century preced ing the late war, said Shen, the Formosans have quite close ties with the Chinese, and their opin ions of America vary in the same way to extreme. Before he came to the U. S., Chinese Nationalists Salem (DUnunii'cH&es (Sunday school at 9:4b a. m. unless othorwiso notodj ASSEMBLY 09 GOD Evangeustle Temple Park and Mar kets 11 ajn.. 7:49 p.m. Sunday. 7:49 p.m. Thursday. Gist Tidings 313'A N. Commercial Sunday school 10 a. m. Set vices 11 a. m. 7:49 d m. Sunday. The Chapel 12th and Leslie. Sun day school 10 a.m. Service. 11 a.m.. 7:49 pjn. Sunday, 7:49 pjn. Tuesday and Thursday. BAPTIST Bethel Cottago and D. 11 a. m. 7:30 p. m. Sunday. Calvary Liberty and Miller. 11 a. m. p. m. Sunday 7:30 p. m. Wednes day. First Liberty and Marion 11 a. m. I p. m. Sunday. 7 30 p. m. Wednesday. Immannel (GARB) Hazel Sc Acade my 11 a. m 7 JO p. m. Sunday. 7 JO p. m. Wednesday. Bible Fellowship Memorial hospital chapel 11 a. m. Sunday. CATHOLIC St. Joseph's Cottage and Chemeka ta. Masses 6:30. S, 9, 10. 11 a. m. Sun day. Devotions 7:30 p. m. Sunday and Tuesday St. Vincent da Paul Myrtle and Co lumbia Masses 7 JO. 9. 10 JO a. m. Sun day. Confessions 4:30-930. 7-8 30 p. m. Saturday. CHRISTIAN Court Street 17th and Court. 10 JO a. m. 7 JO p.m. Sunday. First center and High. 10JO a. nu, 7 JO p. m. Sunday. S:00 p. m. Wednes day. CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Sth and Gaines. 11 a. m.. 7 JO p. m. Sunday. 7 JO. p. m. Wednesday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First ChemekeU and Liberty. Sunday school 11 ajn. Services 11 a.m., S pjn. Sunday. S p.m. Wednesday. Beading room. 14S S High CHURCH. OP CHRIST Central Cottage and Chemeketa. 10:49 a.m.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday, 7 JO pjn. Thursday. CHCRCH OP GOD First - Cotton and Hood. 11 ajn 7:49 pjn. Sunday. 7:44 pjn. Wednesday. CHURCH OF ESUf CHRIST OP LATTER DAE SAINTS Sth and Madison. Sunday school 10 ajn. Service 11 JO ajn, JO pjn. Sunday. CONGREGATIONAL - First CotUa and Marlon. 11 a.m. Sunday. : Knisht Memorial 19th and Parry 11 ajn. Sunday. EPISCOPAL St. Paul's Church and Chemeketa. Sunday school 9 JO ajn. Services 7 JO. 9:49. 11 ajn. Sunday. EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED t Bethany Marion and CapitoL Sun day school 10 ajn. Services 11 a.m 7:49 p. m. Sunday, 7:49 pjn. Wednesday. We Invite You to Hear These Guest Speakers 9:43 ajn. Sunday School 10:50 a.m. Dr. Delbert R. Rose C:15 pjn. Yean People's 7:39 PJflC Rev. Irs Paul Dumas of Portland (This service broadcast over station KOCO) ;:' , : . . ' First Church of the Haxarene Center st 13th ! OrviTie W. Jenkins, Pastor "The Singing Church" .t . f'V. . nan 7 ' '''': - the new Sunday school building at Brethren church In Salem. had established factories and mili tary training bases on the island for a stand against the commun ists. In his early 30s, Shen was brought here to study at Western School of Evangelical Religion at Jennings Lodge. After growing up in Shanghai and studying at Bethel seminary in Hong Kong, he did religious work with university students who had trekked to wes tern China during the war. In 1945, working for the "Evangelize Chi na" fellowship, he returned to Shanghai to establish a Mandarin church, which grew from 250 to 800 members during 3H years. As well as seminary work, Shen Is visiting and observing careful ly in many American churches, because after about three years he "will go back" to China or Form osa as a seminary teacher and to do pastoral work, continuing a task in which he has already serv ed for more than 10 years. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN EnslewooeV 17th and Nebraska. 11 a.m.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. First Marion and summer, ii a.m.. 7:49 pjn. Sunday. 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. FRIENDS Highland Avenue Church and High land. 11 a.m., 7 JO pjn. Sunday, 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. ' South Salem Commercial and Wash ington. 11 a.m.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday, S pjn. Wednesday. ; ' FREE METHODIST Winter and Market 11 a. I T JO p. m. Sunday, 7J pjn. Wednesday. FULL ' GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL Calvary Chapel 1143 N. Liberty. Sun day school 10 ajn. Service 11 ajn.. 7:49 p.m. Sunday. 8 pjn. Tuesday and Triday. Church f God 940 S. 22nd. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m., 8 p.m. Sunday, C pjn. Wednesday and Friday. Faith Gospel Tabernacle 1309 N. 6th. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m.. 1p.m. Sunday, 8 p. m. Thurs day and Saturday. Foursquare 490 N. 19th. 11 a.m. 7:49 pjn. Sunday, 7:49 p.m. Thursday. Jesus Nam Pentecostal 1179 Lewis, Sunday school 10 a.m. Services ll a.m., 7:49 pjn. Sunday, 7:49 p.m. Wed nesday United Pentecostal 449 Perry. 11 a. m., i :3 p. m. sunaay, 7:49 p. m. Friday. . INSTITUTE OP RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 460 N Cottage. Sunday school 10 a. m. Servio li a. m. Sunday. JEWISH Tempi Beth Sholom Madison and Broadway. Church school 11 a.m. Services f pjn. Friday. KTNGWOOD BIBLE 1129 Elm st. 10:49 a. m., 7 JO p. m. Sunday, 7 JO p. m. Wednesday. LUTHERAN ' Central (American Conference) Capltoi and Gaines. 11 ajn. Sunday. am. Wednesday. Christ (American Church) Stat and 18th. 9 and 11 ajn. Sunday., St. John's (Missouri Synod) 18th and A. services 9 and 11 ajn. Sunday. Sunday school 10 ajn. St Mark Evangelical (United) 343 N. Ch-irch. 11 a.m. Sunday. METHODIST Pint Church and State. 11 ajn. Sundae 7 JO pjn. Thursday. Jasoa Lee Memorial Winter and Jefferson. 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Leslie Commercial and Myers, ll a.m.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. 7 JO pjn. Thursday . .. West Salem 3rd and Gerth, 11 ajn. Sunday METAPHYSICAL CENTER 262 N. Cottage. 2 JO p.m. Tuesdsy and Wednesday, S p.m. Tuesday and Friday, 1203 pjn. daily . OPEN BIBLE STANDARD 1232 N. Commercial. Sunday school 10 The Christ of Palistine ! Out of the) Dark Centuries Com tho Voles of Jesus In warning to our generation. Es suxs to hoar this amazing prophecy oi the Bible on tho future of tho Holy Land. What Does the Future Hold 1 - For the Jew? . Sunday Night, Jan. 29. 6:30 ; Johnson Ilemorinl S.D.A; Church Hood SL at North Summer Address by the Pastor Good Music t 4SKV A; J- .J- ; -, - iiZ - Jason Lee Methodist church, oc Churches Plan Special Events For Silverton Statesman News Service SILVERTON, Jan. 27 Women of the missionary, societies will furnish the program for the Sun day night service at First Christian church. The Rev. Arthur, Charles Bates will speak at the morning service on "Jezebel's Church", the fourth in the series on the church es of Revelation. ! An offering for the defense of religious liberty will be received at the Seventh Day Adventist church Saturday at the 11 o'clock service. The Oregon circuit Lutheran pastoral conference will be held at Irnmanuel church Friday at 10 ajn. Calvary Luther league will hold a fellowship no-host dinner at the church Sunday at 5 pjn. Prayer services will be opened at Calvary Wednesday at 2 p.m. Church of Christ is planning a public song service at 2:30 pxi. Sunday. The King's Choralaire choir of Salem academy will give a pro gram of sacred music Sunday af ternoon at 2:30 at Irnmanuel Lu theran church. Several Silverton young people are members of the choir. Trinity Lutheran Pastor to Remain Statesman News Service MT. ANGEL, Jan. 27 The Rev. John H. Werth, pastor, announced Sunday to the congregation of Trinity Lutheran hcurch that he had declined a call ; from Bend, Ore., and decided to remain with the congregation. Sunday school and Bible class will be at 9:30 ajn. and worship service at 10:30 ajn. Sunday. Guest Sermons Slated At 1st Nazarene Sunday In the absence of the pastor, the Rev. Orville W. Jenkins, who is conducting a revival meeting in Brentwood church of the Nazarene in Portland, Dr. Delbert R. Rose, dean of Western School of Evan gelical Religion, Jennings Lodge, will speak at the Sunday morning service. The Rev. Ira Paul Dumas, pas tor from Moreland Church of the Nazarene in Portland, will preach in the evening. I a.m. Services 11 a.m., 7:49 p.m., Sunday. NAZARENE First Center and 13th. 10:90 a.m. 7 JO p.m. Sunday, 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. PILGRIM HOLINESS 140 Carlton. 11 a.m.. 7J0 p.m. Sun day, 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. PRESBTTERIAN first ChemekeU and Winter. 9:49 and 11 ajn. Sunday, 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. REORGANIZED CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST OP LATTER DAT SAINTS ' 17th and Chemeketa. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 a.mM 7 JO pjn. Sun day. SALVATION ARMTT 241 Stat. Sunday school 10 a.m. Ser vices 11 a.m.. 7 JO p.m. Sunday, 7 JO pjn. Thursday and Saturday. SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST Johnson Memorial Hood and Sum mer. Sabbath school 9 JO ajn. Service 11 a.m. Saturday. SPIRITUALIST First 348 N. Commercial. 2 JO and 7 JO pjn. Sunday. UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP YWCA. 7 JO pjn. first and third Sun days. UNITED BRETHREN First (Old Constitution) 1149 Mission. Sun day school 10 ajn. Services 11 ajn 7 JO pjn. Sunday, 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. WESLEY AN METHODIST 13th and Mill. Sunday school 10 ajn. Sersices 11 ml, 7 JO pjn. Sunday. T9 -9. Salem Academy 'Choralaires' Plan Concerts Announcement of a series of week-end concerts and the annual spring, tour for Salem academy choir Was made by the Rev. Rob ert C. Hovland, academy president The 48-voIce group, directed by Prof. Donald Lush, is known as the King's - Choralaire, and Is widely known for its presentation of sacred music. h Scheduled already' are aonear- ances Sunday at 2:30 pjn. at Sil verton Irnmanuel Lutheran church; Sunday, February 5, Corvallis; Friday, February 1 Longview; February 18, Seattle Youth for Christ; February 19, two concerts in Seattle and Tacoma; March 5, 2:30 p.m., Salem First Baptist church; March 12, Lebanon; March 17, 18, 19, Prinevllle and Bend; March 28, Dallas Grace Mennon ite church; March 30, Kingwood Bible church, Salem. On April 10, the c hoir will head for California on its annual concert tour, to sing at Eugene, Eureka, San Francisco, San Jpse, Fresno, Bakersfield, Stockton and Sacra mento, j Marvin Dalke Is choir manager, and Wava Darby is pianist Solo ists include Estelle Schreder, so prano, and Dick Zeller, baritone. Suburban Churches ANEENT COMMUNITY Ankcny schoolhous. Liberty -Buena Vista road. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a m S p m. AUMSVILLS BETHEL BAPTIST Aumsvill. Sunday school 10 m. Services 11 i. m. I p. m Sunday. 7:4J p m. Wednesday AUMSVILLE WESLETAN AumsvUl. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m f :49 p. m. Sunday BROOKS ASSEMBLE OP GOD One-half block mouth of Brooks scnooL Sunday school S:49 a. m. Services 11 a. m, 7:49 p m. Sunday 7:49 p. m. Thursday. CLEAR LAKE EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Wheatland rmm rd. Irniiti, nhMl 11 a. m Services 10 a. m. Sunday. SOLA COMMUNITY Lola. Sunday school 9:43 a. m. Ser vices 11 a. nv Sunday. POUR CORNERS BAPTIST Stat and Lima. Sunday school S:4S a. m. services u a m, t JO p. m. Sun day. 7 JO pjn. Thursday. FRUTTLAND EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN S miles east of Salem. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. 7J0 n. m Sunday. HALBERT MEMORIAL BAPTIST Hayesvill, on mil north of 99E underpass. Sunday school 8:49 a.m. Services 11 a.m, 7 JO pjn. Sunday. 7 JO pjn. Thursday. KEIZER CHURCH OP CHRIST 1030 Dearborn. Sundav school 10 ajn. Services 11 ajn, 7 JO pjn. Sunday; S pjn. weanesoay. . - KEIZER COMMUNITY Elizabeth and Churchdal. Sundav school 9:49 a. m. Services 11 a mM 7:49 p. m. Sunday. 7J0 p. m. Wednes day. LABISH CENTER COMMUNITY (Evangelical United Brethren) 31s miles east of Brooks. Sunday school 10 a. m. Service U a. m. Sun day. LIBERTY CHURCH OP CHRIST Liberty church. Sundav school 10 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. CHURCH OP GOD 979 Vista are. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m I p. m. Sunday. MA CLEAT COMMUNITY Macleay school. Sunday school 10 a.m. MARION FRIENDS Marion. Sunday school 10 a. m. Ser vices 11 a. nu, 7 JO p. m. Sunday. MIDDLE GROVE COMMUNITY Middle Grove school. Sunday school 10 ajn. NORTH HOWELL COMMUNITY North Howell. Sunday school IS ajn. Services 11 ajn. S pjn. Sunday. 8 pjn. Wednesday PRATUM IMMANUEL MENNONTTE Pratum. Sunday school 9:53 a. m. Services 11 a. nu 7:49 p. m. Sunday. PRATUM METHODIST Pratum. Sunday school 10 a. m. Ser vices 11 a. m. Sunday. PR INGLE FRIENDS Baxter rd. west of 99Z. Sunday school 10 a. m Service 11 a m. Sunday. ROBERTS COMMUNITY Roberts school. Sunday school 10 ajn. ROSED ALE FRIENDS Rosedale. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m 7 JO p m Sunday SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY Liberty and Madrona. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m.. 7 JO p. m. Sunday. 7 JO p. m. Wednesday. SUMMIT METHODIST Orchard Heights rd. Sunday school 11 a. m. Services 10 a. m. second and fourth Sundays. SWEGLE COMMUNITY Swecl school. Sunday school 19 a. m. Services 11 a. nv. Sunday. TALBOT COMMUNITY Talbot Sunday school 19 a. nv. Ser vices 11 a. m, 7 JO p. m. Sunday, 730 p m. Wednesday. TURNER. METHODIST Turner. Sunday school 10 a.m. Ser vice 11 ajn. Sunday. ZEN A COMMUNITY Zena. Sunday school 19 a. sav RETTVAL TO START SWEET HOME The Rev. Geo rge Millen, Unionvale, will be ev angelist for a series of revival meetings to start at the local Ev angelical United Brethren church, Wednesday evening, February 1. at 7:30. There will be special music. Hear Last Inlrdenoxninalituial Calvary Chapel Rev. sad Mrs. C C. Bell. Pastors 1143 North Liberty j (Between Belmont and Market) Phone l-895f Tlie Bible Story KING SOLOMON , , - - i - t (Editor's notes This is the isth f aseries from the Old Testament. The text Is condensed (rem selections by Houston Hart (or tb hook. "In Our Imar. Illustration by Gay Raws als from the book. Cepr rlht IMS, Oxford University Press, Inc.) Now the days of David drew nigh that he should die; and he slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David. Then sat Solomon upon the throne of David his father; and his king-' dom was established greatly.. The Lord appeared to Solomon In a dream by night and said. Ask what I shall give thee. And Solomon said. Thou ha:t shewed unto thy servant David great mercy, according as he walked before thee In truth. And now, O Lord my God, I am but a little child. Give therefore they servant and understanding , heart to. Judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad.' forj who is able to Judge this thy so great a people? And the speech pleased the Lord. And God said, I have done according to thy words: I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart: s that there was none like thee before, neither after shall . any arise like thee. I have also given which thou hast not asked, both riches, and honor; se that there shall net be any among the kings like nte thee all thy days. And if thou wilt walk in my ways, t keep my statutes and my commandments, I will lengthen thy days. Then came there two women' unto the king. And the one woman said, O my lord, I and this woman dwell in one house; and I was delivered of a child with her in the house. And the third day after I was delivered, this woman was delivered also. And this woman's child .died in the night; and she arose aid took my son from beside me, and laid it in her bosom, and laid her dead child in my bosom. And when I rose to give my child suck, it was dead: but when I considered it in the morning,: it was not my son. And the other woman said. The living is my son, and the dead is thy son. The king said. Bring me a award. And they brought a sword. And the king said. Divide the living child In two, and give half to the one and half to the ether. Then spake the woman whose the living child was: O my lord, give her the living child, and In no wise slay it Bat the other said, Let It be neither mine nor thine, bnt divide It Then the king answered and said. Give her the living child, and in no wise slay it: she is the mother thereof. And all Irael heard of the Judgment which the king had Judged; and they feared the king: for they saw that the wisdom of God was In him. Englewood UB Sets Crusade Englewood Evangelical United Brethren church will begin its Christian Life crusade Sunday morning with the Rev. John Du vall of Walla Walla, Wash., as guest speaker. The special serv ices will continue each evening through Friday. Duvall is a graduate of Whit worth college and of Biola Bible institute of Los Angeles, and is now denominational youth direc tor for Orgeon and Washington and pastor at Walla Walla. He has become prominent in the relig ious field largely because of his simplicity of style and his prac tical illustrations. His topics for the week will Include Sunday morning, "Let's Go Swimming';; Sunday -evening, "The Worlds Most Popular Game"; Monday, "One Thing Needful"; Tuesday, "A wedge of Gold"; Wednesday "Power a Plenty"; Thursday. "Let's Go Fishing"; Friday, "Half Baked Christians." vih awnfnff will have soecial music. A nursery will be provid ed. - U.S. Crime Wave Subject at Church Why the Crime Wave Is In creasing in America" will be the topic of E. C. Hayes, hdef censor at the state penitentiary, in a talk at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at First Church of God. A combined youth-adult group will hear Hayes, with a cfuestion period to follow, according to the Rev. O. W. Clemens, pastor. MUSIC SERVICE SET AMITY The Northwest Christian college girls' trio will feature a program of sacred music in a unipn service at the Church of Chrfetf Sunday at 7:30 pjn. Un ion service at the Church of Christ Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Presi dent Ross J. Griffeth will be the speaker. The Baptist, Methodist and Church of Christ are cooperat ing in this -service. GARDEN SESSION SLATED FOUR CORNERS The Four Corners Garden club will meet February 2j at 7:30 p. m. In the community hall. Mrs. David Behm Will present the program. Hostes ses: Mrs. Andrew Messman, Mrs. George Bixler, Mrs. Roy Case and Mrs. Frank South. Oar Hellene Hearing Aid Specialisi Come ta Silverton the first and Third Mondays of each month, to the Western Anto Store. Write for appointment or just drop in. JAMES N. TATT & ASSOCIATES 22S Oregon Bonding Salem Day Message O SIGNS O MIRACLES O WONDERS A Nation-Wide Mlnistrry Service Nightly Except Saturday. till WIDE GREAT MASS MEETING SUN, 2:30 PJkL (Divine Healing Service) Detroit Church Youth Plan Snow Fun Today Statesman News Servlc DETROrr.Ore, Jan. 27 War ren Knepe, pastor of the Church of Christ, announced the week-end program to include worship Sun day at 11 sun. with sermon on "The Great Commission." Sunday school will be at 10 a xn. and even ing Bible study, songs and prayer at 7:45. Youth activities Saturday at 9. pjn. will be toboganning if snow is 1 A - At t , ngm; ouierwise parry ana games at the church. Historical Aspect Of Bihle Suhject Howard Teeple of Salem wfll discuss "The Historian's Approach to the New Testament" nt th Ra. lem Unitarian Fellowship meeting Sunday evening at 7:30. After eraduatin from Willam ette university. Teenle rarriH tnt extensive research in this field in the northwest and In Los Angeles, followed by graduate study at Uni versity of Chicago. ) The meeting will be at the Teeple home, 1785 Fair Oaks way, ana xnose aesiring transportation should meet at the YWCA at 7:15. EXTENSION MEET SET FOUR CORNERS .Eleanor Trindle, Marion county home de monstration aeent will nresent the topic, "Giving Home Sewing a Professional Look," Monday, January 30, at 1:30 p. m. at the community hall to the Four Cor ners nome extension unit Child care will be crovided In th hnm of Mrs. Anna Ruhl,4030 Mahrt ave. Anyone Interested may at tend. Hostesses lor the day: Mrs. C. R. Osborn, Mrs. Merrill Tucker, aits. tan uraaen and Mrs. Ger aid Tucker. DALE HANSON PARTY . ;.-( " . . It now in a Great Healing Revival ' SIGNS AND WONDERS! Follow this mans Ministry as he prays for the sickl TOTALLY PARALIZED WALK without crutches or braces ' Evangelistic Temple Market St. and Park Ave. nightly except Sat. 7:45 TM. large numbers of Salem People Healed 1 1 Tune in KOCO daily 8:45 AM., Sat. 6:45 P.M. Come early and Bring the Sickl Hear Old Fashioned Revival Preaching! People now coming from many cities and ether states! Revivals On! Don't fAiss a flight! Walter S. Frederick, Pastor Rally Tonight At Nazarene For City YFC - AYouth for Christ rally tonight at 8 O'clock in First Chureh nf th' Nazarene will feature the Four" Flats male quartet, now traveling for the Northwest Youth for Christ. The group won two years m succession at the northwest bar-. oersnop quartet contest Organization of Salem rallv committees was completed at 'a meeting Monday night in Halbertr Memorial cnurcn at Hayesville. Officers Of ths rovemln hnnr elected are the Rev. Gene Brick- weaei of Hayes vUle, chairman; the Rev. Oral W. ciem rir Church Of God. vie rh.lrman- George Weigart, Four Corns, eyroary; jaoD risner or Christian M.?lonar3r Alliance, treasurer; Wilbur Ewert. Kingwood Bible, fi nancial secretary, i , ine young people elected Bob w a r IT i i . icr, cnairman; son Means, First Church of God, vice chairman; Phyllis Johnson. Firs Baptist, secretary; Al Baltxer. Kingwood Bible, treasurer. ! Silverton Churches ASSEMBLY OF OOD ' Front at. Sunday school fri a. ni ' Services 11 a.tn, T, S p.m. Sunday, g pjn. Tuesday and Thursday. . CATBOLICSt FacTs Pin and Grant Masses 9, 19 c m. a. m. Saturdsy. - . CHKISTIAN flrss I Park and 1st Junday school : 94S a. m. Serrices ll a. 7 JO p. m. Sun day., - mitlSTIAN AJTD MISSION AST ALLLiMCI SM N tni Cimfas -ku a . Jervle 11 m, 1:49 n, m. Sunday. CHSISTIAN SCIKNCS Srd and Lewis. Sunday school It a. m. Servtc 11 a. nv Sunday. CHtmcH or CRKIST MWA hall. Bible class 19 a.m. Eerv. Ices 11 and 11:49 a.nv 7 JO pjn. Sunday. CBntca or god i ( 2nd and A. Sunday school 19 a. m. 8rvtoes 11 . p. v Sunday. S ' p. m. Wednesday. CHCBcri or iiscs crkisv or lds ..fJr1.111 of eruuas , hau,-oa and Mill. Service pw so. Wednesday. LtTTHEStAN ' XaWary 319 Jersey. Sunday school IS a m Service 11 a. nv. Sunday. S P m. Thursday. - lmsael N. Church st Sunday' school 10 a. m. Servlc 11 a. m. Sunday, TrinKjr ln(1 and A. Sunday ehoal 19 a. ra Service 11 a m. Sunday. - ' MCTRODIST Matn and lUk. Sunday school t:4J a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. Mareaaas SUverton-Marquwn hlffh way. Sunday school It a. m. Servtc 11 a. m Sunday, , PtLGKlBl BOLtNSSS 942 S. ater st. Sunday school 9:49 a, m. Service 11 a. m 7 JO p. m. Sun day 7 JO p. m. Wednesday. SEVENTH OAT ADVENTISV Park and 2nd. Sabbath school 9:49 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Saturday. 7 JO P. m. Wednesday. CHRISTIAN AI1D f.USSIOIIARY AUIAtlCE CHURCH N. 5th at Gaines Sta. K. 1. Abrama, Minister Change In Broadcast , r Time 1 pjn. Sunday. Station KOCO, 1491 Ilc. (formerly heard at 1 pja.) If ojnv The Alllanee Heritage 7:30 p.m. "Victory Over Sin" "Without frigid formality or, foolish fanaticism"