The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1950, Page 5, Image 5

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    CHy News Uirneifs
- Turee more candidates Wc !nes
day filed for Drecinct committee
f man or committeewoman with
the Marion count, clerk. They
were: Margret M. Waters, 430 N.
bummer it., precinct lu; Don
Madison. 266 N. Capitol t.. pre
cinct 11; and Wilda M. Sieg-
mund, 1398 Lee St., precinct 0. All
re republicans.
Insured savings earn more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Savings Association, 500 Stat st
Emerson Teague, owner of Tea
cut Motor company here, will
leave "aturday for a two-week
business trip to the east. He will
stop at Washington, D. C. and
Philadelphia, Pa., concerning his
lumber Interests. At Detroit he
will inspect new lines at the Kai-xer-Frazer
automobile plant.
Johns-Manvllie shingles applied
by Mathis Bros., 184 S. Com'l.
Free estimates. Ph. 34642.
Landscaping and designing. No job
too large or too sm-.ll. F. A. Doer
fler Sons Nursery, ISO If. Lan
caster Dr. at 4 Corners. P. 2-1322.
Mrs. Roy H. Mills, wife of the
secretary of the state board of
control, was termed "resting well"
Wednesday night at Salem Gen
eral hospita. where she is confin
ed with coronary thrombosis. At
tendants report that she is not to
have visitors at present.
Save your fuel by insulating and
weatherstripping. Valley Weather
atrip Co. 1378 N. Church. Ph.
Mrs. Guv C. Newpent. 831 i
Klngwood ave., was reported in
"fairly good" condition following
surgery at Salem General hospital
Wednesday. She is the wife of the
engineer zor tne state capitoi
buildings and grounds.
Hotana rummage sal over Green
baum's Fri. and Sat.-,
: Mickey Flax, I irmer Salem res
taurant man and night club own
er who now operates a bus ter
rain and restaurant in Arlington
was a visitor, in Salem Wednes
day. , v , :
Plans for meeting problems
concerning tne southern Pacific
grade crossing at 12th and Union
streets were discussed at a West
Salem Lions club meeting Wed
nesday oy t:. A. McClure, secre
tary of the state capitoi planning
Ct 1 El. . . Roto Rooter for clog
g'4 sewers, dr-'ns. Th. 35?"7. 1
NOTICE! ! Hearing Aid Users
Our new office hours are from 9
a. m. until fi p. m. including the
noon nour, every Jay except Sat
urday, when we close rt in. m.
Come in and let's get acquainted.
caiuru an kinds of hearing
aids. James I Taft 6c Associates,
ZZ8 ..- B-"-ng, Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomas.
2053 S. Summer St., are parents of
twins, a nov and a viri. hnrn Wed
nesday at Salem General hospital.
Adam Hats exclusive agent,
unitea snirt shon. 331 state Kt
Thieves broke into a soft-drink
machine at the Texaco service sta
tion at 1000 S. Commercial st
overnight and took $1.60, city po
lice said Wednesday.
Air-Steamship til
KugeL -7694. 153 N.
F h St.
Guarai.l;ed large j
Saturday 28th. 1
chet ;e, 28c. Chin
1275 N. Church.
'1 ranch eggs
pt. cottage
ip Club store,
Catholic Daughters " of America
serving a spaghetti dinner at
V. F. W. hall, corner Hood &
Church Sts. on Thurs., Jan. 26, be
ginning at 6:00. Adults $1, chil
dren under. 12, $.50. Public in
vited. . - ,
Rudy Kallander of the state for
estry servicewill discuss "Rehab
illtation of Tillamook, Burn Ar
eas" t the meeting of Organized
CB unit 13-9 Friday evening in
the Naval and Marine Corps Re
serve Training center. Former
Seabees are invited to attend the
meeting. -
Spencer Corsetier call 3-5072.
A practice scheduled by the
drum and bugle corps of Capital
post 9, American Legion, for
Thursday night has been cancel
led. No practices will be held un
til notice is issued.
We Jiavej some baby beef for
your locker, 39c lb. Also fresh
auuea lurxeys 39c. C. S. Orwig,
4373 Sllv ' n Rd., Ph. 2-6128.
A meeting of company G, 162nd
uuaniry, scneauied lor Thursday
has been moved up to Monday at
8 pm. . I
Camp-fire rummage scj, Frl &
Sat, In? Stevens 1 old Jewelry
Certificate of assumed business
name as The Rose Gift shop of
Salem was-filed Wednesday with
the Marion county clerk by Rose
Zumstein, -- Myrtle ave.
Bakwd food sale, Portland Gas &
Cjke, 109 S. Com!., Th iri., Jan.
Albany Man Wins
Army Commission
Cpl. Frank J. Bracelin, Albany,
Wednesday became the first Ore
gon National Guardsman since the
war to win a commission through
army correspondence courses.
Bracelin is one of more than 300
officers and men who are taking
the courses. It takes more than
250 hours of study time to com
plete the course.
Braceiin. wno Qualified
second lieutenant, is a student at
lewis and Clark college, Portland.
He belongs to Company L, 162nd
New Policemen fat Wesson in Laboratory Work
... v
New members of Salem's police force are shewn abere as they gather
arviina collection 01 items wnicn enee ngarea In crimes as they
attend one f series of classes la the current training program. In
foreground Is Jack II. Beans, assistant director ef the state police
crime detection laboratory at the U. of O. medical school la Pert
land. Besides Salem policemen, officers from ether towns are attend-
iSISSi Amedatlon ef City
- " vnm eww Bocrui s asseeiauon. Tn tmru
includes laboratory aids lnstrncttoa; criminAlTestiOon teJ!
BRANCHTo Mr. and Mrs.
Otis E. Branch, Turner, a son,
Wednesday, January 23 at Salem
Memorial hospital.
R IN G W ALD To Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Ringwald, Salem route 3,
box 911, a son, Wednesday, Jan
uary 25 at Salem General hos-
BIDWELL To Mr. and Mrs.
Walter BldwelL 407 Milton st., a
son, -Wednesday, January 25 at
Salem General hospital.
THOMAS To Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Thomas, 2053 S. Summer st.,
twins, a son and a daughter, Wed
nesday, January 23 at Salem Gen
eral hospital.
" -F A E T It To Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Paeth, Jr., 830 N. Winter
st, a ton, Wednesday, January 25
at Salem General hospital.
. . wiu
Lawrence Harness, Independence,
a son, Wednesday, January 23 at
oaxcm ucnergi nospita .
. Bryan Goodenough vs Monford
(jr. ana tiossie m. Adams: Defen
danU granted 10 days to file fur
ther answer. ' !
Betty June Hanshew vs Arthur
m. Hanshew: Complaint for di
vorce allecine that defendant U
Confined in state nenitentlarv ask
custody of two minor children and
sou total monthly jsupport money.
Married March 14 1946, at Van
couver, wash. ' r .
Agnes Hammack vs James A.
Hammack: Order modifies divorce
Nancy Rowe vs : James Rowe:
Complaint for divorce alleging
cruel ana inhuman treatment asks
custody of one minor child, $40
monthly support money and set
tlement of property rights. Mar
ried Feb. 6, 1948, in Boston, Mass.
Virginia Lee Flood guardian
ship estate: Order appoints Pio
neer Trust company guardian.
Elizabeth--Ann Roan guardian
ship estate: Order approves an
nual account of guardian.
Walter and Sarah Scott guard
ianship estate: Order confirms
guardian's annual account
C. E. Taylor estate: Appraisal at
$13,983. -
Charles W. Porter estate: Ap
praisal at $10,688.
Jean L. Cook, 635 S. Liberty st,
charged with burglary and for
gery; held in lieu of $3,500 bail.
David R. Cook and Harold B.
Lancelle, both of 635 S. Liberty
st, charged with burglary on two
counts and tamervr: held in lltn nt
$6,000 bail each.
Milton A. Bressler. Monmouth
route 2, charged with drivine
while intoxicated: fined 2n
driver's license suspended for one
Agnes G. Ewing, 2055 Hazel
ave., charged with failure to re
main at scene of accident: fined
2V '
Ray Marquis, Portland, charged
I wiin recxiess driving; fined $23.
New Salvation
Army Chief to
Arrive Soon
Mai. Charles Bennett, new Sal
vation Army commander for Sa
lem, is due to arrive in Salem this
week to succeed Capt R. B. Lesher,
who left Wednesday for Modesto,
Norma Valdez. secretary at th
Army headquarters here, said that
iviaj. Bennett is iiatea to arrive
late tonleht or early Friday. He has
been at Pueblo, Colo., since 1947.
A welcome meeting for him is
scheduled for Sunday, January 29,
at the Army hearauarters. Public
church services will be held at 11
a.m. and night services will take
place at 7:30 o'clock.
Maior Bennett has served with
the corps since 1924. He has spent
most 01 that time in the Rocky
mountain reffion. H wu raii in
the vicinitv of Newher?. rwnt hd
earlier years near Tillamook and
later at Eugene.
Capt Lesher will assume com
mand of the Salvation Armv unit
at Modesto, with duties similar to
those he had here.
Mayor's Committee
To Study Garbage
Disposal Proposal
A mayor's committee was ap
Dolnted Wednesday for a ttudv of
proposed citywide compulsory
garoage aisposai.
Acting Mayor David O'Hara
named Alderman Walter Mus-
grave, Mrs. George Ailing, presi
dent of Salem Woman's club
which has proposed the project;
Batty E. Cooper, sanitarian with
the city-county health depart
ment; Don Madison, Salem prop
erty owner who is active in civic
This fills out the seven-member
committee which the city council
directed to include also City Man
ager J. L. Franzen; Martin E.
Willits, proprietor of West Salem
Sanitary service, and William
Schlitt, president of Salem' Sani
tary service.
The Woman's club and other
supporting women's groups have
not proposed a specific program,
but have urged a compulsory dis
posal system as a public health
measure.' I
Salem Field Lands 59
Detoured UAL Flights
The United Air tinea station In
Salem handled a total of 59 flights
unaoie to land on Portland air
ports frozen runways between
January 20 and 23. the oneratlnn
reported Wednesday.
During the three days the Sa
lem station boarded 436 passen
gers here and denlaned 498. It
also handled thousands of addit
lonal pounds of air freight ex
press and mail.
Week Plans
Laid at Meet
Preliminary dan were laid Wed
nesday for Brotherhood vmIt Fh
ruary 19 through 26. by a meeting
oi tne urotnernood week commit
tee and the Salem committee of
National Conference of Christians
and Jews.
Those meeting In the conference
room ox tne First National bank
were Saul Bloomberg. Ford Wat-
kins and Charles Howard, of th
Salem committee, and Brotherhood
weeK ueneral Chairman Joe Felt
on: radio committee. R. J. SohmMt:
chairman. Dave Host and Dirk
Nason; press, Eric Bergman; mo
tion pictures, Leo Henderson;
churches and synagogues, the Rev.
Brooks Moore and Harry Brown
and schools. Dean Robert O
oi Willamette university.
Among plans for Brotherhood
week are SDecial church service.
special steakers for service r1nh
including Rabbi Saul Applebaum
ana ur. cnanes Howard, radio
programs and motion pictures at
local theaters.
Eels In America and Europe
eave their streams and swim to
the warm Atlantic waters north of
the Eauator. There they nrodure
their young and die. The young
eels swim back to the same homes
which their parents left
public srosaiaai
grow, in Safm ... and blooml vtrydiy but Sunday
from II through noon til 2
down tho fimouf Nohlgron's Alloy
- , . . . . .. I
Would You Like to Play the
Have you heard the Electric Accordion? It Will Thrill You
Private instruction and Bands
Junior and Senior Bands - Concert' Groups - Cowboy and Fun Bands - for the Youngest Begin
ner to the advanced professional player.
We Rent Accordions While You Learn
Public Dances
Feature March
Of Dimes Bill
Public dances at the Glen wood
ballroom Saturday night and at
the Crystal Gardens next Tnwi.
night Will Wind un tnalor activities
in the current March of Dimes
Proceeds from both dances will
CO into the drive fund, acenrriinv
to Howard Ragan chairman. Ad
vance ticket sales are in progress.
Joe Lane and his western band
will play at Saturday- night's
dance in the Glen wood hall locat
ed about two miles north of Salem
on the Pacific highway.
Dave West cowboy singer, will
entertain durintr intermission
This dance was orleinallr slated
for January 21. Navatn TnHlan
boys and girls from Chemawa In
dian school also will perform.
Tne Salem Elks lodee is soon.
soring the Tuesday night dance.
Bill DeSouza and his orchestra
will nlav for mnHom rlanrHn
downstairs and the Pop Edwards
hand will nlav for old.tim lianr.
ing in the upper ball at Crystal
Gardens. 1
The SoQAsman, Sakm, Ote30iv Thursday January 26, 19S0 5
Load Eases in
Marion, Polk
Barring an extended spell of
bad weather in the next few
weeks the unemployment claims
load in the Marion-Polk county
areas Is expected to decrease from
a peak reached last week.
Benefit claims this week are ex
pected to remain at about 5.000.
the same as last week, according
to William Bail lie, manager of the
oaiem oince of the state employ
ment service.
, Last year's peak load of 6,200
claims, reached in late January,
nas never oeen touched this win
ter, said Baillie. The load this
season, however, has been "stret
ched out longer, than in the win
ter of 1948-49. he said. .
"It seems that employers are
using every break in the weather,
this winter, to bring their men
back to the Job." said Baillie.
"This is especially true In the saw
milL logging and construction in
dustries, which have been most
seriously hit by bad weather."
Meanwhile the state unemploy
ment compensation reported that
tne number oi employed workers
in Oregon Is near the all-time
high mark, despite the fact that
there is almost a record total of
jobless workers.
The commission said that their
were 418,200 persons working on
non-farm jobs during December.
This was only slightly below the
record total set in December. 1948.
On the other hand the commission
estimated that this month . the
number of unemployed might
mount to 100,000 over the state.
greatest in history of the commission.
Banquet Facilities 1
Now Available at
iintmiAi i nil' Mail
Private banquet facilities ars
available in the large room form
erly occupied by the Salem Cham
ber of Commerce, according to
Joseph H. Randall, Salem restaur
ateur who is now operating the
service. -
Randall said the room also is
available for niirht
ings. The Salem chamber, which
nas oeen occupying the enure sec
ond floor above Bishop's men's '
store, will continue to occupy only
the front part of the building.
Randall said Wednesday he '
plans to redecorate the entrance
.AAtH , A ft.. . 1 1 Ml A.
wiu h, hw uuuns nau soon, inav
twee u now occupiea oy uie ure-,
gon farm bureau. Randall will
continue to operate the Golden
Pheasant restaurant and will con
tinue ta CSter for thm ehamKev'a i
Heparin is used by surgeons to
Dr event formation of elot in hiwvf -
vessels after muhMm,
uisunm savings
SEE Bret
pffi Savings
Current Dividend 2Vt
st Federal Savings
end Lean AssU
1U So. Llberty
Bring Yon Greal Savings
Odds and Ends!
One or Two ci a Kind!
Book Trough End Table WaL Finish
Modern End Table Walnut Finish
T 4
Glass Top End Table Amazing Value
Small Coffeo Table Nice Walnut Finish
End Table with Drawer & Shelf Walnut
Many Other Equal Values
S C.C3
S G.C3
5 7.03
Filled f9?
1 i' Z&&SSz2Si
St Fronds
Box Spring $19.88
Woven StritM Mattress
Flexalotor insulation. Exceptional ...
A beautiful Damask Mattress
Satin Border. Custom Built
Ptill TJb Occasional Chair
Modem or Conventional Styles
Platform Rocker. Double Spring
Coil Spring on No-Sag Platform
Rocker rabies to $89.50
Frieze Velour Tapestry
Sofa Beds. Reg. $89JS0 values
Velours and Tapestries ,
"I. 49M
I i I
1 4
f vs"
iifL. "e3
Big Bnys in Fine 2 Pc.
1 5I79CP
MassiTe Strip Mohair Suite
Popular rose color. Regular $22340
Handsome Mohair Frieze Suite
We hare It In Rose or Blue -
Modem 2 Pillow Channel Back
A $24940 Suite In Win Frieze .
Rich Charles oi London Suite
Sag Grsen Fries. $25940 ralu
ralexiaa . .
m wmi, mum
Extension Diner Mahog. $CQ&3
Veneer, console etyl isfr
Dining Chairs odd lots J5Q93
Mahogany, waL, blond w
S pc chrome set. Stain resistant top.
Duron upholstered chairs. Gray
RedYellow S4?flk&3
$8940 Set
9x12 AU Wool ChenQI
9x12 Enamel Surface
Floral and Til Patterns)
Rodnbow Color Hat Felt Rugs
Asst. sizes. Reg. to 844 . $1.95
15Vix27 Cocoa Mats and
Rubber Door Mats . S1.49
Close Out Bath Mat Sets .,$1.93
Armstrong Quaker and Congoleuxn
8 & yardag Enamel suzfac
par foot 50
Metal Pin-tJp Lamps,.
Brown Metal Bed Lamps
Pressure Cooker
Brofl-O-Mat Broilers
Electric Iron
Proctor Auto. Iron . ;,,,,,. $9.93
Turn Over Toaster 1t1M)3
Auto. Pop-Up Toaster $9.93
Waffl Iron '. -L-$9.C3
Food Mixer $29.93
Special Prices on Clos Outs.
T7e GiTB "S&H"
Green Slanps
Open Friday to
9 P. II.
i - - A
r . Jj j
Phone 3-7186
1630 N. 20th Street