The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1950, Page 3, Image 3

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    TT'i ' T
Scoit Leaders
Attend Meet
SULimaa Nwt Strvlco
N- HAZEL GREEN Hazel Green
Boy Scout were well represented
at the Silver Fall district com-
rolttee meeting Tuesday. Attend
ing were committeemen Otis Phil
lips, Rudy Wacken, Lacy Bowlsby,
Elmr McClaughry, Harry McKib
ben," V Jesse Carter and Donald
Contrary to an announcement
, made at the last pack meeting,
weekly den meetings of Cub pack
67 will be held weekly as addi
tional den mothers have been se
cured to assist Lois Wacken.
' How to make tomato soup was
featured in a meeting of the Hap
py Home Makers 4-H cooking
club at the home of Mrs. Henry
Rasmussen Tuesday.
Final plans for the Blue and
Gold banquet at Mayflower hall
Tuesday, February 7,. were made
In a meeting at the home of Mrs.
Budy Wacken Tuesday. Attending
, were Mesdames Lacy Bowlsby
Harry McKibben, Leo Hawley,
. Jake Haury, Orin Phillips, Jesse
warier, iea jowry ana timer aic
Claughry. Mrs. Carl Zlebert is recovering at
Ealem Memoial hospital from a
serious attack of pneumonia. Her
brother, Julius Slattum, plans to
visit with friends and relatives
here for a few days before return
ing to his home In Cumberland,
' 1 1 ' - 7' "
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Flvtyear-old Ollls Clf shorn, of tan Anaslo, Tex, peers out from b
hind bars but to her they represent the road to freedom of action.
Olllo was etrlcken with polio during the 1949 epidemic Thousands of
children like Oltle look to the National Foundation for Infantile Paral
ysis for assistance. The March of Dimes (Jan. 16-31) Is the sole source
of funds for the National Foundation, whose epidemic funde were
hausted by last year's toll of cases.
Turner M. Sgt. and Mrs. W. R.
McKay, Dennis and Judy have
been visiting the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Scheaffer. He will
sail for Japan soon.
Falls City Family
Returns from Trip
Statesman Newt Service
FALLS CITY Mrs. Merle Sa
vage and children returned home
Saturday after visiting relatives
in the east for two months.
Mrs. Kenneth Cummings of Cut
ler City spent Monday visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Letterman in Falls City.
M)-s. G. E. Wilson and Mrs.
Floyd Johnson are on Jury duty
in Dallas.
Mrs. Calvin Bones and daugh
ter, Barbara of Taft, spent a few
days visiting Mildred Wray.
Fire Auxiliary
Nets $28.50 from Sale
Statesman Newe Service
JEFFERSON The woman's
auxiliary to the volunteer fire de
partment made $28.50 from their
food sale Saturday in the city
hall. The money goes toward a
fund to buy equipment for the
City councilmen and firemen
and their families will hold a pot
lucL. supper Friday night at 6:30
in the city hall. Instructions are
to wear overalls and print dresses
and come prepared to "let your
hair down."
Up at OCE
Statasnua N.wi Service
nearly 28 per cent in students
registered in teacher training
training courses was revealed to
day In final registration figures
for winter term at Oregon College
of Education. . A total of 454 are
studying education courses this
year, compared to 355 last year.
In all, 564 students signed up
for the term, an increase of 16 -per
cent over last year's figures for
the same term. 110 are taking
lower division work.
The increase in total enrollment
followed a pattern set in fall term,
when OCE's classes were swelled
by a 20 per cent jump.
OCE continues to attract vet
erans, as Indicated by an increase
of 1.59 per cent in enrollment over
last year. There are 192 veterans
studying here now: 163 men, 8
women attended under PL 346,
while 9 men and 1 woman are
carried under PL 16. Five are
registered under state aid, and six
are going it on their own. '
Twenty-one transfer students
are at Monmouth. Of there, 13 are
from other schools within the
state system of higher education,
four from other Oregon colleges,
and four from other states.
Mountain View Community club
and Orchard Heights Farmers un
ion will sponsor a pie social Fri
day, January 27, at 8 p.m. in the
Mountain View schoolhouse. Pro
ceeds will go to the March of
Dimes campaign for polio relief.
The public is invited.
lUteiBsaa News Service
; Fmltland The Fruitland Wo
man's circle will meet Thursday,
January 26, at 2 pm, in the church
Falls City Schools opened here
Monday after being closed for a
week due to weather conditions.
Falls City James Dickenson en
tered Salem General hospital this
week for a major operation.
Earene Co-chairman of the
promotion committee for the an-
ual "Heart Hop" at tne univer
sity of Oregon is Jeanne Hoffman,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George
S. Hoffman, 515 Rose St., Salem.
Miss Hoffman is a sophomore soc
iology major.
I Union Ilill Mrs. Donald Jauet
will be hostess to members of the
Union Hill Woman's club at her
Home at Victor Point Thursday,
January 26, starting at 1:30 p.m.
Members are asked to bring their
favorite recipe.
Liberty-Salem Hifhts Cub
Scout pack 19 of Liberty-Salem
Heights will meet Friday at 7:30
p.m. In Liberty halL Parents are
asked to attend.
Hazel Green Musical numbers
by the Wiltsey House of Music
and an act by Don Schmidt will
be featured in a meeting of the
Hazel Green Community club Fri
day night. The Happy Home Mak
ers 4-H cooking club will sell
home-made candy. The refresh
ment committee will serve cake
and coffee.
' i ii a wi ,mii.i'.miMJwjinijWWJJ.mUl'''y1! Milium.
TWi great, new factory uses everything science has discovered andbwnafi ' , - ,
skill devised to make Chesterfield th best cigarettt money can tniy. , - -i "" ' v
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XV Collie TO&CC, to co , ". i-
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The MILDER Cigarette Officially Opens the
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Powell Elected
President of
Garden Club
SUtccwaa News Senice
JEFFERSON Alfred Powell
was unamiously re-elected presi
dent of the Jefferson Friendly
Garden club Monday night in their
January meeting. A local grocery-
man, flower growing Is his hobby,
and has given much, time and
thought to organizing the club .and
seeing it successfully through its
first year. Named to serve with
him as vice president was Mrs.
George Mill. Mrs. Charles Sarver
was chosen secretary and Mrs.
Helen Caywood, treasurer.
An Invitation for the club mem
bers to attend the grand opening
of Gilmore's new florist shop in
Albany Friday and Saturday was
read. The club voted $10 toward
the local polio fund, and decided
to hold a plant and bulb exchange
at the February meeting. Maurice
Townsend was given a vote of
thanks for eclaning off the snow
from the city hall sidewalks dur
ing the storm.
Refreshments were served by
the committee, Mrs. Guy Roland,
Mrs. Earl Lynes and Mr. and Mrs.
Les Shields.
The- SfaesingnSdem, Oregon.' fcw&wmucay iZ. 3
CORVALLIS Ken Lenaburg,
son of Mr. and Mrs., John Lena
burg, 3660 liberty road, Salem,
was recently pledged to Sigma
Nu. national social fratpmiW at
Oregon State college. He is a
senior in business and industry.
Fire Association Elects
Officers at Sublimity
SUtcsaaaa News Service
SUBUMriT The Farmers
Fire Relief association of Sublim
ity re-elected all of 1948's officers
in a meeting at the Catholic For
esters hall here.
Te officers are George A. Sand
ner, Scio, president; Andrew Fery,
Stayton, vice president; Fred C
Hottinger, Stayton, treasurer, and
John Silbernagel, Scio, director.
Izaak Waltons
Plan Meeting .
At Silverton
SUtcsataa New Service
SILVERTON The annual
meeting of the Silverton chapter
of the Izaak Walton league will
be held on Monday, January 30,
at the Washington Irving Cham
ber of Commerce meeting rooms.
This is a postponed meeting
from January 16 and the annual
oyster feed will be held. Instal
lation' of both the Izaak Walton
chapter and the auxiliary will be
held that evening.
The speakers for the evening
will be Dr. Dave Charlton Stae,
division president, and Dr. Alfred
HalL supervisor of the Pacific
northwest range and experiment
station, Portland.
Lawrence Larson will be the
chef and his assistants will be Bill
Black and Alvin Krug.
Girls From- -Aumsville
Attend Meeting
SUUsmia News Service
AUMSVILLE Girls chosen to
attend the National Trl-Y confer
ence In Portland February S, 4
and 5 are Margaret Nicholson,
Donna Banks ton, Marilyn Pease,
Patty Nichols, Lauralie Brown and
Loriss Papke. They will go with
the Salem delegation.
A 4-H camp cooking club has
been organized with Mrs. Guy
Sheilds as leader. Officers era
Ralph Harper, president; John
Baker, vice president; Marvin
Stanton, secretary; Benny Nichol
son, song leader, and John Bak
er, reporter. ,
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