The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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    I The Statesman. Salem, Ore- Wednesday. January H
Of Note
Hi EtepfiEg) SSksm
Varied Events
Gn Social
Agenda By Jeryme English
Statesman Society Editor
Although entertaining has been
curtailed this week due to weather
conditions, still a number of host
esses are planning parties for lat
er in the week and small club
groups are meeting. ;
McKays to be Hosts
Governor and Mrs. Douglas
McKay have invited a group of
friends to a buffet supper party on
Friday night at their Jerris ave
nue home. Covers will be placed
tor thirty guests.
Dr. Smith Honored
x Mrs. Wilmer C. Smith was host
ess for an informal dinner party
Monday night at her Tillman
avenue home In compliment to
her husband on his birthday.
Covers were placed for Dr. Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heltzel, Dr.
and Mrs. Tom H. Dunham, and
Mrs. Smith.
A Bridge Luncheon
Mrs. Raymond Busick has Invit
ed a group of her neighborhood
friends to luncheon on Thursday
afternoon at her South High street
home.- Bridge will be In play af
ter the luncheon.
i Bidden by the hostess are Mrs.
Louis Lorent, Mrs. Herman C
Jochimsen, Mrs. ,Charles Heltzel,
Mrs. Robert I H. -Hamilton, Mrs.
Edwin A. Fronk, Mrs. Erwin Bahl
burg, (Mrs. Werner Brown and
Mrs. Glenn Stevens., -Entertain
MrsJ George Todd was a host
ess Tuesday night at her North
14th -street home for the pleasure
of her club and a few guests. A
dessert supper followed an eve
ning of cards. The group present
ed Mrs. Henry Meyer with a gift.
Additional guests were Mrs. Bert
Walke, Mrs. Phillip Brandt, Mrs.
Frank Schramm, Mrs. Donald
Burke land Mrs. L. E. deWeese.
Mrs.! William H. ! Paulus will
entertain her club at a bridge
luncheon this afternoon at her
North 14th street home. Addi
tional guests will be Mrs. B. E.
Oweens and Mrs. A. L. Adolph
aon. - . l' .
Mrs. Clenn Stevens - will be a
luncheon hostess this afternoon at
her Division street home for mem
bers of her club.
Mrs. James Clough has invited
her club , to a .dessert bridge to
night at her Duncan avenue home.
A hostess Thursday afternoon
will be Mrs. Donald McCargar,
who will .entertain her club at
luncheon and bridge.
Christian Women
Schedule Meeting
The meeting of the , Woman's
Council of the First Christian
church will begin at 11 o'clock
Thursday at the church, followed
by a 12 o'clock sack and soup
lunch and a program at 1 o'clock.
The program, "Glimpses of
Japan" will include a short skit
by Mrs. Mae Lamb, and Mrs. Jo
Cracraft, and a duet by the Rev.
and Mrs. Walter Naff, '
On Etiquette
., ; y
By Roberta Lee
Q. If a guest shows no sign of
- pleasure, and does not even pro
perly thank his hostess, is there
any good way to make him see
how he stands in. the estimation of
his hostess? :
A. Just about the best way to
meet this situation is not to invite
him again soon or ever!
Q. If a'girl is sitting out a dance
with a man and is away from the
dance floor, is it all right for
another . man to ask the girl to
. A. No he should wait until she
is dancing again.
Q. Is it all right for a man, in
the rear seat of a car with two
women, to sit between them?
A. Yes; this is the proper place
tor him to sit.
to keep fit!
n is
; rnn
Made By The Bakers Of
Master Bread"
i ml
New Officers
Are Installed -V
Christine Larsen is the new
president of the Capital city unit
of the Oregon Association of
Beauty Shop Owners and Ope
tors, succeeding Wilma Lee Pha-
Miss Larsen was installed at a
meeting of the unit last week.
Other officers installed include
Evalyne j Czarnetzki, vice-president;
Donna Aim,-secretary; Mrs.
Elaine Sutter, treasurer, and Mrs.
Myrtle Cochran, sergeant-at -arms.
The unit will meet again on Feb
ruary 14 at Larsen's Beauty studio
at 7:30 p jn. Erich Laetsch, local
operator,! will speak at the meet
ing which will be open to all shop
owners and operators.
Will Install
Salem chapter of Gold Star Mo
thers will hold formal installation
ceremonies for their 1950 officers
at the VFW hall on Thursday, Jan
uary 19 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Magdalena
Butler of North Bend, president of
the state department American
Gold Star Mothers, Inc., will be
the installing officer, assisted by
Mrs. Betty Greig, Portland, state
department sergeant-of-arms.
Heading the 1950 btoud of offi
cers for the Salem chapter will
be: Mrs. Olive Olson as president;
Mrs. Frank Young, 1st vice presi
dent; Mrs. Martha Thompson, 2nd
vice president; Mrs. Lucy Lichty,
chaplain; Mrs. Fred Birch, treas
urer; Mrs. Cora Hutchinson, re
cording secretary; Mrs. Jake Lap
pin, corresponding secretary: Mrs.
Loyd Kennedy, organist; Mrs. Mary
jMUicrome, sergeant-of-arms; Mrs.
Agnes Rohmer, historian; Mrs. A.
lgmner ana Mrs. B. H. Larkins,
color bearers; Mrs. Florence Rog
ers, Mrs. Frank. Young and Mrs.
C. H. Quesseth, executive board.
Invitations have been sent to all
patriotic organizations and a large
garnering is expected. A social
nour win follow the ceremonies.
w-. nn n am
Many Ideas for
Pickup Now in
By Mrs. Genevieve Smith
vn,,.. nraninth. i-irW m um.
jaded? It's no trick at all to give
it a DickuD if vou're even an am-1
ateur seam
stress. Make the
most of the
fashion for sep
arates and
good buys' in
short lengths
and close - outs
that are to be
found in many
yard goods de-
p a r t ments
this season.
Put your im
a a i n a tion to
Mrs. Smith
work when it comes to creating
attractive separates. Don't, be
afraid to go in for color espe
cially in blouses or toppers. Use
sharp color contrasts of harmon-
. izing tones of the same color . . .
solid color with solid, and stripes,
checks, prints, plaids with solid.
Here are some of the interest
ing combinations that you can
work up easily:
! Tailored skirts for business and
, general wear - Tweed, checks
(the fancy shaped checks are
very new), men's wear flannel,
are grand fabrics for this type
of skirt For now, team them
State at Liberty
Are Listed
A number of cancellations of
meetings were telphoned into The
Statesman office during Tuesday.
Members of the Friendly Neigh
bors Garden club, who had asked
the members of the Little Garden
club of Salem Heights as guests to
a meeting on Thursday, have
postponed the session until Feb
ruary 2.
The WSCS of the First Metho
dist church, supposed to meet to
day, will meet instead, on Wednes
day of next week.
The Disabled American Veterans
auxiliary business session set for
Thursday has also been postponed.
The Salem Council of Women's
Organizations meeting set for the
YMCA Thursday has been cancell
ed. The Kingwood American Leg
ion's benefit card party to be giv
en Thursday night will not be
held, and the auxiliary meeting
set also for Thursday has been
cancelled. Rummage for the sale, is
to be taken to the .home of the
president, Mrs. Irl Folsom, Rt 1,
Box 135, Wallace Road.
The 8 et 40 meeting slated for
tonight at the home of Mrs. H. H.
Henry has been postponed indef
initely. Women's Missionary society of
the First Baptist church has can
celled its Thursday meeting.
Speaker Wins
Miss Marie Bosch was awarded
the prize for her speech, "Your
Land and Mine" at the regular
meeting of Salem Toastmistress
club last Thursday. Other speak
ers were Mrs. Howard Hunsaker,
Mrs. W. L. Clemens, Mrs. Edward
White, Miss Alberta Shoemake.
Dr. Egbert Oliver of Willamette
university was the guest evalua
tor. A drill was conducted by Miss
Alberta Shoemake. Officers will
be installed at the next meeting.
Mrs. Mabel Hayles was Toastmis
tress and Miss Alma Schroeder
was hostess.
with jersey or rayon crepe. For
wear later, use lighter colors In
, crepe, one of the many beautiful
linens, and cotton smrting. For
the linens and broadcloth, con
sider the new vogue for . no
sleeves and a high , collar, man
darin or little boy. Both the
skirt and the blouse are easy as
anything to make.
Skirts for more dressy occa
sions can be made of one of the
crepes worsted, rayon, or nylon
in very narrow pleats ( perma
nent, of course). This type of
skirt becomes a costume when
mated with one of the she?r
blouses nylon, voile, silk geor
gette, triple sheer, or a print.
Consider wool chaps as alter
nate with the. worsted crepe
Evening skirts, of any length
to suit your needs,' are stunning
in taffeta, crepe, or satin. Dress
them up with a frilly blouse of
one of the many embroidered
sheers, of voile, printed long'
cloth, the newly revived cotton
mull, stiffened chiffons, or open-
weave cottons. Make them veri
table confections for important
occasions, or the simpler tailored
effects for dining out and such
events. .
(Coptrlght. 1950.
General Feature Corporation)
No one ever regrets
timely call upon a phy
sician. Prompt action is
oftca more than half the
battle. So, see your doctor
right away. And, of
coarse, bring his pre
scriptions to this profes
sloaal pharmacy for
skilled compounding at
prices that are always tain
- On the Corner"
Miss Evelyn Elizabeth Esau, daughter of the William D.
Esaus, whose betrothal to Marlow Ray Latourell, son of J.
W. Latourell, has been announced. The wedding will be
May 5.
Will Attend
Stage Show
The stage play, "Inside U.SA.,"
starring Beatrice Lillie which
opened Tuesday night at the May
fair theatre in Portland is attract
ing a number of Salem people this
week. As tickets are at a premium
theatre goers will travel by bus or
train if unable to drive.
A number have tickets for the
Thursday afternoon matinee in
cluding Mrs. Harris Lietz, Mrs.
Leslie Burdette, Mrs. Hal M. Ran
dall, Mrs. Henry Simmons and
Mrs. William Schlitt. In another
group will be Mrs. Henry Hanzen,
Mrs. A. D. Woodmahsee, Mrs. Tom
Dunham, Mrs. David Bennett Hill
and Mrs. Glenn Wilbur. Mrs. Lew
is Griffith, Mrs. Chester I. Chase,
Mrs. Norman Merrill and Mrs.
William H. Paulus will also attend
the Thursday matinee and accom
panying them to Portland will be
Mrs. Wilmer C. Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Gragg
and Mr. and Mrs. C Lester New
man will attend the matinee this
afternoon Going to Portland Fri
day night for the performance will
be Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. James Walton and
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Linn C. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Young
and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks
will be among thise attending the
stage show Saturday night. In an
other group on Saturday will be
Miss Mary White, Miss Janet Bow
er, Miss Margaret Allen, Miss
Maxine Buren, Miss Betty Gregg
and Miss Opal Friesen. -
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Olinger
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drager
will be- in Portland Thursday
night for the performance and on
Saturday Mr, and Mrs. Louis Ger
linger will be among those attend
ing the stage show.
J ery scespl HwaeWet f
seasetieael new Mede O"
Dey certaas . . . asare-fer-er-se)ey
recks direct
frem asemrrecfrer to yonf
AS sises; this style 14 te 20.
fnrdrrss ZSP TTsfrMUl
- mm MOBtfeM
i ti i r l ii H is iiiiiui v ...uumww"
Ghosts", Ibsen
Play on Campus
A psychological play entitled
"Ghosts" by Ibsen, will be the
second stage play produced by the
Willamette university dramatic
department this school year.
Cast selected by Ruane Hill, in
structor in speech and drama and
director of the play include: Geo
rge Bynon, Salem, as Engstrand;
Margaret Guice, Seattle, Regina;
Phil Hammond, Portland, Parson
Manders; Dave Place, Hood River,
Oswald;, Marian Sparks, Salem,
Mrs. Alving.
Handling production will be
Ella Louise Ball, Estacada, assist
ant director; Rex Lindemood,
Twin Fails, Idaho, stage manager;
Chic Schmidt, Lapwaf Idaho,
lighting; Betty Hers tr elm. Port
Tppnsend, Wash, and Margaret
Conklm, Bend, properties; - Mar
Jorie Letteken, Dallas costumes;
Lloyd Hanson, Bend, workshop
manager; Dorothy Wood, Salem,
makeup; Marian Spann, Payette,
Idaho, publicity; Bernice Isham.
and Catherine Person, Salem,
managerial. ;
The play will be presented Feb
ruary 16 and 17. I
Dental Assistants Meet
A dinner meeting open to all
dental assistants of the Salem area
is planned for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday,
January 24, under sponsorship of
the Capital City Dental Assistants
association. The meeting will take
place at the Golden Pheasant. A
program of interest to women in
the dental field is being planned.
Yenng Matrons will meet Thurs
day night at the Mayflower hall at
8 o clock. Installation of officers
will be held with cards following,
The committee includes Mrs. W. J.
Fritz, Mrs. Ernest Gray and Mrs.
Wayne Ferns.
TIMI ONLYe sr a.
7 m M iv tm
RedeceJ )est fee this sefef
41 Kfftiv94 flww rfy
weaderf al leafweeriae
reyee setie slis, ret erly, nra Ve off! White or
ptok, eeU fskka beet
eectieaw Sases IS te
Alse Albany
Travelers continue to hold the
social spotlight during the winter
Smith Return t Capital
Being welcomed home from a
two months stay in the east are
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith, who
arrived in the capital Tuesday
morning on the Shasta Daylight
The Smiths left here in Novem
ber and he attended a session of
the Association of American Col
leges in New York and several
other Methodist educational meet
ings in the east Mrs. Smith at
tended a meeting of the board of
the Pi Beta Phi Settlement School
at Gatlinburg, Term, the first of
The Smiths spent Christmas in
Spencer, Indiana, where they were
joined by their two daughters,
Sally and Margie, at Canyon Inn,
where they remained for nearly
two weeks. Sally is attending Randolph-Macon
Woman's college at
Lynchburg, Virginia and Margie
is a freshman at DePauw univer
sity at Greencastle, Indiana. Also
joining the Smiths at Canyon Inn
for Christmas was Mrs. Smith's
mother, Mrs. H. H. Brooks.
Bound for AtUutlc City
Headed east on Thursday on the
streamliner will be Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Allen and Mrs. I. N. Bacon,
who will attend the National Can-
ners convention in Atlantic City.
ine baiem travelers will also visit
in New York City. Washington.
D.C. and Philadelphia while on the
east coast They will return home
in mid-February, coming by way
oi cauiorma.
Birthdays Are Feted
AUMSVILLE Friday night a
group met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Ross and a birthday
supper was served in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Eric Pedersen and Har
vey Gjesdal. After supper the
group gathered around the fire
place, while games were played
and Arthur Coats led the group
in some hymns and choruses.
Others present were Rev. and
Mrs. Glenn Hoerner, Glendah
Horner, George Lee Hoerner, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Valencourt. Mr. and
Byron Wells, Stanley Wells, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Ross. Carolyn
Ross, eorge Ross, Mrs. GjesdaL
Mrs. Miler, Evelyn Gjesdal, Anna
Marie, Mrs. Kellogg, George Gjes
dal, Otto Fuson and Rollie Green.
Pythian Sisters meet at KP hall.
p.m.. officers meet at i Dm.
Salem chapter. OES. social club, no-
host luncheon. Masonic temple, noon.
Washington School Mother's club,
1:30 at the school.
Willamette Faculty Women's club.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon wing. Baxter
hall, S s.m. dessert.
Hayesvllle Woman's club with Mrs.
E. C. Mennis, 5010 Portland road. 1:15
oessert luncheon.
Maccabees 84D covered dish dinner,
weaver hall, B:30 p.m.
Sigma Chi Mothers meet at chanter
house. Baxter wing. 1 p.m.
Barbara Frietchie tent. Daughters of
Union Veterans meet with Mrs. J. F.
Ulrich. 1225 Chemeketa at. 1 p.m.
Capital City Dental assistants din
ner. Golden Pheasant. 6 JO pjtt.
State Street
- CorvaUta - Eagene
By EUsabetk HiUyer
If a toplofty ceiling gives a
bleak look to a room, stop the
eye before It travels that high.
A wallpaper border below the
ceiling line and cornices for the
windows do the trick. Make the
cornices the same width as the
border and the same color. Start
the border at the cornice height
and continue it across the walls
on all sides Of the room. This
works best if the cornices and
border, and the draperies, too,
definitely contrast with the walls.
Hang the draperies to the floor
and this continuous line, which
State Officer Is
Salem Visitor
Rebekah lodge members held a
banquet and initiation Monday
night at which Mrs. Lela Ramsey
of Madras, state president was
honor guest ;
Other officials present were:
Mrs. Vera Evick, marshal; Mrs.
Mary Miller, musician:. Grant
Murphy, past grand master; Carl
Engstrom, past grand patriarch;
Mrs. Clarence Town send, past sec
retary of ladies auxiliary; Mrs. Ida
Hul and Mrs. William Beard, dis
trict deputy presidents.
Visitors from Portland, New
berg, Hubbard, Monitor, Silverton,
Stay ton and Lebanon - were pres
ent Mrs. Emma Scott and Miss
Evelyn Annie Kent were initiated
The past noble grands club will
meet January 18 at Mrs. Clem
Ohlsen's 747 South 12th st F. L.
? i - -it
From the marble and bronze entrance to the new
Coffee Shop and Dining Room, you'll discover that
your visit to the newly redecorated Hotel Marion U
a wonderou adventure in fine living. Drop in, see us
often . . . make the Hotel Marion your downtown
headquarter for dinner and luncheon
At the Corner of
now seeins to start at the celling,
also helps to cut down the room
height Window tops may dictate
where you start the border, but
don't hesitate to begin it as low
as 18 Inches from the actual ceil
ing line.
TJadcraeath those layers ef dingy
varnish yoa may have oasethlnc
there a ataatlfal piece I furniture
that needs only te shew its fine weed
grain. Learn hew te work refinlshing
wonders with the help of Elizabeth
Hillyer's new booklet FCKNITURE
YOURSELF. Ifs yours for 15e la coin
and a stamped self-addressed envel
ope sent to Miss Hillyer at this news-
taper. -
Coprlght 193 y John F. Dllle CO
club will meet in the hall Thurs
day at 8 p.m. ;
Mrs. La Ver Appelgate, noble
grand, will entertain elective offi
cers and the by-law committee to
meet at her home, 2015 North 4th
st Jan. 25 at 8, pjn. Next Monday,
will be social night
SftEBT USMKIKS reJsl fcr
Don't Mow' yourself. Rub the aching
I part well with Musterole. Its great
pain-relieving medication speeds freak
blood to the painful area, bringing
amazing relief. If pain is intense
buy Extra Strong Muaterole.
Ferry and Commercial ,