I Oily News BBrfieffs MOTOR CATCHES FIRE Fire in an electric motor sent firemen to the Oregon Farmers Union Cooperative, 343N. Com mercial, at 9 a. m. Tuesday. Dam age was confined to the motor. LEGION POST 81 CANCELS American Legion post 81, , West Salem, will not hold its regular meeting Thursday- night due to weather. s We have some good baby beef for your locker 39c " lb. Also young turkeys 39c lb. Orwig's Market, 4375 Silver-ton Rd. Ph. 2-6128. HOUSE FIRE TOLD Fire that started from an over heated stove pipe caused minor damage at the George Detwiler residence, 1425 Marion St., Tues day morning. Firemen from the east Salem station answered the call. They reported Detwiler had the fire under control when they arrived. ' LIONS WOMEN WONT MEET Salem Lions club auxiliary has cancelled its Thursday night meet ing, Mrs. Wayne Doughton, pre sident, announced Tuesday. Salem Lodge No. 4 AT. & A.M. will open at the Clough-Barrick Mortuary 2:45 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 18 to conduct a funeral ser vice for Br. N. L. Gamble. HEALTH REPORT ISSUED Twenty-three cases of commun icable diseases were reprted in Sa lem last week, January 8-14, to Dr. W. J. Stone, Marion county health officer. Four cases of ring worm and scabies topped the list. Fifteen instances of disease were reported elsewhere in the county. JUNIOR- GROUP TO SPEAK Mrs-. Norma Hunt of Boring, Junior leader of the Clackamas county farmers union, and a group of juniors and junior reserves will speak over the Oregon Farmers union weekly radio program at 7 o'clock tonight on station KOAC, : Corvallis. For sale: Electric organ and spinet piano. Ph. 3-4641. MEETING CALLED OFF Tonight's scheduled meeting of Townsend club 4 at 2125 N. 4th st., has been called off because of Inclement weather, leaders announced. CHURCH SCHOOL CANCELLED This Thursday night's session of the Methodist school of religion at Salem First Methodist church has been canceled due to the weather, the Rev. G. Wesley-Turner, dean, announced Tuesday. Coming FrI, J an. 20. The- Famous Sons of the Pioneers with Eddie Major's Hollywood Outlaws, 4 hours: dance & show, Glenwood Ballroom. " . - LODGE MEETS TONIGHT Chemeketa lodge 1, IOOF, will confer the second degree of Odd ; fellowship on Dudley Bulhck Wednesday night. LEGION HALL CLOSES Legion hall on South Commer cial street is closed until Friday night at 6 p.m. for partial reno vation, said Ira Pilcher,, manager. The work win consist in repaint ing the. main dining room panel and electrical repairs in the kitch en. The building, including Leg Jon club facilities, closed Wednes day. - .. Have your home Insulated, today wit h; Johns-Manvllle insulation. Ph. 3-3748. ABC Insulation Co. UNION LEADERS MEET F. D. VanSweringen, business agent, and Jack Cutler, both of the Salem Building Trades council here, will lead a local delegation of about 12 union delegates to the Oregon State Building Trades convention in Pendleton on Jan uary 21 and 22. VanSweringen is an executive board member for his district. OSEA MEET CANCELED The. January meeting of Salem chapter 1, Oregon State Employes association, scheduled for tonight, was called off Tuesday because of the weather. The chapter will meet next on February 15. Johns-Manviiie shingles applied by Mathis Bros., 164 S. Com'l. Free estimates. Ph. 34642. JUDGE MURPHY ILL Marion County Judge Grant Murphy is ill at his home, his office reported Wednesday. The judge was absent Wednesday from county court deliberations. ES WOMAN LEAVES Yvonne Simpson, placement of ficer in the women's division at the Salem office of the state em ployment service, has resigned her job and will return to Illinois this week to be married, Manager William Baillie said Wednesday. No successor has been selected. Miss Simpson has been employed with the service since her grad uation at Willamette university last June. TOASTMASTERS MEET .Speechcraft talks will be made at the meeting tonight of the Cap itol Toastmasters club by William Taw, Robert Forkner and Donald Gardner. The meeting will take place in the Gold Arrow restaur ant at 6:15 o'clock. Other speakers will be Donald Heinz and Dr. Harry Moran. Insured savings earn more than two per cent at Salem Federal Savings Association. 560 ' State st. VICKERS APPEARS TODAY Edison Vickers of Idanha is slat ed to be arraigned in Marion county circuit court this morning on a charge of violating the cor rupt practices act." The complaint charges Vickers with mailing lit erature Erjor to an election at Detroit several months ago. LAMB RETIRES NAME Certificate of assumed business name u H & L logging company, 3195 N. River rd., was filed with the Marion county clerk Tues day by C W. Hedges. Harold C. Lamb filed notice of retirement from the firm. Salem (ftter Of Appraisers To Organize A Salem chapter of the Society of Residential Appraisers will be organized at a meeting Friday in the Senator hotel at 7:30 p.m. The Society is an internat'onal organization of specialists in res idential property valuation, ac cording to Mark B Hawes of Portland, northwset member f the board of governors of the so ciety, who will conduct the meet ing here. Aim of the group is to promote higher standards in appraisals. Branches are in 70 cities and members are drawn from savings and loan associations, savings banks, life insurance companies, real estate brokers and governmen tal agncies. Suits on Validity of Portland Business Tax Reach High Court Two suits to determine constitutionality of Portland's new business tax Tuesday reached the state si preme court. The suits, one brought by two retailers, Ted Garbade and Fred Boynton, and the other by six automobile dealers, claim the tax is not uniform and thus violates the constitution. Pastors Asked To Support Many Causes Support of a variety of enter prises was urged on Salem Minis terial association by speakers at its Tuesday morning meeting in First Congregational church. -No action was voted on any of the topics. George S. Brown, Portland, exe cutive -secretary of the Oregon Temperance league, told of the group's program, including move ment for an initiative to bar sale of any promotively advertised li quor, a radio program temperance education in the schools and bill board advertising?" Dean Robert D. Gregg of Wil lamette university urged in the churches an "international Sun day' in support of the Atlantic Union movement. Need for Bibles in the Christian nation of Japan was reported by Roy C. Ferguson, president of Sa lem Gideons. J. M. Ruthven of Grand Forks, B. C, displayed a model of the folding church trailer he is demon strating this week at Evangelistic Temple, during a tour of the country. 1 The business tax amounts to of gross sales over $25,000 a year. It affects every retailer in Port land. Circuit Judge James W. 'Craw ford of Portland ruled the tax was valid and the case was appealed. Arguments were heard Tuesday. In other action, the court upheld dismissal of a $54,900 damage suit brought by Frances C. Wilder against Dr. Wallace Haworth ' of Portland. She claims Haworth burned her with X-rays. Circuit Court Judge James R. Bain of Portland threw the case out of court and the state court upheld this action. A $25 a year plus $1 for each $1,000 Births BEEDLE To Mr, and Mrs. Carl Beedle, 1570 Park ave., a daugh ter, Tuesday, January 17, at Salem Memorial hospital. SUNDEEN To Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Sundeen. 243 S. Winter st, a daughter, Tuesday, January MANNING To Mr. and Mrs. James Mannintf. Brooks route 1. ar daughter, Tuesday, January 17, a i oaiem Memorial nospitai. McMORRIS To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMorris, 4745 Claxter rd- a son, Tuesday, January 17, at Salem General hospital. ZINGSIIEIM To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zingshelm, Mill City, a son, Tuesday, January 17, at . Salem General hospital. Report of Actress9 Illness Refuted CHICAGO, Janr 17-OVActress Ethel Barrymore, enroute from Los Angeles to New York, remained in her drawing room today while her pullman was switched to another railroad line. , In New York her daughter, Eth el Barrymore Colt, said the act ress took a through drawing room so she would not have to change trains in Chicago. - , Usually transcontinental ' pas sengers leave their train during the several hour layover in Chi cago. Miss Barrymore'a failure to do sojjave rise to reports that she was ilL Her daughter denied this, however. FOR HISSED SAVINGS First Federal Savings First Current Dividend 2Va st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 So. Liberty Frank Brown Succumbs; Rites Friday Frank A. Brown, farmer and sportsman in the Willamette val ley area nearly 60 years, died Mon day night at his residence at 6530 Locust st. He was 65. Born Oct. 1, 1BS4, in Ontario, Canada, Brown came to Oregon when he was 6 years 61d with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Archie O. Brown. He and his father operated a farm In Polk, county and Brown carried on after his father's death. The deceased was an ardent fish erman and won several cross-! country matches as a bicyclist dur- ing his youth. , ! Surviving are three sisters,' Mrs. Bettie E. Lent, The Dalles; Mrs. Christie LL Mooorman, Salem: and. Mrs. Minnie E. Woodside, Oakland, Calif.; and four brothers, Josepn B. and Charles A. Brown, .both of Salem; Robert A. Brown, Mon mouth, -and Roy R. Brown, Rose Lodge, i"-- ..ii-'v r; Funesal services will be held Friday at 1:30 p.m. at the Clough Barrick chapel with the Rev. Dud ley Strain officiating. Interment will be in he City View cemetery. Rose Society To See Slides; Forum Slated . Colored slides of roses tested and grown in t the gardens of Dr. Earl W. Benbow of Dallas will be shown at the . Thursday night meeting of the Salem Rose society. Ollie Shindel and George Ailing will report on roses which they tested during the summer. A round table discussion on the planting and cultivation of roses will be led by Dale Burris, and participated In . by George Ailing, Ollie Shindel and Dr. Earl . Ben-bow.'--.' ! ; New officers who will take the chair are Robert Brady, president; Dr., Kenrieth Waters vice-president; Mrs. Roberts Fitzmaurice, secretary; Nellie Schwab, treasur er; Dale Burris, program ' chair man; Maxine Buren, publicity; Kenneth Waters, rose show; Geo rge Ailing, rose show judge; Lee Canfield, membership- chairman; Mrs. Robert Brady and Mrs. Ken neth Waters, hospitality; Charles Cole, 411 and rose test committee; Dr. Benbow, Rose Sunday, chair Toy Collection Deadline Near Deadline for donating toys to the American Legion toy cam paign to benefit needy children in Europe will be January 20, offic ials said Wednesday. An estimated 500 pounds of toys has been donated by Salem chil dren and Legionnaires termed the response "very food." Collection depot for the three local Legion posts is the Legion hall on South Commercial street. The toys are to be collected at a central agency in America and shipped by the Legion to Europe. Charles B. Minor Finds Answer to 2-Car Problem! : SEE Charles B. Minor, employed for 10 years by Pacific Ply wood Corporation, Willamina, Oregon, which it near Salem, Oregon, chooses a new Kaiser Trayeler after looking at all other makes of cars. T purchased a Kaiser Tra veler from Teaguo Motor Com pany at Salem, Oregon, be cause other owners, living in our vicinity, praise their cars so highly, and because only a Kaiser Traveler will give mo dual purpose automobile. I am certain I received the most for my money. A truly better balanced car." Over 400,000 big stylish Kaisers and Fraxers have been sold. Hundreds of Oreogn . families onfoy -this comfort, ' safety, performance and econ omy, ' ? . . " ' : ; Teague Motor and Implements Company, , 335 N. Liberty Street ' Salem, Oregon. 1 SEE THE 1950 KAISER TRAVELER THE CAR WITH A DUAL LIFE FOR THE BEST DEAL SEE ; TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty . Phono 2-4173 Cannery Men On Way East A group of Salem cannery men are on their way to Atlantic L-uy, N. J. today to attend the 43rd na tional convention of the National Canners association January 21 to 31. Those attending include: From Blue Lake Packers Inc., O. IE. Snyder, general manager; N. W. Merrill, sales manager; Elmore Hill, production manager and J. E. Johnson, field superintendent; and from Producers Cooperative Pack ing Co., F. Smith, manager of the Stayton Canning Co. Other firms will be represented by delegates from their home of fices. Watercolor By Carl Hall Wilis Award A museum purchase prize in watercolor from the Michigan art ist show in Detroit, Mich., has been awarded Carl Hall, instruc tor in painting and artist in resi dence at Willamette university. The painting, entitled "Night Scene," is the property of the De troit Institute of Arts. Life magazine is planning to use another one of his paintings in an article, "Promising Young American Artists". During March the paintings will be displayed in the Metropolitan Art Museum, New York City, as part of a show on Young American Artists. Hall's Oregon scenes were featured in Life in March, 1948. The particular painting to be shown by Hall was one purchased by the Portland Art Museum dur ing the all Oregon show in June. WINNING TEAM BETHLEHEM, Pa (INS) Le high University's football team achieved its best record since 1923 in chalking up six wins and three losses for the 1949 season. In ad dition. Coach Bill Leconby's eleven scored more points than any other Engineers' squad since 1917. Marion 4-H Leaders Plan Meeting Jan,21 Recreation leadership and new games will feature 'the January 21 meeting of the Marion County 4-H Local Leaders association at May flower hall beginning at 1 p.m. Following a short business meet ing to be called by the president, Theresa Dehler, Mt. Angel, the group will hear from C. W. Smith assistant director of extension ser vice, Oregon State college, regard ing the Marion County 4-H pro gram. Jessalee Mallalieu, extension recreation specialist from Corval lis, will take charge of the program designed to help the 4-H leaders and the recreation chairman from each club in Marion county and the city of Salem to do a better job in regards to "having fun." Anthol Riney and Anne Berg holz, county extension agents, stress that each club in the county, of which there are 174 to date, is to be represented by a local leader and recreation chairman, or the leader and one 4-H member from each club. Miss Mallalieu will stress those types of games for small groups and games which do not require a lot of activity, games that can be played in homes at meetings. "We hope to be able to develop recreation leadership in some of our 4-H members, says Riney, in planning for a well balanced club program for Marion county. There will be a short meeting of the Marion county delegates to Western Oregon 4-H Local Lead ers conference during the after noon. Any Marion county leader desiring to go and has not notified the 4-H office, should do so at once. The conference is to be held in Corvallis January 24, 25 and 26. ! The Stcrtesmcrn,-Sqleni. 'Orol Weaesdcry Tcrmiarr'18. 19505 TaxOfficials To Tour Area Offering Help Assistance to taxpayers In pre- ! paring their federal income tax re- I uiua 99 tit J V uj ucyuij collectors of the internal revenue department who will be in cities in this area from January 24 and March 15. According to the department Wednesday the deputies will be at Salem postoff ice, February 28 to March 15; Silverton city hall, Feb ruary 6 and 7; Woodburn city hall February 8; ML; Angel city hall, February 27; Valsetz at the Valsetz Lumber Comp-uy, February 9 and 10; Dallas, Cale Hotel, February 14 and 15; Inde pende&ce,. First National Bank, FebrtfirjNltf; Monmouth city hall, February 17; McMinnville court house, Tebruary 14 to 16, and at Corvallis post office, March 7 to 15; Sweet Home city hall, Febru ary 13 to 15; Lebanon city hall, February 15 to 17; Scio postoffice; February 23, and Albany postof fice, March 1 to 15. REP. CROSBY FILES State Rep. Lloyd R. Crosby, Mil waukie republican, filed his can didacy for reelection Tuesday at the statehouse. thing Down, fay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades We also wash, retype, paint and reslat your old Venetian Blinds ELIIEI1 "w. Call Any Time" For Free , Estimates Phone 3-7328 1453 Rare SL W Salrm We Give 811 Greta Stamp! Tax Payers Ailenlicn Harry Ewing Tax Consultant Office hours t A. M. te 9 P. M. daily. Phone 2-8049 or 2-3369. Rear of 1997 Fairgrounds rd. Free parking- Sooth of Willam ette Valley Bank. The KosI River dam, to be erect ed in eastern Nepal, will be be tween 750 and 800 feet high taller than the Hoover dam on the Colorado river. i as COMPUTt NCW iVV-OZ- MINIATtfKf" MIASIM Alt Morris Optical Co. 444 State St Ph. 3-5528 SUE Limited Quantity ' Howard Ilaple Sporting Goods 372 State f-w -Ci n r rt - ... ... . I av THE U OW TU ri.i WHITE MAGIC SOAP flMMrfetlskMlslBMBM' 'eflHV MMse1' ''' ei'"'"" ' tf8j WHITE MAGIC SOAP "g . yP.O.Box 704, San Francisco, California I Here is my entry in. the White Magic Soap Quiz I Game for Week of Jan. 18 to Jan. 25. faaiftt aL a L Vauf laffiuae m Tkata 9 CaaMeaf UiiAtlUsit M 7Vi n wet f i mil revs i v i art m friv vfinvni Questions for week of Jan. 1$ to Jan. if I Greenland is the world's largest Q Q island. iuf MtS! The earth's surface has more land f" " I m than water. muf Iaisi j How does White Magic Soap wah your woolens? - your wooiens: I (Answer this qmrstion in 2) words or less) . I Name I Address miff 'i j i u i JUJHii, j hi vui j 1 f I I i I t' " .. M nra ?nfn:(i?vnMppnnnii(?fu "home I. II li II II 1111 ir -W fet n i l W a r r a i a t I I I State L. . . -J FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE RULES 1 Anyone living within 20 mil of Safirwtr Stpr in ny at the follovinc state cn enter these 12 weekly cootetts, eicepti nc employees of Ssfeway Stores, Incorporated, their alhliates, their advertising agencies, the contest judgint orsantzation. and their immediate families: California. Ocrjton, Washincton, Utah. Idaho, Montana. Wyoming. Anion a. New Mexico. Western Texas, Nevada. 2 Answer the three simple questions check answers to questions I and 2, answer question J in not more than 2) additional words. Official entry blanks at all Safeway Stores, or use any writing paper--writing on one aide of sheet. Sign your name and address legibly. 3 With each entry enclose one box toe from a package of White Magic Soap (or facsimile thereof I. Send as many entries at you wish. The more entries you send in. the better your chances to win weekly and Grand Prizes. Each entry must be accompanied by a White Magic Soap box top tor facsimile). Mail entries to P.O. Box shown in entry blank above. A There will be 12 weekly contests divided into ) contest periods of 4 weeks each. The opening and 'closing dates are: FIRST COMTIST WIIK OPINS JANUARY It, ItSR (AST CONTIST WIIK ClOSIS APRIl 12, mo Entries received before midnight. January 2). 19)0, wilt be " entered in first week's contest. Thereafter, entries will be entered in each week's contest as received. Entries for the twelfth weekly contest must be postmarked before midnight. April 12. 19)0, and be received by April 17. 19)0. Entries must represent your own indi vidual effort and be submitted under your legal name. All entries become the property of the sponsor, and none will be acknowledged or returned. Contest void where prohibited by law. A Weekly priiewill be awarded on the basis of correctness of answers to question No, I and No. 2. and on originality, interest and aptness of thought expressed in the 2)-word-or-less answer te quesuoq No. ). Duplicate prize in cse-of ties. Grand Prizes will be awarded at the end of each 4 week contest period. Weekly contest winners will be eligible for all Grand Prize Awards provided they have entered at least two weekly contest during each 4-week contest period. Two entries will be accepted during 12th week of contest as qualification for final Grand Prize Award.) Only one Grand Prize to a contestant. Only prize-winning entries will be considered in determining these Grand Prize swards, and judging will be on the basis outlined above. Judges' decisions nal. In case of tie, duplicate ptize wilt be awarded. y. White Magk Soap Contest weekly winner will be notified by " mail within two week after end of each weekly contest, and will also be announced weekly in daily newspapers. Grand Prize winners will be notified within one month after close of each 4-weck contest period. v- 8 Your entry in this Contest is a specific acceptance of these rule. na mwv ' WESTINGHOUSE DI LUXE VACUUM CLEANERS with 7 -piece attachment set, with head light and I foot lexible hose. , " Valet $7M0 each WESTINGHOUSE ROASTER OVENS. Holds 18 qts. Roasts, Bakes, Stews. Cooks a complete meal at one time. Valve $39.15 tick WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC FOOD MIXERS. Streamlined design. Easy to keep clean. Valvt$3M5 WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC POP-UP TOASTERS. Toasts bread erenlyonboth sides. Beautifully designed. Valet 20. ADJUST-0-MATIC WAFFLE RAKERS. Makes perfect waffles, Light or Dark, automatically. Vefvt $1 7.IS 17. WESTINGHOUSE Stnamliatr AUTO MATIC IRONS. Selected Tempera ture cootroL Even heat distritation. Yai.i12. WESTINGHOUSE Television Sets. 1930 model with built-in antenna, or TTestinghouse Radio Phonograph Combination with 3 speed. ValvtSm.fS WESTINGHOUSE Laun dromat Automatic Washers. Installed in your home (normal installation) with 6 months supply of White Magic Soap. Vtltt tvtr $300.09 WESTINGHOUSE Rtfrigtrators with Frozen Food Storage for 21 lbs. of food. 7.04 cu. ft. A big re frigerator yet takes little space. Velee $229.95 WATCH THIS NEWSPAPER FOR WEEKLY QUESTIONS AND WINNERS White Magic Soap gives you these big prizes so you may get acquainted with this wonderful new soap that works magical wonders in your home. You'll discover White Magic Soap WASHES CLOTHES CLEANER...WH1TER THAN ANY SOAP.. .ANY SUDS... ANY WASHING PROD UCTI Washes clothes cleaner in soft or the hardest water. ' YOU BE THE JUDGE. COMPARE WHITE MAGIC SOAP WITH ANY OTHER WASHING PRODUCT. Compare the results in all your household washing and cleaning. More suds per cup. More longer lasting suds. More harder working suds. , Just imagine, you get all these advantages inWhite Magic Soap yet it COSTS LESS THAN ORDINARY SOAPS. t aw Get d Package Today 'aryg, ftfry. .Wl a".