XTh 'Slatwncm,- Sallmb -6ro. Vtidnnday, Jcmiiary-18, ' 19S0 Weather Idles -Thousands of Men in Area (Story on page one.) Snow and ice which idled thou sands of loggers, lumbermen and construction workers. Including 851 men at Dallas and 400 Detroit dam workers; have sent unemployment figures in this area zooming. William Baillie, manager of the Salem office of the state employ ment service, said that the unem ployment claims load in the Ma rion Polk county area had not quite reached the peak of 6,200 estab lished at about this time last year. The claims totaled 651 late last week at Dallas, 467 at Silverton, 160 at Woodburn, 368 at Mill City nd 195 at Detroit Because of the Detroit dam work stoppage the of fice is increasing from four to six ; Itinerant service erew to that area thii week, Baillie said. In response to a request from H. r. Thomas of the Valseti Lumber Co., Baillie is making plans to send ' . an mtlnvment reDresentative to .service about 45 men at Valseti who were laid oil recently wnen v the plant shut down. Coming Gienwood Friday. January 2Cth If "Sons 01 The Pioneers And Tho "Hollywood Ouilaws" 4 Hour Show & Dane 13 ARTISTS 13 AMERICA'S TOP WESTERN ATTRACTION With " SHUG FISHER THE FARR BROS. EDDIE MAJORS . Adm. $1.25 Plus Tax F. D. VanSweringen, business agent of the Salem Building Trades council, estimates that the snow had forced "a good several hun dred construction workers in the Salem area Into temporary layoffs. He said the Detroit dam operations would resume "when the weather broke.' In addition to louing and con struction workers, the snow also has place on the unemployed .rolls other workeri' including farm workers engaged in the turnip and parsnip harvest. , Fire Damages Silverton Home Statesman News ferric SILVERTON, Jan. 17-Fire today caused $500 damage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Finlay, jr., 932 S. Water st. The blaze started in the base ment and swept through a waU to the attic before being brought un der control by fast-working Sil verton firemen. Mrs. Finlay, who discov red the fire, said it was probably started from a smouldering rag around a basement water pip. Her hus band had been thawing pipes ear lier in the day. The couple is stay ing with Finlay's parents, Mr. and MrsJLA. Finlay, sr., until the damage is repaired. Prop-Driven Sled Awaits Rescue Work Statetaaaa Newt : Service LEBANON, Jan. 17-A propeller driven snow sled, the' only one of its kind in the country, arrived here today for emergency rescue service in the nearby Cascade mountains. ! The -"snowmobile was deliv ered to Walter Bowman, operator of the Cascade Airways. It con sists of a four-passenger cab mounted on three giant skis and is powered by pusher-type, 65 horsepower Continental' engine. On a test run at the Lebanon airport today it clipped off 50 miles an hour. And Bowman said "I didn't get it out of low gear." He said the sled would be kept near the Hoodoo ski bowl for res cue vork, but would be available t- any norm west area in emer gencies. Bowman purchased the sled from an Arizona manufactur er who had sunk $ 1.400 into the experiment. Mat Daily from 1 P. M. Now! Meet The Girl Cary Grant Married! POWRi-a.tSTMNS-i-, DRAXi FUN CO-HIT! I IX . Wk 'MM mW COSGiOB a?ssV"Jf Now! Opens P M. Rod Skolton "FULLER BRUSH MAN" Phil Harris "T Lovtt A Band! adder" ENDS TODAY! (WED.) Walt Disney's "DUMBO ' "SALUDOS AMIGOS" PHONE I-S721 OPENS :45 P. M. TOMORROWI TWO REISSUED HITS ' RIPPED FROM HISTORY'S PAGES1 FtOM TMI HDUtT.Of. .-. liuwuutA rum, in mux !5 MSTOCTOf BCMT MOCKUKXOM WHO, M IW tUl a math, mho ANmras,.. ) BU1B1IC1U1 m -- - r DIM afe u Prcstca'FOSTER Uoyd ROUS U FART v WAUm DruniY d;w.i mutt LrU I Inter tm ; --''-MMkyUwasBUj A udMrl hrWy tWiL"TM!l. NH, UCKWS CONTf GWKCB T. WHO, M TM tUl t J Of KATH,DfS0 J V ANtMrlS... J A and won f Y A C) MM a fmmm tm 4 to k-mm Um Mm tmmmU In 0-SHlA'IARRY-WAISHAlt COLOR CARTOON LATE NEWS X9Z3BE3BL 1124 N. CommercUl You walking up over paint store. 14 KlVvv" HELLO PIOPLC Man at news paper say I should maka talklna" to everybody not )ust maka talklnf to my trlanoa m I am having good Idea what you rr, than I personal shaka by tha hand, than jrou ba oat you aak for Yoa Sing (that's nr name, aura) you tauln ma you read my talking in news paper: you veryDooy in worm oe my metM then I go back and start my talking Lka in first place "my friends.' I am ha ring expert Chinese eook my place, ho keep very high education In making new Chinese dishes, you come up try. You like to arrange spec ial parties We cook special dishes for special parties, you order we cook we know everything. You come up, shako my nana. Your friend. - TEA 8INa " . (that's my name, aura) - T. B. Street Name Fits Season An appropriate street name was selected Tuesday night by the Sa lem planning and zoning commis sion White street. But it isn't appropriate because of the current blanket of white snow over, Salem, nor because the commission's new chairman hap pens to be Robert F. White. It's appropriate because the street in question, extending three short blocks north from Edge water street, a block west of the Wallace road, lies in the old donation land claim of lames White, who laid out the city of West Salem origin ally. The iew name replaces Lin coln avenue, because the latter conflicts with a similar street name in the Marion county part of Sa lem. ; Painter Urges Psychological' Use of Color "Effective use of color can create appetites in the dining room, pro duce a relaxing! atmosphere in the living room and make the kitchen really attractive to a woman. This was the statement Tuesday night in Salem of Russell Davis of Hollywood, Calif., national rep resentative of the Painting and Decorating Contractors of Amer ica. He was here to address the Capitol chapter of . the national group. Davis predicted that more ef fective use of color in decorating schemes would play a major role in future plans of painting con tractors. He said the 63-year-old nation al igroup, second largest association of 'its kind in America, is planning an educational program to con vince contractors and the general public of benefits from proper use of color. Davis came to Salem from Port land where the state painting con tractors convention was held over the past week end. He is slated to speak tonight in Eugene and Thurs day in Klamath Falls before re turning to California. Cleo Klaas.of Los Angeles, pres ident of the national painting con tractors group, is scheduled to ad dress the Capitol chapter at its next meeting, tentatively set for February 6, Davis said. HOPES FOR NO NEW TAXES SACRAMENTO, Calif, Jan. 17 (JPhGovernor Warren said today he is hoping but not promising that there will be no new taxes for Californians next year. The legislature meets the first week in March to consider the budget. Walter Pldgeon Peter Lawford Janet Leigh in "RED DANUBE' and RJchari ConU Lee J. Cobb in "THIEVES HIGHWAY" 1h Valley School Schedule for Wednesday Hydrogen Bomb Dispute Rages Undercover WASHINGTON, Jan. 17-r.-A raging undercover fight over whether to build a hydrogen-powered super-atomic bomb threaten ed tonight to engulf scientists, military experts and administra tion figures in an open eruption. Out of all the hush-hush dis cussion about a new "weapon dwarfing the original atom bomb into almost pea shooter propor tions, at least one new fact emerged: Before any final decision is made to go ahead with the hy drogen bomb, the senate-house atomic committee plans another review of its possibilities, both from the military and moral points of view. That is, a sign of how serious the underground scrapping has become, since there had been hints earlier that the committee was about ready to recommend that the government go ahead with the hydrogen bomb in order td beat Russia to its tremendous punch. Added Information Among persons with some in side knowledge of the problems involved and the various currents of talk about a hydrogen bomb, this additional information is : a matter of fairly general agree ment: 1. Military men want the bomb. They figure Russia is going to get it so we should try to get it first. 2. Some atomic scientists tad others are reluctant to work On the new bomb. They consider; it morally wrong to develop a weap on which might destroy lives and lands on a scale incomparably greater than tha A-bombs of World War II. : 3. Some key civilians in the administration lean toward the idea we should develop the hydro gen bomb to keen ahead or abreast of Russia. But they don't relish the prospect of another out-in the-open row over defense poli cies. QnesUon of Time, Money 4. It seems to be Just a question of time and money in creating a hydrogen bomb. On a smaller scale, this bomb would copy the processes by which the sun re leases its energy. Probably it would take the explosion of an ordinary atom bomb itself to set off the hydrogen bomb. The Pribilof Islands are summer breeding grounds for about 3,000, 000 Alaska fur seals. Weather story on page one) Albany Open: high school at tendance 85 per cent; jr. hi, 90 and grade schools normal. Beginning Wednesday school buses will op erate on only highways and clear ed roads which will drag down at tendance. North Albany school bus operating only on partial schedule. Hamsburg and Mlllersburg schools closed. Schools operating at Halsey, Shedd, Tangent, Conner and Dever. All roads in Albany area hazardous. Amity All schools closed until further notice. A urns vi lie Schools open, but sawdust shortage threatens to close the grade school. Only two days supply on hand and local mill which supplies is down. Brooks Still open; buses mak ing it with chains. ' : - Brush College Open, Wednes day. Bethel Closed until further notice. Bnena Vista Closed until fur ther notice. Central Howell Open. - Cloverdale Closed until fur ther notice. Dallas Closed until further no tice. Detroit Schols open; 58 Inches roadside snow, a record for time of year. Dayton Telephone lines out; unable to contact. Frnltland Closed until further notice. Falls City Closed until further notice. Gates Open. Gervafj Closed until further notice. Hubbard Closed until further notice. Independence Monmouth Both closed. Keiser Emergency meeting to decide. Ralph A. Nelson. Lake Labish Closed. Busses for sr. and Jr. high will not run. Lebanon Open. Macleay Closed. MeMlnnville All schols closed. Middle Grove Open. Pioneer Closed. Roberta Closed rest of week unless weather breaks. Sheridan - Willamlna - Grande Ronde All schools closed. Silverton Open. Stayton Open. Turner Open. Woodburn Closed. Dairy States Lose Round In Oleo Fight WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -Wh Senators demanding outright re peal of the federal taxes on oleo margarine demonstrated their power today by crushing a substi tute bill backed by dairy state members. The final decision on repeal of the margarine taxes is expected later this week, possibly tomor row. The senate recessed late to day without any final action. By a vote of 48 to 37, it re jected the dairy croup's substitute bill, which called for repealing the 64-year-old taxes but prohibiting the interstate shipment of yellow margarine. In a .nightgown, wm found In the snow later. Wooua Rescued In Portland a woman -was res cued front the freezing waters of a slough near the Portland air port She was Mrs. Joseph M. Constantine, who was riding with her husband when their auto skid ded into the waist-deep slough. Three men helped her husband pull her to safety. At Dallas a heavy wind caved in the roof of the Frank Neu feld dehydrator causing damage estimated above $2,000. Neufeld said there was little snow on the roof at the time. He did not know whether his insurance would cov er the damage. Reserves Called Reserves from Grants Pass were called to Roseburg Tuesday to re place power crews who have waged a losing battle against storms for 11 days. Without power much of the weekend, the city was on limited service Tuesday. Some repair crews had worked up to 180 hours of overtime. Tha California Oregon Power com pany said It was the worst winter on record with 22 major Una breaks in the period. The Salem first aid squad treat ed three local residents who fell on the ice. They were Frank Frit zie, 1924 N. Liberty st, shoulder injury; Mrs. Pearl Devoe, 85, of 265 N. 17th st, cut on back of head; and Mrs. William Turner, 880 Thompson st., elbow lacera tions. City crews continued to haul snow from downtown streets Tues day night Four trucks were in operation. City police resumed enforcement of overtime-parking regulations after a one-day layoff. . L msmrm TODAY! lusty, brawling advanrura in tha last port of call for renegade, outcast and sinnarl Gerald Watson Undergoes Heart Surgery Gerald D. Watson, co-owner of Salem's Sunset Do-Nut Co., is In serious condition at a Boston. Mass- hospital following delicate heart surgery Monday, local rela tives report. Transfusions have required 28 pints of blood already, since part of a main artery leading from the heart was removed and replaced in the operation at Peter Brent Brig ham hospital in Boston early Mon day. Since Watson is expected to re quire much additional blood in the coming weeks, friends have been invited to donate blood for him when the Red Cross bloodmobile comes to Salem again January 30. Mrs. Lulu Pavey, mother of Wat son's wife, said he had gone to Boston especially for the operation, his second in a year due to a high blood pressure condition. His wife and mother are at his bedside. Nationalists Strafe Canton HONG KONG, Wednesday, Jan. 18-tP) -Chinese nationalist, war planes raided Canton yesterday in the heaviest attack on the south China metropolis since its capture by the communists. Waves of Mustang fighter bombers swept over greater Can ton in daylight bombing and strafing targets in the city and along the waterfront. Chinese reports said the raid immobilized the city all afternoon. The planes hit Tienho airfield in Canton's suburbs, the rail depot. and shipping anchored In the Pearl river off Canton. . SHELLEY WINTERS MacDONALD CAREY Holona Carter - Lvthor Adler and Frank lovajoy In f X asrfl 9F tvn 11 it! Adventve and Thrill Roll by Night! Robert Lowery "UlfUIVAY 1 T Pamela Blako h luwuiini iw EXTRAl COLOR CARTOON FUN WARNER NEWS ill H07 0PHI - - THE HEW Oust Boforsj You Got to tho HoDywood StopUghls) We Serve Chinese & iinerican "Orien le Take Oni" . Opon 4 J0 F. M. to 2.-00 A. M. (Sat. Til 3 A.M.) , - Wl CLOSI MONDAYS 2035 Fairground Road Phono 2-6596 CHURCH MEET CANCELED The Men's fellowship of Jason Lee Methodist church has announ ced the cancellation of its Wednes day night meeting this week, due to the severe weather. The natives of the Marianas Isl ands are Chamorros, which in Portuguese means people "with cropped hair." They were so nam ed by Magellan. a Dance Tonight CRYSTAL GARDENS Old Time V Modern 2 Floors 2 Bands 1 Price Meet your friends and form a party CRYSTAL GARDENS TONIGHT 31011 D Starts Today Open C:45 stAKTC MLSOU, far. Iannis L jmJ'h MM. HXA l.lan SECOND FEATURE "Stat Dept File 4f Tut Color With WUlUaa LudlraJs Virginia Brnca CONGRATULATIONS . AND GOOD LUCK The Best Food in Town ... at the HOTEL MARION IS KEPT $AFI BY GEI1ERALQ ELECTRIC Refrigeration Equipment Installed By AL LAUE 2350 Stato Stroot Rural Families Isolated by Snow. Cold (Story also on page 1.) Reports of isolated rural fami lies, mountain communities and logging camps Increased Tuesday as frigid weather held its grip on the Pacific northwest Marion county road crews work ed fast Tuesday to free marooned residents on rural roads. Graders opened up Bridge creek and Power creek roads in the Silverton hills where several families were snow bound, j "Nearly all major county roads are open now," said Roy Rice, Marion county commissioner, Tues day night , High Temperature Stephen G. Waite walked out of an isolated lumber camp 15 miles west of Vernonla Tuesday to re port his infant daughter had been running a high temperature for five days. A snow plow and grad ers were ordered out to break through the ten-foot drifts. A doc tor was to follow. He expects to reach the camp this morning. A report of 32 people Isolated by snow since December 28 at Elks Prairie in Clackamas county came Tuesday from a farmer who snow shoed out to Scott Mills to reach a telephone. A coroner's report at LaGrande said Mrs. Myra Ward, 78, died of freezing there Sunday. She had wandered away from an old peo ple's home. Her body, clad only o o BEST, WISHES To Tha HOTEL MARION Plumbing By Patton-MInto 1122 S. 12th o o Congratulations TO THE Hotel Marion You harm don a wonderful Job of rronuiorxnlng fh Hotel Marion Into oat)' of th most modern In tho Northwest ARDEIJ FARL2S CO. Makers Of Arden Ic Cncrm SINCERE BEST WISHES TO THE NEWLY REMODELED HOTEL MARION CURLY'S DAIRY Hood at Fairgrounds Road CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HOTEL MARION WIEDER'S SALEM LAUNDRY 263 South High S treat . . Phono 3-9125 WtWeBTWea v4 - i v