The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1950, Page 14, Image 14

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    4-The' Statesman, Salem, Ore..
Catholic Men
Install at
Sublimity -
Statesman Newt ferric
SUBLIMITY Joint initiation
and installation of the Men's Cath
olic Order of Foresters was held at
the Forester hall In Sublimity for
Etayton, Jordan and Sublimity.
Fourteen new candidates were
initiated. Among! them were Fran
cis Reiser, James Reiser, Darrel
Schumaker, Ronald Meier, faonald
Zuber, Marvin Zuber, of Sublimi
ty; Henry Miller, Edwin Neilsen of
Etayton; Donald Orange of Salem;
Edward .Highberger, Theodore
Highberger, John Mack,' jr.,- of
Aumsville; Henry Zurfluh and Do
nald Bender of Jordan.
A banquet followed the initia
tion at the parish hall where they
served from 175 to 200. Edward J.
Bell acted as toastmaster. The main
' speaker of the evening was Father
O'Brien, S. J., of Portland. Others
called upon for remarks were Jos
eph Wavra, state chief ranger, Mt.
Angel; the clergy present; chief
rangers of Sublimity, Stay ton and
Jordan courts, and field' represen
tative, Mike Benedict.
Entertainment was furnished by
Mary Reiser who sang! several so
los accompanied at the piano by
Joanne Birkolz, the Sublimity
quartet including John Welz, John
Mackie, Ralph Lulay and Orville
Lulay. .
Church Rally
Slated Feb. 1
At Monmouth
' . i i-
ftateiman Newt Service
PEDEE The Salem district
Woman's Society of World Service
cf the Evangelical United Breth
ren church will hold the spring
rally at Monmouth February 1.
The speaker will be Dr. Ira Mc
Brida, on furlough from Africa.
A dinner honoring the 65th bir
thday anniversary of Rufus Dodge
and the first birthday of his
grandson, Boyd Stuwe of Oakland,
was given by Mrs. Rufus Dodge
Sunday. Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Stuwe, Yvonne and
Bruce of Oakland, Oregon.
A moving picture, "Miracle
Monet,1 dealing with cancer, will
be shown at the combined Jan
uary and February meeting of
the PTA, Friday, January 20.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harter are
the parents of a baby girl born
January 15 at a Salem hospital.
This is their third child and sec
ond girl.
Sets Meeting
At Silverton
V Statesman News Service
SILVERTON The newly organ
ized Christian Church Men's bro
therhood will meet Monday night,
January 23 in the church social
rooms for a fellowship dinner at
6:45. A song service will follow.
The Rev. Harold Lyman, pastor
of the Court Street Christian
church in Salem, will give the ad
dress and special musical numbers
are under the direction of Rev.
Walte r Naff, assistant pastor of
First church in Salem.
' Newly elected officers of the
Silverton group who are Olaf Paul
son; president; Lynn Neal, vice
president; William Bunting, secretary-treasurer,
will be installed.
Legion Auxiliary Elects
Officers at Hubbard
Statesman News Service
HUBBARD The American
Legion auxiliary elected delegates
for the year at their last meeting.
Mrs. Levi Miller, president, and
. Mrs. Peter Hunt, secretary, are au
tomatically delegates. Elected were
,. Mrs. A. C. Soderholm, Mrs. Duane
Hatcher and Ella Mae Loop. Al
ternates are Mrs. George Crimps,
Mrs. Amanda Dimick, Mrs. John
Etauffer, Mrs. Gene Amundson and
Lenore ScholL
Reports were made on the Christ-
tnas party. Mrs. Miller pointed out
Items of interest in several pamph
lets secured from the department
secretary. The Poppy sale was dis
cussed.' Plans for making money
will be taken up at the next bus!
neas meeting February 8. '
Phons S7ft3
Wdn dcrf. Tanoarr 18. 1950
i Brief 6
SUtcimjui Newt ferric
WilUmina The FL girls will
meet Wednesday, January 18, at
the home of Joyce Lessick.
Willamina Movies will be
shown at the high school Thurs
day morning, January 19, preced
ing semester tests. Tests will start
at 1 p. m. and will continue
through to 4 p. m. Friday.
WilUmina Ann Denton of
Willamina was chosen president
of the Sheridan American Legion
auxiliary after Mrs. A. E. Miller
Kelzer The Keizer. Women's
Sewing club will hold an all-day
meeting and no-host dinner Thurs
day, January 19, at the home of
Mrs. A. Goldsby.
Roberts The Roberts Home
Economics club will meet Friday
January 20, at the home of Mrs.
Elmer Minch. Mrs. Floyd Plank
will be assistant hostess. The
meeting was originally scheduled
fOi' Wednesday, January 18.
East Salem The Swegle PTA
meeting, scheduled for Thurt 'iy
evening, has been postponed be
cause of the unfavorable weather
Middle Grove The 4-H Sew
ing club of Middle Grove met at
the Kleen home on Fletcher road
Saturday with seven girls present.
The project was makingpincush
ions. Chairman for the group is
Mrs. Lewis Patterson, assisted by
Mrs. Harry Phillips.
Middle Grove "The 4-H Help
ers," a sewing group sponsored
by the Lansing Neighbors home
extension unit, met Saturday at
the W. L. Hamilton home on Ev
ergreen avenue. There were 11
girls and one new member en
rolled, Jo Anne King. A demon
stration "The Just-So Girl," was
given by Marilyn Stettler and
Margie Rheam. The girls played
games and sewed on dresser
Dallas The January meeting
of the y Dallas Garden club has
been cancelled due to bad wea
ther. The next meeting will be
held February 16.
Orchard Heirhts The Orch
ard Heights extension unit will
not meet Thursday because of the
heavy snows.
SILVERTON Mrs, S. L. Almlie
will give the topic "Behold the
Lamb of God" at the Immanuel
Women's Missionary Federa t i o n
meeting Thursday, January 19 at
2 o'clock in the, fireside room of
the church. The newly elected
president, Mrs. John Overlund, will
preside, and hostesses are to be
Mrs. Marvin Dahl, Mrs. Harold
Satern, Mrs. Oscar Overlund and
Mrs. H. B. Jorgenson.
0busu"s a-w"B
lnj KEW 19S0 JKEICUtY SP0IT SI9AR i T - ' ' V
UXr fv Whits ilde-wal Hret, reor wheel nSWds, I ,
Fresh Snow Sweeps into Salem Scene
.J tS
More snow and more weather misery beset Willamette ; valley residents Tuesday when a blustery storm
wept in from the west and north. Above is the Saljem skyline nearly obliterated by fine, dry snow
as the storm began about noon. The scene Is from Soath Liberty street looking north where the Lives
ley building faintly looms through the swirling gloom. (Statesman photo.)
National PTA
Leader to Be
In Monmouth
F Statesman News Service
MONMOUTH A National Con
gress of Parents and Teachers of
ficerwill take part in the First
Oregon College conference on parent-teacher
cooperation here
Thursday, Jan. 19.
Dr.. Claude B. Wivele, chairman
of the cooperation with colleges
committee of the PTA and direc
tor of the School of Teacher Edu
cation at New Mexico unifersity
at Portales, N. M., will be a guest
on OCE's campus. Other nationally-noted
speakers taking part in
the conference. are Dr. Eldridge T.
McSwain of Northwestern univer
sity, Evanston, 111., and D. Ray
Hawk of Western Washington Col
One r ik viill pmveitfe
wff&fS. 5-
1 -
lege of Education, Bellingham,
Wash. , j
The conference (will bring to
gether leading teachers, educators
and representative of tiie Nation
al and Oregon Congress of Par
ents and Teachers Purpose of the
session is to organize and set up
a program of comfnunity relations
study for teachers jin every teacher
training college in Oregon.
Oregon College faf Education has
been doing pioneer work with such
a study for two ears. Success of
OCE's graduates jn actual cooper
ative work with community agen
cies has led to demand lor such a
course in other colleges.
SILVERTON -Because of weath
er conditions, Izaak Walton league
and auxiliary meetings scheduled
for last Monday bight were post
poned. No exact date has been set
for re-scheduling jthe meetings.
' "a
i it
Church Elects
New Officers
At Willamina
Statesman New Service
WILLAMINA The Willamina
Church of Christ elected new of
ficers in its annual business meet
ing recently.
New leaders are Leo Mitchell,
sr., L. V. Emmons, Tony Braley,
Leo Mitchell, jr., and Orn Fer
guson, deacons; Douglas Floyd,
Garland Huddleston, Alfred Yost,
Floyd Smith, Glen Spooner, Al
Newton, Perry Beck and Kenneth
Stuart, deacons; L. V. Emmons and
Allen Beck, trustees; Mrs. W. B.
Matthews, church clerk; Tony
Braley, church treasurer; Allen
Beck, Ora Ferguson and Mrs. Jess
Myes, Bible school committee,
and Mrs. L. V. Emmons, music
430 N. Commercial Street
Polk County
Plans 1950
Polio Drive
IUImmi Newt Serrtc
DALLAS. Jan. 17 A mtinv
of key workers and county chair
men was held here Wednesday
nirht to outline th mrrnt Pnllr
county March of Dimes campaign.
joe isaevn, uregon iieia direct
or for the national foundation,
heard a progress report of the
group ana assisted it with further
Fund reauiremnt rf fh Pnllr
county chapter calls for an inten
sive anve inis year, rne chapter
borrowed $11,150 from the nation
al organization in 1949 and has
unpaid bills amounting to $4,500.
according to Mrs. Ralph Howe,
ur. j. h. btewart, county health
officer, reports that there were
nine new cases of infantile para
lysis in 1949 and also hcaw .
penses in rehabilitating and caring
lor victims oi previous years.
I n addition t o collertinn
through solicitation, a number of
Deneiii events are being planned
by community organizations. Con
siderable coooeration is exnerted
through service, fraternal, civic.
laoor ana proiessional groups.
Mrs. Homer Bevens. Dallas, it
directing this year's county cam
paign, assisting Rawstfn Chapin,
rerrvaaie. cnanter chairman
Community chairmen are Mn
George Kitchin. Falls City; Mrs.
cieone isiaisdell, ValseU; Mrs.
Howard Morlan, Monmouth; Mrs.
W. F. McBee. Indenenrienre- Mn
Emily Van Santen, West Salem;
Mrs. joe unison. Grand Ronde;
Mrs. Joe Simmons, Rickreall, and
airs. l.. a. tuiot, Perrydale.
Vallev Births
Statesman Newi Service
R, A. VanScavk of Williamina are
parents of a son born January 8
at McMinnville hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert-Duncan of
Amitv and formerlv of Willamina
are parents of a daughter born
January 3 at McMinnville Gen
eral nosDttai.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Branton of
Grand Ronde are parents of a son
Dorn January 8 at McMinnville
General hosDitaL
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merrier of
Grand Ronde are Daren ts of a son
Harold Dean, born January 10 at
McMinnville General hospital.
Grandparents are Mrs. Deimer
Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mercier of Willamina and Leon
ard Darland of Sheridan.
SILVERTON Cub pack 61 has
been reorganized with Harry Vet
ter as cub-master; E. J. Muelhau
sen, assistant; E. J. McCalL com
mittee chairman. Serving on the
committee are Omer Baily, Frank
Powell, Orville Olson and Olaf
Paulson. Den mothers are Mrs
Helen Zetterberg, Mrs. Evelyn Ol
son and Mane Eammons.
Come wand prtm ft to qourseff Magi )
Auxiliary Sets
Feb. 11 Party
luUnua New Servtc
WILLAMINA The Willamina
iremenV auxiliary met in the
newly decorated recreation rooms
of the fire halL Jessie King was
ppointed to obtain a bingo game.
The organization voted to troon-
sod two children for free lunches
at the grade school. A Valentine
aay party will be given February
11 for firemen's children. On the
refreshment and entertainment
program are Amy Fox, Emma
Shipley, Maxine Endres, Gene
vann ana Betty spencer. v
The next meeting will te held
February 11 with Luzelle Bene-
nei ana Meredith Webb in charge
of entertainment and Blanch
Yost and Jessie Kins in charre of
Hubbard Firemen's
Auxiliary Sleets
SUtesaua Newt- tonic e
HUBBARD The auxiliary of
the volunteer firemen met Mon
day for their first meeting of 1950.
Reported ill were Mrs. Verl
Cochran, president, Mrs. Marvin
Barrett, secretary, and Mrs. Har
old Penney. Initiated into member
ship were Mrs. Steve Ensign, Mrs.
Lester Pulley and Louise Vonder-
he, bringing the membership to 12.
The firemen and auxiliary, whose
successfully presented "Even Ste
phen," will present the play in
Canby February 24 for the bene
fit of the Canby fire department.
ROBERTS Home Extension
unit meeting scheduled for Thurs
day at the Grange hall has been
postponed until January 31 due
to the severe weather.
The Amazon is the world's larg
est river in volume.
Electric Pipe
Have your pipes defrofteji
the quick and convenient
way. Phone 2-0500.
It's Smart to Wear
Personality glasses
Dr. Henry E. Morris s Dr. Kenneth W. Morris
444 State Sr. Phono 3-5328
o mm :
Styling in Economy
es. one thrillins
new 1950 Mercury and you'll know why
owners call it bttier (Kan tter!
For Mercury is better than tver in comfort
with "Qisbion-CoiT' front springing,
new "Lounge-Rest" foam-rubber seat cush
ioning ... livelier than ever with new, exclu
sive Mercury &-cy Under, V-type "Hi-Power
Compression" . . . tkriflier than srer with
new 'Econ-O-Miser" Carburetion! And
youH find new ,Stedi-Line,, Steering and
"Super-Safety" Brakes make Mercury
easier to handsSArr, too!
Stop In today and go for a thrilling
demonstration la ths big new 1950 Mer
cury! One rids and you'll agreo It's better
than ever to make your next car Mercury!
j acod u. irnnpun
GRAND ISLAND Final rites
for Jacob H. Tompkins, 72, long
rirns rpsinfinr nr inn mi muiiii t
who died January 9, were held
from the Hopewell Evangelical "
United Brethren Church, the Rev.
F. E. Fisher officiating. The Rev. .
George K. Millen was soloist. '
Surviving are his wife, Mercy;
five sons, Harold. Daniel, Willard, .
Jake Jr. and , Harry; two sisters.
airs. r.ini i w r umim uu v n urn
Tompkins of Portland and Forbes
Tompkins of Cutler City and two -brothers,
Morton Tompkins of
Portland and Forbes Tompkins of
Concluding services were in the
Hopewell cemetery. The McMinn
ville Funeral home was in charge
of the j services. Pallbearers in
cluded Frank Finnicum, John
Johnson, Howard Steingrube, Del
bert Smith, Dick Rockhill and Bill
Fox Llnsclc-Dab!
writes Itwrfc QdiH, lee Awflee
At?vffS every siffstlr frets
ttevsMrtissi Arthritic Sciatic
-JtewUk Pales te try Metls-tfc
ntera'i the true story ( a woman
who teok treatment. ee4 all
kind, of remedies for her cltlc,
Mwitle tna without being kelpe4
In the alighteftt degree. Ruth Cblatt.
S42H North Orange Grove Dr., lx
Angetea, Buffered agon? from pains ht
her his fcaeo calf or legs. Tho nsln
at times was so bsd that shs couldn't
ait down, fche tried several different
medicines, aU of which did her no
good. 8hs eoalda't work. Life wan
aalaery for her.
Then on dar she saw an advertise
ment of Muscle-Rub--the doctor's pre
scription end la desperation bought
a bottle. She used It as directed and la
S dajra tho pains were relieved and
Ruth Chlatl was back oa the Job.
No wonder ahe advises every rbew
matio atifferer to try Muscle-Rub for
fast pain relief. Get a botUe to.
lrgTTltsTiir sts; US
at row letef or Money Beck
Remember. Muscle-Rub la sold oa
this snoney back guarantee. If only
half a bottle doesn't bring relief your
druggist Is authorised to return your
money. If your druggist can't supply
yon, write te Muscle-Kub Distributors.
STOi South Mala SU Lot Angeles t.
Pd. Air.
ride In the big. handsome