I aiestn Subdues SpsirtainiSy 3S 2 Rogers Paces Win with 11 Vikings Overcome Early Corvallis Lead By Winte Waldo Salem high Vikings protected their undefeated mark in Big Six league play Tuesday night, but they had to struggle through three periods of slow, sloppy hooping with a listless Corvallis crew to do 1L The score was 35-29. Except for the first eight minutes of Tuesday's Viking-Spartan mix, the game was played in a slow tempo with neither teajn able to find their shooting eyes. In fact, there was a grand total of exactly four 4) field goals scored in the entire second half, two for each team. Corvallis started out likejthey meant business and boomedS4nto a 3-0 lead after two minutes n a field goal and free throw by Roy Strand and a set shot swlsher by Gary Babcock. Wayne Walling broke the ice (almost literally, with a 16-degree temperature outside) for Salem with a free throw, and Larry Chamberlain plunked In a lay-up after a floor-length dribble to close Corvallis' lead to 5-3. Von Summers hit a free toss for Corvallis, but Wailing came back with a Salem bucket on a leaping pivot shot and Jim Rock stole the spheroid from a Spartan and layed in a pair of points to give Salem - its first lead of the game. 7-8. That was with four and half minutes left in the lively first canto. Don Taylor came booming In from the side for a lay-up that Save Corvallis the lead again, 8-7, ut Doug Rogers, who led the Vik Yictory with 11 points, then sank leaping push shot from the key to put Coach Harold Hauk's club out front 9-8. The Vikings increased their lead to 13-8 before Dick Humble mark ed up a single tally for Jhe visitors, The first quarter ended 13-9. From there on out, the game grew into an affair that might have reminded you of ten men slushing about the streets these days. It was just a bad night for both teams, with each glad the other team was experiencing an off night. The third period was worst of all. Salem could only muster 3 points, all on free throws, while Corvallis managed to gather only 4, with ont field goal and ft pair of gifters. Salem led 25-21 as the fourth ' quarter opened. Corvallis threat ened in the final minute' of play when they drew up to within 3 points of the leaders, 32-29, but free throws by Gordy Sloan, Girod and Larry Chamberlain wrapped the game up for Salem in the wan ing seconds. , - , . COKVAULIS (2t . (U SAXCM f S ft f tpl It It M P no era j a S 10 Willing.! 1 1 4Rock.c S 1 Girod 4 1 0 ChmbUnJ 1 S 3 Gilaoaji 1 2 Pauluaa I 2 Dam 0 1 0 Davtaj . 0 0 0 Sloan, s 1 Theyll Do It Every j Time ia pEDOLBERRy CLEANS UP THE GARAGE THS MORNING CAME IN AND SPREAP OUT IN THE NEW LMNG-R0OM CHAIR?.- By Jimmy Hatlo Twen hs bathed, shavep and 6ar ALU PUKEP OUT AND DEGDEP IT WAS JUST THE TWE TO TUNE THE MOTOR Babcock J 1 Taylor. a fttrand.c 1 kumin.f a Newton .f PeHjas a ' Humbles Hardtnffjf 1 ait a i i i a t Alworthji 0 0 riaherj Lundes 0 0 Totals IU1I Totals 11 1) IS SI Tree throw miaaad: Corvallis t, Sa lam 11. HalftlrM acora: Satem S3. Cor valHa IT. Officials; Caorga Strnio anal Lloyd Howell. Czechs Bar Skaters EDMONTON, Alta., Jan. 17-P) -The Edmonton Mercury s, now touring Europe in preparation for the Ice hockey world champlon ahips next month, have been rt tused permission to play a two week exhibition series In Czecho- alovakia, J. A. Christiansen, the team's sponsor, said today. Bearcat Cagers Look to Crucial Games on Road Needing no assurance that the coming weekend can be large enough for them to all but pocket the 1950 Northwest conference cage title, a gem they were supposed only to look at from distance this season, Willamette s Bearcats Tuesday buttoned up heavy drills and stood by ready to embark on their jaunt into Idaho and Wash ington. The 13-man squad and Coaches Johnny Lewis and Jim Johnson may depart via automo bile today, if road conditions are favorable. Otherwise they will board a train here Thursday night The important games have WU at College of Idaho Friday and Sat urday nights, and at Whitman Monday. The Lewis lads have won their first four league outings and rest comfortably atop the loop stand ings. The Coyotes' record so far is two won, on lost, good enough for second place. Pacific and the Badgers' 3-2 record are third. So if the Cats can com off the road trip with a 7-0 mark, which Lewis admits is considerably be yond his most extravagant dreams, they'll just about have things sa tended up for the present. . The 13-man traveling squad of players Includes Hugh Bellinger. Dick Brouwer, Pet Bryant, Jack Evans, AI Fedje, Ted Loder, Doug Logue, George Matile, Dan Mon tag, Claude NordhllL Ray Osuna, Chuck Robinson and Lou Scriv- ens. Dnclr Pins Men's City league results last Bight af B and B Bowling courts Capp's Used Cars 3, Sunset Donuts 1; Les Newman's 3; Reed's Drive in 1; Mick's Sign Shop 2, Davis Oil 2: Heller's Radio 3, Olson Flor hit 1. High team series went to Xleider's with a 2577 and the Ra diomen also hit a 918 for high fame. A) Kemfield hit a 598 and 235 for top individual series and game. . Table of Coastal Tides (Compiled by U 8. Coast & Geodetic Survey. Portland, Oregon) TIDES TOR TAFT. OREGON JANUARY 19 JO HIGH WATER Tim Height IS It 10 81 aa 1:17 m 11:49 am 1:34 am U3S pm 3:30 am 1:10 pm S 03 am 2 .02 pm J 3S am J 47 pre 4 10 am a M pm LOW WATER TUBS Hslght S 54 am II 7:11 pm -11 :4S am J l 7:51 pm -01 7:34 am 3 9 8 J7 pm -0 4 8:27 am 3S I 00 pm 9:21 am 9:33 pm 10:18 am 10:06 pm Mullen in Line For Eugene Job EUGENE. Jan. 17-(P)-Frd Mall en, veteran lnflelder for the Portland Beavers, Is a candidal for playing aaanarer of the En- gen entry In the Far West Base- City Cage Loop . Back in Action The National division of the City basketball circuit gees back Into action tonight at Leslie, in the following games: 1 o'clock Burroughs Inn vs. Capitol Busi ness college. I o'clock National Guard vs. Marine Reserve. o'clock City Transit lines vs. Post Office. Take 'Em Off! LONDON, Jan. 17 -(V Ley son Lewis. 25-yesr-old negro boxer from Baldadoes, ran Into a unex pected color bar In London to night He entered the ring at West Ham stadium, wearing a pair of dazzling, bright canary-yellow trunks. "Take 'cm off," demanded the boxing beard, "and put en darker ones." The rules - forbid light trunks. Lewis changed his trunks, then lest an eight 'round declaim to Jimmy Blackburn of England. ball league. Mullen said today he has obtained his unconditional release from Portland. A former Olympla, Wash, athlete, he was s star for University of Oregon baseball and basketball teams in the 1st 1930's. (Con tinned from page II) Frankneu Refrething Nice comeback: To the de mands of the NCAA that they conform to the "sanity code'' at least en paper, little Virginia Tech had a peach of a response: "Must we be hypocritical and say we're conforming to the code when In reality we're not at all. Must we He!" . . . Frank ness is so refreshing sometimes. ... The college athletics picture Is filled with upright schools, haloes attached who fin the role of code conformists. But, wait, those same schools will scramble Just as hard osing si miliar tactics- -as the block of self -admitted NCAA -rebels" when there Is a smashing fullback or a star ' tackle prospect as the prise ... The town now sports two bowl ing palaces and a duck-pin em porium and a brave little birdie flying about In the Icy oxone says Look and Learn By A. C. Gordon M A V 1 . 1. What South American city is situated on the Equator? 2. What insect is known for the nests it builds of paper attached to bushes, trees, and roofs of houses? 3jWho succeeded Moses as lead er 'of the children of Israel? 4. What part of a building is the facade? 5. In what opera Is the famous "Anvil Chorus" sung? ANSWERS- 1. Quito, Ecuador. 2. The wasp. 3. Joshua. 4. The external face of a build ing, especially the principal front . "H Trovator," by Verdi. another kegling plant may com into existence one of these days . . . The project is at least mildly warm. It's said ... Hoie Come? The - AP poll on top cage teams puts UCLA, with 11 wins and four losses. In ninth place and heading the northwest pack Is Washington which Is way down among the also-rans though carrying a 13-2 mark against top good competition. What have too balloteers got against the NW anyhew? .... Guys who take their competition seriously: The would-be : shuffle board champs who go at it dally down In the town's unofficial press club Clem Weimals' suds chalet . . . The Philadelphia Athletics!! have a brother act this year maybe. Joining 20 -game winner Alex Ke liner on the A's roster is brother Walter, a rookie and also - hurler. Whether the pair will be rooming together binges on whether Walter has the stuff to pleas the Mackmen ... Rules Group Still Studying PINEHURST. N.C., Jan. 17-WV The football rules committee of the National Collegiate Athletic association droned on today through two more closed meetings on proposed rule changes. Chairman William J. Bingham of Harvard and his associates hope to complete their task by tomor row night or Thursday, morning. Bingham explained that much time is being taken up as a result of last yeaPs recodification, the first in some 20 years. Several anticipated "bugs", as Bingham called them, are being discussed. Members, armed with dictionaries and papers,, are ironing out im perfections and possible loopholes, tightening and clarifying wherever it is deemed necessary. The word "volcano" comes from the Latin form (volcanus) of the name given by the ancient Romans to their god of fire, Vulcan. TlpWtjOtLfclQwl The answers to everyday insurance problems if By Sid Boise The only form of insurance to be discussed in , this week's column can bo purchased for a premium as small as ONE THIN DIME! It helps to insure little children against too tragedy of spending their Uvea on crutches or Jn wheel chairs. It guaran tees proper medical ear and the benefits of nationwide me dical research to those stricken by the dreaded infantile para lysis. This policy is called the MARCH OF DIMES and there Is no man, woman or child who can afford to be without It No one needs expert advice or in surance counsel to see the tre mendous benefits returned for the dimes or dollars - Invested, so let's all act NOW! ir H yeull address your own Insurance questions to this of fice, well try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of any kind. II IMSUSAKCS. 373 N. Church Phone 3-9119 Representing General of America Co.'s 8.25-20 Triple Side . . 30.25 9.00-20 Single . . . . 9.C3-20 Daal . . . . 10.00-20 Single . 10.20-20 Triple Side . 10.00-22 Single . . ... . 19.45 . 26.45 . 20.45 .33.45 The Nation's Top Comics Tho Statesman. Sdost 6rM Wodnosday, January II IS SO 11 DAILY AND SUNDAY in Youp Home Newspaper Ml IT'S MIDNIGHT AND DAISYS NOT IN VtT VOLT Li 3T ANO CAUL HER y t-C!J5 BLONDS fl v r vw i i vTl-rl r .. S'' Mjjj.!Piip r33J) v S ANSWERED N ' ' ii i r "uS BADLY BPUISED-3 BLACK AND BLUE ALL. , CVER-eUT NO BROKEN A DICK TRACT the: skin isn't broken. NO DANGER OP TETANUS. JUST CON TINUE WITH THE GOLD APPLICATIONS. I'LL CALL BACK TOMORROW. ft 1 ii CH OICK. DARLING, WHY DO CAJ TAKE SUCH CHANCES? MXTVE COT ME TO THINK OP NOW, HONEY. YOU BELONG TO fl T7 to ml.- yrrsm COLD APPUCAT)ONS?J -TUAT DOCTOR IS rfl YDU MEM! jl MEAN VDU WILL UVei 1tXlLLTt aHRE-I WOOLDMtTUCM ME UVE HERETUhOMEUSS DOG OUT I AM'--?? J (kJiDH W m MIOOIC LITTLE ANNIE" ROONET GLORWSKV! I THINK ttOfeE GRANO-r AINT VEQY SMART, BUT ZERO lb THE SMARTEST UTILE POOCH IN THE WHOLE, VJDOLO- f-HE KIM DO TRICKS TUATU ttXJ LAFF AN LAFF- UtS A SWELL WATCHDOG - AM HE OOMTEAT VECy MOCH- I THINK REAL UE5 L D YOU HEAR WHAT ANNIE SAIO CWAK Dp TRICKS.1 KNEEL DOWN AN. fW-PLAY DEAO-SHOW AWE i Sjjsis These Chains Now In Slock VOWRI A FOSSIONER, MR. " SAWYtR. YiT Y3U I UFI TO A OUR COVSIfNMfNT POWNft TMI RtCtNT tJJZZ SAWTEB sr b mm -mm ssr 1 x . FZONVZX OIL POKMT IMf M POLITICS. raitVC5 N LAW, AM7 retC-tUCTE9 ftOVTWMSNT. X M JUST TO jut comimy roue Ti cam rroKUii you motiw, ir iw 60vneNMrr tvnc ftXMn OS. TO A fORItCM COHSWC XCiiZ COMfWY WX KiCLNt aiL, LuLJjL V YOU'Bl NOT MICXEY MOUSS 7i!riiR5 v-- lamb's mi-f vV NO NO OAAAB CAN ' Cf I J 65T FAR, AFOOT J NOT A BAD "Vl WANT YOU TO 1 B7CWEN TO WDS9C ) MEET TIC COOK.) ij iLnsi I imv GASOLINE ALZmr CM, DEAR I X'VB N . CAMSJ "Pr J ' CV BBBi FOOUSH AOAJHtJ ZS ' LOUISSI V A'Ctef - but i oont oaas xTiv , CHrrTBcroN Vyisp SO BACK NOWl fcWY jiJf " NSOOACfl ft r CANT I RESlSTT fY Ay rfVtt V . (S t PL TwiKtssf mmviT t SLL an5-4' JiSio fiy2 NOT THE OL' WOC lAJDCRUSWEWIPCNT- EXPeCTTOSESMXI! W ninrv vn i rt r w BAjUJCAN MIXE7X! 1 MCXVPIP VOJ I F EVER GET NEKS? A 7riaEKvtNQMosy T ru our-scAuvou MEAT AND POO RSGJTT? AsVT WANTED I HOPE. 1 , AISVOUAWOLR0M 1 rrsOXOTDSEEVO 1 JEDG6 POTTER'S -g M FrxiWTOSEtOO WE 7T A UP TH CREEK l3 IK VJ1FOUT NO BAILS m O FIRE I! JE06E POTTER'S CONVICTIN MV GRANPAPPy W1FOUT NO JURY TRIALS WHY.THKT LOW-DOWN. SHiriXSS SKONK'J 1 A x vouz couwtiw AVI XJfA OWTHWT JURYCVONEy K . SV TO 61T ME THRU A) i NsTHT WltfTERx ( .v . t - "-T . - 1 BAENTr GOOGLE