Statesman. Salem, Oregon, Sunday, January 13 1950 Gay Flower Beds Replace Outmoded Landscape Style M i.llM"" , snWawLaaSl L. il'f 1 -DWARF FRENCH MARIGOLD! 1-CYN0C10SSUM ICHINESI fOt-CET-MI-MOT.I By eznphaalsJn; the feertsonial peer larger. State j finance u. rtatt - FHA Lout Long-Time Farm Loans License 8-211 and M-222 Personal end Auto Loans ii.T.TXtaJt D. ' Dr.a.CaaaJ D DKS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE HERBALISTS ; , Il North Liberty Upstairs above Decker!, 237 N. U arty. Office open gatarday only It a.aa te I p.m.. Mil p.m. CeasaKa tics. Bleed pressure aa aria tests are free ef charge. Practiced since 117. HEiionnnoiDS (piles) FISSURE FISTULA PROLAPSE and other Rectal Disorders No UosplU luxation Dr. n. Beynolds Clinic. mm Natnr.Reetal Specialist -1144 Center St. Ph. S-9461 FHA ft A Service for our subscribers PHONE LOW COST!. . a . QUICK RESULTS lira line. flower borders make small boose Stock Market Takes Beating During Week NEW YORK. Jan. 14 -JP- The stock market took its worst beat ing in more than a year this week and at the weekend was still on the defensive. On Thursday a seven-month old bull market fell flat on its face. Like a tropical storm, a burst of selling appeared out of nowhere and knocked down prices right and left The next day, groggy but with plenty of fight left, the market weathered another battering in good style. Today last-minute selling squalls drove the market off a steady course. x The net loss for the week ap proached $1,50000,000, almost all of which was taken in the last hour of trading on Thursday. Today the general tendency was upward most of the two-hour ses- Why Suffer Any Longer when attars fan. ase aur CbJacaa remedies. Amazing saeesis far seas ycara la China. Na matter wit what ailments yea ara afflict A disorders. sinusitis, heart, longs, Mr. er. kidneys, gas. constipation, ulcers Slabetes. rheumatism, gall and Blad der lever, skla. female eemplalata CHARLIE CHAN CHINES R HERB CO. t$4 N' Cemmerclal . Phone 3-1839, SALEM. ORE. office Hoars I U (, Taes. am a sat. only. WE CHAR IF YOU subscribe to The Oregon Statesman you have a das sified advertising charge ac count. Phono in your classified adv. . mail it, it will receive the samo prompt attention that it would if you brought it in. YOUR ADS VISIT OUR Wheat Moves Higher Despite Lazy Market CHICAGO, Jan. 14 -4V Wheat stepped out prettjr much by itself on the board of trade today. While the bread cereal was run ning up gains extending to more than a cent, corn and oats ended barely steady. At one time the two feed grains followed wheat upward. But right before the final gong the market turned around and gave up its gains. The late selling made Jit tle dent in wheat, which ended around they's highs. Wheat closed -lJi higher, corn was V lower to V higher, oats were Vt lower to higher, rye was Va lower to Va higher, soybeans were to 1 cent higher and lard was 7 to 13 cents a hun dred pounds higher. New crop contracts scored the largest gains in wheat Low tem peratures were recorded over sec tions of the winter wheat belt A good part of this area needs snow covering as a protection for the grain. Small scale buying devel oped on the possibility of damage to the root system. J More important for March wheat was a trade dispatch say ing Portugal had purchased 3,000 tons of soft wheat for loading from Atlantic coast ports next week. The grain is held east of here, but any inroads Into the country's stocks of soft wheat are welcomed by hulls in the grain. A final bullish item, which some traders thought might be of con siderable importance later, was a meeting late yesterday In Wash ington at which millers were re ported to have requested a 5 cent a bushel increase in the subsidy rate for wheat exported under the international wheat agreement. It was said the agriculture de partment would consider the re quest. Millers apparently contended that this country was being un dersold in the world trade by Canada. slon, with particular attention paid to radio-television and meat packing shares. Shortly before noon, however, the market had a new sinking spell and a good many earlier gains were wiped out At the weekend the Associated Press average of CO stocks had dropped to 71.6 from 73 a week earlier. High point for the week, and a high since August, 1946, was 73.4 touched on Wednesday. DOUBLE DEAL Wrecking Yard 1575 Pleaasntvlew Drive Porta -Exchange NV'ITE ' CLASSIFIED DEPT. Salom Market Quotations af late yesterday) BCTTERFAT Premium ; ' jSd No. 1 No. a ; 3S BUTTER : Wholesale .ea .73 Retail EGGS (Baying) (Wnolesale prices ranges from to 1 cents over ouytng price Large AA .36 Large A - J33 Medium AA Jl Medium A .29 Pullel ' .26 Crack ..- , ,- .25 A Leghorn Hens .IS B Legh .n hens JO JD1 M .15 .10 .21 .10 .13 .14 C Leahoi-n hens A Colored hens B Colored hens , C Colored hens . A Colored hens B Colored hens C Colored fvers A old roustera -Bod roosters . .00 -08 Valley Pack C old roosters LIVESTOCK ky Fat dairy cows Cutter cows Dairy hellers - 13.00 to 11 uo 12.00 to 13.00 14 00 to 16 .00 14.00 to 18.50 Bulls .... Good veal. 150 to 300 lbf.-24.00 to 26.00 Good calves 20.00 to 24.00 Wooled lambs 19 00 to 20.50 Feeder labs 14.00 to 18.00 Salem Obituaries A WYE Ben Haven Sawyer, at the resi dence, 362S Liberty rd., January 13. at the age of 61 years. Surviving are his parent. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sawyer, Salem, and a brother. Mau rice Sawyer. Portland; grandchildren, Mrs. Bonniebell Yaw and Tom Saw yer. Portland; coutln, Mrs. Doris Wood burn, Bonneville. Services will be held Monday, January 16. at 1:30 p.m. In Clough-Barrick chapel with the Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. In terment In City View cemetery. PERSONS . Walter M. Persons, at the residence at 060 Gaines st.. January 13. Sur viving are bis widow, Mrs. Melissa A. Persons. Salem; three daughters. Mrs. Rhoda Baker, Spokane. Wash.; Mrs. Odille Messing, Glide; and Mrs. Melissa Maves, Eugene; two sons, Howard W. Persons. Mt Vernon. Wash., and Irven A. Persons, Albany; a sister. Mrs. Katie Stedman. Bis marck, N. D.; eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Services will be held Tuesday, January 17, at 10:30 a.m. In the Clough-Barrick chapel with the Rev. Dudley Strain offi ciating. . Ritualistic services by Che meketa lodge 1, I OOF. Interment in Bekrrest Memorial park. POWELL Mary T. Powell, at the residence In Jefferson January 13 at the age of 81 years. Survived by daughters, Mrs. Alma F. Struckmeier, Scio. Mrs. Leah Hambly, Indlo. Calif., and Mrs. Iris R. Arnold and Mrs. Elsie M. Boies, both of Salem; sons. Ernest F. Powell and Alfred L. Powell, both of Jefferson; .brother. J. Norman Long. Scio: 21 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. Lifelong member of the Methodist church. Services will be held Monday, January 16, at 2:30 p.m. In the Jefferson Methodist church with the Rev. Ira Had ley officiating. In terment in Jefferson cemetery under direction of Howell-Edwards chapel. Breithaupts Salam'a Oldest Nam In Flowers Paul Heath Helen Breithaopt Death 447 Cart St, Pta; 3-tl7t you Y OUR STATESMAN classified ads are easyjto place, low in cost and they produce results quick ly. Use them to sell the things you no longer use. Read them to buy the things you need. It's a thrifty habit MAIL THEM Phone 2-2441 Office Located at So. Com'I. & Ferry St. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Jan. 14 AP) But te rf at - tentative, subject to Iramed late chanue: Premium quality, maxi mum to J5 to 1 per cent aciditv de livered In Portland. 7e lb : first qual ity 65c: second quality. 3c; valley routes and country points 2c lest than ''"Sutter Wholesale f.o.b bum cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA 3 score 63e lb.. A 82 score. 62c; B 80 score 60r: S 89 score S9c. Above prices ara are strictly nominal Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Cregon singles 38-4JC Oregon S-lb loaf. 44,-45c lb Ers To wholesalers: A grade brae 38-40,ie doc: A grade, medium. 34-35 'ic; small. 33',ic; B grade, large. 37 -38c, Live chickens (Ha 1 quality. F.OB. pUnta.): Broilers, under 2 lbs., 20c lb.; fryers. 2-3 lbs. 21-34c: 3-4 lbs.. 25c; roaster. 4 lbs. and over. 25c: fowl. Leghorns, under 4 lbs.. 14-15c; over 4 lbs.. 16c; colored fowl, all weights, 14-16C. Turkeys Net to. growers: Toms. 30-3lc; hens. 44c; price to retailers, dressed A young hens. 50-Slc; A young toms. 37-38c: Uht toma. 41 -42c. Rabbits (avarice to growers) i Live white. 4-S lbs., lf-ltc, t- lbs 15-17c: colored. 2 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks. S-12o U4 trash fryers. 40r lb.: local. 4S-52c Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers per cwt): Beef Steers, good, 500-800 lbs.. S40-42: ' commercial. $38-41; utility, $35-37; cows, commercial, $35-37; util ity. $33-35. Beef cuts (good steers): Hind quarters. $48-50: rounds. $42-45; full loins trimmed, $64-68; triangles. $34 36; square chuckh. $38-42; ribs, $53-55; forequarters, $34-36. Veal and calf Good, $41-45; com mercial. $38-42 Utility, $30-37. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs, $43-44; commercial, 239-40; utility, $36-37. Mutton Good 70 lbs., down. $20-22. Pork cuts Loins. No. 1. 8-13 lbs.. $42-46: shoulders. 16 lbs. down, $1-33: spareribs. $40-43; carcasses. 120-170 lbs., $25-27; mixed weights $2 lower. Wool; Coarse valley-medium grades. 45c lb Mohair: Nominally 25a lb. ea 13 month growth. Countrv-ktlled meats: Veal: Top quality, 35-37c lb.; other grades according to weight-quality with lighter or heavier. 28-32c. Hogs: Light blockers, 22-23e lb; sows, 18-20c. Lambs: Top quality springers, 26 39c lb.; mutton. 10-12c. Beef: Good cows. 2-30c lb.; can-rjers-cutters. 23-25c. Onions: Supply moderate, market fairly steidr; Ore. Y-Hows, No. 1. ti.70-85; 10 lbs., 45-48c. Yellows, med , 12.25-50; large. $2.50-75: broilers. 10 lbs.. 35 -38c. Potatoes: Ore Deschutes Russets. No. 1A. $3.75-80; 25 lbs.. $1.00-05; IS lbs.. RO-7c No. Is. extras. 4 10-23. Wash. Netted Gems. No. 1 ,$3.60-85; large bak ers. $4.25-50; No. 2. 50 lbs, $145-20. Idaho No. 1 A. $4 00-10. Hay new crop: stack baled. VS. No 2 green alfalfa, truck or car' lots f.o.b. Portland or Puget Sound mar kets. $37-38 ton; US. No. 1 mixed Umothy $38 ton; new crop oats and vetch mixed hay or uncertified clover hay. nominally - $25. 27 depending on quality and location baled on Wil lamette valley farms. v 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice Alnsworth Lodge No. 201 S A.F. & A.M. Special Tues Jan 17 E. A. degree 7:30 p.m. 312 Lost and Found LOST: Black cocker spaniel with red collar Ac answers to name "Skipper. Ph. 25586. LOST: Ring of keys in Ra mage's lock er or In front of bldg. Please return to Peterson at Salem Automobile Co. LOST: between Ladd Ac tfush and Golden Pheasant. Elgin watch. .Re ward, ph. 3-3151 ext. 11 Mrs. Powers. LosfTElks tooth attached to tie clip. Call 2-3538 Reward. OR 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LCSTrGrey suede purse, gold clasps, contains personal papers at money. Reward, ph. 3-5140, 3 1 & Personal LONELY? Write Christian Friendship Society, for FREE photos, descrip tions and details. P. O. Box 590-T. worm Hollywood, calif. Get-Acauainted Club THROUGH SOCIAL correspondence. thousands meet their "Ideal." Writ. today for list of eligiblea. Simpson. Box 1251. Denver. Colo. LADIES If your husband wont clean up that cluttered basement, atuc. storeroom etc wa will - ph. 2 -ft 227. HAVEVou a lot of good clothes that are too snug? Spencer streamlining often makes these "Snuggles" fit. pn. a-aufz. IF Lonely, write Ruth L. Wade. Box 807. Vancouver, wn., an old reliable Ojub. STANLEY Home Products, ph. 2-9307. at AO AM CRAY fortune teller Palm and pscychic readings Madam solves your problems, advice 173 S. ComT. Ph. 29285 Hrs. a.m. to 10 p.m. alcoholic anonyu6L'$ p 5" 721 35234. 400 Agriculture 402 Lire-stock "38 FORD Coupe, trade for livestock. Rt. 2. Box 242. St. Paul. Newberf Rd. Ph. 31423. LARGE Jersey cow. age S, Heavy springer, ynone 3-iabB. LARGE Guernsey heifer, freshen Jan. 29. second calf. Guernsey cow with heifer calf 4 mo. old. Joe Lucas. wouxe a box mone z-sasn. WANTED: All types Uvea lock ph. 4-M17 i WANT Fresh or Springer cowl cows giving 3 gal or more, all types beef cattle. Buy entire herd Tom Webb. Rt 1 Turnner. Ph 825 BULL Service any place7Ph. 42948. mjNULii livestock buyer Claude Ed- wards Rt 3 Box 899E Ph 2-1144 BONDU) UVESTOCK buyer E C Mrranrtlwh 1127 5th Ph 3-S14T UcLNSkJJ Uvestock buyer. H 1 Snethen. 15S0 Lancaster dr. ph 2-1345 404 Poultry end Babbit 9 N. H. mos old hens. 2 Leghorns, all laying. Take all. 811. 1990 Howard. DRESSED N. H. fryers, lor sale. 195 risher Rd. pha 2-7167. YOUNG Laying hens 2 each. 5S0 Hollywood Ave. NEW Hampshire and Parmenter chicks available every- Tuesday. Fox's Hatchey. 3830 State St. Ph. 34969. 4 NEW Zealand white' does. bred7( 1 Buck. Ph. 24343. WANTED: Geese and ducks, also all kinds of poultry, weighed and paid on farm. H. E. Aasland. Gen. Del.. Salem. NW UAUPS. Ckls. i per iOO. Geh ring Hatchery. Silverton. Ore. , 408 Pets ROLLER Canaries, singers S8 to 312J0. females S3. Westside Feed and Seed. 608 Edge water. West Salemt Ph. 36003. FO SALE: Cocker puppies. $2M. Ph. 20540. 356 S. 17th. REGISTERED Boston Terrier Bull dog. 2013 N. ComT TO Give away: Puppy. Rt. 7, Box 305. A. K. C. Reg. IrisriSetter pups. S wks. sired by Ch. Peter Patrick. R. C. Bond, ph. 2-6272. MOORE'S Tropical Fish. New ship- ment lust arrived. Tetras. Gour- mats. Angels. Neons. Rt. 3 Box 483. 2 mi. from Lancaster Dr. on Macleay Rd. ph. 2-732L 412 Fruit and Farm Product EASTERN ALFALFA hay by T o truck load. S65 S. 13th. Ph. 2-9fl3X ITT Farm Equipment FOR SALE One Model D-2 "Caterpillar" Trac tor In excellent shape. One Model TD9 International Crawl er Tractor with Drum and Dozer, guarded for logging. One Model "B" John Deere Tractor on rubber for 1600. Interstate Tractor c Equipment Co. 3053 Silverton Rd. Ph. 24161 450 Merchandise 455 Household Goods For Sale THOR Auto-Mat-tc washer, ph. 3-7666. 3PC Walnut bedroom suite with springs and mattress. S60. Ph. 2060Z LIVING Rm set, 9x15 rug St pad. kU chen table & chairs, draw drapes. 1 double. 3 single prs. crib & high chair, ge bicycle, extra chests and tables. 3268 Knox Ave, off Park. A5 Apt. size range. A-t cond. Phi 35261 after t a.m. 456 Wanted, Household GLEN WOODRY. Ph. 35110. YOU Owe it to yourself to get my bid on your furniture, appliances. etc. before selling, pn. -Louie. 3053 Portland Rd USED luRNl immediate appraisal. highest prices. Valley Furniture. 233 N. Commercial. Ph. 37472 458 Building Materials" WANT A NEW HOME? . Our new F.H.A. Home Planning Dept. has been established Just to help you In developing plans, making esti mates and obtaining you F.HA. loans. This service la available at no cost to you. - Keith Brown Front 8c Court - Salem SOIL P IP E. incl. Y 1 St elbows. Dry used lbr. 2x4. 2x8. 2x10. 10 ft. Ph. 37113. SEE PUMILTTE BLOCK SUPPLY CO. METAL GARAGE DOORS WINDOWS FIREPLACE BRICKS DAMPERS , ETC BEAUTTTUL MODERNf FOLD POORj Wallboard New i" wallboard. durable. light weight. Insulation value. 4x8 sheets 11.84. 18"x3: and 12"x24" ceiling. tile. Low priced. C. G. Long, ph. 2-5821. 1 mile north of Ketter iSTOP SERVICE " FOR YOUR BUILDING NEEDS Lumber, shingles, mill work, glass, hard materials, plywood, paint, hard ware, elec. supplies, fir covering. That convenient - location. Front tc Court Sta. Keith Brown Lumber Co. VERY Good ' and 2 in old growth fir lumber. 2x4 tf 2x12 in truck load lota, $20 per m delivered. Ted M ullerL Call Salem 21198. Used Doors - Windows 30 in. doors with standard frame and hardware 88 JO. Windows with frames S7J0. Large sashes $238. in. Flrtex 3c ft. Insulation 2c ft. C. G. Irng. ph. 2-5821. 1 mile north of Keixer Waiernroof Wallboard 3 thicknesses, new hard, smooth wall board. Cheaper than plywoode Per fect for kitchen St bathroom walla. Used for flooring over cement it wood floors. G. C. Long, ph 3-582L 1 mile north of Keizer. Doors Plywood New 3 panel doors. $8.50. 1 panel doors 17 50. Glass doors 810 JO. Overhead garage door, hardware. $18.80. Front Zi . a so nlvwood 4xB sheets. Good 1 side 82 65. G. C. Long. aa m(U Mrw4h m Vaiae speclkleTabTiCln5 ii"x4" random length . . . Ideal for re-aiding barns, chicken houses, old buildings. At seas than half the price of common shiplap. $23 M. Keith Brown Lumber Co. nUWhLH divcks. ibui power toot rental headquarters. 1410 S. Um Sb Ph. 33648. 450 Merchandise 458 Building Materials . RED CED 1R SHINGLES No 4 i I 3s. any amount delivered lowest marke price IS in No i ffP" Pf.c. all shakes Ted Salem Sinn'lnaeo road Call 8-1 18 Siding - Shakes New white asbestos siding $10 sq. No paint needed. IS" cedar shakes in f?UIhJ"1?ic colors, undercoune included $12 sq. G. C. Long, ph 2-5821 1 mile north of Keizer. 462 Sports fcqulpment GOLF Clubs St bsa. Cost $130 priced r?cJQ ouvenon ko. Ph. ITcUAfiE Ithaca Featherlht Shot- 468 For Bent. Miscellaneous" BE -Thrifty In fifty- rent a New num sewing macn oy montn or week. These are new machines with all attachments. For prompt court eous service call Ralph Johnson Appliances Salem's "New Home Headouarters"; Ph. 33129 or eve 27389. U l.KiVa. I KOCKi rUK HkM t U..n ks tase IOT I t.. S3. e tfwiusM. -11 T m'i IT r n e3avrrs, GOOU tUSED Puioo H L Stiff. T 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous ALL Wool black coat, satin lined St inter-lined. Like new, cost 845, med size, 815. Wine chiffon velvet dress, size 16. $3. 2 wool jackets, $1.50 ea. 860 Union, apt. 1. ELECTRIC Washer. 818 5a Thayer baby buggy. 88. Ph. 3B689. PARTS for '35 Plymouth, starter, gen. radiator, etc 840 Morningside, Ph. 22733. WASHING Machine, good cond. Rea sonable. Ph. nail after 8 p.m. fOTORiZEDTable saws. $33 to illJ. Wood lathes, bandsawa, shape rs. Jointers, reasonably priced. Otto, 337 N. Cnttare SOUTH W IN D Gas car heater. Very gd. con a tt re as. pn. z-zoaa. USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER O The right way to re build the soil. Free of weed seeds P Odorless 6 sacks $ 5.00 Bulk J ton 10.00 -2 tons 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in -; ". Salem area Phone 3-8127 7 WOOD Circulators used bargains. enamel wood ranges used terrific buy. Kerosene heaters, new and Used. Airtight heaters, all sizes. Oil circulators used at your price. Stove oioe. new and used. Va 1 ley Turn. Co. 285 N. ComT. BABY Stroller, good condition, rea sonable, ph 2-1536. slvcTer ELECTRK SEWING MACHINE $69.50 Demonstrator ' Guaranteed SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 130 N. Com'I. US tD Electric washers $19 95 and up. Yeater Appliance Co, 375 Chemeketa St. Why Pay a Salesman's Commission?" $300.00 Equity In t B R. modem home. Take $800 8c car. trk. or trailer. Lo cated at 955 N. 38th. Phone 3-7350, iiui x aitiicu 4Jii 10 T 20-inter cat W. gauge A-l cond. 81200 or swap for car or pickup. 36-1 ton Chev. Uk. H. T. motor. H. u. praaes, z-apeea rear ena, at gooa hand winch good rubber. $350.00 or trade. - 39 Chev. 2 -door, good cond. swap for equity in late ptca-up. sjuu.uu. 1 only. New Steam Cleaning outfit, wed a bit 19 hrs. $300 00. $100 00 down. Ask for T. Howe, pnone 1-7350 OR Trade for anything of equal value a 380 automatic pirtoi. pn. z-aaai or see Roy Morris at JtL 3, Box 797 saiem. USED Electric ranges $1995 and up .. . . . . zeaier Appliance 319 Chemejceta gt ATMORA Y8 HarleyPugh. Ph. 3476T. BUILDING for sale, windows, doors. plumbing. 19th St State. APEX Wash, machine 3 yrs. old, like new. equipped with pump $70. 220 Electric wall heater 3000 W, Used 1 yr. $15. Umbrella type clothes line. All metal 87. ph. 2-1378. 1050 Dletz Ave. Keizer. TRADE In vacuum cleaners for sale. 83 up. No dealers. Sears 8t Hoeouca. NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS-Tl-KOTE, the cellophane-like finish for floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St. Silver Plating special offer January only Completely resilvered 3 pe tea sets 88.95 Trays 1 in. UM Knives forks, spoons 25c ea. salt and pepper shakers 50c ea. other articles accordingly. Avek Plating Co. 1880 t 12th OIL Circulators at greatly reduced prices Ye iter Appliance Co. 375 Chenjeteta St. Walling Sand I Gravel Co. Crashed Rock For roads St driveway. Cement. Ready mix, Concrete. Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and ditching. yd. shovel St drag line. Phone 3-9249 i VENDING-MACHiNES 7 Seven four column Alcuna Gum St Candy dispensers. Forced sale Make an offer Ph 2-4432 or 3-6793. PstD Radios and records Players $9.93 and up. Yeater Appliance Co. 373 Chemeketa St. USED FJec-organ, ueed Tlonde Spinet. Ph. 34641 USED llectrSf refrigerators $4934 and up. I ' Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa 51, Phillips Bros. Fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, any kind, by yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work, cedar fence posts and tele and elect poles, aay length, shingles, yew ost lumber. Ph. m 3-I45S. wra. pox IP. saiem, lutu UnSTX aawine machinea. Port. sblesL.deak typea. complete Une ser vice any make machine. Ralph John- on APoosncats HEAT VOUR KOMI elecUlcally with Westlnghouse or Weslx auto ma tie electrie heaters. T eater Appliance Co sts Chemeketa LATE MODEL Smith office typewriUr, like new, 860. Phone Z-W71. 472 Vonted, MuceflaneousT WANTTDt dble cement laundry trays with fittings. Ph. 27593. w7tWBAwairrr3ouGLAS FIR POLES OR STUMPAGE, PHONE 1287 ALBANY OR WRITE STAND- ARD POLE St PILrNO CO. INC. WANTED: hay. Wire baled preferred. uover, eaia a veica as nus Bay In the barn. Take any amount ph. CHEAP Used piano. Cash or wilflirede rurnuure. pn. nwoij -vxiu. 474 Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR STHVIC35 Dt MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repatr DR. HARRY SEMLEILDENT1ST Adoipk Bidg. Sute St Com. Pta, 3-3311 450 Merchandise 474 Miscellaneous MOWSER BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters 1410 S 12th 6U Ph 33646 ; want ro Buy used cameras M lea mci. w An pnoto Shop. 43) tat. 476 Fuel SPECIAL Fireplace wood for these coid winter days, $1 or more you haul. Oregon Fuel Co. ph. 3-5533. sECONl) Growth 18 inTllO cord. 6Td growth $13 cord: Ph. 2-4276 or 3-3523. PHILLIPS at OSBORN ENTERPRISE Phone 4-2839 Immediate delivery 16" Oak Wood. SIS cord. 1S" Dry second growth fir $11.00. UHr Wood most Kinds Ph. 24276. WE Do wood awine Ph 24276" OA WOOD 16 - St r. tli cord dellv- erea ury prune wood, $13 load. Green prune wood, $12 load. Cut any length. 16" dry fir. also wood sawing. Ph. 2-2232 or 2-3127. R Hi All TN Clean, dry or green block Abo planer wwa ra or uea . candiewood Drive Ph 2-2382 Highway Fuel Co. STOVE at DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT -SAWDUST DRY SLAB PH 3-6444 PhilliDs Broa. - Old fir. ash. maple, oak 4 fir. If timw inq eosnnKS fTl Z-li3a Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD roa. Bt HEATER Tri City Fuel PHONE 3-7443 1841. slab wood and edging Fresh cut screened sawdust 13-la. Inside mill wood Dry wood ASK FOB S as B GREEN STAMPS West Salem Fuel Co. tS-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRV PI.ANFR (VTM Old growth block wood 18 to. eieasi bo para SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Saiem 3-4031 Assa pick up wood at 1523 Edgawatar l w saiem. f RY Pine box woo l" Call 3-9189. 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 3 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $12 00 For orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing-Company Independence Oregon 'TElmer Boje 3023-4. 12th Ph 3-9483 BLOCK WOOD for furnace, planer i wood for cookstove. 16 In. old gth fly Oregon Fuel Co. Dry slab or dry edging, fresh clean sawdust. greea edging $3.30 Id. dbi, tlO. Also Is" green slab or 4'. Phono 5533. 'I . Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone $-7721 or 34024 SCREENED FRESH SAWDUST 16- SLAB. 2 cords $10. Ph. 3-145i 500 Business & Finance S02 Business Opportunities WILL Sell part bt auto pop-corn,, vending machine route, owner has too many machines for 1 person to operate. Box 464. Statesman. CoOD Going cafe. Leaving town. Rea sonable by owner. 1007 8. Com'I. B USIN ESS SPACT61TLEASi; New building, parking area in rear. 3023 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-4432, 3-8793. 510 Money To Loan BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" loan may maka you Thrifty In '60. " Pay off your bills. Lower your month, ly payments. $50 to $1500 'Call or phone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans 118 S. Liberty Phone 4- 29 U Your Property is for sale it will pay you to know now mucn of an FHA loan It will stand. This Information la obtainable with but very little trouble. Do Not Hesitate to call on us for any Information, you desire about FHA . LOAXS- State Finance Co. 133 S. Hlfft St., Tel. 34121 FARM and CITY LOANS 4 and Tour own terma of repayment within reason. Cash tor Real Estate Coa tracts and Second Mortf. CAPITOL SECURrriLi CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 4-22?3 AUTO LOANS WILLAMITTX CRXPTT CO. 183 S. Church St pL 3-3417 Parking Aplenty Lie. M 139-8 154 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. f980 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. Free parkins. Ph, 3-7032 - Uc No. M36 69-S2SL Flny4 L Floys: Private Money . ! On Cars. Trucks At Trailer Homos . Long or Short Tana Payments Roy H. Simmons 138 83 Commercial St Ph. 3-91 gl CASH-NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salema largest and oldest homo owned loan company offers money whoa you need Itl You can pay anytime to reduce not eosti No endorsers, or help from friends! On cars trucks, trailer homes to $30040 On furniture. Uvestock. equipment. salary or otner personal property up to $300,001 Phono or visit our office today I Lie. No. S138 and M33S General Finance Corp. PH 94161 136 8. COM"L ST. PRIVATE MOHZY'to loan on goo) first- mortgagee. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 350 N. High St Phone 2-4128 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted SOMEONE to Uve in private home and ooara a miaaie-aged woman who Is a diabetic. Prefer man as wife. Write Statesman Box 473. 60S Help Wanted, female WANTED: Registered nurses: head nurse, surgical, relief, general duty, night and day. Write Supt, Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital. Hollis- ... .n. $50 Week' to sUrtl Sell beautiful solid brass Door Name Plate. Write National Engravers. 313 Summer. Boston. Mass. RXLlABCaTGirl for gen. hse work St care ox a yr. old child. Experienced. Must like children. No smoking or drinking. Excellent home St salary. Live in. 184 N. Liberty ph. 3-4129, STCRETAJSY to the director of Ad - missions, Willamette University. Pro ficiency in stenography and office ftrocedure essential. References. Call or appointment. 3-9266. ext. 91. CTRL For secretarial and general of fice work. Must be able to take dictation. Apply Montgomery 'Ward St Co., Salem. f sr. 5v.: v- ."5 rs .avea 1-9 0 0 0 0 0