Cougars Said After Saiier Rumors Also Have Yale Getting Root SEATTLE, Jan, 10 The rumor factory was making trans continental shipments of two foot ball coaches - today, but neither had started packing for the trip. Rumor No. 1 had Reg Root mov ing from the University of Wash ington. Yale from assistant football -coach here to athletic director at New- Haven. '; No. 2 report from the grape vine would - send George Sauer, who quit recently as Navy's grid boss, to Washington State college; Sauer said fn Baltimore he had heard reports" he might be pick ed to succeed Phil Sarboe at WSC, -but added he had not been contacted by the college. The school's athletic director, Robert Brumblay, is in New York City attending the NCAA meeting and said he hoped to meet with Sauer. The Root report came in an item from New Haven saying the lanky ex-lawyer was top man on the list of prospective for the athletic directorship dropped by Bob Kiphuth. TheyTl Do It Every Time r-n.tiii vfetklMl yO VUCT0S 3 By Jimmy Hade? BE LOCKED INTO- PCUUWCNOW. .X.R WE'RE THE SPARROW BOVS S( WVO0OTMETHlr4 Tfl- r-r-nvj cvjn Ri tcslPCc ARE GETTING READY TD TWETRE WDOlNS? lV-AYr Tr5I LIGHT CXJT AGAJNLHLW? 7 DURING THE HOT UNI nV'STki nTrC r SPELL, IT WAS THE rv Ai iDOUiA Akin PhW r-V iniawwni a UUR WESAUCyi?"-l "M OA.OlTUClOey-1 C WHMI W 7W t-J2TS3aTinY CL1JRSRPTWEPKI fcV THINK? vT'r rSEASS..rTTHEHaJANOTHE MIAMI TO LOOK OVER THE FlORlWSmmohiig J. riUC33 1 KCrE3LCwHiTI ?9 iC . .7 7. ... B Si AH! II "TU I fVI W WHILE WE'RE AWAY. fcH Jlk UU1 SWINDLE SHEET BCnW TAKE A UOGNu WHEN THOSE TWO GYPSSS GET nCHY FEET HI VThEM THE BUZ2ARPS blow50 do the &g execs . THAW TO . :l SALES FORCE, NEW YORK n,NY. Bed Province, the ex-Salem high narler who had a whirl la the Cleveland farm system, still Kdxes baseball la with his jab as dealer la Reno's Ilarald's dab. lie performed fear days a week with a Ben Independent crew last summer. Rod's still trying te get osed te his heart ap yon der 2 sua. to II aja. hat such things a one persistent gay los ing 12400 In eight boars keep him from too many yawns Speed Ea$ Weapon Incidentally, Rod sat in on the Charles-Valentino title mix last Bummer. Ills opinion: Charles Is He dynamiter bat he's fast and boasts ft slashing attack. As for Valentlaot "lie stank! . . . A lot f Joe Kahat's good friends fear that If Tex Salkeld's proposed Portland boat between Joe and Charles comes off the Weodaera Walloper Jst won't he able te eopo with Es's speed la fist and foot . .. Bat then Xahut can always lair that be DID fight the champ ? Gale Plant f Quint Laddr Gale. - the ex-Oregon cage AU-Amerk and a newcomer to town, hasn't had any cage connection this year oatsldo off . little officiating hat word Is that como next seasoa Laddy will, organize etronr lndeoendeat slab, under the sponsorship of Union .Oil. - ' ... ;;; - Loder Start Fast Gays to watch la the race for fadJvtdaal scoring honors in the Northweat conference this sea sea: raeifle's Art Reamer, Col lege off Idaho's flashy newcomer, Lloyd Neville: Lewis and Clark's Bob rollard; and a eeaple of lanky lads at Willamette named Dong Lognej and Ted Loder. Loder as off to a fine sUrt with 21 point average la his Initial two loop tilte . . Great help te Tom Tates ofthe press: gtatlsU-cally-mladed Tom Tates of WO who hag done an A-l Jeh the last eoaple of yean at. keeping the appetites of sports depart meats satisfied as concerns field ' goals, first downs and basehits Room, for Sentiment Ills always been said that - oearoo are sentimental gays along that ruthless, mercenary area called Canllnower sew. The balk el the ring tllese look on etal tendencies as a sure sign a gay has gene balmy la the bean . . Bat. mind, yea, there's apt to be n largo share f back skidding when and If Robert Vil lemaln, the willing little man from France, meets Champ Jake LeMotta for the world's middle weight crown Some people may deubt Ville maln's sincerity In solemnly stat ing that he's currently engaged , !; mm MSC Head Criticizes Colleges Over-Emphasis Rapped PHILADELPHIA. Jan. lO-OPV-Michlgan State College President John A. Hannah charged tonight that intercollegiate athletics are "too much in the control", of coaches and alumni. This, he said, causes "over-emphasis" of college athletics. Athletics and education, Han nah told the annual Maxwell club dinner, should be operated as a single unit together. - "I think the tendency to let athletic directors and coaches run their own shows without reference to the programs and policies of their colleges and universities is principally responsible for the criticism of intercollegiate athlet ics," Hannah said In a prepared address. The Michigan State president was chief speaker at the banquet honoring Notre Dame's All-America end, Leon Hart, as the "College Player of 19A9." SALEM SHOOTERS WIS Clarence Thompson and Ted Borkman paced the Salem rifle club to a 1983-1954 victory over New berg at Newberg Monday night. Thompson scored 279, Bork man 278. Other Salem scores were Torgney Flnell 284, Bert Welch 27S, Robert Chambers 271. Aussie Star Due CHICAGO. Jan. KKPV-The lat est foreign golf star to test the hospitality and cash registers of United States fairways will be Pe ter Thomson, promising pro from Melbourne, Australia. Thomson has accepted an invitation to com' pete in the PGA's winter tour, starting with the Long Beach, Calif., Invitational Open, Jan. 19 23, and ending with the' Masters meet at Augusta, Ga, April 6-9. MAGUIRE, THOMAS SIGN NEW YORK. Jan. 10-0P)-Jack Maguire, rookie outfielder, sign ed his New York Giant contract today. The 25-year old newcomer hit .248 last sesson at Minneapo lis, tne ttianur American asso ciation farm. The Giants earlier today announced the signing of outfielder Booby Thomson, regu lar centerflelder. He hit .309, play ing all 138 games. National Loop Gagers Booked National division basketeers of the City league go postward at Leslie tonight, with three games starting at seven o'clock. Feature clash of the evening comes right off the bat when the Burroughs Inns play the National Guards. Both' have won two and lost one and are tied for second place in the standings. The City Transit Lines (2-2) play the Capitol Business college (1-2) in the eight o'clock game. At nine the leading Naval Reserves (4-0) tangle with the Marine Re serves, who have yet to win In. three trips. TED LODEB , - : He's Baagiag the ratals la a erosade to get the middle title for his homeland, that he's oat o accomplish what his fri end. Marcel Cerdan. set oat to do only to have a fatal plane crash Intervene. ' Some people may laogh at Til- i lemaln'a "crusade" hot at ring Ida If the boat comes eff there , are apt to be a batch of hardened cynics rooting for the little Frenchman. Yes, even thongh i they have a eoaple of backs an LaMotta Wm Did Pappy Wrong We committed a big snafa when we recently scribbled that Walt (Pappy) CUao had yet to see a 700 la his long bowllag ca reer. Troth Is that Pappy climb ed Into the sacred circle hack m la 1944 with a snappy 7-2. Well hare to lay the Mama oa oar Informant for we also asserted the elder Cllne staffed that 719 : the other day by blowing an easy spare. Ia reality he waa shooting at a 4-5-7 split New we feel eas ier .. . It'll really ho setting a precedent when an competitors la the 8GO Slickers tenrney keep ap with one another la peeling off reaads. Bat. aa the name Im plies, the oug-bastod weather Jmrt has a habit of Interfering ' witn the schednie ... Congclon's 2nd Wind Chock Congden, the aging Ta coma pro, breesed along for years and years aa just another swing er, bat Chock has had a coming oat party all his own In the past rive years. His triumph la the 1947 Portland . Opea seemed U ; give him a new lease oa things and he's been a mighty respected llnkster of late yes even oa the very big-time gold trail . . . Chock ranks with Perky Oliver of Se attle as the Northwest's best among the pros, though Spokane's Bad Ward may pall ap with 'em. cheyM Itcips Ueep vour teeth Look and Learn By A. a Gordon 1. During what president's ad ministration was the only time la history that the United States was Dractically debt free? , 2. Which is the most easterly possession of the United States? 2.) Which are the three pre dominating colors In flowers? 4. To what sport does "slalom" refer? 9. Who Is .the author of the book, "How to Win Friends and Influence People? ! ANSWERS L 1. Andrew Jackson. 2. The Virgin Islands. 2. In ! their order, white, red, and blue. 4. SkUng. ft. Dale Carnegie. WEDNESDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time FM; Megacycles KOJU 101.1; KGW 100J; KEX 92J BJloeyelest KSLBf 1299, KOCO 1499. KOTN 979. KGW C20. KEX UN - a - .... .. . 9 . HOUR 00 99:15 99:39 99 :4S 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KBX News News Hodft jPedge Farm News iTtnMkeeper IMarch Time (KOCO KVack KOIN Kloek (KOIN Klock News I Farm Time Kmp gmfUBg IKmp SmlUng INa koco Kloek KOIN Kloek Farm Tim Kmp Smiling 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KSX 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW ffamtnjrway Tex Bitter KOIN Klock Ballad Waah. News Barf. Counter Crusaders Com. News Kddie Albrt Break. Club (Break. Gang 1KOCO Klock News 014 Son (a AcToasky IRIm Ac Skin (News JNewi iNewe I Bob Top Trade KOCO Klock Fred Beck Sam Hayaa Zeke Manners irimfly Altar jCruteders (New fjcaoim Albert IBreak. Club (Bible Roar (Melodies (Grand Slam pack Bercb . I Break, dub (Bible Hour riesta Time iRoaemarr ISac Xiden IBreak. dub 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KKX N.W. N Melody lime Wendy Warrea Second Cup Bedell I Walts Time Ouls Club Pastor' Can Melody Time (Stars Sine Aunt Jenny I Helen Trent Second Cub ! Hometown iNi Stars of Today I Quick at Flash Quick as Flash J. C Thomas I Gal Sunday TO KSLM den Hardy KOCO N.W. News KOIN Big Sister KOW Marrlare Safe Kldere (Gospel Blnfrer I Mem. Muete rl!onoert Tune Time Ma Perkins I Dr. Ms km I To Be Advtaed House Party Art Baker True Story Knee Morgan ee jkaye Ould. Light Rouse Party True Story 11 KSLM Ladles first KOCO Musis Mart KOIN Mrs. Burton KOW poub. Noth. Betty Crocker I Ladles lint Musis Mart Perry Mason Doub. Noth. Uimiahr Queen for Day an Carber Norsk Drake Todava Chlisl (Nortaweet Hfor Day Variety or Day Light World Me9(,tabWkVaTw 12 KSLM Top Trades aoco n wood koin News KOW News Baukhage News IW W Man VSrfv Him Hwood Muds News Dave Dennis wo cet it House Party House Party RmiI a I.H IPwibm Vmi ITT (News Uack Norman iMenjous i hm IKSLkl Bob Mitchell Bob Mitchell Your Neigh. (Bing Kings KOCO Mae's Melodies IMae's Melodleal Mae's Melodies Ma?s Melodies KOIN Nor Jack Holt - Moore Show Klrkham KOW Backstage W12d Stella DeHaa (Lor. Jones Wldder Brown KEK In Hollywood lln Hollywood iKay West Kay West 2 KSLM Bob Poole (Bob Poole (Musle fMusle KOfO Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae'i Melodies (Maes Melodise 552 Klrkham Allen Show (Allen Show (Tunefully KOW Girl Marries Portia Plain Bill (Front Page KKX Jay Stewart Jay Stewart 1 Bride. Groom IBrtdo. Groom Jamboree ffamboreo Wewe (Throo Suns KCO Mae's Melodies Mae s Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies B22f Klrkham Art. Godfrey Art. Godfrey Art. Godfrey ESy Travelers I Travelers (Aunt Mary Lore. Lean KKX Pick a Date jPlck a Date (Be Seated Ted Maiono 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis Hemingway Behind Story News KOCO Morie Tim I Philosopher Brer Bedlam Byer Bedlam KOW Art. Godfrey Art. Godfrey I Curt Mssssy Ed. Morrow KOW Woman's Bee. (Lite Beaut. tDr Paul Paula Stone KKX Rhythm Squirrel Cage &rulrrel Cage Firefighters 5 KSLM Bar Ranch Bar Baneh Tom Mix Tom Mia KOCO Band of Day (Band of Day (Blng Crosby Business Mews KOIN Follies Little Snow (News News KOW S of Us Tews Songs of Times Peterson KKX Yukon (Yukon Sky King Sky King 6 KSLM Cab. Hoarier (N.W. News (Tello Test Serenade KOCO , Candlelight Candlelight (News Twilight Song KOIN Groucho Man jGroucho Man I Blng Crosby Blng Crosby KOW Your Life . (Your Life (Dick Powell Dick Powell KKX Headline Home Edition (Romances Homancea 7 KSLM Concert Concert Cisco Kid Cisco Kid KOCO Pst O'Brien Musle Jackpot Eve. Knight Sports KOIN Bums. Alloa Burns. Allen Musle Hall Musle Han KOW Big Story Big Story Curtain Tame Curtain Time KKX Lone Banger Lone Ranger Dr. L Q. I Dr. L Q. 8 KSLM Name of Song (Name of Song (Lean Back tHerth Trio KOCO track 1490 mack 149 I Track 14M J Track 140 KOIN LoweU Thomas (Jack Smith (Dr. Christian Dr. Christian KOW Sinat. Klrsten News of World Glldersloeve I GUdersteeve KKX Sher. Holmes ISher. Holme iGreg. Hood Greg. Hood 9 KSLM Clen Hardy IDevtd Koee (Airport Airport KOCO Mayor Speaks IO. Murphy ews Guest Star KOIN Adventure (Adventure IBeulaa (Club 19 KOW Break Bank (Break Bank (Dirt Attorney (DUt. Attorney KBX Congress Congress (Burn Adlam tBuxs Adlam Iha Skxtasnunu Salem. Orew Weinedcrf, Jaanorf II The Nation's Top Comics DAILY AND SUNDAY Your Home Newspaper upiiHIIIIIli'1! TO M3U AGAIN, -rr; fjLT i BLONDOL m- Ikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" pot? if ouXNevEa. ve (Tnc iri AND MOTHERJ f 3JT A SYSTEM ?.?SyS' J ill HAOA TO MAKE HER CfS?tgS'SS IT I H QUARPEL, ) ( SPEAK TO ME t T VJf'fySTEM ) t SPPl!ipiu CSWE HAS TO SWTHANK VaJf VvVCN I GIVE HER t THE! CANtV AND T L L STL- SEVERAL MILES FROM WWEBE DICK TRACV IS BEING DRAGGED TOMB DEATH prURNTHAT VCLUMh UP MORE, rr vjs Dor P5 VOCE ' I HEARD THAT 1UCM. r (TKflO oici Tfucy ICAMTTAkTEl IT MUCH LOJGER HE'S TRYING TQ RNISH ME OFF. HELPf IF ONLY I GOULD REACH MV ANKLE 1 THAT TOW Chain IS JUST HOCKED AROUND fTHT ISKTT TIED TDXIT. I-r-I CAN ALMOST- MAKE rTUT THIS 5 A N(CE,$M0KY TOWK AN WHEN A TOWN 15 SMOKY IT MEANS FACTORIES AM FACTORIES MEAN WORK IS. a aw i a -1 iut zzm course, fn whoauttie;! sa Aa tin a w 1 DUI ALL i, TV AN I PA uttlejob-antll WORK FOR JUST A UTTLE BIT OP MONEY. TV mm f I ri COULD GOTO TWXOOUKTY ORPHAN HOME- IT WOkS AWFUL BIG AN WARM , BUT TUEf Vmtl LET YOU UVE TrtKE 'CAUSE THE SIGN OM THE fiATESET. I OONT WANNA BE WARM AN FED INSIDE WHILE YOUCE COLO AN HUNGRY OUTSIDE J" 1 r RmsBk a Gt THg CAPITA! rt W9 KVT 00TM6 OOOv( I AUttaOY tttU tTOm? THP4 DEI iy a pYNAMirro no WA Kwr, AMP- rl fSOUSTZLj PWMH 4 A CAPTUCSO RAlfTa?ACK Wt$HC5 SUZZ 8AWYQ Tkt n rt u U CAPTUWPA fVM Km hauv 1 1? YtT 00 -W IT t 1 TMf5 IATEIT KPORT MENTIONS A Pffc WO, CAN HI ft THf. 5AMI ONT wo Pt5TP0vn Twr rrsn AMuumnoN TKA84 m flO f AKfA AM9 T0ir TW vttuu nn sm fS IUW m pib tH ) f PN0W3 Qua Iff UffHl AU. THOSH J4 pScSi UICXII MOUS2 ( PWHEggS THB FVOMg?) MAVSS I PUSHONE 1 l? Vi f j r i n 1 1 iae " . . : 7 kY l -XMk 10 KSLM Fulton Lewis (Local News (News . I Ed. Howard KOCO Frontier Tewa rrontler Tows Mus. Tea WsatiMus. Toa Want AOIH s bur Final I You as World Alr-flo (Orchestra I KOW Sam Hayes I Carson Stag Sports ' lOrcbestrs . KJ(X Reporter llntemexso ICoswert Hour (Concert Hour 11 KSLM Myrtery KOCO Nocturne torn Serenade ina mm KMX - Concert Boor (Concert Hour I Memos pan I Nacttrnaa IBandstaad (J. Wolohaa (Noctuni 17. Wolohaa INoetume Bandstand Melodies pews Wax Museum (Wax Museum (wax Museum Concert Hour (Memo (Memos KOACOe BLC Wednesday 10-00 B.m. The news and Weather: 10:1S Es pecially for Women: 11:00 Oregoa School of A In 11 :U The Concert Hall; 12 .DO The Mews: 11:1 Moon farm Hour; KM Ride TCm Cowboy: 1:19 Oregon School eg Air: 1:43 This Day; 1:00 Freedom to Crow: SS Memory Book of Music: SttS Oregon School of Air: IM The Hews; 349 Musle of the Masters: 4:00 Oregoa Reporter; 4 OS Kara and Sloop; 4 JO Song of the Islands: 4:45 Defense Report; 1:00 Children's Theater; Ml On tM Up beat: S:8 B90 Sports Club; IM The News: :1S (To be announced): t JO InrlUtlon to Learn: TM Farmers Un ion; 1:1 evening Farm Hour; IM Radio Shorthand Contest: SJ0 Ouest SUr; S 49 News end Weather: :00 Music That Endures; t:0 Xvenlng Meditation: 10 .DO Sign. Off, rrs ftA34JgiTK ' a cucccv cam lljtj?t" IX COULD CWLY THlp Kssprreur . 'E srn KARSM XJLO V liyji CP URSY not rtL aa , TR0N81 XXL I ffZs t VTIT fXrhj-u m I KM. "CP, I CCffr J RSsfaBBC, CORXY, i MAKT 10 B3 TS710 A tOLUHG 9TCtM I. r I RNOJUST W4AT I 1 V v em irfjl OASOLSIZ AIIZT TMSaHTWBCCA IT TKU.US1B40JOt to I (MOnT FDAw QOWNiONMB. SJ VOJRUFsL COM. AJLEA6X MVBAPUMArt? taoctoMsotr. i you a AiTE-caua J08 WWCMMAJ I APPRB3A7BT fT. BOP. BUT I FEEL THAT 14 VWTI-APJEON JOB ML BetTTkTCO. -ir n i z. w warn. r Si mv LAwym FEE U)ta B3 JXX ZJiL V eoofvaoos ajrwrsq mWWPtm) ."aw . asFwasm w as sm armsswBr en cjrry 0flH5OnRE! , inn i s r r fart I BABNEY COOGLS WHICH ttCUlD VcRUTHOl DO PART UXP TWO JUGS OCORM-SOUtElWJ'S OR LET SORE PORE OC P1T1rVQl PAPPY MOLD tN.Tff 7AlLr1005C FERTHUTTy VtARS OR EOTR? PORE OC PAPPY 1 .. .Miiini: :ttittttitiiiiiMt.iW4Htii :f j Hi Ht -.- .......