II jEniLy News IBirfieffs FORMER TEACHER DIED Funeral lervices were held at the A. J. Rose chapel in Portland Monday for Mrs. Clinton T. Cooke, 82, who attended Willameite uni versity and taught music there shortly before the turn of the .century. Mrs. Coqke, the wife of Dr. Clinton T. Cooke, Portland oculist, died Saturday of a cere bral hemorrhe. A daughter, 1 Margaret Cooke, of Portland, also urvives. ;' Party that wanted to top tree at 640 E. Ewald, please call. Phone 26175. FIELDERS HATE GIRL 1 . - Mrs.. John Olthoff, route 8 box 236, is the grandmother of a girl born December 23 at Fort Ord, Calif., hospital to Sgt. and Mrs. James E. Fiedler, now of Monte rey, Calif. The baby, th. Fiedlers' Second, is named Mary Lou. Mrs. Olthoff is Sergeant Fiedler's mother. CHEMEKETANS SET HIKE Chemeketans will climb Euchre mountain Sunday,-with Lee Craw ford in charge of the overnight trip and Kenneth Jennings in charge of the hike, it was an nounced Tuesday. The mountain is 20 miles up the Siletz from Kernville. The Saturday night Stopping place will be Delake. Those to attend are being asked to register next to Greenbaum's store on Commercial street be fore Thursday evening. Sump pump & fittings, G. -E mo tor, used 1 day. Ph. 21318, 3480 Center. . CITY WORKER HURT Cecil Jones, 46, of 100 Highway ve., was injured when struck on the head with a pick while, work ing with a city street crew at Spruce and Hazel streets at "8:40 pjn. Tuesday, first aid men re ported. He was taken to Salem Memorial hospital where his con- ; dition was termed fair Tuesday night LINK TOAST-MASTER Walter Link .. will be acting toastmaster at a Thursday night meeting of Willamette Toastmai ters club in the Bright Spot cafe at 6:13 o'clock. Slated speakers are Herman Holboke, Frederick Brennan, John Susbauer and Clarence Prange. Al Cramer Will handle table topics. Johns-Manvtlle shingles applied by Mathis. Bros 164 S. Com'l. Free estimates. Ph. 84642. ! Births ARMFRIEST To Mr. and Mrs. V James Armpriest, 1860 S. High st, a daughter, Tuesday, January 10, at Salem Memorial hospital MORTON To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morton,! 2308 Mason st, a daughter, Tuesday, January 10, at Salem Memorial hospital. CAPTAIN To Mr. and Mrs. ; Frank Captain, Salem route 8, box 844,' a daughter, Tuesday, January ' 10, at Salem Memorial hospital. i; ! CREMER To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cremer, Mill City, a son, Tuesday, January 10, at Salem General hospital. . MURUAGA To Mr. and Mrs. Grant Muruaga, 682 N. Commer cial St., a son, Tuesday, January 10, at Salem General hospital. . V '-TTT- ""V''. Guard Moves SummerCamp Dates to June A . The Oregon national guard's summer camp will be held in June so It won't conflict with summer harvest activities. Maj. Gen. Thomas E. Rilea, who Is in Washington, D.C- for a con ference of state adjutants general. notified hi headquarters in Salem Tuesday that the national guard bureau in Washington had finally agreed with him that the camp should be held in June. The bur eau had been insisting It be held .In July or August General Rilea also said the na tional guard bureau has increased the strength of the Oregon guard to 4,319 officers and" men. Two weeks ago it had been fixed at 8,947. The actual strength of the Ore gon national guard is 4,407. Gen eral Rilea asked for an increase in authorized strength to avoid having to discharge 360 guards men. KN- mm Wfflapatte: Ireeero Cm 305 So. Cottage St. 8 a. m. to 12 Noon RETURN TO DAKOTA Mr. and Mrs. Fred White and son! Charles have returned to their home in Hettinger, N. D. They spent the holidays as guests of Mrs. White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Beak, in Salem. GET BUILDING PERMITS Lester Condra obtained a city building permit Tuesday to erect a $700 garage at 40 Abrams ave. Merritt Truax was issued a per mit for $700 alterations to an of fice at 205 Columbia st. insured savings earn more than two per cent at Salem Federal Savings Association. 560 . State st HEALTH REPORT ISSUED Three cases of influenza and three of virus pneumonia were reported in Salem last week, Jan uary 1-7, to Dr. W. J. Stone, Mar ion county, health officer. POLICE PLAN BALL The Salem policemen's annual ball will be held at Crystal Gar dens ballroom on February 16. Police Captain Lee Bowman and Sgt Ercel Mundinger are in charge of ticket sales for the event Sgts. Walter Esplin and Donald Nicholson are on the music committee, and Capt Leland Weaver is publicity chairman. STEEL STOCK LISTED Supplemental articles of Incor poration of Salem Steel and Sup ply company were filed Tuesday with the Marion county clerk by Carl I F., Carl A., and Alfred C. Gerlinger and Victor O. Williams and John W. Kitzmiller. Capital stock was listed at $150,000. Early Court Hearing Due On Firm Tax - The state supreme court decided Tuesday to give a speedy hearing to two cases which attack Port land's1 new tax on business firms. The court said it probably would hear the cases next week. The tax was upheld by the Multnomah county circuit court The cases were filed by Garbade and Boyn ton, and by Bernard Motors. The; court reversed a Josephine county Judgment which had award ed $6,500 damages as the result of a bicycle rider being killed by a truck in Grants Pass June 22, 1947. The victim was Lawrence Olin Copenhaver, and his widow sued the truck driver, Walter Edward Tripp, i In an opinion by Justice George Rossman, the high court ruled there was no evidence to show that the truck driver was at fault ; ! Scout Leaders Announced for Eastern Tour Municipal Judge W. W. McKin ney will accompany two Boy Scout units from the Cascade area council to the national scout Jam boree at Valley Forge, Pa., next summer, it was reported Tuesday. Other adult leaders in addition to Judge McKinney will include William Baldwin, principal of Lebanon elementary schools and scout (official; Louis Robinson, Valsetz scoutmaster, and Dean Booster, Gervais assistant scout master. Three additional adult leaders are to be chosen. A total of 46 scouts from this area have signed up to make the trip, said John Klapp, assistant scout executive. The goal is to send two troops totaling 64 boys. The Jamboree scouts are chosen by their troops. The three troops and one Explorer post at Dallas lead with 14 boys signed. Sched ule changes show the scouts leav ing Salem on June 18, arriving at Valley Forge on June 27 and returning to Salem on July 12. Stella A; Gabbert, Native of Oregon Dieb at Age of 89 Mrs! Stella A. Gabbert native of Oregon and a resident recently at 1343 Wilbur st, died Tuesday. She was 89. Mrs. Gabbert was born Oct 9, 1860, In Lane county, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. McCalL pioneer residents in Oregon who crossed the plains about 1850. Surviving is a brother, Theo dore Rowland, Salem. Burial will be in Pleasant Hill cemetery near Springfield. Time of services will be set later by the W. Ti Rigdon compan. OTJTT V ' j ALL GRADES Wo Pay Top Market Prices - CAN USE ANY AMOUNT Bring fn All You Hove AT ONCE 1 BUYING HOURS - -Saturday, 9 a. m. to 1 1 a. m. Candidate LA DOUGLAS R. YEATER Yeater Enters Race for State Senate Seat (Story also on page 1) Douglas R. Yeater, state repre sentative from Marion county and Salem appliance store owner, will be a candidate for the state sen ate at the May primaries, he said Tuesday. Yeater, 40, a native of Bis- marck, N. D., came to Oregon IS years ago as district sales repre- strmauvc ui me rutiwna jen- eral Electric, and in 1938 found- ed the electric appliance business he still heads. He formerly was in charge of the tabulating ma chine department of the North Dakota state highway depart ment, and for eight years was commercial manager of the North Dakota Power 8c Light co. He was chairman of the Marion county war bond committees for the last four bond drives, after serving in other capacities In the -initial campaigns. He is a mem ber of the Salem Chamber of Commerce, Lions club, Izaak Wal ton league and Retail Trade bu reau, having been an officer in those organization, and also is a member of the Elks, Eagles, Young Republicans, Knife and Fork club, Western Federated Sportsmen and National Retail Credit association. Yeater's family consists of his wife, Dorothy; a son, Douglas, jr., 22 and daughter, Joyce Arlene, 5. Board Accepts Resignation of Hillcrest Head The state board of control Tues day accepted the resignation of Mrs. Katharyn Loaiza as superin tendent of, the Hillcrest School for Girls and voted to send her a let ter of commendation for her work during the past five years. ! It was agreed to accept the re commendation of the state advis ory Doara in naming a successor to Mrs. Loaiza. Gov. Douglas Mc Kay requested prompt action from the advisory group to allow the new superintendent to become acquainted with the institution under Mrs. Loaiza. ! Preliminary studies by the Smithsonian Institution have shown that central Texas was long inhabited before the arrival of known Indian tribes. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their kindness, words of sym- ' pathy and floral offerings in our late bereavement ! Mrs. Goldie Killinger and family FOR INSURED SAVINGS first Federal . : r Savings first i ' Current Dividend 2Vj st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'il US Se. Liberty AT? Phono Ml 46 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. wm 3 Extension of Wings Okelied On Courthouse Plans showing wing additions to the proposed new Marion county courthouse were receiving favor able comment from county officials Tuesday. The plans, drawn by Architect Pietro Belluschi of Portland, in corporate suggested changes by ex tending wings on the west side of the building to eliminate an "over hanging" effect Marion County Clerk Harlan Judd, secretary to the courthouse building commission, said that county officials "appeared favor able" to the changes. Main results of the change are to add storage space In the first floor and to move the county treasurer's office from the first to the second or main floor. The plans, together with exter ior drawings, will be discussed here at a meeting January 18 of the commission with Belluschi. Folk Dance Series To Begin Tonight First in a series of 10 weekly adult folk dance classes will be held tonight at the YMCA at 8 o'clock. The course will be conducted by Gertrude Ayres. There will be no charge for YMCA members but non-members will pay a small fe, it was announced. The class will include instructions on folk dancing, traditional national danroa nf varinm notion. gquare dancing. Those interested may sign for the classes tonight, yOU'LLSBB THE DIFFERENCE U. t il . ! ' . . 1 U J j " I There's o J 375 tenter ! ) i I Burglars Net Small Gains In Local Wave Four burglary attempts netted prowlers $4 in a minor wave of break-ins which city police inves tigated Tuesday. Detectives said amateur culprits are suspected and al) four burg laries may have been attempted by the same talent A check protector was taken at West Coast Fast Freight offices, 360 Belmon St., police reported, but the firm's supply of blank checks was not pilfered. The estimated four, dollars in cash was taken from a music box and a cigarette machine at the Gold Arrow restaurant, 1590 Fair grounds rd. Break-ins at the Cooeland Lum ber company, 520 Wallace rd., and Truax Oil company. 205 Columbia st., also were reported but nothing was taken. Three of the entries were made by breaking glass planes and un latching door or windows, investi gators said. A key apparently was used to enter the other establish ment ?5th YEAR OR EARL Or McMINNVILLE, Jan. 10-JPh Earl A. Nott Monday started his 25th year as district attorney of Yamhill county. He is a native of Marion county, a graduate of Wil lamette university in 1912 and a democrat in a dominant republi can county. Mount Etna in Sicily is 10,741 feet high. TAKE There's o f in your ...with a future built in Street TEST DRIVE A 'SO Vallev Death Takes Former City Store Owner William Andrtv Fitzpatrick, who owned two grocery stores in Salem a number of years ago, died Tuesday at his home at 3241 iLiberty rd. He was 74. Born June 19, 1875,' in Canada, Fitzpatrick came to eastern Ore gon in 1C90 and was engaged in mining and grocery activities. He cam, to Salem In 1920 and worked a short time with the state highway department. Later he ests"-M!hed groceries on South 25th street and on Market street between Capitol and Summer. In 1930 he retired from the gro cery business and farmed until his death. Fitzpatrick was married Dee. 26, 1906, in Dundee, to the for mer Carrie E. Meyer, who sur vives him. Also surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Loring Grier and f'rs. Max Allen; a son, Ermal R. Owens; and four grandchildren. All reside in Salem. Funeral services will be ar ranged by the Howell-Edwards chapel. Nothing Down. Pay Menthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades We also wash, retape, paint and reslat your old Venetian Blinds ELIIEB- THE BUND MAN Call Aay Time For Free Estimates Phone 3-7328 1453 Rose St W Salem We Give 8&H Greea Stamp THE WHEEL Ye. 10 miauies at the wfcl wilTintrodwc yvm tbe w rfitl "feci" and amazing, aoaad-coaditioaed quiet of th 50 Ford. You'll discover, the comfort of Ford's "Mid Ski" Ride . . . lit bump-ermsing "Hydra-Coil" and "Para-FW! Spring . . . ita 35 eaaicr-octiag KJofSiao Brakaa. you'll FEEL THE DIFFERENCE 9 Oalr Ford fa the ogiao . . . a oew, Aaaerica'a eoartieat future wkiapera. Yet it telli . 1 1 t AT YOUR Motor Company ' FORD IT WILL ; r ? r t i i The Statesman, Salem, Ore- Jarys to Open New Flower Store Friday A new business. "Flowers by Jary," will be opened af the Cap itol Shopping center Friday - by Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Jary who own and operate the Jary Florist shop at 365 Court st, it was an nounced Tuesday. Address of the new flower store will be 590 Capitol, on the corner of Capitol and Union, in the Sears building. The owners said among Inno vations would be a corsare bar. Hours for the business were an nounced as 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 8:30 a.m. to 9 pjn. Friday and Satur day, and 10 a.m. to 5 n.m. Sunday. Regular week-day delivery serv ice is to be maintained, with spe cial delivery obtainable on Sun day if arranged for in advance. Balder was the ancient Scandi navian light god, I I lt7s Smart to Wear Personality Slasses LIBERAL CREDIT, OF COURSE! Dr. Henry L Morris Dr. Kenneth W. Morris MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 444 State St. Phono 3-5528 OF A xYOULL HEAR THE DIFFERENCE low-prioa fell of era yo 1 00-War k power "fcuabed" V-8 ngia (tbe type ad m ear). It's so ajaiet yo oaa apoak m for kaadreda leaa thaa all otkac "aigku' ! . 'm uea.. FH Phone 3147 OPEN YOUR EYES! . r-tmul iV Wednesday. Tgctmrr 11, 19505 Korean Student at WU To Give Address Tonight Ben Koh, Korean student at Wil lamette university, will address the International Relations club at 7:30 tonight in Chresto cottage on the university campus. The public is invited. Koh, former member of the Ko rean state department, was .enga- -ged in espionage against the Jap anese during World war II. He was captured and -was awaiting execution when the Japanese sur rendered. Insure Your Fur Coal With C KEII POTTS Rat 70c per $10000 Minimum Premiums S5 for 1 Year S1L50 lot 3 Years . 229 Ke. Liberty; Ph. 2-3132 DEALER'S f 1 " - - - - T-.-?"