11 -The Eta! man, Salem, Ormi WedneedaTr January 11VHS0 New. Students Enter School 'UStsUesua' News Service . MILL CITY Students enter In school here following the holl dayes were Dorij Craig, a seventh grader from Newberg, and Rose anne RlcGraw, a Junior from Montana. ' Saturday morning some dam age was noted due to the heavi est snowfall for a number of years. Trees were bent to the ground and many of the branches were brok en off. A large double garage be longing to S. G. Higdon collapsed tinder the weight of the snow and partially damaged a . car belong ing to his son - in - law, Ralph Budlong. Friday night the elec tricity fos off and the telephone service has been disrupted. -The woodshed belonging to Mrs. Anna Swift also collapsed under the weight of the , snow. John . Nelson fcas returned to school following recovery from his recent operation. . . - ' Mrs. Arthur Kriever Is confined to her home with pneumonia. Mrs. kelson Lamphear is caring for her. Mountain States Power company lias completed the installation of street lights on East Kingv.ood and Third streets. -Home for the week end from Portland university was Gordon Kay, , son of .Mr. and Mrs. Walt Kay. Also home for the week end Was Bill Howe from Oregon State .college.-- - ' ,- "Miss Betty Class of Salem spent the week end - in Mill City. . i Spending Sunday, in - Mill City were Harold Cox and Duane Mc Fadden of Corvallis. t Donald Cree, nine, year old son of Lowell Cree, has been confined to his home the past week due to the extraction of several teeth. He will return to school this week. Keizer Couple Trip Sir Stafford Gripps . , Seeks Dollar Talks LONDON, Jan. 10-WVSir Staf ford Cripps made a bid here for new dollar talks with Canada and the United States. 1 - ' The chancellor of the exchequer also told a news conference Brit ain is going to shave down the rate at which she is paying off her war debts to non-dollar nations in goods. He said Britain needs to sell the goods in dollar countries. LINFIEUD PROFESSOR DIES McMINNVILLE, Jan. 10-P)-Dr. P. V." Woods, 63, professor of ro mance languages at Linfield col lege for 20 years, died Monday. He had retired last year. First Citizen Banquet Set v At Silverton SUtesmM Newt Service V SILVERTON Plana are going rapidly ahead for the annual First Citizen banquet to be sponsored by the Silverton Junior chamber of commerce. The banquet will be held Thursday night, January 19 at 7 o'clock. The dinner hour had previously been set for 6:30 o'clock but was changed by request of out of town guests who found the earlier hour difficult. The banquet is being held at St Paul's school in order to accommodate the large attend ance expected. Ronald woods Is chairman of the First Citizen committee. John Mlddlemiss heads - the banquet ticket sales committee and tickets may be obtained from" him at Coolidge it McClain bank, from William Duncan at the Stiff Fur niture store or Harry Carson, Jr, at: Steelhammers. - WOMEN'S MEET SET BUENA VISTA The Polk County Federation of Rural Wom en's clubs will meet in the Dallas Chamber - of Commerce rooms January 18, with the Bridgeport club as host. Mrs. Jack Stump v-ill give a book review t eleven o'clock, and State Sen .Dean Wal ker will talk oh impending legis lative session in the afternoon. The host club will sell a lunch at noon. Husband Killer Sent to PENDLETON, Jan. 10-P)-Mrs. Irmarilla Wanda (Sally) S perry, 34, was sentenced to four, years in the state, prison here for the slay ing of - her husband; " ' -" The woman, who said she and her husband had been drinking heavily for several days, pleaded guilty to a charge of manslaughter. S perry was killed by a .22 caliber rifle shot in their quarters on the Jack French ranch near. Gurdane, Mrs. Sperry said her husband had simulated firing the weapon, then handed it to her. When she duplicated his actions, the gun Tired, she testified. Council Given Word of Praise The 'Salem city council which gets many a beef from the citizens it represents,- smiled over a word of praise Monday night. ' At the very top of-its business agenda' In city hall tame a letter of thanks for graveling of a drive way for. the Belt kindergarten at 601 S. Winter st, "just in tune for our Christmas program." FLYING BOMB BASES ROME, Jan. lO-VThe Italian fugees from Albania as saying the Russians are building launching gear for flying bombs and long range artillery bases on the Al banian Adriatic coast. t A ... Reclamation Funds Included WASHINGTON. 3 an. 10 MjPh President Truman's budget for the 1951 fiscal year starting next July I asks funds for continuing work on three reclamation projects in Washington and. Oregon. It asked congress for $223,000 for the Roza division of the Yak-, ima project in Washington which will bring the total to $260,000 as $35,000 will be left from this year's appropriation. . v The budget also asked $500,000 to carry on work on the Deschutes project and $940,000 for work on Klamath project in Oregon. The Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel says demand for scrap went down in 1949 for the first tima Since 1946. .'. :,-.' v " -' Yea Btd esn fa a ttf f z$ ta rtf ceegfcs m itles Toe Med to rub om BUrouJatjrn, pai relievinf Murtorole, It not only bring fuC Vonj-Utinf relief but actually belpa check th irritation end break p local contention. Buy Miuterolef . To California lUUmti Ntw Service KEIZER Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hose left by train Saturday for a vacation in California. They will visit relatives in. Los Angeles and other southern cities. .Mrs. Mildred Yunker and Mrs. Hazel Rhodaback - of Albany re ceived the gold pin scouters train ing award and citation for three years - of service Sunday. The award was made at the Cascade area annual conference held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms in Balem. Mrs. Yunker and Mrs. Rhodaback, who were the only ones to receive the Honor began A -At . t- a1 1 i. lugcuier wnen ui tuu vcuut wur i was organized here and Mrs. Rho- riahark uraa (nitnirrwntal n start.. ! Ing the pack after moving to AI- : bany. - t TVT1 wnispc vers Top Irritations Of Ministers PORTLAND, Jan. 10-flVWhat bothers ministers most? 1. Whisperers during the sermon.''--- 2. Sneezers. - t. Tardy church-goers who talk in the hall. 4. Marriage parties in which rice is thrown in the church and alcoholic drinks are passed around. .Four Portland ministers agreed on this list recently in a public panel discussion on church eti quette. . - Dr. Myron C Cole of the First Christian church added another pet pieve: the man who waits un til the minister' pauses, then lets out a long sigh as if to cay, "when will this guy quit preaching." -Dr. Laurence C. Nye, First Me thodist church, concluded, . "all children face the problem of learn ing good church manners without -seeing any." ' Nationalists Given U.N. Board Seats LAKE , SUCCESS, Jan." VHJP Rusxia campaigned without suc cess "here against the seating of nationalist Chinese delegates in two small committees of the Uni ted Nations. The nationalists stood their grounds f ollowin g the , - Russian protests and the Russians did not follow through with a challenge. MRS COBURN ELECTED DAYTON Mrs. Earl. Coburn has been named chairman of the 1950 Infantile Paralysis Drive for the Dayton area, according to an nouncement by Earl Nott, of Mc Alinnville, Yamhill county . chair man of the drive. Chairmen of the different communities in the county met in McMinnville Thurs day night to make plans for the drive. . t , CPERINTENDENT TO RESIGN McMINNVILLE, Jan. lOiP) Frank E. Fagan, city school super intendent the past 23 years, an nounced here he would resign July U He had reached Retirement age last year. Start The Nptv Year Right! Replace All Broken Glass i NOW! ; . f. , -.-.-.. Auto Home Office Salem Glass Servico IS2 Center hee t-fftf Boyd ''Over Loaded" Babbitt Says Boy, are we loaded! Yes and I'm right behind the eight ball 'cause I bought and bought and bought and now we're overstocked! Take a cuo (that's a pun, people) and really save on these items! I I SS BUBB1 BBlBBiBBiaBIBBIBBiSBi M M , . 0 . M m . . . SI . - ' j i Ball" j 5 ; J- Lf7 v"l i ; I - : I ODE DDJWIJD?0 v f PccketX . 1 i - Knives ' J ' ' - III f - I II It 111X11 VI 11 II 1 I 11 I V 111 1 J 1 J 1 I I J M -WX. IF II V Choice J . W 1 Sfralifl ". ' Gri W3' TTP- 1"9 bnqih. will stand v A " . A If T VlrtsSrf Wear and WadHng. Special! . fai-.fte I H-lSn ,PISllr Y I XL j) (SMSCJ Grey. Corduroy Collar. A U. S. Army lue. Long lenath. Ab- C U- J '"S) izxg? 5195 rirr& A 79 .laisrar ' r 5i-' i- 1-. ' ; I Ahr. 1 74 n. p. Ilolor M i J y Ilolor I New fl ':"j 5 GaL 'f Jeep Cans, j GPO Shirk j U.S.II. Stealer Those heenry blue extra warm; 100 WooL Turtle neck, extra shirts. Brand New. All Sixes. ! warm. 4 95 ONLY 95 New and AQWoolI SliorSs EBriefs Boxer Type. Extra fine doth. an xceltnt 1X0 Garment Nainsook or Broadcloth. Grlpper fasteners. Made ' to sell for 85c ONLY Briefs Top quality combed yarn. A real buy ffllfirtSik 7Pr m nwk Pockei Combs 3fc IQc Compare these and you will be rery pleased. Friction . Tape Large size roQ. Full half pound. azoTV 1 Bhdei : J G. I. Coveralls RBT CoreralL me long wearing comfortable Q, L CoreralL Brand New'. ,,.IILI ; ; m Faiiguc Panls 279 Green HBT with the large bal loon pockets on the side. Brand New 2 Rolls 25c lashlighlsj - Opon : Till 9 P. I I. U.S.II. Oxfords Genuine Coli-alda uppers, heary oakkxn sole. Worth twice the price. r95 Ira: Dnhbcr Topo - Large size roIL Extra fine. 25c DAN. Bin. Onj. M Wool f 'Diana new. unra. ibkki uira - 1 i vv arm. r Artjylo Dress Sox in PI 100 Hen Feather. Buy . yw Used. Perfect 2 HoBs F0IITnE BEST U Ml SUHPLOS BUYS 3 .... J s r tox-uoie a ) Stovel 95c 50 wool work sox. Extra heary duty very warm. Long length. An exceptional buy. In white, khaki or grey. Pairs Lets ef ether sex. Beet sex. Sweet sex. Dress sex, etc All i wholes! prices. AT THE CODIIED OF FAEGI10DIIDS DOAD AIID IIODTII Cmmcn