The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 08, 1950, Page 3, Image 3

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FromTh Oregon Statesman's ValUy CorriponaWs
Stay ton Man
Earns Honors
In Germany
Statesman Ntmu Service -
- STAYTON Recently- receiving
honorary membership In the Po
lish Guards, was Brig. Gen. Arn
old J. - Funk, who was born in
Staytonand who is now station
ed in Germany as commanding of
ficer of Stuttgart post The cer
tificate of membership I in the
Guards was tendered by Major
Stefan Fordymacki, representative
of the Polish laison section of Eu
ropean command. -
At the outbreak of the recent
warfc General Funk was assistant
G-3 under General Mc Arthur in
the Philippines. In January 1942,
he was-assigned to duty as chief
of staff of the Philippine corps.
The corps was charged with the
defense of the eastern half of Ba
taan, that sector being the most
vulnerable to attack by the Jap
anese.' Captured by the Japanese in
April, 1942, General Funk was
held a' prisoner of war for over
three years. He Is a graduate of
Oregon State Agricultural college.
Salem Heights Mothers
Club to Meet Jan. 10
Statesmaa News Service
Heights Mothers club will meet
Tuesday, January 10 in the school
library at 1 p.m.
Mothers are asked to remember
the traveling trophy which is awar
ded to the room with the most mo
thers present. Mrs. Louis Kurth,
room mother for the third grade
is the hostess chairman and will be
assisted by the third grade moth
ers. Frank Bennett, superintend
ent of the Salem Schools, will be
the speaker.
Veteran SP Worker
Retires in Dallas
Statesataa Newt Service
DALLAS. Jan. 7 George E.
Robinson, Southern Pacific freight
carman for 31 years, retired at the
end of 1949. During most of this
time he has been stationed in Dal
las where he currently makes his
home with his son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Robin
son. Robinson Is in no rush to get
busy on another project. He just
wants to rest up k bitthen he'll
find a hobby to work on in spare
time. f
Sewing Club
Holds Meeting
At Auburn
Statesman News Service
AUBURN Mrs. Henry Han
son was hostess for the first meet
ing of the new year for members
of the Monroe Avenue Sewing
club at: her home Wednesday af
ternoon.. There were 14 present.
Mrs. Cecil Snook and Sybil Ann
were guests, : . '
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Becker have
returned home from a holiday va
cation trip south where they visit
ed in the home of Mrs. Becker's
brother. Jack Bickler, at Med ford,
a family reunion at Lodi, Calif.,
and in the home of Becker's brother-in-law
at Richland, Calif.
Several Auburn families cele
brated New Years day. with spe
cial dinners. They were Mr. and
Mrs. William Rahtz, La June
Rahtz; Mr. and Mrs. George
Maske, Rea Ann and William; Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Purcell; Dutch
Richenbery; Mr. and Mrs. William
Massey and Mr. and Mrs Trebil
Massey, who were guests in the
home of Mrs. Rahtz's brother, El
mer Purcell and family, in Salem.
Guests at the Arlo McLain home
were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Shrake
and three children, Gregg, Dick
and Janice, and Don and Arlo
McLain, jr.
A guest the past week at the
Arlo McLain home was Lee Boyd
of Pendleton. On New Years eve
they attended the party given In
the home of Mr. and Mrs. cnaries
Gilming on North FJma avenue.
SILVERTON The trial of Pete
Maurer, charged with larceny and
assualt, was postponed to Janu
ary 10. The complaint 'is signed
by Maurer's brother-in-law, Jo
seph Borschswa, who claimed in a
complaint that Maurer .removed
some implements from the Borsch
swd place.. -.....-. w-V-;--,,
Albany Posse
Elects Leaders
Statesman New Service
ALBANY Officers for 1950
were installed this week by the
Linn county Posse and Possettes,
with Paul Nelson of North Albany
as captain of the Posse and Mrs.
Ray Maddy of Albany as captain
of the Possettes.
Other officers Installed at the
meeting, held In the Falrmount
Grange halL are' Gerald Char
traw, first lieutenant; Claude Huff
second lieutenant; Gene Sitton,
third lieutenant; and Laurel Say
lor, first lieutenant; and Mrs. Or
ville Armstrong ' secretary - treas
urer. The riding groups meet every
Wednesday evening in the armory
in Cdrvallis to drill, and both or
ganizations -are making plans for
participation in many Oregon
horse shows and exhibitions this
ye,ar . . . : ?
Tbf Statesman. Salem. Oregon, .Sunday, Tannery 8, 1S5$ 3
Mt. Angel Priest tc
Visit in Germany
ItitMiui News Service
MT. ANGEL The Rev. Rom
uald Edenhofer, editor of St. Jo
seph Blatt, the German weekly
published by the Benedictine press
at Mt. Angel, left Saturday on the
first lap of his journey to Europe
which will take him to Paris,
Rome, Switzerland and Germany.
Father Romuald does not expect
to return before next October.
This will be Father Romuald's
first return to Germany since be
fore the war when he left there
because hiswri tines found disfa
vor with the Hitler regime.
plans to spend several months in
Rome. r
Is nearly as large as
""eamu--- I
ye cm
' wear -' '
your .-.
Your .
Wba fb tisMCMSH flat vn sms! wr Dwritl Plate, con
sider tb btt mi lsm3t Dentures wUch help eUaai-
, Mt fb tOTenJee aJ dtaoeaafect of Toothless Days."
Hi . Immediate Dentures in4 Jt peeuble far ye to continue business and
I . social activities without hitemiption mt embarrassment.
tnwnadiate Dentures male W aaalar far yaw to accustom yourself fa Htm
wearing of Danfal Mate.
Immediate Dentures permit mar faithful roproductlo f tit farm and
arrangement f natural teeth, j
Immediate Dentures minlmlae tfatartta mt fade! aatlina and preserve
th ton of tka tissues. I i
Immadlata Dentures help vo retain clarity of speech, which is particu
larly ImpoHaiit for thoa who meat the pubHa.
Immediate Dentures provide mora
mora satisfactory bona ragsnaratiew. , ...
Immediate Dentures enable the dentist ta abtain proper ralatfanship af
the wppar to the lower aw. .
Immediate Dentures will kelp ye evercome muck diasamf art bacawa they
protect the qvn ridges during the heating period.
immediate Dentures enable ye ta learn ta wear your plates muck mare
quickly. . I !
Immediate Dentures are the NATURAL transition from natural ta ar
tificial teath.
Ask Your Dtnihf
Ha wttl hm f Ia4 ta atva vea ater
mmmmt tfta aavaatafM f iMMeHefe Peeteree,
Tea 't Have t Pay Cask at Dr.
lerl v the plates yee aaa4 KIwHT
MOW . . pay LATE1 la SmN Wee4ly
r MeeMy A ta. Ey CrmmUt Trnr
wltMet netey er rea tea.,
, Vithoait AppotiitiiMiit
i - - s ,
Ceeae la aay Mat at year caavealaaaa far
fjceMalaeMaa ar CaaeaMarlaa aaeat year
Paatal PrealeaM. rraapt, trUaaly atteetleev
s Oit-of-Towa Patlfits
Wert eealet.J la l aays (alffkalt
Salem, Oregon
- an is n m. i l l
'IE ) MLffl ,
177 North Liberty
W Give and Redeem
"SIH" Grean Stamps
Snowy white, satin-smoofh . . . Cannon's
Size 81x103
Other sizes:
50x103 ... . . . $2.19
i . v
72x103 . . . . . . '1.09
Cascs-42x3S . . . . 39e
Ifs bn long, long time sine you've seen Cannon's fin muslin sheets offered
t sveh low bvdgNplaslng pricosl Luxurious soft, sleep-inviting musl!n-ryp
12t that wears and wears, launders as easily as a hankie. Tiny Irregularities,
but they dent Impair the wear on bit. Stock up and save on our Jmnwry
Whit sal pricsl I "
rA Whopping Dig Sleep Value!
Imagine being lucky enough to find an all-wool btantet
for a mare $5,951 These famous-make fluffy, warm, won
ders measure a big 72x84, and coma in rose, blue, green,
gold and cedar. Highlighted, too, a shimmering rayon
satin binding.
A x m
$5"95 K
Super soft . . .double -napped
The same fine cjuality wa sell regu
larly for 49c yard! Soft, fluffy nap on
both sides. In the wanted 36" width.
White only."
Springkmght's famous quality !
42-Inch Wide
"Spring knight's" wonder - wearing
typ I2S. muslia, first quality to th
last; inchl lllaachad to snowy white
wu your chanca to saw dollars!
Smooth-Textured . . wonderfully low priced!
Size 81x103 . ..... ; .
Size 72x103 .... . . . ,
Cases 42x35
Enjoy wonderful relaxing steep with thesa Pequo muri sheets . . . and anjoy
the low. low price, too! Type .140 muslin that spells extra stamina and extra
wear. They're snowy white; with an unbelievably smooth Jeiture; made wit
generous hems. Gat your supply now.
r v ...... ...... 99m rr J ...........