s'fyr. . J fit ' t, -V - ri'e -ii i .?, r'??j Vi' !.wh - V iVll 3 l. VitU h 3 me itatman. Salaro, Oregon. 5ad(. Jcmumy loSCC-iy t -1 . Place YOUR 500 Business & Finance 810 MoneT To Loca PRIVATE MONET to losii on good first mortgage. . CHAS. HUDKINS & SON tV) N. High St. Phono 1-4180 Private Monc? On Can Track Trailer Bom Long ot Short rrm Paym enta Roy H. Simmons " " 13s S Cwimwclil SI Ph 3-0161 CASH - NOW $25,00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned ioaa company offer money when you need It I You can nay anytime to reduce at coatt Ho endorsers, or Help from frieneNI ; On ran trucks trailer home to 8500.00 On furniture, Uveatock, equipment- alary or outer personal property up to 8300.001 i Phone or visit our office today! Lie. No. SIM and M338 General Finance Corp. "PH 1-9161 IM s comx trt AUTO LOANS ' WILLAMETTE CBJEDIT CO. ICS S Church St Ph 1-1417 parking Aplenty Lie M15S-31SS O. I. MORTGAGE LOANS TO VET ERANS. P. H. A. St CONVENTION. AL MORTGAGES. LOW INTEREST RATES: - LOW COST. REX SANFORO INC. IU Srv Coml Ph. 1-6380 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 190 fairgrounds Road . Next to bank. Ft Pf1,11 1-7031 -Ue. No. M389-S29L IVyd .Kenyan.- Mgr. , . 600 C Employment 802 Help Wcfltod TH Bankers Life Ins. of Nebraska has a local opening for a reptesen- " tative. A substantial amount of business now In force, in local com- munity. Box No. 459 The States tnan.V ! ' i'' l. "A National organization - wiU employ and train one high type salesman ' for local representative. If interest ed, write giving qualification. Box ; N. ia The Statesman." iQi Help Wanted. Mate" AUTO Mechanic experienced In time up and .motor repair,- Must be good ana wuimg 10 ww. jnonCTOT reed not apply. Sea Vera at Tea rue Motor Co., 355 N. Liberty, ph. 1-4173. fcOS Help Wanted, famcda wunriimril Wuitkl' nnlv ex 9& , rT.rl , . . per'tenced person should apply. Sal- . Jtry, izoo. 11 necessary xrn wmn Yurn. Independence Lbr - St Manu facturing Co... I litispendence, Oreg. 810 Sal Persons Wantexl WE Hav n open trig for an experienced-Real EaUto Salesman now active in selling JUl-Etate. The iK.it.mil wiU be put. In charge of our Real Estate dept.- St work on a 7(Hb bire. , Jntrview Severln Resitv Co- 212 N. Bl&h, Do not Tele- , phonef ' BTOtfre f.ioslng' for Urifer Income. A Rawleiitlt buxfntf V"if available for you If you-'o'''qulliy.!' A postal card requeaC WiU, biViyu full lle tails without otillestidn ' You then study and decfcJ WrH Rawlelgh's, Upt.-.ORA-lS-a22, Oakland. Caltf. SALESMAN tor Salem retail grocery , trade-area, sUrVi' expenses, csr allowance write 71 S. E. Taylor, GerbeC Babv - roods.1 PortUnd 14, , Oregon. In letter of application stste qua'lftcatjns,r Sfe. ;etc. Interviews : by appointment r Jaot '12 or 11 In - Salem. - r-.- V pur 1S Situation Wanted TOUNO Mother would Ilka to cara for child ' in her - horn days. 1504 Broadway. Ph 24 v TotCa get medical, Swedish, ra diic.ng St sport massage at home. Ph. 3I032. .- . CTrrTfca aV down spout cleaned St repaired. Stopped drains opened. Ph. 2Wn4. ECfJcTRlC Appliance repairman would like employnwmt tn gilem. Pti. K9li. fi&USEKPINC. Cooking- by exo. middle aged lady. Ph. 33181, room 154 iranrsVwinghon " imbriKirr. Berry Mrs. Miller. AR You trouoled with a wet leaCy easement? ntea ran uzw evanmgs. All work guaranteed. WILL Car for chlid, pro-school age, - by the day. Mrs. Lydia Shipler. RL S, B-x43. Salem. A . GiiCD Care, by day or hour. Phone ' -8.-M - -' tfEWING St Alteration on ladies St flrls dresses.- Ph. 28332. CVLLECif Cirf would" ilka" part tuna work, ph. 4-2CH8. .. , J - Wa NT ED : Typing and envelope ad dressing to do at home, ph. 1-7911. . I HAVE Been JockeTout of my room becausa I can't find, a job. I am a veUrss St will do anything. Box 401 Tj SUtewman. tM-5 !AKING-altefii tidns ph. l-9nl. WANCYS NURSERV SCif60L7AGE -1-1 j PAYS A WEEK. PH. 1494Q. CrpntCT work, new, repair Ph. W093. CEMENtorkTflnnoaTTnTTMt BABY Sitting by agult Ph 1-437" CITrTaTnS WASHED, stretched 5441 OLDER Ledy WouldHkT position -man-alng ants, or motor court In Salem. Reliable, experienced, beat of refer ences. Living quarters and small month iv wae expected. Statesman Itox 441. Statesman Clausing AdmtUnr Classified Ads i Call 2-2441 Pet Has Three latertiens ier Ub 4e 7 losertleeM. per M - is One montb per flno p u (Ootslde el Salesa. eack Use tf ,sllalmm lw linea. Cenat I weed to bne. Readert to elty brief flat S'e The dead Tine for etasstftod sad reader sdvertutng U I-4S pjn. dally. Only amerganey neat" ad rtU fee acceptee aner mat The lutesmaa tssareea the rigki to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place aU advertising under the seoeer 'laasKlcapon, The SUteeman ajatunee Be Iteaa aial responsibility for errors which anay appear as adwertlaemeata avsb iisbod an Its eotomne and In eases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part ef aa adverda. aneat to which the typogrsphlcal nistake oevura. A 'Blind Ad-en ad tontalntng a Sutesman bog 0 umber cor as eddres-.a for the protection ef the advertise' and must therefore be answered by letter The Stateemaa a not at Bberty to divulge Infor mation at to the tdenttty of aa ad vertlser .uslflf a BUnT ad. . Classified 600 Employment 61S Situafloas Waatad CARPENTER Work. Any kind. Res- aonable HOT , Union Ph 1-I4TI. SEPTIC Tanks ind cesspool vacuum cleaned. Ere Inspection. Ph. 28745. 4S Edeewater. Psulirte Suitor. tXPEKIENCEOtriLal at physicians assistant at recepUonist. References. Box 493 Statesman. PLUMBLNG, Reasonable, Tel. 38377." 616 Employmant Aqsncy COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCe?-' OmCI AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 State Street Phone 2-1488 618 Education INSTRUCTION. Male. Good pay Jobs offered trained auto body-tender men n daily "want ads". Put in a few hour weekly learning welding. painting, metal work, etc. Chance for high wages or your own busi ness. Write iot free Information. Auto-Craft Training. 4U SUtes- 620 Day and Contract REPAIRING, remodeling, roofing Ph 3M339 or t-tlllS AUTO PAINTING lust a shade Petit fey Ray E I "I ER. Call Shrock Motor Co 1-9IIH -- WATER WELL drilling. Domestic of Irrtcstion Duffield Bros Rt box VS Phone 1-1313 or 1-17W. ?alem Sand & Gravel Co. : Contract Work Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer St Basement . Equipment Rental ; 15 B-i yda ( ! B- yds i ; D-1 Cat Dose , D-8 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat ax Dozer See us about ditching by th foot. -Phone days 3-&408 Evenings 3-24l or 1-4408 Salem Oregon ROAD Grading, large St small lobs. new grsder. Ph. a-5410 PAPERING, Painting, reaa. Ph. 35522 700 Rentals 702 SI pinq RoomaC Board ROOM. Cooking privileges. 565 JN. CottsgJ. ;. ROOM On main floor, close to bath, cmo. man. Ph. 11728. l SLEEPING Rms. 795 N. Winter ph. UNFURN. Rm. uUlities furn. Prefer woman. Pen 4 earners. 480 S. Elma Ave. ROOM for rent, kitchen privileges op tions! Ph. 1-6027. I WOMAN for companion to live In my home. Call evenings pn. a-43i. t LGE. Rms. each with priv. ent. Close tn. Call -after 6 p.m. 1-6233. 1 NICE Warra room, close in. 160 Mar lon St. ph. 3-5l. : SLPIN'G Rm for gentleman. Prl ent. PT. I44Z7 LARGE Sleeping room for couple or employed lady. 4 N. Winter. Pb. SfENS -Warm ttplng rms. Prl ent a phwe. Ph. 33423, 1503 N. Capitol. SLP. RMS. with kit privileges, day. wK or mo. Pant In. Ph. 1-6317. CO, Km, St board, 492 N. Summer. 706 Apartments for But ?U at. ROOM MODERN APT.L - 857 Center St. . ... : 3 Rrf- rurn apt. 9j9sTi2th. S RM Nicely furn apt. In West Salem. r.lec range- St rehig. 84 - me,- pn. UtfltS - ' yJ I iRM Furn apt redecorated, close in, ca II 870 N. Church. Sf I rURN. 2 Rm. Couple employed.:' Auto, hot waur, refrlg 835 St 840. 18 Judson. - ! I-B. R. Newly decorated apt furn;, private ent. Adult only. Ph. 3-9031 a k eaaVkai ry miyw i.tti, -ww. FURN, Apt. 2 rooms St bath priv. ant 840. mi Includes utilities. Almost downtown for S employed girls ph. j-ssjtr eve fAPTSTph. 1-5838. NTCE 1 rm. duplex apt. . Venetian Jbt mas, an cct. zzze iee s. fRM. St kitchenette, furn. refrlg, elec. stove, heat St water furn. 1 but. from stores. 883 Saglnsw. N I fURU. ApU refrlg private bath. Ttn it. cnurcn i C5WER Floor furnished bested apt. two business people. 15 N. Liberty, flTRNlSKllCpU. 28en4 $40. mt n. c om i. APT. tor working girls near Capitol, all utilities furn. Call after 0 or on Sun. Ft. 2-1073. U2 State St Back - of lot. , J x PARTLY -Turn. apt. Private ent, 1508 Broadway i RM Bsm't apt. partly furn. priv. bath, close-In, North Inq. Burt Plena. 17 N. High St. 1-364 1 RM. Apt newly decor, dose In. Em p. lady. 866 S. Summer. ; 1-4 ran partly furn apt. Close In. 1-1 rm furn apt. 835 ph. 17548. Business ADDfNO MACHtNES . .. ' ed. repair a Roto, H Court Phone 3-6T73. appuancc srnncB Bendix, Kelvins tor and Hot point Sales and Service. Ralph Johnson Ap pllance. 311 Center St Phone a-l. V EATER Appliaac Co. 159 No. US Ph. 8-4311. AUTOMOBILB REPAUt ; ' Complete Chevrolet service, Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co- 919 N. ComT rfMKNT COTtC50 DATIONS, anything cower t Ph 34850. nrrrvrv iwnp CHlMNETiweep. Northnes. Ph. 3-44J0 TLECTR1CAL COWTRACTIWO ! 1NCET-I3ectrtetor electrical rb ni eontractlng-rvpalrlng IM & Lab erty Phone $-823$. ' PVRWrmtE BEFTNISBTNO SPECIALISTS at re ni hlna 1 t sntlque Mm Lee Bros. Ph. S-TQ0I. HAUUNO ZstA baLapp Truck i lerrlee Coml hauOng St furniture snorting Dally" aervice to Portland. Ph. $-1750 NKALTH i Atmorays1 Harley Pugh, Ph. 3-t7) HRATInu Judson sri7 N. Coml' Ph. 1-4 141 RoliSK PLANS 1 : DRinyiSQfcouse pUn. Ph, l-Ml HOl'SrHOLU PKODDCT8 JRW sUinaCa. eroducts nil W ter St. ffalem Ph 8-8.195 Pre del iNst'ijkTioN-wrATHf.RiTRippfNo" 761TNSMTNVnJL Phone i-1748 "nrtnfuRi insUlaTInA cq 3-ooy lintSAnCE oe wTbutThii. fire, auto. UabU- hvj pn. TMva : 1 rAiiMitRTF.r Deluxe Serve-Self Laundry. 148 iJaf- retson st pn 1-3451. I ASMMOWI RI kliAP-NlNG--Cuaraated Mew power and hand snoweta Call Hsrr W Seott 147 Se ComT 88 I.HiHTINO riXTUSIS j Saiem'a exclusive light store IM m HirH Ren.tor ffoUri MdC 8-8418 IHattrees Capital Bed Cft P -40eT Mi sif tr8QN . . . j " bpanian and' Hawsllaa guitar. mi lohn nlo etc 1833 Court Pn. 8-7i0. FatB.IE8 . . "' . ' 'I iandasaping designing. . A. Doer tier St Sons. 188 N a s P i-rni 01. riRcTI.Atda $kV1cb r Cait Cj suagrrph.J-807T AD 700 Rentals 70S Apartmsnti for Rtnl NICE 3 rm court apt. Turn or tin f urn. 1664 S. 13th. RlCE a rm furn apt for 1. 150, ftTw Norway. Ph. 28438. BEAUTIFUL Spacioua elec 4 ra range. refrlg. Adults. Ph. 17071. " MOD Furn 3 Ige rm. Pri ent, bath. refrlg 1st fl. adults. 843 Union. 3 RM Apt In beautiful court. Unf urn except refrlg and range, automatic laundry, convenient to state bldgs and University, city bus. Call Sul s 13 aner 1 sm. LIVE better at the Ambaaaador. $50 to 875. 550 N Summer Phone 1-6805. IBM. Apt. Private bath, stove St di nette set furn. 3233 Portland Rd. 707 Houses for Rant 2 B. R. Duplex, furn. or unf urn. Ige. L. R., ven. blinds, elec. heat, ph. 1-3I63. MOD. Furn. sub. home only 4 mi.. beautiful 'oc oh. 1-1227. SMALL He. In country 830 mo. ph. 3-15b9. COURT Cottage, 1 B. R, mod. unf urn except range, fl. furnace. Walk dlst. Ph. 35211. 4 B. R. House at 1385 Hines St See Sunday only. - SRM Unf urn house, except oil heat- ert and Bendlx. 1028 Norway. PART Furn house. New, Dec. oil heat take children. Oliver. 340 Division. ATTRACTIVE Modern white 3 bed room home furnace, patio, on Mill creek d0 ph. 4-2926. NEW 1 B R. house 151 Gerth St Phone 2-4411 3 RM. Flat mod. Suburban. Reason able. Rt. 8 Box 17 a ROOM Furnished house. 411 Ever green Ave. . 1 St 3 RM. Partly fum. houses. Heat, light water paid. 1860 S. Coml ONEv3 rm. house, partly furn. 825. One4 rm., partly furn. 830. Not mod era. Inq. 62 Williams Ave. PARTLY Furn shed, 1 BR. botneTEiS. . Also 1 R. home, near High School, 833., Oil clrc. heat Ph. 3-8389. 1BED Rm. mod. hse. wired for range. gar. 845. 55 Highway Ave. AVAILABLE J-nl 10th one Bed room house. Bendix, elec. heat 860. Also 1 B. R. house with bsmt, elec. heat 860. Walking distance, ph. 3-3717. COTTAGES, utilities paid. Ph. 34815. NEW 1 B R. auburban duplex. AU electric 870 mo. See caretaker at 4545 State or Ph. 11125. SMALL Furn cabin inc utilities. Near school St bus, 825 Ph. 29348. Hebb Trailer Court, 150 Williams Ave. 709 Wanted to Rent WANTED BY Young working couple with child. Need t I B. R. house near Transportation, caa pay $50. Please call 1-7483 aner 6 p.m. 1 B. R. Unf urn. house or apt Young couple with 1 small girts, ph. 1-6066. 1 BED Itoom unfurnished home la North East section of Salem, Phone 1-3495. 710 Wanted To Rent. Houses PROFESSIONAL Man moving from Eugene to Salem. Must be located prior to Feb. 1. Desire unfurn mod- ern house with basement, automatic heat replace, and wired for elec tric stove. Must be In good resi dential section. No children. Have small beagle dog, thoroughly train ed. Can furnish best - of references either In Sakntt or Eugene. Will pay up te $100 a month. Write "Occu pant" i ratrmount Blvd. Eugene, I or I B. K. ho dose to transpor tation. . must have basement Fur wish refs. ph. 2-804 A.M. or eves. LOCAL Executive wants 1 or 4 B.tC unfurn. modern noma. Best ef ref erence. Phona Davis at 8-4133. fURNISHbr partly! furn. 1 BrnT. nous reasonable couple witn one ch ild. on. 1-7275. 1 flED a three or our bedroom home. can 3-4532. iTjDRM"He for reliable couple with small ;hild. Emp by local utility. Ph. 24833 after p.m. 714 Business Rentals BUSINESS Boom. B. L. Sttff. 800 Real Estate 808 Houses For Sale GOOD DEALI Real sacrifice! I Owner irtSble 3 lea vine citv. 1 B. R. comfo - yr. old home. Weathers tripped St InsuL 80x110 lot landscaped St fenc ed backyard. Newly painted. As sume O. I. loan. $8000, 81000 dn, $69 mo. 2QH7 Bruce. Ph. i-zaas. $500 Dn. $4750 Full Price t bdrm. hrdwd flrs, utility rm, lrg lot, wired for range, gar. $40.80 per me. baL Cloa In North. Immed. Poss. Eve. Phone 2-7989. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. . Phone 1-0217 Real Estate - Insu range Mtg. 8c Loans Directory PAPERHANOINO Jerry Johnson Terms, phi 1-9348. PLUMBING GENERAL repair and Pomps. De catur St Maerr 970 S, ComL Ph. 1-6221. Judson', 179 No. ComT, ph. 1-4141, Repair. Bffl Sltewls. Phone a-4600. PLUMBINO gPPPLIEg Capital Bargain Hoose. 148 Center St PRPNINO $ PRAYING Philip W. BdUte. Ph. 11308. PIJMP8 Stettler Supply Co. Phone 1-iW ROAD CRADPfQ JAY STRICKTADEN. Ph, 1-5410. SAND AND GSAYFX WALLING SAND and GRAVEL. CO. Crushed rock. For reeds and drive way. Cement Ready-mix concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing drainage 81 ditching. 4 yd. shovel and drag Una Phone 1-9249. L $AW Salem Saw.WksT SEWER SERVICE! Electric Rota -Rooter exclusive pat ent raaer aharp cutting blades. Clean sewers, drains, septic tanks. Pn. $-8327. SEPTIC TANKS K. r Hamel. Septic tanks and lines cleaned, guaranteed work, 1143 8 ' St, W. Salem. Ph. $-7404, kike '8 SepUe Service. Tanks cla"oX Red Rooter Service oe Sewers. 1078 Elm 1 St. W. Salem. Ph. 8-9466. 8-8327. VACUUM Pumping. No mileage charge. Call us collect. Todd Septic Tsnk , Sorvlre. 550 Laren St Ph. l-e734.v 81WINO MACHINES All makes repaired, free est Singer . 8 M Co. 130 N. Coral Ph. $-3313. iir.wi a g how carps R. L."Ei?tr"om CoT40 Court 1-14 1PRAY1NO x and pruning. L. W. Caudle. Ph. -7908. TOOU Howaer Bras. Your power tool rental beadouarten. 1410 . 12U St Ph. 33648 VFNrTIAN Bt.fltP fXMER Und Msn. Ph. 1-7328 WATCH WEPAtltiyO Claude Mix. 148 N. ComT Ph. 1-4030 rm . . . . a. .mm. "tRt estimates. T, Pullman. S-t9&. well PRn.i.rvo It J. WEST. 4240 Sunnyslde. Ph. 1-1773. Well DrUUng Do est IrrigsUoo. Industrial. H. A Robinson, 14 It Prent Saleow Ph. 1-728&, For 7 800 Real Estate BEST BUYS Out of the Rain 4 rm. heme. North. 80 x 200 lot. almost new. needa oatae work, wired for range, 8820 down, total price 83450. Eves. phT 1-7674 or 3-3554. $500 Down 1 bdrm. home Inside city, large lot, elder type, range and heater goes. W believe this la a good bur lor 849SO Eves. ph. 1-7674 or 1-3558. 1 bdrm. home. new. rents $47.50 pe mo. Can be purchased for 1 ealy 837.50, Good investment property. Eve, phone 2-7674 or 3-3551 Auto Court T modern units, furnished, oil heat, electric range each unit lot 100 x 300 ft Lam enough for T more units. Low operating expense, liberal terms, ToUl price only $21,100. Eves. 1-7674 Or 3-3538. J,et Your Mohey Work For You We have a aervice station listed: prop erty, equipment, building, leased for le per gal. owner will guarantee not less than 8300 per mo. Income. Ev erything goes for $16,000. Check for details, well worth Investigating, some term. Eves. ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558, Ready, Willing & Able Tee, we are ready to start building you a home with 780 Sq. ft floor apace, hdwd. ra, plastered, auto. oU furnace, lota of built-ins. utility rm inside storage space in attic. 3 plate glaas windows and car port We are willing to finance It for you for $300 down and $58 per mo. on your lot and are able to deliver it to you In leas than 00 days. Class A corerucnon. t ome in xor details. 5 Acres Very modern brand new home, new range ana refrigerator, good well, a gooa buy xor only $6500. Eve. ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. . 31. Acres Close in, north. 4 rm. borne. 18 x 22 barn, chicken house, well, orchard, nuts St berries. Willamette soil, to tal price only $6000. Eves. ph. 3-4735 Or AI Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820. 2-4596 804 Suburban BY OWNER: New l&R, home, auto heat hard 1 wood floors with acre age . Z ml. out. 4143 1. River Ha. 806 Houses For Sols S RM. Mod. hse. $5500 Terms. Imme diate possession. 2389 Claude ph. 2-5512. ErIVE B V 1A44 K6. 4th and aee this late built 1 B R. aU elec home. IJt. DR. witn coved ceilings. A kitchen that will please. Attacbcd garage, util ity room, fenced back yard, Ige. lot. All this for only $9500. Terms. $ RM. HSE., meeds some work. 50x100 lot psved St.. good bath. Wired for elec. rge. nee. goes, siauo. WHY PAY RENT? Only $500 dn. moves you righe into a neat mod, well built cottage. Hollywood diet, close to stores, school St bus. inc Is. elec. ree. at 83500. TOUR GROWING FAMILY wiU appre ciate this well styled Keizer home. Of fers I ku rm spacious kitchen, z a. R. down, space for $ more up. I Stairs mf iu wu. xjjm, vuvvu m i, wwn. bk , u U room. 1 car garage, well landscaped lawns, on Ige. lot, few blocks to school, itores ana bus. only $1500 Dn, ACT NOW I Larsen Home & Loan Co. -Exclusive Listing Pe T St. Ph. 9-i -Personal "Service 1S4 8. Coml 8369 Eve l-t9B9 Would You Believe It? NEW $ RMS. MODERN. HDWD FLRS. Plus another bldg. (Could make a 1 rm. hse.) Suburban Northeast. Bus. Trees. All for $5950. Good terms. RMS. (1 BDRMS.I 1 STORY All for $58uC). Trems. Englewood dlst $ RMS; BATH. FIREPU Waiving distance to shopping center Si Gen. Hospttal St H. sen. Bus at door. All for $5250. $1000 to $1200 Dn. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty. Ph. $-7113. Salem BY OWNER: 4 B. R. home Manbrln Gardens. Reduced to $9200. ph. $-3030 or see st j 486 Wayne Dr. $1000 DOWN Who wants this cozy home. 1 Bdrms, Lr, dinette and kitchen. Hdwd firs, fireplace, garage attached. If you ae It you will want It Price $200, Call Mr. McQueen with Ben Colbath, Realtor 1883 Center St. Ph. 1-4552; Sun. 2-8476 -NCI-WOOD-LtSfTlMO NO. 18th One of the nicest and best t bedroom homes fort the money in the dlst nice yard f fenced i lots of shrubs, 1S0 C STREET This is a dandy and one of the best built anywhere, auto oU heat H.W. floors, near school and bus, a real bUy'" 3360 RAWLINS S year old bungalow, 1 bedrooms, oak floors, auto heat large lot. present , loan $7,000.00. rail price $8000.00. A honeys Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 484 Court Phone $-4707 Eve. 1-4773 - 1-871 S SPECIAL, X BttRiiOMirl250 8S00 DOWN. $30 A MONTH S bedrm suburban home. , acre, well and electric pump. Iv. 1-0473. DUPLEX M.500 . li Acres. 8 bedrm apt downstairs, t . bedrm spt. jupstalrs with private en trance. 82.500 down, baL $48 a month at 4. Eve. a-0473. VIEW HOME. fllJOO Living rm, dlnimg rm, kitcrten, and breakfast' nook, 2 bed rms and bath. Part basement, automatic ell heat fireplace. 1 blk. to bus. FHA finance. Would take acreage, niee sou. or a food car as part payment Eva. -473. Call Mr. LeClere J. F. Ulrich, Realtors aiT Court St Phon 1-7758 BYT5wN-R 1 ft. R. Home With ruii DRY Baaement (see for yourself). Sawdu .t fur, tmfin. upstair, weather stripped St insulated, lawn, shrub St picket fence. S blk. to Bus St Public School. 8 blks. to CatholtJ SchooL This home carries $8700 F.HA. cond. commit Call 4-13 18 for appointment to see Lovely Englewood Home S bdrms, nice liv rm. D.R. St kitchen, unf , up, good baaement. sawdust beat, large patio, fenced back eeji Near St. Vincent dePauf A nice 3 BR. home. fuH'bgeerncnt. fireplace, oil heat, large Sv. rm. Sc die, rm, fenced la bacrTsWft. "-DMe garage. Englewood $8950 t'B.R. mod. home, fireplace, hdwd. firs. Mice back lawn. 7 Acres North Excellent aoil, snod, S B Jt home, dole plumbing, food bam. , Cast Mr. llaoncaastaf H. E. Corey Real Estate 1M9 If. Brosdwsy Phone i-0551 tfLt-RSAlTHOME not far out m cash or best offer for xrus rurmsnsa home. Won't last long st hls price. New deep freeze included. In the furnishings. I Call Ur. McQueen arlth' J Ben Colbath, Realtor 1 ten r-mmim S Mi SM Run 9-MT8 NEW t Jrm home, very complete. large uv rm ot ainwg room. floors; oil heat. Will ge state G. L $7350. r. A. McClauflln Real Fstste ' 228 N. Com I Ph. 25211 Eva 33203 Days On Th& LOW 800 Real Estate 808 Houses For Sals APT HOUSE TRADE , Excellent cloM-tn locaUoa. 6 units . ciropletely furnished Income 8288 per mo plus owners quarters. Will ' take 1 bdrm. home In trade - Call Peter Getser BKAUTLrirf. r-ssisur nnu 1 acre, good fuhing stream, lawn te o . a norm, at oca. ige. liv. rm, with beam ceiling, baarnt, fireplace, auto-eal heat This name k close to Salem Call Roy Ferris GRABENHORST BR0Sn , REALTORS W4 S. Liberty St ' Ph. a-2471 Evenings St Sundays call p Roy Ferris 2-8010: Peter Gelaer 1-9968 NEW 1 B. R. home and garage, large lot near school 8c bus. Never been lived in. Cash, terms or trade. Guy . Miles. 1507 Pine. Silverton. Hmr vnnr A short 3 minute wslk from the En glewood School takes you to th door of this 4 B.R. solid brick home. Its spacious rooms. 1 replace, sun room, 1 baths, bsmX auto oil heat add up to a lot eg comfortable kv ing. The large yard with tots of shrub, flowers, fruit outdoor fire place, fish ponds, etc.. ha lots ttt possibilities. Just 815.000. Good terms It you wish. You csn see n today by calling Crawford at 2-9390, BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St Eve: 1-5390 or 1-7431 Office: 1-349 DUPLEX: a a B, apt and 1 B." R. apt. priv. baths, sep. entrances, elec heat good section $9500, aee Sun. 3-5 at 985 Cross Immediate Sale NECESSARY So will sell my equity for 8650 in a nice 2 bdrm hae with furnishings on 1 acre with electric wster system and chicken hse. Price $3500. See my agent Ben Colbath, Realtor 1683 Center St. Ph. 2-4552; Sun. 1-8923 HUDKINS BUY-LINES Neat 1 bedroom suburban home. 7 years old. LR. kit. dinette, utility, bath, gar. 1 lota. Reduced to $6950. For quick sale. $9750 Exclusive Englewood home. large rooms. Large windows, model kitch en St bath, extra toilet, oil air cond. neat. 1 nice BR. Dole garage. This home Is clean. $8000 $1000 down buys a neat 4 bedroom house. This is not a large house but Jt has everything. Fireplace, oil beat, lots of builtlns. $8000. CALL D. L. BISHOP CHAS. HUDKINS & SON Over 27 years In Salem 150 N. High St. Phone 1-4129 $60 Per Month buys 2 -bed room, insulated home, wired for range, electric hot water heater. $8 per month heating bill. ',i block to bus. Only $350 down. Immediate possession. No. 287-A. $54 Per Month including taxes, and Insurance. 2 -bedroom home, all hardwood floors. Fireplace. Very desirable neighbor hood. $1400 down. 1780 North 34th Street $42.50 Per Month new modern. 1 -bed room home with view. Auto oil heat All hardwood floors. Bus by door. Down payment $750. No. 202. $30 Per Month I -room home with tights and water. Large double lot. Wired for electric range. Located north. $38 down pay ment No. a. Reimann for Real Estate 101 South High Street Phone 8-8203 Vim tt.,M i-MU t.m . - 6TT 5WNER- Modern r. R. nunga low, fireplace, attached garsge. floor ed attic, oil heat 80x140 view lot, patio, excellent neighborhood. 4 F LA loan, drive S. Com'L 1 mile S. ef city limits to Ewsld. turn right tin 1 blks! 3660 Scenic View Dr. Rent Saver, $4500 Neat, clean, completely furn. 3 bdrm. home, Bv. rm, nice kit with nook. Att. gar, cor. lot near good achooL $500 down. BaL like rent Owner Transferred Must sell 3 bdrm. horn. Liv. rm. kit with large dinette, elec. ht Drive by 1164 Lee St, then make us an offer. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. 1283 N. Capitol St. Phone 1-8458 r Eves. Sun. 3-9297 - 3-9601 - 1-4351 , COUNTRY HOME $ Acres, 32$ ft Tualatin River front age, play and picnic park, boat and dock. L Jt. replace, dan, D R., kit. range wired, 4 bdrms, sewing rm, 1 bath, weather stripped, basement, AC pipe furnace, elect, hot water heater. $12,900 for quick sale, ti down or trad for Salem property. Call H illsboro 3337. 808 Lots For Sal BY OWNER: Lot 70x112; city wster; $875 - $10 dn, $18 mo. Ph. 15211 or 23203. CORNER LOT. 100i0. cor of Oxford and High. Inq. 1999 W Nob H11L eves 810 Farms. Acreage For Sale Little Farm $460 dn. 8 acres on edge of Sublimity, com fortable 3 BJl. mod house, elec well, barn, poultry house, Sc a few fruit trees, aU tillable level Und, right on main paved highway. Payments $5441. Full price $6000. Call Bon -Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtors Phone -3-3109 ' 1211 Edge water roWTUTltRl RANCH - COUNTRY HOME or RESORT may be one of 2800 In 32 States de scribed in our new 124 psge Golden Anniversary Catalog. Latest reduced prices, equipment often Included, easy ' terms, pictures galore, mailed free. S TROUT REALTY. 820 8.W. Slv.k A . " , il m i m. M n,w. rWii.nl TWO ACRES nearly new two bedroom nouse. about 10 miles north. Just off No. 99 hlwsy. Salem Realty Co. ' Realtors 14$ N. High St. Phone 3-7880 Eve, phones 1-6609. $-4591 Grade A Dairy 1$ good cows. 3 registered Jerseys. $8400 net profit for year on DJ4.IA.. Good barns, loafing shed. 4 bedroom house. All in excellent cond, 29 A. irrigated pasture. Paradise y Islands Farm on airport teed $ B E. of Salem. 818 Wanted. Real Estate KELLEY FARQUHAR 1450 Tile Road Wanted old and new strawberry acreages; for appointment call Wayne Dobson, 2-4133 or in 800 Real Estate 808 Rouses For Sal Open House 1-5 Sunday - r JUST COMPLETED 3 bdrm, esdotyl bath, shower, fireplace. oU piped furnace, large living room. large utility room, kitchen, dining area. Lot 81 x 150 paved st Venet blind. Insulated. 980 Pine St 3 blka. North of Highland Ave. FRANK J. ZUMSTEIN, OWNER BUILDER PHONE 3-8817 Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors NEAT SMALL HOME NORTH J. t terse lot shrubs, garden and cherry trees, terms may be had f 1 price Just $4800. w LOTS or ROOM ? S bedrooms, larewcoraer lot located an vwva aiw SU8nnsJW, - SUBURBAN - NEW, ill rent miss seeing this home it win be sold before it te finished 3 bed rooms all on one Door, fireplace, hardwood floors, double garage, on pavement Financing will be available. JUST - $9000. . A REAL BUY IN M ANB IN GARDENS Extra Urge 3 bedroom home (app. 1400 sq ft floor space), oil furnace. In sulated and weather stripped, very attractive Uvlng-roora with corner 5EeEff3xdl,SSS-toJ?,Uy 11-950 'or January clearance NAME YOUR OWN DOWN PAYMENT. NORTH WINTER STJREET 80$ BLOCK Well constructed 4 bedroom home, plus den. double plumbing, fireplace, full baaement with auto furnace heat, double garage, huge lot. nice yard, top grade school location Call for appointment. DONT FORGET See ua for insurance, OHMART CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 1-411$ 3-4118 Eve Henry 1-363 2- Bob 1-8770 - Rudy 1-3779 New, Modern, 3 Bdrm. Suburban House In new addition, ft mile east of Four Corners on Stat St. has hdwd. floors throughout, ven. blinds, completely Insulated and weather-stripped. See the other 1 bdrm. houses, then compare with this one for only $8998. Lew down payment, balance like rent I 125 Kenwood Ave. Phone 3-1125 s i - f, (W alio bmrm m new 1 bdrm. fcouM for $7S50) Plenty of Room for the A. nice home with 3 bedrooms down anaor garaen. House wtreo lor electric range, oil floor furnace. At tached garage. East on Center St. Price $7900 5 Room Home in the Keizer District With large living room. Two bedrooms down an good floored attic. Only 3 blocks from school and bus Una. House wired for electric range. Has one third acre for garden. Price $10,900. . Electric Range and Oil Heater Included With This Nice little home East, doss to bus. Some fruit treaa. Tble place n bargain at $4850. Another Nice Little Home in the Keizer District Only $4900, One bedroom and floored ooor. 35 Acres in 17 A. In cultivation and balance pasture and ell modern conveniences. Has earn ana poultry Douse. gu,ooo. DENTON & DENTON ' REALTORS 344 State Street Phon 3-3663 EVENINGS: MR. VOORHEES 3-4007; MR. BRENNAN 3-4948 810 Farms. Acreage For Sale 1 ACRE at Brooks $500. Can 3-3179 or see Mike Lowcry. i Brooks. - $ ACRES at city limita. Northeast $5750. Walt Socolofsky. Real Estate, Ph. 1-8833. 11 ACRS-TCOOD black aoU few miles east Om bides) all cultivated. A good value at $2500 cash. Salem Realty Co. Realtors 143 If. High St. Phone 8-7660 Eva. phonao 3-8609, 3-4591 811 Exdmnas Real Estate NEW MODERN S rms. N. Esst Sub urban. Bus. Vacant (Consider cheap hse. ss down payrot ) Rep. Ph. 17113. 818 Wonted. Beol Estate SH1NCT If you have a good farm, acreage, home, business building. . list It with us for action. Trades are m specialty with ua too. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON ISO N. Hish St. J Phone 3-412$ Real Property Is Selling Wo need many new Bating to take caro ot the demand. If you're wont ing to sell your property don t de lay. See ua today. Two offices serv ing Salem. '- COLBATH LAND CO. 1208 Fairgrounds ltd. 3-0611 1683 Center St. Phone 2-4552 JT Your property Is for sale, call us for a prompt, efficient agpraHal. Burt Ptcha. Realtors. 37$ N. High St. 1-5390 or Eve: 1-5390 . or 3-7451. fifcsf House obtainable around 84O00 cs,h In Salem. Ph. 28481 or 25029. AVE Cash buyer for- or 3 Bed room modern house. Large front room. Urge lot er acre or more. ph. 3-3889 Broker. - WANTED Large Farm. 100 or snore acres, with some timber. Eve. 1-0473. Call Mr. LeClere J. F. Ulrich, Realtors 817 Court St. Pnone2-77 56 WNfrrtNGS, HAViTBUYERS WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 S. Liberty Ph. 37113 Salem WANTGood duplex or fourplex tn Salem. Have 1 nice homes en cosst at Yachats to trade-in. One priced at $5000. other st fwoo. ph. $-8809. . ' want1jTa1 t- tiHgS We esrnestly solicit Bstinrs ef self supporting fsrms. For PERSONAL attention rail ERIC R. NELTE with JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR. 455 Court Phone 8-3629 see none 3-7947 818 Wanted. Real -stale eve., 2-2827. v Weekly 800 Real Estate 808 Houses For Sale b on N. 19th St, fireplace, garage Look Kiddies Inside and Out and one up. Half an acre ef playground atUc. Four lots. Bus fees right by th the Labish Area and. aome timber. Good T room, house 850 Automotive 852 Ussd Cars For Sals We Are in the Market FOR LATE MODEL CARS ELSNER MOTOR CO. ' Xff I. High ' Salem Orevrm "37 PLY. with good 47 Dodge motor. will sen by parts or as a wnoie. T SeU '49 Suick super 4 dr. & dan. Lets of extras. Less than $000 miles. 748 McGilchrlst St. B-4nrYMJUTH Coupe, good tires, brakes, lights snd motor. Good csr for $120. 2060 Hstel Ave, ph. 2-7520. 14 FC.RTT"Ie-rfl . H. Must "'sail pn. i-ero This Time It's HUDSON! Service SALES - Part Home ef Good Used Car Shrock Motor Co, Church and Chemckcta Stg ph. 3-0101 Every Day Is Sale Day AT OUR USED CAR LOT ALL MAKES. ALL MODELS. ALL PRICES W Invite your comparison for price with like make Jt model anywhere. Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 860 N. Liberty Ph. 3-4113 '48 BUICK SUPER 3EDAN WITH ALL THE EXTRAS. RADIO AND HEATER ONLY $000 MILES. JUST LIKE NEW. $526 DN. , BALANCE 34 MONTHS State Motors Inc. .PACKARD 140 N. HIGH f440 STU-A-rChampto. beater', overdrive, food conditio., Ph. 3-0343 u rs nt mi iv Tha Aaoarlitfl tnm te eoUUed cxcloalrely to the awe fa) repaMVcaUoa ei all Uio local bows prtaUd is uiis newapiper, so wen ss au AF newa tflspatcbea. --XMBEE PACIFIC COAST DIVISION OP BCKEAU OF 1 ADVERTISING Advertising RrpreseaUUvesWard ,4 ' -k Ban fTsncioee. oeireii. HEMBES 4CDIT BUREAO OF CIRCULATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES DeUy and Sunday Week-days Only Sundays Pair By carrtar la due $ L29 mooth. . 3 1J8 month jo week ' JO month .79 month mM . By mmn la Oreceo . 4 78 six moa. J.M six nea. IM JU Un advance! 9 00 year 8 00 year 4.09 year By special Sunday Se-en-dsy rato 'fsriMkjday bf -J" JJ delivery oa many motor delivery Sunday) 813J0 a fear 4.50 yssr rural routes, lin adv.l tin aav.i By mall In UXA. I0 nwnsth" IM til . outside Oregon t0 six inoa . $.W 8l moo fj "J (in adv.) - li40 rear 12X0 year 8.00 year I A valla bt to RATE 850 Automotive 8S2 UssdjCars For Sal HELP! OUR LEASE IS UP So we'll have to move and no place to go. NEW YEAR SPECIALS IMS CADILLAC SEDAN. Ha H. VERY CLEAN 41995 00 IMS LINCOLN SEDAN. R H. VERY CLEAN . 899 00 IMS CHEVROLET SEDAN, R 8c H. RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED - $9300 M43 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, R : arH' . : ; ; 495.00 140 WILLYS SEDAN 373.00 1941 CHEVROLET 4 TON PICKUP $30) 1939 BUT C CLUB COUPE. R H 445 80 1837 DE SOTO COUPE-PICK- UP - , . 32840 THREE CKEVROLETS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE (CASH) 19340 1938 sedan. 1934 Sedan and 1939 coach. 192$ CHEVROLET PICKUP (CASH) ,. $940 1938 GRAHAM (CASH) $94$ 1939 FORD PANEL. COME AND GET IT FOR 149.00 RON'S MOTOR O GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Lubrication - Steam Cleaning Chevron Products 340 SOUTH HIGH S TREET " SALEM. OREGON X 1940 FOP Tudor custom' flf sed. Good pat nr. 1720 s. I3tnf 1947. 98 OLDS 4 Dr. 1 tone Dual ' speaker Radio. Condition air beater. Plastic seat covers. - Sport lite. Mo tor, tires Sc finish fine. Private party will sell en EZ terms at k new price. 2tW No. Capital: 1941 BUICK 4 dr sdn. R&H. new seat covers., 1950 plates. Top shape. $829. Ph. 24717. 37 bUICK A-l cond." ft it H. fcitf equry. Inquire 1963 N. 4th. 30 UbED CAR lot Any car on the lei $50 and your old one.- 12th St Junc tl 1 Open evenings until 10 an '47 FORD CLUB COUPE PERFECT SHAPE. EASY TERMS. State Motors Inc. PACKARD Used Car Lot, 878 S. 12th ST. 1932 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. excellent coir dition 673. Ph. 1-5968. 19C1 CHEV. Coupe, runs good. 838-5. 1190 N. 16th St $ For $ You cannot beat these for value: .'43 41 Pontlac sedsn Chevrolet sedsn 17 Chevrolet sedan Plymouth Otda coupe Ford sedan "31 37 35 39 18 Ford sedsn Dodge sedsn DeSoto sedan Dodge sedan Pontiee sedan Herrall-Owens Co. " Term St Trades 080 N. Liberty Phone 3-4U1, '48 PACKARD . .. . CLUB SEDAN JUSTLDCE NEW. RADIO AND HEAT ER. . New Car Guarantee - State Motors Inc. PACKARD 340 X. HIGH 868 Wanted, CUir Tnicg ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY - SELL - TRADE - 3 LOTS 1329 Fstntrn ids Rd. Pb,- 1-4484 820 Hood St Phone $-7714 Calling All Can Drive to 3389 Portland Rd, where yea caa get the most cssn for your easw Security .Motors ' XMS Portland Rd. Ph- 1-88 liskD CARS. Buy eeO. Ron's iioui CO. 140 S, High. PhOOe 8-49V-. 8S8 MctorcT e Indian ' Motorrvrles Scooter . Blcydea CUSHMAN WHIZZXR Specialised air cooled engine repair. Shrock Motorcycle Sales 8007 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-1423 8&0 Anto Misce-aneotis FOR SALE two unity snooper Y lichta. u uce new. KeasonaDie sue Each MS cSvergeen pn. J-0909, 862 Hons Tro-ters NEW V versal IT ft, fully eopped. liiaeps s, cosv asisa. w pn mmmm ml Pitrllnnit ltd. Ph. S14. 3a FT. 1949 Richsrdeoa! slightly uaed. maoe tn aucnicao, rerrig. Bwan equipment, $1000 under dealers price. 8Q portianq a. WhvPav Rent Trade your furniture en a new trailer nome ana save money, iui ana uni versal 10 te 34 ft Jayhawk Trailer Sales ' 3840 Portland Rd. accrriATf!ii antES9 . - Grlnt - Ca, New Terk. Cbieo, $250 dn. $231 dn. I loo dn. dan $179 daw 8 SOdn. . $133 on. $ 89 da. ,. $100 dn. ' i $ SOdn. ' $135 dn. , $139 da-