6 jO-Ths Sidesman, Salem. Oregon, Sundays Tcmnarf t, 1853 'f Miss Marilyn Quamme, daughter of the Stanley Quammes, who revealed her engagement on Newt Year's day to Robert L. Singleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W; Singleton. The wedding is planned for next summer. (Ken- nell-EIlis). " , f iWilma Crawford Married At Historic Zena Church ''-.".'' ."!' : The historic 90 year old Zena church was the setting for the wed ding of Miss Wilms Crawford, daughter of Mrs. W. N. Crawford of Lincoln, and Sargeant LI R. Chandler, son of Mrs. Emma Cantrell of Wilbur, Nebraska, on Saturday afternoon. The Crawford family home at one time adjoined the church, where the bride first attended Sun day school, and her uncle, W; J. Crawford, was one of the pastors. -Monthly beard meeting ef the Salem branch, American Associa tion of University Women will be held Tuesday night at the home ef Mrs. Ervin W. Potter, 1730 Saginaw street, at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. H. Gordon Carl, jr, will be the assisting hostess. Mrs. J. K. West will give the book review at the meeting of the Wednesday afternoon AAUW Lit- erature group at the home of Mr Albert C. Gragg, 753 North Cap itol street A 1:15 dessert lunch eon will be served preceding the program. " ', Marten maxillary U post til will meet Monday night, January t, for a regular business meeting at the VTW halL Mrs. Myrtle Tripp, department president, win- make her official inspection. GIRLS TAKE LEAD SILVERTON There were 18 more girls than boys born at the Bilverton hospital in 1949. Total number of births was 811 with 163 girls and 147 boys. This compares to 272 births at the local hospital In 1948. Today's Pattern Smartest suit-dress In town! See how beautifully the Jacket fits, then flirts into back swallow-tail pleats. Skirt is so new, slim, but slashed for walk-ease! Pattern 4691 comes in sizes 14, 18, 18. 20; 32, 34, 88. 38, 40, A2. Size 18 takes 3 yards 54-inch." This pattern, easy to use, sim ple to sew, Is tested for fit Has complete illustrated instructions. : ' - . Sand TWBNTT-ffTVC CCMTS in eotna tor thts pattern to ANNE ADAMS, ear ef,Tbe Oregon Statesman. Pattern D rwrtrrwnt. P.O. Box 710. Chit-ago CO. la. Print plalntljr VOUR NAME. A. Oltrss. ZONC, SUB, STYLE TVM- ku. , Send fifteen . Cents more for eur An Adams Vaahton Book. Pas ot pattern for tho whole family: smart afvlrt for every occasion, Inrludet a f re paiiem or luted rilit la tbm book. M r ( i 4691 ,W2 ' ' Y i The Rev. Mark A. Ocoendancr performed the 4 o'clock, ceremony before a setting of yellow and white tapers. Gladys! Crawford Stern of Portland played the wed ding music. Lighting the candles were the bride's nieces, Kay Hal deman and Jean Crawford, who wore yellow and green taffeta frocks. Donnel Crawford of Portland gave his niece in marriage. Only three other brides have preceded her down the aisle in the history of the church. For her wedding she wore a nano wm saun gown aawuvucu WIUl UU'UIVIUUU lieu line with deep yoke of marquisette bordered with a shirred satin cuff over a lace rulfle. The full skirt was entrain and her fingertip length tulle veil cascaded from a starched lace halo adorned with orange blossoms. She carried an old fashioned nosegay of white roses and violets. - I Mrs. George Kaldcaiaa of Port land was her sister's! matron, of honor and wore a yellow brocaded taffeta ' gown made I with cap sleeves, rounded neckline and a full skirt She carried a Quaint nosegay of yellow and white dais ies and violets. Robert H. Crawford brother of the bride, served as best man and eating the guests were Robert O. Smith, of Seattle and George Hal- deman. For her daughter's nuntlals Mrs. Crawford selected a royal blue crepe gown with winter white ac cessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds and bouvardia. The groom's mother was -unable to come west for the cereeaoay. The country home of Mr. and Mr. W. Frank Crawford at Zeaa was the setting for the reoopttoa. Mrs. Wayne Henry cut the bride's cake and pouring were Mrs. W. Frank Crawford and Mrs. Ralph Scott. Assisting were Mrs. Robert G. Smith of Seattle, Mrs. f . D. Crawford of Portland, and the DTiae s two nieces. Miss Lou Mai deman and Miss Peggy Crawford, who wore aqua and orchid frocks. After a short wedding trip the couple will be temporarily at home in Salem at 463 North Winter street The benedict is stationed at Fort Lewis, where he la studying pnarmacy. Experiment Seeks To Fatten Hogg Fast on Less Feed i ' -LA GRANDE, Jan. 7 -(jp)- An experiment to see whether hogs can be fattened quickly-with less leea is unaerway nere. The procedure is to add a syn thetic animal protein factor to the regular feed ration. In the mid west, that diet fattened hogs with 20 per cent less feed. County Agent Burns Bailey said the experiment would determine whether the same results would result here. Three nen of bam ar being, used: one group getting siraigni gram, another grain plus the protein factor, and the third grain plus a commercial supple ment The test Is being carried out at Alice 1, on Frank Wells' farm. It will be finished next month. SALEM'S Ntw Modern BEAUTY REVERENCE WITHIN YOUR MEANS V. T. GOLDEN CO. MORTUARY ) T. T. GOLDE.V - BELLE MILES BKOWN MS S. Ceasiaeieial r&eae 42257 . . - ; - . - .. . I :.v . . . Dishwashers Now Offer Choice !., , j ... . . ... . For Almost Any Type Kitchen By Mrs. Genevieve Smith Most homemakers who own a dishwasher place it in the No. 1 .place among their-major appliances.- They r'-1-!-.- point out that f V ' -. ' the task of washing dishes is forever with you, day in and day out A d i shwasher frees the en tire family of a task that us i $ L 5 : ually must be 1 v done at a time 'when they are Mrs. Smith together, and weuld prefer to enjoy their lei sure with each other. In fact dishwashers are as suming such importance that some of the lutra - modern hous ing projects are beginning now to install them, along with the range and automatic washer. The shiny , new models are now making their debut in stores, bringing with them var ious advances in the way of im proved design or service. In some cases, youll find excellent buys in the 1949 models which are being cleared out to. make room for the new. But the secret of getting the best buy is for you to analyze your needs carefully before you start looking at the many different makes now available. After you've decided the type of service that best meets your needs, look into the service offered you and make comparisons. - Of course, the use of an auto matic dishwasher Is dependent on a good water supply. It does not take much more water than . most wash - and - rinse methods of hand washing that is. around five gallons for a load of 100 pieces. If you have been in the habit of washing dishes un der a running faucet youll use much less water in the opera tion of a dishwasher. If you da not have an adequate supply of hot water, ask to see the dish washer that is equipped to heat its own water. This offers you one advantage water that is hotter than the temperature needed for bathing, hand wash ing and ordinary household needs. A hotter temperature is recommended for both the dish washer and, the automatic wash er. , QeattUns te Coasider - Is a dishwasher worthwhile for a small family? The answer, to this Is yes, if If you're a homemaker who Is employed or who is busy with a baby, or small child, you trea sure every free ' moment Par ticularly do you want your eve nings free for pleasant compan ionship with the man in your life. If you subscribe to the one washing - a - day plan, dishes can be rinsed off and kept in the washer for one load. A small family's tableware and silver, for an entire day can usually be . taken care of in one load sometimes , with room for the utensils ae weTL What advaalagcc dees the top - opening model efferf . The principal fea teres, ae we see the as, are twe: Ne steep ing te lead the weaker and re- la safety fer fry. With the sneeV at the tee, there's tittle er ae efcaaee ef tnqatsittve yesusg sters being aMe te pry lnte It A top opening model doesn't warily eat up counter spaee. , oult find some that are de- signed so thai you can make use of the top when it Is sloetd. Several of these models also op en up to let the dishes dry by air, whlah means slightly less expensive operation. However, when the weather Is very hu mid. It's s good plan te operate the kitchen ventilating fan, If you have one. What special features distin guish the front - opening model? You can get a, continuous use of the top as work - spaee, even when dishes are in the machine. Too, this type is usually designed to dry dishes by heat or circu lated air, which makes for speed Fire Destroys Substation at The Dalles THE DALLES, Jan. 7 -W- Fire destroyed a portable substation of the Bonneville administration here Friday, interrupting power service in a wide area of the mid-Columbia region.' Service was restored after Bon neville engineers hooked up an other bank of transformers and re routed power. ' Hood river, and the Klickitat public utility district in Washing ton were without power from 5.-02 to 3:10 p.m. The Wasco TJectric co-operative and the North Wasco PUD were off from 5:02 to 5:37 pjn. It was one of four portable sub- Funtral Hern I and also isn advantage is a hu mid climate. Can utensils be washed in dishwashers? ' Yes, if. there's room. Of course, some extremely large utensils, such as a roaster may not fit easily into the dish washer,! so it makes sense to wash them by hand. Utensils that have handles take up more room, than dishes, of course. If you have a sizeable family, one way to solve the utensil prob lem is to wash them as a sep arate load rf say as the meal is served, so that they are ready to be put away by the time the dishes are to be done. What can I de If I have a practically new sink layout? If yea dent want te rebuild year emkvennter, then con sider the portable type ef dish washer. Far example, there's a very practical ene new mak ing Its appearance in stores from cue ef the best knew majtafsctnrers, which Is mounted robber casters. It Is 3f laches high and 24 inches ia diameter, which means that It takes p very little fleer pace. Wbea ye want te ese It yea wheel It ap to the sink, - connect It with the f aacet and the sink cutlet - presto, you're ready te pat It te work. This portable model Is much less costly than the standard type, and alee eliminates the ex pense ef an Installation. lad. eidentany. yeaH find meet dealers offering- yea a tea-day free trial. Then : there's the well-known combination of a washing ma chine and dishwasher separate- tube for each project which can be removed or put in place with very little effort Remember you want to have convenient storage room for one tub. This combination is less ex pensive than two separate ma chines, and takes up less room. Is It a handicap to have a dishwasher that's operated by hand? Net as convenient as the completely antomatte ene, bat It isnt necessarily a han dicap. If yea have a timer en year range er a separate ene in year kitchen, set year baa ser fer the S minutes reaaired for washing, then later fer the t minntes er se for the rinse. Yeall find that yea can ase this time in the inevitable ti dying ap that's needed after every meal. Using the timer relieves yea ef the harden ef watcMnx the clock and U tent really awceasary If yeare good at keeping track ef time . When the Water Is Hard . When dishwashers blossomed out after the war era, there was considerable talk about the dif ficulty of using them in hard water areas. Some housewives claimed that their china, silver and glass lacked the sparkle of hand washed pieces ... or that some types of hard water left white spots (lime deposits). As la earlier days, there was also some trouble with clogged drains when hard water was used. Fraetlcally all the hard wa ter problems have new been overcome. Ia the first place, very maaaf aetarer recom mends she softener ander detergent that research has proved te be most saHsf aetery fer hat particmlar aaaehtae. Machine densonstrsttea will usually shew hew modi de terrent Is needed ... hard water eaUs fer mere than soft water does. Tee, there Is mack better distribattea ef water softeners new. For era pie, ene normalixer that was or iginally developed te keep dewa boiler scale la mdeewy and fer seftealag water asod la dyeing fabrics. Is new sold In practically every grocery, hardware aad prawning shop, as well aa many department stores. Another thing, youll have to make your own adjustments, particularly if you're operating oa your own welL Experiment until you find the amount of de tergent or softener best for your needs, then stick to that amount by measuring, not guessing. (Copjrrlcnt. ISM. OJeneral Features Corporattoa) stations Bonneville uses. The sub station can be mounted on a rail road ear or truck bed for move ment in emergencies. Another portable, held in reserve by Bon neville was expected to be brought to The Dalles. Loss was expected to be around S40,0U0. MEETING POSTPONED SILVERTON The regular moot ing of Silver Creek Soil conserva tion district supervisors will not be held Tuesday, January 10, H. A. Barnes, chairman reports. Be cause of the annual conservation meeting held Wednesday night at Waldo Hills, the January Super visors meeting has been cancelled. The group will meet again on ptical HAS MOVED To Their New Location COXNZ3 12TH AT ClNTCl Across USI YOU CREDIT AND.OUR IAJY PAYMENT PLAN Optometrists '"' AT bouno orncAL Now in Our New Modem Office and Laboratory Teracr 12ta si Center : , Dial S-ttM Free Parking Spaee Dr. K. C Bering St Miss Muriel Patrida Stewart, daughter of (he Her. and Mrs. J. R. Stewart whose betrothal to Robert Mao DoweU, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer MacDoweH of CentraUa, Wash was announced during the holidays. The wedding is planned for next summer. Both are students at Seattle Pacific college. Oesten-Miller). Four Escape AtWoodburn Four trainees from the Oregon state training school at Woodburn escaped about 7:40 pjn. FridayH a state police report said. The four were identified as Wil liam McKinley Croskrey, 16, Pen dleton; William Raymond RoIL 15, Portland; Walter G rover FW1 Bps, 15, Merrill; and Arlo Ver deU Erickson, 15, Molalla. Italian Star of Widely Praised Movie Jobless ROME. J a n . 7 (JPh Lamberto Maggiorani, star of the Italian mo tion picture, "The Bicycle Thief," is out of work and looking for any kind of a job he can find. Vittorio de Sica, director of the film, which has won high praise from critics, has promised Maggio rani a small part in his new film, "Miracle in Milan," but that's only temporary, too. Maggiorani had never acted be fore his role In "The Bicycle Thief." He had been a mechanical foreman at the Breda metal fac tory near Rome. He went back there to work for a while after the picture was finished but later lost the lob. He had a snort role in another picture, "Women in the Shadow," but now he wants steady work. Flagg Objects To Stock Sale PORTLAND, Jan. 7 -JP- The proposed sale of Pacific Power and Light company's common stock to an eastern syndicate drew objec tions Friday from George Flagg, state public utilities commission er. Flagg declared opposition to selling the stock in the east, say ing he thought it should be dis tributed locally. He said the se curities and eachange commission has agreed, ot his behest, te hold a public hearing before approv ing the sale. American Power & Light, hold ing company for PP Si L, has con tracted to sell the subsidiary's common stock to a syndicate head ed by B. J. Vanlngen ac Co, .a New York brokerage firm. Purge of Czech Reds Revealed FRANKFURT, Germany, Jan. 6 -OP)- A political leader who fled Czechoslovakia said Thursday a big purge of the communist party is under way there. He predicted there will soon be a series of major trials against al leged enemies of the Czech com munist government, like those re cently held in other Soviet satellite countries. These statements came form Bohumil Ijuaman, 45, former min ister of industry and deputy pre mier of Czechoslovakia. He told a news conference he fled to Germany several days ago because he was Informed the com munists were going to arrest him. Tuesday, February 14 at the local coll conservation service office. from tergs Dr. Osgbes i V r Turn of Events Disillusions Nationalists By Spencer M TAIPEI, Formosa, Jan, 7-(JP- The Chinese nationalists quaffed the bitter tea of disillusion tonight British recognition of the com munists and American declaration of a hands -off policy towards For mosa created an obvious feeling of abandonment and loneliness among: the die-hards loyal to Generanis- simo Chiang Kai-shek. Desperately they determined to continue the fight alone from this island redoubt. They have no al ternative; " British recognition of the reds had been long anticipated, but It drew from Foreucn Minister George Yah an acid statement that "every traditional idea of freedom held dear by the Brittsu people is compromised. President Truman's statement of no military aid m holding Formosa was a heavier blow. False hopes of assistance had been puffed up tremendously In recent weeks. only to burst. All senior nationalist officials were mum or chary in comment. but they evinced the sinking feel ing that Taipei. their fifth cap ital in less than nine months would be their last unless they alone could hold Formosa against the eventual red onslaught. "We are deeply grateful for an the help the United States has given us in the past and hope that some sort of aid no matter how limited wiU continue," said Premier Jen Hst-sban. He said no mora, but his careworn face and bent posture were more eloquent than words. Yen's mention ef aid was a clear reference to the economic coopera tion assistance program, which Is continuing on Formosa on a rela tively small scale. Bus, Car Hit Near Brooks A north-bound Greyhound bus was slightly damaged about 7:50 pjn. Friday after it had collided with a ear and ran off the road near Brooks. Neither of the two passengers aboard the bus was injured The bus was driven by C. 8. Shaw, Portland. The two passen gers were placed oa a later bus and continued their journey. Stays put! TU-WAY STRETCH girdloo i98 flkdie Ms It's ataee H sfiwet M leitpi te H oS Heighta. CoMon aed reyea elocKs wan dowry ivdc edglAff at belom. flsec In nwde. Panti) glrdlt rayon knit crotch cJetacriable garters Plenty of Frta OftlKg ANS tb.H s Lucas Calls for ' e . I : - ; , - Truman to Act la Coal Crisis ' WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 - UP) Senator Lucas of Illinois, President Truman s own leader in the senate. Friday appealed to the White House for action to end what .be termed a serious coal crisis. . His action came after republican congressmen complained that the administration was withholding action while people were In dan ger of freezing. - John L. Lewis, whose order for a three-day week in the mines led to the coal shortages, meantime faced a mounting pile of law suits. . , ' y Lucas announced that he had called on John R Steelman, presi dential assistant, and told him he should "lose no time in laying an the facts at his command before the president of the United States." This Steelman agreed to do. Laces te Pretest ; Lucas also appealed to the min ers and Lewis to reach an agree ment restoring the five-day week. He said that unless they did so he would "take the floor of the Uni ted States senate and protest as vigorously as I know how the con tinuation of these conditions." Lewis, who with his United Mine Workers has paid out $2,130, 000 for contempt of court in the pest two years, was confronted with these new legal actions i- dayr. ' V' x:-.".;:Vv--1. Coal operators filed - suit In Columbus, Ohio for fS.872,000 damages which they claim result ed from last , year's work stop pages. The nine large mine firms also asked for an injunction to present the miners from obeying Lewis' three-day order which they i.4rs Brest. CIS. Enriched Crene Shampoo plus Creni Rinse... loth fsr lily 2iL L If Wl t"" regular L00 Creme Shampoo plus a special-size bottle of Cremc Rinse! Whea it comes te keeping jour tresses in s deanjleasniog, healmj, niaaageable condition... there's aoaung to beat mis uiaeparablc pair of ksir-becudxlcn! Come ia today! era an ; Imc etui stem -Nwescur ... Won't ride) up or Parking . Shop til 9:00 P.M. Friday claimed , was . s violation 4 of the state s anti-trust laws asks (Jo art Backing 2. The national labor relations board asked the federal circuit court of appeals "nere to enforce a board order prohibiting the UMW chief from seeking an Il legal union shop contract Lewis had no comment on these moves. ' Robbers Call OnScliedule PORTLAND, Jan. 7 -4- Henry L Hill, a grocery store proprietor, is wondering if he shouldn't go la hiding next February 5. -On December 5 two men came into his grocery store and robbed him. .They were caught later. On January 5 another man came into Hill's grocery store, took $30, fired, two shots, and fled. South Dakota Reports Minor Earth Tremor MITCHELL, S. D., Jan. 7-tfV Residents of Mitchell's south side and part of Davison county, south and west ef Mitchell were startled about 125 pan. (CST) Friday by what was apparently a minor earth tremor. No damage was reported, but residents said the tremor was strong enough to rattle dishes and shake the chairs they were sitting in. - l "Error sicriuv "':r j:a "ex iwila' Don't miss this bargain! For the prioe of the ....... shampoo alone, yon get a bottU of Richard Hudnut Enrkhci e:. roll down State aa 550 N. Capitol St. Phona 3-9191 .'v,-r t