' tlThe tatraan,t Solera Orvi'&c&ut&srrJ csraarf f, 1SS3 The Bible Story RUTH . - - v.- ? . i . : '' , " ,, . ,: : i f ; r , (Editor's Mtat This Is the lJth f a Mries from the 01th TtituMit ' hook, "la Oar Imafs lllastratlon kjr Gay Row also from th book. Vho text la coadensotf from aetectJoas ay Boutoa Haifa for to Bear Copyright mt. Oaf ore UalveraUy Proas, There was a famine in the land. And to sojourn In Moab, Wnt Elimelech, and his wife Naomi, and his . twf sons Mahlon and Chill on. Naomi's husband died. And her two aonj took wives f the women of Moab; one was Orpha, and the other Ruth: and they dwelled there about ten years. And Mahlon and Chilion died also. " ! Then she arose to return unto the land of Judah. And Naomi aid to her daughters in law, Go, return each to her mother's . house. Orpha kissed her mother in law; but Ruth clave unto her. And she said, Behold, thy sister In law Is f one back: return thou after. " ; . -'") - And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or te return from following after thee: for whither thou roest, I will re; and where thou lode eat, I will lodce: thy people shall be my people, 4 and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will J I be buried: the Lord do so te me, and more also. If oufht but '? death part thee and me. So they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of barley har . vest . , Naomi had a kinsman of her husband's, a mighty man of wealth, and his name was Boaz. And Ruth the Moabitess said i unto Naomi, Let me now go and glean corn after the reapers. And her hap was to light on the field belonging unto Boaz. And Boaz said to his servant that was set over the reapers, , Whose damsel is this? And the servant answered. It is the Moabit Jsh damsel that came back with Naomi. Then said Boaz unto Ruth, Go not to glean in another field, but abide here fast by t my maidens. ' - j And her mother in law said. Where hast thou gleaned today? And she said, with Boaz. And Naomi said. Blessed be he of the Lord, who hath not left off his kindness to the living and to the dead. - ,.-';.''.., : 1 . .. I Then Naomi said, My daughter, shall I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well with thee? And is not Boaz of our kindred? Behold, he winnoweth barley tonight in the threshing floor. Wash thyself therefore, and anoint thee, and put thy raiment upon thee, and get thee down on the floor: but make not thyself known unto the man, until he shall have don eating and drinking. And when he Jieth down, thou shalt go iii, and uncover his feet, and lay , thee down.. ;: ' -'v-'-i,. -(. J And the did according to all that her mother In law bade her. At midnight the man turned and, behold, a woman lay at - -, bis feet. And he said. Who art thou? And she answered, 1 am r Ruth thine handmaid. And he said. Blessed be thoa of the Lord, my daughter: for thou hast shewed, more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as thou followest not young men; whether poor or rich. And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to thee all that thou requi-est; for all 'the city of -my people doth know that thou "art a virtuous woman, s Boaz took Ruth as his wife: and the Lord gave her concep tion, and she bare a son. And the women said! unto Naomi, ' Blessed be the Lord, which hath not left thee this day Without a kinsman,, that his name may be famous in Israel. And he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life, and a nourisher of thine old age; for thy daughter in law, which loveth thee, which is better to thee than seven sons, hath born him. And Naomi took: the child, and laid it In her bosom, and became nurse unto it And - they called his name Obed: he is the father of Jesse, the father of David. , . Dallas Churches .APOtTOUC JA1TH Church and Court. Sunday school . 30 a. m Sonrfcca 11 a. rru. 70 p. m. Sunday. S p. m. Thuraday. ASSEMBLY OP GOO - Birch and Stump. Sunday achool S:43 a. m Scrvlcoa 11 a. m 1:45 p. m. Sun lay. TS p. m. Wedneaday. .BAPTIST rirrt Waahlnfton at. Sunday school t:4S a. m. Services 11 a 7 M p. m. Sun aUy. 1-JO p. m. Thunday. CATROUC-at PbUIp'a W. Washington at. Maaaes t:ll a. m. ocond and fourth Sundays. 10:11 a. m tint, third and fifth Sundays. , CintlSTlAN rirat V -"r ' Jefferson and Clay. Sunday school :43 a. m. Senrices 11 a. m. 1 JO p. m. . Sunday.. CKKISTlAff AND ' , MISSIONAKT ALUANCB Shelton and Mill. Sunday school f :4S a. m. Servicea 11 a. nu T:4S p. m. Sua uiy. . , .. . . ; - -. 7tfKlSriAN SCICNCB ' 4i0 Mill Sunday aenool t:4S a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. p. m. first and third wedneadays. CHCKCH or CHBJST Lvna and Mill Sunday achool 10 a. m. Mrvteca . ii , a. a:w p. Sunday. CRtTBCBT OF GOD 10ia Aah Suadav achool t:4S a. ra. arvlcaa U a. raw 730 p m. Sunday. CHUKcn or tztvt cubist i (jr LATTCB DAT SAINTS Baamnt of city library. ' Sunday aenool 19 a m. svarviea lan, Sunday EPISCOPAL St Tknui Cherry St Sunday achool 10 and 11 4V m.- sarviccs , 11 a. m. - Sunday. ITANOIUCAL UNITED BBKTHKKM Church and MlU. Sunday school f :S Tin EWMAi:yamu:ioi:nT ciiumii -; (Eight miles east of Salem on Garden Road) " ' . , i. Pratam, Oregen ' ; '" .' '' . Sunday Jan. I to SundayJan. 15 . v ? i Missionary Pictures will be shown each evening vTrocUJiHS the Unvarnished Truth Without ft ar Favorf . K V a, m- Scrvfcaa 11 a. m. 7:43 pjn. Surf oy. rBEt METHODIST ' 224 Mill. Sunda achool 1:4S a. m Servicea 11 a. m. 7:45 p m. Sunday LUTHERAN Trinity i 210 Washington Sunday achool 10 a. m. services 11 a. m. Sunday. MENNONITB ' Brethren Waihlnrton and Ravtr. Sunday achool 9:45 a m. Servicea 10:43 a. m.. 7:43 p. m. Sunday. ; Eraat ellcal Brethren Howe at. Sun day achool 8:35 a. m. Servicea 11 a. m4 K c 7, I Graea 207 Jefferson. Sunday achool ID a. m bervic 11 a. m. Sunday. METHODIST first ! MU1 near Main. Sunday school 1:41 a. m. ocrvicas u a. m. D. Sunday j l PRESBTTERLAN Elrat J Court and Levens. Sunday school 1:49 a m Service II a. nv Sunday. SEVENTH DAT ADVENT1ST Washtnirton and Jefferson. Sabbath achool S:43 a. m. Servica 11 a. m. Sat rday. ; Business9 Ballot At Bethel Baptist Annual business meeting ' and election at Bethel Baptist church will be at 2 pjru Sunday, A no host fellowship luncheon will fol low the morning service. : The young people will sponsor the 120 pjn. service, featuring s sound film, "Stephen.' The story Is of the early Christian ministry in and about Jerusalem, after the crucifixion of Jesus, and ends with the stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr. 1 T THIS. IS i Your Invitation : -i .., f . v. to. hear Rev. Don Shidlor Gospel ; Missionary Union W : ., 1 -Kansas City, Mo. - ' : "In Special Evangelistic Services ' at Christ Lutheran CKbirtbGive Concei The choir of Christ Lutheran church, directed by Hazel Brock hoff, will present a concert Sunday at 8 p.m." - .;; Accompanists will be Frederick Wilson, organist and Maxine Mar tin, pianist who will also play a duet, Hallelujah Chorus (Handel) J Special numbers will include The Shepherds Call (Dvorak) by a trio comprising Elizabeth, Ira Jo and Barbara Gronke; Come Unto Me (Schubert) by a three-part worn en's chorus. Other instrumentalists will be violinists Margaret Rawlins and Dalbert Jepson. The choir, after a processional and candle-lighting ceremony, will sing Welcome (Christiansen), Send Out Thy Light (Gounod). O Lov ing Savior (Clement), How Shall I Fitly Meet Thee (Bach), A Hea venly Song Is Sung (Dickinson), Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Duncan), Almighty God of Our Fathers (James). Talbot to Start V Cliurch Meetings 1 SUteamaa News lanrtce JEFFERSON. Jan. 6 The Rev. J. I Newman of Spokane. Wash.. will start a two-week, series of special publld meetings, "Crusade for Christ" at Talbot Community church Sunday. J Newman, well Jcnown through out the 'northwest as a leader in the Youth for Christ movement has conducted many such efforts in the last 10 years in different denominations. A Musical program with local talent is planned for each evening. The crusade will continue nightly except Saturday at 7:30. Evangelical Fellowship To Meet-Wednesilav t Salem Evangelical Fellowship will have its monthly breakfast at Nohlgren's Wednesday at 7:45. Guest speaker will be Dr. Herbert Lockyer, Bible teacher of England and the United States. Officers of the fellowship are the Rev. Herman Bohl. president: the Rev. Russell Mayer, vice pres ident, and John Schmidt, secretary. rt Sunday Methodists to Begin Schools This Week in 3 Ministers and laymen of the Methodist church's Salem district will participate In annual schools of religion at Salem, Albany and Amity starting next week, according to Dr. Roy Fedje, district superintend ent. -' The training sessions, from 7:30 six weeks, will be Wednesday! at Amity and Thursdays at Albany and Salem First church. Courses and staffs of the schools will include the following: Salem The Rev. O. Wesley Tur ner, pastor of Leslie church, dean; Laura Linton, registrar; The Acts of the Apostles," the Rev. Clark Enz, Dallas pastor; "Meaning of Methodism," the Rev. Brooks Moore, pastor c-T Salem First; "Teaching Children," Mrs. J. E. Sayre,- WSCS (.children's secretary for Salem subdistrict; "Home and Church Working Together," Pearl E. Sherlock, Oregon conference in terboard secretary; "Guiding In termediates," James Purdy, Salem First youth director, and Dorothy Harding, conference field worker; "The Pastor as Teacher," Dr. Fed- Amity Thej Rev. Fremont Faul, dean; Mrs. Caill Oldham, registrar; apostles, Dr. Norman Huffman of Willamette university; Methodism, the Rev. Elraer Beckman, Mc Minnville; chilidreri, Mrs. Lee Has kins, district director of children's work; home, Mrs. Harvey Stoller, subdistrict director of adult work. Albany The Rev. Carl B. Ma son, Lebanon, dean; Mrs. Arvid T. Olson, registrair; apostles, .the Rev. William Hobbi, Sweet Home; Me thodism, the Rev. George Huber, Albany; children, Mrs. Huber; Christian and Missionary Alliance : Church N. 8th at Gaines Radio Broadcast KOCO 1490 JLC. Sunday, J pjn. Seleatlfle Film. Produced by ' Moody Bible InsUtnte "YOICK OF THE DEEP Wed 7:3a pjn.- ' 1 1 a.m. "Will We Hava PowarT 7i6 p.m. "How Dies a Poor , X. J. Abrame, Minister Vcrshlp Vith Us t:4S AJtf. Chnreh School Two Mernlng SeTviees t:45 and 11:01 AM. "stefleetlons.frem the Eyes, ef Ged" Bermen by Mr. Geodenberger 1:3 TM. Junior High. Greus) C:0a P.M. High School Group 7:M TM. CoUege Fellowship ;. : , . . . . . First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at. Winter ' Chester W. Ilamblin, Paster Jeha L. Geodenberger , ' Assistant Paster .-, SaDeinm . CBiiniiirclIiis' (Suadoy school at 9:4V a. aL"Es2SJ2?E2i. aniess ouarwiu norsKU ailCMBLf 0 ODD Evanteuaue Tesnala Park and Mar. kct 11 a.m IAS p.m. Sunday 1:43 pjn. Thuraday. Glad . Tldlaga S1S . N. Commercial Sunday school ! a. m. Servleea 11 a. 1M B m Sunday. BAPTIST ' ; r T r" . Betjbei Cottaaa and D. 11 a. m. 730 p. mi Sunday. CaJvary Liberty and MUler. 11 a. m. T'JO p. m. Sunday 7:30 p. m. Wednea day I ' First Liberty and Marlon 11 a. m I p. in. Sunday. 7 :30 p m Wedneaday. - Loamaaacl (GARB) Hazel tc Acade my 11 a. 7 JO p. m. Sunday. 1 JO a m. Wednesday. Bible raUawahip Memorial hospital chapel 11 a. m. Sunday. CATHOLIC St Joseph's Cottage and Chcmeke ta. Maaaes 80, 8. t. 10. 11 a. m. Sun day. Devotions 7 JO p. m. Sunday and St Vincent da Paul Myrtle and Co lumbia Maaaes 7 JO, 9. 10 JO a. m. Sun day., Confessions 4 JO-i JO. 7-6 JO p. m. Saturday. rsraifiTTAM Coort Street 17th and Court, 10 JO a. m. 7 JO p. m. Sunday First Center and High. 10:50 a. m.. 730 p. nv Sunday. S:00 p. m. Wednea day. CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY. 'ALLIANCE Sth and Gaines, 11 a. m., cju p. m Sunday. 7J0 p. m. Wedneaday. riTBIITlAN SCIENCE First Chemeketa and La Deny, sunaay achool 11 a.m. Servicea 11 a.m.,1 p.m. Sunday. p.m. Wednesday. Reading room, 140 S High CHtrmca or christ Central Cotuge and Chemeketa. 10:43 a.m 730 pjn. Sunday, 130 pjn. Thursday. CHkntcH or god nrst Cjottage and Hood. 11 a.m., 7:49 p.m. Suhday, 7:43 p.m. Wedneaday. CHIURCH OP JESTJS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Bin and Madison. Sunday achool 10 a.ni Servicea 1130 a.m.. (JO p.m. Sunday CONGREGATIONAL First Cottaga and Marlon. 11 a.m. Sunday. Kaliht Memorial 10th and Ferry 11 am. Sunday. EPISCOPAL St Panrs Church and Chemeketa. Sunday achool 0 JO ajn. Services 730. 9:43. 11 a.m. Sunday. EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED Bethany Marion and Capitol. Sun day school 10 ajn. Services 11 a.m.. 7:43,p. m. Sunday. 7:43 p.m. Wedneaday. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN EagUwood 17th and Nebraska. 11 a.m., 730 pjn. Sunday. . first Marion and Summer. 11 a.m., 7:43 p.m. Sunday, 730 p.m. Wedneaday FRIENDS Highland Avenue Church and High land. 11 a.m., 730 p.m. Sunday. 730 p.m. Wedneaday. South Salem Commercial and Wash ington. U a.m.. 730 p.m. Sunday, S p.m. Wednesday. FREE METHODIST Winter and Market 11 a. m.. 7:30 p. nv Sunday, 73b p.m. Wednesday. Valley Cities to 9:30 on one nicht for each of home, the Rev. E. Leo Walan, Cor vailia associate minister; inter mediates, Caroline Cooper, Port land; pastors, the Rev. Daniel Walker,- Corvallis pastor. Evangelistic Temple Market St. Park Ave. Welcomes You 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 "THE GUIDING MOTTVE R, gifts and fruits of the Spirit Dy of fasting and prayer at thfc Temple. ! 16:15 Youth Groups and - Vesper Service 7:45 Evangelistic Rally "Notable Conversion" Sen. 6:45 pan. Program KOCO j Direct from Temple Esroll year Child In the Temple Kindergarten, Call 27112. f t. X ( j Evangelist DALE.nAIISOII j . AMD PABTY Come to the Temple Begtolng Jan. 15 in a great CRUSADE FOR CHHI2 Or (standing Eventa take place in his Ministry ' ' dav - achool 10 mm. Servicea 11 7:45 p.m. Sunday. S p.m. Tuesday and Friday,.,.. - - .." . ., - 1 .1,.. Cbarch ef Cod 040 9. 22nd. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m . I pjn. Sunday, t p.m. Wedneaday and Friday. ,.-., - Faith Gospel Tabernacle 1303 N. 8th. Sunday school 10 a.m. Services 11 a. m.. S p. m. Sunday, p. m, Thurs day and Saturday. Foarsajaare 490 N. 19th. 11 a m. 7:43 D.m. Sunday. 7:43 n.m. Thuraday Jeans Name Pentecostal 1175 Lewis. Sunday acnooi 10 a.m. servicea 11 a m., 7:43 p.m. Sunday, 7:45 p.m. Wed nesday . United PenUeosUI 443 Ferry. 11 a. m., 7.-44 p. m. Sunday, 743 p. m. Friday. , INSTITUTE OP RELIGIOUS SC1ENCK 460 N CotUge Sunday, achool 10 a. m. service 11 a. m. Sunday. JEWISH Temple Beta Skolesa Madison and Broadway. Church achool 11 ajn. Servicea 0 pjn. Friday. kINGWOOD BIBLE 1123 Eim at, io:u a. m., 730 p. m. aunaay. rjv p. m. wedneaday. LUTHERAN Central- (American Conference) upiioi ana usines. 11 mjn. Sunday. S jm Wednesday. Cartat (American Church) State and 18th. and 11 a.m. Sunday. St. John's (Missouri Synod) 16th ana n., servicea ana 11 a.m. Sunday, Sunday achool 10 a.m. 8t Mark Evangelical (United) 343 a. uiurcn. it a.m. sunaay. METHODIST First Church and - State. 11 am Sunday. 73Q p.m. Thuraday. Jason Lea Memorial Winter and Jefferson 11 a.rru. 730 p.m. Sunday. Leslie Commercial and Myers. 11 .m, law pjn. sujnaay, 730 p.m. AIJUIiaST West Salem Jrd and Gerth, 11 am. Sunday METAPHYSICAL CENTER ?. Cottage. S 30 p. m. Tuesday nd Wedneaday. 8 p m. Tuesday and p. to. aauy. N AZARENE first . Center and 13th. 1030 a. m., 730 p. to. Bunaay. tuw p. m. wedneaday OPEN BIBLE STANDARD 1232 N. Commercial. Sunday school 10 am. Services 11 am, 7:43 pm. PILGRIM HOLINESS 140 Carlton. 11 a. m, 730 p. m. Sun uay. i p. m. Wednesday, PRKSBTTER1AN First Chemeketa and Winter. t:4S and 11 ra. Biinoay. J p. m. Wednesday REORGANIZED CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAT SAINTS 17th and Chemeketa. Sunday achool w a. m ecrvices U a. m, 730 p m Sunday. ) SALVATION ARMT 241 State. Sunday achool IB a m ar. rices 11 a. m, 730 p. m. Sunday. 730 v in. inursuay ana Saturday. . SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST 4onnson Memorial Hood and Sum, mer. Sabbath school 830 a. m. Services us m sjiuraar SPIRITUALIST First 24S N. CommercUL 230 and 7 JO p m aunair UNITARIAN FEIXOWSHIP XWCA. 730 n.tn. first n hlM ounaaya. UNITED BRETHREN First (OM C anitit BtiOK 1 1 141 Utarin. day achool lb a. m. mrwir n . m. sunoay, 730 p. m. Wednes- oay. WE8LETAN MKTanntiT and MilU Sunday school la a m atwtKwm ti a. m iao 9 m. Sunday Unitarians to Meet Discussion of "Unity in Diver sity" win feature the Salem Unit arian Fellowship meeting Sunday at 7:30 pjn, led by Steve Ander son. The session will be at the Anderson home, 1415 S. 12th sL It will be open to all persons In terested. t I DR. HERBERT LOCKYER .,,,,. ,,, ,, w mm ... mm i - . - - - ' -k j t . J. - i ' V- 1 !' .... v - - ' , 1 Here is the chance you have been waiting for. To hear one of America's greatest Bible Prophetic speakers. The meeting will be Interdenominational in character. " LOCKYER I F LOCKYER I LOCKYER Monday High, L "n" January "What Will Happen When "Christ's Return and "Is Christ Coming Soon" Christ Comes Again?" Related Themes" LOCKYER Thursday flight January 12 Divine Palmistry Dr. Robert Pierce, China Youth for Christ leader, will speak at First Baptist Church next Sunday at 11:00. Rev. G. E. Brickwedel of HayesviUe will speak at 7:30. A sound gospel film, -The Life of Peter, will also be shown. Dr. Lockyer will speak every Afternoon at the Y.f..Ci. -i ": .-.f.' at 2:00 Cominc! Great Missionary Conference, Febnury f-U In First Baptist Chaxeh. Many different Mission boards represented! Costumes! Films! Music! SUrrin wesaaf es. Be Sure to ?, Attend - Sunday School at 9:45 A.M. There i$ a class fori i You. Churches Pkri Annual Meets At Silverton . ; i' . ; " . Staletmaa News lenrlee l' " . SILVER TON, Jan. 6 Annual business meetings will be conduct ed by the three Lutheran churches during the coming week. Calvary meeting has been .announced for Tuesday at 8 pm. Trinity and Inv manuel Lutheran churches . will both hold, theirs Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. j Immanuel church's Bethany cir cle will meet Wednesday at 2 o'clock at the Nels Nelson home with Mrs. Luther Hatteberg as co- hostess, and the Mizpah circle Thursday night at 8 o'clock in the Fireside room with Mrs. Melvin Satrum and Mrs. Conrad Thorkild son as hostesses. 1 At Trinity church,! Hannah Ol son will be guest speaker at the January fellowship hour immedi ately after the morning services. concerning her summer in Nor way. The Rev. Albert Olson will speak and show pictures on China at Calvary church on Tuesday, Jan uary 17, at 8 pjn. Communion service will be ob served Sunday rooming at First Christian church. The Rev. Arthur Bates will speak on "The Cold Church. - Silvorton Churches ASSEMBLY OF GOD front at. Sunday achool t :4S a. m. Services 11 a.m., 7, 8 p.m Sunday. 8 p.m. Tuesday and Thuraday. CATHOLIC St. Psafe Pine and Grant. Maaara a. It a m. Sunday. 8 JO a. nv. areekdays. T JO a. m. Saturday. CRKIS Tl AN riwf Park and lat. Sunday school 8:49 a. m. Senrices 11 a. m., T JO p. m. Sun day, v CHRISTIAN AND MISSION ASY ALLIANCB tot N. 2nd. Sunday school II i m. Services 11 a. m., 7:41 p. m. Sunday. 7-4S v- m. Wedneaday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 3rd and Lewis. Sundsy school 10 a. m. Servicea 11 a. m. Sunday. CHCRCH OP GOD 2nd and A. Sunday acnooi it a. en. Services II a. m, S p. m. Sunday. 8 p. m. Wedneaday. CHURCH OF 4ESCS CHRIST OP LOS Knights of Pythlaa hall. Oak and MUL Services 8 p. m. Wedneaday. LUTHERAN Calvary 318 Jersey. Sunday school 10 a m Bervleea 11 a m. Sunday. S p m. Thursday. Immannel N. Church St Sunday scfeool 10 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday Trtmlty 2nr1 and A. Sunday achool 10 a. m. Sarvtcas 11 a. in. Sunday. METHODIST Mala and flake. Sunday school 1.41 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. Mara as as - SUverton-Marquam . ht(h way. Sunday achool 10 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. PILGRIM HOUNKSS 942 S. ater mu Sunday achool :43 a. nv. Servicea 11 a. in. 7 JO p. m Sun day.. 7 JO p. m. Wedneaday. atTKNTH DAT AOVXNTIST Park and Sad. Sabbath school f 8 a. an. Servicea 11 a. nw- Saturday. 1J0 p. m. Wedneaday. LOCKYER Friday flight January 13 "The Vision Splendid LOCKYER Sunday, January 15 ll:a -The Aaidiaa Cmnani.n.' t :JI -Chrisfa Cure far a World." 7:Jt "A Dylnf Maia Charte, Our Testimony ; "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 7 Suburban Churches AN RENT COMMUNITY Ankeny achoolhouae. Liberty -Buena Vtsta road Sunday achool .10 a aa. Servicea 11 a ro. 8 p m. AUMSVIU.E BCTHEL BAPTIST l Aumsvilla Sunday achool 10 a ' m Services 11 a. m.. I p m SonOay 1Ai p m . Wedneaday.- . . AUMkVILLB WRSLRYAN Aumaville Sunday school 10 am Services 11 a m.. 7:45 p. m Sunday BROOKI ASSEMBLY OP GOD " ' One-half . trior fc aouth' of Brwoks school. Sunday achool 8:40 a - an. Services 11 a ra7 7:4a p m Sunday 7 :1S p m. Thuraday. , , CLEAR LAKE EVANGELICAL ' IMTtO BRETHREN Wheatland Ferry rd. Sunday achool II a na Servicea 10 a, m Sunday. SOLA COMMUNITY " Eola. Sunday school 8:48 a. in. Ser vicea 11 a in Sunday FOUR CORNERS BAPTIST ' State and El ma. Sunday school 8:45 a. m. Servicea 11 a m. 7 JO p. nv. Sun day, io p. m. weaneaaay. FRLTTLAND EV ANGELICA!. UNITED BRETHREN 8 miles east of Salem. Sunday achool 10 a. m. Services 11 a. as. 7 JO p. m. Sunday. . - B ALBERT MEMORIAL BAPTIST Hayesvltta. one mUe north of 89B underpasa. Sunday achool 8:49 oajn Servicea 11 a -in,, 7 JO pja Surklay. 7 JO pjn Thuraday f KEIZER CHCRCH OP CHRIST 1030 Dearborn. Sunday achool 10 a.m. Servicea 11 a jn, 7 JO p-ro, Sunday; 8 pjn. Wednesday. KEIZER COMMUNTTT Elizabeth and Church dale. Sunday achool 0:49 a. &. Services 11 I a. 7:49 p. m. Sunday. 1 JO p. aa. Wednes-, day. . - ' LABI 8 H CENTER COMMUNITY j (EvaaceHeaJ Catted Bretarea) J'a miles east of Brooks. Sunday school 18 a. m Service 11 a. m. Sun-, day. LIBERTY CHURCH OP CHRIST Liberty church. Sunday school 10 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD - 079 Vista ava. Sunday school 10 a. aa. Servicea 11 a. m- 0 p m. Sunday. MA CLEAT COMMUNITY Mac lea y achooL Sunday school 10 am MARION FRIENDS Marion. Sunday achool 10 a m. S vices 11 a. nv. 7 JO p. m Sunday. MIDDLE GROVR COMMUNITY Middle Grove acnooi. Sunday aenool 10 ajn. - NORTH HOWELL COMMUNITY North Howell. Sunday tcbool 10 a Jen. Services 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sunday. 8 D ra. Wedneaday PRATUM IMMANUEL MENNONITR PraUim. Sunday school 8:55 a m. Services Ham, 1:49 pa Sunay PRATUM METHODIST Pratum. Sunday achool 10 a. nv. Ser vices Ham. Sunday. , f' PRINGLR FRIENDS . Baxter rd west of ME Sunday school 11 l m Servico 11 a m. Sunday Victory Chapel (Open Bible Standard Church) 1Z52 N. Commercial St. Sunday School 10 JIM. Morning Worship 11 A.M. Subject: The Need of Today" Young Peoples 7 PH. Ercmcelistic Service) 7:45 PJt Subject: "God'a Provision lor You Special Maude Inspirational Singing Wo) lnviia You To Attafid Rev. A- C Grimes HEAR AMERICA'S GREATEST BIBLE TEACHER Dr. Herbert Lockyer In a great conferencis on Bible Prophecy First Baptist! Church . Marion and Liberty Monday Thru Friday January 9-15 at 7:30 moBFjtTS corMCTrrrr r Roberta schooL Sunday school If ajn.' i . ROSED ALR FRIENDS Koaedale. Sunday school 10 a.- aa. Services 11 a m..1J0 p m Sunday. SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY uoerty and Madrooa Sundav achool 10 a m. Servicea 11 a m 7J0 p. m. Sunday. 70 p m. Wednesday. SUMMIT METHODIST Orchard Hetahts rd. Sundav arhonl II a m. Services 10 a. tn. second and fourth Sundays . , k ... , SWEGLE COMMUNITY : swesle school Sunday school II a m. Servicea 11 a. m Sundav. . TALBOT COMMUNITY Talbot Sunday achool 10 a. m. Car. vices U a JJO p. m Sunday. 1 JO 0- nv. Wedneaday.-' . . .. TURNER METHODIST V " ' : lurner Sunday school '10 a.m. Km. vice U am. Sunday. EENA COMMUNITY " ' J ena Sunday achool HkR i Hamblin at Education 1 Meeting of Church Dr; Chester W, Hamblin, partor of First Presbyterian church, is in Cincinnati. Ohio, this week end for a Presbyterian conference on higher education, j Hamblin. president of Westmin ster foundation for the Oregon sy nod, will discuss the church's strat egy in the field of higher educa tion with presidents of Presbyte rian colleges and directors and presidents of foundations. - Additional Church News on Page 7 Hoar Dctfor with the NEW "MINIATURE' RADIO JHC HEARING AID If you're hAnif-hearis( ... if you want to break through that "ahadow of alienee" . . . don't delay enjoying the thrill that awaits you in this superb new Zenith "Miniaturo." V No "Fitting" ttqvlriil COM? im, READY TO WEAR free Oamosifrafaa f.!srri$ Osllcd Co. 444 State TU. S-&5ZS LOCKYER January 14 - Sattirday flight "God's Call to You" Tune in to Three First Baptist Church Broadcasts KSLM S.-00 e.m. Sunday KOCO -1 1 :00-l Sunday . KSIM- Daily -S:1S a.m. PASTC2 LLOYD