10 Th' StaUtAfcfn, ISc-e-a.' OryuSdttardfy; Tflmafr'7 fgSfl Salem Market ! Quotations (As mi late yesterday) VOTEKrA premium , - ho. 1 Ho. 1 BUTTE Wholesale ' A4 .88 JM " .73 Retail fcOGS (Baying) . : ( Wnolesale price range from I to T cents over Buying price, i Large A A .imi Large A -W.S3 ; . .32 - i jo M ! .25 i .13 j sn J9 JO T J , .31 :!J . i0- jOO Medium AA Medium A PuUeU -. Crack A Leghorn Hens , B Leghcn bene r-, C Leshora hen A Colored bena B Colored hen .,, C Colored hens , A Colored fry (3 St up) B Colored fryers C Colored fryers A old roosters B o d roosters C -old roosters l-YESTOCK by Valley P - rat dairy crai 11.00 to 12 00 Cutter eows ' 100 to 11X0 pahry hetfers . 13 00 to 14.00 feuUa 13.00 to 17.00 Good vsal. ISO to 300 lbs2.00 to 24 00 CiaoA calves , 18 00 to 23.00 Wooled lamb 19 00 to 30.00 feeder lambs 13.00 to 17.00 Stocks and Bonds Trmr4 by the Associated Pias Jan. I TOCK AVI AGES ! . t : 30 13 IS 00 i ' Xndust Sails Utll gtck 4 oh-nM At nnrh muh A.I Friday . 101 41- 43 8 72.0 fin dir .lOM 41 J 43 J 3J Week a (a 101.0 40.3 43 8 72.3 Month ( MO 37.3 43$ 69.4 Year aco I1J 38J 39.7 3J BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 tt Rails Xndust Uul Forga Wet chana A A J tinch D.l Frldav 9i.4 102.3 105.3 71.3 71.1 rev day ,- NJ 102 J 10S.3 Week ago 94.3 102 105 J Month ago . 33.4 103J 105.0 Year aco 91 10L 10LS 70 70 63.T New 1949 hign. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Van. 8 (AP) But- lerfat tentative, subject to imnnd sate chance: Premium quality, maxl num to is to 1 per cent acidity de livered In Portland. $7e lb.: first qualp ity 65c; second quality. t3c; valley routes and country points so Mas in a airs- - Butter Wholesale f.o.b btmt cubes o wholesalers: Grade AA, 33 score. S3 Ib A. 83 score. 63c: B. 30 score, oc; 8 39 score 99c Above prices are are strictly iwm trial ChH BeUlna nrlee to Portland Wholesalers: Cregon singles. 39-42e reeon S-lb loaf. 44U-4-- lb. Ems To - wholesalers: A gTsd. large, 40-42 ,ic dox.; A grade, medium, -37c; small. We; B grade, large. as-soc. - i Live chickens (No. 1 Quality, f.OS. plants): Broilers, under 3 lb., ioe lb.: fryers, 2-3 tbs., 33-25c;. 3-4 lbs., 2 6-27c; roasters, 4 lbs. and pvr. 36-27c; fowl, gborns. under 4 IM-, -A.vL uTcr-i VWHHVU WW, U weights. 31-33c; old roosters, ail weights. 14-lec. - f T ' i Turkeys .Net to growers: Toms. O-Slc hens, 44c; price to retailers, dressed A young hens, 80-Sle; A young toma. 37-aic- ll.'ht toms. 41-42C t v Rabbits (a (rire to sro era) Ltve While. 4-5 Ibs i7-lSc S-s ib. U-Uc; colored. 3 cents lower; old or heavy sloes and bucks, S-12o lb.; X reah fryers. 0c lb.: locaL 48-S3e Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to etsllers per ewt): ! ' Beef Steers, good. 600-800 lbs. ftn-42; commercial, $37-41; utility, aaa-3i; cows, commercial. 331-34; utli- sty. S2j-o. .-... i- Beef cuts (Good steers): Hind Iiuarters. 350-S3; rounds 942-40; full oin. trin.met 980-70; triangles. $33- B4: souare cbucks. su-40: (lbs. skj-ss: (oreqtisrters, $34-36. - - J Vesl and cslf Good. $41-43;, com- nercial. $39-38; utll.ty. $30-33. Lambs: Good-choice spring - Iambi. 403; commercial, 838-38; utility. Pork cuts Loins, No. 1, 8-13 Ibsi 40-42; shoulders, 18 lbs., down, $30 B1.80; sparerlbs. $38-41; carcasses. 120- 170 lbs. $24-36; mixed , weights 83 wer. ' Wool: Coarse, valley-medium grades. ' 8c lb. Mohair: Nominally 2e lb. ea 13 nonth growth. Countrv-kUled meats: ' "1 Veal: Top quality, 34-35e .; other Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Jan, 6--Tod American Can 108 Am Power & Li. 15V4 Sen Electrie , 42V Sen Foods 48 Sen Motor 71 Soodyeari Tlre 49 Am Tel & Tel147 Anaconda 30 Bendix A 37 r 32 25 36 15 Lnt Harvest nt Paper Kennecott Libby McN Long Bell A Mont Ward Beth Steel Boeing: Air , Calil Pack Canadian Pac, Case J I . 39 Caterpillar 35 Nash Kelvin Chrysler 86 Nat Dairy Cons Vultee . 11 N Y Central Continental Can 36 Northern ; Crown Zel 29 Curtis Wr 8 Douglas Air . 12 Dupont de Ne , 82 Pac Am Fish Pac Gas Sec 33 PT-T, Penney J FHA Stato Fir.snco Co. ie " Lens-Tim Farm Loans Llccns 8-216 sad M-Z23 Fersoaal sad Ast Leans Why Suffer Any Longer Then ethers fan. ase enr Chinese reasee-es. Aasaslng seccess fee sees ears m Chiaa. Ne atatter srttfe what sllssteu ye are amicte- disorders. sUttUlUs. heart, lanft, Uv sr. kidneys, gss. eees-patiee. eJcers diabetes, rbsaasatlsaa. gall and blad der fever, skin, fsassfs ee-spUtnU CHARLIE CHAN CHINES R KERB CO? 9M N fewisf 1 Is! Phase 3-iiM 8ALSM. ORS. office Bears 9 to a. rees. an Sat. ety. IT e T.T L-aaJS O . t CI.Ca.lt 0 DKS. CBAN LAM CHINESE HERBALISTS sl Nrtb Liberty Opstalrs above Decker's, tit tt. Lib erty Office epe Saturday only 1$ a.M to I p.Bu, 9 te 1 p.as. Censul ta ll ea. Bleed pressare sad artne tests ere free eg charge. Practice sine 1817. -!- ! NOTICE OP f ALB OF ABANDONED PBOPEKTT KOTtd ttERTRY M CIVEN that ea Saturday. January 14. 1950. at the hour e 19 e'elock in the ttereoooa. at the City Shop, located oa rerry Street, between Thirteenth and ro-rteenUi Streeta, la Salem. Oregon, the under alrned wUl sell at public auction, pursuant to the provision- of Ordinance No. 4059, the hrrcln described unclaimed personal -property, namely, bicycles, ss follows: Make . pssciipoew Girls, small res, red color Boys, small tires, pink and yellow Boys, balloon tires, green and grey Boys, balloon tires, red and cream Beys, balloon -res. maroon and white Boys, balloon tires, green . C. C M. Columbia No Name No Name Hiawatha Wards Wards No Nam Wards . Flyer . No Name Gillette Wards . plying Star No Nam -Wards Wards NoNimt,., No Name -No Name World ;' Goodyear i yreston No Nam ' No Nam Ward- ttoys, oeuoon area, re hmt. tMlloon tires, rraen Boys, balloon tires, blue, red Boys, balloon -res. red Boys, balloon tires, red And white Boys, balloon -res, red Boys, balloon tires, blue Boys, balloon tlree. brown and white Boys, balloon tires, red and white Boys, balloon tires, red Boys, balloon tires, red Frame and Crank hanger Frame and Crank hanger Boys, balloon tires, black -Boys, balloon tires, black and whit Boys, balloon tires, red and black Boys, balloon "Urea, red end cream Boys, balloon tires, red and blue Boys, balloon tires, red Ann balloon tires, black Ace Boys, balloon -res. black "Autlle of hlyWto 4 ttu time Af mnm Dated this 8 th nay ex January, -saw. grades kccordlntj to welghi-qu-lity with UgRter or "heavier, 35-30c. Hogs: light blockers, 33-240 lb.; Lsmbs: Top quality pringers, 36- 39c lb; mutton. 13-14c. Beefi Good coWa. 33-38e lb.; an-ners-cutters, 81-23C. - Onions: suppiy itndf: Ore. Yellows. No. 1, 32 70-63; 10 lbs- 45-49C. Yellowssned $2J3-50l large; 83-W-75; broilers. 1- lb, 35-38C :' Potatoes: Ore. Deschutes Russets. No. iZ $3.75-65: 33 It. $1,00-03; 13Ibs.. Sff60c No. Is, extras, H.ioa. wasn. Netted Gems. wo. i ?Tc,Jlv1,1w,, era. $4.25-50; No. 3. M lbs- $l3-30. Idaho No. 1A. $4.00-10. ' tt.v M-r rnm alack baled. .VS. No. 3 green sllajla, truck or car lots f ob, Portland or Puget Sound mar kets. 837-39 ton; ujs. no. eu Umothjr $39 ton; new roo oats and vetchmuied hay or uncertified clover hay. nominally $23. $7 depending en cjuiiity and location baled oaTW-W lsmette Talley farms. Portland IJvestock PORT-AND. Jan. 6 ' -( AP)-fTJSDA) Salable cattle today 2-3; market very active for cows: some csnners-cut-ters 1.00- or more above Tuesdsy at i Kit-i-nlium at era ateadv at 22 00-24)0; medium heifers 31.00; load medium-gooa z-.uu. For week. saUble 2273. Market un even, fed steers generally, steady, fed heifers around 80 cents lower, cows --n an eenta hieher. some late sales up more. Bulls SO cents up. Late trading of storm nature, jneaium-goo-fed steers 34.00-33.00. load 1.053 lbs. J3 J3. Low medium down to tlM. Common 17.00-21.00. Load good 853 lb. feeder 1100. Good fed heifers 22.00-23.00, medium grades 18.50-21.00. Young beef cows is.uu-is.au, oaa neaa IV. UU. ton mwiinil , -mt cutter common 12.00-13.50. Good beef bulls 18.00-18.50. few 19.00. Common medium sausage bulls 14-0-17.00. Salable calves today 70: supply mostly stockers. unsold: for week, salable 350. Market strong, top 90 cents higher. Good-cnotc iignt veai ers 34.00-28 00, medium calves and vealers 17.00 33.00. Common down to 13.00. culls down to 10.00, - SaUble hogs today 33; 1 lot rood choice lbO lbs steady at 17.30; 180-230 lbs. 'quoted to 183. for weekh sal able 1050. Market opened weak to 25 cents lower, closed trwnd 23 cents higher. Good-choice 180-330 lbs. 17.75 19.30 early up to 18 S late with few lfl-X. Heavierknd lighter weights discounted 1.00 or more. Good 350-550 lb, sows 13.50-14.50, Good -choice feed er pigs 16.00-17.00. Salable sheep today I none; market nominal; for week, salable 1010. Mar ket active fully steady to strong, ewes around 50 cents higher, good choice fed lambs 20 .50-21.50. Medium grades 18.00-19.00. Common feeders down to 14.00. Medium; good year- Kngsi 16.00-17 00. Good ewes 7.00-8.00. few young ewes early) to 8-0. Com mon' down to 4.00. I Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. -(AP)-Cach wheat (bid): Soft white 3.19: soft whit (no Rex) 2.19; Whit club 3.19. - f - Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.19; 19 per cent 3.19; 11 per cent 3.19: 12 per cent 20. Today's bar . receipts: Wheat 13; barley 4; flour 7; nu teed 9. ay closing quotations: Radio Corp - 13 - 26 r-a -B i rutyonicr . Ftayonler pfd 30 Reynold i Met 22 Richfield ! 40 Safeway j 31 Sears Roeb 43 So Pacific 53V4 Stan OU Cat . . 64 Studebaker 27 Sun Mining 10 Transamerica 16 Union Oil 27y4 28 85 52 Sc Lu 8 23 S6Ts 17 . 39 12 Pae I8V4 Un Pacific , . 87 I7n Airlines 15 a S Steel 27 Warner Bros 15 103 C 86 Woolworth 49 NOTICR OF FWAL ! ACCOTJTfT NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN that the final account of Arnold Harry Johnson as administrator of the estate of EDWARD MARIUS RXXTAN. deceased, has been filed In the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and that Tuesday, the lh .- m .... au a. IS . i ... w w mi m -J. ..vt m . v o'clock a.m at the Court Room of said court in the Court House In Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, has been set for the hearing of objections. u any, io sucn nnsi account. Arnold harry Johnson - Administrator STEVJC ANDERSON Attorney for Estate SO Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem. Oregon. D-17-34-31-J-7-1C Nonrx to mrnrmp f have been appointed executor of will and estate of ROBERT LEE WOOD, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are re quired to present, them, with proper vouchers, within ' six months from date hereof, to me. at 314 Pioneer Trust Building, lem, Oregon, i December 1949. ' " MAURICE T. WOOD, as such Executor Allan O Ac Wallace P. Carson, Salem. Oregon. Attorneys for Executor. D-17- Ne. 13.784 la the Circatt Cenrt eg the State ef Oregea, for ML arlea Ceanty Prebate Departmeat -In the matter of th estate Of . JOHN WILSON. ' Deceased. ' NOTICB Or ITNAi, SBTTICSa-NT Notice Is hereby given that the final account of the United States National Bank of Portland, Oregon, as admin istrator e.t. of th estate jrt John Wilson, deceased, baa been filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- eon (or Marioa Countv. Probate De partment, and that the 33rd day of January, 1830, at th hour of $ o' clock AM. of said data, at th Court House in Salem. Oregon, has been set as the time ana place for near if any and aQ objections to said final ac count I DOTTED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON l Administrator c.Ca. of the estate - of John Wilson. Deceased. W. C. WEVSLOW. Attorney for Administrator, Salem. Oieeon. Flrst publics Ikmi December 34, 148. t Last publication January 31. 1980. D-t-l-J.7-l--l Serial Member No Serial Number G7353a 95949 F-1934 r-3T?U 83551 4E18S0 N-47148 sse 1SS409 .9M33571 'l4as i 609947 : 0207343 S 44079 471431 H-38738 30138 D-0&296 31-3 H-33131 M-103S07 172489 J -438053 17054 N-171110 C-8B79 , mr ea, wim th highest bidder fSr cash In band 91940 CLYDE A. WAR-UDf Chief of Police J-T 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Men' glasses. . Reward. Fh. 2-7823. . LOST: Pigskin billfold, need the mon- ey desperately, wiaow wim s cnu dren. Call 3-8053 or 3-5859. CostrXarge yellow dog with chain. Answers to"Husky." Ph. 24345. LOST: Works from man's 17 jewel Benrus' wrist watcn Between sr. High it Port Office. Ph. 2-3403. Re- ward. i . 316 Prsonal ATTENTION j old : folks Have the welfare people -sked you to sell your property at 13 cents on dollar? or what? Please answer In the paper so we will ell know. i. W. Koltorf. Lvona. Oregon. STANLEY Horn Products. Pa Sc Ma Perkins 833 N. Winter. Ph. 39307. WHAT Do you know about a Spen- cerT pn. a-6072 tor run information. WANTED tor Borrow: $2000. 12 to 34 mo. good Int, good security. Box 456 "ST Statesman.. MADAM CRAY Fortune toiler Palm and pscyehic readings Madam solves your problems, advice 173 S. Com Ph. 29283. Hn I a.m. to 10 D m. XF LONELY, write Ruth L. Wade. Bos 07, Vancouver, r wasn an 01a mi- ALCOHOUCA AMONYUdUl P.t 6 324. 3-U4. j 400 1 Agriculture 402 LiTwstoclr MILK Cow tr sale. Ph. 31900 or 39381. WANTED: All types livestock ph. 4-2617 I WANT Fresh or Snruuter cowl, cows giving a gal or more, au types oeex cstue. tsuy entire nera 10m weoo. Rt 1. Turhner. Ph. 923 GOOD Jersey cow, 9 yrs. Giving 8 gaX daily. Rt. I Box 408 ph. 4-2057. BULL Service any place. Ph. 42949." BONDED livestock buyer. Claude wards Rt. 3. Box 899 E. Ph 3-1144. -ONDEX) LIVESTOCK buyer ETC McCandllsh H 1127 S 15th Ph 3-8147 LICENSED Livestock buyer. H. Snethen. 1550 nester dr. ph. 3-1344 404 Poultry and Rabbits N. Z. 3 does, 1 buck and hutch. $18 see at 1IZ0 Park. Ph. 2-viw. WANTED: Geese and ducks, also-all Kinds oz poultry, weigneo ana paia on farm. M. E. Aasland. Gen. DeL. Salem. - ei-W Hi chicks tor Imi a-i ate or future delivery Hatches every Tuesday. Foxea Hatchery 3830 State Rt Ph S I960 bKS.D Hens, delivered. Ph. i-7353. 408 Pats 1' BXG tSTERED Doberman P-ischer pups. Really fine bred at reasonabM prices. Inquire LeGrsy Boarding and Training Knis. pn. 31338. DR. S. P. LEVENE has returned to his office. . Salem I Veterinary Hospital will open to lecetve patients, as us ual. 3300 PORTLAND ROAD. PH. 3-427-. 412 Fruit and Farm Producs EASTERN ALFALFA hay by T. oi truck load. 983 S. 13th. Ph. Z-ma. 425 Auction Sals AUCTION everv Man nlte. T p.m. at Eola Auction Mlct,. 4 mi rrom w. Salem bridge on Dallas hlwy. Good produce, furniture, cars 3c trailers. Bring wnst you nave to seu. Immediate Cash For You Consult V. D. Leek or T. How. We offer a -omolete auction service iwa l huh our we-my saics wmsn Monasy ac ; i nursasy i :jq p.m. EAST SALEM AUCTION CENTER 1023 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 3-L221 450 I Merchandise ; i 4S5 HouMhold Goods For Sal 9x18 BLUE Blrlow Brosdloom rug. Good cond. 1 1199 Columbia. Ph.3-4QM euAa ' !k..U.. ...k W '"-9 T MONTAG Flyrod A-l-$7 wooary. leos pi. summer. SMALL Oil jcux. complete with 164 gal tann, gessonahie. Ph. 34961. tAsV Washing machine model 4a4, $55. Fh. 3190. 1501 Court. LINOLEUM $4 J0 - ' I our-. Valley Furn. Co. 388 N. ComX iU Wanted, Houssihold Goo T TRADE IN yur household effects on new furniture at Woodry rumiture Market. 1609 N. summer. CASH Immediately for used fumi - ture. BDDlisnces. rues, se wins ma chines, pianos, sporting goods or nearlv anything of value. Pay pre mium for complete households. Ph. 3-5113 Gleni Woodry, established In saiem 34 years, VOU Owe it i to yourself to get my bid on your furniture, appliances, etc. before selling, ph. 3-8358 Trader Louie. 30S3 Portland Rd. USiuO FURN.. immediate aDDraisai highest prices,' Vsllcy Furniture. 393 N. Commercial, pn. 37471 453 Building Mcrt-rlal-" SPECIAL Reg. 8c per ft 4 In. moulded base. 8c per ft. Reg. Sc per ft. 3 In. moulded casing sc per n. EPP1NO LUMBER CO. " 4140 Sihrerton Rd. Ph. 32054 REb CED1R SHINGLX-T Ne i - a ds 3 s. away amwmi -ehveeod. lowest marke price 19 In. No 1 carton Backed cedar wall shakes Ted Muller. Salem -Indep. road. Call S-IUM Solem ' - . HOWSER - BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters iu uu -t pn. aaets - , 4S0 Musical Instruments WANT to buy dark walnut or ' ma hnnnv Sninet nisnn. th. 2-2275. FOR SAL - Monterey Guitar, ph. 3-7058 PliC f-4. 4S2 Sports Equlpmsnt FOR SALE 13 niase Save Automatic shotgun, model 39 A. 23 repeaUng Moriin pn. BUY Your speedboat motor now at en-at aavlnr. 1948-33 H. O. Evin. SUshtly used. $3M. lf-V .bottom sprue bull. $93. Ph. 30783. i 450 Merchandise 4S3 For Rsztt M-tofla-so-S GARAGE for rent. 638 W. 31st street. U DIUVB TRUCKS ro BXNT Blan kets furn 197 S Ltbertv Ph 3-90A3. &OUO USXD Piano H. L Sutt. 470' For Sals, MLcIlcaa)0-S COUNTRY Type telephone complete with 100 Ft wire. Good cond. rn. a i Tie fiARIMBA (xylophone) with 4 mai- lets. 949. 380 Mill 8U, buverton pn 1194. PLASTIC Material. Luetic. Ple-iglaa rods, tubing, use our shop and tools. Herman flame supply, soa o. Com! . ph. 3-8784. BICYCUC Sewing cabinet and sewing stand. 4P9 Wsldo Ave. T. Chain hoist, nearly new. Cost 92.50. sell for $40 1190 N. 16th. Qs XWctxic ranges lSi and up. Yester Appliance C4U 373 ChemekeU St. MANS Overcoat. . very food cood. Small i tee $10. Ph. 3-7-50. rTRECKlNO House - builtins, sink. doors, "wtndows. 3310 Gsraen Rosa, January Radio Clearance save rnu-s e-a iu WAS NOW Trsv-ler Ivory plastic $19.39 $13.90 12) ssotoroia porume C. E. Clock radio 38.BS S2.83 Croaley Radio-phono MM 99.95 ti. jl conaoi juaio-Dnono 4i o jos.au Remler Consol Radio-pbo 1240 94.50 Motorola radio-phono 89.50 Howard battery model 32.05 S4 50 33.50 22.50 19.73 4933 20.75 23.50 13.73 34.75 11.50 22 25 33.75 33.75 Croaley walnut table 36.07 Howard whit plastic 2313 Crosley AM. St TM. 78.50 Trav-ler portable , .... 31.50 Crosier wmie piasne jq.iv Trsv-ler Leatherette ,. 17 5 Trav-ler radio phono ., , ,32-S. R.C-- Portable 4110 Crosley walnut Uble 37.50 Richmond Chair side 59.50 Motorola Dortable 34-0 See these to-oay ana aavci All New All Guaranteed ItHtchell Radio & Appliance State & 19th - Phone 37377 ITS m Treadle aewin machines as low as 8300. Good condition, uuaran- teed. Singer Sewing Center. UQ N. 4 POSTER Bed. coil springs and Inner- spring msttress. Ail lor -. ws t-lan4 Pntd Nnd.A.WiT Motel. ATMORAVS Harley Pueh. Ph 2-876 0 WAXiNG" REQUIRED with PLAS- TI-KOTE, the ceuopnane-- unisn for floors' or linoleum. Yester Appliance Co, 375 cnemeseta at. ORGANIC J FERTILIZER 0 The right way to re build the soil. 0 Free of weed seeds O Odorless 6 sacks $ 5.00 Bulk 1 ton 10.00 , 2 tons 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 KITCHEN Cabinets, bookcases msde rto order Repair, free esx pn. o-iioi, at A SILVER Trumpet St music rack. both in good cona. S4. njicnen ta ble with 2 bins, 3 drswers. ph. 3-8974 1 or caU at 160 N. 34th. fillver nlatine special offer - January only i , . Completely re silvered '3 pe tea sets $8.95 Trays IS in. $4.95 Knives forks, spoons 35c ea. salt and pepper shakers 80c ea, other articles accordingly. Amir P!tin. Co.' 1880 S 12th OIL ClBculators at greatly reduced prices Ye iter Appliance Co. .17S rhrmekrtt St. riUTCH Windmill, well constructed. sis. 4848 Rickman Rd. PAIR of Weed chains, fits tire size ; 8-2V17. Used 4 times, l single cnain " nil Tire size mwiio. r-n. jijw. fJS-D EUsctria refrigerators $4954 rand up. . - ! Yester Appliance Co, 37S Chemeketa St. g AS RANG-S. apartment sLte. two only, reduced $50. J. Yeater Appliance Co. 373 Chemeketa Walling Sand & Gravel Co Crushed Rock for roads St driveway. Cement, steady- mix concrete, v raen a a- dozing, drainage and aliening, u ya. shovel Sc drag line, pnone it wm frtur column Alcuna Gum St nay a ipenaer ivmu m - ait nttr Ph 9-4432 or 1-9793. SED Radios and records play era Sfl fift mnA in. X eater Appnance vow 373 Chemeketa St. Phillips Bros. fartnieer-. -retl rotted or fresh, any kind., by yard or sec, riagsione iot all rock work, eroar icnce po t ami elect nolea. anV length. shingles, yew osts lumber. Ph. b a Dm '1S Salem. CStD Electric' washers $19.95 and up. Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa St. j.j-i. ..z..-1 tS able, desk types, complete lbie ser vice any make mscnine. iuupd imm- n Aooiisnces. KtAt i-buR HOME electrically won i Westlnehouse or wesaa iwna- 1 electric heater Tester Appliance Co. 472 Want-. Iviscsto4o-s WANTED: 14-tutt, 33 Jjseea tv Piling. Advise price i point, quantity can supply, earliest shipment. v Niedermeyer - Martin ComDany. 714 Spalding Building. PORTLAND 4. Oregon. A rwater CHEAP Used pumo. Cash or will trade furniture, pn. wooury 474 MlscsDcmsons BRIDE For Sal Phone ,3-3798 after P.M. u luvm Rhos. Your oower Your tool rental headquarters - ' .T. . ,. . . c Ph 33S4S j JiaiJl Tci Rm used cameras at McEwan Photo Shop 435 State. . J Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUB SERVICE VH MOST CASES - . Bttag or Mail Your Plates for Repair r& RiRRf RH-UIJ31 DENTIST Adolnb Bk-t. tut Jk Com. Pb 8-3311 478 Fusil aiip 'vmw( is k 2. 113 cord de livered. Dry Prune wood 315 load deUvered. Green prune wood 813 de livered. Sawed any Zength. Also wood sawing, pn. z- VERY Good V and 3 in old ' growth ... i,vv- hi tf -SxlS in truck load lots, $20 per m. delivered. Ted Muller. CaU Salem 21198. COOD News; on these cold winter days when other iucis iau. nr. -a load of our special, large, dry win ter slab. It . will really keep you warm and be kind to your pocket book, too. Ph. -Oregon Fuel Co. now. 35533. ' , DRlf Wood. most kinds. Ph. 34278. WE Dp wood sawingPh. 34278. R ti . ALLEN Clean, dry. or given rnoea. aiso pianer wood No bark VlbO Candlewoo- Driv Ph. 3-2383. ' 450 Merchandise 478 Fusl ir OLD Fir. Second growth 813J0. .. Peliv. imm. oh. 3-8307. Highway Fuel Co. BTUTC Si D 1X3 EL DOS FRESa CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB PH. 3-8444 Phillips Bros. Old fir. ash. maple, oak 4 fir. tr slap and edirtnss pn. a-isse. Capital Lomher-Fnel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-8034 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACT tt H-ATCT -DRY SLAB wood or edgings, $8 cord delivered. Ph. 96 Turner. - Tri Gty Fuel PHONE 3-7443 " 18-tn. slab wood and edging Fresh rut screened sawdust U-ia. Inside mill wood, Tw m ae-'-sdJ ' A8X FOB 88 GREEN STAMPS West Salem Fuel Co. . U-Dt. DRY OR CRECN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS . Old growth block wood 1$ to. ! o Park SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 3-4031 pick up wood at 1523 Edgewster St. W Salem. 14" OAK Wood. $11 on place $13 de livered, ph. 3-7193 or 2-5807, rRY Pine box wool Call 3-91897 16rf Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 3 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem 813.00 For orders please call collect Independence 43 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence Oregon Elmer Boje -023 S. 12th Ph 3-9453 BLOCK WOOD for furnace, planer wood for cookstove. 16 in. old gtn nr Oregon Fuel Co. Dry slab or dry edging, fresh clean sawdust, green edging sau n. aoi. $10. Also 18" green sUb or 4' Phone 3-5533. ' . . Capital Lumher-Fuel Co." pnone -77zi or s-eozs SCREENED FRESH SAWDUST GREEN OAK 813. Ph. 2-2129. DRY 2nd growth fir. stove length: ReS. Ph. 23943. 38443. S- SLAB, i cords $10 Ph. 3-1458 DRY 2nd GROWTH fir wood $8. U haiL. Close in. Ph. 17T3. 500 Business & Finance 502 Buslnoss Opportanl fls A Nice, Place to live This property win pay while you en joy It. strictly moo. S3ZS montmy income. Consider some trade. Sea H. C. Shields Oregon Bldg. Ph. 38903 SMALL Houses, live In one. rent one also 34x30 bldg, cement floor, suitable for garage, or other busi ness. 1.28100 acre land. 83 ft well, located on good hiway, edge of town. 1720 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 94249 BUSINESS SPACE FOR LEASE New building, parking area in rear 3023 Portland Bd. Ph. 3-4433. 8-8793. NEW $ unit elec court, net 10. sound rentals, low up-keep. some trade $49,500. Owner Ph. 27071. GOOD Going cafe. Leaving town. Rea sonable by owner. 1007 s. comx 510 Mony To Loan PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State - Room 123 Lie. - S-123 M-165 C. R. Allen. MET BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" loan tnav make you Thrtftv in 'SO." Pay off your bills. Lower your month 1 payments. $50 to $1500 CaU or phone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans! 118 8. Liberty " Phone 4-2203 if Your Property la for sale It will pay you to know how' much of an FHA loan It will stand. ThU information to obtainable with but very little trouble. Do Not Hesitate to caU on us for eny information you desire about FHA iajans. State Finance Co. 153 S. High St.. Tel 34121 ' FARM and CITY LOANf 4li and 8 Your own terms of repayment srtthla reason Cash for Real Estate coo- tracts and second Mongafec. CAPITOL SECUiUT-E- CO. 307 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 4-3283 ' Private Monev On Car Truck St Trailer Home Long or Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons 13 Commercial 81 Ph. 3-9191 CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers snooey wo sou need Itl You can pay any m to reduce net cost I No endorsers, or helo from friends On ears, truck trailer homes to 8500.00 On furniture. uvestocK. equipment. salary or other persooaJ ptuveity t to $300,001 pbon or visit our office todsyl Lie- No. S13S and M33 General Finance Corp. PV $-3161 13 S. COMX ST. AUTO LOANS TT.I AMETl CREDIT CO. LIS A Church St . Pb. 3-3437 , Parking Aplenty Lie Ml 59- 154 WE OFFER O I- MORTGAGE LOANS TO VET ERANS. F. H. A. Ac CONVENTION AL MORTGAGES. LOW INTEREST -RATES; - LOW cosi. TITX SANFORD INC. 164 So. Coml Ph. 3-8389 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1-80 FalrsTounds Road n to hank, rree narkin Ph. 3-7033 -Uc. No. 34-S9-S-9L Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. 600 Employment 602 Help Wantod THE Bankers Life Ins. of Nebraska - a 1. v.l noenlne for a reoresen- tative. A substantial amount of business now- in force in local com- . m unity. Box no. 5 - ..n b-kcs- man." "A National organization will employ and train one hirh type salesman for local representative. If interest ed, write giving qualification. Box No. 458 The Statesman.", . 606 Help Wanted, Fsmql) EXPERIENCED Stenographer for In surance adjusters oice. Salary commences with ablUty. Jsck Neer Co 218 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 42274. CASHIER. SUte age and eJtperUnce, Box 453 statesman. 610 Sale- Persons Wantsd SALESMAN for Salem retail grocery trade area, s alary, expenses, car allowance write 79 S. E. Taylor, Gerber Baby Foods. Portland 14, CVnutm'An letter of aDolication stst qua' Jjcatljns. age. etc. Interviews by api Salem. ax. ..... 600 Employment 604 HIp Wcntad. tlols AUTO Mechanic experienced In tune up and motor repair. Must be good ana witting to work, inexperienced need not apply. See Vent at Tea rue MEN Wanted for cood lob with f V, ., . V A A . ' ... future. Earn $65.00 or more per week. Experience not necessary. Ap ply 438 Court St, Room 10L 615 SiruaHons V?antd COLLEGE Girl would like pert time w w Kpn. - vce. W A NTXX): Typing and envelope ad- urrorai XO OO ST nome. Bh. 2-7S13. Been locked out of my room oeen -ocaeo out of my Because cant find a')ot. I am a -veteran St will do anything. Box 481 Statesman DRESSMAKINft-alteratlona ' ph.S-9840. NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, AGE -9 9 DAYS A WEEK. PH. 34940. WANTED; Part time or .temporary scnerai oirice wore, years os ex- nerience. 35781. dsrpentr work, new, repsir Ph. 3?09. -tMtwr work. AU kinds. Ph 2-4850 BABY Sittihs by adult. Ph 3-43i7 CURTAInTwASHED. t retched 2-3443 CARPENTER Work Any- kind Res- sonswe 1161 Union PB 3-1487 OLDER Lady would like position maa- asing ants, or motor court In Salem. Reliable, experienced, best ef refer ences. Living quarters and small monthly wag expected. Statesmsn ( Box 451 SEWERS and septic Unka ins;lled and renalt'ed. Scharff Bmt 'Ph s.s.si Septic Tanks md cesspools vacuum cieanea. rree inspection. Ph. 38743. 842 Edeewater. Pauline Snitnr. EXPERIENCED Dental St physicians sssistant St receptionist. References. Box 493 1, Statesman. PLUMBING. Reasonable. Tel. 38377. 620 Day and Contract REPAIRING, remodeling, roofing Pb nr 3-njis AUTO PAINTING Just a shade bettet by Ray fro EH cau Bhcock Motor Co t-tll WATER WELL drUling Domeatie or trriration Duffield Bros Rt bos 88 Phone 3-1313 or 3-279$, Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-'s yds 10 B-a yds D-7 Cst it Doxer D- Cat at Dozer D-4 Cat St Doxer See us about ditching by th root Phone days 3-8408 Evenings 3-8248 or 3-4400 Salem Ores' on ROAD Grading, large At email iobsT ne grader. Ph. 3-5419 PAPERING. Painting, reas. Ph. 33-23 700 Rentals 702 Slowplnq Rooms. Board SLEEPING Bins. 783 N. Winter ph. 3-5539 UNFURN. Rm. utilities furn. Prefer woman. Pen earners., sou a. a-ma Ave. ROOM for rent, kitchen privileges op tional. Ph. 3-6027. WOMAN for companion to live in my home. Call evenings rn. a-ji. LGE. Rms. each with priv. enL Close in rail after 8 n.m. S-233. NICE Warm room, close In. 380 Mar lon St. ph. 3-5919. SLPING Rmfor gentleman. Pri enU Ph. 24427. . LARGE Sleeping room for couple or employed laay- w. winter, rn MENS Warm slpinr rms. Pri ent St phone. Ph. 334Z5. iaoa w. -apuoi SLP. RMS. with kit privileges, day, wk or mo. cioae tn. pn 3-oan CD. Rm. St board. 493 N. .Summer. 705 Apartmanta For Rnt FURN. 3 Rm. Couple employed. Auto. hot .water, rem sas ac anw. si JiiHann i B. R. Newly decorated ap, furn.. private ent. aauity oniy. pn. a-wwi or artsr p.m. z-oouo FURN. Apt. 2 rooms 4c bath priv. ent. S40. m- lncl-des utilities. Almost downtown for X employed girls ph. 2-5539 eve 3 APTS. ph. 3-5838. NICE 3 rm. duplex apt. Venetian blinds, all elect: 2229 Lee 5t 1 RM. St kitchenette, furn. refrig. elec stove, beat At water furn. l duc from stores. 96S Saginaw, 1 rm. Basement apt. No drinkers 435 Division. FURN. Aot refrig, private bath. 52- N. Church St. CLOSE In. Mod. 3 rm. priv. bath, 533 N. Winter. LOWER Floor furnished hested apt. two business people. 359 N. Liberty. FURNISHED Apts. $20 and $40. 1968 W. ComX APT. for working glrla near Capitol. all vUUUes furn. Call after or on Sun. PI- 3-1073. 1329 SUte St. Back of lot. , . PARTLY Furn. apL Private ent. 1505 Broadwsv 3 RM Bsm't spt partly furn. priv. bath, close-in. North Inq. Burt Picha. 379 NTHIgh St. 3-3849. I RM. APw newly decor, close tn. Emp. lady, cos s. aammeT.. SMALL Furn apt. Close In. 1 or J adult., call at apt. 4. s-3 mu. i B. R., lower flat, partly furn. Adults. Ph 34697 bet. 5 St 9 P.m. 3 RM Unfurn basmt apt. Newly dec. Rugs St dra-je furn. Ph. 28613, i4 rvtwl 73 N. $ RM Furn single apt. Refrls. pri bath Sc ent. 184 i. I4tn. pn. ttwt. NEW Atis - 2 or 3 rm. Partly furn, Phone 3-8087. . 1-4 rm partly furn apt. Close In. 1-3 rm furn apt. S3 pn. yao. NICE 3 rm court apts. Furn or un- furn. 1884 S. 13th. RlCE 3 rm furn spt for 3. $50. 819 Norway. Ph. 28439. BEAUT LTUL Spacious elec 4 rm range, rcfrie. AdulU. Ph. 27071. SdOD Furn 3 Ige rm. Pri ent, bath, refrig lit fl, adults. 843 Union. 3 KM Apt In beautiful court. Unfurn except refrig and range, automatic laundry, convenient to state bldrs and University, city bus. Call 907 13 after 10 a.m. LIVE better at the Ambassador. $50 to $75. 550 N Summer. Pnone 3-enro. $ RM. Apt. Private bath, stove At di nette set furn. a poruana no. 707 Houses For Rnt 3 RM. Flat mod. Suburban. Reason able. Rt. 8 Box 17. J-ROOM Furnished bouse. 413 Ever green Ave : t St 3 RM. Partly furn. houses. Heal. light St water paid. 2860 S. Coml. ONE 3 rm. house, partly furn. $25. One 4 rm, partly furn. $30. Not modern. Inq. 63 Williams Ave. PARTLY Furn shed. 1 BR. home. $Sd. Also 1 eK. home, near High School, 955.. OU clrc. heat. Ph. 3-8389. 1 BED Rm. mod. hse. wired for range, far. $43. 83 Highway Ave. AVAILABLE Jan. 10th ne Bed room house, Bendix. elec. heat 960. Also 3 B. R. house with bsmt.. elec. heat $80. Walking ciatance. pn. win, NICE Trailer house. Ligb.U St . water furn. Butane. Ph. 31746. . 4 RM. Hae. Electric beat. J. J. Broas. COTfAGfeS uUlitles paid. Ph 34815?' NEW 3 B.R. suburban duplex. All electric $70 mo. See caretaker at . Atu l Ktmtm fir Ph.' 31125. Rt. 1. BOX -34. SMALL Furn caBin inc utilities. Near school i ous, s-a rn. -no. nws Trailer Court. 15 Wu'iams Ave. T 709 Wanted to Rent I WANTED BY Young working couple with child. Need 3 B. R. house nesr Trsnsportatlon. can psy $50. pleare rail 2-7483 sfter 3 P.M. JB. RTTjnfurn. house or apt. Young couple with 3 small rtrls. ph. 3-6086. iTBD Koom unfurni-hei home In Nortit East section of Salem. Phone 3-3495. couple with 1, babiess Ph, 3-496J. 800 Real Estate CCS Housss Fa fkdm Open JUST COMPLETED 3 bdrro eolotyle bath, shower, fireplace, large titUlty room, kitchen, dinins area. Lot $3 x 130 paved st. Venet. bhnd-. Insulated. 980 Pin St. t biks. North of ILtghlsnd Av. FRANK J. ZUMSTEIN, OWNER & BUILDER . . . PHONE 3-8817 ... . . . . ....... Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors s ' NEAT SMALL HOME - NORTH Extra Uugmotrubt. gardca and cherry -rees. terms may be had fall " LOTS OF ROOM :- "1 . 8 bedroom-. Large corner lot, located on N. 19Ui St., fireplace, garage Look it over $7500 complete. t . i ' SUBURBAN NEW III Dont miss seeing this home tt will be sold before it is finished 3 bed rooms all on one floor, fireplace, hardwood floors, double aarace. on pavement Financing will be available. JUST $9000. - A REAL BUY IN MANBRIN GARDENS ' Extra large S bedroom home (app. 1400 sq ft. floor space), oil furnace in sulated and weather stripped, very attractive Uvtng-roora with corner fireplace Reduced to only $11,950 for January Clearance NAME YOUR OWN DOWN PAYMENT. wt NORTH WINTER STREET 800 BLOCK Well constructed 4 bedroom home, plus den, double plumbing, fireplace, full basement with auto furnace heat, double garage, huge lot. nice yard, top grade school location Call for appointment. DONT FORGET See us for Insurance. - OHM ART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve Henry 3-363 3- New, Modern, 3 Bdrm. Suburban House ; In new addition, .'. mile east of Four Corners on State St, has hdwd. floors throughout, ven. blinds, completely Insulated and weather-stripped. See the other 3 bdrm. houses, then compare with this one for only $8950. Low down payment, balance like rent '. . 125 Kenwood Ave. Phone (We also have- a new 3 700 Rentals 710 Wauled To Rent' Houses 3 or 3 B. R. hou-e doe to t a nspor . -tinn muil have humwnL Fur- l nish rets, ph. Z-BQ43 am. or eves. LOCAL Executive want 3 or 4 B R. unfurn. modern home, -test oi ref erences. Phone Davis at 3-4133. fURNISHED or partly furn. 3 Bdrm. bouse reasonable couple wiin one child, on. 3-7273. CHRISTIAN YOUNG COUPLE, desires - 2 bd. rm. hac, gar, not over sae mo. Call 2-7608. -NEED three or sour bedroom home. call 3-4532. 1 BDRM Hse for reliable couple with small ?hd. Emp try local, uuuiy. Ph. 84833 .after p-m. 714 Bu-dnsss Rental BUSINESS Room. H. 1 8Ufx. 800 Real Estate BEST BUYS i Out of the Rain 4 rm. home. North. 30 x 200 lot, almost new. needs some work, wired for range. $820 down, total price $3450. Eves. ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. , $500 Down 3 bdrm. home inside city. large lot. older type, range and heater goes. We believe this is a good buy- for $4930. Eves. ph. 3-7674 or 3-3358, Auto Court - i 7 modern units, furnished, oil heat, electric range each unit; lot 100 x 300 ft. Large enough for 7 more units. " Low operating expense, liberal terms. Total price only $21400. Eves. 3-7674 or 3-3553. - : Let Your Money Work For You W have a service station listed: prop erty, equipment, building, leased for le per gaL Owner win guarantee not less than $300 per mo. income. Ev erything goes for $2600. Check for details, well worth tnvestigstlng, some terms. Eves. ph. 3-7674 or 3-3358. Ready, Willing &.Able Yes. we are ready to start building you a home with 780 Sq. ft. floor space, hdwd. firs.. Plastered, auto. oU furnace, lots of built-in-, utility rra inside storage space in attic, 3 plate glass windows and car port. We are willing to finance It for you for $300 down and $5$ per mo. on your lot, and are able to deliver it to yea in less than SO days. Class A construction. Com in for seuia. ; , . f a ' ' o Acres Very modern brand new home, new range and refrigerator, rood well, a good buy for only $6300. Eve. ph. 3-4733 or 3-3358. ZlA Acres Close in. north. 4 rra. home. 18 x 33 barn, chicken noue. weu. "v.' nuts A berries. WUiametle soil, to tal price only $6000. Eves. ph. 3-4733 or 1-3K9. Al Isaak & Co Realtors 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820. 3-4598 10 Acres $1000 Down at d rrtie modem house, garage, bam. 20x90 cnicken nouse. ocara vmc Independence, price $7500. Sacrifice 4 Acres 3 b rm. modern older house, paved. . ea -.i . W - Viei aaa nr ST might pay off. Price $-500. $1000 r4ll KaiMlU . S Acres 4 Rm. Unfin. Hse. Furnished lnc, refrig.. etc, sandy soil. Iocs lea sou in. rn. suuv. Trailer bouse $100 down price 8600. furnn mciai covereu.. a Invest $2500 get $160 Month Trailer court In Salem, S tots, this low nrieed deal needs b ni ss&oo. E. Hunter .Real Estate TT S. Com. Ph. 2449. Eve. 3S49T 808 Ho-ses For Sale TrNriNlKHED HOME vsvis ft. home faces East ea rood paved road. Uv. rm, din. rra, kitchen, hall, bath and $ .bdrma, appro x. 1100 sq. feet Only Interior needs eompleticn. plbg. fixtures In cluded. Btvm water -.. Call Roy Ferris -RESIDENTIAL, COURT . New 4 units court St uUltty rm. In com f-00 per mo Price $18,000 - . Call Peter Geiser GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St Ph.3-3471 r in-- a fliifwlan ea If: Roy Ferris SHSOlOi Peter Oeiaer 3-995 800 Real Estate 03 HcniMS For Sals I! 1-5 Sunddy oil piped furnace. Urge living room. Bob 3-4770 Phone 3-4118 3-4118 Ku-y s-3779 3-1125 bdrm. house for $7830) 802 Bualneas fiopeily New Duplex Ground Floor, New . . . 3 bed rms. in each unit, hardwood, firs. ' elect hest. elect, rang, tt refr. in each. Hollywood dist FJIA. built,. WUl take small home for equity, $15-00. - - r Furnished Hotel, Good Income Has averaged $50 a month or more tne last is months, full basement sut heat. 16 rms. At 3 apt, norlh of Salem $17,000. Will take la horn in Salem up to $8000. Duplex, Down & Up So. Liberty, Up rented for $40. owner airing an. uoi suxit s'sua. make an ouer. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1328 SUt - Ph. 3-5580 - 2-8813 804 Suburban BY. OWNER: New 2 B. R. home, auto neat, nara wnoa iioors witn acre age. 3 mt out. 4143 N. River Rd. 806 Rcnises For Sal , SUBURBAN New 3 BJt. home all on 1 fir, garage St extra lge utility rm, on A. .wat er for irrigation, near Gr. School. 1 bl. to bus. Priced at 37950. Mori g. $2650. WiU stand investigation, call for an appcdi ltment to sea. J ohn oo. BURT PICHA, Realtors 378 N. High St Phone: 2-3648 Eve: 3-7451 or 2-5390 NEW 3 B R. house 251 Gerth St Phone 2-4411. i BY OWNER: 4 B. R. home Manbrin Carder s. Reduced te $9200. ph. 2-3030 or see at 488 Wavne Dr. 8 RM. Mod. hse. $550O Terms. Imine- diate posses-ion. 3383 Claude Pb. 2-5512. BY Owner 1 B. R. house. Close to Highland school. Ph. 27033. Near St. Vincent dePaul A nice 3 BJt home, full basement, fire place, oil heat large 11 v. rm. Sc din. rn , fenced In back lawn. Dble ga rage. Englewood $8950 3 B.R. mod. home, fireplace. MWB. UTS. XKIC DKK ItWB. WUl SSX. Nooncbester. - i ' H. E. Corey Real Estate 1365 -TtJ Broadway pnone i-oaaa Nparlv Nrw 2 Beflrm- Home Hardwd. firs. Extra large garage. fenced back yasd. This M a goo home Sc can be bought for $150 DN. $8500. Fur. 2 Bedrm. Home Close In $1000 DN. $40. Month. Lot on alley. garage..gooa nuy tor w. Beautiful 4 Bedrm. Home Trade There are 9 of these kind of homes. Exclusive settings, on So. Church St. Right across SC from' blind school, at this is one of them. Will take in small er home. $16000. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1328 SUte St Ph. 3-5580. 3-8813 GOOD DEAL I Real sacrifice I Owner leaving city. 3 B. 8. comfortable S yr old home. Weatherstripped At Insul. 50x120 lot landscaped St fenc ed backyard. Newly painted. As sume G. I. loan. 38000. $1000 dn. $63 mo. 2087 Bruce, ph 2-2858. New FHA Approved Pretty white 3 bedroom bungalow with ' electric heat and attached garage. Paved comer lot across from park. ' Close to school, bus and stores. Price $6800 Will consider car as down pay ment Call Boa Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtors Ph. 3-5109 ' 1211 Edgewater DRIVE BY 1844 NO. 4th and see this late ' buiH 3 BJt all elec. home. Ut, DR. - with coved eeiUae-. A kitchen that -wlB please. Attached garage, v uttl- Ity room, fenced bick yard. lge. lot All this for only $9500. Terms.. 3" RM. HSE, needs some work, 50x10 tTnaved St.. eood bath. Wired for elec. rge. Rge. goes. 31300. WHY PAY RENTf Only $500 dn. moves you lighe Into a neat. mod. well built cottage. Hollywood dist, close to stores, school it bus. lncls. elec. rre st $3500 YOUR GROWING FAIY will appro- elate this weU styled Reiser home. Of- fers lkD rm, spc- ous kitchen. 3 B. XL down, space for 3 more up. (Stairs In) Hdwd. tin., coved ceiling, ven. , bids. uUL room. 2 ear garage, well - landscaped lawn, on lge, blocks to school t f--s and bus. Only .. $150 Dn. ACT NOWl Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive listingsPersonal Servios 164 S. Com L -- -. -SJ vw a mum