Th Statesman, Saltm. Oregon, Thursday. January 8, 1833 I SOCIETY CLUBS l jyl L j IliSi " I It i ii I Km BRING DECORATION OUT OF Almost everyone collects old glass and china. You probably, have more of it than you realize, , the pieces that couldn't be resist ed in a fascinating antique shop, the family prizes ,that grand mother handed down to you. Take out all the unused pieces and see if there isn't a lot of dec- . ration there that now goes to waste, in both the good old pieces . and less old ones that are inter esting in color and design. Try your hand at making a handsome arrangement in a cupboard that puts glass and china out where it shows. Experiment until you , have something there that's out- Reception For ;;New Officers J f Chadwick chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, metTuesday evening ' for the first meeting of the new - year with Mrs. William L. Lewis, worthy matron and Mr. Gail H. Jones, worthy patron, presiding. Greens . decorated the chapter . room. Past matron, Mrs-D, M. Eby, and Jason Frizzel, past patron, were, introduced and escorted to " the east Also introduced was Lirs. 1 Myrtle Weatherholt of Rose Crouix chapter. South Bend, Indiana, who joined the chapter by affiliation. Piano solos were given by Doro . thy Pederson, and vocal selections by Mrs. David Cameron were. en Joyed by the chapter. ; Following the meeting, the in . coming officers were feted with - a, reception given by the retiring appointive officers, Mrs. Elsie Kid- well, Mrs. Dorothy Perrin, Mrs. Esther Wilson, Mrs. Helen Anth ony, Mrs. Essie Nash, Mrs. Hilda Unruh, Mrs. Moilie Boesch, Mrs. Gladys Cooper, Mrs.v Bethlene Loose, Mrs. Margaret Anderson, and Mrs. Jean Zebb. DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Vaughn were hosts at a family dinner at their country home in : the. Pioneer district New Year's Day. Bidden were Mrs. Ruth Neaf and son Robert, mother and brother of Mrs. Vaughn; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Neaf and ' baby ; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Steels and baby and Mrs. Topple Grant, all of Milwaukie and Mrs. Winnie Wag ner of -Dallas, mother of Eldon - Vaughn.! : .' Deoilu Anderson, 4on ef the Lawrence Andersons, celebrated his third , birthday on Tuesday ' afternoon at the suburban home of his parents with a few friends bidden for the celebration. : 1 Yas . . . NOHLGRZNS walcomas you bock to the.,: HEALTH-FILL BREAXFAST VrfTLE VINE NEW BUFFET DINNER , .MILLER'S DOWNSTAIRS CAFETERIA ' " : I : s i f ! Wa'ra raopanad now drassad out la bow color and fastir spirit to sarr you batter and la more comfort :-?! t 1 1 , Yca're Very 7elcone &1 Dowatowa HIDING standing decoration for the room. Or use fewer pieces individually for plants for tables and chests all over the bouse. Transplant from ordinary pots to old glass con tainers and the container does as much decorating as the plants. Combine several varieties of dainty leafed plants to footed bowls, make terrariums j with small ferns in covered glass dishes. Boklet please. Coming, as If . ya writ to Elizabeth HUlyer at thii newspaper for her booklet SMART ! AS PAINT . PAINTING PROB LEMS SOLVED Enclose IS cents and a (tamped self-addressed envelope. (Copyright 1950 by John T. Dine Co.) CLUB CALENDAR THURSDAY "Past Resents, DAR. with Mrs. James O. Heltzel. 710 South Liberty, st. 1 o'clock no-host luncheon. Keizer Ladies Sewing club with Mrs. J, A. Braunberger. rout 2. 1 Maccabees SAD regular monthly re view. Beaver nan, s p m. Klnrwood American Legion iary. West Salem Legion haU. auxil S p.m. FRIDAY ! Nebraska club party at VTW hall. 1 JO" pjn,. refreshments. ' : v ,; i Barbara rrietchie Tent. DUVJ public Installation. Woman's club. 1 ; p.m. En fie wood Woman's club with Mrs. Lloyd Pepper. 1040 N. 16th st, .1:19 dessert - 'uncheon. , SATURDAY OAR Woman's clubhouse. S p.m. MONDAY ! t i Rotana club with Mrs. Lester' Thom as. 1595 Roosevelt St.. 7 JO dessert. i Wesleyan Service guild, rirst Meth odist church with Mrs. John Carkin. 85 North Summer street, S nan. TUESDAY i I Junior guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church, parikhr bouse, 1 p.m. no-host luncheon. , i Card Parties to Be Resumed Card parties at St Vincent de Paul will be resumed on Thursday, January 12, at 8 o'clock after the Advent season. Pinochle, i whist, 500 and bridge are to be in play. 1 Mrs. George Grushalla is gen eral chairman, Mrs. Roy Green, Mrs. Earl Griepentrog, Mrs, Rich ard Evans, Mrs. E. J. Ginther and Mrs. Ed Heenan are co-chairmen. Women whose names begin with E through I art to assist i ' Mrs. Kenneth Sherman u n hostess Wednesday night at her home to members of her club with Mrs. Robert DeArmond an addit ional guest ) Mr. and Mrs. Estes L. Marion were hosts for. a holiday open house on New -Year's Day at their sum mer home at Wecoma for staff members of the First National bank, their wives and husbands. mmB Jack i 1 1 on Stat Stroat "- . MUSIC Betrothals ' Announced At Parties - --.!: : - - . i ' " : ' ' ; By Jeryme English ' ' Statesman Society Editor ; Still more names are being add ed to the ever-growing list of brides-elect i Troth Told at Sorority Attractive Donna Lou Lambert daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben jamin F. Lambert, told her Del Gamma sorority sisters of her betrothal to Eldon Caley, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph E. Caley, on Tuesday night at dinner at the Court street chapter house. Guests first ' . learned of the announcement on arriving when they ' found a New L Year's man on the door with a bell in one hand ringing out the old year and in the other hand a diamond to ring in the new year. One of the coeds dressed -like the figure on the door came in blowing a horn and wearing a "1950 ban ner to read the New Year's pro clamation, which revealed the news. The bride-elect passed the traditional box of chocolates to her "sisters".' I Miss Lambert and her fiance are sophomores at Willamette uni versity nd he is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. No plans have been made for the wedding. Miss Hussey Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Hussey are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Donna Lou, to Donald A. Heinz, jr., a son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Heinz. No date has been set for the nuptials. Both Miss Hussey and her fiance are attending the Northwestern Bible college in Minneapolis. Miss Messmer to Wed, Reveared on New Year's eve at a party -was the engagement of Miss Marcella Messmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Mess mer, to Dean Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Miller. The wed ding date has not been set by the young couple. . Coeds Return to Oregon State Misses Marilyn and Lois Burris, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burris, returned, to Oregon State college atCorvallis this week, where they will continue their studies in the school of education. The two girls were in Salem for the holiday vacation. They are both members of the Sigma Kappa sorority and take an active part in house affairs with Marilyn, a sophomore, now-assistant rushing chairman, and Lois serving as vice-president of the house. Also returning to school is Miss Eva McMullen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. D. McMullen, Miss McMullen Is a sorjhomore in bus!. ness and technology land has been acuve in sigma Kappa athletic intramural program. NTINUES AT t J Reduced to a I . . LUCIOr j) Sao Prico . :- ; 466 1 STATE STREET t - i 4 9- - Miss RutHanne Nelson, daughter of the Roy P. Nelsons of Dallas, whose engagement to Richard Whitely, son of Mrs. Joseph W. Chambers of Salem, has been announced. No plans- have been made for the wedding. (Bishop Ten Couples in Bridge Tourney Mr. and Mrs. William F. Leary won the husband-wife duplicate tournament of the Salem Elks club in the opening event of the 1950 season. Ten couples participated, while sevsen other teams also play ed. Mr. land Mrs. W. E. Kimsey were second and . Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B Huston were third. Winners on the 'east-west side were Mrs. George Henderson and Mrs. Dorothy Remmy ot Browns ville, while Howard Pickett and Ellis H. ; Jones were second, and Mrs. John S. Bone and Mrs. Milton D. Parker were third. Next tournament will be the January jmaster point event Friday evening at the Elks club, while the new weekly series opens next Monday, January 9. I ' . Detroit Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Manning of Detroit announce the marriage of their daughter, Ro berta, to Dorland Ray on Decem ber 27. The groom is the, son of Mr. and Mrs. Huber Ray of Idanha. The young couple was married at a simple ceremony, at Stevenson, Washington and was unattended. The bride wore a corsage of camel ias andl carnations withiier copper colored, satin suit Mr. and Mrs. Holly Jackson and sons, Phil and Clark, returned home Sunday by plane from Palo Alto, Calif., where they spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hastorf. The Jacksons also attended the East West game while in the bay area. Dr. and Mrs. Sydney P. Levene have just returned from a three week trip, east . i A : : :-! . Boy Born to Jahns From Portland comes news of the birth of a son, Barry Michael, to Mr. and Mrs. Amos R. Jahn (Margaret Barrett) on January 2 at the Emanuel hospital. The Jahns formerly. lived in Salem and attended schools here. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Barrett of Portland, formerly of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jahn of Portland. The great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Waldlespel of Salem. On Etiquette By Roberta Lee Q. When a . woman, traveling alone, meets a man acquaintance on a train and he invites her to the dining carH what does she do about the bill? A. She may assume that he wishes to be host and that he would be offended if she refused to allow him to pay for the meaL However, women who travel alone must be careful about accepting favors . from men. It is better to ask the waiter to bring separate bills. If a woman. accepts an invi tation from a man, it should be for once only. Q. If a bride's father is not liv ing, should the mother give her away? A. This is seldom done, the rite usually being performed by a man. The bride may choose her brother, an uncle, cousin, r even a very close male friend of her family. Q. When should a woman rise to receive an introduction to a man? A. When she is a hostess, and in this instance, she not only rises; but extends her hand in greeting. Artists Win . Awards ' A display of art by amateur art ists of four counties is underway at the Elfstrom galleries. An oil, "Still Life, Mexicano? by Loren Allen of Valsetz was awarded the grand prize by the judges. The painting la a large still life, the bright colors of Mexico. The art ist, an ex-GI who studied in Mex ico has been granted a one-man show in the galleries at a later date. ,- i The blue, ribbon winner is a watercolor of Redwood trees painted by Ottelyn Knapp, Corval lis housewife. It is done in bold strokes and vivid coloring; second award went to Elsie .Larson of Sa lem for her watercolor of an Ore gon landscape; an Imaginative landscape in watercolor by Alberta Bowder of Salem received third place. Honorable mention awards were won by Geneva Dee Harri son, John George, Shirley Coates, H. B. Johnson and Dick Unruh, all of Salem and Emma Eubal of Cor vallis. - In the exhibit of 50, works in cluded artists ranging from 18 to 75 years of age.' Larry Boulier, director, states that the present show is the best ever held in Sa lem by amateur artists, and the galleries plan to make it a yearly event Hites Celebrate Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hite cele brated their silver wedding an niversary at an informal at home on December 30 at their South 14 th street residence. Seventy guests, called between 7:30 and 10:30 o'clock. The table was centered, with a decorated, pink and white tiered cake, which was cut by Mrs. Wil liam Balch, Mrs. Herbert Elliott presided at the coffee urn and Mrs. Ivan Bowers at the punch bowl. Assisting were Mrs. F. B. McClin tic, Mrs. Frank Davis and Mrs. Charles Hathaway. Mr. and Mrs. IL G. Malson re turned to the capital Monday from a holiday visit in Jackson, Misi. with their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Kelton Lowery. Mrs. Melvin H. Geist entertain ed her bridge club at a dessert supper Wednesday night at the West Lafelle Street home. Mrs. W. Wells Banna will preside at a bridge luncheon this afternoon at her Ben Lomand Park home for members of her club. Additional guests will be Mrs. Joseph More- land, Mrs. Wolcott . Buren and Mrs. William U Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Napier and son, Donald of Eugene are arriv ing today to spend the remainder of the week at the home of her parents, Judge and Mrs. Arthur Hay. J AN rv F vw 1 1 : 1 1 . now 1WJ U !.' -.: : ; ; r-:;-vt;-; it- 'I j -' - . i Mirrors Can! Perform Miracles In Making Small By Mrs. Genevieve Smith That mirror can perform dec-; rative miracles in making a small : room look larger and any room more alive, is an .... ! .axiom known 1 1 ; 'to all decorat ors, professional and home maker. Now that you are beginning to cast speculative ( r eyes around your ur home, take I ' , ' $ te of what a I Y ... ell placed! v' note mirror might do " 4 here and there. Mrs. Smith i ' : The types that are available are , numerous indeed, ranging from1 the purely utilitarian to the high; ornamental. ''".) . '' ':' '; ! Even some of the strictly deco rative wall mirrors are taking on a new utility: For a foyer that la well enough lighted to be used as a check-up on your good grooming,' there is a new type triple mirror. The Side ' panels , fit snugly against the wall and are so designed that they do not interfere with the:, total effect. But a whisk, of, the panels will ipjeeeeeeciBjpa sjefleweflM lriewiMvJfe4i DALLAS Mrs. Coele Cantril invited a group of young friends to a Watch party at her home Saturday night to help her daugh ter, Ann, celebrate her birthday. The evening was "spent taking pictures, playing games and danc ing. A buffet lunch was served at a late hour. Out of town guests were Mrs. Louis Beauchamp ! of Stayton and Mrs. Mabel Freeman of Portland, great aunts of Ann. Hostesses Give I At Homes 8ILVERTON r Two pre-New Year's at homes were those given by Mrs. R. E. Kleinsorge and Miss Hannah Qlsen. ! ' t Assisting Mrs. Kleinsorge at her tea on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons at the East Main street home was her daughter. Miss Eliz abeth Kleinsorge. Assisting Miss Olson was Miss Shirley Sied, who makes her home with Miss Olson. Miss Qlsori entertained Thursday and Friday afternoons. ; i nnVTLATVD IMPROVED SILVERTON Gordon Hov land, confined to the Dallas hos pital for several weeks 'due to in juries sustained in a car accident is reported as improving satisfac torily. He 'was able to spend Christmas with bis family at the F. E. Gil pa trick home in Silver ton Hills but had to return again to the hospital for further treat ment I----., : -1- i;- 111 AH offers you tho y grcatost clothing calo ovont SAVE BY SALE-SHOPPING-EVERY DEPARTMENT Storbfortodlos Rooms Larger transform it Into a looking glass, j Of course, full length dooi . 'mirrors are the tops in good ser vice. Now you can get them up to 72 inches long for extra large doors. .Wider widths also are available 16 and 18-Inch being ' among far, more popular Nines. Some stores today, are adopting the policy of doing the installa tion for you at no extra cost so -, ! be sure to ask about this when , you make a selection. -, Another decorative trend is the i use of much larger mirrors not only full length, but some domi nating the width of the wall it self, i We have seen this idea used effectively in living rooms in which the stairway to the second floor is located at one end. i The triangle-shape . wall, end is j mirrored, thus making the room ; appear much larger, i - j Wall mirrors are styled for ! modern or virtually any period of decoration. There is a notice i able trend toward the unframed i mirrors with etched or cut de i signs giving great decorative ef ! fect;: v ! ' fCopyriirht, 1950, " ' General Features Corporation) 1 -r , ' . Farewell Gifts" For Officers . Mrs. Justine Kildee, noble grand of Salem Rebekah lodge, conducted an impressive farewell ceremony for her officers on' Monday. Sha presented her officers, and com mittee heads with gifts. Mrs. Sadie Henderson! was elected trustee for . the next three year" term. Mrs. Clarence Kimball gave a report on the Salem Council of Women and the lodge voted and approved. the suggestion that the sanitation system be improved in Salem in an effort to rid the city of rats. . ';' The Fl club will meet at the home of Mrs.- Dorothy Hill, 665 Catterlin, on Thursday night Next Monday night will be team prac tice. St John's Lutheran Guild meet ' ing slated for today has been post poned until Thursday, January 12. GUARANTEED WATCH CLOCK and JEWELRY REPAIRING .-; -at , REASONABLE PRICES Th Jewl Box , 443 State One Deer From " Western Unlcm 1 1 ' if ydaKs La i :!t?r i !