2 :V!' Rep ublicansOpp oseNeiv Asked by Truman WASHINGTON, Jan; 4-iAVRepublican cries against "socialism" and new taxes; greeted President Truman's message to congress on . the state of union today. Democratic! supporters praised the president, they said he pointed the way to lasting peace and mounting prosperity. I But democrats to general reacted cautiously to Mr. Truman's re- Quest tor a "numerate amount" or new. taxes. Democratic tax leaders called for cuUj in spending. And southern democrats balked as ex pected at the president' civil rights -program. , - With prepared statements and verbal comments to reporters, members of congress gave a pre view of battles to come, in the new session and at 'the polls next fall. More than 100 house republicans signed a statement by Rep. Martin of Massachusetts, their party lead er, declaring the United States is being "taxed into, socialism." ."In the broadest view, this statement said, "the president has again given notice that he is whol ly committed to the eventual so cialization of America and elimin ation of the traditional American competitive system which made this nation the greatest on earth." The house , republicans declared Mr. Truman's message also gave notice to housewives, working men, farmers and business men that , 'there is no hope at any time in the foreseeable future" for tax re lief and government economy. I On the other hand democratic leaders found much ; to praise in j the message. I ' "It Is a courageous message con sistent with President Truman's leadership," said Rep. McCormack of Massachusetts, the house demo era tic leader. "Internationally, it ' shows his determination to stop communism and aggression; from the domestic side, the strengthen- ': lng of the family life of America." Senator Lucas of Illinois, the democratic senate leader, called the message an eloquent expression of the president's "humanitarian phil osophy. Senator .Taft (R-Ohio) men ted: . "The president's message Is mild In tone, but most of the socialist handout program is vstiil to be found in the very innocent sound . log language., It reminds me of ; that quotation from Byron, the mildest mannered man that ever scuttled ship or cut a throat.' . "The message is full of incon sistencies. J t expands on the ex traordinary results in this country of liberty and a free system at the same time that it advocates mea sures which wouKI destroy free dom "Special privileges to labor 'union bosses, the compulsory me dical plan, the Brannan farm con - trols and increased taxes." I . Senator, Hlckenlooper (R-Iowa) said the message reminded him of the words of the air corps, song -Off we go into the wild blue yonder." V The republican senate leader, Senator Wherry of Nebraska, rip- ped into the president for .seeking "more back-breaking taxes to car ry forward his program of spend- thrift socialism." . . ! ! Wherry also attacked adminis tration policy In the Far East, de claring: '- j ; "For the embattled Chinese peo ple and other Asiatics under the communists' heel or threatened by it, the president is woefully silent and apparently determined to go forward with his blundering Far "East policies that please the com munists." - I ' com- Portland Knife Victim Dies; Murder Chargec PORTLAND, Jan. 4 -(ff)- Alorizo X. Wright, 37, died in a hospital today from the results of a Christ mas day stabbing. . h v A first; degree murder charge was filed immediately afterward against Hubert Vinhard Cooper, 39. ( Cooper was accused of stab bing Wright after finding the lat ter with Cooper's common-law wife. ; . . I ' a. c. PERFECT EXHIBITION TUCSON, Ariz, -(INS)-f Nelson was giving an exhibition on "how hot to fly" at a recent air show when his light i plane stalled and crashed. Nelson escap ed uninjured. j xmw Brannan Bill Okeh Sought By President WASHINGTON, Jan. 4-(Ph- President Truman set the stage today for a strenuous battle for the farm vote in this year's con gressional i elections by calling upon congress to pass the contro versial Brannan farm programs Few farm leaders including those in the administration camp expect the present congress to adopt, the j plan. But most of them took the view that the president's recommendation laid the ground work for a campaign to win elec tion of lawmakers committed to passage of the Brannan proposal at a later session. - Outlined last year by Secretary of Agriculture Brannan, the ad ministration proposal would P pro vide generally higher farm price supports than does present law. It also would set up a new method of supporting farm in come. Surpluses of perishable products would be allowed to move into markets at natural price levels. The government no longer would buy up and remove from the market a part of the supply in an effort to keep prices from dropping below guaranteed levels. But if the prices went be low a predetermined fair level, the .government (meaning the taxpayers)! would pay the farm-1 spending figures . - $42 Billion et Seei By Speaker Buds 4 -m- ers the difference. By Francis J. Kelly WASHINGTON, Jan. President Truman will-ask for fa little above $42,000,000,000" ko run the United States next year. House Speaker Sam Rayburn said today, j 'i I Spending in the present fiscal year, which ends June 30, is of ficially estimated at 343,500,004), 000. This government'sincome now Is running about $38,000,000,00 a year, j 1 - j Rayburn, a White House insider by personality as well as position, let out the prospective budget total at a news conference shortly before the president delivered bis sUte of the union message in person jto a joint session of congress. In that address, Mr. Truman coupled a broadly phrased request for additional taxes with a warn ing against "crippling" cuts in the budget i for fiscal 1951 which he will present next Monday. . Rayburn estimated that next year's budget would be about $1, 800,000,000 smaller than this year's, although that figure did riot appear ! to jibe with Mr. Truman's latest revised estimate of current spending". It is possible that the speaker had in mind the total jof appropriations and contract au thorizations for the year, rather than the actual expenditures which budget : accountants customarily use as their base. 4 Reaction to the president's re quest for more revenue was swift although hardly surprising in an election year congress. j Republicans predicted promptly there will be no tax hike this year. Lawmakers in bohth parties pre dicted that congress will cut the to be submitted 1 by Mr. Truman. Empire Dock Collapses, Damping Pulp, Auto COOS BAY, Jan. 4 -(A9)- A por tion of the Coos Bay Pulp Corp; marine loading dock at Empire collapsed today, dumping about 1.000 tons of pulp and a new auto mobile into the water. The pulp was valued at about $75,000 but some of it may be sal vaged. Damage to the dock was estimated at $50,000. Bid to Repeal Taft-Hartley Bill Repeated WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 -(JP)-President Truman called anew to day for repeal of the Taft-Hartley law, but in such muted tones as to indicate he does not expect con gress to react any kindlier now than last year when the lawmakers spumed his plea completely. He laid greater stress, instead, on a broad labor program to deal with such problems as unemploy ment, social security and welfare, general health and medical care and an educational plan to foster sound labor-management rela tions. ' In his state of the union mes sage, the president had this to say about the Taft-Hartley law: "This statute is and always has been inconsistent with the practice of true and effective bargaining. It should be repealed and replaced by a law that is fair and in harm ony with our democratic ideals." TO OPEN SUB-STATION McMINNVILLE, Jan. 4-(ffl)-The new east McMinnville sub-station will be dedicated here Friday. Dr. Paul J. Raver, Bonneville Power administrator, will throw the switch that puts the station into operation. Congressmen From Oregon Deride Speech By Charles D. Watklna A P Special Washington Service WASHINGTON, Jan. 4-W)-Five of the six members of the Ore gon congressional de'egation call ed President Truman's state of the union message today "the same old stuff" but Senator Morse (R Ore) praised it , Senator Cordon (R-Ore) said it was "old hash with a new accent to make it taste new." Rep. Ellsworth (R-Ore) said it is exactly the same old story de manding more and more spending and seeking to turn our free con stitutional government into a con trolled socialist state." Rep. Stocknan (R-Ore) com mented that the president promis ed federal favor "for all organized groups of two -or more people in this country and the rest of the world." Rep. Norblad (R-Ore) said the president . "spoke at great length in vague generalities." ( "The president," he added, "is certainly continuing his program for the welfare state and if that is adopted I think we had better, re verse the syllables and make it farewell state." Rep. Angell (R-Ore) said, there is nothing new In the speech. I doubt that he has any ambition to see enacted most of the programs he recommended because he knows our finances will not permit" Morse said "If we are to be fair we must admit that the main em phasis of his speech is sound." - "As an American I think he is right in his consistent insistence upon placing human values above materialism." Morse said he disagreed with the president about enactment of the Columbia Valley Administration Tfii Fresh from leadin wallpaper mills Dew designs and colorings. Full ' price range. See them now. Lin PmtiTS .-. p . CO iUPfULLa 7l So. Liberty t Ph. 2-3933 Book Trough End Table Walnut Finish Modern End Table Walnut Finish Glass Top End Table. Amazing Value. ......... Small Coffee Table Nice Walnut Finish ' End Table with Drawer & Shelf Walnut Many Other Equal Values . ar , "I ; .$ 6.C0 - 5 cca S 7.C8 S 7.C0 -S13.C0 9x12 All Wool Chenille Bluo & Rom Hook $37.03 9x12 Axm. $7495 values. Good Patterns -$69.00 9x12 Enamel Surface. Floral or Tiles : $ 5.90 Cocoa or Rubber Door Mats Close Outs Bath Mat Sets . Hat Felt Rugs 18x70. 28x64. 34x70 U 1 1 ? Rugs of all Kinds at Bargain Prices 1.49 1.90 1.90 Innersprlng Mattrees with' Flexalator 1 $5150 VaL Damask & Satin Cover Mattress $ Brown Metal Bd. Full Six or Twins ., , .Spool Bed. Walnut or Maple Finish . . .... $ Armless Dareno. Quallrr Cover & Constr. $ Dareno Velour & Tapestry Covers . Velour Dareno & Matching Rocker . Many Other Bedding Values "ME L-.si29.na 19.00 39.00 9.90 13.00 49.00 69.00 a- Modem Pully-up Choirs Reduced to , ' $11.00 Platform Rockers. Double- Spring Constr. .$39.00 HI-Back Rocker with Rubrix. Hair Padding .$21 .00 Gold Tap. Wing Back Chair $84.50 Talua .$39.00 Rose Tap. Low Barrel Back. $6t0 Reg. as Is $29.00 Iliiccllancous $7.93 $7.90 Bcrthinets Close-out Baby Buggy Pop-Up Toasters .$9.90 Pressure Cookers $6.9 0 Turn-Orer Toasters $2.90 Waffle Iron - $9.90 $990 Liniled Qnanlilics! j oi all liens 'j " j ' i SHOP EARLY! Oil Heater Dining Room Chairs . S59.90 $9.90 ISVix 27 Lino. Mats ' 15 . All Metal Hamper $G.90 20" Orel Plat f Mirror $6)0 Pin-Up Lamps $1.93 BIG buys m FHIE uvniG noon suites Massive Deluxe, 2-Pc Suite. Rose Strip Mohadr. Reg. $2290. Full Construction Guaranteo Charles of London Suite, Wine Mohair Fiiese. Reg. $24150. A marvelous ralue. Only Group oi Mohair Fiiese Sets. Values to $2590. Modern and conventional styles. Choice of Colors. . , - 17988 10s88 f n mm Mil J Mil psUr-7 PDICES SLASHED Oil 5 PC. BEDR00I1 SUITES 9908 12900 139 Walnut Veneer Waterfall set Vanity, chest; bed. bench nite stand. All for Modern Norelty Suite of Gray Almond. A sophisticated set for the young Miss . Smart Modern Limed Oak Suite. Simple lines of good design . , Ue Give SCzQ Green Sianps - Open Fridays lo 9 P. II. V- Democratic Chairmen TotioidllriieetirJg TOKTLAMD, Jan. 4 The siaie aemocrauc central commit tee will meet here Saturday to confer with a group of newly-appointed committee chairmen. The appointees, named bv demo cratic state chairman William L. Joulin. include: Jess A. Bell, Ore ?on. 9.ity Ubor5 Ashley Green, Lake Grove, senior citizens. Boy Didn't Get Cold Feet Either Way on This Bet McMINNVTUJE, Jan. 4 -WV Bob Patty, 12, walked a mile through the snow in his bare feet today to prove he was a boy of his word. Some time back. Bob had re marked to his family that if We get four inches of snow this year IH walk barefooted to Ballston in if Last night they got four inches. This morning Bob took off his shoes, left his rural home and walked the mile to Ballston, a small community six miles south of here. "My feet didn't," he insisted, "get cold." ' The Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Thursday, January 5. 19503 Four Stores ! At Enterprise ! :S Ji A- II. r ii":!'f il'l ENTERPRISE, Oren Jan. i-VPh Fire starting in a cold storage plant destroyed four business houses in near-zero temperature here today. Fir equipment from ! three towns battled the flames for near ly six hours before they were con troled. "V Firemen said flames broke out In the Dutli cold storage plant An ammonia tank explosion sent them quickly through the plant and lockers. They spread next to Rich's shoe shop, in front of the cold storage building. The Harman and -Dodgen hardware store and Jim's Steak house, i owned by James Coy le, were neifc to go. The Enterprise fire department called on the Los tine and Joseph departments for help. j Light snow was falling, with the thermometer at 5 above zero. The destroyed area covered about ev quarter of a block on the north side of main street. The adjoining Economy drug store; with stone walls, with apartments on the sec ond floor, was saved. A gasoline service station across the ' alley . from the cold storage plant wasT not damaged. :j Long after the flames were out, ice-sheated firemen continued to pour water on the sawdust-filled " walls of the cold storage plant An estimate of the loss in dol- lars was not Immediately made. WILLS AKT i MADRID-(INS)-Spanish sculp tor Mateo Hernandez,who recently died in Paris, left his valuableart collection as well as his financial wealth to. the Spanish) state. - , bill and other proposals which would vest more arbitrary power in the executive branch of the government "But he said "it is not easy to disagree with the major objectives set forth in the speech. OLDSMOBILE ANNOUNCES NEW WHIRLAWAY HYDRAMATIC DRIVE FOR 1950 NOW ON DISPLAY " 5 ; L0DER BROS. - 465 CENTER Zooo-oom. down they go! Yea. food prices are reaDy on the down-grade at Park IT Mar ket Just look at the dandy food buys listed below and eee how much MORE food you can buy with your food dollars .'how much more tempting your menus can be . . when you shop here. We stock the best In staple groceries and fresh, rlghl-from-Ihe-iarm fruits and vegetables at prices that appeal. sOeoGoro SD a Broujira ScngcoiD1 o o lb. Tlc' UT 'cyu 'CJWU wcj wwviu nuo JELLO Assorted flavors 4 29c S SPAGHETTI Franco-American 2 cans 25C 5 CAKE I-M Pilhunuy Chocolate os White pkg. 299 nusimoon gravv jimi..wI0c SnOESTRIIIG CARROTS PEAS Mission Brand 12 ox. . CORII Picksweet Cream Style CHICREII BROTH Stedds Please Idogfood DUZ, OSYDOL, DIIISO- n a Hudson House .can 10c ( 2 nil9C 2 cam 25 C 10c 3 cans 2S Jorge 25 c SHORTEIIIIIG Surfine 3 69c 3 cans Heinz Baked Beans with 60c Glass Bake Casserole, all for i CALAVOS FRESn VEGETABLES Jxzch 79c tlAs- s3iVv GRAPEFRUIT Texas Pink, lUt 3, for 23c CABBAGE Green. Solid Heads .. : ! -lb. 2c VEG SALAD IIE uc, ' - - Qc TOIIATOES Firm. Ripe -tube 19c 3025 GARDEN ROAD :RE FOR YOUR AONEY ALL THE TIAE a o a: a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a ba ! . r . x t j it i