The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 02, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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T1i Statetmcnu Sdm, Owyon, Hondar, Tcnmary 1SCT7
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BESLIN CSZSXS: Tk blockade of the former Genua capital
ended la Hay after agreement f X1 Four reprefenUUres to
U.N. Nerotiaton were tta United Xlnrdom's Cadoran (left);
Che VSSJL'm Blalik; tha VSJL'b JeaiR aa France's CkauTel.
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CHINESE CONFLICT: First iateraatloiua alrinr. of strife-Un
China's poUtkal turmoil eaaao la fhc TJJC Ckaeral AaMsahl
la October after Tinffa Ttianf of China charted the U.&&K.
With sapportlnf Chinese Communist forces la their campaign.
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wmJLmMv', sLa
vr as tne year in wnica u Decame general
knowledge that. at least two nations now
possessed the "secret of the atomic bomb
in which, therefore, the atomis age really
began. Others may prefer to remember It as
the year in which a better recognition that
conciliation and compromise are essential to
a secure peace began j to spread through the
minds of people everywhere.
Whether or not the diffusion of atomia
knowledge will end only with war and de
struction for all nations, or will be used for
the benefit of mankind, is a question of tre
mendous' social, political and historic sig
nificance. Also significant, however, is the fact
that, during 1949, the peoples and representa
tives of 59 United Nations began working
toward a fuller realization of the ideals pro-
ciatmed in tne unpre
1 cedented Universal Decla
ration of Human Rights.
. Ti nvanwava 1Q4Q was
a year of troubles and of
fear and worry, like the
other years since World
War H ended in 1945.
But ' several events and
trends made 1949 a more
hopeful year than any
of the previous three.
Not only was world peace maintained,;, but
several international conflicts, each capable
of setting off a maor war, were effectively
settled, or at least eased during 1949. Among
such' peaceful adjustments were the settle
ment of the Berlin deadlock, announced from
United Nations headquarters in May; the ac
ceptance of the new Republic of Israel as a
full member of the world community; the
creation of a new and sovereign United States
of Indonesia, after mediation by U.N.; the
cease-fire agreement effected under UJf.
auspices between India land Pakistan in tha
dispute in Kashmir; and action on the future
of the former Italiia colonies by the UJf.
General Assembly., ""-i ,
Some day, the year 1949 may be regarded
as the beginning of a new era. It could be an
era of growing Xear and tensionultimately,
perhaps, leading to catastrophe or an era
of increasing international cooperation in all
fields of human concern. Whichever it is, the
successes or failures of the United Nations
will -have a lot to do with it, for U.N., and
its Specialized Agencies, even during 1949,
were already involved in nearly every major
International action, event. or decision.
The devaluation of the British pound and
subsequent devaluation of 28 other curren
cies, for example, was an event which re-
1 in the traditional patternJ
. I of world trade. But these
ed in agreement with a
, UJi.-affiliatedSpecialized
Agency, the International
Monetary Fund.
In the political field,
one of the major events
was the conflict between, .
Yugoslavia, itself a Com
munist state, and the Soviet Union. But one
Of the most Intense moments in this contro
versy was. played before the. UJN. General
Assembly in New. York, when Yugoslavia
was elected to the Security Council over
Soviet opposition. The Chinese Civil war,
directly affecting about one-fifth of the human
race, was also brought to UJT when repre
sentatives of China's Nationalist government
charged the U.SJSH with having aided tha
Chinese Communist armies.
The -year was also the one in which the At
-x 1 antic Pact was signed
a pact which, its mem
bers declared, In debates
at U.N.. was purely de
fensive and would
strengthen collective se
curity in conformity with
the UJf. Charter, while
its opponents denounced
the treaty as an aggressive
military alliance in viola
tion of the Charter.
Hunger, want and social insecurity were
prevalent In 1949 in most of the inhabited
areas of the globe, just as they always have
been. But here again, UJf. itself and the UN
Specialized Agencies were busily at work;
planning a world-wide program of technical
assistance to under-developed areas, adopted
in the autumn by the UJi. General Assembly;
the establishment of an International Clear
ing House for such commodities as food; and
a series of loans from the International Bank
to aid various nations on long-range projects
of economla development.
Thus a review of the major international
event of the year becomes, almost automati
cally, a review of events under the . United
Nations flag, mirroring the extent to which
the world's hope for peace and a better life
are increasingly becoming dependent upon a
flourishing United Nations.
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.JCCX2ZXCY DXVALTJATION: The British poand, and
CjaeaUy, ether earrencles were devalaed la September, following
.discussions with the International Monetary Fend. Shewn at a
Fund meeting-are cleft to right) UJB. Treaxuy Secretary Snyder,
and Britain's Sir Urn est Bowe-Dsttea) and Sir Stafford Cztppe,
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TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: World-wide interest daring -the
year backed UJC planning for technical assistance te eeantries
trying to cfevelep their ccomlfe. Hew technical aid eonld bn
preve peoples lives Is seen la this pJetare ef a Chinese farmer
. Ifirntng freman expert a new way to get seers front his harvest
FOLIO EMERGENCY: Severe emthreahs of
peUocsyelUJs (iafsatue paralysis) were recorded
daring the summer m India and the DAA.
The VM. WerU Health Orgnnhtitl helped
.India meet tta cmcTgency by mshlng faroa langa
from the United States by air. Here India's
Health Minister demonstrates one in operation.
CBOF SU&TLCSZS: With fine harvests came,
waraiags ef taplnjee" ta the "dollar area,
because "soft currency" nations lack exchange
fee feed Imsoi hi, Te help t1-- t fcurplute
wille ssnrieits re hungry, the CJi. Food and
Agrlcnltnre Organlxation proposed a unique,
new International Commodity Clearing House.
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ITALIAN COLONIES: Independence for two ef Italy's former
eetonles,Ilbya by 195s and Bomainand la IKS, was decided ny
. by the UJi. General Assembly. Here spokesmen Of one of the
groups concerned wait at a UJf. meeting to explain their desires,
LAND OF IS&AFX: The reeeafly-formed State of Israel was
admitted as a fall-fledged member of the United Nations la May, ,
Israel's starred flag Is shewn tying m front ef U.N. headquarters.
of the FbUippines, TJJf.
Assembly President, symbol
izing the Far East's rising In
fluence fas world affairs.
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m&rmtnamm - rt twttirir-. -mr- " n imn a ST inawnnnnMLLiiimjiniLiinnijnnsu-aii anm.-nw
. '. Interna tienal Menetary
Fund head, symbolising the
role of UJ. Specialised Area-
elea la
INDONESIAN FEACE: The Netherlands and the Bepnbue of
Indonesia settled their long-standing conflict la November with
UJf. aid. Shewn here Is the Xeaad Table Conference at the
Dutch capital of The Ilagoa, where final agreement was signed.
... outatanding UJC figvra,
symbolising woman's growing
Importance la world relatione.
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DZVELOFMZNT LOANS: Mrs. Vljaj Lakshml Fandlt, India's
Ambassador to the C.SJL. looks over an agreement with
Kagene K. Black, Fresldent off the IntemaH 1 Bank, fer a Uan
of glSeejee to help pojvluso agricultural eejalpmenl. The
ITorld Baak also saade shnSar loans te sevea ether countries.
. .. eminent Sevkt scientist,
sysabelhttng the vital role el
science etpecially stomis en
ergy In world polities.
GLOBAL CXADQTJASTCZS: la New York, the haSdiags which
wCl be the Fermaaent neadanarters ec UJC rapidly grew sky
ward, no eornerstone was dedicated en UJf . Day 24 October-
tX a fete at which UJL Frestdeat Truman was mala speaker