1 r I" 1 ' - ... . - I I i t I I . I . if led AD For 7 Days On Place YOUR The LOW Weekly RATE If v- ) 450 Merchandise 458 Wanted. Household Goods . . - 1 i USED FURN, Immediate aporalsal - highest prices .Valley Furniture. 3S3 N Commercial Ph. 27472 fifcl IttE'very lop price tor jroui lurn iture. rue. appliances 8c sporting gde. by pnon.g Clin Woodry. 3-5110 Soot casn in a Haiti 1 call does tt all. 4S8 Building Material, Used Doors Windows Complete windows with frame $7.80. Doora with hardware and standard frame $8.50. Vt" Tlrtex 3c ft. Large Bashes, $2.23. , mmm , -C. G LONG . PH. 2-821 I ml. north jofJCeizcjr FOB SALE SO so No. 2 Shingles $5 per So while they tart Ph 8-1190 fioWsKR BROS Vour power tool rental headquarter 1410 8 IM St Ph 13M Windows ' mm much as ft off regular prices on large assortment of single Ac multl pUne standard At olf - sito window & IramesTKelth Browo. Troot & , Court Sts Salem. . "" o'cr -in An SMINGL.ES ' No 1 - S At 3"s. any amount delivered, -..Wrf nrlM I IS In. NO. 1 ...in trkMt eeriar wall shakes Ted Muller. Salem-Indep. road. Cal 3-1198 Salem SIDING m -.,4, rmin RTnrNB 'xV Choice Umited lot. Regularly $60 M. 'itow. $4 M. Keith Brown, Front St Court Sta.. Salem, Doors Bedroom, bathroom St closet doors standard sizes, single panel. 0aau tity Umited. $7 50 ea. Keith Brown. Front oc court am. a""". T1 i rioorms l"x4 clear, end-matched fir Limited quantity. Hrgutsny " $73 M ,Sta. S M Keith Brown, jrroni at wn Salem. Building Something? Mew plywood, all tmcimessea. -lowew prices, teoar J ing. doors, all, grades shingle. Pick your choice of material 6c save moo- rC. G. LONG . m PH. 2-5821 ImL north of Keizer 4&8" For Rent MisceUeneons U -DRIVE TRUCKS TORRENT Blan- uuu USD Piano H. V Stiff. 470 For ixile. Misceilcmeous TWO too x i tires. Recaps, reaaon- able 2323 N.' front St. fSa sA.Lt: Scratch $3.40. maah $45 Straw hr. f AYLOR Tot and baDy ougy. $10.. yr. old crib. hU?h-halr $13. Lawn- rnawtr f7.ao. rn, jiwo. cilur nlatin special offer - January only Completely resilvered -- t pc tea sets $.S - Trays IS In. $45 : Knlees forks, spoons 23c ea. salt and. pepper shakers 50c ea. other articles accordingly. Aulr Platin rv IBM S 12th fiLACK "Crepe trcs, bead Uim. aire lo. Never worn, rn. -g3x. SLlGHTLlTUsed A.GM. oil circulator, rneiiim tlxe. A-l condition $40. See at 1283 Broadway this week. Also 1 large i Sears Roebuck i' oil cl.-cuiator ICS.1 See at 1441 N. ' Com'l or Ph. 22147F -, ; ' ; wRCTKINr, Hae. built-lns. light fix tures. bath fixture, : windows, doers. 3510 Garden Rd. ; ' "? OIL Circulator at ; greaUy reduced prices " 7 Tester Appliance Co.. 378 Chemeneta St. 7KNDING MACHINES even . four column Alcuna Gum at Candy dispensers Forced sale Make " an offer Ph 1-4432 or 2-6793. . n CUA&Z Remington t Automatic shot fun. Kenneth Keyt, Perrydale, Oregon, pn. sow uauas. LIKE New. Ige . white trash burner with oven r cous. aiso ga www circulator. 3S10 Garden Rd. tJSED Electric ranges $19.43 and up. Yeater Appliance Co.. X7S 'nvmrttu si. REQUIRED with PLAS- TI-KOTE, the cellophane-like finish for floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co.. S75 Chemeketa St. BEAUTY Shop Chair it stool. $23. PhT ATMORAYS Harley Pugh. Ph 2-7n CiEO ElecUle relrlgerators $49J4 and up. Yeater Appliance Co. S75 Chemeketa St. CAS RANGES, apartment size, two only, reduced $30. Yeater Appliance Co. STS Chemeketa X.SED -Radios and records players ).$ and ud. Yeater Appliance Co 373 Chemeketa St. .Walling Sand & Gravel Co Crushed Rock Tor roads A driveway. Cement. Beady mix. Concrete Garden: Sand.- Bull dozing, drainage and ditching. yd. shovel at Crag pne. Phone y-nn Phillips Bros. Fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, any kind, by yard tr sack. Flagstone for all rock work, cedar fence posts and tele and elect poles, any length, . shingles, yew osts. lumber. Ph. 3-1438. Rt. i. Box MS. Salem. fJSED Electric washers $19.93 and tip. i Yeater Appliance Co., 375 Chemeketa St. ""NEW HOME sewing machines. Port ablest, desk types, complete line ser vice any make machine. Ralph John on appliances. Statesman Classified Advertiser Classified Ads Call 2-2441 Per llaa .lSe Three lasertleiis Mr line.. 48 1 liuertloiBS. per i One aswritli per Una .,. , , ,. SXM (OoWde el Eilem, eeek Use lSe) ftUnlmsna iws Itasca. Onnt S wards te bae. ' Resdera tn dty brUfallne Sc Trte deedltne for elasetfted and advertising la S-4S pjn. daily Only ernerx rrreney nosT ads srUI be accepted after that The Statesman leaervea the ngkt to relect oest)onab advertising It further ttservts the right to place all advertising under . the proper .-lassuieatioo. .. . i. . The Statesrnan assumes ne Bnan- eial responsibility for errors which may appear ta adverti semen ta pan- Ihbed n Its columns and tai eases where thw paper la at fault . will reprint that nan of an Mvemaa ment ta 'wnfcb the typographical k i stake' A "Btlnd" Ad aw ad cocitatntng a SUtarnnan boa munber for i address ia for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter The States-nan la not, at liberty to divulge Infor mation aa to the Identity of an ad vertiser taenia "Blind"' ad. ' 'aaawSs 450 Merchandise 470 For Salt. Miscellaneous HEAT YOUR HOME electrically wKh westingnouse or wesix automatic electric beaten fester Appliance Co 373 Cntroekcta. , 472 Wanted. MlsceHaneous" WANT Used arcordian. cheap. Can 244. ask for. Lloyd. 474 Miscellaneous INSTRUCTION. Male. Good pay jobs oirerea trained auto ooay-ienoer men In daiiy "want ada". Put in a few hours weekly learning; welding, paint u- metal work. etc. Chance for high wages or your own. business. Write for free information. Auto Crafti Training, Box 443 Statesman HUWSUi BKOS. Vour power too rental headquarters. 1410 S 12th St Ph 33S49. WAN! TO Buy used cameras h lenses Mclwsn Photo Shop 433 State. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR 8ERV1CX IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLE8, DENTIST Aoolpn Bldg State at Com. Ph S-33U 476 Fuel PRY Wood, -giost fcinds. Ph. 24276. WE Do wood sawing Ph7 24276. Highwav Fuel Co. STOVE A" DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB PH. 3-6444 Phillips Bros. Old fir. ash, maple, oak 4' Or. 16- slab and edgings Ph. 3-145S Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-6024 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE & HEATER DRY SLAB wood or edgings, $8 cord delivered. Ph. 06 Turner. R. A. ALLEN Clean, dry or green block. Also planer wooo. no oarx. urau canaiewooo Drive Ph. 2-2382. .- Tri Gty Fuel PHONE 2-7442 16-ln. slab wood and edging Fresh cut screened sawdust i .12-in. Inside miD wood I Dry k wood ASK FOR S at B GREEN STAMPS 1'' OAK Wood. $11 on place $13 de- Uvered. ph. 3-7193 or 2-5802. , TRY Pine box wood Call 3-91897""" West SalemFuel Co; IS-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER P1NDS Old growth block wood 1$ In. claaa no para SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Satan 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1329 Edgewatec at. w saiem. 18" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $12.00 For orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and . Manufacturing Company Independence. Oregon : ? Elmer Boie 2029 S. 12th PH 3-0453 BLOCK WOOD for furnace, planer wood for cookstove, 16 m. old gtn nr ' Oreeon Fuel Co. Dry ' slab or dry edging, fresh dean sawdust, green edging 3.au ia. not, $10. Also 18", green slab or 4 Phone 1-5533. - - ' Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-6024 SCREENED TRESH SAWDUST 1 CORD Apple and pear wood. $13 on ground. S15 del. on. 3-1533 DRY 2nd growth fir. stove length; Rear Ph 23943. 38443. i" SLAB. 2' cords $10. Ph. 3-1438. 500 Business & Finance 502 Bosineee Opporhinlgee WELL-Established auto' supply whole sale business paying excellent divi dends. Munt sell immediately be cause of illness. Small Investment required. Write Statesman Box 443. STORE, Records, radios - Phiko ap pliances, radio repair, owner dis abled. Courtesy to brokers. 174 st.. Independence. SERVICE Station for lease on 99E. $550.00 buys, inventory 2083 N. Csp- oi 5t. " I BUSINESS SPACE FOR LEASE New building, parking area in rear. 3023 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-4432. 2-6793. HAYESVlLLE Store, ki. 7. Box i4l Ph 2-4319. , Business ADDING MACHINE 8 AH makes bsed machines, sold, lent ed. ) repaired. Been, 438 Court Phone 1-6773. APPLIANCE SERVTCm Bendlx. Kelvuoator and Hot point Sales and Service. Ralph Johnson Ap pllsnce. 353 Center St Phone 3-3139. YEATER Appliance Co. 233 No. Lib. Ph. 3-4311. ! AUTOMOBILE REPATB , Complete Chevrolet service, Douglas MfKay Chevrolet Co.. 310 N. ComX. CKMKNT JTfWTItAtrTOSt rOW- DATIONS, anything concrete crete Ph 24830 CHIMNEY SWEEP CHIMNEY sweep. Northneas. Ph. 3-440 "n.ECTRICAl. CONTRACTING VLNCE'S Qectrte for electrical wir ing, contr acting-re pairing. 137 g. Lib erty Phone 3-9239. . rtTRNrruKE rewnishtno SPECIALISTS at refiniahtng modern at antique furn. Lee Bros. Ph. 2-700 r HAULING LESTER OeLapp ' Truck Service Coml ; hauling at furniture moving Daily service to Portland. Ph. S-1750 HKALTH Atmorays. Harley- Pugh. Ph. 2-877. HEATING Judson'i, 279 N. Coml Ph. 3-4141. HOUSE PLANS DRAWING house pUnsT Ph. 3-9521 HOUSKHOLU PRODUCTS T R Watltlne Co. eroducta 1717 Can ter St. Salem Ph 3-S393 Free del INSULATION INSULATION, made at blown In Low cort. free estimates. 3-nsi or TiW9. INSULATION WEATBERSTRIPPINO BUn.DERS Insulating Co. Ph -8623. JOHNS-MANVILLE. Phone 3-3748. FUTURE INSULATING Co INSURANCE Joe W. Hutchison, fire. auto. UabU- itV Ph. 23629 LAUNDRIES Deluxe ServeSelf Laundry. 343 - Je remon st Ph 2-M5X t.AwNMOWlLRS SHARPEN LNG Guar an toed service. N and hand Call Harry W Seott 147 So Coml St LUiHTINO FIXTURES Salem's exclusive lighting store. 838 t men senator Hotel Bldg 13 MATTRESSES Mattresses. Capital Bed Co. Ph. 3-406B. MUSIC LESSONS Spaniab and Hawaiian guitar, man HoliB hanlo etc 1533 Court Ph. S-736S NURSERIES Uandscaouut St deslenlna. t. A. Doer. fler St Sons, 138 Mo. Lneaeter. Ph. J13T8 - ' ". - OH. CIRCULATOR SERVICE CaU Cy Younger. Ph. 3-073 500 Business & Finance 510 Money To Loan If Your Property Is for sale it will pay you to anow now mucn of an I ha loan It will stand. This Information is obtainable with but very httle trouble. j Jim Not Hesitate to call Ian ua for any Information you desire about FHA LOANS. - . , . State Finance Co. ' 153 S. High SU Tel 341 $ CASH S Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. Free parking. Ph. S-7033 Lie. .No. M369-S79L Floyd Ken yon Mgr ' FARM and CITY LOAM 4U and a Your own terms of repayment within reason Cash for Real Batata Con tracts and Second Mortf-res. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. i Ph. 4-2283 Private Money Ob Cars Trucks & Trailer Home Long or Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons 138 8 Commercial St j Ph 8-9181 CASI-NQW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest, homo-owned loan company oners money wnen vnu need Itl 1 You can-pay anytime .to reduce net ' cost I . . ) No endorsers, or help from friends l On can. trucks trailer homes to $300.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment. salary or other personal property up to 1300.001 I Phone or visit our office today I Lie. No. a 138 ana awa General Finance ) Corp. PH 3-9181 138 S CO MX ST. A New Loan Service' FAST SIMPLE You may; borrow $50.00 to $1500 Salary' Auto - Furniture If money will help Investigate Ourj Plan Pacific Industrial Loans J 111 So. Liberty - 3 Ph 4-2203 Across from Stevens and Son Jewelers AUTO LOANS Wtl IJtMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S. Church St - I Ph. 3-J437 Parking Aplenty Lie. M1S9-S1A 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted rvpr.Hi tiMCED Hawaiian guitar teach er needed to handle class ana pm vate work In local studio. Answer with letter listing qualifications land experience to Box 447 Oregon States man, i 604 Help Wqntea. Male SEVERIN Realty Co. will resume bud' ness Jan.8rd. There Is an opening far a Dustier to take charge of the real estate dept., on 7C$ basis. Hire your own salesmen. Mutt nave loesi experience sell all types of proper ties. Interview at office. 212 N. High- SW . j .... 606 Help Wanted, female IHTIX APT. sinrW woman to ana. dr, & show ran, uq in union, rn. S-VOJJ . . i- SECRETARY to the Director of Ad- missions. Willamette University. Pro ficiency in shorthand, typing St of fice procedure essential. References. call 3SZQ0 extension zi tor appoint. ment. GIRL, or woman to assist with gen- eral housework ac caret or a child ren. No cooking, private room, mod em conveniences. Box 494 States 610 Sales Persons Wanted f ALES Minded man desiring to learn good business. Work directly with , manager. Write Box 440 BUttm- 615 Situations Wanted Carpenter work, new, repair Ph. 22083. HOUSECLEANING. efficient, by day or nour. fn. 3J04B. CEMENT work. AO kinds. Ph. l-483oT BABY Sitting bv adult. Ph. 3-437. CURTAINSW ASHED, stretched. 2-3448. CARPENTER Work. Any kind. Rea- sonable. 1181 Union. Ph. 2-1487. 0 Directory PAPERHANCrNO Jerry Johnson Terms. Ph. 2-93487" PLUMBING GENERAL repair and pumps. De- eatur St Maerr 970 S. Corn X Ph. 3-9223 Jodson's. ITS No. ComX Ph. 3-414L Repairs. BUI Skewls. Phene 3-4609 PLUMBING SUPPLIES Capital Btrgaln House. 148 Center St PRINTING SALES BOOKS, forms etc Ph. 2-5130. PStPNCTO SPRATDtO PhiUp W. Belike. Ph. 21208. PUMPS SterUer Supply Co.. Phone 3-6038. StOAD GKADINO JAY STRICKTAPCN. Ph. 3-5410. SAND AND GRAVEL WALLING SAND and GRAVEL CO Crushed rock. For roads and drive way. Cement Ready-mix concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing drainage St aliening ya snovei ana drag una rnone a-ima. RAWS ' Salem Saw Wks. 1293 N.'Sth. 3-7603 EWER 8KRVICB Elect rte Roto-Rootor exclusive naU ent raser sharp catting blades Cleans sewers.-grains, septic tanxs. rrt. 3-5327 SKPTIC TANK! K. F HameL Septic tonka and Unes clean ea. guaranteea worav,. 113 atn St.. w saiem. fn. 3-404. kfikr3 Septic Service., Tanks cleaned. Row Rooter Service on Sewers. 1071 Elm St.. W. Salem. Ph. S-S46B. 3-5327 VACUUM Pumnini. No mileace chare. Call us collect Todds Septic Tank ; service. 350 Lsrsen st Ph. 2-0734. SEWINO MACHINES ALL MAKES Sewing machines repair ed, serviced Pick up deliver Ph 35569. All makes repaired, free eat Singer s m. co. 130 w. conn Ph. a-asix SIGNS St SHOW CARDS R. L EJstrotn Co, 340 Court 3-2493 SPRAYING SPRAYING and pruning. Phone 3-7900. TOOLS Howser Bros. Your power tool rental headquarters. 33646. 1418 S. 12th St Ph. VENETIAN BLINDS ELMER The Blind Man, Ph. 3-7328" WATCH REPAIRING ' Claude Mix 248 N ComT Ph. 2-4038 WEATHERSTRIPPTNO t RZR estimates T Pullman. S-69a. W ELL D R 1 ULXN 0 Well Drilling - -Domestic. Irrtrauon industrial, u. a Hobinaots. 8316 Front Salem. Ph. 3-7283. v 600 Employment 615 Situations Wanted WANTED: Ironing end cleaning. Re liable. Phone 3-1310. 6LDEBLady would like position man- agtng apts. or motor court in sawn. Reliable, experienced, best of refer ences. Living quarters and small monthly wage expected. Statesman Box 431 SEWERS and septic tanks installed and reoaltvd. Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-3368. CHILD Care, by day or hour. Phone 3-8514. ' CABINET Work ol all kinds. Lei ua firure vour work. Ph. 35620. . SEPTIC Tanks md cesKpools vacuum cleaned. Free Inspection. Pn. USYU. 42 Edgewater. Pauline Suitor. 618 Education DENTAL. ASSISTANT ' A CAREER PROFESSION Instruction. Learn dental assisting in spare time at home, followed ny short resident training. Includes Clamout and Personality. Develop menu Oualjfy for a career in pro Sessional field. Excellent earnings, tnanv openings. Interesting work in laboratory. Xray. assisting dentists. Get FREE Information today. Write Wayne School, Inc.. Box 444. States man 5 620 Day and Contract REPAIRING, remodeling, roofing Ph 3-1339 or 3-0218 AUTO PAINTING lust a shade better Py stay sTI 1 K-n. call Bhrocfc Motor Co 3-9101 WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or irrigation uunieid Bros, tu 9. box 68 Phone 2-1313 or 2-2793. - Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer ac Basement i Equipment Rental 15 B-'i yds 10 B-J. yds D-7 Cat Ac Dozer D-8 Cat it Dozer D-4 Cat & Dozer See ua about ditching by the foot. Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8248 or 3-4400 Salem Oregon . ROAD Grading, large St small jobs. new grader. Ph. 3-5410 PAPERING. Painting, reaa. Ph. 35522. 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board SLEEPING Rooms for (entleman, ph. 3-5764. ' WARM Km. for lady, close in. cooking privilege. S3 wk. 740 Chemeketa. b LEERING Room. Warm, comfortable. Bus or walking distance business district. 340 S. Winter St. LARGE Front rm separate bath tt ent. Prefer emp. persons. Ph. 37707, CARE lot elderly . man or lady In licensed home, no smokers. Call 3-0691 1060 Min St. NICE Rm for man. Close In. 260 Marlon. WILL Room and board elderly people. ph. S-0K80 - 366 s. cottage. LARGE Sleeping room for couple or employed lany. rt. winter, rn. 38459. MENS Warm si ping rms. Prt ent at phone. Ph. 334Z3. isoa w. capitot. RMS. HOT Plate St refrlg. 2131 Center. SLP. RMS. with kit privileges, . day. wk or mo. Close In. Ph. 3-6317. GD. Rm. 3c WELL-FurnT Seneeman, Rm. St board. 492 N. Summer. Furn. slping rm, close in. Emp. H St c water m canter. 705 Apcnirnents For Bent CLEAN S rm apt turn. 3 beds If need ed. I3ec refrig. range, ou neat, no drinking. 785 N 20th. RM Upstairs apt unfurn. except for stoves. UghU St water furn. 2160 N th. LARGE) Modern furn. upstairs apt. Prt. ent tt bath. Kerng, u unties furn except heat Responsible em ployed couple desired. No pets. Ph. 2-8866. RM. Furn.- apt utilities turn. 723 S 13th. NEW Ants - 2 or 3 rm. Partly furn. Phone 2-8067. 4 RM. Furn. upstairs apt Pri. ent St bath. Ph. X-S713. slier a p.m. on Sun. Call at 1433 State. B. R. Furn. apt, close in no. without refrlg.. $50 with. 868 $45 N. Front. Ph. 3-0595 eves. NEW 3 rm furn court apt Adults. 1664 S 13th. ONE Room and kitchenette furn. apt pear State House and university. Adults Ivan G. Martin. Ph. 3-4419 nr 3417. CHEAP, Furn rms St apts. 50c St 75c Close in. 160 Union. Ph. 29833. RMBasement apt furn. $23T Ph. 2.VM3 3 RM Apt furn. Baby preferred. Ph. 37135. FURN 3 rms 8c bath. Hollywood Dist $47.50. Ph. 36058 or 31586. TjNFURN Large 4 rm upstairs apt rage and urge garden spot. ge garden po 31165 or 21252. drinkers. Ph. MOD. Furn 3 Ige rm. Prt ent bath. refrig 1st n. adults, mj union. 1 RM Ant in beauttful court Unfurn except refrlg and range, automatic litindrr. - convenient to state bldKS and University, city bus. CaU 907 S. 13 after 10 a.nr- . NICE Furn apts, 1 large - 1 small. Reas, utilities turn. 365 s. 16th. LGE Fun. grnd fir, refrig, gar. WU. heat. 2455 Estate Ph. 27582. SMALL. Finn., apt with priv bath, hot water, pnv ent: tor woraung coupie. 830. 1595 S. Com'l RM. Apt. refrig, utilities furn. Close in. emo. ladv. 666 S. Summer. LGE. Garage hse. Call alter S pjn. ' 3-595Z. . LIVE better at the Ambassador. $50 to 875. S5S ri summer. Ptiont a-onua. NICELY Furn apt, prt bath. Call 35B38. Eves. 3-4814. 8c 3 RM. FURN. apt. Will take chil dren, no drinking. 2310 . N. 4th. RM. Furn. apt Close In, Utilities. Newlv dec. 940 Mill. FURN. 1 room cabin, man only. Phone 3-7018. 3 RM. Furn. apt business cen- ter. 340 Union. MODERN 3 rm furn apt Elec stove. private bath and entrance, bus at door. Ph. 3-0262. NEW 4 rm, aU elec. No children. Ph. 27071. , NICE 3 RM FURN apt for 3. $50. 910 Norway. Phone z-ss. 70? Houses For Rent YOUR CHOICE: 3 or 4 rm mod house. wired lor range, gar. . 83 Hign way ave. . 1 B. K. Hse, completely furn. AU electric apollances. Moa. tra. w. $75 mo. ' HOD. Furn, 1 B. R. home in country. Yard St garden fenced, ph. 4-Z317. 3 KM. Partly furn. clean, garage $50 3560 Portland Rd. The following 2 B. R. homes: . 873 Blller Ave. $80 mo. 657 Bliler Ave. 65 mo. 533 Tryon Ave. 67 JO mo. L. E. KLUMPP REALTOR 480 N. Church St. ph. 3-7642 or 3-0128 $ ROOM HOUSE avaiUble about 1st of month. Inquire 1028 Norway. NICE 3 BESrOOM home, completely furnished, good location. $73 per anon th. H. E. Corey Real Estate 1363 N. Broadway i Phone 3-0533 SMALL Mod furn hse. Bath tt utiUty rm. Adults. $33 mo. Macleay Dist Fu-sell SahTl. Rt. 3. Box 437 Salem 4 RM. Not mode-n. $30 mo. North. Turn East on Alder to 4120 Gary.- 3 BDRM unfurn. house for lease. 2144 No. 34th St Immediate possession. SMALL Furn. house close in, elec refrigeration, stove St auto, heat garage Ac nice yard. No children t 50. 837 N. Coml. Seen after Frt COTTAGES, utilities psld. Ph., 34815. MOD, Furn. 3 B. R. duplex apt Lee liv rm. near schools, bus. Ph. a BJL Ph. 3-1161 eve. 800 Real Estate 808 Houses For Sale HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY ; " . j TO dleolve partnership, owners have offered for sale, brick apartment house business building, well located in. Salem, priced at $38400. Terms U desired. . ' . . . , WILL trade or aefl. separate owners with wen located 3 BJL homes, each owner needs larger home, both listed at UJO0.. What have fov1 $18300. FOR this lovely 3 ILK. horn, located in Englewood. full 100. dry basmt Automatic heat lg. living Ac dining rms. entrance halt tile drain boatda in kitchen nice nook, corner lot. sprinsjing system In lava, choice shrubs. HERE is Ideal busln plus Invoice. $10,900. ALMOST new well cared for 3 BJL home la Englewood has fireplace St automatic heat A real bargain. mX. FARM 70 acres in fttj obU. 3 acres of rood orchard, t acres of - pasture, food to fair buildings, excellent equipment reasonable terms. win mum ma. gar omjwm or AJaaoy town . property. n. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 NORTH HIGH ST. Evening Phone 2-7780 - 3-8704 - 4-2338 2225 Breyman St. Finished & Open for Inspection 2 Bedrooms Large Living Room Dining Room Kitchen, lots of built-ins Fireplace t Price $9750 WM. T. J. FOSTER, 1330 BAKER ST. You Can Walk to Work From Here Nice large living room kitchen with, plenty of built-ins. Wired for electric range. Basement and automatic oil furnace. One bedroom and eond -men. ed porch. Within walking distance cajntol buildings and new shopping center. Only $7200. Terms. Down by the Old Mill Stream Two lovely large homes with lawn run basement and ou hot water heat Live In on bouse and rent the other. Price $27,300. Weep no More My Lady For we have found that beautiful wanting. Almost new witn a rooms. Exclusive district close to transpor tation. Thermo-pane windows, and fully insulated and weathers tripped. $14,000. p Suburban Home With 10 Acres ' Close' In. with good' T room house. house. Fruit trees. $9830. Terms. t , DENTON & DENTON 344 State Street SALEM. OREGON Phone 2-3663 Evenings: Mr. Voorneea 3-4007; air. Brennan 3-494$ ' , APT HOME CLOSE IN. Monthly Income $16X30. AU apts now rented by long time tenants. Stores, schools at churches near. Buses by door. Full basement with full laundry facilities. All apartments electric heated.' Shown bv appointment only. Price 813.000. Call Mr. Wailar. S B R. HOME, large living room, fireplace. Nice bath, kit with bufttina.. Full basement, ou neat piped to ail rooms. Mara wood floors, corner Jot wttn garage. Can be had for, $130 down, full price, $8,500, Call Mr. Wailar. $8300 FULL PRICE 3 B.R. on one floor, nice living room, kitchen and large utility room. Large lot, paved -street, bus bKdooc. $1809 down. Balance terms. Call Mr. Wailar AN EXCELLENT BUY. 3 B.R. home, lx- T d r. comb. Full bath. Kitchen wired for range, hardwood floors corner lot A nice place, S yrs old. Balance B3S ner month, call air. W n-nifwoorj a B K home. LJL 22x13 with fireplace, large kit nook. Hardwood lloors. Large nice home. FuU price $9500. Call 100x100 LOT. 1 BJL all electric home, good well, attached garage. LJL nice kitchen St bath. $3500. CaU Mr. DahL rt ArrnES best of SOIL, rood 3 garage, cnicxen nouse. corn mo. farm for ssooo. cau Mr. JJaiu. NEW RANCH TYPE 3 BJL home on one floor. Large Lit, cire, fireplace. DJL, lovely kitchen, lots of builtins, utility room. Double plum hi ng. auto oil piped furnace, garage. 810.500. Good terms. Call Mr. PehL 1 YR. OLD RANCH TYPE 1 BJL home on 1 acre excellent sou. all kinds of fruit & berries. LJL fireplace, outstanding kitchen, fruit room, utility at attached garage. North $13,500. CaU Mr. DahL Ed Byrkit . & Co., Realtors 367 N. High St Phones 3-3101 or 2-1333 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Bent 1 RM House, partly furn, near Stay ton. $33. Bob Johnson. Rt 8, Box 616, Salem. 2 P-M Furn house, electricity. 820 month. Not modem. l',i mi. south Prtngle School. Ph. 22893 after 3 -JO. ALMOST New aU electric 1 Bdrm. Working couple. Phone 34369 or ,1330 Fairmount after 8. 709 Wanted to Rent HOUSE With 3 acres of sandy soil that can be Irrigated. WiU take larger place near Salem. Paul Glover. Rt 2. Box 439. t BED Room unfurnished home in North East section of Sslem. Prefer Swegle school district Phone 3-3490. 714 Business Rentals BUSINESS Boom. fL L . SttL 800 Real Estate 808 Houses For Sale MOD 1 familT hse. Priv baths. Sep, entrances. Elec heat, insulated. Pic ture window, ven blinds, carpeting. garage. $9500. Ph. 25463. 4 BEDROOMS NEARLY NEW 4 so, home Keizer Dist Extra lge. kitchen St utility rm. Wall to waif Or. covering. Lawn Ac shrubs In. Owner leaving will sacri fice at $8300. asy terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 94S S. Commercial Ph. 3-4590 Eve. 12-4312 ALMOST New 2 bdrm modern home. AU elec. V blinds, gsr. $6250. 1933 Royal St. Best Home Buy of 1949 $987S Buys filoo new picture win dow home, large corner lot Beauti ful fireplace, spacious rooms, bdrma, living St dining room, break ct nook, beautiful kitchen with ad tointng uUhty room. Breezeway At garage. Just think, only $1473 down, $67 per no. includes Interest, taxes at insurance. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church. Ph. -7842. Fro. 8-0128 $350 DOWN!! 3-bedroom plastered. Insulated home with large utility room that could be used as extra bedroom. Close to bus. Located east Immediate pos session. No. 287 -A, TRADE OR SELL!! 2-bedroom home with hardwood floors. Additional room can be uaed as 3rd bedroom. Auto, oil heat attached garage.' Immediate noes s-Inn. Trade car, lot house, or smau casn sown payment no. zif. - $900 DOWN!! 3-bedroom home with aU hardwood floor. Insulated, bus by door. Auto, oil heat Auto, washer. Nice -lew, Balance $42 per mo. IncL taxes St Ins. No. 203. TRADE FOR IT!! What have you for a down payment on this 2-bedroom hornet AU hard wood floors, fireplace, auto, oil heat to each room, immediate possession. 1780 North 24tn st Reimaxm for Real Estate Ml South Hiah Street Phone 3-9203 Eve Ac Sun. 3-1337, 3-3739, 4-3874. 34903 BOO Real Estate 808 Houses For Sale! for man St wife, low overhead, food Income $8,003. Auto Oil Heat ' Venetian Blinds Hardwood Floors Thruout Utility Room Attached Garage Terms HOME BUILDER PHONE 3-8833 bordering Mill Creek. Each house with Ranch Type borne that you have been Year around stream. Barn and chicken throughout Attached garage. Large Full price, $6500, Down payment $2250. a liar. djr. and nice lot. mock to acnooL uouoie garage. Mr. Wailar BJL modern -house, barn, sheds, double new iracwr at su equipment, mom. Salem. Ore. Eve. phones 3-3277. 3-8498. 3-3137. 3-8814 800 Real Estate Best Buys $3750 Full Price New 2 bdrm suburban home north. Hdwd firs, plastered, see this one for a low priced home. Eves Phone 3-9674 or 3-3558. Kingwood Older type 3 bdrm homo In very good condition. Largo spacious rooms, nice view, large garage with workshop. Playroom above garage. Large kt outside fireplace. WeU worth 88730. Terms arranged. Eves ph. 2-9(74 or S-335S. Leslie Older type S bdrma. very good condi tion, fireplace, part nuwa iirs, run basement furnace, select lot and lo cation. Total price $9230. F JLA. terms available Eves pbooe S-S674 or 3-3350. $300 Down Extra spedaL Wo have made arrange ments to build you a home on your lot that la very neat and modern. Automatic furnace. 780 aq. ft floor space, hardwood floors, plastered, spacious cloaeta. utility room Inside, Storage space upstairs. Plato glass windows. You will be nroud to own this home. Come In tor details. Total Price only 88300. Note: .This is not a pro-fab noma. It ts new frame construction. 10 Acres North. Willamette soU, Older type 4 rm house, fuii price sssowsves. rn. a-4i or a-aaaa. 3 Acres Modern 8 rm home, close to shopping renter North, several outouliainra. Total price only $3300, Eves Ph. 3-4733 or 3-3538, 98 Acres Very good modern T rm home 3 miles from smau town. Lots or saw umber. Approx. 33 A under cultivstlon. Very usable outbuildings. Year round creek. Could b equipped for Irriga tion, we believe this is well wortn $12,500. Equipment and stock: can bo bought for reasonable price. Would trade for Income property. Iti Phone S-473S or 0-3U0. Al Isaak & Con Realtors 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820. 2-4398 806 Houses For Sale BY OWNER- For sale or lease. S B.R. IN Keizer 3 B. R. home. Elec heat hdwd firs, lastored. garage attach ed. A good bur- 8700 dn. 4723 Lowell Ave. Owner 338 8. College. Mo mi mouth. HoUiL IA A. Trade or aeU this beautiful 3 BJL knn. Autli on saved road. Hwd firs. FuU Basmt Beeunfuly land scaped. All under cultivation . Own er would like 3 or 3 .BJL home tn town or on bus link. FuU price $10,600. ' i G. W. Reeve, -Realtor '943 S. Commercial Ph. 2-4590 Eve. S-4311 RI WOOD DIST. n.MAil tumm. Laree hriat rm. Si dining rm S bed rms St sleeping porch. Kitchen with lots mt bull tin. - A steal at so s. twimm. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Phone 3-4590 Eve. 3-3068 800 Real Estate 808 Houses For Sale Lovely Englewood Home S . Bedroorns, nice UIt, DJL, and kitchen,, targe patio, unfinished bp. basement fenced in back lawn, saw sua neat. $7500 3 Bedroom plastered Ivxro. unfinished up. large tot He, I sone. excellent for biitinrss. .. ... $9500 Modern 4 bedroom home, fireplace. full basement on S acre, good soil, will accept amaU borne In trade. Income Property One of Salem's finest auto court and : anartroent rentals, net last year about $17,000. Owner leaving state ! win sacrifice for $80,000. For further information . call Mr. Noonchester. H.; E. Corey Real Estate , UBS li. Broadway . Pit 2-0332 Eves. 1-0103. 1-331I 808 Lota For Sale LOT $0x10$ ft Trade tot lated 43iodel car or picsup. ray casn uixxerencv. oh. 3-6351 CORNER LOT' IOOxSA. cor of Oxford and Htm Inn 199 W Nnn Hill BY OWNER: Lge sub. lot. also atnaQ nse. n lot t norta pn. a-i"u. 810 Farms. Acreaae Far Sale 18 ACRES SOUTH, good S BR. home. GX Loan. $3,350. Total price $8,000. $13s ACRES ONLY A few min. from Salem. I BR. home, barn poultry house, greenhouse, berries, fruit best of soil, good location, creek, $9730. Will seU 11 acres for $8,730, Very . good terms. : Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Personal Service 164 S. ComT Sth. 3-8389; Eve. 3-9989 , Grade A Dairy 19 good cows. 8 registered Jerseys, $8,000 net profit for year on DJLLA, Good barns, loafing shed. 4 bedroom hoe. AU in excellent cond. 39 A. irrigated pasture. Paradise Islands Farm on airport road 3. mL , E. of Salem, . - j , 818 Wanted. Beat Estate WANTED FARM LISTINGS ' We earnestly solicit listings of self- supporting farms. For personal attention call ERIC R. NELTK with JOB HUTCHISON REALTOR. 439 Court Phone 2-362S Eve Phone 2-794T WANT to buy I B, R. has. on 1 fir. basement preferred, auto, heat not over 13 yrs. old. In city limits or '.Manbrin gardens. No dealers please, -ph. 3-3794. 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sole 37 CHEV Sedan, good body, motor fair. 8193. $30 down -to right party. Ph. 2-3770. See-at 700 Evans Ave, Kel-er Dist. 1947 CROSLEY Sedan, excellent cond. 6800 miles, a trade lor equity tn late model car. 1999 Fairgrounds Rd. I40 FORD. 4 dr. Deluxe. R St H. Seat ctrtrers, S395 - 1880 Center pn S--550, 1937 CHEV. Eq. S10B Phone 17439. 1938 PLYMOUTH Tudor sedan. Musi be sold - Immediately. Best offer takes. CaU at 45S Certh Ave. of 476 Rear SACRIFICE 37 Ford 4 town. $125. Ph. 20529. dr. Leaving Every Day Is Sale Day AT OUR USED CAR LOT ALL MAKES. ALL MODELS. ALL ' v PRICES We tovfte your comparison for price with tike make Ac model anywhere. Herral-Qwens Co. . SXEMBES OF THE 060 N. Liberty Ph. SlIS t rtjDttijtatesiaatt. To Asseetsted Iress Is enUUeat nclestrclj to the eee for repnblicoUoa e( n tbe local bows printed ta this newspaper, ee well aa all A . AT news dispatches. iXEMBEJt PACIFIC COAST DHISION OF BUEiAD OF " ' AOyEKTISINO . V Adrert-dng KeprTnUtirrslvard ; ! Baa Francisco, Detroit MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CttCXXATION ' SUBSCELPTION BATES . . -t . - Dally and Sunday Week-days Only ) Sundays Only By carrier In cities ; s 1-0 month " $ LOO month " JO week: SU month .79 month , -40 month,' By mafl in Oregon 4.73 six moa. 4.25 six moa. . i-S six moo. tin advance) JbO year 8.00 year 4.00 yeas ' By special Sunday Se-en-dav rate (week-day by maU. J 9 week . ' dellvsTy on many motor deli very Sunday) I11S0 a year :' 4.58 year, . rural route-. (in advj s tin adv.) f By man to UAA 120 month 1O0 month 30 month outside Oregon 1-0 six moa i 8.00 six moa 3.75 six mfc (tn ad.) " 14.40 year 13.00 year 1X0 year Available la certain areas DAILY-CROSSWORD - ACROSS i.aty (Russ.) 8,Appor- Uoned. ' :' eg cards 10. God of love 1L GlrTa naroe. lLFuso 13. To paint by f specking . 15. atrus fruit (Chin.) IT. Selected (abbr.) IS. Biblical, ' name DOWN 1, A kind of heavy wood 2. Hindustani 3 Weaving - machine . 4. Rornn ' pound 8. Withhold 5. Choice ftoop - T.'Vlper 8. Area -round mouth .Transmit by television .. 13. More cerUIn 20.VTrrin 1 Ialaads fabbr.) 2L Glossy v surfaced ' cotton dot 24. Among - , 26. Variety of . willow 27. One of e people of Syria 25. Employer 29. Spread trass todry 30. Ruthenium (sym.) SLA dressing 33. Type measures 33. Knotty 39. Herb of mint family 4L, Topes hum , minr-bird 42. AxUesa , 4X Related . 44.TlaporrIdf0 43. Erase (PrinL) ' 850 Automotive 852 Deed Cars For Sale '48 SPECIAL Deluxe 4 dr Plymouth sdn low mileage, S1093. Ph. 22451. 36 FORD Sedan, Make an offer, 2SV S. 17th. . This Time It's. HUDSON! Serrlc SALES - Parts Home of Good Used Cars , Shrock Motor Co. Chttrch and Chemeketa Sta Ph. 2-8 lg $-For$ Yos cannot beat these for value: ' 43 PonUaC aadsn $2Mdn. 42 Chevrolet sedan -- $233 da. "37 Chevrolet aedan , 8100 dn, '4 Plyrnouui aedan , $179 de, 38 Olds coupe $ M an. rord sedan mmmm $133 dn, 1 Ford sedan B Mrin. "37 Dodge, sedan 8100 do. 39 DeSotn wdu . s Mil.. do. 4 2 Oodge sedan - L $133 dn. " Pontlac seda-t $U3dn, Herrall-O wens Co. - - Terms St Trades' 1 j $80 N. LlbertT Phnn uin 1 1538 CHEV. Standard 4 dr Good motor at tires, ph. ai5a. M USED CAR lot Any car on the lol soe ann your om one. izta st Juna tirn Onen evenlnrs nntll IS n.m EQUITY tn '40 PonUac Jtoa-onablX in. 3BCZZ. . . ; ; We Are in the Market FOR LATE MODEL CARS ELSNER MOTOR CO. 333 N. High . Salem, Oregon 864 Trockm. Tmilr For Sale V L 43 TON and half Ford truck. Cash. rraoe or terms ? u. r. cnrtstiansen. Rt $. Box 464. 1 mile west of Ma- cleav. V. mL south.- i 1939 CHEV Fuel truck. $550. ,38G". M. C. 2 .T both push-out beds, S unit 103 Roberts Ave. Ph. 1773L 858 Wanted, Ccnfmcka ZEEB'S USED CARS ' BUT - SELL TRADE S LOTS ttrs FahT-onnds Rd, PhTte 3-6434 $20 Hood St Phony 3-7714 Calling All Cars r Drive to 3388 Portland Rd where yon can get the most cash for your car. ' Secnrity Motors 338S Portland Rd. 1 Ph 3-814 USED CARS Buy at se'l Ron s aibtar co. 340 a. High, Phone i-t'as. 8 S3 Motos-CTclee Indian Motorcvcles , Scooters - Bl-ycSea CUSHMAM WHTZZEB Snorts 11 red air cooled engine repair. Shrock Motorcycle Sales' $007 Portland Rd. Ph. 8-1423 8S0 Auto Miscellaneous SAVE 30 at Braden's Body ac Paint Shop. 3680 Cherry, open nunoay. . ti2 House TraU A REAL Buy at $123. 1848 - 28 Schult trailer house. : Phone 3-7438 or see t R. Coml. I- J BEAVER House trailer. Nelson electric dolly. S propane tanas, brakes. Excellent cond. $950. Union Service- Ststion. Waldport, Ore. n. Waldnort. C EQUITY In 21- ' jneetcraft". '48 modsl Trai iler house. Mr. Zunck. .880 N. ComT St Why Pay Rent: , Trade your furniture on a new trailer home and save money. Kit and Uoi versa! 10 to 34 ft . Jayhawk Trailer. Sales ' 2840 Portland Rd. ASSOCIATED FKESS - GrifnUi Cow New York, CMcsfes 14. Tntored 15. Spoils, as n chan co (slang;) . 19. Pantry f . 21. Fermented 22. Supposing; 23. Cravat t 25. Wet earth 27. Rot 29.SubUr- raneaa ' TsatsrJars j passsge . S7.WIckod. 3S.NaUref Denmark-. 40, Cod of war (TeuL) 41P-WIcnotk 32. Century plant 3 4. Heavenly body JlBodyof wUr 1 I I I4 1 I H VW, 21 22. a Vf: l3"T"lr"ZIIII 54 n u m It