The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 27, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    Heads New Organization .
. :' M
8 The Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Sunday, Nov. 27. 1949
YM-YW to
Give Annual
One of the highlights of the
coming week will be the colorful
smorgasbord dinner and program
to be presented at .the YMCA
Thursday night The affair is
sponsored jointly ! by the YMCA
and the YWCA and its theme is
1 world fellowship. The costumes of
other lands to be worn by we
singers and dancers will help to
create the illusion that the guests
re dining in a foreign country.
The smorgasbord will be served
from 9:30 to 8 o'clock and the com
mittee is planning for four nun
s' dred. To be sure of reservations
those planning to attend are asked
to call either the YM or YW. As
long as tickets last they will be
sold at the door-
The program of entertainment
has been arranged by Mrs. Bruce
SDaulding and Ronald Hudkihs
featuring a festival of nations.
Booths will display articles of
various foreign countries with
Mrs. Chester Cox and Charles
Chittock in charge. Booths will be
sponsored by the Tri-Y, Salore,
Y-Teena and YMCA.
.The general chairmen, Mrs. John
R. Caughell and Norman Winslow,
have asked a large committee to
assist them in arrangements for
the affair: Mrs. .Oscar Liudahl is
In direct charge of the smorgas
" bord.
On the Directorate
Mrs. Robert E- Shinn is in charge
of table decorations with Mes
dames Lester Barr, W. Wells
Baum, William Cole and Louis
Cerlinger assisting. Arranging the
tables will be Mrs. George W. Ail
ing and Mrs. C. W. Parker. Host
esses in the dining room will be
Mrs. Arthur Madsen and Mrs.
Ralph Moodey and serving as hosts
in the lobby will be Mr- and Mrs.
Harold A. Rosebraugh and Mr.
and Mrs. Howard R. Post Mrs.
Albert J. Torgerson is in charge of
the dessert table. Thirty-five wom
en will assist in preparing the food
with 30 additional women making
the salads. Personnel of this group
. is made up of Service club mem
bers, Hi-Y mothers, and YWCA
Members of the Hi-Y will act
as bus boys and the Y-Teen girls
will serve as waitresses under the
direction of Miss Norma Wallace
and Mrs. A- W. Archibald. Also
assisting will be a group of Wil
lamette university students with
Eleanors Loveless, president of
the campus YW, and Al Minn,
campus YM president, in charge.
Other members of the general
directorate for this annual affair
Include Mrs. Albert A. Schramm,
president of the YMCA board, Gus
Moore, executive director of the
YMCA, Miss Gertrude Acheson,
executive director of the YWCA,
Miss Joyce Lamoreaux, director of
young adult activities at the YW,
Carlton Greider and Ardo Tarem
pt the YMCA staff.
Bash school mothers will meet
at the school on Tuesday after
noon at 1 -o'clock. Mothers of all
Bush school pupils are Invited.
a -a K.e
; A,.
rs. George! Spcrur, who is heading the Salem Wom
en's Amy-Navy league this year. The srroup is a new
organization, formed just a year and a half ago. The mem
bership numbers frearjy a hundred women, who meet mon
thly for luncheon!. A tea and two dances are also on the
year's agenda. The purpose of the league is to unite service
women of the vicinity for social, benevolent and educational
activities. Women whose husbands were or are officers in
the army, navy, coast guard, marines or air force are eligi
ble for membership. (Kennell-Dlis).
And Tea ;
Town and Gown, which usual
ly meets ion the fourth Thursday
of each month, will hold its tea
meeting and program on Thursday
afternoon December 1 in the Car
rier room of the First Methodist
church. The next regular meeting
will then !be in January, f
Mrs. James T. Brand will pre
side at the 2 o'clock meeting. Miss
Mabel Robertson is in charge of
the program and will introduce
Mrs. Brooks Moore, who will read
The Other Wise Man." Mrs. P. H.
Brydon, music chairman, has ar-
r m : , a.,
rangea ior in wuunwns univer
sity a capella choir to sing a group
of numbers under the direction of
Dean Melvin Geist jf
During! the tea hour new mem
bers will be honored Mrs; George
S. Hoffman heads the tea director
ate and 1 assisting' are Mesdames
Robert L. Elfstrom, George E. Al
len. W. Wells Baum. Robert G.
Brady, Donald Brazie, R. H. Bal-
dock. Allan Carson, Joseph W
Chambers. Joseph M. Devers, I. M.
Doughton, L- C. DuBuy, Frank
Durbln, Frank A. Elliott, Edgar
Pierce, Merlin Estep, jr., Silas E.
Fairham, Roy A. Fedjc, Eugene
Foster. Frank Fisher, Rex Kim
melL F. J. Furman, Mabel Gabriel,
W. I Osborne, Miss Alice Crary
Brown. Miss Kate Dickson and
Dean Regina Ewalt
Linn Smith Is
To Be Honored
'Club Dances
On Weekend
Agenda .
Two club dances are the social
slate for the coming weekend. The
Trotters club will hold its monthly
semi-formal dance Friday night at
Crystal Gardens ballroom with
Bill DeSouza's orchestra playing
for dancing between ten and one
The committee in charge in
cludes Mr. and Mrs. Sam Camp
bell and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph At-wood.
Tillicum club's monthly formal
dance will be an event of Satur
day night in the Mirror room of
the Marion hotel. The social hour
begins at 8:30 o'clock with dan
cing from 10 to 1 o'clock to the
music of Wolf ex's orchestra. A
snack bar will be a feature of the
New members will be introdu
ced by the president Carl Cover,
and a highlight of the evening
will be a cane dance. The decor
ating committee includes Mrs. Ho
mer Smith, jr. and Mrs. Elmer
Roster Listed
The club roster this year in
cludes Messrs. and Mesdames
O. B. Adolf. Dallas; Max Alford,
Carl B. Arm priest, Edwin Arm
strong. W. H. Bell of Stayton,
Woodson Bennett I. V. Benson.
Elmer Berglund. Russell Bone-
steele. E. E. Boring, F. J. Brad
shaw. William J. Braun, John
Brown of Dallas, Lawrence
Brown, Earl C. Bushnell, Elmer
Church, Willis Clark, Nprris Cle
ment Carl Cover, Robert W. Cra
ven of Independence, C. L. Crider
of Dallas, Morris K. Crtfthers, Wil
liam C. Dyer. jr.. Howard Eis-
mann. Wheeler R. English, Arth
ur Erickson, Carroll Ford, Steph
en Fouchek, M. E. Gadwa, Ray
Gallagher. John GraybilL Paul
Lynn M. Hammerstad. James o,
Haworth. William E. Healy. Karl
Heinlein, Glenn Hoar, ueorge k.
Hoffman, . Edward Hoffman, Her
man Jochimsen, Carl Jordan, Har
lan Judd, Paul Keeney, Ray Kerr,
Arthur Knox, A. A. Krueger, Eric
Laetsch, Adam LeFor, Rollin Lew
is. Harris Lieti. E. A. Unden,
A. W. Loucks, C. T. Martin, Rich
mam avav aw u. ism f mm imi ft
Past Presidents club. Hal Ribbard
auxuiarr- uswv. luncneon wiui Mrs.
Bcssi Baker. S2S North Cottag U
12 :30 p.m.
rOE auxutary car a party, suesu
welcome. 371 North High tt i
Salem Woman a club, board meUna
1 p.m.. general business meeting 1 p.m.
Neighbors of woodcran meet at sa-
clubhouse, birthday
lera Woman's
party. S p.rn
Salem chapter. OES. meet at Masonic
Temple, I P,m.
Chanter AB of PEO. with Mrs. Ellen
riaher. 10SS North SOth sU 1:4a djtl.
Woman's club drama division
of Literature group, program at cl ub
house, S pjn.
Publicity school of Instruction, stwn
Woman's club,' S ptu
FOE auxiliary ton meeting and In
itiation, 371 North High St.
Date for Ball
Spinsters have completed plans
and announced the date for their
annual Christmas Charity ball
which will be an event of Christ
mas nirht at the No-Name ball
room. The formal affair is always
one of the anticipated affairs of
the holiday season for the young
mrried and college set Claude
Bird's orchestra will play for dan
cine between ten and one o'clock-Co-chairmen
of the ball are Miss
Margaret Lovell, vice - president
and Mrs. Roger M. Schnell. Other
committee members are as follows:
Mrs. P. Dixon Van Ausdell,: Miss
Sally Ann Barr, tickets; Mrs. Tra
vis Cross, publicity; Mrs. Rex Ad
olph and Miss Helen. Zielinski, re
freshments; Mrs. Richard Gentz
kow. Misses Suzanne Small, Jo
anne Fitzmaurice, Charlotte Alex
ander and Evelyn Johnson, decora
tions; Miss Jane Carson, reception
committee; Mrs. William Shinn
and Mrs. Stuart McElhinny, pa
trons. Next meeting of the Spinsters
will be December at the home of
Mr- and Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde
with Mrs. John Steelhammer as
Guests Are
Bidden to
Mr. and Mf. Vern Shay will be
hosts for a dinner party today at
their State street home for mem
bers of his family.
Covers will be placed for F. O.
Shay, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Smith,
Marilyn, Norman and Lorna of
HiUsboro, Mrs. William Beal of
Forest Grove, Prof. Russell Beal
of Portland,) Mr- and Mrs. Nels
Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jen
sen, Linda atnd Kathleen of Ver
nonia, Mr. ahd Mrs. Lowell Briz-
ekdine, Shirley and Karen of '
Bremerton, Wash, MrsJ.' Rose W.
Babcock, the Vern Shays and
daughter, Nancy.
Dinner at Cannons
, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C Cannon
will be hosts to, members of their
club tonight at their Morningside
home- A no-host dinner will be
served with bridge following.
i Covers will be placed for Mr.
and Mrs. John S. Lochead, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph M. Devers, jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst,
Mr. and Mrs- T. M. Medford, Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Brown and the
; i
; Mrs. Hugh Bower and Miss Jan
et Bower will return today from
Bremerton, Wastu, where they
went I to spend Thanksgiving and
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Women of Rotdrv5 !
To Hear Dr. Swprd
Women of Rotary will hear Dr.
Victor Hugo Sword, who hay re
cently returned form 19 years in j
India, speak at the monthly ! lun
cheon meeting Monday afternoon
at the Golden Pheasant at one
o'clock. Dr. Sword was an educa
tor with college students in India
and was acquainted with both
Gandhi and Nehru. The subject
of his talk will be The Political
Leaders of India." All wives ef
Rotary members are invited to at
tend the buffet luncheon and pre
gram. j i
H. E. Barrett and Miss Helen. Bar
rett i
A. W. Loucks, C. T. Martin. Kicn- D,,,,,, il ..-iJ.
ard Meyer, Ira Mix of Indepen- nUSSeliS VJlUeSIS
dence, Glenn Mccormick, fcimo
McMillan, George Neuman, t:.
Lester Newman, B. E. Owens,
James L. Payne, E. K. Piasecki,
Carl Porter of Albany,
Carl M. Quistad, Howard Ragen,
Donald Reinke, Kenneth Rich,
William Schlitt, Robert Sears,
Hollis Smith ' of DaUasT Homer celebrated their Wth wedding
Smith, jr.. George Spaur, Sidney anniversary, Sunday, at : their
Stevens, E. . M. Syring, rramc I home here.
Test Harold Tomiinson, xaernn
At i Celebration
SWEET HOME Sons-in-law
and daughter, grandchildren and
great grandchildren and a host of
friends, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rus
Truax, Barney. Van Onsenooru,
Edwin Viesko, nrea viesxo oi
Gervais. Ellis Von Eschen, Harry
H. Weinstein. Harry J. wenoer-
oth. Harold Westfall. S. D. Wiles,
Victor Wolfe. John R. Wood. R. D.
Woodrow. Gilbert Wynkoop and
Lfra TJnn C. Smith will be host-
ess at a party Tuesday (rom I to I Douglas Yeater.
m a a M sr C X,l a. I
celebrating his 40th year with AAUW rianS
Ladd and Bush bank. Guests will
be officers of the Ladd and Bush
branch of the United States Na
I tlonal bank of Portland, and sever
al of the officers from Portland.
Dinners Tuesday
. Tho Storo of a Thousand Gifts!
Is: .
The annual fellowship dinners
of the Salem branch, American
Association of University Women
will be held Tuesday night at 6:15
o'clock at the homes of various
members. The dinners are held
for the purpose of acquainting
members with the fellowship pro
gram of the association and fol
lowing the no-host dinners enter
tainment will be offered stressing
this phase of the organization's
The branch has been divided
into groups with reservations al'
ready made by 250 women. One
more home has been added to the
list already published. Miss Bren
da Glass will entertain a group at
her home, 290 Manbrin Drive,
with Mrs. F. A. Massee and Mrs.
L. J. Chapln assisting- Mrs. Mas-
see la fellowship chairman and as
sisting her are Miss Lorena Jack,
chairman of the dinners, Miss El'
eanor Stephens and Dr. Helen
Among these attending the put
no concert of Lili Kraus in Port
land Friday night were Dean and
John T. Russell and Winifred
reari xsoyce were married near
PerrysviUe. Ohio, November 18,
1899, by the Rev. S. A- Sherman,
pastor of the Baptist church.
The groom was editor and pub
lisher of the Perryville Enterprise
and Uieir honeymoon was spent In
the newspaper office getting out
the Wednesday edition
After 17 years of newspaDerlng
In Ohio the Russells came to Ore
gon City In 1908. In 1909 they came
to Sweet Home where they have
since resided. In 1929 Russell
helped to establish the New Era
at Sweet Home. In 1931 Mr. and
Mrs. Russell purchased the news
paper and with the exception of a
rew months, published it continu
ously until they sold it In 1948.
During the war Mrs. Russell con
ducted a column under the head
Soldier Bits." She saw to It that
the 350 soldiers got a copy of the
paper and the men kept track of
eacn otner through this column
Open house was held Sunda
from 2 to 6. Pouring were Mes
dames J. C. McCreadv. John Me.
Masters, Jack Keeney, Joe Thomp
son. Sam Emery and Clara Daueh-
erty. A granddaughter, Mrs. Peter
rerteilo sang, Mrs. A. J. Sports
man and Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt
Homer played. Present were five
couples who have lived beyond
50 years of wedded life. They
were Mrr and Mrs. Fred Rolfe who
celebrated their 0th anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave King 57 years,
r. and Mrs. Jack Keanev 57
years, Mr. and Mrs. John McMaa
ters 30
Mr. Melvin Geist Miss Marraret a" Z" na Mr- and Mrs.
tt w: i n xZ IKusseU 50 yean.
Besides friends nresent
Hogg, Miss Alice Crary Brown,
and Bennett Ludden.
BcJe-SharaMcrB are the longed-for stockings
loved for their fabulously smooth fit . .
ior their lasting, fine quality. Choose these
cherished gifts jtet, from e fresh selection of
3 I ' - j-
ahears sad pew-aahlon shades.
sat tdtpktmt tr jmr gifl ssreypxf Belli-Shmi mm$
sseW m rcuri f im $U mmi fmmitt iW
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far slender for average for tall,
ersssalllega sisekga larger lee
avd .lai.a l lor largest lefs
I pr.
3 prs. 5
eWltSi' ewt
sons-in-law and daughters. Mr
and Mrs. Wm. C- Powell, Camas,
rn.: mr. ana Mrs. C. J. Keenev
and Mr. and Mrs. M. Dee Eisimin
ger. Sweet Home; grandson and
wife Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pow
ell, Camas. Wn; granddaughter
and husband Mr. and Mrs. Peter
rerteilo, Newburg; grandchildren
Lenore Elaine, Larry and John
Elslminger, Sweet Home and
great, grandchildren Tracy and
Sandra PowelL Camas, Wn.
Leek hw fey year first Mesne leeks!
I i
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