li -Tho Stoteaaton. Salami Oregon. M ; j. $i" SujaT."KCT."i7. 1849 THE VALLEY NEWS COLUMNS 1 . From Tho Oregon Statesman's Volley Correspondents Dinners Held At Falls City Thanksgiving lutttnu Ntwt Sarvlce TALLS CITY Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jeffup entertained a large group at Thanksgiving dinner in their home. . , Present Were Mr. and Mrs. Roft Moore, Rosedale, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Randall and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Randall, Miss Pat Jef fery, all of Salem; Mr. and Mrs'. Richard Marr and son, Mr. and Mrs. Vert Ellis and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Courps iand daugh ter and Harold Bell. j Mr. I and Mrs. Harvey Marr and children spent thanksgiving in Portland with the Glen Jones fam- uy. I ' ) - Magnolia Rebekah lodge 140 held flection of officers Wednes day, ifew leaders are, noble grand, Mildred Wray vice-grand, Kather ine Ames; recording! secretary, Jesse Moyer, financial secretary, Nell Mack, and treasurer, Gdenda York.! I j Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Gardner were held Saturday at 2 pjn. at Henkle-Bollman Funeral home.i Interment at the Odd Fel low cemetery in Falls City. Rheumatism Neuritis Sciatica : If You Want-Relief and Help Send for our ARTHRITIS BOOK ; , . i j (We have no Medicine or Anything Elso to Sell Yow) : : No Matter hew long yoa have suffered, or what yoa have tried, this instructive Health Book, written In easily understood words will enable yoa to fully understand yodr own case and may save yon years of sofferlng , This book contains Information generally known only to Spe cialists. It explains the different types of Arthritis and the differ ence between Arthritis, Rheumatism.-SclatieaNeurltis and Lum bago. It lists causes , and symp toms and describes associated complicating diseases. It e x -plains the Anatomy and Physi ology of the Involved Muscles. Joints and Nerves. Few realize how serious these diseases can be come If long neglected. Techniques of treatment are described. You are told where to look for Help and Relief near at home without traveling to some far distant city, f f This book is sent only to Suf ferers who want: and f need help. The edition Is limited. Notice may not appear aralii. Write at once today for your copy. SEND S (three cent) Stamps (9c) to help cover distribution cost. You Incur no obligation. We have no medi cine or anything jelse fo selL You will not be asked to i send us a penny of money. ADDRESS H. Holmes (RAR Inc.) Dept. TP7, Box 806, Albuquerque, N.M. Pd. Adv. i ? Mint ;i Mkt2! rHariKsgiving Program at Brooks School tutttnui News Icnrlce BROOKS Brooks grade school students presented a Thanksgiv ing program in the seventh and eighth grade room. Mrs-. Cyril Walker and Mrs. Norton Wood will be hostesses for the Brooks .Sewing club Christ mas party Thursday, December 1, at the home of Mrs. Willard Ramp. Carolyn King celebrated her 10th birthday with a dinner at the home of! her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ritter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bosch and daughter Marie spent Thanksgiv ing at the home of Mrs. Boschs sinter Mrs. Minnie Smith in Lyons. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the F. J. Morisky home were Jim my Morisky of Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Morisky of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoffer, Paul and Bob of Mt. -Angel. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnson and family of Myrtle Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis and family of Hopmere were Thanksgiving din ner guests at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. R. I Davis in Brooks. Mrs. Anna Dunlavy spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cole in Salem. Other dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Cole of Stayton. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Katie Sturgis i were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smythe of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. George Baynard, Mr. and Mrs'. Roy Bay nard and son Gene, Joe Marsh, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sturgis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ramp were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Walker in Mt. Angel. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Loom is en tertained with a Thanksgiving dinner for R. D. Vibbert; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Loomis, Harry Loomis and Miss Roberta Loomis. Mr. and Mrs. Norton Wood, Jimmy and Stephen were guests of Mrs. Grace Bolton in Salem, Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Britt Aspinwall is in the Salem Memorial hospital and is reported to be improving satis factorily. Mrs. Roy Reed., who has been in the Salem General hos pital for several weeks, is also reported to be improving. Mrs. 4 I :W.) r-Tty (J (fill . II ff 1 i IS mm RED CROSS HEADS ru.... ir.i.Ti 't.i - wmo wvi I'lwauou asjl new president of American Red Cross, chats with Basil O'Connor, former president, at a Washington dinner fat O'Connor's honor. Frank Sturgis has a badly crushed left hand caused when her hand caught in a clothes wringer last week. Silverton Couple On Trip South lUUimu Nwt Service SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Anderson left this week to visit in Richmond, Calif. Mrs. Ole Satern, who has been visiting at the home of her two sons. Harold and Oscar Satern, here for the past two weeks, re turned Friday to Hillsboro where she now makes her home with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Madsen. Prior to last July, Mrs. Satern had lived in Sil verton for more than 50 years. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Neal left Thursday en route to Fort Worth, Tex., to spent three weeks with her son, the Rev. Robert Neal and his family. The Texans plan to re turn to Silverton with his parents for the Christmas holidays. Mrs. J. P. A. Hansen left Friday morning for Klamath Falls where she will spend several weeks with her son, H. E. Frederickson and family. Independence Masonic Lodge Gives Degrees SUtetmaa Newt Service INDEPENDENCE Independ ence chapter, Royal Arch Masons, met at the Masonic hall Friday evening when the past master degree was conferred upon sev eral candidates. Mae Ellen Harmon and Betty Foster gave a report on their ex periences at Girts-&tate last sum mer at the Wednesdays meeting and potluck supper of American Legion Post No. S3 and Auxil iary. Beginning the first of the year, the date for the auxiliary meeting will be changed to the third Wednesday of each month. The Home extension unit will meet in the Methodist church par lors .Wednesday, at 10 a.m. A pot- Ljuck dinner will be served at W m mm m . . m noon. Airs. iea Aiuuer ana Mrs. Orlie Brown will demonstrate garment finishing. 111; :i ... . Stages Dinner At Sweet Home ? StaAasmaa News Service SWEET HOME That Frfra- ed Womjens club held a progres sive difmer Tuesday evening. r run coeKiaiia were rvi at th Stewart jWeiss home, salad at the James StoKer and H. D. Els ton homes, main course at the Jack Gilberts i and Ed Cardwn and dessert it the Dan Aahtm hnm. ine project was for the benefit of the pyblic -library. Mr. and Mra. H T Pinkin ) purchased the Ada Rozell prop erty on Larch street Mrs. fat Wills was taken to the local hospital Monday for medical treatment Mrs. Wills has been ill f for sometime. Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Morrison have purchased the Lloyd Foster home infJ" street : Miss Gloria Gist and Mr. Ken neth little of Portland, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. William! Affolter. Miss Gist Is a sister of Mrs. Affolter. Mr. and Mrs. William Affolter spent Thanksgiving day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter jAffolter at Neskowin. . lit-'. itir:-iVl Valley BirtliS SUtcmuui Newt Scrrtca ALBANY To Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Anderson, November 21, at Albany General, a 7 pound boy. jTo Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sellus of Route 2, Lebanon, November It, an 8 pound 9 ounce girl at the Willamette Osteopathic hospital. j To Mr. and Mrs. Roland Robins of Corvallis. a 7 pound 14 ounce girl, November 18. i To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yegge of Route 2, Lebanon, at the Wil- Utroltio Ueleopathle id pound I ounce boy. AW.t. WTLLAMINA Mr. andAIrs. Lewis Blachy are the parents Of a son, William Joh, bom; Novem ber 18. j ,! if Mr. and Mrs. Floyd X. Meek are the parents of a son, Eddie James, born November Yt, at a Dallas hospital. j SILVERTON Born atj the Sil verton hospital November 23 a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Berg of Woodburn. I -At on (pin-yon), is the only member of the pine family that bears tdiblo nuts. ! i tier's W M etueoru court- r t i t - ' yj't-Am v v . ' 4 1 T ! 1 "V - - -r"" T- it I v i. : j f g lJ Looktat the Record I PQEFUQCIHE) I OTHR C3EOT S by mm mmn 2 to i 1 IBaSSHBBBBSBBISSBSnBSa Here Is clear-cut endorsement by truck buyers and users s revealed by official registration figures and what's more, Chevrolet trucks outsell the next two makes combined. That's the record now look at the reasons. i i Look at Chevrolet's sturdy construction, rugged power with economy, handling oaso and convenience. Look at all the extra advantages of Chevrolet trucks and then add j i 1 the, lowest list prices in the industry. Now you know why Chevrolet trucks lead thorn all I Come in and let us show you and tell you the full story of Chevrolet truck valuel Official Registration Figures covering Chevrolet weight class for the ten months, Dec 1948 - Sept 1949. f0Otvring VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINES-Oreater power per cation, lower coat per load DIAPHRAGM SPRING CLUTCH Smooth enflaoement SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSIONS Quick; smooth shifting; HYPOID REAR AXLES 5 times stronger than spiral bevel type DOUBLE-ARTICULATED BRAKES Complete driver control WIDE-BASE WHEELS Increased tire mileage ADVANCE-DESIGN STYLING With the Cab that -Breathes" BALL-TYPE STEERING Easiet handling UNIT-DESIGN BODIES Precision built 110 N. Commercial St J). i I Doug) . I . " ') I i. f 1 $' i ! ' as McKay Chevrolet Co. Phono 3-3 175 DR. SEMLERsaygg V---ij 1 kevo YOU fo como ! taVo BR. - I Nawy ) y v DeorJsf J j 1 i I! , 1 rZ ir, mi f -Ut i 2 I 2 t advoftToo of my FrtoweHy m4 FUk Ib4 Crocrit PI on ... so cprfeki "m4 mv Kit 92 onrt f 100 pattonts ky obisWd rWir plaUs VrTHOUT PAY ING CASH! r gladly adjust tho sy. moAvs fo YOUR budaet, so yom cn Ess)y Woorlno Yomt Plotos WMU Paytsif n Small Woolly or MoWMy Amounts. This opplios to M dontwros, mcltKiMsg tKo booutifol row TroAspoV M PaUfo Plotoc. Ak Yow Doirtfst bew tfcoy kotp y4i oftfoy lmprveo! Appooronco, Ptoosmof Comfoff osso! r.l at " vopemaoDto viifwma rvwtr 'I'.YJ '-Mi, TAKG YOUn CHOJCOi O? TH2S2 DENTAi I PLATG SERVICES! I AT DIL SC&LETS i. PECJirnGTrnv Don't embU with your hlfli mrly beMM yei'r Wt f Mtk lor DMtal Oral Um Dr. itnUr't Libwal Cradit flaa and kava aaadaa wort aam alatad RIGHT NOW . . . aT LaUr. aa YOUR OWN r. aaabla eradit tarmi. No Malay ar raa Upa . ." . a pthf ar finanea cmpm eaal wrtfc at Dr. Samlar's. EXAMIl(ATIO:i Vilhcrf APPOINTMENT Yaa ara walcama aay taaa at year aawvawiaaaa far bamiaa- tioa ar Caaaanatiaa yaar Dantal full I. 0 foimrilUB ) Eliminoto too ombarrasssjieat aos! loconvenlents of Toothless Days ... prevent lost of ttnio from yoar ob. lMnoit lestorotion enables 'oa to wear yor plates THE SAM I DAY extra loos are eempletea' ... particolarty rf mended for those who nseet toe pablic ! J Ask Year Deptht. ; ; j If no extraction is necessary oetne in before 1C A. M. (except Satnrday) and your mow Dental Plates will bo ready for yoa by 1:30 r. Mi TMI SAME DAY. A convenient, ttme-tvlf service. - i j Wbetber or oof yoa" need extraction, w4 wWt moke very effort fa fit yoo with oew Deatal Plafes la the shortest possible time. I I Work asaaUy eomplefed In 1 fro J days. I siW I ' ' ' 1 WATCRS-ADOLPH ILDO. Salem, Orogon iP?5ly i . . I ' b '''' :'f I V ' a MM . M - S St i f s y jrr si i i.a 1 - -I