IO-the) Statesman, Salem,' Oregon, Saturday Not. 26. 1849 The Bible Story f BALAAM . ! ! k (Editor's aetc: This to the eighth of a series ef Studies from the Old Testament, Tka text to condensed from selections jr Houston Hart lor the new took, "In Oar Image.") i- And the children of Israel pitched in I the plains of Moab. And Balak king of the Moabites sent messengers unto Balaam to caU him, saying. Behold, there is a people come out from Egypt: they cover the face of the earth, and abide over against me: Come now therefore, curse me this people; that I may drive them out of the land: for I wot that he whom thou blessest Is blessed, and he whom thou cursest is cursed. And Balaam said unto them. Lodge here thli night, and I will bring you word again, as the Lord shall speak; unto me. And God came unto Balaam and said, Thou shall not gothou shalt not curse the people: for they are blessed. And Balaam said unto the princes of Balak, the Lord refuseth to give roe leave to go with you. t I ' Balak tent yet araln princes, more, and more honorable. And they came to Balaam, and said, Thus salth Balak, I will pro mote thee onto very great honor, and I will do whatsoever thou say est, come, I pray thee, corse me this people. And God eame onto Balaam, and said, go with them; bat yet the , word which I shall say onto thee, do. And Balaam went with the princes of Moab. f . Balaam said unto Balak: the word that God putteth In my mouth, that shall I speak . . . And on the' morrow Balak took Balaam up into the high places of Baal, that he might see the utmost part of the people. 'i ' And Balaam said: Build me here seven altars. And Balak and Balaam offered on every altar Dullock and a ram. Balaam went to an high place. And God met Balaam and said, Return unto Balak, and thus thou shalt speak. And he returned and iaid; The king of Moab hath brought me from the mountains of the east, saying, Come, curse me Jacob, and come, defy Israel. How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? or how shall I defy whom the Lord hath not defied? Lb, the people shall dwell alone; and shall not be reckoned among the nations. Let me die the death of the right eous, and let my last end be like his! $ And Balak said. What haat thou doner I took the te eon mine enemies, and, behold, thou hast blessed them. And he an swered. Most I net speak that which the Lord hath pat la my . month? And Balak said. Come unto another place from whence thou halt not see them all: peradventure it will please God that thou mayest curse me them from thence. And Balak brought Balaam to the top of Peor. And Balaam lifted up his eyes, and saw Israel abiding in his tents; and the spirit of God came upon him, and he said, How goodly are thy tents, O Israel, they tabernacles, D Jacob. Ood brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it wer the strength of an unicorn: he shall eat up his enemies, and pierce them though with his arrows. Blessed Is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee. And Balak's sneer waa kindled, and he said nU Balaam, I called thee to cane mine enemies, and, behold, thou hast alto gether blessed them. Therefore now flee into thy place: I thought to promote thee ante great honor; bat, lo, the Lord hath kept thee back from honor. And Balaam said unto Balak, If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the command ment of the Lord. i And he took up his parable, and said: I shall' see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there' shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth. 'Voice of Deep9 Film by Moody Set at Hayesville Statesman Nsws Service HAYESVILLE, Nov. 25 Color ful marine drama proving that the "silent deep" is not silent after all la provided in the scientific film, "Voice of the Deep," to be shown Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at Halbert Memorial Baptist church, accord ing to the Rev. C. E. Brickwedel, pastor. The picture was produced as one of a series by Moody Bible Insti tute of Chicago. Its purpose is stated by Dr. Ir- Pacific Standard Time I SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS ;-. Kilocycles: KSLM 1390, KOCO 1490. , FM: Megacycles KOIN hour 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KKX 00:00 00:15 Church of Air Radio Pulpit B. Box Revue 8 KSLM lint Baptist first Baptist Phophecy s Prophecy KOCO River Boys News Fellowship Fellowship KOIN Newsmakers Howard Smith Tabernacle if Tabernacle KGW Music Serenade Home Church' Home Church KKX Revival Hour Revival Hour Revival Hour . Revival Hour 9 KSLM Bible Class I Bible Class I Lutheran Hourl Lutheran Hr. KOCO Chapel of Air (Clark Dennis Ave Maria Ave . Maria KOIN Learning I Learning; Guest Stars c (News I KOW News To Vets. Eternal Light Xternal Light KKX South ernalres 1 Southerner ea Message . iMcssaso f KSLM News Lutheran News 0 IVour Security 1 KOCO WUdwd Church Organ Loft Sacred Heart f Wayne Xing III KOIN People's Plat People's Plat Explorer MusklExplorer Music W KOW Or (an Organ Round Table -; Round Table KKX News- Highways Vespers f j Vespers 14 KSLM Mlchaux Mlchaux (David Roes (Canaries I KOCO Sun. Service Sun. Service I Sun. Service (Sun. Service I KOIN Chorallers Choral! ers Gallery Gossip News I KOW NBC Theatre NBC Theatre INBC Theatre NBC Theatre KKX V. Llndlahr rrank-Ernest I Piano Play, j I Piano Play. KSLM News (Guest Star Juvenile U Juvenile 1 1 KOCO Str. Serenade Str. Serenade INewa g I United Nations J KOIN Symphony Symphony Symphony I Symphony aW KOW Mr. rixlt News iQulx Kids llQulslClda KKX Hour ot faith Hour of faith (Parade of Hits (Parade ot Hits 1KSLM Mystery, Mystery, .PrtvaU Zye ; I Private Zye KOCO vorde-Muaie (worda-Musle Daydreams g Daydreams KOIN Symphony (Symphony I My Serenade I News KOW Living - IMS Living - IMS tAm. ronim 1 Am. Forum KKX Week's World IWeekTa World (Prophecy j (Prophecy . 2 KSLM Shadow I Shadow Mysteries Mysteries KOCO Music Room Music Room Showcase f Showcase KOIN Are There I A re There Symphonette f Symphonette KOW Playhouse lPlayhouse Star Harvest I Star Harvest KKX Mr. President IMr. President Greatest Story Greatest Story 3 KSLM Adventurer (Adventurer Wick Carter I Nick Carter KOCO Serenade Serenade (Sua. Music Sua. Music KOIN Family Hour Family Hour I Bos. Blackle Boa. Blackle KOW Hardy family Hardy Family (Hollywood Call Hollywood Call KKX Lutheran Hr. Lutheran Hr. (Melodies To Vets 4 KSLM News Health Traveler I (Traveler KOCO Don Stewart Don Stewart (Don Stewart t (Don Stewart KOIN . Jack Benny Jack Benny Amos N And (Amos H Andy KOW KoUywood Call Hollywood CaU HaWraye i Haraye 7 KKX : Live Voices live Voices iGuost Star j betty Oark 5f "LM Alexander , (Alexander Murray Show ; Murray Show KOCO 'Ministerial 'IToVeU Serenade Serenade KOW fsnf'spade (Sam "Spade TheerGulid fheaTreulid ' KKX Stop Musle IStop Mualo Stop Musle i Stop guSe 6XLM Crime Fight Crime Tight am. Theatre Fam. Theatre KOCO Ted Dale - Ted Dale (News f Troplcana KOIN Corliss Arch. Corliss Arch. (Horace Heidt t Horace Heldt KOW Theatre Guild Theatre Guild Album Musle Album Musle KKX Wlnchell (Lou Parsons Lite. Chance Life. Chance 75V Medical Wgh. (Barter Shop (Roy Rogers Roy Rogers KOCO Sun. Salon . Sun. talon (Nanrene 1 Nazarene KOIN Contented Contented I Whistler 1 Whistler 525 TkJ.Lav n Ik-v n (Bob Crosby $ Bob Crosby KKX J. Fldier Chapel tStandby s Standby 5LM SO Questions ISO Questions .Wlnchell ilL. Parsons ic2 Nsxarene lNsiarene Frank DeVol ; I Frank DeVol KOIN Miss Brooks Miss Brooks Bergen at Met Bergen 4 Mo. I KOW One FamUy One family Symphony 1 1 Symphony KKX Pearson IHeadilnea . Wlnchell lllntermesso 95LM - Mtwi, Bditorlal ICunnlnghsm if News OCO Sun. Reverie Sun. Reverie 1 Dallas Church psllas Church KOIN Red Skelton Red Skelton iJack Benny f gack Benny OW Symphony Symphony (Orchestra fiorchestra KKX ram. Closeup Tarn. Closoup 1 Orchestra llOov.. McKay KSLM - I I- S'l "" 1 1 ROCO Moon Dream , Moon Dream iMoon Dream (Moon Dream II KOIN S SUr Final Night Editor (Music Musie V KOW News Mary Mercer ( Catholic Hourf-ICathoHe Hour KKX Reporter Sokolsky I Orchestra e lOrchestra J 1 koco I : ZZZ V ZZZt'. ZZI II KOIN Serenade Chleagoans Prelude to MldfPrelude te Mid. II KGW News Wax Museum Wax Museum U Wax Museum . .. KEX Pearson' Nocturne - Nocturne . r I Nocturne .. ' n - . .., , . . 1 . ? I : . ' - " ' ; r j t t - win A. Moon, scientist - director. who says: "For centuries man could not near run sounds because he did not have thi nroner armfiv. ment. Some people do not believe mat a spiritual world exists, but only because they i are not proper ly eauiDDed to recosrnize it. faith in God provides us with the key to tne underwater world. FORMER MINISTER DUE SWEET HOME i The Rev. W. White, pastor off First Christian church of EugeneJ will-deliver the Sunday morning message at the Christian church (here where he was formerly pastor. Sam Kimball, anMhflF fwma. natfAr iwfll aIIva. I the evening message. KOIN 170, KGW 620, KEX 1100 101.1; KGW 100.3; KEX 82.3 00:30 Music 00U5 Musle 1 Church of Air I Church of Air (Radio Pulpit IMualo IB. Bo Revue IB. Box Revue Church of Air Musle IB. Box Revue Christian Church Adds Sanctuary Wing ' "r ' 1 ussmi'r fsssyi "..j . vjf 1"eessBseBaawssesM.. . . Ready en the outside but not en the tian church. The front (south) aide of the structure la anowa here, along with the new spire. Tne build ing at left is bow both sanctuary and classrooms, bit will be for educational work when the addition la completed. (Statesman photo.) Church Slates Film Tuesday At Silverton Statesman Hews Service IILVERTON, Nov. 15 The Rev. L. Almlie, pastor of Imman- uel Lutheran church, has an nounced that "God of the Atom", a color, sound film, will be shown at the church, Tuesday at S pjn. Immanuel Ladies Aid society will meet Thursday at 2 pjn, at the church social rooms with Mrs. L. Klnblad, Mrs. Louis Erlkson as hostess. Immanuel church council will hold a special meeting Thurs day night. Two truest pastors will speak at 11 o'clock services, the Rev. P. W. Erlksen at Calvary and the Rev. R. J. Hovland at Trinity. Calvary Naomi society will meet at the church at 7:30 pjn. Tuesday. A no-host lunch will be served. Prayer meetings will open again at Calvary church Wednesday at pjn. Trinity Aid society will meet Wednesday at the church so cial rooms. Suburban Churches 1NIINT COMMUNITY Ankeny achoomouse, UDenr-wwu Vista road. Sunday school i a. m. Strvices 11 a. m, I p. m. ADMSVUXK BETHEL BAPTIST AumsvUle. Bunas y scnooi U n. an. Services 11 a. m, S p. m. Sunday, JM p. m. Wednesday. ACMSVILLK WESLKTAN AumsvUle. Sunday scnooi it a. sn. Services 11 a. m. T:49 P. m, Sunday miwiki ASVrMRI.V OF OOD One-half DIOCK souin 01 Bnnu hoot Sundav school M-M Services 11 a. m, 1:49 p. m. Sunday. 1:4b p. m. Thursday. CLEAR LAKE EVANGELICAL IINITKn HKV l n KKfl Wheatland Ferry ru. auras r senooi 11 a. m. Services 10 a. m. Sunday. SOLA COMMUNITY Kola. Sunday school :tt a. at. Ser vices 11 a. m. Sunday. mnrrm rnsNVBI S1APTIST atxa and Elms, auna a v senooi ens a. m. services ll a. m- t j n, as. sis day. 1M p. m. Wednesday. rKUITLAND EVANGELICAL DKITED BRETHKEN S miles east of Salem, ounaay senooi It a. sn. Berviees it a. m. i 9 Sunday. ALBERT MEMORIAL BAPTIST Havesvule. one mile north of SOX underpass. Sunday school f:S ajn. Services 11 a.m., T JO pjn. Sunday. 7 JO pjn. Thursday. KETZER CHURCH OF CHRIS 1030 Dearborn. Sunday school U a m Services 11 s.m., 1 JO p.m. Sunday; I pjn. Wednesdsy. KETZER COMMUNITY Elizabeth and Churchdale. Sunday aehool S:S a. m. Services 11 a. 1M p. m. Sunday, f JO p. so, Wednes- oay. LABIS H CENTER COMMUXITT EvaaeaHeal UnlUd Brettareal tVs miles east of Brooks. Sunday senooi 10 a. m. Bervloe 11 a. m. V day. irarirr chtjrcb or ckrist Liberty church. Sunday sehoel 10 a, an. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. CRTJRCH OV OOD til Vista a vs. Sunday school II a. an. services ll a. m, s p. m. aunoay. af ACIJKAY COMMUNITY Macleay school. Sunday sehool II am. MARION FRIENDS Marlon. Sunday school 11 a. sn. Bar. viees ll a. m 730 p. m. aunoay. MTDDLK GROVK COMMUNITT Middle Grove school. Sunday eahoo 11 ajn. NORTH HOWELL COMMUNITT North Howell. Sunday sehool 11 ajn. enrieee ll ajn, a pjn. t sunoay. pjn. Wednesday. i FRATUM IMMANCKL MENNQNITK Pratum. Sunday school SJ5 a. s Services 11 a m. 1-M p. m. Sunday. FRATUM METHODIST Prstum, Sunday school ll a. as. Ser vices ll a. m. sunoay. j FRINGLK FRIENDS Baxter rd. west of MB. Sunday school 11 a. m service 11 a. m. Sunday. ROBERTS COMMUNITT ' Roberts schooL Sunday school 10 ajn, . ' ROSEDALK FRIENDS Rosedale. Sunday school' 11 Services 11 a. nv. 1J0 p m Sunday SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITT Liberty and Madron a. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m 7 JO p. m. Sunday, I'M p. m. Wednesday. SUMMIT METHODIST Orchard Heights rd. Sunday school 11 a. m. Services 11 a. m. second and fourth Sundays. , SWEGLB COMMUNITT J Swesle school. Sunday school SI a, m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. TALBOT COMMUNITT Talbot. Sundav school 10 a. aa viees 11 a. m, f JO p. m, Sunday, 140 p m. weanesaay. ZEN A COMMUNITT yens. Sunday sehoel 11 e ss v m-mm fmmmmmf--4 mm? rai i.nsatrv w wmmmmm ' &4t,mms&---' ygm ejpisjssisgay -"'v --9 E I r . - 11 u - 'A ' 1 1 i' r- inside, until next spring, Is the new " : i t J '-'-4 Court Street Church Working On Interior of New Building Although the new, sanctuary of not yet available for use, the new brick edifice makes a striking ad dition to the 17th strectcorner. The brick exterior is completed, with windows and doors in place. The 170,000 structure finishes V Vflv WW W - to the Rev. W. H. Lyman, pastor, spring, when the earlier building will be remodeled as an education al wing. The entrance to the older part has already been changed. The addition includes a sanctu ary seating more than 400, with some expansion possible, and a sound-proofed room for mothers and babies on the balcony. : The sanctuary will have an arched ceiling, with both recessed and in direct lighting. In the new basement will be a dining room for over 20 persons, kitchen and rest rooms. Wiring and heating of the build ing are under way, with plaster ing to follow. Orville P. Wegner is chairman of the building com mittee. Dobell and Heaton of Sa lem are the architects. Training Croups Due, 1st Christian Second term of First Christian church's weekly all-church school will begin Wednesday at the regu lar family night program. Courses and their teachers will be a study of other faiths, the Rev. Dudley Strain, pastor; church and home relations, Mrs. William Gen ne, Forest Grove, chairman of the Sjafleonn CUnniiircliies (Sunday school at f :4s a. m. unless otherwise notodj ASSEMBLY Of GOD - BvaaceUstle Temple Fara ana Mar ket. 11 a.m 149 p.m. Sunday. i:s pjn. Thursday. , Glad Ttduns SlS'i N. tmnierclaL Sunday sehool 10 s. la. services 11 S&, TS p. so. aunoay. BAPTIST Bethet Cotuge ana o. 11 a. m. 1 JO p. m. sunasv Calvary liberty and Miller. 11 a. m. 1M p m. sunoay i m p m. WeOBes- "Vir Liberty and Marion 11 a. m. S p. m. Suneay, i:au p. m. weoneaoay. bsasaaael (GARB Hazel At Acade my 11 a. m.. 7:30 p. m. Sunday, tm p. m. Wednesday. . . . Blsle rellewshlp Memorial hospital chapel 11 a. m. Sunday. CATHOLIC 4 . St Joseph's Cottafe and Chemeke- U. Masses SJO. 8, 9. 19. II a. m. sun day. Devotions 7:30 p. m. Sunday and Vhiceat de Paul Myrtle and Co lumbia Masses 7 JO. 9. 10 jo a. an Sun- day. Confessions M-M. 7-sao Saturday. p. m. Ceart Street 17th and Court. 10:80 a. m. 7 jo p. m. sunaay. First Center and High. 10:50 a. m., 7 JO p. m. Sunday. 1:00 p- nu Wednes day. CHSUSTIAN MISSIONARY AIXIANCC St It and Gaines, 11 a. m.. 7 M p. m. Sunday, 70 p. m. Wednesday. CHRISTIAN SCntNCE First nvrnvkiti and. Liberty. Sunday school 11 s.m. Services 11 a.m., 8 p.m. Sunday, 8 pm. Wednesday. Reading room, ls s Hin CHURCH OP CHRIST . 10:44 s m 130 p.m. Sunday. 1 JO p.m. Vr or JESLS CHRIST Wt N th and Madison. Sunday school 10 am. Services 11 JO s.m.. sv p.m. Sunday. CONGREGATIONAL First Cottsge and Marlon. 11 a.m. BlaVaiht Meaaerlai 19th and terry llajn. Sunday. EPISCOPAL St Paul's rh,,Mh nA niemeketa, Sunday aehool 9 30 a.m. Services JO, 9:4S, ll ajn. Sunday. EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED Bethaay Marion and Capitol. Sun dav school 10 s.m. services 11 s m.. 1:45 p. m. Sunday, 1:45 p.m. Wednesday. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Eaglewee 17th and Nebraska It a.m.. 130 p.m. Sunday. First Msiion and Summer. 11 s.m., 1:45 p.m. Sundsy, 130 p m. Wednesday. FRIENDS HlghlaaS Avsaee Church and Hlfh. nd. 11 a. m, 130 p. m Sunday. 7 JO p. m. Wednesday. Seeth Salsaa Commercial and Wash cngton. 11 a. m, 130 p m. Sunday. S p. m. Wednesday. FREE METHODIST Winter and Market 11 a nv. 139 p. m. Sunday. 130 p. m. Wednesday FULL GOSPEl-PKNTECOSTAX. I wss fa Calvary Chapel 1143 N. Liberty. Sun- school 19 ajn. services ll ajn. pjn. Sunday. S sjb Tuesday , ana Frtdsv ChweR 1 Csd SOS S. r 1 - 0 X i- - " -eJNw ' iiaf ' ' - sanctuary af Court street Chris Court Street Christian church is a project begun In 1024, according es.a a e . t la expected to be usable by late family committee of Oregon Coun cil of Churches; the Bible, the Rev. Walter Naff, associate pastor; vis itation, Mrs. Ellen Godfrey; work shop making furniture for the new church, Jack Hlndman. ; Abrams Takes CM A Pulpit New pastor at Christian Mis sionary Alliance church In Salem is the Rev. Richard J. Abrams, re cently . arrived from San Diego, Calif. He succeeds the Rev. Her man J. Bohl, who resigned but has not yet announced future Abrams has been in the ministry for 12 years since finishing Widy he was for sometime public re lations director for the Maryland Auto club in Baltimore. : Mr. and Mrs. Abrams and their four sons, from 1 to 12 years in age, are residing at 980 Market st. school 19 a. m. services 11 a. as., 8 p. m. Sunday. 8 p. m. Wedneeday and Friday. Faith Gospel Taseraaele 130S N. Ith. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m 8 p. m. Sunday. 8 p. m. Thurs day and Saturday. Foursquare 490 M. 19th. 11 s. m. 1:45 p. m. Sunday, 1:tt p. m. Thursday. Jesas Nasae PeateeestaJ 1175 Lewis. Sunday school 10 a. in. Servioe 11 ajn 1:4 pjn. Sunday, 1:48 p.m. Wed- Caltee Peateeestal 448 Ferry. -11 a. m.. 1:45 p. m. Sunday. 1:45 p. sn. Friday. . INSTITUTE OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 490 N Cottage. Sunday school 10 m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. JEWISH Temple BeOi Shelesa Madison and Broadway. Church school Ham. Services 1p.m. Friday KINGWOOD BIBLE 1135 Elm st 10:45 s. m.. 1:30 p. m. Sunday, 1 30 p.m. Wtdnesday LUTHERAN Central (American Conference) Capitol and Gaines. 11 ajn. Sunday. 8 p. m. Wednesday. Christ (American Church) State and 18th. 8:45 and 11 ajn. Sunday. St John's (Missouri Synod) 18th and A services 9 and 11 a. m. Sunday. Sunday school 10 a. m. St Mark EvaageUcal (United) SU n. courcn. nam. sunoay.: METHODIST First Church and State 11 a. m. Sunday. 130 p. m. Thursday. Jasea Lee Memorial Winter and Jefierson. ll a ru 130 p. m. Sunday Leslie Commercial and Myers. 11 s m, 130 p. m. Sundsy, 130 p. m. Thursday. West Salens 3rd and Gerth 11 a. m. Sunday. METAPHYSICAL CENTER : 963 N. Cottage. 330 p. m. Tuesday and Wednesday, 8 p. m. Tuesday and rrlday, u:u p. m. daily. NAZARENE First Center and 13th. 1030 a. m.. 130 p. m. Sunday. 130 p. m. wedneeday OPEN BIBLE STANDARD ; 12th and Leslie. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. nv- 1i5 p. . m. Sunday. PILGRIM HOLINESS 140 Carlton. 11 a. m, 1:30 p, m. Sun day. 730 p. m. Wednesday. PRESBYTERIAN First Chemeketa and Winter. 9:45 and 11 a m. Sunday, 130 p. m. Wednesday, REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAT SAINTS 11th and Chemeketa. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m, T30 nv Sunday. SALVATION ARMY 341 State. Sundsy school 10 a. m. Ser vices 11 a. m, 130 p. m. Sundsy, 130 p. m. Thursday and Saturday.: SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST Jehasoa Meaaerlai Hood and Sum mer. Sabbath school 930 a. m, Services Ham. Saturday. SPIRITUALIST First 245 N. Commercial. 330 and f 30 p. m. Sunday. UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP i YWCA. 8 p. m. first and third Sun days. UNITED BRETHREN First i (Old CeastHetlea) 1145 Mission. Sun dsy school 19 a. m. Servicea Ham, 139 p. m. Sunday. 139 p. sa. Wednes day. HESLEYAN METHODIST 15th and Mill. Sunday school 19 a, as. Senriesa U a. nv. 139 p. m. Sunday. A 1 f I 15 Baptist You tli Meet; Mission Stress Slated Fifteen young people from Cal vary Baptist church ire at Lin field college in McMinnville this week for the annual Oregon Bap tist Youth fellowship convention. Dr. Victor H. Sword, interim pas tor of the church, will be princi pal speaker this morning and at tonight's banquet Robert Emerson of Salem is co chairman of the conclave, for which about 150 delegates are ex pected. A parade of members depicting widespread missionary activities of the Northern Baptist conference will feature the evening service Sunday at Calvary church. It will be in preparation for Baptist World Missions day on Sunday, Decem ber 4. About 30 persons will partici pate in the portrayal. The denomi-1 nation operates in 10 foreign and 6 home fields, according to Dr. Sword, who is on leave from his work in India. He will speak on "The Future of Christian Missions at the service. Bible Reading Emphasized in Coming Month Selected Jaily Bible readings ror world-wide use In the period between Thanksgiving and Christ mas have been announced by the American Bible society. The cam paign, now in its sixth vear, is on the theme of "The Book to Live By" this year. Suprxrt for the project was voiced by both President Harry S. Truman and Gov. Douglas Mc Kay of Oregon. Said the presi dent: "Our forebears were a peo ple who read one book. Happily for them and for us that book was the Bible. From earliest childhood through all, the years to advanced age it was for them the source of an amazing forti tude, the fountain of peaceful and lasting spiritual energy." The governor statgl: "Progress ceases when man chooses to fore go consultation with his con science and his Maker. I wish to emphasize the immutable verity 'man cannot live by bread alone." Readings for the first week are: Today Psalms IIS Sunday Monday ..... . Isaiah 35 Romans 12 Isaiah 55 I Corinthians 13 John 14 Psalms 8 Revelation 21:1-7 Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday . Friday Saturday To Give Services The Senior Young People's so ciety will present the evening service Sunday at Bethel Baptist church, open to the public. A committee consisting of Mrs. Adelyne Rocks. Mrs. Viola - May and Henry Neuman, Jr., has plan ned the service. Young people who will speak on the topic, "Name Them One By One," are Caroline Giese, Everette Schirman and Richard Claflin. Neuman will lead the singing and Ruth Giese will serve as organist. A sextet from the Bethel guild and a male quar tet will sing. Dallas Churches APOSTOLIC FAITH Church and Court Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Services H a. m, 130 p. m. Sunday. 8 p. m. Thursday. ASSEMBLT OF GOD Birch and Stump. Sum Sunday school Sits s. m. Services 11 a. m, 7:4s p. m. Sun 1:45 oay. tms p. m. weanesaay. BAPTIST First Waahington st Sundsy school 9:44 a. m. Servicea 11 a. m- 130 p. m. Sun day. 130 p. m. Thursday. CATHOLIC St Philip's W. Waahington st Masses 8:18 a. m. second and fourth Sundays, 10 Jl a. as first third and fifth Sunday tys. CHRISTIAN First Jefferson and Clay. Sund oday school ,, 130 p. so. 9:45 a. m. Services ll I . m. Sundsy. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Shelton and Mill. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Services 11 a. nv, 1:49 p. m. Sun day. CHRISTIAN SCTENCB 410 Mill Sundav acnool 9:45 a. m servicea Ham, Sunday. 8 p. m. first and third Wednesdays Levans and Mill Sunday school 19 a m. Services U i a, 830 p. i Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD 1019 Ash. Sunday school 9:48 a. m. Servicea 11 a. nv. 130 p. m. Sunday. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST or LATTER DAY SAINTS Basement of city library. Surday school Man Service lam. Sunday EPISCOPAL St Taesnas Cherry St Sunday school 10 and 11 a. m. services ll a. m. sunoay. BTV ANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Church and MUX Sunday school 9:49 a. m. Services 11 a. nv, l;5 pjn. sun- day. race methodist 324 Mill. Sunday school 9:49 a. m. Services 11 a. nv, 1:45 p. m. Sunday LUTHERAN TrialtV 319 Washington Sundsy school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. nv Sunday. MENNONTTB Brethren Washington and Hayter. Sunday school 9:45 a m. Services 10:45 a. m, 7:43 p. m. Sunday. EvaageUcal Brethrea Howe st Sun dsy school 935 a. m. Services 11 a. nv, p. nv Sundsy. Grace 201 Jefferson. Sunday school 19 a. m. Service 11 a. m. sunosy. METHODIST first klay schoi en ' i At a. m. servicea u Sunday. rmtSBTTEBIAN rirst Court and Levena. Sunday school SS a. as. Service II a. as. Sunday. SCTCNTH DAT AOTCNTIS1 Washlnrton and Jefferson. Sabbath sehool 949 a, m. Service U a, an, Sas nrday. Shoivs Film (. : .v II " ; "A Herb Crlsler Movie of Olympic Area to Be Shown At Qiurch Tonight Colored motion pictures of the primitive Olympic peninsula of Washington will be shown to the public tonight at 8 o clock at First Methodist church by Mr, and Mrs. Herb Crisler, who reside in the area's wilds the year around. ;The Crislers are on the way to a i three-day showing of the film in Los Angeles. The film and lee ture are to be given before the National Geographic society at Washington. D. C in the spring, Sponsor of the program is the Baxter young adult class of the church. MISSIONARY AT CHURCH The Rev. Odvar Berg of Oslo, Norway, a missionary returned from Africa, will speak at the Sun day school and the morning serv ice Sunday at the Free Methodist church. NOVAK TO SPEAK TALBOT The Rev. Frank No vak will be guest speaker Sunday morning at Talbot Community church. Silverton Churches ASSEMBLT OF GOD Front st. Sunday school 9:48 a. m Services 11 un, 7, 8 pjn. Sunday, pjn. Tuesday and Thursdsy. CATHOLIC St Paara flnm and Grant Masses 9. 19 a I Sunday, 130 a m. weekdays, 130 a. m. Saturday. CHRISTIAN First Psrk and 1st Sundsy school 9:45 a. m. Services 11 a. m., 730 p m. Sun day.. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 90S N. 2nd. Sunday school 19 a m. Services 11 a nv, 7:48 p. m. Sunday 7:43 p. m . Wednesday. csfRisTiAN iriENn 3rd and Lewis. Sunday school 19 tn. Services Ham. Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD 2nd and A. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m, 8 p. m. Sxmday. 8 p. m. Wednesday. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LDS KnlKhta of Pythlaa halt Oak and Mill. Services S p. nv Wednesday. LUTHERAN Calvary 310 Jersey. Sundsy sehool 19 a m. Services Ham. Sunday. S p m. Thursday, Immanuel N. Church st Sunday school 10 a. nv Service Ham. Sunday. a-ruuty zna ana A. sunaay scnooi 10 a. nv Servicea Ham. Sunday. UTTnnniif Mala and Flake. Sundsy school 1:451 m. services 11 a. m. Sunday. Maraoaaa SU verton-Marquam high way. Sunday school 19 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. PDLGRIM HOLINESS 943 S. star st Sundsy school 9:45 a. m. Servicea 11 a. m, 130 p. m. Sun day. 730 p. m. Wednesday. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Park and End. Sabbath school 9:49 a. m. Services 11 a. nv Saturday. 130 p. m. Wednesday. UOnSHLP WITH US loyalty iioirrn ! 9:45 A-M. Church School Two Morning Services 9:45 and 11:00 JLM. Vhat ShaU Siand rorovor?" ! Sermon bj tho Minister 5:30 P.M. Junior High Group 1:30 P.M. High School Fellowahip 700 PJ-L CoUego and Busl- Fellowshlp First Presbyierian Chnrch' Chemeketa st Winter Chester YV HambUa -Pastor John L. Geodenberf er Assistant Pastor CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1US Seata Liberty 8ft. ' Dr. VKtor Hugo sword l Bible School 9:45 a.m. Youth Fellowship 6:30 p.m. Welcome ! NELLIE Salem Woman's Club 4S0 North Cottage) Sunday 11x00 8:00 WL Musle bj Mr. and Mrs. Roland Craven. SDA to Build I i Addition to i. Dallas Cliurcli - -1 I i Statesman News Ssrtlee f I DALLAS. Nov. 23 A $3,000 building permit has been granted to Seventh Day Adventilt church by the city council for the erection of a 16 by 48 foot addition to the local church property, j j Built of pumice plocks, the ad dition will, provide three class rooms at the rear of the build ing, who of which will have fold ing foors to open Into the audi torium when more seating space Is needed. . i I Other Improvements provided In the plans include closing the pres ent entrance on the south side of the building and adding1 a vest! bule, open porch and a steeplo to the west side. The rostrum will be moved from the back ot tho church to the south wall. I i James Payne of Salem is tho architect. Carl ' Schiermeister Is chairman of the building1 commit tee, and Preston Smith of Falls City is the pastor. Unit to Meet P Speaker at the Salem Child Evangelism Fellowship's all day Rev. W. H. Lyman, pastor of Court Street Christian church. The 'pub lic meeting will be at the Salvation Army nau,-according to Myrna, Stover, city director. i f Program will begin at 10! a.m. with devotions led by Mrs. Tffle Blakesley, western prayer chair man of the Christian Business and Professional Women's organization. A Christmas box will be packed for Sylvia Bray, missionary la. Alaska. Lyman will talk! at 11:30, and music will be provided by Joyce Bollinger, vocalist, and! Mrs. Frank Ferrln, pianist. J - i ' The no-host luncheon! at noon 1. t , ,1 a . . : . . wui uw luuuwca uj uie wecaiy teacher training class. Mrs. Edwin A. Young will conduct devotions. Methodist YP Methodist Youth fellowship ot a 1 - Jt.i I .A 111 - 31 iAt.l. sea vi a m tt ms v , w a aa ivmi s'- is . quarterly rally Sunday at Lesllo church in Salem. I ' T Registration will begin at 4 p.m. The program will Include recrea tion in charge of the Leslie group; worship service conducted by: Pra tum; a film, "The Great Com mandment," at 7 pjn. 1 I Participating churches are; Ly ons, Stayton, Turner, Praturrk Sil verton, Chemawa and First, Jason Lee,. Leslie and West Salem of Salem. Blair Finley of Silverton Is president, and the Revii Wesley Turner of Leslie church -is direc tor. i if 4 SPEAKS SUNDAY NIGHT j AUMSVILLE A missionary re turned from the Gold Coast of Africa, the Rev. R. B. Welchi will speak at Aumsvme ueinei tsapusi church Sunday night, to the young people at, 6:30 and the 7:30 wor ship service. I The American eagle appears on a greater variety ot eariy nana nade American glassware than oictures of any other device, ln- lignia or personage. Portrait busts it George Washington were tno lecond most popular. i i Evangelistic Templo Assembly of God Market St. end Park' Ave. Sunday, Nov. 27 j 9:45 AJA. Sunday School 11KX) Sermon:; I Healing In God's Plan4! 6il5 Youth Groupie I Vesper Service j 7:45 Evangelistic Rally Music & Singing to Inspire Sermon: "Numbered -with Transgressors' j Sat. 5:30 Broadcast over KSLM Evervone Welcome Walter S. Frederick, Pastor "A quiet place to worship end pray." S 11:00 e.m. The Future of Christian Missions" 7:30 p.m. "Forward with ' . . T ChrisT Child Evangel Rally Sunday i it CEClLl o ? old