The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 24, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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I (Duty Mews UHeffs
I. ,- - . 1 : ,t
' -' Slides depicting scenes from the
Philippine islands will be shown
by Elizabeth Lord at a. public
meeting of (the Salem Spanish
club Friday at 8 p.m. in Salem
YWCA. Miss Lord recently visit
ed the Philippines.
Dark Aqua satin formal, size 15,
brand new, worn, once. $10. See
Mrs. Lehnherr at the Oregon
Statesman or . write P." O. Box
267, Turner. ,
Rummage sale Nov. 25th and 26th
over Greenbaums. Credit Women.
Fellows, give your wife that prac
ucai gut ior Christmas a new
home Sewing Machine?-Christmas
i Eve. delivery. Her satisfaction
guaranteed or money back. Ralph
i Johnson Appliances. 355 Center
JPn. 3-3139.
Atr-Steamship tickets anywhere
Kugel, 3-7694. 735 N. Capitol St.
A Landscaping and designing. No job
too large or too small. F. A. Doer
fler and Sons Nursery, 150 N. Lan-
s caster Dr. at 4 Corners. P. Z-I3?z."
Adam Hats exclusive agent.
United Shirt Shop, 331 State St.
Attention : Hon Growers! Motion
picture ' of Reeinball - Thermer
. Vertical hop picking machine
from Yakima, Wash, will be shown
in Woodburn at Killiam W. Smith
Implement Co. Nov. 29, 8 P.M.
The Colonial House Thanksgiving.
, , Young Oregon torn full turkey dln-
: ner $1.50. Child's plate 75c. 3 p.m
) to 9 p.m. Ph. 2-1391 for reserva.
tionsV -
Ihsured savings earn more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Savings. Association, 560 State St.
The Colonial House Thanksgiving.
Young Oregon torn full turkey din
ner $1.50. Child's plate 75c. 3 p.m
to $ pm. Ph. 2-1391 for reserva
tions. - -
Beulah C. Coffey vs Alva Lenn
Coffey: Order directs defendant to
appear in court December 3 to
. show, cause why plaintiff s motion
seeking support money should not
be granted.
Karel Tomasek vs State nighway
commission: Order directs plain
tiff to make complaint more de
finite and certain. :
. !MerUn Eslep, jr., vs Weisfield
arid Goldberg: Order grants plain
tiffs motion to strike parts of de
" 'k fendant's amended answer.
. State. Industrial accident commis
..; sion vs. Gordon L. Skinner: De
-; fendant files answer admitting and
;. I Mabel Staats vs Glenn E Staats:
, ' Complaint for . divorce alleging1
cruel and inhuman treatment asks
$100 monthly support money for
., 24 months and settlement of prop
erty right.
Hattie Tomlin estate: Order ad
, mits will to probate, appoints Gor
.. don Tomlin administrator and Ed
: win Boals, John E. Black and Wil
liam Bliven appraisers.
- Georgeann Burghart guardian
ship estate: Order approves first
' annual account of Georgia Anr Et-
zel as guardian.
( ' Maria Kufner estate: Order ad
mits will to probate, appoints
: Charles A. Evans administrator
end Thomas A. Roberts appraiser.
' Ole E. Jensen estate: Order ad
' ' mits estate to probate, appoints
Bertha M. Jensen administratrix
and J. C. Evans, R. Voorhees and
, C. Grenshaw appraisers.
- . Phyllis Ward, Silverton, charged
with larceny by tajlee, prelimin
ary examination held; charge dismissed..-
Dennis O'Hara, 2495 Maple ave.,
charged with nonsupport, prelim
inary hearing set November 28;
held In lieu of $500 baiL
Maurice Benjamin Murdock,
Turner, charged with procuring a
female to engage In prostitution,
waived preliminary hearing, bound
. to grand jury; held in lieu of $1,000
bail. II.."
: ! : t
Leo George Brown, 1390 N.
Commercial st- charged with driv
ing while intoxicated; fined $250,
30-day jail sentence suspended.
driver's license revoked for one
year, liquor license confiscated.
ROSS To Mr. and Mrs. Ray
v mond K. Ross, 4690 Thorman St..
J son, Wednesday, November 23,
at saiem General hospital.
PETERSON To Mr. and Mrsv
' Kermit Peterson, 2740 S. Com
mercial st., a daughter. Wednes
day, November 23, at Salem Me
morial hospital
CnORBA To Mr. and Mrs
Alex Chorba, 1395 Jefferson st.,
a daughter, Wednesday, Novem
ber 23, at Salem Memorial hos
SEE Rrtt
Current Dividend 2Vi
fl it Federal Savings
Q and Loan Ass'n.
142 So. Libert
) ,:r i
Extensive line of gifts and hard
ware, housewares... china j and
sporting f goods, use our 10! lay
away , plan. Salem Hardware Co
120 N fVmrirnrrial
Knabe Grand Piano. - shown by
appointment only. Phone 3-4641.
S . i 4 N I
Johns-Manville shingles applied
by Mathis Bros., 164 S. Com'l,
Nancy's Uursery by day, hr. Ph
24940. li :! A
Bartlett Tells
! j -i i
Construction of community! air
ports within walking distance of
small cities throughout Oregon is
being contemplated by the state
board of aeronautical
W. M.H Bartlett, board director,
Wednesday night revealed this in
formation at a meeting of the West
Salem lions club.! $ . "
Bartlett said 37.6 per cent of all
private planes In Dregon are own
ed by farmers who need landing
fields near small cities.
Many i of the i proposed fields
should be located: in strategic re
creation dread, Bartlett added. He
did not reveal details of the pro
posed program. S 3
The state director also said his
board Is attempting to get the fed
eral aeronautics aut horlty to
change national regulations pro
hibiting establishment of airfields
on public lands,; such as forest
areas, j .
Bartlett said Oregon leads the
510 N Comme
Cooked food, candy and apron sale
at Elfstroms Nov4 26; F.O.E. Aux.
Thanksgiving Dinner at Marsha lis
4 Cornets, afterftooQ & eve Ph.
2-6630. ji j ,i ;
Arthur Plants plaihtsff 1298 S. 13th.
Fern, Ivy, Philadenflron, Begonia,
25c. Try a potted primrose, only
50e. Open Thanksgiving. 1
Finest grade Uth lump coal by
sack or bulk. Phone 2-2436. Cap
ital City Transfer Co.
Karakul SKarpetjlt's new, it's re
versible, jit's 100 virgin wool and
woven through and through, only
$4.95 sq.ryd. Ph. 3-' 648 or 33364.
i j
Board Okehs
Exterior Plans
Marion county Courthouse com
mission Wednesday voted tenta
tive approval of exterior plans for
the proposed new county court
house with the stipulation that the
architect, Pietro Belluschi of Port
land, make new studie j of cer
tain features. . !
Features of the plans which
have met with ddubt or criticism
include the entrance to the build
ing and the use of vertical louvers
on south and west windows as a
screen : against sunlight and heat.
Belluschi suggested that ther
mopane glass might be substitut
ed for the louvers, at less expense.
He reported however that louvers
are coming into j greater use in
places where sunshine is a factor.
As to the exterior, he advised
the commission that its shape had
been largely determined by the
interior planning which had been
directed toward meeting the needs
of the county offices in the most
practical manner possible and
that it could not be materially al
tered without seriously affectif
the interior arrangement on which
the commission and courthouse
officials were agreed, j
Commissioner Roy Rice sug
gested doing away with the over
hank or portico on the front by
moving the upper floors back.
The architect said this would
complicate the so!
terior problem.
ution of the in-
Grant S Murphy
County Judge
referred to a number of letters
that had been received ! regard
ing the plan, most of which were
critical of the front elevation.
Belluschi produced pictures of
noted public buildings, both old
and new, in which the portico
was used to good effect,! and as
serted that it gavf distinction and
dignity to the proposed building.
He said he would make new
studies on suggestions offered
and have them ready in a week
or 10 days. Construction work is
tentatively planned to start next
year. ! j. j
nation? in private plane j touring.
totaling more than 4,000,000 miles
in recent years without a single
fatality. Such flights as the Port-
land-to-Portland journey earlier
this year helped build this total,
he said.
1 5
have I so much to thank you for...
THROUGHOUT this great country, people)
are taking time j out from their labors to
express thanks through prayer and thanksgiving.
And along with these! personal expressions of
gratitude, we would like to add a special message
0 thanks to all our friends, both old and new.
THANKS to all of you who have bought new
Chevrolet cars and trpcki from us. We appreciate
your choice, and know you will find true driving
enjoyment in the extra-value Chevrolet offers.
THANKS io those o you who have placed orders
and are waiting delivery; Your patience and your
loyalty to the Chevrolet standard will find a sure
! ":
j 'h
rcial St. -; j , !
Turner Man Bound
Over to Grand Jury '
Maurice B. Murdock, Turner,
was bound over to the grand jury
after waiving preliminary ex
amination in Marion county dis
trict court on a procuring charge
Murdock, former Salem taxi
driver, is charged with pandering
for a 14-year-oldf Salem girl. He
is held at Marion county jail.
County Plans
Drive Survey
A survey of Candlewood drive
by a member of the Marion coun
ty engineer's office will be made
soon to determine the feasibility
of grading and graveling the
Residents along the street lying
just north of Salem between
Cherry avenue and Pleasant View
drive have petitioned the court for
the improvements. The petitioners
will bear the cost. The court Wed
nesday turned the matter over to
the county engineer.
The court set January 6 as a
date to hear a petition for vacation
of a portion of the old Gates-Niagara
road near Gates. The peti
tioners are Mr. and Mrs. Albert
MiUsap and Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Titze. They state the road has not
been used for over 10 years.
A hearing on a proposal to es
tablish a diking district in the
Keizer area slated to be heard
Wednesday, has been postponed
by the county court to Decem
ber 9.
Ex:-Oregon Convict
To Face Check
Charge in Salem
A former Oregon convict has
been arrested in Pierre, S. D., on
charges of passing worthless
checks totaling nearly $500 in Sa
lem last January, city detectives
said Wednesday. They listed him
as Alfred Jensen, a South Dakota
Involved were two checks total
ing $290 tendered at Montgomery
Ward and a $174 check purported
ly passed at Hudson market, 815
S. 12th st., authorities revealed.
They said Jensen was on parole
from Oregon state penitentiary
when the checks , were cashed and
would be returned here by the pa
role board to face trial.
McKay Chevrolet Co.
T 1
Claims Higher
Than in 1948
Some manufacturing and con
struction groups now have as
many or more wreckers on the Job
than a year ago, although unem
ployment claims from their em
ployes have been running two or
three times as high as in the com
parable period of 1948, state un
employment compensation offici
als announced Wednesday.
They predicted a I continuation
of the present demand for prod
ucts in most lines would hold win
ter employment above the low
levels reached last i January and
February. Trade and service jobs
generally are about the same as a
year ago, officials said.
Construction employment alrea
dy has fallen off about 10 per cent
from the August highs but the
winter-time low will be only 8 to
10 per cent under November lev
els, 65 firms reported to the com
mission. J
Slowdowns Expected
Cannery layoffs during October
and November, the commission
said, affected about a fourth of
the 25,000 employes In this in
dustry at the height of harvest
time operations. Seasonal slow
downs during the remainder of the
year were expected to bring fur
ther unemployment t but the low
should be considerably above the
12,000 reported last , February.
Despite a continued heavy
claims load from western Oregon
timber areas lumber and logging
employment during the fall
months has held remarkably stea
dy, the commission j was advised.
Few Jobs are being offered by op
erators but the, number of those at
Un employ me
Funeral Services
Serving Salem
For 21 Years
Ylrtt r. CeUtes
Within the. Means of
Everyone .
605 S. Commercial Phone 42257
reward in the complete satisfaction your new
Chevrolet will bring you. THANKS to our many
service customers, for the confidence you have
shown in our service methods. We are proud of
the fact you like the way we take care of your
car. We are happy that you keep coming back to
us when it needs attention, because we want your
car to give you perfect satisfaction.
THANKS to everyone who has made this one
of the greatest years in Chevrolet history ... in
new car sales, in new truck sales,' in service. Your
preference has proved again that Chevrolet is the
car America likes best, and we thank you for it.
work is only about 3,(X0 under the:
77,000 August-September peak.
Increases to Continue "
The commission said increases
in employment that started in Oc
tober in textiles and apparel will
continue through February. Only
100 additional workers will be re
quired, however, to meet the de
mands. The commission said there would
be increases in retail hiring dur
ing the next few weeks because of
the holiday season and these
would partly offset layoffs by Job
bers and others handling Oregon
products for distribution else-:
where. Retail employment was ex
pected to drop 8 per cent from De
cember to February.
Snow Greets
In Northeast
By The Associated Press
Thanksgiving eve snow storms
and blasts of frigid air gave Christ
mas trappings to parts of the Dako
ta, Minnesota and northern New
England. ! ;
The weather was somewhat chil
ly from the Dakotas to the Atlantic
seaboard. The southern half of the
country had mild temperatures
with generally clear skies.
Sub zero weather nipped parts
of northern New England Wednes
day morning, but temperatures
moderated somewhat during the
day. Houlton, Me., had a minmum
reading of five below zero.
Freezing' temperatures extended
as far south as northern Florida
early Wednesday, but the mercury
then climbed rapidly. ;
An area of moderate to heavy
snow was spreading eastward from
Ban MUes Brews
Phone 3-3175
The Statesman. Salem. OtmZ Thursday,
the Dakotas. An accumulation of
from three to six inches of snow
was forecast for the northern parts
Ol Minnesota. Wisconsin and urrxr
Michigan by Thursday night Tem
peratures of from five to 10 de
grees above zero were forecast in
nortnern Minnesota and parts of
the Dakotas.
Light rain or snow was in
pect for northern portions of Iowa,
Illinois and Indiana Thanksgiving
Skies were mostly cloudy in the
northwest area and there was
some rain Wednesday.
Chin Up Duo
To Sing on Radio
Mrs. Ooal Baver. blind mem
ber of the Chin Un eluh nf rw
gon, and June Shields of Salem,
will sing a duet Saturday at 3 pjn.
Nothing Down. Pay Monthly
And Shades
We also wash, retape, paint and
resist your old Venetian Blinds.
'mm- ""J1
Xajl Aay Time Per Free
Estimates rboae S-712S
St. W. Salem
We Cave SAU Greea Stamp
It's IIol Too Loto To
Save Big Honey
On Yonr Hew Holiday (Hollies
Yon Can Still Save
w mm m
While This Sale Is SiiU On
Here' A Wonderful
His Christmas Gift At
Not Just odds and ends, broken
lots, dead stock or doss outs. But
your unrestricted choice ol the fin
est most expensive fabrics and
tailoring, In a large and complete
stock af all new Fall styles, in
every pattern color and weave
you want Sizes to fit all Regular,
Short, stout and talL Every suit and
topcoat In the store Included. Noth
ing reserved. Your choice of orer
1.000 garments all to go at 20
below our original, regular, plain
ly marked prices.
Open Friday Ilile
Till 9 O'Clock
Before You Buy. Be Sure To See These
Superfine Quality 100 Wool Worsted
1 and 2 Panis SuiSs
Were $40. $45, $50. $55. $80, $65, $70. $7$ ; ,!
IIOU $32, $33, $43, $44, $48, $52, $C3
Fine sharkskin, tick weaves, diagonals, gabardines,
stripes and solid colors tn 1 and 2 pants suits All sixes.
100 Wool Corert and Gabardine
Were $35, $40.
NOW $28, $32,- $35 AIID $49 i .
Wrinkle-resisting, practical match .for your suit wardrobe
. Crarenette Rain Proof, Tan. teals, browns! Single
breasted box models, fly front 1 Regulars, Shorts & Longs.
Slacks & Pauls
Gabardines, coverts, wor
steds, sharkskins and tweeds
in the richest fall colors . . ,
sizes 28 to 44 . . . Were $12 to
$22.00 ... magic priced.
750t. 14M
You'll Find II Payi . . . All Ways:
To Bay Your Clothes At J.J's
Salem's Qnalily ClolEiers
For Hen and Young Hen
2 Doors West
November 24, 194-5
: : rr : , ttt ; h
on the club's radio' program, "Chin'
Up Chatter." 1 It
They I will be accompanied - by
Emma LaswelL The program will
be aired over station KOCO. M
Cake Mix
i if
is thb.fii:sst;i'
-- t
Opportunity to Buy
These Greed Scnrlags
i Jl
$45 and $50
Fur Hall
In new fall shapes and col
ors; Exclusively hand made
by union craftsmen. Former
ly $7 JO and $10X0. New low
9 ft
ol Liberty Street
: ever usbd.1
' HI
i rii"
r i :
1 I fi
" 1 1 1-