'i f i X The Statesman. Salem. Ore- Thundery. November 21, 1919 Aberdeen Man Held Following Death of Baby ABERDEEN, Nov. 23-jP)-A 29-yaur-old laborer was under arrest today in the investigation of the desth of an 18-month-old child with whom he was "baby-sitting. The child, William Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunter, died early this morning with a broken inck, according to a preliminary report by County Coroner Dr. E. K. Riley. Police Chief A. M. GaUagher said that Alfred Leohner was held without charge in connection with th case. - Officials Mid that a pathologist was being called to examine the b1y of the child. Prosecutor Stan ley Krause said that the filing of ' formal charges would hinge on the ; outcome of the pathologist's study. :L Dr. C. H. Larson, Tacoma patho logist, declared at an autopsy late ; today that the child definitely suf- . lered a brain hemorrhage. There was some doubt as to how long the autopsy would last. Pro- -secutor Stanley J. Krause said there was a possibility Dr. Larson - may want to make some laboratory taU in Tacoma on some of bis . findings. Gallagher said that Leohner told officers last night that the baby ' fell from his arms as he was get ting him ready for bed. He said he stepped forward to pick up the o child from the floor when he ac . eJdcntally stepped on his neck. The police chief quoted him as saying he tried artificial respira r tion and then called a taxi to rush him to the hospital. Hospital attendants, however, Football and Turkey to Head H I - wow showing; , Starts at t.li T. M. Ka4olph fteatt Jaae Ntf a Victor, Jary - In CtoteaUr - "FIGHTING MAN Of THE PLAINS" - Mel Ferrer -Last Beoadaries" ( ,'fi"?ni;.iAiiiCT Continuous Showts Thanksgiving Day At These Theatres! - 4 Mai. Dally From 1 p. a. U HOW SHOWING! . J PAW DOUOLAS ffz., I DAtNmHOUi SJ THXIU COMTI com. FROM 1 r. M. . NOW! SOAKING! CO-FtATUKK Naw! Coat From 1 F. M. ALAN LADO wWhlsperlnff Smith - la Technicolor - Richard Denning-"DISASTER" Matinee Today Cent. 1:45 Xsi?a(a a. awl IND .... 1 aw hum ura usuwa um . . PLCS - LAFF-IIIT HERE COMES TROUBLE" Ameriects Bill of Fare j i By Th Associated 'Press There's this to; be thankful for: It looks like the weather will be perfect for Thanksgiving - - and footbalL 'i The turker will cost olenty - - but not so much as it did last year! The trainj plane or bus you travel on may be crowded, but it pro bably won't b! as bad as it was on other Thanksgivings of recent years. Today And even for stay-at-homes, in small towns or in the cities, there is likely to b some way to cele brate the holiday besides eating turkey and trimmings. The good tews from the weath er bureau is that throughout most of the (country there will be clear weather through the Thanksgiving weekend - except, possibly, for light snow around the Great Lakes. ! if it, The ; cold weather expected In many places jj will - just make It seem more like Thanksgiving. A sign in a Salt Lake City res taurant window - - showing a full course Thanksgiving dinner for 85 cents - - is too good to be true. The menu is dated 1932. In New York City such a din ner will cost S4 in a chain restau rant 1 j j J; f But the labor department says you can be thankful that a typi cal home Thanksgiving dinner for a family of four will cost only $5.07 this year. Last year it cost $5.47. J p No price wis given out on the traditional turkey, dinner that President and Mrs. Truman will eat with relatives at Blair House - - the temporary White House - -in the middle! of a quiet Thanks giving day.: jj i : And the labor department's fig ures bogged down on the cost of a family gathering : at Gettysburg, Pa. r! I ) Mr. and Mrs, Edward L. Weik- called the police because of the nature of the; (injuries. Leohner tolfl the police that he was "baby sitting" : with the boy as a friend of! the family. Onttqsous Today! i VsVasisaBaastMewiwpi ! r.:.uo:i mi 1 And - Warner Baxter in "THE DEVIL'S HENCHMEN! LAST DAY! "MR. SOFT TOUCH" THE LAST BAND IT- New Tomorrow 1 ' sun i v tun UKCASTEU KEXKIJ3 sad?? - i ert, their children, grandchildren, great - grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren will add up to an even 50 around the board. At Plymouth, Mass., where it all started, citizens in pilgrim dress carrying! muskets will make the annual march from Plymouth Rock to church. They will got past the first com pleted unit of a replica of the lit tle settlement built by the May flower immigrants in 1620. Grange Asks World Police SACRAMENTO. Nov. 23 -flV The National grange called today for the establishment of "an ade quate international police force responsible to the United Nations." The stand was taken in reso lution adopted by delegates to the national convention of the farm organization, j The grange announced its Inten tion to work for the development of a limited world government and asked for the U. S. to call a con ference of United Nations mem bers "for the effective internation al control and inspection of atom ic energy." j ; i 4 AratorgJAgency'g Fine Suspended WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 - (VP) - Amtorg, Soviet trading agency. was fined 110,000 tpday for viola tion of the foreign agents registra tion act. but was : excused from paying it Charges against six top Amtorg officials were dismissed. A brief session in the court room of Federal Judge Alexander Holtzoff closed the books on an indictment returned by a grand Jury here October 21. I The indictment followed a series of arrests of American citizens in several countries dominated by communists, i Palace Theatre SHVERTON, OREGON Now Playing! Matinee Toiay Fram 2 jn- ; ysyuoo svwiwa rrf , MARIC WCtON, .V -IStsnMSl ksM ISU 1 5 ) tbsw. am fee) O'MVyst MsStsltsSst Some So ! i ( Salem Tela nte I' i - v. VP"1' Dsiinie 9 P. II. io 12 P. II. 4 i 1 Of SALEM'S NEWLY DECORATED 1 f ; ! U Comer Ferry & liberty Streets 0 Two Floors O Two Orchestras I it BILL DE SOUSA I ! And Ilia Well Known Modern Dance Band! i I ! POP EDWARDS j I" i And Ilia Famons Old Tlmerttj Tickels Sold at the Door j Acbnlaadon $IM OacL Tax) everybody Welcomol Druggis t Freed By Thiras jury In Poison Case NEW YORK, Nov. 23-(4VDrug- gist Benjamin Ftldman. twice snatched back from the shadow of New York's electric chair, was acquitted tonight of the 1943 poisoning of his pregnant wife. The pale. 41 -year-old Feldman had been convicted twice before and sentenced to death. - But he finally was cleared by an all- male Jury that debated nearly 20 hours at the end of his third trial. The small, chubby defendant rushed into the corridor outside Kings county courtroom with tears in his eyes. He hugged relatives and friends. Then be planted, a kiss on the cneea: 01 ms aeiense attorney, Hyman Barihay. "I thank the judge for a Just and fair' trial," Feldman said to newsmen, "and I thank the jury for the verdict." Ketones Verdict The iurv returned Its verdlrt at 8:54 p.m. 27 hours after get ting tne case at the end of Feld mans tmrd trial, which lasted six weeks. I j Feldman. twice! before convict ed of the murder of his wife, spent nearly two years in Sins Sing's death house, looking on a-tremble as others walked to the chair that was waiting ' for him. However, an I i appeals court twice halted his execution to give him a new trial and another chance at life. He was taken from the prison death 'row for the sec ond time last April. Feldman married his wife, Har riet, in 1940 after a ;marriage broker arranged their meeting. A year later, the bride's mother died in great agony, screaming "Don't touch my feet." M Got Insaranee Feldman's wife $50,000 insurance mother. got half of the left by her Two years later, Feldman's 23r year-old wife, then pregnant, also died in a hospital complaining like her mother j of excruciating pains in her feet. Her aunt, Mrs. Beatrice Hoff berg, grew suspicious. She learn ed that foot pains are a symptom of strychnine poisoning. Her suspicions! eventually led to the exhumation of both bodies. Both contained strychnine. Feldman was tried on a charge of murdering his wife to get her share of her mother's insurance. Baby A-Bomb Said Devised LONDON, Nov. 23-(JP-The Lon don Daily Mail reported today that the United States "has developed a 'baby atom bomb' for tactical use in support pf troops." The report came from Fontaln. bleau, France. No source was cited for the report. "This bomb, which could be dropped by close-support aircraft against tanks and infantry causing widespread devastation is a major step in strengthening the defense of western Europe," the account said. It cave no information on how an armed force using the bomb could protect its own troops from deadly radiation. Sentence Given for Margaret Mitchell Death ATLANTA, Nov. 23-ff-A 12 to 18 months sentence was given Hugh D. Gravitt today for the traffic death of Margaret MitchelL noted author. He will be eligible for parole in four months. 2 Salem Girls Hospitalized After1 Wreck Two Salem girls were hospital ized when their car skidded into a telephone pole In the 1600 block Of Mission street about 11 pjn. Wednesday. Darlene Scharff, 19, of 1595 S. 22nd st and June Carper, 20, of 1690 N. 5th st., were reported in good condition at Salem Memor ial hospital early this morning following treatment for cuts and bruises. Police said Miss Carper told them her car went into a slide when ahe applied the brakes to miss another car. Two boys who accompanied them were not hos pitalized. An 8 p.m. accident closed the 800 block of Court street for an hour while a work crew restored barricades around a sewer pro ject which a motorist knocked down. A witness said a hit-and-run driver knocked thefh down. Also involved was a car operated by Fred A. Williams. 4421 N. 24th st, police reported. They said he told them another car must have struck it firtt at there were no fcrhudga pots around the project; vjhen he drove into it. f Thanksgiving Dinner FAMILY STYLE : Served From 12 Noon Tin 9 p. m. 1 I; -1 1 r. Gold ilrrow Resiaurani: 1590 Fairgrounds Roxjd The Salem 1 Supper Club Will Dc Closed thanbgivihU sMsgBaSTEaK 1 f Bops Tm I RANGES 8 GIBSON I Lxfe L&H 1 f NORGE 1 ELECTROMASTER 1 U It's easy to choose Electrical Gifts this year, for we have on hand, the biggest and best selection ever. Be sure to see our Wonderland of Electrical Servants. Automatic Toasters Waffle Irons 1 i Sandwich Makers Flint Kitchen Ware Roasters Clocks Steam Irons Coffee Makers Electric Heaters Mixmasters j Irons. Radios Revere Ware Cookery - ANYTHING ELECTRICAL - HOME FREEZERS CLOTHES DRYERS WHIRLPOOL BLACKSTONI HAMILTON DISH WASHERS APEX DISH-O-MATIC MAID-O-MATIC PORTABLE DEEPFREEZE GIBSON COOLERATOR Vacuum Cleaners LEWYT EUREKA WATER HEATERS COLUMBIA L&H NORGE REFRIGERATORS NORGE GIBSON COOLERATOR Automatic Washers WHIRLPOOL BLACKSTONE Washing Machines SPEED QUEEN NORGE WHIRLPOOL BLACKSTONE IRONRITE IRONERS jZmFyJ) COOLERATOR J<? rfTV xTvC , !78ndG''s BDosOpSg i I ! SALES & SERVICE f ! f 1 57 South Liberty Street Open Friday Night 'Til 9 P. M