it- BEAT CONTROL DtTROIT-(lNS)-If you want to t cooler In summer and warmer In winter, the American Associa tion of Nurserymen suggests plant ing a couple of trees. The associa tion says temperature can be con trolled by as much as IS degrees, using trees as windbreaks and sun shades. The Alaska highway is 1,600 miles long. , Portland Produce " PORTLAND, Nov. 13 (AP) But terfat tentative, subject to Immed iate chance: Premium quality, maxi mum to JU to 1 per , cent acidity de livered In Portland. 63-67c lb.; first quality. Sl-SSc; second quality. S7-63c. Valley route and country point 2c less than first. Butter Wholesale ta.b. bulk cube to wholesalers: Grade AA, S3 score. 63c lb.: A, 92 score, 82c; B, 80 score. SOc; 8 89 score. 37c. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland Wholesalers: Oregon singles. 39 -42c Oregon B-lb, loaf. 44l4-45e lb. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade large, 7Vi-M'i: A grade, medium, 43-44ic; mall 40','e: B grade. Urge, 49-50c. Live chickens (No. 1 quaUty f.o.b. Filants): Broilers, under 2 lbs., 20-24c; rytrs. 1-3 lbs, 23-26c; 1-4 lbs.. 27c; roasters, 4 lbs., and over. 27-28c. fowl. Leghorns, under 4 lbs., lS-20c: over 4 lbs., SOc; colored fowl, all weights. " 6-27c; old roosters, all weights. 18-20c. Turkeys Net to growers: Toms, l-31ic; hens, 44-44 lie; to retailers, torn. 38-39ic; hens. 49-51C. Rabbits (avenge to growers): Live White. 4-9 lbs.. 17-lSc; - lbs.. 15-17c; Colored, S cents lower; old or heavy floes and bucks. 8-i3o lb.; fresh fryers, 40c lb.; local. 48-52c. Fresh 'dressed meats (wholesaler to retailers per cwt): j Beef Steer, good. $00-800 lb., $42 43: commercial. $35-39; utility. $31-34; cows, commercial. $28-31; utility, $24 ts Beef cuts good steers): Hind quar ters. $34-93; ronuds. $48-51; full loins, trimmed. $73-78: triangles. $32-34; square chucks. $40-42; ribs, $53-60; goreauarters, $34-38. Veal and calf: Good, $37-40: commer cial. $33-33; utilityr $28-32. Lamb: Good-choice spring lamb. $41-45; commercial. $30-40; utility, $33- Mutton: Good. 70 n., down, $18-20. Pork cuts: Loins, No. 1, 8-12 lbs., $38-43; shoulders. 16 lbs., down. $30-33; pa re libs, $45-48; carcasses. $24-23. Wool: Coarse, valley-medium grade. 43c lb. Country klUed meat: Veal: top quolity. $31-33 lb.: other Trades according to weight-quality With lighter or heavier, 16-28c. Hogs: Light blockers. 23-25c lb.; sows, 18-21C. Lambs' Top quality springers, 33 S6c lb.; mutton, 10-llc. Beef: Good cow, 20-21 lb.; can-Kters-cutters. 18-lBc. Onions: Supply moderate: market Steady. 80 lb. sack Ore. yellows, boilers, $1.50-60; med.. No. 1. $2.23-50; 10 lbs, 40c. Idaho yellows, med . $2.50-75: large, $2.25-50; 10 lb. sacks. 36-40c; whites $2 10-25. Potatoes: Ore. Deschutes russets. No. 1-A. $3.80-4.00; 28 lbs., $1.00-10; IS lb . $7-0c. Wash. Netted Gems. No. . $3.75-80; Urge bakers. $4.25-50; No. i. SO lbs.. $1.15-20; Idaho Russets, No. 1-A, $-10 lb. sacks. $2.30-45. Hay: New crop stock, baled. U.S. No. 2 green alfalfa, truck lots f.o.b. Portland $36-37; VS. No. 1 mixed Um . thy. $36; new crop oats and vetch mixed hay, uncertified clover hay, nominally $26-28. depending on qual ity, located, baled, on Willamette Val ley farm. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Nov. 23 ( AP) (US DA) SaUble cattle 100; market ac tive, strong to slightly higher on limited offerings; some canner -cutter cows 23-90 cents higher; beef steers very scarce; week' top 26.00 for av erage good 1092 lb. weights Monday: odd common-medium heifers"- 15.00 , 18.00; canner-utter cows Urgely 10.00 11.25; shells down to 8.00; few common-medium cows 12.00-14.10; com mon-medium sausage bulls 15.00-16.75. SaUble calves 25, market nominal; ooo-cnoice veaiera quotaDle 22.00 J.0O. SaUble hogs 23, market steady; food- 220-233 lb butchers 17.73; 263-270 lb 16.00: good 350-600 lb sows salable 13.00-14.50: good-choice feeder pig quoted 17.50-18.00; average cost at even basic markets last week 13.60, compared with support guide level of 33.45. - Salable sheep 23; scattered sale, steady; odd good-choice wooled lambs 20.00; medium 18.00, common 15.00; medium-good feeders nominally 16.00 17.00; good sUughter ewes salable 6.50 f .00. The north Portland livestock mar- Breithaupts Salem' Oldest Nam In Flowers Paul Heath Helen Brelthanpt Heath 447 Caurt St Ph. J-1179 ')- Stale rst FTLA Leans ' Sbongr-Tliiie Farm Leans License 8-21 and M-222 i. Personal and Ante Loans CEMENT WORE WANTED 1 Repair or replace walks, drive ways, floors, steps or most any thing; concrete. Guaranteed food Job. Phon 3-1138 - Dedal Prolrusion , Piles-Hemorrhoids Quick Relief No Hospitalization In Some Cases. No Loss oi Time Lasting Results Dr. D. Reynolds Clinic Natur-Rectal Special 1144 Center St Salem. Ore. r Y.TXamJ D. . DT.O.CkaauN D DSS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE HERBALISTS Sl North UbertF Upstairs above Decker's, 237 N. Lib erty. Office open Saturday ealy is a.aa. te 1 ra, S to I pja. ConsalU ttoav Blood pressmre aad arlae tests are free of charge. Practiced since 1117. i '450 Merchandise 455 Household Good For Sale USED WASHER SPECIALS r Western Beacon wpump Western Beacon f ; S . Western Beaton Coronado ...I I Kenmore wpump Kenmore wjpump Thor ... I j- Launderall Automatic, used Wood Range w30 gal. water tank $34.50 WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. PH. 3-7177 CORNER OF NO. COMMERCIAL & COURT OPEN FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. 1 GREEN VELOUK Daveno, food cond.; also portable elec. washer. Ph. 3-8737 after 5 p.m. : 3 PC. WALNUT fi-ft. suite. Springs & mattress. Excel, cond. Reas. 565 Pine. PHILCO refrigerator It 2 pc. Daveno set. Excellent cond. Reas. Ph. 2-6518. USED ; OIL 'circulators, reconditioned. 620 and up. Judsons 279 N. Com X ALMOST NEW elec. range, $150. Terms If nec. 805 Cade St. BED DAVENO. Rose color 840. 680 Hollywood; Ave. Ph. 2-8765. GET THE very top price for your lurn iture, rugs, appliances, 8c sporting gds. by phoning Glen Woodry. 3-5110. Spot cash in a flash. 1 call does it alL ket will be closed Over the Thanks- Sving holiday week end, to reopen onday Nov. 28. Livestock arriving will be fed. watered, and held for the Monday market. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Nov. 23 (AP) Cash wheat (bid): soft white 2.21; soft white no rex) 2.21 wrote club 2.24. Hard red winter::' ordinary 2.21; 10 percent 2.21; 11 percent 2.21; 12 per cent 2J22, i i - Today's car receipts: wheat 18; bar ley 2; flour S; corn S; oats 2; mill feed 1i i i ' i NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Wilbur C. Greenup, the Executor of the Estate of Luther F. Greenup, deceased, has filed his Final Report and Account as such, with the Clerk of the Circuit Court Of the; State of Oregon for Mar lon County, and (that the Hon. Rex Klmmel, Judge of) said Court, has set Friday, Dec 8, 1848 at 10:00 a.m. In the Circuit; Court room of said County, as the time and place! for hearing objec tions to the same, HI any,' and for the final settlement of said Estate. WILBUR C. GREENUP, Executor HAROLD J. WELLS), Attorney. N.10-17- Z4-D.1-. 300 Personal 310 Meetinc; Notlcsjs Pacific ge No. 60 AT. & E.A. egree, r riaay, o- vembsr tn. 7:Q0 p.m Chemeketa Lodg No. 1 IOOF meeU every Wednesday ht. 312 Lost and Found Sat. Ph. 3-7039. P LOST: 110 a.m. on highway 88, be tween Salem It woodburn, lg. car ton containing lamp shades. If found, please call. Mr. Pt&tpn at Woodburn. j.miu jot. LOST; 'Orange It white cocker Spaniel, dog license on collar. Reward. Ph. 2-8082 or 635 N. High. LOST: VIC Park 'n Market, half grown - female cocker pup. Please ph. 2-1687. Mam: 380. " T ' 318 Personal MRS. MELVpJ SMITH. Spencer Corset- lere, all call given special attention. Previous nursing exp. fti. 35Q7Z. IF LONELY, write Ruth L. Wade, Box 6vi, Vancouver, Wn.. an old re liable Club. ALCOHOLICS ANONYM6US. P. O. 724. 35234i Avon! cosmetics. Ph. a-4888 COTTAGE HOME Rates: Ward $75 to 890. Bed patients 890 to f 100. Private Room 8105 to 8150. Visitors welcome at all time. 252 N. Cottage. 40Q Agriculture 402 Livestock BULL ; SERVICE any- place 85 up. Ph. z-4ji.i perore i p.m. WANT! FRESH or springer cows, or cow giving 3 gal. or more. Will buy enure hero. Tom wcdd, ttt. i. Turner. Ph. ;825 BONDED livestock "buyer! Claude Ed- wards. Rt.i 3. Box 899E. Ph 3-1144. FORSALj At private sale 10 hea of nice cows, fresh tt heavy spring er heifers Also Chest. White wetner pigs w ea. reeaers Siz ea. at scot' ties Ranch, l'i mi. E. out Center St. Box 1S6, Salem BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C Mccanaiun uz7 a zstn pn s-8i47 UCENSEO iUvestock buyer, H. . Snethen, 1550 Lancaster dr. ph. 2-1345. 404 poultry and Rabbits, FOR SALE:; Blue ribbon Angora rab- DllSK Be tip. 1UZ5 Fir. Pn. 2-7890. I 12 i TiAl NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for lmmedl ate or future delivery Hatches everv Tuesday. Foxes Hatchery. 3830 State 408 Pets TO GIVE AWAY. Sheperd tt Collie puppies, t weeks, old. 3390 Liberty FOR SALE or trade for Cocker Span lei. Pure bred Chesapke bay retriever DuanI. Felton. Rt 1, Box 84, Brooks pn. tervats 374. PEDIGREEQ CoUlejpup. 3',s mo. Ph. Orsnge Canary Singers. 810 Ph 2-6929 DOGS 'BOARDED, trimmed and bathed - Training ; for oDeoience ana rieia Pro Dei care and: outdoor exercise Pick; up (t Delvi LeGray Kennels. KU J. Pn 31388.) 412 tWt and Farm Produce EASTERN ALFALFA hay by T. or ?h.y. truck load 863 S. 13th. 9923. WALNUTS. 1 25c Ibl wiU deliver. 500 Chetnawa Koad. pn. 3-1168. FOR SALE Washed carrots S12 T. BlUy Towery at North i Santiam School, 3 mi. e. of Marlon. No Sat calls. GOOD YOUNG locker beef. Half or wimw; uw; iu. rnt join, CURED WAlLWUTS f filberts. Ph. 24771! whole 30ci lb. Ph. 33147; vo w. cnurcn St.. saiem. ore. EXTRA NICE field run potatoes 823 per auv ioa. zzia vnemawa no. arm Equipment" JOHN) DEERE model L tractor with m. r. 1. BOX B73. Ailia Chalmers tractor plow, disc and piow -n. 3-13. Jtt. I. Box S73. - ---- ...wot. mtmK trailer, fhsan if tW a. mt. " r mm WIM. V. 0.V tie fix-it Khon. HavMVtlla r km vn Y. r Lod 25 pi 450 Merchandise 455 Household Goods For Sola Was Special ...49.95 $39.95 29.95 $24.95 59.95 $54.95 69.95 $49.95 ..59.95 $49.95 79.95 $69.95 - 24.95 $19.95 19 mos ! $99.50 1948 MODEL I FT. Hotpoint deluxe refrig. Spotless. 8150. Cant be told from new Also small G. E. refrig. Good condition 845. Glen Woodry, 1903 N. Summer. MANMOUTH B R. SUITE, like new. S pieces. 885 today. Woodry Furniture Marxet, 1603 N. summer USED 4 DRAWER chest. 89. Woodry Furniture Market. 1605 N. Summer. WASHING MACHINE, 2 yrs. old. Ph. 4Z3ZG. SEWING MACHINES, used. Also re pair, all makes. Ph. 2-7380. j - USED 8 x 12 WOOL rugs 88 8c $12.50. Woodry Furniture Mkt, 1603 N. Sum- 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Sales WANTED: Used furn. tc misc. articles to sell for you at public auction everything, anything. Ph. 25067 or 39655 before -Nov. 30. 450 Merchandise IN PERFECT cond,- Health -o-Meter baby scale. 7: 7 -baby bottle elec. sterelizer 84; elec. room heater with fan $10. Ph. 2-5817. at Rt, 6. Box 451 Machinery and Tools DELTA WOOD LATHE with attach ments and knives. Ph. 2-3763. . 456 Wanted. Household S45 CHTLDS YARD swing set 8c teeter- totter. Like new A real Christ mas item. Woodry Furniture Market, 1605 N. Summer. . NEED AT ONCE, Urge quanUty used rumirure. rn a-siio wooary. USED FURNITURE Phone 1-0185 LARGE QUANTITY furniture wanted we buy complete household furn ishings. If you are moving or set tling an estate, be sure to call for free appraiseL Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd Ph. 2-8551 days 2-4407 ves. I AM BUYING more used furniture xhm top cash prtoe. Don't sell with- ircirrh riTDai iMmuui oyi caiimg icnn wooary. 3-0110 nignest price, valley rumiture. zss n. commercial. Pn. Z747X 458 Building Materials 1 STOP SERVICE FOR YOUR BUILDING NEEDS lumber, shingles, mill work, glass, hard materials, plvwooo. saint, hard ware, elec. supplies, fir covering. That convenient location. Front 3c Court sts. KEITH BROWN LUMBER CO. WRECKING HOUSE Used buUt-ins it doors. 1 bath tub. See Chris at 642 N. Liberty St. : INSULATION New fiberglass insulation. It" and 24" wide, low priced. New kitchen ink, complete with faucets and trap, gia.90. C. a. Long. Pn. 3-5821 one mne wonn or Ketter. HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters. 1410 S. 12th St rn. 33Q4C INSULATION PAYS Insulation will save un to 40 of your heat dollar. Why waste money! Easy to Install Fiber-Fluf. Do it yourself. nUKiUS-WAUtUt FAINT 250 COURT ST. Ph. 2-1908. WALLBOARD Vm" Insulation board. 4x8 sheets. Dur able, attractive light weight wall board with Insulation value. 54 cent n. i"x32" et U"X24 celling Uie. C. G. LONG. ph. 2-5821, 1 ml north or Jicizer. SHINGLES No. 1 8810 sq. No. 2 . 8 50 sq. No. 3 2.00 a. C. G. Lone. ph. 1-5821. 1 mile N. of Keizer. BLDG. blks.. Western Blk. Co. 3-6808 LUMBER, 2x4 by litney load, $10 per thou. You haul. Independence Lum- per and Mtg co Independence. Ore DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor & carpenter using the finest old growth, vertical grain yellow fir finish lbr. In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lbr. Co. Ph. 3-4939. 25 Lana Ave, " RED CEDAR SHINGLES No. 1 - 2 8c 3's. any amount delivered, lowest market price. IS In. No. 1 carton packed cedar wall shakes. Ted Muller. Salem-Indep. road. Call 2-1196 Salem 3x4 - 2x6 - 2x8 - 2x12. shiplap. 12x12 - 8x10. Old Paulua Cannery. 460 Musical Instruments B6 TENOR Saxaphone. Excellent cond ition. 1545 Lee St. Ph. 39313. 464 Bicycles BOY'S AND GIRL'S bicycles, reason able. 407 N. 22nd St. Ph. 2-7069. 468 For Rent. Miscellaneous USED REFRIG. for rent. Al Laue, Ref. 2350 State. Ph. 35443. GOOD USED Piano H L Stiff U -DRIVE TRUCKS TOR RENT filan ket furn. 1S7 & Liberty. Ph. 2-9063. 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous 1936 PONTIAC cpe.. good running cond. $95. Ph. 2-7427. GOOD CHRISTMAS trees. wholesale' freshly cut, on road ready to load. 1500 on hand, lengths 2' to 12' as wanted. Richardson Ranch 1700 Val- setz Rd., Falls City. Ore. Ph. 319. ELECTRIC TRAIN - $300 worth of latest Lionel equipment complete and mounted on 4 ft. x 8 ft. table to form city. Ready to run. All for half price. 1638 S. Com'L St. Ph. 2-5623 eves, only. 12 GUAGE L. C. Smith dbl. barrelled hammer less shotgun 8c shells. Fine cond. $20. Woodry Furniture MkL 1605 Tt. summer. EVER-HOT ROASTER, like new, was $40. sell at $19. Woodry Furniture Market. 1605 N. Summer, GLOW PLUG model racer $1$. Ph. 3-8818. 1835 N. 23rd. i BABY BUGGY, gd. cond. Cheap. Ph. 38249, NEW ROYAL quiet deluxe portable typewriter, girl bicycle. Also 3 sets OC drawing wswurnenis. iu a-wi. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous BLACK RUSSIAN Pony fur coat, black princess style summer coat. S suits all in excellent cond. Sizes 14-16. ph. 3-6458. SINGLE BED and spring S3 50. dresser d.uu, . u. iron a.uu. tiira cage and stand 83.00, Egg scale $1.00. boys check suit, size 14. 18 worn twiee 310.00 Merrills Greenhouse. Brooks. GAS REFRIGERATOR 825. gas mangle uooa cond. z sawdust burners. cneap r-n. mm CAR RADIO. Motorola, just overhaul- . aiais. m-js rora or 37-aa fon- qac. weasonaoie. fn. 2-3231. TOILETS, new, close coupled, guaran- ieea. complete with white seat. Chrome angle stop, supply and put ty. Ph. 3-4600 DISH GARDEN specialities, all types ox flora wora, Pemberton s Slower Shop. 1980 S 12th Ph. 2-9946. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads 8c driveway. Cement, Ready- mix. concrete. Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and ditching. ,i yd. shovel 8c drag Bne. Phone 3-9249 USED electric water, heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY NEW NRI PROFESSIONAL Signal Tracer, pn. 37766. see at 1203 S. 15th St. OIL circulators at close out prices. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ATMORAYS. Barley Pugh. Ph. 2-876T USED electric ranges. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY USED washing machines. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Phillips Bros. Fertilizer, wen rotted or fresrt, any kind, by yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work, cedar fence posts and" tele and elect pole, any length, shingle, yew posts. Ph. 3-1438. Rt. 6. Box IIS. Salem. PLASTIC-KOTE The cellophane-like finish for your floor, woodwork or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY SEWING machines-Free-Westinghouse. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY OLD- WELL ROTTED fertilizer. 84 yd. r- resn S3 yr. Also soc sack. 10 sack orders. Ph. 2-2736. Valley Sand & Gravel Co. SUt Sand & fill dirt. Screened gravel & sana tor concrete, imra deL Exca vating 10B Shovel and cats. Tractor scoop and truck ior dirt moving. Ph. office 2-4002.- res 3-7146. USED radios. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY NEW HOME sewing machines Port- ables. desk types, complete line ser vice any make machine. Ralph John son Appliances NAT ADV. spring mattress. Rtd. From S49 50 to 839 50 Capital Bed Co 3-406S. SEWING MACHINES. Singer elec.. Mieneon consoles, nxe new. Bar gain. Also used treadles. Ph. 3-3139. 7 PC. BLONDE B.R. suite, portable eiec. pnono. com iiae new. n. 16th. RUMMAGE Sale. 360 State Upstairs. USED FURNACE pipe. Used furnaces. oil Durners. sawdust Burners at Blowers. Holland Furnace Co. Ph. 3-7803 USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER O The right way to re build the soil. O Free of weed seeds P Odorless 6 sacks Bulk 1 ton $ 5.00 10.00 2 tons 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area. Phone 3-8127 KUPPENHXIMER overcoat. Brown, perfect cond. Size 40-42. Ph. 38906. DAVENPORT and chair. Also trunk. 3sq menmono. 1500 CHRISTMAS Trees, all size aize FTTH Wholesale or retail. Ph. 3-7900, USED Spinet Piano, mahogany, like new, shown py appt. eves. Ph. 3-4641. PIANO Accordion it Case. Call Eve. Ph. 3-4641. Singer Elec. Portable sewing mach. Late model att. & course in sewing. Guaranteed Bargain $79.50. Singer sewing wacnine co.. 130 w. com L HEAT YOUR HOME electrically with Westinghouse or Wesix automatic electric heater. Veater Appliance Co., - 373 Chemeketa. 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous USED SEWING machine. Ph. 3-9639. WANTED. Good used pool table. Reas. Ph 21741 after 5.36 p. m. WILL BUY old gold or sliver coin col lections, also stamp collections. Call 3-5198 night, or 2-2487 days. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store Salem BUZZ SAW with motor. Ph. 2-3943. 474 Miscellaneous WANT TO Buy used cameras & lenses. McEwan Photo Shop. 433 State. LAND CLEARING 8c DITCHING " BASEMENTS AND ROAD EXCA VATION EQUIPMENT AL RENTAL i yd shovel and 3 sizes of cats Free estimates given no Job too small always prompt, efficient - service. Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Ph. 24-691 Day and night AUTO PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co 3-9101 HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters. 1410 S. 12th St Ph. 33646. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plate for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State tt Com Ph 3-3311 WATER WELL drilling. Domestlo or irrigation Duffield Bros Rt 9. box 58. Phone 2-1313 or 2-2793. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer 8c Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-'i yds 10 B-4I yds D-7 Cat 8c Dozer D-6 Cat 8c Dozer D-4 Cat 8c Dozer See us about ditching by the foot. Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8248 or 2-4400 Salem. Oregon 478 Fuel Elmer Boje 2025 S. 12th Ph. 3-9453 BLOCK WOOD for furnace, planer wood tor cooicstove. la in. old gtn fir West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood IS in. clean no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 AIM pick up wood at 1523 Edgewater St. W Salem. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 2-7721 or 3-6024 SCREENED FRESH SAWDUST DRY WOOD. 844 Mill, ph. 3-3380. DRY IS IN. slab 8c edgings. Ph. 3-1458. 450 Merchandise 476 Fuel VALLEY FUEL CO. Oak. oil St see. growth fir and slab. . Also do wood sawmg. Ph. 3-4276. Hierhwav Fuel Co. STOVE it DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB PH S-4444 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem 112.00 For orders please call collect Independence 42 : Independence Lumber' and Manufacturing Company Independence. Oreebn HAND PICKED slabwood. f 10. 1 unit load. Phone 2-7751. Tri City Fuel PHONE 2-7442 16-ln. slab wood and edging Freeh cut screened ' sawdust 12-ln. Inside mill wood Dry wood ASK FOR S 8c H GREEN! STAMPS Oregon Fuel Co. Dry slab or dry edging, fresh clean sawdust, green edging 85.50 Id. dbl. Sio. Also 16" green slab or 4. Phone 3-5533. ' ; Phillips Bros. Old fir. ash. maple, oak 4' fir IS lab and edgings Ph 3-1458- DRY AND GREEN second growth. dry slab. Kampstra s Wood Yard. Phone 22950. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 2-7721 or 3-6024 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR TURNACE tV HEATER Dry or Green Block Wood i 8c Plainer trim. R. H. Allen. 1260 Candlewood Dr Ph. 2-2382 before 8 a.m. or eve. 16" OAK WD..- $11 at our place. $15 del. Ph. 2-7193 or 2-5802. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities Dinning & Dancing 3-7451 Office 3-3649 Stock, equipment, property, 306 ft. hi-way frontage. 4 miles to down town Salem, 5 year old building. 2500 ft. floor space down, 2 large apt, up. ph. 26680. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N. High Eve. Ph. 28704 SHOE REPAIR SHOP. Good business and lease $3000. Write Box 411 States man. NELSON NEWS $9500. ANNUAL NET INCOME A substantial bus corner with bus & apt rental. Low maintenance St op erating costs. If you want to invest in a property that will grow in value this is it. Come in Ac talk it over. $80,000. RESTAURANT FOR ACREAGE Out of town restaurant will trade for sm acreage S. of Salem up to $7000. HARDWARE 8c SPORTING GOODS Suburban store in good community fixtures 8c equipment $1000 plus mdse Inventory approx $6000. Can either rent store or buy 2 home 8c tore bldg. $5500 cash will handle real property and $13,300 mtg may be assumed. GROCERY GROSSING $150,000 YEARLY On of Salem's busiest (tores grossing upwards of $150,000. low operating exp. will show good net profit. In ventory approx $7500. equipment . $6800. This is a sacrifice price will stand thorough inspection. No blue sky here. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize t 702 N. High St. Ph 3-4622 FOR SALE: Restaurant in Industrial area. $3000 will handle. Write Box 413 co Statesman. NEW BEACH HOME, new utilities, motel site, ocean view.; Sacrifice casn. trioe Ttaicm prop. tn. ziuti. $1200. CONCRETE Blk. building, exc. cond. Office 8c 3 2-B.R. apt. Income $190 mo. By owner. 134S S. 12th St. 510 Money To Loan A New Loan Service FAST SIMPLE ' You may borrow $50.00 to $1500. ' Salary - Auto - Furniture If money will help Investigate Our Plan Pacific Industrial Loans 11$ So. Liberty ! Ph 4-2203 Across from Stevens end Son Jewelers PERSONAL FINANCE C6. 518 State - Room 123 Lie. S-122 M-163 C. R. Allen. Mgr. Open Saturdays 9 a. m. to 1 pi m., Nov 19th thru Dec. 17th. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 1SS S. Church St. Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty L1C M159-S154 FARM and CITY LOANS 4 and 5 Your own term of repayment wlthla reason. Cash for Real Estate Coo tracts and Second Mortgage. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-71Q CASH - NOW v $25:00 to S50Q.00 Salem' largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need itl You can pay anytime to reduce net cost) No endorsers, or help from friends I On cars, trucks trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment. alary or other personal property up to $300,001 Phone or visit our office today I -Lie. No. S13S and M33S General Finance Corp. PH 3-9161 136 S. COMX ST-. Private Money On Cars. Truck tt Trailer Homes Long or Short Teriq Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St, -Ph. 3-9181 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co, 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. Free parking Ph. 2-7032 Lie. No. M369-S29L Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted COOK It COOKS HELPER wanted Chemawa employees club. Quarters 8c board furn. Gd. place for married cple. Call Salem 3-4045 on Fri. or Mon. 604 Help Wanted. Male WANT SINGLE MAN to! work on poultry farm. Room, board and wages., steady work for right man. Reference required. A. H. Berger, Box 103, Wilsonville. Oreg. Ph. Staf ford 5240 Eves. 606 Help Wanted, female EXPERIENCED READY to Wear sales lady as manager for Kav's of Stay ton. Apply Fri. morning. Ref. requir ed. Kay s. 460 State St. BOOKKEEPER with general office ex- peiience. Statesman Box ;40B. " TYPIST-BOOKKEEPER fori part time mostly afternoons, age Zft-Sd. Must be non-smoker. Will pay well for an aiert. intelligent woman, with poul bility if satisfactory of permanent position la a quiet professional 01 nee, pox w statesman, WAITRESS: White Lunch.! No phone cans p EXPERI1 calls please. 1138 a. commercial. IENCEO flatwork folder. Sa lent Laundry Co. 263 S. High. 600 Employment ' SOS Help Wanted. Female CLERK4TYPIST Clerking knowledge of bookkeeping. Give age. martial statis.1 reference and salary expected In lirtj letter Box 387. Statesman STENOGRAPHER. State age St refsl Write ! Box 406 Statesman. 610 Sales Persons Wanted WANT YOUR OWN exclusive territory? A proven apoliance that has dynamic sales appeal. Sold direct to homes, offices, schools, etc. Good banking and character references essential. Writer Crawford. 208 S.W. Broadway, rnriiwnn . uregon 1 SALESMAN. Old reliable firm. Aver age $100 weekly. No canvassing. Car necessary. 248 N. Corn! Rm. 23. 9-11 a. m. : 615 Situations Wanted BABY j SITTING, dependable. Ph. 3-a&Wi KSEWK: BY HR. 75c. Anytime Thanks tiTinij gay, rn. j-jmi. rm. 143. MIDDLE AGED woman desires hse keeptng job. Capable of taking full charge. No smoker or drinker. Ph. liMljfr Albany. Oreg. DO YOU need a nurse? A few hrs. a dav. Call 2-6253. CARE FOR mother ic infant or do cooking & light hsekeeping. Ph. FRY CpOK. Experienced. Specialty steaks, chop and chicken. Best Chili in Northwest. P.O. Box 2292 Portland. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired. Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-5568. HSEWORK. 60c hr. or child care any time. ! 540 Gaines St. CARPENTER wk.. new, repair. 22093. BULL , DOZER Land Clearing and uusrom worx. rn. z-Tiia. CHILD! CARE, 183 S. 18th. Ph. 26876: r.Kr.Kit-jNLt.JJ ironer. 75c nr. 2-7486. EXPERIENCED atenog. Evenings only. rn. tioon EXPERIENCED help with power equip ment i furnished. Woodcutting, tractor worki floor sanding, cement work, etc. Call us for quick, reasonable service. Howser Bros, 1416 S. 12th. Fh. 3-3646 NANCY' S Nursery, day or hour. Ph. 2-4940 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. MCAii'srcr. mo Trade. Ph. 2-1496. REPAIRING, remodeling, roofing Ph" 3-1333 or 2-0218 EXP. INTEKIOR painting. WUson 3S73Z. WANTED outside house painting. C S Stahl Ph. 2-8844. CEMENT work. AlTkinds. Ph. 2-4850. WILL do any kind of carpenter work reasonably. 1161 Union. Ph. 2-1487. DRESSMAKING it tailoring. Ph. 2-4937. CURTAINS WASHED, stretched. 2-3448. IRONING done reasonably in my home. fnone 2-119 CUSTOM turkey roasting by exp. Chef. Homemade stutnng. pn. z-7546. CHILD CARE or baby sitting, your nome; or nunc, anytime, rn. z-i9. 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board RMS FOR those interested in healtful living Ph. 26833 PLEASANT SLPING. rm. for man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 24547 after 6. ROOM. Hotplate refrig. 2131 Center. CT1V.E. ut,rJiinj km. garage rn a-130a. CLOSE IN pleasant quiet rm for emp. gentleman. 697 S. Liberty. ; SLEEPING RM. Nice location. Emp. people. Ph. 3-4606 or 2-7700. 705 Apartments for Rent 3 LG. ROOMS Ac BATH, heated, partly turn, elec. range, ph. 3-4305 CLEAN 3 RM. furn. apt. Priv. ent. 8c bath, pn. 3-6004 NEW. 2 ROOM and bath, partly furn ished.; 1047 Madison. MOD., elec. heat. sch. 8c bus, utilities furn.. 1 reas. 3560 s. com 1. LARGE; MOD. furn. 2 rm. apt. emp. couple: ZQ6 Bush st Ph. 3-9331. LARGE! APT. ground floor, private bath, refrig.. garage. 2457 state, RM. APT. priv. bath. 790 N. Church. pn. 3-4338 UNFTJRN. 3 RM. APT. refrig. range. pn. ent. Aoults. 638 I. summer. SPACIOUS 3 rm apt. Auio heat, grd'. nr. rav. ent. Liean. so. can ou N. Church. FURN. APT. 2 rms. It Kitchenette. $35 mo. couple. 140 Williams Ave. Ph. 2-7546. 707 Houses For Rent NEW LOVELY furn. all elec.. perfect for 2 311 S. 35th 3 RM. FURN. hse.. bath It util. rm. Adults. S35 mo. RusseU Sahlt. Kt. 9, box 457, Salem, at Macleay HOUSE FOR RENT. Unfurn. Available about j Dec. 1. Adults only. Apply 648 Union after 1 p.m 2 BDRM. modern house, close to Holly- wood district. Rawlins Realty. (Holly- wood District). Ph. 2-4664. Eve. 2-6013. 1 RM. FURN. cottage, suitable for 1 or 2 adults, loos s. zist two Bedroom home, located on East Hill, corner of Broadway and Rock streets, in Silverton: available Dec. 1. 1949. Reasonable, modern. See me at the place Sat. 26 or Monday 28. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or write H. P. Reid, R. 4, Box 926, Salem. Oregon. H. P. Reld. 3 B.R. HOUSE, good cond. Near school 6c bus. Avail. Dec. 1st. S65. 1424 li. Winter. ( 2 RM. MOD. furn. cotuges S on 99E. Ph. 2-8769. FURN. 1 RM. cabin. Ph 3-7018. 2 BR. HOUSE, basm't. sawdust fur- nace. Uas range. $60. Call 3-9201. 710 Wanted To Rent Houses BY DEC. 1. Small desirable unfurn. house.! reasonable. Ph. 2-4091 after 6 712 Wanted To Rent Apis. WANTED: 3 RM. furn. or partly furn. $40-50 mo. No smoking or drinking. Ph. 3-43H. EXECUTIVE needs furn. house, or B R. apt ! Phone room 244 Senator Hotel. 714 Business Rentals NEW OFFICE Bldg. See at 1079 Broad- way of call 2-1635. BUSINESS Room U u SUtt LARGE ! ROOM Ferry Street, suitable for Office or Store, also 2 story Alley warehouse, with elevator, distribu tor's headquarters. State Finance Co.. 153 S.jHigh St.. Tel 34121. 800 Real Estate 802 Business Property T 16 UNIT BRICK APT. Near State BldgsISc New Shopping Center. Your money will buy no better annuity, Will consider 1 or 2 homes in Port- hind i SUPER! VALUE INCOME PROPERTY Mod. tall elec duplex, plus 2 houses. Deep s lot on paved St. Room for extra ! development. BE SURE YOU SEE this at $13,500. Terms NEW MOTEL DETROIT AREA. This 10 unit court 8c new 3 rm home on acre, hiehwav frontare is a MONEY MAKER. $25,000. MIGHT CONSIDER TRADE, CLEAN! MODERN APT. BLDG. Excep tionally well const, elec neat, pwa firs, sal units have elec rges St refers, A profitable set-up in heart of In dust and bust. area. TO SEE IS TO BUYI Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 SlCom l St. Ph 38389 Eve 3-7440 Investors, Look! $29.500 Very nice modern court. Each have 3 bedrms, living rm. xirepiace din rm. kit. bath, basement, furnace, garage, corner lot. pavement, bus. $22.000 Large class A cafe fully equip ntxt rrulv to fo. livine Quarters Sood highway location on 99 E. Small own Davment. balance terms. Price include property It equip. Will take trade. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 060 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eva 2-8658 800 Real Eslatr 808 Houses For Sale SMALL DOWN $300 DOWN movb ifi KiGHT now. Small modern $450 DOWN MODERN ONE BEDROOM HOME on : 55UU DOWN MODERN HOME IN CITY EAST. Also un un m jou .hm w atate Forestry bldg. Price S5250. $500 DOWN THATS ALL NEARLY NEW 2 BDRM HOME in W. jwmurrow may DC 100 late. Mice $500 DOWN MAYBE MORE ALMOST NEW (VERY NICE) 2 BEDRM. HOME; with full basement I Price (VERY NICE) 2 BEDRM. HOME; with full $500 DOWN MAYBE MORE sow. ONE YEAR OLD THREE BEDROOM THREE BEDROOM HOME. LOCATED : irs fireplace. Price $8250. j $750 DOWN THAT'S ALL I BEDROOM HOME in city north. Worth xiarawooa uoors 11 replace, race COMFORTABLE 2 BEDROOM HOME : $5500. $1000 DOWN NEW MODERN ALL ELECTRIC ONE ALL ELECTRIC ONE BEDRM HOME, w hdwd. fir , utility rm.. breezwayJ garage. C $1500 DOWN THATS ALL KMcn., Datn, nawa. urs , utility rm.. race saoo. EXCELLENT NEW TWO BEDROOM ceiling, auto, oil neat, utility 1 Hollywood. Balance $7700 FHA, ceilings, auto, oil heat, utility rm, TED PYLE 28651 or 24393 BEN COLBATH 26923 WE WISH YOU ALL A VERY COLBATH 1683 CENTER ST, NEAR McKINLEY SCHOOL. A No. 1. L.R.: fireplace. D.R Kit. comb, nice builtinsj Elec. water neater, .auto matic sawdust heat, bus 1 block. See this now. good terms, full price. $10,500. CaU Mr. Wallar. $1000. down put you in a 3 bedroom furnace, nice i..k; u.k; narowooa wired for range, fuU price $8500. $3250 BUSINESS It 2 B R: LR: Urge kit. and bath. Oil circulator fc'Elea. range. 2 pumps station, chicken house 4 acre all for $1250 down,, Bak $20 per month plus interest.. Call for Mr. DahL j I 2 MODERN HOUSES ON 64 ACRES on paved! Highway Prt POuRfT set up. Brooder house 16 x 52. poultry house 28 x 100 and 28 :sa.S stanchion barn. 2 garages. 1 house rented for $55 per mo. $18,000 fall price. Call Mr. DahL '. ' j ENGLEWOOD, new very roomy 2 B.R: home L.R: fireplace. Nd. 1 aelec oak floors thruout. D R Kit. nook, lots of closets, mahogany j trim, full basement, auto, oil piped furnace, plastered garage. $12,500.; Can Mr. DahL i If? ! ; I -f Very nice clean neighborhood grocery store. 2 B.R. living quarters new stock and latest equipment everything goes for $9500. Thi wiQ sell quick. Call Mr. DahL j 1 ? 2 BEDROOM HOME, six blocks from grade school, .and close to one of Salem's industrial centers. Some furniture goes. Term can be, had. Thi wont last long. Price $5000. Call Mr. Bristol. j t I have several good apartments, ranging from $10,000 up. CaU Mr. Bristol. . i i f A REAL FARM. Just 2 mile from Woodourn. paved highway. 30 acre ;of wonderful oil. all culUvated fenced and tiled. 25 acre in crop now.: I room plastered home, modern, double garage; large bam. 13 Stanchions. poultry and Brooder house, good garden fruit, and berries 23 walnut . tree. This place is a treat to look at, full price $18,900. Call Mr. Davey. LOOK. LOOK, LOOK! A fine new home, with gar. att at a real sacrifice. Owner leaving town. Say sell. Has 2 lovely B.R. Lge. liv. rm, At a beau tiful kit It dinette comb. Nice bath, hdwd firs thruout. elec wtr heater, oil fir. furnace, truly a beautiful home. Small payment dn, s full price $7000. Call Mr. Wallar. . . f Ed. Byrkit & Co., Realtors 367 H. High St Salem. Ore. I if PHONES 3-3101. 2-1533 EVE. PHONES 2-3277. 2-6496, 3-8814. 3-8 1ST 802 Business Property 30x60 FRAME bldg Plumbed and wired. On paved alley. 10 dis aouu. Priced $3000. Ph. owner 36196. 806 Houses For Sale 2 BDRMS. and finished attic, all elec- tric. $7650. 2340 N. Liberty. 2 B.R. HOME $6500 very mod., auto. heat, near bus Bt school. J ma 11 oil easy terms. See at 1362 Franklin St W Salem. Phone 3-6189. FOR SALE or LEASE: New 3 B. R, all electric home. Look over 1945 Hazel and write 570 N. E. 16th Port land or call MU 8147. NEW 2 B R. home for: lease. Full bsmt. double gar, ph. 3-9732. WE HAVE $500 Down North New 2 bdrm. liv rm. din rm, Irg fire mediate poss. $9,750.00 fuU price. Eve place, hrdwd fir, plaster, attch gar age. Irg lot. Irg unfin upstairs. Im- 2-7985. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph 3-9217 insurance, Mig. toans We have several real good homes. 2-3 and 4 bedroom, priced from $3750.00 up. If you are looking for a good home call Art Holmes with Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 3-4707 484 Court Eve 2-4773 nnjr.sniTvrK ROAD Over 100 ft frontage adjoining Pike Ice Cream Drive-in on the North 3 business zone. 2 houses It office, in come $135 per mo. An ideal location, a real investment. Call Cobura L. Grabenhorst. 5 ACRE BLDG. SITE Located 4 mi. out. good road tt light line. Price $2,000. 5O0 down, balance $25 per mo. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. m OWNER SAYS Reduce the price on my apartment house $2,500. Now it is one of the best investment bu.vs In Salem, re turning $440 per mo. Bert location. In 2t3 business zone. Call Roy Ferri. Insurance to fit your every need Call . Hal Harvard GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays call Peter Geiser. 3-9968: Roy Ferris. 2-8010; Earl West 2-0608 . NEAR ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL A fine family home on 2 well land scaped lots, outdoor fireplace, bas m't.. lge. Iv. rm.. lge. , dn., room, each with fireplaces, deh. 4 B.R.. 3 full baths, solid brick with tile roof, auto oil heat Just $15,000. To see it today, call Crawford 2-5390. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St., Eves. 2-5390 or BETSUTIFTSUBtmBAfi New ranch type 3 bedrm home an on 1 fir. Large picture window. Fire place. Utility rm. Montag oil fur. with heat in all rm. White oak fir. , thruout V. blinds. Extra toilet in utility. Weatherstripped 8c Insulated. ' Close to bus line 8c school bus. Price " $11,000. with easy terms. EXCELLENT LOCATION Close to both Leslie 8c McKmley ' schools. Lovely new home with 2 bed rms dn 8c room for 2 up. Stair way in. Oil fur. fireplace, hwd firs, wall Jo wall carpet In living rm. Price $10500. Term. ENGLEWOOD S bedrm modern home built Just be fore the war. Reception halL LR. kitchen with nook, hwd firs, extra large gar. Beautiful fenced back yard. Only $8350 with easy, terms. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Com! Ph 3-4590 Eve 3-9893 Grand View $8000 Owner moving says drop price and get it sold. We don't believe this home can be duplicated anywhere for the money. It is a substantial at tractive 2 B JL modern noma on large lot with real view of city, val ley It mountains. Call Boa Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1211 Edgewater. Ph. 3-8109. Eves. 2-993 1 r 806 Houses For Sale i PAYMENT THAT$ ALL Home north on t scrt. Price ftSTA THAT'S ALL I I .m, MRt m iiv I MAYBE LESS has extra rental (needs a little Work) Salem. VERY GOOD BUY. See today.. 4KJ. I . HOME. LOCATED IN CITY SOUTH. $8250. j ; la city north. Worth the money.! Price ' I - i ' I -. , THATS ALL i I BEDRM HOME, with LR. Dinette. oreezwayj garage, on 'a acre norm. HOME with! LR., DR fireplace, coved attached garage. Just four Mocks, from BILL LA MP A ft TEE j 2382L HAPPY THANKSGIVING LAND CO ! PHONE: 24633 ' - I ! f S BedVoom home with fuU; basement home with full basement,! oil ipiped iioors. nrepuife, jcv, Call Mr. Wallar. I KXIZER DIST. Mod. S BB.R. home, pace for 2 B.R. in unfin.lupst L.R. . It D.Rm.. kitchen, nook. bath, all hwd. firs., oil heat, ven.i blinds., S car garage, lot 120x132, nicely land scaped. Paved st., near school, stores 8c I bus. $9500.. term. IMMED. POSS. I i I Larsen Home & Loan Cd. Exclusive Listings -Personal Service 164 S. Com'L St. Ph. 3-8389; Eve 8-744$ BEST BUYS $820 DOWN j Approx 1 year old 2 bdrm home. Small amount of work to be done. 0x200 lot. Owner verv anxious to sell; Total 5 rice only $3450. Eve. phi 2-7S74 or -3558.. ! 5 . f $4500 SPECIAL f t 2 bdrms Inside city. Older type but In very good condition. Very; clean. 800 sq. ft. floor space. Wired for rang. 1 block to bus It store. Will make verv good rental property. Eve. ph. . 2-7574 or 3-3558. IS $2200 DOWN j! j A very cute almost new borne. Has had very good care. Attached gar age. Close in norm, rnvaie weu. Fireplace. Well worth t9500. Intertrt oh principal only 4. Eve ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. 1 S MISSION BOTTOM II acres. Modern room home. 30x30 barn. 4 acres berries. I1T4 New berg oil. We consider this a verv good listing Total price only $8500. Eva ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. ! " 22 ACRES I j ! Modern home 3'i miles from mslj town. All stock 8c equipment. Amity soil. Oregon vet. loan ! available. Everything goes for only $8400. Eva ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. ; Al Isaak & Co., Realtor ' 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-78 or 2-45PS It's Bargain Day! 2 modem houses. 3 lots. 1 Hse. rented $40 and the other hse. has 2 Brm.. paving. S blocks bus. double garage. Total price only $6350 owner pre fers $1500 down but If j you have less don't fail to call, and hurry. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com. Ph. 24649-25497 j Dry Basement, l- I Oil Furnace; $9500 Lovely 2 bedrm pre-war home with extra bedrm in basement It stairs to attic, fireplace, hardwood floor. Drive by 393 N. 34th It caU us to see in. f . Geo. Al. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve :3-32g.O Sacrifice $9500 i I Mod. 4 BR home, fireplace. full bsmt. on 5 A. of good soil, family orchard, good well, 4 mi. from Salem will accept amaller home In trade, s Lovely Englewood Home 2 BR. L. rm, din rm, nice ! kit. bamt, unfin. up. Nice lawn and patid. This it one of the better homes. CaU Joe Nooncheater. I t f H. E. Corev Realj Estate 1365 N." Broadway I 4 Ph. 2-0552 Eve 2-103 .S-SSIS $450 DOWN 1. Balance for $50,00 per month Including ST. Interest. Nice little one bedroom home. Living room, attractive kitch en with plenty of buik ! in.f bath, utility porch. 100 X 100 lot. located north, home about 4 year old. near new Washington School, i Full price $4500. ; CaU Wally Gathwrlght $850 DOWI? I ! Balance fair $55 00 per month fnclud- t lng 5 interest. Large two bedroom home. Living room and dining, room combination, ititchen and hook. Dou ble garage. House completely fur nished. Better see this today. FuU price $7850.00. CaU Kenny HlU. i - W- REAL ESTATE! j 341 Chemeketa Pfcone; 2-2571 800 Real Estate KENNY S TT .T-v .... I'M