Junior Women to Hear Speaker The Salem Junior Woman! club, meeting at the home of Mrs. Rob ert Johnson at Roberts on Mon day night, prepared buttons for the tuberculosis campaign for mailing. Acknowledgment was made of total of $82 from Richmond PTA, Women of Rotary and the Auxiliary to Marion post VFW to be used for the club's play ground project. Mrs. H. E. Rholand will talk to members at the November 28 meeting. Her subject is to be Christmas table decorations. Mrs. Terry Randall is in charge of the meeting. New members, Mrs. Leonard Glbby, Mrs. Thomas Bays, Mrs. Jack Muller, Mrs. Richard Klover, Mrs. Deryl Currie and Miss Ger ldine Nelson were installed. FOUK CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker entertained tht Krazy Kard Klub and the Friendly Neighbors rlub at a joint meeting at the Mcllnay residence 3730 Mahrt ave., Saturday even- In. Pinochle was th diversion and dessert was served to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chrisman, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. Lawr ence Shrake, Mr. and Mn. Har old Snook. Mr. and Mrs. C. O G liming, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin SunderTin. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo McLain, S. H. Cable, William Fiester, Mr. and Mrs. warren Shrake. Honors wert to Mrs. srn- it Walker and Warren Shrake. Youth Party-for Past Presidents A youth party was enjoyed by the past presidents club of veter ans of Foreign Wars auxiliary 661, at tha horn of Mrs- Roy Simpson following a business meeting con ducted by the president, Mrs. Wil lit Boon. Plans were made for the auxiliary' 25th birthday. Work Is progressing on the robes and stand covert being made for the Veteran s hospital. Prizes given for the best cos tumes and dolls with first prizes to Mrs. Dale Mauk and Mrs. Gen vive Olson. Games were played with Mrs. Willie Boone, Mrs. Day son, Mrs. Ivel Haley winning the prizes. Club members present were Mrs- Jvel Haley, Mrs. Roy Simpson, Mrs. Dave Furlough, Mrs. Gen- leve Olson, Mrs. Joe Hopkins, Mrs. James Beau, Mrs. Leon Han ten, Mrs. Dry ion, Mrs. Russell iudd, Mrs. Dale Mauk, and Mrs Clarence Forbls. The next meeting will be the Christmas party to be held at the home of Mrs- Willie Boone, 732 Chemeketa street, December IS. Lutefisk Dinner Will Be Served - SILVERTON First lutefisk dinner to be announced for the season in Silverton has been set for December 8 and 9 at Trinity church. The women of the congre gation are staging the Norwegian holiday event with the two wom en's organizations, Ladies Aid headed by Nettie Hatteberg and Dorcas society headed by-Mrs. Harlan Moe, in charge of arrangements- The two have asked Mrs. Edwin Hatteberg, Mrs. Adolph Haugen, Mrs. James Philips and Alice Jen sen to assist in making arrange ments and appointing further committees. Lutefisk. prepared from codfish. will be augmented by Norwegian pastries as well as vegetables pre pared by Norwegian recipes. A total of 700 pounds of lutefisk la being ordered and the societies are preparing to serve 700 people. Mrs. Barham Fetes Club Mrs. Paul Barham entertained tha Hollywood Merry-Go-Round ' club on Thursday evening at her new home on Hollywood drive The evening was spent socially. Refreshments were served to Mrs, Melvin LaDue, Mrs. Gil Blanken t hip, Mrs. Ernest Crum. Mrs. Clay. ton Gibb, Miss Florence Kleeman, Mrs. Keith LaDue, Mrs. Harold . Holler, Mrs. Harold Bunn, Mrs Oscar Forgard, Mrs. Walter Fish. Jr. Mrs. Lloyd Laudie, Mrs. Ed lurtis, Mrs: Gordon Beecroft and ' a guest Mrs. Raymond GotchalL The hostess was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Russell Proudfit. Shower Honors Mrs. Olson WALLACE ROAD A recent affair was the shower honoring Mrs. Wilbur Olson, held at the home of Mrs. Frank Kron, with Mrs. Jack Ann as co-hostess Chrysanthemums were used In decorations. A dessert luncheon was served to , Mrs. Louis HirameL Mrs. Pau Nickolson, Mrs. Kyle Cook. Mrs Z. : Miller, Mrs. Margaret Hade speck, Mrs. Violet Perbrkk. Mrs. Vernon H. Coates, Mrs. Wallace Park, Mrs. Esther Wendt. Mrs. Arthur Anderson, Mrs. George Meier, Mrs. ' Louie Singer, Mrs. Joe Singer. Mrs. Rose Meyer. Mrs James Pederson, Mrs. Fred Olson, Mrs. Ferdinand Singer, Mrs. Mike Fochf,f Mrs. Victor Olson. Mrs. Joseph Simonyi, Mrs. P. W. Hale, Mrs. Frank Shampier, Mrs. Ben Edwards, Mrs. Harvey Olson, Mrs. Jack Olson, Mrs. Monte Harris, Mrs. Stina Schlndler, Mrs. O. B AUn. Mrs. Glen Martin, Mrs. N F. Brown. Mrs. Anna Bayer and the hostesses, Mrs. Frank Kron, Mrs. Jack Aim. . . 4 , Holiday visitors la the capital are Major and Mrs. Howard Ad ams of Monterey. Calif, who arc visiting their1! parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, H. Corey and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Adams. They win re - turn south the first of next week. Major Adams Is stationed at The Presidio at Monterey. Duplicate Bridge Glub Plans Party Plans for the annual Christmas party of the Salem Elks duplicate bridge club to be held Wednesday evening. December 4v were an nounced at the weekly tournament by chairman W, E. Kimsey. Mem bers and their friends will have a dinner, followed by a grab-bag tournament at the Legion hall. Mrs. Milton D. Parker and Mrs. Edward E.: Roth won s the north south high score at the weekly tournament of eleven tables, while Mrs. C c. Gabriel and John Oakes were ahead east-west. In second place were CoL Philip, W. AUion and Oliver Huston, north-south. and Mrs. and ' Mrs. William F. Leary, east-west. The next master poiht play will be held December 4 at Mayflower hall, while; a special husband-wife competition will feature the first week's competition in the new year, January 3, at the Elks club. Mr. and I Mr. Reed Vellstedt ml Albany are visiting In j Salem a few days and are here for Thanks giving at the home of her parents. the Charles BoIQngers. : I i The Singing Blae Bird areas met at the home of Ann Haworth to record songs. Two weeks ago they visited the state capitol Dunaing with Mrs. Kenneth Man ning accompanying the girls. COMMISSIONXRS' COURT Tha folloWtnf U tha ntHriml n..k1(.. tlpn of tha record of claims before the Marion County Commissioner' Court for the August term tor 1949. with the amount allowed, bllla continued, etc aceordlns to the record In tha office ox vne iminry inerk. MISCXLLANIOUS Goodwin a McMlllin- Carbaea tfla. Ppmml prop.. S4.000.00; Denver Vouns. Exp, (LHM; R. Gld Smith Jr hauiln pavel. S4M.7S; Richard H. McColly. do. S511.1S; Public Employeo Retirement System, Retirement. 12522; Ladd a DUII1 Balom Br UK Natl Rank nf Portland, withhold Inf. 92.S50.15; State maun rial ti.ee. comm.. In.. S739J4. COUNTY ASSESSOR C. A. LwU. deputy. S21SJS: Ray Lick, do, S1S1.SJ; J. U Sieirmund. do. I180.lt: Grace N. Babcock. da. S1ST 43: Ids M. Baillle, do. $154.S0: May Hoi torf. do, 11 82 JO; Helen Snyder, do, S144 7J; Alice V. Cummins, clerk. Ilea tii Nora Sullivan, do, t2s.ll: Mary a., oirayer, DO, uoraon Z. TOW. er, drataman. S227.7S. CIRCUIT COURT A. A. Richards, court reporter. $341.. 1; R. B. Hujrhe. deptrty. 1234 .M. COUNTY CLERK M. Raznlcaek. deputy. U5S.1S: T, Croaby, deputy. 1U.U; R. Howard, do. S1S4.S0: Dora Barrett, do, 1SS.1; Ver non Wlndaor. do. S21047; Helen L, Mulkcy, do. S1S2 40; W. M. Oifiord. do, I1S1.12; R. J. Stanton, do, S4JJ0; D. nrown, so, fw.ao. COUNTY COURT M. ReznlcMk, Clark, S50O0; D. Brown, fttenoc, 150.00. COURT HOUSE Edw. Braher. Janitor, flCl tS: W. A. Crltton. do. 116117: Wm. MorUrtr. do S1M.S7; Edwin Booth, do, SI&3.10; Ruth nuicnm, Kiev, uper, 78.oo; M. E, unaaey, ao, imi.io, DISTRICT ATTORNEY Gordon Moore, deputy, 1217.74; Doris M. Albin, aecreury, sus.12. DISTRICT COURT Clurus Brown, Dep. Clerk, $17 JT; sarDara smiin, ao. fiav.73. DISTRICT COURT CONSTABLE Gloria Robinaon, deputy, SIMM. HEALTH DEPARTMENT W. J. stone, M.D.. health officer. 3M.n; r.t ft. coieman, aanttartan a?49 nm. T ri t M .w.u. c tv Cooper, do, $253.40; W. B. Quinn, do. $2242.10; Bernlce Yeary, nurse. $244.13; Laalie L. Stone.. Clinie num, S134J7; Merwyn Darby, nurse. S207JS; Evelyn L. Schrader, do, $210.40; Joan Schneider, do, $211.13; Jane Domkow kL do, $216.70: Erna Berttecher, do. $iW.io: Helen wangigara, ao. S214.00; Jean Wright, do. $197.40; Vera Wood. Clrek-Stenog, $190.20; Mona E. Davis, Clrek-typiat. $142.50; Odessa Melby, Cierk-tenof, $169.90; Alice Bercmann, Clerk-typist $134.40; Dariel Lee. do, $130.00; FrancU Reieraon, Health Edu cator, fZM.oo: Doiorea n. fyiar, cierx typist, $133.96. BREITEnBUSa J U STICK COURT Edison Vlckera. Justice. $8910. JEFTERSON JUSTICE COURT t. X. HoweU. Justice. $12115; Geo. r. Armstron, Constable, $14.85. MT. ANGEL JUSTICE COURT N. M. Lauby. Justice. SSJ0: Peter J. Burcer, constable. $9.90.: WOODBURN JUSTICE COURT T. C. Gorman, Justice, $222.55; W. C. MUler. Constable. $4910: Mary V. Gorman, clerk. $34.65. jrivTNii v mirirp Nona White. Probation Officer. $311 - 77; D. J. Jepsen, assliUnt. $211.40; L. M. Johnston, stenqe., isi.so. MISCELLANEOUS D. W. Ramseyer, Microfllmlna, S18T SO. COUNTY RECORDER Adella Dickman, deputy, fl70.2o; Virctnla Critton. do. S1M21: Irene Johnson, do, $1MJ0; Ramon Evans, do, $159J0; Joan Lanke, clerk, fi4aj, REGISTRATION AND tUtCUUM Gladys White. Dep. Clerk, $166.02. SCHOOL. SUPERINTENDENT J. F. Reminston, deputy, $169.68; Vivian 9. Hoenif. supervisor, $20710; Marruerlte R. Burton, do, $22210; Christine V. Morley, secretary, $14919. SHERIIT'S OrnCE LEGAL L Johnson, deputy. $210.40: B. R. Smith, do. S210 10: Wm. DeValL ' do. $21110: John Harser, do, $219.10; Law rence wncnt, ao, jzaz jo; Jt. a. scou. do, $190.S4; S. R. Tic, ao, $171J6; Glen Conklin, do, $17$ M; M. K. Wood, ao, szi id. BHEKIlTS OFXICI TAX H. r. DomocalU. deputy. S32S17: H. T. Evan, cashier, $20614; Violet te West, bookkeeper. S189.23: Lrdle Matt son, deputy, $179.10; Evelyn Mennis, do, $164.09; Gerald me white, ; do, $147 ; Marian Maa. ao. S76.18. COUNTY SURVEYOR Nell Sinnms, secretary, $154.40, COUNTY TREASURER Audrey H. Ewinf. deputy, $150 1$. VETERANS SERVICE OP1TCER H. C. Saalfeld. service officer. $2St 10; Lnllan Klippert. secretary, $0626. STAYTON JUSTICE COURT. W. H. Bell, Justice. $W3.25; Henry smith, eonsubie, lll.au; Leona reter son. Steno., $29.70. REGISTRATION AND ELECTION Alice J. Baillle. clerk $14411. DOG CONTROL OFFICE Ervin Ay Ward. Enforcement officer, mzviMo; n. J. sitmon, cierr. sioo.oo, COUNTY ENGINEER H. f . Swart, Entineeri $305.99; A- M. Preanall, secretary. 9150.40. : COUNTY PROPERTY H. Wm, Thielsen, Land Afent. $112- 80; L. M. Johnston. Stenoff., 50.00. MISCELLANEOUS Wilson J. WUt. Multisraph operator. $73 01; Floyd L. Siecmund, Watermas- ter, B192.70; ; Gertrude Flnnemore. nurse. $209 40; J. p. Aiplnwall, labor. $220.87: 'Deibert J Bair, do. $zos.3: i A. Burns, labor. 8143.60: Wm. H. Ficke. do. 8166 61: Harry H. Lawrence, do. $20916; H.i A. Martin, do. $22010: Har old L. Martin, do, $229.08: Edward Schmltt, do, $20210; F. W. Woelks. dq. $344.44; O. D. Binecar. do. $281.14; Henry Bower, do. $204.82; Lawrence Bower, da. $226.7$: Wm. Ctekef, do, 8208 62: Frank N. Dick. do. 8243.40: W M. Duchateau, do, $223 31- Orvllle L. Dunlgan, do, $298.97: S. K. Ely. do, siis.pu; narvey m. tiiroo. oo. szue.7 Erie Custsfson. do. $239 39: Roy Hat- field, do. 8245.41; Harold K. Kepplnser, do. 8269 98: Ben Kerber. do. 828011: R. W. Kinney, do. 822016: Barney J. Kropp. do; 819419: Laurel Lamb. do. 6290.06: Floyd Lauber. do. $28219: E. A. Lawrence, do, 831718: Virgil Lone, at atl W ' SB Jk fCsl ar. WVa fiffs.l We' t WVe Was , John McAUister. do, S211J0: Ralph Me Allister, do. $238.49; Wm. Naftsger. do, $27112: D. P. Schart do. $31815: Wm. Shaw, do, 8291.14; August Smith, do. f7.93; Robert Smith, do, S273-36: O L Soeneer. oo. $234 85: Earl D. Standlev. do. 1280 14: Lloyd X. Taylor, ee. $26910: A. M. Theis. do. $36 55; ui. ssrm. " aw. SB m. ltw do. situs.- Orviue'L. TrusseU. do. 2236.09; Hugh Webb. do. 21$10; gam Weese. do. tnoM: Tone Woelke. do. $20214: Lee Wells, do. 8112.07- Theo dore Kuenzi. do. $25414$ Wm. Brenner. -v -y OFF THE SIT-Deretty Klrsten, eperatle star, wears a Bet oyer her hairdo betweea scenes of her first anevle, with Zing Crosby la "Mr. Mastc." beins filsaed la Hollywood. do. $213 SO: Menno Dalke. do. $203 41: Lloyd Jarman. do. $21612; Tom Rlt- chey, do. $216.00; Jos. A. Robl, do. $217.79; W. SheUey. do. $21116; Gene ShUlinf, do. $21413: Arthur J. Tack- nlM A Hn T- IB.... $2O6.i0; d wTWebber, do. $202'23: w'. O. WUluunson. do. $20914: J. C Cur- nutt. do, $213 36; John Anderson Jr, do. szzs.so: wm. uunttne. ao. vmJM; I K. cooper, do. szarao; K. J. coover. do. S19020: Axel Johnson, do. S ISO JO: J. R. Patten, do. $21110; C. G. Ross, do, $209 10; A. B. Rostad. do, $20018; Phil ip j. soiie. do. 1107 T7; v. w. seimed. do, 819210; R. r. Syverson. do. $13311; M. J. McCormick. do. $301 JM: Lee A. Andreas, do. Bl B4; Dmrn LuBou, ao. sise.17: Vircu k. raney. oo. line jo; p. a. Hostetier. oo. u ti; s. at. star tin. do. $20410: Cecil R. Royston. do. S207.76: Delbert Shenito. do. ta.oe: E. J. Richards, do, S334.4S; Arthur BUckburn. do. $199.73; A. A. Richards. do. S1B9S9: Chas. Tucker, do. szis.ss: E. H. Butrr. .do, $2091$: C A. Co bine, do, taoi.50; Tow Bowden. do. S232.73: Georee Frauenditner. do. S22S m; Myron n. Meivey. aranaman. si-H; Warren Hicks, surveytjir, S43 30. SILVXRTON JUSTIct COURT Alf O. Nelson, justice. $176.46; T. N. Burch. clerk. $49 M; E. J. Jack son, eonaUble, $741$: MISCELLANEOUS Floy C. Mudd. bailiff. $46.90; Kerry Becker, hautinf reck. 89OS.0O; L. M. case. do. saw no: Cleo Keppinser. do. $902.00; John Nat. do. $1,071.00; Sa lem cnamoer of coenmeree. aov $200.00; Ray Uck. T. E.. $61.66; Robert v. .-.vaw... ... -ww , m m. a T. E., $74.74; Department of acricul- xure. cnerry rnut nr control, siib.ib: James Blum, Jury parkins tickets. $310; . The Golden Pheasant, meals, $1410; Bryan Goodanoush, atty. foe. wo .oo: Hanks parkutc Lou lunr nark tnf tickeU. $1.75: Hotel Senator, meals. lis.40: jonn r. steemammer. atty. fee, $1$ 00; Mrs. Iva R. Welch, reporter. $22 50; Bostitch Northwest Co, sups. $7.79; Ralph Coxheed Corp, ups.tJ6j6; Kay Typewriter, sups, $115; W. A. Link, a sent, frelsht. 10.45: Moore Bus iness Forms Inc.,. sups, 667.60: Unruh- fuiapp miuiii v-oi,. sups, vi.so; s Russell WhlU. sups, $410; Association of Ore. Counties, dues, $284.77; Keith srown Lumber -ram. lumber, si.is R. L. Eustrom Co.. suds.. 89.40: W. Foasholm. sin. $25 00; Norri Walker Paint Co., sup, $12.00- Otli Elevator Co, service. $6.50: Salem Willamette Supply, sum, $2.40; Eldon Scott, slffns, $3 00-, Gordon Moore. T. E.. $4 - o; syDU c cauin c rrank spears, rent, iiw.w; sari Aoama, t. e., sua. 0S John Sehmld. ssrbafe, $10010. HEALTH DEPT. Capital City Laundry It Cleaners, laundry. $3.55; Capital Drue Store, sups, $171 Dr. Margaret McDowell. mea. serv, sio.oo: or. nucule rortrver do. sio.oo; A. C. Graff. posUf. $67.00; Henana Maaieai lmd. lan. serv. siu 00; Johnson, Siewert c Aldrich. print lnf. $7.19; Dr. Robert E. Joseph, med. serv, SZ4.00; Kubii-Howeu, sups, S4 9J: McKesson 1c Bobbins, suds.. $06 67: Helen Melbv. do. 833.00: Oreeon Stale Med. society, prof, liab., $6.50r rerry s urus store, sups, 912.43; Phy sicians It Hosp. Supply. Co, med. sups,, $30.17; The Oulsenberry Pharmacies, do. $14.04; Rsdlo station KOAC, trans cription, 80.00; Salem Masonie Temple, rent, swo.w; saiem mm. Lab, la a. rv., sz7jo; senooi district , tale, 119: Shaw Surflca ICo, med. sups, 37.60. MISCELLANEOUS John W. Hanrahan. fees..' 8208 00c Edward V. Harrreavae. indemnity. 98.00; Fred W. Laaf . fts. $43110: Fred E. Manfls agency, bond. $610: Ktrw.lt J. Peterson, fees. 843.10; Flayd L. Bailey, Indemnity, $12.00; George B. Hager. do, 88.00; Lewis E. Judsen. do. $17.50: Floyd S. Matthews, do. $11.00; Joseph M. Obersinner, do. $4.40; Charles Hug gins, commander, relief. $20.00: Charles Hug (Ins, commander, do, $27.00; Dr. Charles Campbell, ex am, ss.oo; Dr. A. T. King, do. S3 00: Dr. Wm. Mott. do. S5.00: Dr. Ralpk Dnn.(n. rfA AC flA. ft. TWIW. m U dp, MOO: Dr. Roseoe C. Wilson, do. IS0.00; Dr. Paul Wolfe, do, $10.00; Floyd W. Kramer, sups., $30.60; Salem Sur plus Store, do, 606 00; Denver Young, meals, $636 M; The Suyton Mall, tups, 111.80; E. Viekers. postaft. $100; J. . rowier. eonstaDie, sum, Sises; v . HoweU. Justice, do. S6.O0: E. K. oweU. rant. $19.00; Pioneer Trust Co, and. S2S.OS: Georee F Armitrau. T. E, 12.84; Pioneer Trust Co, bond. su.Do: All u. Nelson, rent. eti . IM is- John W. Owen, receiver. Capital City einoery, sups., sza; sanery J. Jack son, T. E , $66.32: Walter H. BeU, rent. etc, bjs.oo; w. M Uler, T. av, 11137; Benson-Dougherty, optometrists, glae- iu.w: J a coo a. Brsunnercei $30.78; Mrs. Msry Hslvorsen. do, $14 00; Mrs. Stewart Miner, do. $50 00; Satem Memorial Hospital, oo, . 1221 oo; The Boys tt Girls Aid Society, court comm., 83000; Catholic Charities Inc.. do. ess.se; tmiorens rarm Home, no, sao oo; Oregon Protective Society, do. 891$: J. H. Turnidge. do. $4010; Oregon State Game Comm.. nredatorv animal control. i7M.ee; morn ion stationery Print. Co, sups, $6.11; Agnes C. Booth. T. X, 92214; Agnes C. Bootk, postage, etc, $274 40; Underwood eorp, eouip , $15914: W. L. Anderson, reps. .mr. nurse s camera swop, sups, 13 11; Caoitol Office Eaulo. Co . da. 13 00i Consolidated Freightways lnc, express. 82.78- Nelson Equip. Co, sups, 137 JO; W ,T. Porter Co, sups, $3710; W. T. Porter Repair Service; sups, $18114; S. Robert floe, T. E. $212: C. V. Allien. labor, 841.71-.. Lawrence M. Wright. T, E., $13 44: X. F. Domogslls. T. E, ooe; naiem oiue rrmt to, sups. bs.23; a. c oragg. postmaster, post age. $18.00; H. S. Saalfeld. T. E, $1918; Ervin A. Ward. T. E., 880.64: Mrs. Claude Fttagerald. refund, $2 .00; Oliver H. Brougher. sheep killed, $4 00; Louis Cornu, chickens killed, $610; Mrs. Floyd Dsvidson, sheep killed, $40.00; Arthur B. McClelUn. ehickens killed. 4.73;, iouis aoeioy. snsep killed, sis.oo; ff lhMnutkM .Ka-m biHI IDA M Fred C. Schermacher, do. $80 00; Axle Trig as. do, $57.00: Leo N. Chi Ids, lnc; bonds. $1910; John Albus, cutting brush, $30.00; American Brush Co, sups. Mill; Alias stamp ana tne Co. do. 65131: J. C. Bsir and Sons. reos. 14 00: BaUou and Wright, sups, 87.62; Broadway Tire Service, reps, 83.82: E. H. BurreU. reps, t3S16; Capital Auto Parts, do. $75 92: CsdIuI JournaL adv, $3.00; Capitol Lumber Co, sups, $19710; Monroe S. Cheek, (at. $7818; City Water Dept.. water, $99 95: Clyde axiuipmeas wo, reps, su.31; The com mercial Book Store, sups, $380.43; Loose stationery ko, sups, 87 MT, Ur M. , K. Crothers. exam, etc, 946 66; Frank N. Dick. T. E 14414: Doolrt- tie Master Serv. Sta, sups, $133.68; John Eder. Rw. $150.00: Rav L. Hard ware Co, sups, $3811; Firestone stores. oo, sisoi; irve j. k. uut Co, sups. 88.S0: The J.- K. GUI Co.. suoa- SM, l7; Dr. John R. Goldsmith, mod. serv. sjv.bu; a. i. Maag ana wo, reps, jo; t. Mi. tiaaeiune at Co, eups, $ Warren Hicks, surveying. $211: Home Fuel Oil Co, road oiling. $50.72; How and Cooper Corp, rape, 830.96: Chas. H. Hoyt, gravtl. SSJS; Chas. H. Hoyt. do. $13,759.70; Industrial Supply Co. or Salem, sup-. t777ii: intercity 'Auto Freight, frt. $119; Interstate Tractor at Kqulp. ce, reps, sm.ss; Jensen's Rlrhfteid Service, do, $1.79; C A. Johnson, wend. 800010; ire J or genacB. reps, $122 99; n. A. Judd, petty cat, smsi; Kaiser Sand at Gravel Co. gravel. 8472 JS; do. do. , $34710; Hot Kltohum. Ibr.. $368.00: T. tlri, " -BP. srvar: eri-i ccitrfcsi blocks Resume Macn. CO.. reps., dames a. ma de n Co.. rep.. C6.ll; John MrClas- key. labor. Soo.oo; k. n. Mctouy. nam ing travel. 15; Douglas McKay Chev. Co.. equip., S3.240.24; do. do. $1,743.51: A. B. M cLaucnian t-O., rep.. 828.83; B 3. Minden Co. lb., 63.45716; Harvey T. Moen. hauling rock. $898 43; Mountain State Power f m.t 9.KA AA' NMrfham. nmlr mAarm. up, Su M; Norria Walker Paint Co. aupa. S129.2S: Northwest Ind. Co, I .t course today after ettine way Co, irt, sz.iaoji; uregon mj. sicians Service, dues. $374.60; Oregon SUte Highway Comm.. testing in lab. S6.00: Ben CM en and Son. const.. 8647.. 29; faciue -uuiiaing. rent. sa.aw; fa cjfic TUe. x Ti. tele, S329J0; Peck Bros, sups . $833.98; Pitney Bowes Inc.. sups, $86 60; Portland Gen. Dec. Co, lap. $213.18; A. H. Preanall, post- age. S2.00: Rea c-roes t-narmcay. mea. i rZ .TZ, " '11.180,000 yesterday sisi'i: J. H. Rigdon. ou rock." $50.75: Saffron Supply Co, sups-. 83.09-. Sa- Sncr'pS pToTu'ctf S, $40.80; Salem insurance AgenU Aasn, us, si.jji.oi: satem Mimorj L.o, i rr,u"arV, n.ri'Zi'0?.. I Co. auna.. S54 08: Sanitarv Serv. fn. Inc, san. service. $1.90; San tiara Gra- fV naaH&n. san so- silver ttaoatr ut. rv. i aa( nn- u a KimmAn. I if "J...13.,- Jr, haulms' rock, $54.70; "Stan" Ba- Mr aaatnrm. sun 7R- imk.H i Bitumuls Co.. asphalt. $13,821.53; Stan- I SflS.. - bKi. u. - 2Z?;:f 1 Statesman Publishing Co, adv, $141.. j; siayton farn service, sups, 8613. to; stein kes. reps, 113 83; Stevenson Construction Co.. eouio.. SSiMM.OO: Stevenson and Mefford, reps, $2.63; Truck Sales Serv. Co, rep.., $4913 Union OU Co.. ... etc, $1.713 85; Un, 1 km Title Co RW report. $12 50: VaWj 1V ynliir f n mm Tft V.IU. ?: Z2..Z ru ill.;: i,z ' Welding Supply Co?. lupT iX 407 V b- Sand and Gravel Co, gravel. $7910; Gil Ward, sups, $1414: .WUTamette Valley Transfer, frt. $13.62; Woodbura Sand and Gravel Co rravaL sa 00- Woodbu?? Co. muZZ: L ll: r 'D' wooaraw, reps, S3 do, $8617; Walter H. Zoeel CeTsunaZ fUSS. AM mm "I nnrrmiri August t. 1949 ermit to move na"ui log.:" Dolph H;.UrAurrper: mit to move combine. L.X. John. Lou- is O. Critton; permit to haul logs. Co- cU O. Clark; permit to move mint tub, L. R. EdwardV app Ucatlon for reMet Earl. Coiner. John P. Miller; order for neanag on propoaed formation of U.I i I HAin. ua.m.m d . . a w. tectioa district. August 4. permit to move combine. Harlan Moe; permit to I naui logs, tecu o. dark; pipe line per- mit. IT K Huumi- iImiI ti U.rn. I county for garbage disposal property; I petition to name Meadow Lane: per- mit to move amMiii W T n.tt. I berg. Aug. 8. permit to move combine. I Richard Miller; order vacating portion I of A maa Addition ilverlAa. Autf I 8. resolution and order in matter of vacation of lots and road la Miller's MUl Creek Rural Home Tracts: Indent nitv claim of Adlore A. Paaula tin- I al hearing set for 8-31-49: permit to I move combine. Lawrence Ziennskl: permit to naui logs, scio Transfer. Aue. B. natition to extend r.M-t ati I In Silverton. and order continuing I neanng to sept, s; peuuon to improve I Westfleld street In SUverton. and order to Labia the matter liulefinitelvr nr. I der to pay state game commission for preaatorv animal control work. Auk. v - r ...... . i e. nnai neanng on inaemnity claim ot Floyd L. Bailey; order for refund to L. H. Bunnlng and Willi sm Frith; per- mit to haul logs. Lowell O. Cree. Wal- tea Rak: permit to move combine. Cllf- I ford L. Jenson, Mrs. D. D. Kuenzi; I pipe Una permit. Fred StshU. Aug. 10, temporary oance uu nconae to loanna i nurai ire rro. uw.: aomi - annual re- port of sheriff and tax eoUector: coov ok OTwoanw r.o. jivi a j viit m oa- asm namlna city streets In Polk eoun- roia: ty portion: permit to move combine. Paul C. Gilbert! permit to move baler. Jos. B. Schmidkall. Aug. 11. order for refund to taxes to Jack and Evelyn Friable; letter from Central HoweU Farmer a Union favors control district for eradication ot tansy . ragwort. Permit to move combine. Don R. Meyw er. Aug. 12. approval of plat of Syhran park: permit to haul logs. Jack Shaw; hearing on vacation of portion of Sun nvatde Fruit Farms No. 10. taken un der advisement. Aug. 13. jury list (or SUyton Justice of the Peace district Aug. 18. permit to move baler. Alfred J. Zlellnskl: permit to haul loan. Don- aia 9. urtnam: k. wiiaon at at agree to do gratis caterpillar work on pro posed Mehame - Elknorn road. Aug. 16. Indemnity olalm, Charles B. Jayne. Alvln L. Poole; permit to haul logs. Vernon and Norman Berestrom: Dole line nermits (2). Portland General General Electric Co. Aug. 11, penrjt to haul logs. Richard Lee Kendall; pole line permits (4). Portland oener al Electric Co.; minutes of courthouse commission meeting. Aug. 1$, order hv ataia Metiwav eneineee rm irrM. ment on Niagara Detroit section of I Ervin A. Ward. Dog control Knf. Ul N. Santlam highway. Aug. 20. permit fleer, $80110; R. J7 Stanton, clerk. to move combine. D, R. KeDey; permit Ln haul laea. Aue 13 nmnlt to haul logs. J. D. Collier. Cecil O. Clark: per- tn mavs fvmhln. ft M SitWv. ' a. Sptva: bond for issuance of duplicate warrant to Sanim-o Corn, of Ore eon -sennit tor pole lines (3) to Portland General Electric Co. Aug. 14. order closing portion of county roads 972 and 973 tnr iw.miHi A.,- mm M- approval of dedicated plats more than $ miles from Salem. Aug. St, order for tranafar ai fiinda nurauant in eountv property audit to 4-21-49: transfer or- mund. wsterntastes. $192.70: J. P. Ai der: order for transfer of $60,000 to I ptnwall. labor, $220.97: Delbert J. Balr, 'eneral fund from county property wnii- r.mr.r.i-.na to iuii.iu, At beer license in vicinity of Park ave. ana saina une permit to move pep- l. .... u permit to naui logs. Roy Jacobean! Aug. 17. indemnity claim of Laura 0 WW 1 1.1- . l m. m. a. naTvmicB, xj rial nnnnf vw; approval of plat for -Piedmont" and -rikf1l"- nermlt to haul loea H A RusseU: order bv ststa tax commission to remove certain land from refdres- taUon Antf ee Mdmitlnn nf mtrr J Bureer aa constable for Mt. Aneei district; bond for Issuance of dupli - est warrant to Harold L. Bread en for Mt. Angel Fla xFesttvsl commission. aux. sv, permit to naui logs, tverett rtaterhere- arder ranrnine 1 vaara warranU not called for. Aug. 31. fin- al hearing on indemnity claims, Adlore A. Pequin. Chas. B. Jayne, Alvtn L Poole: resignation of John M. Fidel -deputy constable of Brertenbuah district; report by state tax commls- ion: permit to haul logs. Harold E. Weathers. Lee Wm. Miller sr.; resigna tion of Peter J. Burger as constable of Mt Angel district accepted; order appointing Joe F. FauQtaber as con stable Mt. Angel Justice of Peace dis trict: petition for appointment of Val deria Mallsrew.ki as deputy constable and matron for Brei ten bush district. COMMISSIONERS' COURT The following la tha official nuhliM. tlon of the record of claims before the Marion County Commissioners' Court for the September Term for 1948. with the amount allowed, bills continued, etc, according to the records in the onice of the County Clerk. MISCELLANEOUS Public Employees Retirement kvm. tern. Retirement, $4,781.74; Ledd A usn. saiem Br. UA Natl Rank Af Portland. Withholding. 63.35! 95: State ina. Acctoem comm, ins., fanja. Asscssoits urnci C. A. Lewis, deoutv. till sa- n.w I Lick. dd. $19113; J. L. Siegraund. do. $180.18: Grace. N. Babcock. do. ti7 as ide M. Baillie. do. $15410: May Hol torf. do, $7919: Helen Snyder, do, $144.73: Alice V. Cumralnga. clerk. inn; msry ntrsyer, ao, si4S.30; cor- a on a, lower, arsrtsmsn. 1Z27.71. CIRCUIT COURT A. A.- Richards, court reporter. 1288.. iv; nuoy nucnes. oo, zns.T. COUNTY CLERK M. Reznicsek. deoutv. 8153 IS- P. Crosby, do. 1183.13: R. Howard. $19410; Dora Barrett, do. $168.14: Vernon Wlnd aor. do. 8210.47: Helen L. Mulkev. do. 8182 40; W. M. Cifford. do, $16lJ2; R. J. Stanton, do, $6210; D. Brown, do, I sos. CUUNTT COURT M. Resnlceek. Clerk. . seeO: D. 1 DTwa. stenoc.. m.w. 0 COURT HOUSE Edw. Brasher. Janitor. tlCUS: W. A. Critton. do. $UI17; Wm. Mortarty, do. S196J7: Edwta Booth, do. 1133.16: Ibsth Hutchms. Elev. Opes, 17810; M. E.I Lanoaey, ao, ssi.is. DISTJUCT ATTORNEY Cordon Moore. Deputy. 8217.74: Deris I M. Albin, aecretary, $13918. Advance After Side-Trackinir NEW YORK., Nov. 22 -fJfV The rvV marlrot curorvnrt halr An wuc - uhmhi aivmamj, The advanre was slnw in aharw inff . t mt th- fi a, M. "Jg up DUX ai We Xinai DeU gains uacuuua va more uuui at point were in a clear majority. p;n-i rirM wpr t . e th . 1 1 . Pr,ces. were tops lor Uie aay in most cases. Turnover expanded to 1,400,000 snares from In the latter half of last week the market put on a show (of badly on Monday and Tuesday. xne rsujy was interrupiea y ester- ar. P filing regarded as the dominant factor Profit takina was verr much today ut was handily absorbed. . Th. . Aioviati Ptm. ot 60 stocks edged up 2 of one tn ,a . t-. S i w v.w. i.wuiu tu wiiu the 1949 high of 68.7 first touched year on Nov- n matched clturHa. j DISTRICT COURT rff0? nY "v ? Gloria Robinson, deputy, S1S91$ vaasaaasv A rWS WVaW . l l - health dep 'ARTMENT Wi, J JBon- UX- physician. $53014; TJ' JS: K7 ft00' h fSPIKJIl g3 W'JStKT J?413 MrWT" Darby, do, 820713; Helen Wangsgard, ? Jne Domkowskl. do"7l3 ht. .do',ua L": ' abtiafTt ' nil ii rrm .Ti -CTL. Z" JS ' Zttjfftt manned" til! Moef 'i SvT2e $14210; DartelLee. do$l0V Dolores pVfer oT tlXAJu LuctOeT' LukamL nurse 119.23. ' lMCWm M1TrrstT ttt.t ,r.. . w,.. . k n i wt u mrm it. mr i n. i -. . M . m h 19! J- f- fowler, constable (July), c- Vowler, do, (Aug.), $171.. m JEFFERSON JUSTICE COURT . Howel. Justice, $12118; Ceo. F. Armstrong. conauDie, 114 s MT. ANGEL JUSTICE COURT - iuoy, justice, seao; Peter jr. urger. consxaoie, se so, SILVERTON JUSTICE COURT Alf. O. Nelson. Justice. 8176.48; T. N. Burch, clerk. 84810; E. J. Jackson, con- sxaoie. m STAYTON JUSTICE COURT w-. H. Bell. Justice. $17118; Henry aoutn, unstable, H.e; ieona Peters Y"f ,, .rL '"., WOODBURN JUSTICE COURT T. C Gorman. Justice, fIJ; W. C. ew. mMr mj ciere. JUVENILE COURT Nona White. Probation officer $211.. winn. h. Minim, wj, i. ""J,"""J'l:"'"'ij rz MICROFILMING . a . L. c . a m D. W. Ramserer. Oerk. $16710. COUNTY RECORDER Adella Dickman. deoutv. 1170.38: Virginia Gritton. do. $16611: Ramona Evans, do. $13113: Irene Johnson, do fiN.ao; Joan LAnaa, eierk, fiasco. i hkbisxkatiun anu eleltiun I Cladv White. Den. Countv Clerk. i axae.uw. m COUNTY SCHOOL SUPT. I J. F. Remington, deputy. $109.89: I Vivian S. Hoenig. supervisor, 820710; I Marguerite R. Burton, do. 822210: Christine V. Morley. secretary, $14910, SHERIFF'S OFFICE LEGAL I A. I. Malstrom. deputy, $210.40: Win. DeValL do. 820310: B. R. Smith, do. I 9X10 60: John Hara-er. do. 8219.10: M. I R. Wood, da, 8319.10; S. O. Scott, do. 1 S190.S4; S. R. Tice. do. 901.40; Glenn wonxjin, ao. its so. m i OFFICE TAX X. F. DomogsUa. deputy. $32117: H. T. Evans, Cashier; 8SO8.04; Vlolette Was, bookkeeper. S18918: Lydle Matt- so a deputy, 9179.10; Evelyn Meaals, qo,sitz. u: Marian Mass, oo, 9147 jh; Geraldine White, ao. $159 35. SURVEYOR'S orncK NaUa Simms. secretary. 1134 40. COUNTY TREASURER Auv?r&v!Scf I V. C. ftsslfsld, service officer. 4rt4 11 LOllan Kiippert, Secretary, sosift. COUNTY SNGINElR X. S. Swart, eeuntr engineer. $306,- 89; A. M. Preanall. secretary. $1M.40 Mildred Bowerootr. clerk. 837.80. I DOfS CONTROL FUND I $100.00. , . I COUNTY PROPERTY . H". William thielsen, lend agent. I suz.ro; L.. at. jonnnsron. sienog.. pv I 8112.20: L. M. BRETTENBUSH JUSTICE COURT jonn as. ruu. uto. won John M. FldeL Dep. Constable. $24. 1 71; John M Fidel, do. $11 J fJ-37. MISCELLANEOUS Helen L. Mulkey. Clerk. 89 13: WB I son J. Wilt. Multieraoh Otoer 11X1.51 M. Reznicsek. clerk. 818 Jl; Alice J, Bafflie. do. $188.30: rtancto Reierson, I health educator. $7916: Floyd L. Sl- I . ef.; . a. e'-". I Wm. H. Ficke.. do. 918118: Harry H. if"mf- ao-. Jrii,ii' v. mr - I VA-.rn.rA timlt An 631160: M J. Ma. Cormlck. , do. $218 76: Leo A. Andreas. I oo. umwta . J1"" I Kl.-ll B V.Km rlr. MM ll- A tmr. i ... --- -7--- - - - . $222.05; Cecil RoJto?i. 1 1223 96: Delbert C. Shelllto. do, 837.19; E, 3. Richards, do. $128.09; Arthur Blackburn, do. $21 84: A. A. Richards, dO. S203XZ- CrUM. TUCXeT. OO. S13I.DS I Kenneth Watts, do. $91 49; Clarence 1 Williams, do, 94811; Ted Kuerurt. do, vaM; wm. st. Brenner, on. ssmm Menno Dalke do $221 40; Lloyd Jar I mmn, w. w. . mw., . -- 1 64: Tom RitehCV. do. $220.41: J OS A Kobl. do, $187 07: W. SheUey. do. 9236- 40; Gene Shilling do. $338.70: Arthur J- Jackmler. do. $18512: Ted Wagoner, do, $122 63: L. W. Webber, do. $21719: I w. o. Williamson, do, S2CI.I9: rrana I Woelke. do. 1333.07: o. D. Binegar. ao I wamxm Henry Bower, da. $244.97 I- ship's pro Neal lUGeahaa aa she tees o fraex slririag saausrsa a stern of User Nleaw Aamtlerdiai BaHi are drtrea txte sea sad $aarkars are tewed behlsd ship to rscerd tUtm of each shad, ZLTJ'r&& jyjriTho) StQxncm. Sdam, Orou Wadnaadcry. Wcnrambar 23. 1849-7 ao, zus.vi; cn-vme w. uunigan. ao,. $313.44; S. K. Ely. do, $242.10; Harvey M. Gtrod, do, $209.79; Eric Gustafson, do. 9252.01: Roy Hatfield, do. 245.75: Harold K. Keppbtger. do. $287 A; Ben Kerber. do. SZkiao: R. W. Kinney, do. 832410; Barney J. Kropp. do. 821319; Laurel Lamp. ao. gn.ll: riova wau- ber, do. 1281.12: E. A. Lawrence, do. 1334. 4S; Vu-gd Long. do. S3$3.9; W. R. ataasey, ao, xsaxi; Jonn McAllister, do. 826113: Ralph McAllister, do, $282.- is; wm. Nartzger, ao. szssjio; u. p. Schart. do. S30722: Wm. Shaw. do. 1247 Al; August Smith Jr, do. $26JK); Robert Smith, do, $300.78; G. L. Spen cer, do, 1249.64; Earl D. SUndley, do, 8266.49; Uoyd IE. Taylor, do, 27417; A. M. Them, do. 265 65: Nick Treia. do. SS430: Raymond Tttua. da. SISXOs: Or vilie L. Truwell. do. 1273 OS; Hugh Webb. do. $323.13: Sam Weese. do. $265.04; Lee Wells, do. $24.47; Tony Woeike. do. 1306.46; J. C curnutt. oo. S227J2: J. Anderson Jr, do. $343.(5: Wm. Bunting, do. 82242; U R. Coop er, do, 1256 61; E. J. Coover, do. $204. 34: Axel Johnson, do. $20414; J. R. Patten, do. $223.05: H. J. Peterson, do. $243.65; C. G Ross. do. $223.63: A. B. Rostad. do. $21413: D. W. Scifrled. do. 1207 .92: Raymond Syverson. do, $2SL 56: E. H. Busby, do. $19712: C A. Co bine, do. $191.17; Tom Bowden. do, 12X0.96; George Fraueadiener. do. $211.42; Warren Hicks, do. SIS JO; Floy Mudd. Bailiff. loo so: Robert Simms. do, $$10: L. af. Wright. Dep. Shertfi, $1415; Harry Becker, hauling rock, $882.00: L. M.i Case. do. S906 00; Cleo Keppmger. do, SS34.SO; John Nag, do, $998.00: Steve Anderson, Atty. fee, $41; H. J. Bratzel. reporter. $1010: Hank' Parking Lot, Jurors cars, perking. $5; Maxine nut. do. sza; Louise Lesley, do. $213; Lawrence Osterman, Atty. fee. $135.00; Salem Parking Service. Jurors cars, perking. $3.00: Ruth Staab, do. $1.75: Ralph C. Coxheed Corp, sups, 13.71; Your Town, do, 83SJ5; Dept. of Agriculture. Cherry Fruit Fly control. $3310; Assoc. of Oregon Coun ties, Public Lands Comm, $130.00; Lesion W, Howell, Per Diem, etc, $82. $2; Bureau of Labor, permit $1; East er day Supply; Co, sups, $8.60; Otis Kiev, co- Contract. SSJO: MeCllchrktt A Sons, sups, 8314; Salem Ins. Agents Asaoc, ins, ses oo: Salem Willamette Supply. Reps,; 140.73: Vibbert Electric, Reps, $1.74: Eont B. Harbiaon. TJC- $1810; Albert: C Gragf. postmaster. postage. $8 00;: Dr. Theodore Stnekart. Exam, 610.00; Sybil C. CatUn Frank H. Spears, rent. $108.06; Bart Adams, T eaa e. , T. ekLa -in. disposal, $100 00. HEALTH DEPARTMENT Dr. M. 3C Crothers. Med. Serv. 841.. 66; Doctor's Supply Co, Sups, $11 66; Dr. Margaret DoweU. Med. Serv, 810; Dr. Ludfle Fortner. do. $10; A. C Cragg postmaster, postage. $39; Hendrie Med ical lsd, Lao. service, susao; Dr. Robert Joseph. Med. Service. 838.00; Dr. B. L Knepp. do. $10.00; Helen Mel by, labor. $4010; Dr. George W. Paeth, Med. Serv.. $22910; J. C. Penney Co, Sups, 1996: Perry's Drue Store, do. $22.74; The Ouiaen berry Pharmacy. do. $2911; Salem Mod. Lab, Lab. Serv, .uji; saiem Masonic lempie Assoc, renv v.w; Knon Lnsw no. , Teie, $L1$: W. J. Stone, petty cash, $17.71; Todd'a Camera Clinic, Sups, $3618. MISICKLLANEUUS John W. Hanrahan. fees. S3SS M- Fred W. Lange. fees, $418.00; K. J. Pe terson, do. $26219; A. W. Simmons, do, $105.00: Laura E. Havemick. Ind nny. ss oo; Charles B. Jayne, do, 8710; AOJore A, riou lore A, Paeuin. do, 980: AJvin L. Pool, do, $6a0: Dr. Horace Miller. Exam. 828; Dr. Roecoe C. Wilson, do, SO; Dr. Paul Wolfe, do. $19: Jacob A. raumberger. : care. $24.13; Mrs. Msry Halvorsen. do, $30; Mrs. Stewart Min er, do. 943 45: Dr. Estill L. Brunk, Sups, $7 50; Fingerprint Equip. Lab, do. $20.63; Painless Parker Dentist, Mod. Serv, $710: Sanitary Service Co, Inc, removing garbage. $110: Denver Young, meala, $1,043.64; J. C. Fowler. i t... a k. Howell, Kent, etc. au; tmery j. jaexson, I -S... etc- SM. ll; w. H. BeU. Rent, etc, $38; Henry Smith. T.E, $8 40; Woodbura Inde pendent, sups, 877.99: T. C. Gorman. rent. 819: Albert lna Kerr Homes. Court Comm. $9.03; The Boys A Girls Aid see. of ore, court Comm.. 830: Cath olic Charities Inc.. do. 940.65: Children Farm Home, do, $27.10; J. H. Turnidge, ao. Sao: iLeep tregon Ureen Assn. contribution. $100; Agnes C. Booth. TJT, $19.19: State Dept. of Education, Sups.. $43; Dept. of Agriculture, seal er. $32.62: Consolidated Fretxhtwava. Frt, $32 .66; 8. F. Dontogaue, T. E, 96 48; UARCO Inc. Business Forms. Sups.. $737.83; Burke's Camera Shop, ao. iis.u: capital city Transfer co. nrt.. 13 u; Don s union Station. Snps. $110: Denver Young, postage. 90: Den ver Young. Suds.. 830: A. D. Graham. T E, $1.92; Salem Blue Print Co, Sups, 113JO; urn J. Harms. Sups, ssjo; a. C. Cragg. postage. $50; H. C. Saalfeld. T I, $23.80; Mrs. N. K. Bataa, Qh tokens killed. $1118: H. E. BennettT Sheep killed, sit; Ralph DeVilbtas, do. $15; F. R. Fortune, turkey killed. $4 90; O. P. Given. Sheep killed. $15; The Keyes Davis Co., Sups, 89.80: Henry Rug- rles. Sheep killed. $54; Ervin A. Ward. T.X.. $7910: Denver Young. Liquor Law Knf, 901.19: The American Law Book Co, laws, sio: ataneroft-Whitnev Co, taws, $250 09: West Publishing Oo, de. $30; Geo. E. ADeh Hardware, Sups, $1.80: American Brush Co- Sups- ti3.- 96: Ames Hardware A Fum. Co, Sups, 136 a6: W. L. Anderson Inc, Reps, 88; Anneo tn-sinage m Metal rroaucta. Sups, $4,43 0: Asbury Transportation Co, Frt, $84.71; The A tee Co, Sups, 1137.73; na lieu wngnt, do. ssias; Bearing Master as lea. me, ao. 11 73 Birkemeier and SaremaL Sups., 82.. 200.48; Bostftch-Northweet Co, Sups, ssei: s. M. Burreu, do, 131.70; Bur roughs Adding Mach. Co- Suns.. 94.08 Cahbv Sand and Cravel. do. IMS SO Capital Auto Parts. Reps . $30 04: Cap ital City Bindery. Sups, 117.30; Capital journal, aav, is: capital ur, co. Sups.. $78.60; Monroe S. Cheek, do. siz3.su; city of saiem cutting grass SO 10; City of Salem. Reps, $20 87 City Water Dept . Water, $98.10; Joe Curk. Labor. 638.73: Clyde Eautn. Co Reps, 8748: Colveer Motor Sales Co, Sups., 1104 so: The Commercial Bt Store, do. 81M 40 Donlittle Mater S vice Sta, Sups, 924512: Doughton Hardware, Reps.. $913; Engineer Sand a Gravel Co.. . Sups., ssoo 90; Ray L. Farmer Hdw. Co.. do. 64.99; Firestone Stores, do. 8272 42; W. Foasholm, signs. 94 60- rreres-rrsnk Ubr. Co, Sups. $2100: J. A. and E. C. Friable, refund. $122 44; General Petroleum Corp, Sups. 946.19: The J K. Gill Co.. do. $1619: Tr. John R. Goldsmith, Exam, 120 oo The B. F. Goodrich Co, Sups, $119 70: A. C. Haag and Co, do. $110: J. D. Hartwell. do. 124 50; J. E. Haaeltme Co, do. S197 66: Herrold-PhUippI Mo tor Co . do. 13 joia' The Hamta co do. S794.9S: Home Fuel 'Oil Co, do. 8134 40: Howard Cooper Corp, do. 8722.46: Chas. H. Hoyt. gravel. 813.044. 70: Industrial Supply Co. of Salem. Reps, 8489.00: interstate Tractor a Equip. Co, Sups, $6.122 49; Johnson, Siewert 1 Aldrich. do. 840.41; J. O Jones, cas. 84.28: Ira Jorgeneen. Sups 6221.87' H. A. Judd. pettv cash. 818 98 Kay Typewriter Co, Sups, $1410; mm Ceeinae stsaietf la harp id bp V ' v,..w v ;--..'- -v"-- Je ' r ' ' ' .'r - V , u. linrcrnrrrr CROLL. AUaautslns Tesaaa tasaael af Ike Assyrlaa OrUtodsx CbBrth uv Blays la Wsaatagtoa sa aaeJeat tarsal text af tte Beak af Isaiah ta Beorew script. It is bUt4 snare tana MM years eld, j Kssur aarul a Orartl C4v, do. tSLaSs Lloyd Ketchum. do. $41110: Kuaa HoweU Co- do, 83 JO: Cleude Lewis, dent. 838; C. J. Lewis, gas. $53J8; Leg- grs m contractors asacn. wow ssss, 49; James H. Maden Co, do, 816717; tL McCblly, hauling grsvsL $066 68; M. J. McCormick, Sups, $3.79; McKay Caav. Co- Sups- $166.79; A. B, Lauchlan Co, Reps, 8310; Mill atop Corp, Sups, $51J4: W. C Miller. TX, 81110: Harvev O. IfoeSk hauling STSV- sL. $78016: Montgomery Ward A Co, Sups, $122.70; Mountain States Power Co, LAP. $0080: Neednam'o Book Store, Sups, $112.41; Alt, O. Nelson. rent, see; Moms a waiaer wnenuem Cs, Sups- $1.71010: Northwest IneV Lsundry Co, laundry. $3.76; Oregeai Else. Co, Frt. 11101.16; Oregon Gra vel Co, gravel, $846U: Oregon Phy slciane Service, dues, $38810; Oregon State Highway Comm- On Independ ence Bridge. 11111362: Ben Otjea Son. Use e? Equip, $116818; Paetfls Bldg, rent, $300; Pacific Tele. A Tele, CoT. Tel. a Tel, $3710: Peck Brea, Sups- 1546.68; L. V. Petersen. Uber, $87t L. V. Petersen. Equip, $3400.00: PhOlppi Tire Service. Reps- 8218; pierce AUto m. Lines inc, rv, mijm; Pitney -Bowes Inc, Sups- $9.12; PorW f S T ID All-! .1 Vu-v. laiM, wn. ww, jmt , w - set Garage. Reps- $21: Remington Rend Inc, Bups, 8336.70; J. B. jugoon. uu rock, $1.738 71; Boon Typewriter Co, rent. $210: Saffron Supply Co, Sups, $3418: A. Sahli. wood, $6630; Salem Auto Parts Co, Reps, 9917: Salem Hardware Cb, Sups, $14.86; ; Salem Iron Works, Reps, lis: Salem 1 Navigation Ce, Frt, $119: Saiem Steel A Supply Co, Reps, $191 71: Salem Weldlni Sunelv. Suds.. 11111: Santtam Gravel Co, Grsvel. 95812; Shell OU Co, Gas. etc, $531$; Silver Wheel Motor Frt, Frt, $119: H. A. Simmons. Gas. etc, tl MS at M A. summons. AAA. 813818: Smith Auto Parts Co, Sups.. $1.76; X. Gld Smith Jr, hauling rock, ssosei; Snap-on Tools Corp, Sups, $3.75; Rtannarfl uu co. or cam- caa. hiw State Public Welfare Comm, care. 862. 144 Mr State lire Set sice. Buna- 99.67: Statesmen Pub. Co, Adv, fiao.Tl: A. C. A Mary F. Stoweo. rent, $128 oo: K. G. S Ronald R. Svren. Sups, $879.80 Tide Water Aasoe. Ofl Co.. Gas. 8156 97: Union Oil Co. of Calif, gas. etc, $29,- 007.94; Union Title Service Co, cnecx RW. 110: Unruh-Knapp Printing Co, buds., sse.m: vanev ssotor wo, sum. ,- ne. vr.ii u , m-mm eel aa Vallev'WaldinA' Suoolv Co- Suns- 133 - 00: Walling Sand ft Gravel Co, gravel. 12.405 60: Western Auto Supply Ce, Sups, 10: Western Union Tele. Ce, Tele- $2413: John Whrtten. labor, 111. 50: Willamette Valley Trans Co, Frt, $9.8f: Weedhury Co, Sups, $Tf 17; XV, trnf. nVUBlvW -m-W SB tSfl . e -ew, enwei ternech Paper Co.. do. $8816: Welter H. Zeeel Co, do. $21917. PROCEEDINGS Sent. 1. 1911 Permit to haul leas. K. S. Neal; Pipe line persnlt. Glen F. Baumgartner ahd Wm. B. Duda. 1 for City ei Salem Water Deeextment: Pole line permits to Portland General Elec tric Co, J. P, Schnlder. Sept, 1 Permtt to haul iocs. Wamer dor appointing Viewers and setting Hearing on renuon ror way ox wsces Sity in See. 19. 8-3-W, end Order neo fyutg property en nets of meeting. Sept. 3. RegulaUon No. 84 b'Oreen Liquor Control Commlasteei: Indemnity claim of Austin A. Kyle, final hearing 9-30-40: Dance stall license. Frank Wil son; Deed from Robert W. N orris et ux to Marion County for dedicated road in Ewald Fruit Farms placed en file only. Seat 6, County Engineers report on work en Uvmgeton Ave. ,ve, to 7-S-W. Harland Subdhr. m See. 11, Sent. T. Ann rev al of Plat of "X Addition'': Petition of acraice L. Ver ner et al ia RX: changing name of Chemawa or Kelxer road, hearing set for Oct. 7; Indemnity claim of Clifford H. Kuenzi. final heeling set for 9-30-49: Permit to haul logs. Capitol Lum Hv Yuel Co. Beet. S. Quit claim deed te E. W. Burns et ux: Petition to es tablish e county rood out of Grant St and James Ave. In SUverton. kndefln. iteiy postponed; Resolution for Deed to United Suites for J of an acre la Detroit Dam area, Sept. 8, Final hear. Ing on Indemnity claim of Laura E. Havemick : Order by State Tax Com mission removing 40 acres In See. 36, T-l-E from Reforestation Act, Sept, 10. Permit to move a Cyclone. Freree and Frank Lumber Co. Sept. 12. Petition for Incorporating City of Detroit. Or der setting date, etc, alee Notice of Election ana uroer to post noiwex Sent. 12. Beer license, i. T. Jun et el Herman F. Breitensteln et al; Permit to haul Iocs. Wallace Sevier. Sept. 14. Permit to haul logs. Walter L. Rak, Henry Query: Petition opposing lnclu- itM m LJbertv-Salem HeirhU Fire tHetriet: Lane Oak Mutual telephone Ce, pole line permit: iTopoeea rerme tton of Liberty-Salem Heights Rural Fire Diatriet taken under advlcement. realignment to be made and submitted to Court. Sept. 18. Permit te haul lege, Frank J. Pokomy; Petition of A. A. Larson et el to be excluded from pro posed Liberty-Salem Heights Fire Dts- trtct. Sent. 18. Permit to move btne, W. J. Kloft. Resolution setting out the policy of the Court on Vacattoa and Sick leave granted reed employ ees; Two petitions to preserve present Marlon county court nouee: List ex additional Jurors for Circuit Court Sent. 11. Pole line permit, Portland Uenerai Eiectne uo ; uraeiuinr ciaim of Tom L. Webb, final heertng 9-30-40: Renort on Cherry Fran rir control work. Sept. 11, Indemnity claim of rranx Jn. Boen, xinai neanng s-ae ee; Harold F. WUtee. permit to haul logs. Sept, 10. Beer license. Frank P. Mar shall: Acceptance of Option for pur chase by United Suites of J of aa acre in Detrott Dam area: rarm it te naui logs, Donald Crockett end ' Freddie Critee. slept. St. Regulation Me. 1 by Oregon Liquor Control Cbenmlawlen; Quit claim deed te Mary E. Alexander; Indemnity clakn of Andrew 1. Cotyed, final hearing est for 10-0-41. Sep. 23, Permit to haul logs; J. V. Spoelstra; Pipe line permits (2) to Salem Reighta water District, nepv. xr, inoemnrry dakn ot James R. Linn, final heertng set tor 10-1-41: Report on Twelfth St. traffic survey: Permit te haul logs. Maurice D. More ana Bora L. aTUtao, Sept, 28. Beer license. Dellee and Una Driskill; Pole tine permits 2) to Pert land General Electric Co.: Order set ting speed limit on portion of Market reed II at 40 miles per hr: Transfer of flwida puianant te eeneellattaa of rest veer warrants. Sap. te haul logs. sL A. RueseU; Indantty cUhn e( James R. Una. final heai 10-10-69. Sept. SO. Final heertng en keertng OeuuUtjr cielme of Austtsi A, Kyle. CUfserd H. KtMosL Tesn L. Wee. Freak M. Been; Indnnlty elaaa eC at Mikkelaoa and Ben. final ba for 10-31-40; Transfer Order. r. V DISPLAYED. Th. Rav. 7-Year-01d i Girl Identifies V: 1 Male Attacker RED LAXX FALLS. Minn- No. 22 -Jfy- A 7-year-old girl pointed out a 25 year old man today as the person who abducted and attacked ner rmna um imi i nvi iut uw near s haystack 12 miles north of here. . ' f j . Raymond Dempsey, 25, wajT brought before Vivian Shannon al she lay In a hospital bed. t l 'I'm very sure It Is the same man," said Vivian, -his race h the same. He's just as tall and has; the same kind of. coat lilsj hair; looks Just the same j 1 U Dempsey shook his head and said: "I'm aura not tha guy.? i A man In an automobile seised Vivian from a Red Lake Tall street Monday. At 7:30 ajn- to-' day she wandered into a farm yard 12 miles north of here. j M ( She muttered Incoherently! Her finger tips and the tip of bar nose were frostbitten from tba 10 above zreo weather. She j bora scratches. Evidently she had wan dered several hours in tha dark ness, i : i Ml At a hospital she told authorities that her abductor's car had stalled in a ditch. A man helped pull theffl out. She said she was too frighten ed from previous threats to sa . anvthinsL I'll She said they drove around back; roads for a long time before sh - was taken out of the car. She re membered being choked-1 She awoke near a haystack. M Dr. L. If . Dale said Vivian had1 marks oa her throat showing aa attempt had been made to choke 1 her. He alio said sex advances had; bean made but he could not yot determine to what extent ; j Deapsey was taken into custody ; for queetieeiing at the home of his father la law near Thief River falls, 20 milee from here, i ij i Sheriff Noel J. Prulx traced him after he found a man: who ; said he had pulled Lempey car out of a ditch- near SL Hilalre, ; . Pasco Paperj j Wins Freedobi Of Press Fight PASCO. WaslL, Nov. 22 -4P-Pasco's daily newspaper woo :e court victory today in its freedoea ; of the preee" test ! r ? Judge B. B. Horrigan of to Franklin county court dissolved it i restraining order which had pre-! vented the Tri-Clty Herald from ; continuing a series of articles cril- Idling sharply the quality of coa- : rt ruction In a Pasco housing pro ject.', i i : The newspaper's attorney hid argued that the restraining order, ; issued by the court last Friday, m-' fringed on the constitutional guar- an tee of press freedom. i ' Iibliahar Glenn Lee hailed Judge Jforrigan's ruling today aa one by which "we are once agala assured, that a free press will coa- tlnue to be heard not only In the Tri-Clty area but in the nation. The Tri-Clty area of Pasco Kan- ' newick-IUchland is adjacent to the blgHanford atomic project ! ; 1 The newspaper, however, ; faced the poeaiblllty of a contempt of. court citation If It publishes the; fourth article In its series on the i low coat federal housing admlnis- j tratlon project, j ' i Rrcatll Move Against Mayor Le Expires ! PORTLAND, Nov. 22 -OPl- The recall movement against Mayor Dorothy McCuIlough Lea expired today. t ! S j Maxwell Donnelly, spokesman for the recallers, said he 'would aak mat recall petitions be brought back to headquarters. Practically no one was support- Ing the move, ho admitted.; Donnelly said he would send! a; bunch of roses to the mayor with the words. -I was only fooling." The mayor told a reporter aha wm not Interested In the flowers. i j i ! Between of his eexly afforta with KD2CA, Fittsburgh, the lata Dr. ; Frank Conrad still Is rated as the father of broadautlaf." j f j i