The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 23, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    I 5-
fl-Tha Statesmen Sclem, Ore-
New Smoke
House Opened
At Mehama
I" IUUou Newi Service
MEHAMA A new "enterprise
las been opened In Mehama with
the completion of a smoke house
t the Southern Bar B Q built by
Id Kubin and ndy Sprlggs.
The smoke house, which is built
ef rock with a furnace beneath,
consists of two compartments, one
tor meat and fowl and the other
for fish. It is now open to custom
moke meat of any kind. -
An old landmark, the Kirsch
Crabtree mill located on the Lit
tl North Fork above Mehama,
was burned last week by C. L.
Mitchell the present owner. The
mill, which has .stood for many
years, was comprised of heavy
timbers which were rotting.
While most of the valley towns
shivered in a dense fog last week,
Mehama and vicinity basked in a
warm November sun. In the eve
nings however the fog crept up the
river and enveloped this area
nearly halting traffic on highway
The chicken noodle dinner to
benefit the school hot lunch pro
gram was well attended Friday
night despite the gathering fog. A
fish pond and a Dutch auction
were two of the attractions and
approximately $104 was receipted.
There have been reports of gas
oline theft recently from Mehama
residents living on or near the
highway. Gasoline was allegedly
stolen from several parked cars
end trucks.
A blessed event at the G. E. Val
entine home increased the canine
population here by 10. Gretchen,
a registered Dobermanve birth
to four red and six black pups
last week.
Mothers Club
Hears Teacher
At Auburn
r f tateimaa Newt' Service -
AUBURN Speakers for the
Auburn Mothers club meeting this
year are the general supervisors
for special subjects for all schools
in the Salem district
Friday afternoon the speaker
was Margaret McDevitt, art super
visor. She discussed the new meth
ods of teaching art and had sever
al drawings made by children to il
lustrate the methods now used.
The exchange table was again
explained and some material
bought and sold. The cub pack and
Brownies trooo which the club
sponsors will each receive $10 for
expenses. Mrs. Glenn Laferty's
room received the book "Seabird"
by Holling for the largest number
of mothers present at the October
meeting. Mrs. Marjorie Thomp
son's room will receive the book
this month.
. Serving on the refreshment com
mittee were Mrs. Sidney Hoffman
, and Mrs. Eugene Steed. Treats will
be provided for the school children
t Christmas time, and serving as
a committee for plans are Mrs.
Znoch Merrell, Mrs. H. K. Maillie
and Mrs. C. A. Barney.
Appeal to Bar.PGE
Substation Filed
With State Court
Notice of appeal to the state
supreme court was filed Tuesday
In the case of Mr. and Mrs. John
K. Holt, 1780 N. 4th st against the
city of Salem and the Portland
General Electric company.
The appeal was filed in Marion
county circuit court where Judg
ment for the defendants was re
turned October 12.
At that time Judge George R.
Duncan dismissed a complaint pro
testing a city change in zoning
classification which permitted con
struction of a power substation
v near Jefferson street and the Ore
gon Electric tracks by PGE.
Prigoner Feigns
Illness to Escape
HUXSBORO, Nov. 22 -)- A
prisoner who apparently feigned
illness scooted out of a hospital
here Monday to freedom.
Police said they were looking
for James Eugene Alcorn, 27 who
had been taken from the county
tail to the county hospital after
three doctors examined him.
They reported he apparently had
Eliomyelitis or spinal meningitis,
a condition appeared to be such
that no guard was posted at the
hospital. Attendants at midnight
reported urn musing.
- --
Ncuner Qualifies Use
Of Word Drug in Signs
Display of sign on any business
Duuamg Dearmg tne words,
"drags" or wdruj sundries," unless
a registered charmiciat la in
chaage, la a violation of law, At-
toraear uenerai ueorge Heuner
held Tuesday.
The opinion was asked br Rob.
act X. Campbell, secretary-treasurer
of the state board of phar-
It Is believed that the earth,
nee warmer than It la today, was
ovartd by evergreen forest from
poi to pole.
Repair or replace walks, drive
ways, floors, steps or most any
thing concrete. Guaranteed good
Phone) 3-1138
November 23. 1943
Mrs. Fiord Fox. talon H11L feat
ured speaker In a meetlnr ef
the Marlon! ceonty home exten
sion committee at Rickey Mob
day. : j i ;
Extension Unit
Grup Hears
4-H Leaaer
lUUna News ferric
Mrs. Floyd iFox ' was the speak
er at a meeting; of the Marion
county home extension committee
Monday at
the ! home ox Mrs.
Ralph Mercer
in the Rickey com
Mrs.; Fox recently attended the
national home demonstration
council in Colorado Springs. She
is the vice president of the Ore
con home demonstration council
Her talk included highlights of
the council meeting; in Colorado.
The theme f the council meet
ing was. THdme.3 Fountain-Head
of Democracy'' Mrs. Fox told of
manv outstanding speakers who
developed mis theme in their
talks. They included Dr. M. u
Wilson, director, extension serv
ice, Washington, U. C.; w. js.
Morgan, president: Of Colorado A.
& M. i college; Mrs. Raymond
Sayre, : president, associated coun
try women of the world, and
many others, j -l;
Mrs. Ralph i Mercer presided at
the business meeting of the Mar
ion county home extension com
mittee Nvhich preceded Mrs.; Fox's
talk. Members of '; the committee
made plans to visit each of Mar
ion connty's 28 home extension
units In; ordei to? report on the
program; of state council projects
such as Azalea House and ihe
ACWYT, letter? friend program.
Plana were also; made for an
apron sale to be held in the early
part of. December for the purpose
of raising money for tne Azalea
House project. Mrs. Roy Kuns,
county ; Azalea House chairman, is
in charge of this sale.
Attending .Monday's meeting
were Mesdames Roland Seeger,
I. Q. Lermont R. ; E. Chittenden,
Roy I Kunsi Frank! Way, E. A.
Beugli,' Floyd! Foxi Miss ; Anne
Bergholz; Marion ; county 4-H
agent, Miss Bettyann Boetticher,
home I extension agent-at-large
and Miss Eleanor Trindle, Marion
county ; home extension agent.
For i DP Family
Thanksgiving day; should be a
happy one for I five members of an
Estonian! family who will arrive
in New York City Wednesday en
route to Salem to make their fu
ture home. ; i ! ;
The i family i is 'being brought
here by I the First Congregational
church- bf Salem. Included are
William Stein 49; his wife, Nat'ille,
43, and their three children, Fan
ny. 10: George 7, and Alexsandr,
Steiri is a graduate engineer and
has constructed highways and
railroads in Estonia and Germany,
He probably Will be employed by
the state highway department
here as ' a draftsman. His wife
taught ; school in Estonia for 11
years, i I i - j ;
The husband and father gradu
ated from the University of Pet
ertburg in czarist ; Russia. In
1918 hej and his father fled to
Estonia to escape the Russian rev
olution, I
la 1944 the Germans sent him to
Germany as a forced laborer. The
family Is of Greek Orthodox faith.
Members of the Congregational
church here have guaranteed Stein
a Job and a home to enable him to
make a new start!
Airmail 10 cent and IS cent
stamps, issued In commemoration
of the; 75th anniversary of the
Universal Postal Union, went on
sale at the Salem postofflce Tues
day, Postmaster Albert Gragg an
7 -'TV-'' 1
. I l y i
I t - ... -t .
A- J .
' - ri
WALKERS Little Super 121nY
1073 S. Commercial Phont 27583
Com) our newly redecorated store-1. . . all Bright
New Stock . . . Low Everyday Price I Freeh i Vege
tablee Cuts Meats and Poultry!
Large navels
Same Friendly,
Falls Gty
Girl Injured
In Accident .
SUtetmaa News Service
FALLS CITY Ursla Teal,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Teal, Falls City, was Injured in
a car accident Saturday evening
near Corvallis
She suffered brok
en ribs, collar
bone and arm,
Richard Murphy, 10, sustained
a broken collar bone while play
ing football at the grade school
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murray
are moving to Dallas to ' make
their home.
The Merry i Minglers club met
at the home of Mrs. Paul Murphy
Wednesday. They honored one of
their members, Mrs. Cecil Scott
with a showerf New officers elect
ed were Mrs. SCliff : Reeves, presi
dent; Mrs. Cetil Scott,! vice-pres
ident; Mrs. Frank Joslin, jsecre
tary: Mrs. Paul Murphy, treas
urer. Luncheon was served to 14
Mrs. Mildred Davis and Billie
Shepard attended the Garden club
meeting in Dallas Thursday.
Salem jCoeds
Tapped for
Honors at OSC
SUtetmaai News Senrlca
State college Icoeds from Salem
were recently recognized for out
standing achievement in two fields
Peggy Burroughs, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Burroughs, was
tapped last week for Orchesis, na
tional modern dance ; honorary.
Claralyn Lee, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Lee, was recently tap
ped for Europe, music honorary
at Oregon State.
Miss Burroughs has been active
in campus affairs as well as mod
ern dance- She participated in "Sa
lute to Rhythm", modern dance
recital given last spring. Miss Lee,
a sophomore iiji Home Economics,
is active In music activities as a
member of both a capella choir and
Madrigal, campus vocal groups.
Both are members of Delta Delta
Delta, national j social sorority.
Ired by Link
With Marshal
NEW YORK. Nov. 22--Zinka
Milanov had three words today
for the Russian writer! who said
she was Marshal Tito's girl friend.
"He's a skunk!"
Mme. Milanov, Yugoslav opera
star who arrived in this country
for a concert tour, was: still very
much upset by! the report In the
Moscow Literary Gazette two
weeks ago. The Gazette linked
her romantically with Tito, alleged
he had showered her with gifts
and said she was an American spy
in Belgrade, j
In my country, she said today
in an interview just after her ar
rival on the liner Queen Elizabeth,
"it is a terrible thing for an honest
woman to be called 'anybody's
mistress. This! has hit me very
Mme. Milanov denied every
word of the Moscow report.
"It was a dirty story,M she said
"I have met Marshal Tito only
four or five times, always at of
ficial functions. He never gave
me any gifts. He never said much
to me. Just 'hello, hello. Nice to
meet you. You have a beautiful
voice. "Thanks! for coming and so
forth and so forth.' That's all."
The 43-year-old singer, a blonde,
animated and ample woman, grew
more intense as she discussed the
matter. i
"I love my husband,? she said.
"He is very handsome. All this
nonsense is very stupid, very un
pleasant." Her husband; is Maj. Gen. Ljuba
Ilic, architect and former Yugo
slav diplomat I f
Contracts Let on Two
Highway Improvements
Contract for 5.54 miles of grad
ing and 5.6 miles of surfacing and
oiling of the Wamic-Tygh valley
section of the Wamic county road
and Dufur-Maupin section of the
Dalles-California highway In Was
co county was awarded by the
state highway I department Tuesday-
The low bid of $139,827 was
submitted by Vjernie Jarl of Gres
ham. The improvement is a federal
aid secondary project. Fifteen bids
were received at the last meeting
of the state highway commission-
The air above the earth has
been divided bjr scientists into the
trophosphere, the tropopause, the
stratosphere, the ozone layer and
the ionosphere.
3 lb. can 72c
C. 4.98
Smiling Service!
TIT 1 il
Blonde dina
I 17
Liberty Residents to
Entertain, Travel
Stateunaa News Service
LIBERTY Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Stacey will be hostess to a family
dinner Sunday- They will enter
tain Mr. and Mrs. Ted Russell,
Gwenyth William and Edward of
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Palmer
spent the weekend visiting in Ta
coma. Mrs. Luther Billings returned
last week from Seattle where she
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Mrs. A. J. Schalk returned from
Portland this week. She has been
with her mother who underwent
major surgery.
-William Harrison, who was re
cently in the hospital, is now able
to be about and receive callers.
Mrs. James Cogswell will have
as week-end guests Mr. and Mrs.
George Cogswell and Bonnie Jean
of Seattle, Wash.
Albany Woman Attends
Stamp Collectors Show
Statesman Nwi Service
ALBANY Mrs. Al Van Dahl,
co-publisher 'of the Western Stamp
Collector, left Thursday evening
by plane for New York City where
she will represent the Albany pub
lication at the stamp collectors'
The Van Dahls, former residents
of Salem and later publishers of
the Mill City Logue, have been
in Albany since 1935. They have
one of the largest stamp hobby
publications in the world. Enroute
home Mrs. Van Dahl will stop in
Chicago to visit her mother.
Hunsaker left Sunday for an ex
tended trip to San Francisco
where she will be with her daugh
ter-in-law, who recently suffered
a badly shattered and broken
tt-t SMC kMM -
I fcotk 4m. A wmm
tM tmi "Vhtjmf
ajj3fcy fM ttart (. raa aMt
JT ' A Htv knt-tMi hi mom tm
TSvj'uU. t wow lit st lotr. nwim ha
ta ac a mt. w
aMJ!irarmjHa M 'Utut sMltfall IW WtrS
xil iseee. New eeeiMtseft fcee
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ttart "MicaSifcr. tn rwM M iial tort datMr m aMf . -'. I
rm&t- mtori wtiw mmbm kmtm mmbmt tlmligly I " r-J" ' I
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MM anr mmlmtX w4 n&mg timmim.
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tnHt fVt ant to mm sadat I . if ry "" 1 I
koif. kola SMir imn
375 Center
Victor Point
4-H Club Sets
New Groups
Statesman News SerrJft
tional 4-H clubs Were organized at
the school here last week. The Sew
and So sewing club has chosen as
its officers: Frances Fox, president:
Etta Belle Cooper,! vice president;
Mary Anne Wabium, secretary;
Carolyn Bell, song leader, and Bar
bara Turner, news reporter. Oth
er members of the group are Cary
lon Hage and Connie Jarvill.
The Junior Chefs chose for its
officers Venita Miller, president;
Judy Breckenridge, vice president;
Mary Linda Doerfler, secretary;
Ardyce Crawford; song leader; Ca
rol Hintz, news reporter, and ad
ditional members Patsy Rodgers
and Anne Davenport.
The olders girls cooking club,
the Senior Chefs, includes Ruth
Jeffreys, president; Ellen Mills,
vice president; Shirley Doerfler,
secretary, Carylon Hage, song
leader; Frances Fox, news report
er; Beverly Brady,! Connie Jarvill
and Joan Meland. Mrs. Arley Mar
tin leads the Junior Chefs and
Mrs. Floyd Fox is advisor to the
other groups. j
Salem Heights Cubs
To Meet Friday
lUtNaas lnhVrf '
The Cub Scout pack 19 will meet
Friday, November 23, at the Salem
Heights Community ball at 730
All cubs eligible will receive
bobcat awards. These awards must
be made before the scouts are eli
gible to purchase any part of the
uniform. As soon as the awards
are made they are officially on the
scouting traiL Parents must ac
company their children to the pack
aMMH-k.iSaatM I '
Iim ii I iiiw mini Mill am am I i
' refflry ?w-ia. W f-.
aVMrt aaTwaTt lastMt tvC I ,0' "aVi, yayaiaaMneafsasaf t jt 1 I
Kdf mmt mi kurty tt
TmWm Car" mtytint.
Ifl your future
...with a
tufurt built in
High Students
In Contests
! ;
Statesman News Service
WILLAMINA Four Willamin
high school students have entered
the 15tjh annual national high
school essay contest, it was re-j
ported Uhis week.
They are Robert Billson, Bobbie;
Gilstrapj, Lillian Hines and Evonnej
Huwe. iThe contest is sponsored!
by the jwomen's auxiliary of thej
Veterans of Foreign Wars. This
year's subject deals with peace, j
The high school speech class
will enter the annual forensics
contest "at Pacific university De-i
cember :2 and 3. Class members
and the divisions they will enter
include 1 debate, Mavis Pearson,!
Sharon iGilstrap, Pat Whitfield,
Margaret Fiet, Betty Watt and
Glenna jMagers, and oratory; Pat
Whitfield and Linda Riley. The
entire class will enter the inter
pretive reading groups.
Women Elect
IVeW Officers
Statvsaua Nw Serrle
ROBERTS Home Economic
club of j Roberts Grange elected
officers jat their November meet
ing held Wednesday evening at
the home of Mrs. Joe Ringwald.
Mrs. J. J. Johns was re-elected
chairman; Mrs. Melvin Trindle,
vice-chair man; Mrs. Denver
Young, Secretary, and Mrs. Roy
Rice, treasurer.
Plans ,j were made to serve a
Roberts Grang
erve a I
r 12 teV
! menu I
e, Mrs.'L,
Christmas dinner December
a church group. On the commit
tee appointed to plan the
are Mrs. Harvey- Schueble
4 '
! M
j ; j
IFUae S!nQ fifaid ear
The 1950 Ford I 50 way new and finer t j"
from new heavier gauge steel frame and 13 way
stronger "Lifeguard" Body to new deigned
ceiling and seating (or greater head room. New
comfortable foam (rubber front seat cushions,
over new special -non-sagging springs. New
Jost touch the lafch of fordTt Teep Deck'1;
Luggage Locker 22.9 cu. ft. of usable space
awaits any load yoiu can muster. Just sit In the ;
'50 Ford's Hxurious new Interior that seats six
e e e
hear . . . ana! feel the differonco
; i
Denver Tounf ; tnd Mrs. Chet
Nelson. Table arrangement and
service, Mrs. Albert Blankenship,
Mrs. Joe Ringwald and Mrs. Mel
vin Trindle. -The
club voted to fill s Christ
mas basket at the December
meeting and exchange gifts not
to exceed 50 cents. Mrs. Helena
Murhammer was assistant hostess.
Mrs. Ray Roach was a guest
Keizer Cub Scouts
Earn Wehelo Rating
Statnaa Newi Service
KEIZER Six boys received
Webelo rating, the highest award
in Cub Scouting, in a meeting of
Keizer Cub pack 41 Friday.
They were Orin Gilberton, Jan
Shidler, Fred Schaefer, Fred Gast,
jr., Bob Yunker and Alvin Karn.
The pack was given a 94.9 rating
after inspection by district scout
commissioners, Sam Randall, Rob
ert Davidson and Elmer Kleinke.
David Rehfuss, George Nopp, Jr
Fred Gast, jr, and Jan Shidler
were winners in a contest of skill
games. Cub mothers provided re
PRATUM A union Thanks
giving day service will be held at
the Prarum Mennonite church
Thursday at 10 ajn. The Rev. Al
fred Schwartz, Sweet Home, will
be guest minister at the service.
Te all the kiddles all this week at
The meet medera barber ahee la galea
Located In the new
Capitol Shopping Center
We use the new sterilizing eases, whlot
eqelpmeot Is under continual sterilisation
la vse! I
North End ef Sears Bldg. racing Union
1118 Union St.
richly colored upholstery fabrics.
button door handles, new rotary iocure door
latches. Dust and water seals at 41 places
Eleven brand-new baked-on enamel colors fhof
keep their freshness because they're "built to
live outdoors.' i
bg people Ford has more hip and shoulder
room than any car in its class. For an even bigger
thrill drive this '50 Ford. Take the wheel and
yovU agree mW$ the tine car in its.fleW.
Square Dance Glul ;
Being Formed by j; - j
Salem Ileigbts Group I
Heights Square Dance club Is now
being? formed. It will be liinted to
32 couples. Plans have been made
for the first square dance I to be
held in December. i ' f 1
Anyone interested in joining the
club is asked to contact Mb.; Clark
Lethiti before the end of thsweek.
Mrs. Lethin has invited ajtiy of
the Liberty couples wfho like
squar dancing to join. Thel' may
also contact her by phone! ; 1
Allenlion Loggers!
Top Prices Paid lot Your
Log. at :j jf ;.
Turner, Oregon
m 112$
Cdbinets & Built Ins
Store Fixtures !
Rev ben C raschke I
Phone 2-4287 ;
MeawevV fiVM aWVlleaWv flt aaVfJ i
New; push
II i
I 1
Phone 3147
t. ,
. f
M ii
eV I '
nit I :
i t